HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/28/2024 - City Council - Special Citypf
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Special .joint City Council, EDA and HRA Minutes
00 -
Call to Order/Roll Call
City Council
The meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Kevin Voracek at 6:00 pm.
Councilors in attendance included Sara Caron, Adama Doumbouya, Royal Ross, Peter van Sluis,
Tom Spooner and Chuck Thiele. Also in attendance was City Administrator Tim Murray, City Clerk
Heather Slechta, Police Chief John Sherwin, City Engineer Mark DuChene, Community and
Economic Development Director David Wanberg, Public Works Director Travis Block, Human
Resources Director Kevin Bushard and City Attorney Scott Riggs.
Economic Development Authority
The meeting of the Economic Development Authority was called to order at 6:00 pm. by Chair
Rodney Gramse. Commissioners in attendance included AJ Smith, Christine Jeanes, Mayor
Kevin Voracek and Councilor Tom Spooner. Commissioners David Campbell and Will Fort were
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
The meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was called to order at 6:00 pm by Vice
Chair Travis McColley. Commissioners in attendance included Councilor Sara Caron, Mandy
Barnes and Travis Kath. Commissioners Eric Delgado, Loni Ahlers and Colin Maltbie were
Approve Agenda
City Council
Motion by Ross, seconded by van Sluis to approve the agenda and carried unanimously.
Economic Development Authority
Motion by Spooner, seconded by Voracek to approve the agenda and carried unanimously.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Motion by Barnes, seconded by Caron to approve the agenda and carried unanimously.
Public Hearing
Public Hearing related to Faribo Downtown Central LLC Business Subsidies
Community and Economic Development Director David Wanberg explained that the Economic
Development Authority of Faribault (the "EDA") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
Faribault, Minnesota (the "HRA") held a special meeting to provide business assistance in the
form of forgivable loans to Faribo Downtown Central ("FDC") for $250,000 from EDA funds and
$250,000 from HRA funds for FDC's Phase 1 work supporting the revitalization of specific
buildings in Faribault.
Wanberg stated that both the EDA and HRA are now being asked to consider providing business
assistance in the form of additional forgivable loans to FDC for $250,000 from EDA funds and
$250,000 from HRA funds for FDC's Phase 2 work. In addition, the EDA, on behalf of the City
Council, is considering providing additional business assistance to FDC through a $500,000
Special Commercial Rehabilitation Loan.
Motion by Doumbouya, seconded by Ross to open the public hearing and carried unanimously.
The public hearing was opened at 6:04 pm.
Nort Johnson spoke on behalf of Faribo Downtown Central (FDC), which includes the Faribault
Industrial Corp, Mike and Mary Richie, and Brett Reese. Since FDC purchased 13 buildings in
downtown Faribault, eight businesses have opened and $700,000 in roof repairs have been
made. Phase 2 will include the completion of 27-29 apartments over the next few years. Currently
there are three potential business ready to move into spaces once they are completed.
Councilor Ross asked how many of the buildings have been sold since the original purchase,
Johnson stated one property has been sold, and the goal is that they all become owner occupied.
Johnson stated that they are planning to divide the Eastman building, creating space for 10
apartments and eight businesses. Councilor Caron asked what the buildings would be sold for,
Johnson stated around $275,000. Commissioner McColley asked why the apartments have been
pushed years down the road, Johnson explained that it is the cost of construction and interest
rates and that once the buildings are cash flowing through the commercial side the will be able to
complete all of the apartments. There are currently three renovated with one in progress.
McColley then asked how long until the housing would be completed, Dr. Mike Richie explained
they are still in the process of getting the buildings clean and dry as they were in disrepair. Their
goal is to get work done and sell the buildings so that they are owner occupied and they can
complete the finish work. Commissioner Kath asked if that was five or ten years down the road,
Johnson stated that they have already sold a building with two apartments and that they are
hoping that it is only 10-18 months down the road. Dr. Richie stated that the goal is that the
buildings are out of the investor's hands in five years. McColley asked what would guarantee that
housing would be completed; Dr. Richie stated that it has to be to be viable. Johnson stated that
the ground work is being done for the housing. Caron asked if they would be requesting more
funds, Johnson stated that they were not planning to request additional funding. Caron then asked
how much the investors have put into the project. Johnson stated that they have put in over
$3,000,000. McColley asked if once the buildings were sold if the new owners would be able to
ask for funds. City Attorney Scott Riggs explained that they could not per the agreements,
however, that would be an EDA and HRA decision to make. Wanberg stated that subordination
agreements could be written, however, the EDA and HRA would not be obligated to give financial
assistance. Johnson offered tours to the Council, HRA and EDA to see the buildings.
Motion by van Sluis, seconded by Thiele to close the public hearing and carried unanimously.
The public hearing was closed at 6:28 pm.
Councilor Ross stated that this has been a painful process for all involved, he thanked the EDA,
HRA and the investors for stepping up as this is a necessary project and will save the City money
in the long run as some of these buildings may have had to be torn down due to their condition.
Councilor Spooner agreed with Ross. Commissioner Rodney Gramse stated that he would be
recusing himself from discussion due to a conflict. Mayor Voracek stated that this is a sizable
investment, and that cities wished they had a downtown, he also stated that people comment on
our downtown. Caron did not agree that money should have come from these entities.
Commissioner Barnes stated that the downtown is the heart, and we need to preserve it, it is hard
to say, take the money and run, but I see the need and fully support this.
Items for Discussion
Resolution 2024-052 Approve a Special Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Agreement between the
Economic Development Authoritv of Faribault, on behalf of the CitV of Faribault, and Faribo
Motion by Ross, seconded by Voracek to approve Resolution 2024-052 Approve a Special
Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Agreement between the Economic Development Authority of
Faribault, on behalf of the City of Faribault, and Faribo Downtown Central and carried 6:1 with
Caron voting Nay.
Resolution 2024-03 Approve (1) a Special Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Agreement between
the Economic Development Authoritv of Faribault, on behalf of the City of Faribault, and Faribo
Downtown Central LLC and(2) a Loan Agreement between the Economic Development Authority
of Faribault- [FOR EDA ACTIONI
Motion by Smith, seconded by Jeanes to approve Resolution 2024-03 Approve (1) a Special
Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Agreement between the Economic Development Authority of
Faribault, on behalf of the City of Faribault, and Faribo Downtown Central LLC and (2) a Loan
Agreement between the Economic Development Authority of Faribault and carried unanimously,
Commissioner Gramse recused himself from voting due to a conflict.
Resolution 2024-02 Approve a Loan Agreement between Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of Faribault and Faribo Downtown Central and Approve Closeout of Phase 1 Funding Assistance
Motion by Barnes, seconded by McColley to approve Resolution 2024-02 Approve a Loan
Agreement between Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Faribault and Faribo Downtown
Central and Approve Closeout of Phase 1 Funding Assistance, motion failed with Barnes and
McColley voting in favor and Caron and Kath voting Nay.
City Attorney Scott Riggs recommended that the HRA discuss this at their next regular meeting.
Housinq and Redevelopment Authoritv
Motion by Caron, seconded by Kath to adjourn the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
meeting and carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm.
Economic Development Authoritv
Motion by Gramse, seconded by Spooner to adjourn the Economic Development Authority
meeting and carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm.
City Council
Motion by Ross, seconded by Thiele to adjourn the City Council meeting and carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
4Hea Slechta