HomeMy WebLinkAbout1889 ev, el� lam r i4ew ' d a," o/ -A"a a� — 21 -- + C-7,f-�At I G� U, ci� � � �� 2. G� _ 1 av,( LCwu'ta d ��Kuu '`C� L awC4 r 0�-GI,O 1 _ � c wn, -t'Lt '�1�,R� L eL' %r�(✓ G�2'/%�tl af / ��; C��u( c�\✓ �� Ge� (1 �; z�r I �p I 1 ��f7/IiG��tl1 G'l a-0 Lo UL 2 ll YI L 1 )1 t '1 Cute -9— � 4,0 zx �� �� N Ioll ov,a�e,�4/4, l zee s Lae •L l'J ✓1ti tiuizr i Zv, i 70 el, L/"_`_\ 115k, t� Ag piew �� � �� c A,4 &dAG7,1� i z �. ze- �Jl 41Z sd &4wl �/v 7o" 45 j�OL"-17 C( &,7 � J r l, L c 6t aw aqu� "a"'t c j14" 7, e A_ cw-� i `r 6f , t aa�z Y 4 zva�?Ie A� A t4l 24 E GL(feY, r4i e-w ol ,:*� _ %fir a t < � yy Ozv — � &Ite– ct- oc v r -X t"4 CS� <�°� < , kp,4 c-H AO� 9/z&/ ellw A01A iii le, IYIA -70" au- gie4— e,47 PC /114 aE! zf--� &10-1c4 t-'�-��r✓l, �U'rtr � �lV" �CG� (CaE� �C���� �%LC._ !'�/C ��� �Il ������C/%� az--/C ,ao e<i GAO a G yr cL (� G �Vea4Aw got *e7 41 v r �t7rue-� C 1 /00,(/l� QL / 9 r r paw G� 1 Xxe C� �A <2 c C/C 6Yr 3 � i I � I 10 J � 1 to t ye,"- F f r k y aw Z( C5 10/ 7 r� l 7 000, /WC - , v` Fe leoet Z4- 7,7 �wlelrn�Ccum L JIrol �u�/ oua A5 '13 40 C/ � p/ cC�_c �cu eC �iizZtC� 9Man<L �Y � Q� �-c lirrw C - �K�N2c n e< lM%..U'N✓Vn � I/UY iC Q� ` �L L� � ""` �/ vat M��(, � r� r 1.2 '�6 Let- *,2z' 13 � ���y�i L r�� �� 512 ft F,f4 i O THE HONORAAII+, Tfilt' - -- Under tha ircumstanes , I will detain you but a moment to return rnv thanks and to express my grateful acknoivledfj�ement of the kindness and court,e ,y which has chara-;terized all your intar_ course with !,e as the l;rrsidin,� officer of this honorable body. I cannot, but express sentiments of the uv°, ,,mPst friendship arid re.- spect for the �fentlemen who compose,, the pr Sen+, council and its ar.,ro lntmefits. G If T have succeedod in do in€, my duty it is d, P to ,your cordial cooreration and considerate indulgence. 'pith these I ,pule riot fail. . To those of you whose official labors and responsibilities, termi- nate with this me r:t-iri,; (a f'a,t which in itself I appreciate affords no occxsicn for rerP t t - � �o you) I .v�sh espeGiall,y to, make my it ac knowIe d,:-eme nt. a, I c aririot 'without reluctance , sever the ee lat! ns:�-h.ich, have for the last, year existPd between us. Yet, I fee l sure , that those who succeed to the of f.i-ce wi ;�e equal s to the 1e-1 is ata and iinp o rt ant duties of the Rositioni, ; 1 congratulatEi the ('.ouncil on their unanimous, de-91040-n fpr,,the,,.,eaaa. ple+.,ion of Shumvay Avenue , and am confident : ,-publ,4c opinion i confirms your action. Where are always those. in every community, sec_ � ,r tartan, personal and political -otives are opposed to the gene,ous, patriotic acid libei,al , improvemeritxxof thein,bgvig ci--*, who 7 ol tj PAZ r hOwP Ve-,1 Well they may be .intended for the €7 re ate stJ ?ood +n I ' 7 J✓ i the ate s t numbe The ;'o-plet.iori of t?lis avenue lyinr) as it does , alorlP; the bluff ar'fo1'ds parhaps the last opportunity to 1)1,eserve for all tune Sol,e Of T�►1E, beauties with which nature has endowed us. There is no tract in +she vicini ! �Y into which are crowded so many, ` elements of natural and artistic beauty, as carl be, found orl . tva y n ve nue. hum- 110 visitor to our city, can fail to be 1.r11)reeP. 1 - �s d with the pictur- esque and r_'at,nificent view of the valley of the Mannon. The primitive wvildrless should be � r p-esr 1 of d +Jo cont-oast with the noble st-y'uctures , wh icf, now *crown afld a 'e to be erected 021 +Jule bluffs of Straight River. It has been possible to acqu.ioe , for a nomin. � a_. su.n, what years hence, might be impossible , at any cost, arld arl ave clue which � i vil._ have in its features , few, .if any, equals in the count -,,,y, \ y, f o��° a city "(�f this size. e The l; ;sent, count it is also to be coir l rmended for the arrest est amd R speed Y convict ion of the incendiaries - who have been open tint; Th, Fire ,�3epar*✓m�nt have been especially vigilant, + Y �,ilan✓ and a,tive in r" SP)rise to the call forh . unusagl se,rvict:, There, has beers added " this s or,(,,,an.irya+✓.ionj +,hr _ r �, '� t h is a very• Hook and Ladder i.;om�an T �, •ic,, ilecesgarY accesory . 110 the police , toxl; 'ess my �:olnrne nd s t i rl and thanks for the # faithful 'a Wff' ir,.ient Pr ,formance of dtit +o C Se its Y the city they j'er��'a_ " c, _ c. o The council now. t N S ,ands a�T �0llrr�er� to �y at `�. 3o Oct Ock, i Oe • 'is r u� r'- i I r , "1 l/J^ GtC �. .Z 'dw y a 0,9 tel, y R e24( G mayor Jev3�tt then mads the following recommendations To the honorable, the Common coh m :—The he cite from the several depaft- - !i�mt�,ter menta of-the city..government have Wen P published upon the condition of muniei- pal affairs,in usaal form,ye¢ I deem it proper and theref, C take the occasion to speak earnestly;th;%gb.in a rueraI was, 1 of what I believe to be..the lift interests f of the city. The authority vested-in'your honorable' body to directthe making of ordinart \ local and general improvements must be more,oxe. than ineidehtal, 'and should follow the expressed.:wish of the majority of t a i -p a y �ra affected,more than ` L the coarse of preeadgnt., The special' province-of th@ eounoil;and. the esseu�'M object of its legislative authority mor gide_ direction to the less frequent butmoreaiaa-' porWat.questionsa cting4tha future wel. / £are of the city. a ` Whether any 'ear local improve- ` ` \ `� � ���/� , menta-be made year or next year at- fords 4n ground•fad;controversy except as it:affebta the safetyof the public thorough- `�yl P faxes,the sanitary condition of the lccali- 1 ty and the rights and wishes of•.the,taa- payers, Bat the safety,life and prope " n the peace and good order si the co mnnity, the @ o_stion of the rising gene atM,,and'th% a ics and projects t outline the ; th and prosperity of city should. "ve your most isaxafui usprejudid6d Consideration. The history of the city ixtoltt2l C A tory.of numerous ui dertaa ttge; on their inceptiona"ubsBantis 1s' I. the, city which on their cow% anon r have•failed to felly realize the hopes en- n texkained for- r whos�t•'.t1til�ityh� been superseded. by_change of circum- stan¢es. „The eity.is to•dayburdened with �� the obligations.thus- incurred, and,your especial-attention is called to its indebted= Hess, i t¢d'ed d otherwise, The f]ie au se of incread aasessec�.vak ' tioiarbq msns.o? has,.' in my op4mon,been oaxiied,;to the limits_ of prudeuce,,and I advo4akb retreschmeut and'recommend that the enana *•keefr si _ vieweconemigW-miaua ement and en.- I `> dew by unifo�'m act'-on mYekate es- p'eisi*s,features that}lave gtadua-iy Come itto.es t ee as an outgrowth of party j-7 coin eetion.beleev6,01q:s fen oppotuas.'time .1hd teduction of local eases Mth.this in a 'couneil, levt8c� teTr Aga ptpos�s upou the :P£QpIj er y,of t&A"City.,than pint see. . singe^188�,.'a�d'ia m}r- opinion a rocla �i'• can be.made tHisyear,,as.it is,- ey to borxow ondemand}}x1 case aI e�gfam ey. -than W have an' 9"J&OavrnR. �. txeasuxy ;� , • ate_present debt of the city.props, .� ItAl � vlCyt- Z �u��� Railroad bonds, $60,000, schob'i -bo / Q90j eqQ�at .5.per e Isrnnz for 4 hycltarits sts�iryc`lral'uts_the�oity' e]'4;o@-. 14- 4/% tr /ems_ ZeC 067 aldn4,,�,t etc c� y ��� C� O " � 1 rte ,r go ol OJT- 1 l j �- ( n p T 1V/l Iia o'er be't &IC �-� 1 '7 ofu 1"4 CITY OF FAI AULfi. STEPHEN JEWETT, J. C. TURNER, MAYOR. RECORDER. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1889. WAYS AND MEANS. SHEFFIELD, VOLZ AND WINTER. STREETS. VAN SAUN, FULLER, WINTER AND WEYER. TAXES. WINTER, SHEFFIELD AND VOLZ. ORDINANCES. PIKE,JONES AND SHEFFIELD. FIRE LIMITS. JONES, PIKE AND WEYER. FIRE DEPARTMENT. PIKE, JONES, WEYER AND VAN SAUN. LICENSES. _ FULLER,VAN SAUN AND WEYER. CLAIMS. SHEFFIELD, WINTER AND VOLZ. NUISANCES. WEY 1,R, FULLER AND VAN SAUN. PRINTING. J FULLER, JONES AND VOLZ. PARKS. VOLZ, FULLER, JONES AND SHEFFIELD. WATERWORKS. THE MAYOR, VAN SAUN, WINTER, PIKE AND VOLZ. � r r. i i �/lfL��!� 1�Z[.L/UL1 l //!/(�//'�I.SG!//!'G"!��"U/YC�� i�'I�/'(�'C..l�'V /.:,�'CX� L '-✓ liLi!���%/UJL��/vG- `/ �LG�///{�L��.�'.!,!/l� �� p r, Q/z/ 6 aw le, 047 ' I � 1 i C 'I 19, . 2�e-lZd AZ 4 0 z 27. L �� �Z� l T - �1�7�'-SIO ZI�I t Z-1 Z2�'l0 1 Jaz 2421 / i n C� ��"��C1_ o-1- C ��-2�?,�� C' r //1 �' �� ��LjL���Z2-?��O � ��"��-P� �`SGL i�✓Y�'!iC-0�1�1-Gay � - -2, /ZA /A;--171) �tl'741rlr e"7 A11- Zr CSC/� ol el/f, rl avi — c�'Au �4vil �rV c�Com` C/(��i//��,�/�-' l%1������l�C-'��e��%/�P/c-eJ✓j /W���a-��'�""K/r /(/Vl�j// -'<[��G//r � � �-� P P e 62. 11?le� E 41 UQ ; r 1/LtOAI )AM E 10, f f i i ti (A41 A / r) �j G� 4- 4;-/ � t4 a, 12,16 TTI f 123 ell f cry r lG� -f� J_el (✓�it°/`U �o , /fes �� � -/�Lu�r D'Gt�'?2��=r�r�v, ���?� �2u� .2 '4v Zh2 0 I /tel �✓% , tAlo ell Y � I 1 r � E I I 0 i i 2-4 ev/ 'x41111(1' 11L{ 'C`Y Ft1 zl ✓ 2lLtl�l 7 Rc�-u CALl 714- 'CA r7 - �n� ) eelll 13 t/ _4o� � J ti� L O l U l YJ�-�/G C�D, � /�1 �2 ' l/�J2 �✓L2 �J//� 1�L��?�> (�L2�f?�/?� �iJ .G( 1Z"), lt�\lL���/� zlm 4w 1-ew-w / 4 P 77 i . i"!�Y(/ ;��1�`/C/a� <'�5�7������ ���„� -- /u�<��rZ�7/ r G�✓V✓C�-�W'� r V ii`D/_N/'c/ J�/(/<� V! r F f � - , I 26 I'vi av, �,J, AAJ14ly O-Xwle�l Z/� 64elwl 'z wlzx- 4-7- r J-2�41 A j- ce O Z A 27. XJ �\.�.,�i,t,Q,hyL �!%C.L r/���Z i2���� �C°,Lr'lJ`—"•_��G��/1.�� �--�1 ---- — O—L cru Wu v A �L, 4x ? T1Tltqua�s. �?- 0 Yes .e �e their r Vie- �.��;•x7� ., ti } .. g' Y R y i j 1 • I 28, /A;l ��2-/ 1/1� ����O� �12����1� 2.�-L�.� ��2.-x,22 CSG loW Attl—e,yk Ae4 "Ila �.l Z.l /�-C'.l,l 2 t-�� ✓-2-e!l�l/L-LP�'`t C-�, /_Z�l//yT�/G %2�l/ll ��iG�12�/LD Qil—l� l/�^- ...►� JJI, Ilz/114- 7tv A 'WL(UA F kjl� ,�kwlj&vtl /1,X, �kkCL GAIIO�—/l IA-g4g r of 6L� u���ti� `'r!*tl�.l �o ��ie�`�-t�y - ��.���0.�/1.co��i�:/l ��.�L����1 �/��,t.G����G��u�. ix 29, ��I/ /�/�1�/���iZo^L'`/ �� a/ ���,�e�ew�-fiL����71������c-���C/ri `��/1Jt-l�fiuJ� �� �47 _ e �:e�G� G�G��i12 r� Ij/ IL 4,�/ ,e- Avlr 14 ci 41 �11t1Z e'a ,/I Z-/d 1J,-i /lll'! 11/ltJ� 2l/ /C!//l1 c'l/j l/ 1c� ( ��lil�l�ll�/i l �rr,ltll (L( �/ 2 /c l l( ll�r ll/1J hl ---------- /o/ Xae X (1l1)1)PLt /11L Cl, e- <-j I 1W, /Ac alt J1I,.//M41-d , "fu 1.17 6L ��l1{1611 1L �f�l�-Z�F'C�, 11211c �D ,�11f�11L1(- �l/(lL l LLll�1LJ�'t^L-1C �L�6�LL 2 r/j ell d �/, 6/// V Fe - o CZ j t<<f l« l<<>< ILU-64 AAA, -w r Z-c /Ic 1�2 % 1 7 CCe-Q.�.c,Ln'c��o� �r�,lt ����f_ <11�_F1�_ ��f< CL, �Ztcr� ��'r.<<1t'< <<r -t.�lr��or_ r `t ; � /_ —�- / I e'� 30 ee3 ZJ/ 7 e Qh'I 7k, 6-v u r- A- - N f, 2 V-7 01A, 6,6�tmt-,�4-4-14- lee 02-ek�'l fz 7 31 G��.�2-�I�/I�/ �� ►� �/� ���.��-�`' �.� f mid� �� - G�iO/ zLt t zZlu-C' ,lf� � D 2 r _ 67, v/��� v'����?�-Ll-�� ��;E'11�°�l/GfiCJ / �✓�17it�`G/�/ (i`��, /ice 1 _ 32. ' tic o' a �ft i it Z htiIl Ct G ��/c'1/�/L�-LGA/ ///✓moi �2�� ��' ��Z�i(�f� /�/ �_��(%l�!Z i� �[ O /��L 2�,� i�. W 6/Z Gr/ eq c /-t,� mom-6az1— _ L� k (�/''e luY"?/ x/71 ,��"" j � d��� ✓✓ �'� C^�G� a im t% �Q ce/ CJ Z4" ( O � r /vw / � r C�-�/ �C�2j(�G iii.t��i/_�G✓ �/`��-•Q�2�C���i22��� C i��<�C-C��L�G'C�- Lr�2�i���°-C��� ;:; fZLzu Lf Azo ��-��c.—c� .�c 1�1.c. CG�<;Gf/ ��LI�Q� •� U�� ��/l 2' 1.0 ✓���.�:�/CC -�2� %2�G /<�2%�%/1�i ,j ';w .1:,� —/ `„�`-�.L'f.YYZGLYC. �f.// ✓���%�� ��2 L��C�C2�� rll r �� � ��!'/1/Y� Gu 2 -L �� 38 �"Vw o-A ,2T�2r_✓��2G�a2,%� 2 . 22",,o YkI • � 1-L21-G�i ,2iL����� �����lJ'-21�22�.�'�I��� ��l 2i�?r�ricr�iz�' G���ei1/ti ,�zcG��2G�C�_ - ' /`'C%'C l Z; Lam'��'�-�-� ✓./�-��-1��2 Z 7��C�� Z lv x', At AL2-7� ��'�, U'C�,2.�-C`r�-,�,�� _�-�-�?.e�- ` C.,-�- ����✓a2�?� �a.���`-2- YJ_lJ `1 -/4L6A-eL C4� - S <<IA 3 1 ­7 L-� 7�(Ji,�-'vim(.. _aLC�.�V L��E'- �l�111�Z�.l�1 Z' ��'��';>'<�Z2�'-Cf �'' -�'l�c�' ��C/f/ �'' ��/1=��-f'//�.�� '���.1-� .�1•� ��C //ti�2Q/�� � �. IL `r `itil ((r )�Z, , !- C�� �y� � " � , %=1L 1�� '. / 61 MYLZ� /��L'Z' J fi C�/C�Lt O -- 6� _LL.11x IRL �ry s-� ,G�� �d�G�2 i BGG /q�/� x 2 ( L;'y�� � i Vr�� �/�J IJ`LI/12C %y7///'f/I ,��C ��L�2 l,_ 1�/�?/(�°� ��G/�G�✓G�iP2' ��Z J `v`��� ��/ d 111 i � r a��� �.2.��i`2.(.�v- � 1�1,Q�./'ZZFi�1��'�'-�-2-zea . �a�� ����� ���-az �Ai� . d.lc �.-c ,�t Lr �.�-��'✓�v% zL -Iair c � 4 ( f Gov SGP:. 2. ?-2 35-r'r�.0 �+ �-t,2x.�ta �'E�-? I-�L.1_�t Z - Z-2 � /I /a, o-w 1) Id6d— —lo 0, �- 7 d--071 :010 000 yel Y"--IltveL� Tt- af all (JA VeI4 36 paw xd I �a�i�1/ v�/i� �� ! ✓ 2� Z �/�i .2/�� /Go�_.e���i��%�j�i����a/},C yr tl cr�A/ A64 �CJnG222� p��2snif C°e 110, yj 4d .� 61 a� AxeI%JZU4� - J( �'V /I // �/ ,l //U d / Oc Ile i c a v 416 _ R &21jt � • 4 I . 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