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O �HE C " IyN T1 .YAWN OF Elba,Iti ooty-0f ice;and .F Jf� CC "�/ / — taEe.9€ i ma4e q �-wed to vote at K to a he ebq:aaoti= 'Ek a uainfieting for: �ourh of s o'clook in! i 'ti$ef©rent l8vea no8it of th aao 4e,.after.days :for �ollowiag p.prposes 1xf elecEthree fpexvisRra, a 0 of'�whnh£sfii�}� vdesig ou the as Choi3.Cl' k ogre �eS83irer,e+ sot, tib ustices of tbePeace,ts,Qpp 2d—To do'en othep bimrne 9` P petFue dole at said ' ArQetingvGhen_bohve�gd_ ..- given_uta , m►d;�k $rst day Of DTarcb, AMD $?�. ` `PRCgTT, lw TR C1er.k. i } a E i t . � {f--G 1-f� � �"``".�?'.^;��i,/l�t,GYM• ���.�2i'�v L�1/����'r�" Y�2 ��[��L �L .. ' � �-`t-�/�' '�-�--��._.�" �'����`�-?ivy--t-r��,...�• -�� ' -t,� ��c/Y%C_0�� ' • ��-r ��d��(� x��� ��' �"� �'zT"-t"� /�•�r�'Z�+t=f�, �c'ti•�--yam �1 {' k • �."�/� � �—c�� � c-C-� �-7�- oL/ti-"Z.-Cy.+:t!-� �i'3-" ����-v//�^ (_,-,f,r�% ��l LZV ��L/, t� 6�U a2., f � ZJ� uGj•�-F��, 1�-�G(�CJ-�j 'r�{��,(iC r%1/ �/Z4 a n 'A ' Cmc-L--y-. �c=-e2:.Xir-c—c� -�.�✓'✓e�/ / r. "_ �'`v�i• �i�G�l�% �/'�it--E..L%�-mac«--�.� ��-�i�•z-c.o�. P f p i J/3, 1� i SAO"" pp r i v f f - ?� v I q S� 7 y Y Z4, hem-, ACA IL ol 4 y l 9 4 7 "MIR-- 1 I •� MAYORS OF THE CITY OF FARIBAU:JT � 1 .--George UVf. Tower - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1872-73 2 .-Thomes S . Buckh em - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1873-74 3 .-George N. Baxter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1874.-76 i 4 .-Levi Nutting - a- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1876-77 5 .-T . B . Clement - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - 1877-78 6 .-John R. P2rshall - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 1878-79 7 .--Gordon E. Cole - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1879-80 8 .-George T. Batchelder - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1860-81 q .-George W. Wood - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1881-82 10-H. T. Pratt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1882-84 11-C. L. Lowell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lepol-86 12-5 L. Crocker - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1886-87 13-J. L. Townley - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - u - - 1887-08 14.-Stephen Jewett - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1888=-90 15�F. W. Winter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1890-92 16-Donald Grant _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1692-94 17-B. B. Sheffield - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1894-96 l 18-Peter F. Ruge - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 1896-97 19*-A. D. Keyes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1897-98 20-Peter F. Ruge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1898-99 21-R. A. Mott - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1899-00 22-K. D. Chase - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1900-01 23-Peter F. Ruge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1901-02 24-Charles S . Batchelder - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1902-01L Q 25-Frank L. Glotzbe.ch - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1904-011 26-James R. Smith - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1906-07 27- George L. Smith - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1907-10 { 28-N. S . Erb - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - 1910-11 29-Alcon Blodgett Jr. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1911 .13 . 30-George L. Smith - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1913-15 31-N. S . Erb - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1915-17 : 32-R. A. Pomadt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1917-19 33-John A. Bakken - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1919-21 34-Thomas H. Quinn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1921-25 35-C . W. Turner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- 1925-29 36-Hadley P. ]Bell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1929-33 37-Nelson S. Erb - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1933,75 38-0. W. Turner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1935-�7. 39— Hadley P. Bell - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1937- . a : .J' NiKa- Imu�ry.l�tirvSf'I�P guars' arcs : f, Thattay,March 27, 1947' fat tvers-A - of We Incorporation -3 J jrna. 9sNNIVETtSARY °"�.� est (Conti-rued fr m Page 1 ) ®f City of Fa�ribalt t®be Observed 2nd r .0g non—kration of Mayor Tow- ry - er Moses Cole was confirmed, as lS 'The '76th Anniversary of the to s efer to 'a.few of the histor- t_ Chief of Policed and James �Ius- Incorporation, of the C of Fari- ical landmarks of the past and µ lid ter, +1st Police- Charles Kieke- I beg' : b'aarlt will be obserx�d 'Wed- to •give to yyou my view as 'bxief- napp as lid.Police.Gordon.Cgle r Fari nesday,April. 2. ly as possible of wants and dut- e t was appo•nted as City Attorney. M The following' information res .n thy: fatuse. W, d_ R. H. L. Jewett was maned City , ` which was provided'frown,alae re- "I a to Faribault •in 18+55 .is I an surveyor. 'Wart. Dickenson was { It hig cords of the Ci of Flwibault b n - elected S°reet Commissioner. r City y and it has been any horns ever ys 'Enda T.A. Wealia, City -Recorder will elms. 11=y of the voters, the e� � d- Henry Dunham was 'elected41 prove of 'interest and possibly.business men, the wives and mo- atl Assessor. The'City Recorder was = i Easte histonwl value 'to the readers theis of'tl,lis young city were then oua instructed to obtain the neces- In van act 'to Authorize the In- prattling �dren, in. other states. e ;,- r sary -books, stationery and seaL s cola corporation of the City`of Fari The town itself was not in exist= a� y ;a The City Treasurer was allow- bault :it -was -prodded `that `the ante havhrg 'been entered subse- a, 29c on all.disbursements. . of wiI first election-of said city shall be qqu'eiitly as a town site by Judge er+ - •` ainpoi held on the.:71rst Tuesday of Chaffield. 'The rapid settlement o� Aprfl, IM' ':for 'the purpose of�of t ze village connimencing in the J I_ the first election ander this act. {spring of .1 soon assured its or Thurs (-H. M.Matteson,13. F.Straub'and success as air 'important point a I' Sacre Ernest Fleckenstein, shall be irs ;'amt ng the vi2ages of Southern schools. sectors of elections'and also the 'Minnesota. in 1857, General ils N;61 gard'df.canvassers:for such eget- Shields secured Farlbault as. a ----- Y. Apri tion •sad shall perform all the V611-t in the 'Congressional land t. Schoo duties -and -possess -01 'the —pow—:grt-it in and of the 'Minneapolis ti Monday ers as inspectors of •election and and Cedar VaIley It. R., a fact board of 'canvassers, :they shall,which secured to us the first and - s lool fo appoint the place of holding the mot important railway tonnes e j jht Sav polls-of such•election-and"post or tion with the Fast. In the same h -will be publish notice thereof ten days year our delegates in the legis- -Will r 3 aid before the-same." gators-S\equred to us the location -t - A rig 71 of't re Deaf and Dum,b and Blind , p An act to legalize 'the Act to In't-ire a of the state. The school ny 1 �ool an, authorize the incorporation of the � ursday City of Faribault was •approved+ was actually started in "1 le In r� Easte on Fabrvary'29, •16M. the same year in a humble way 4 was commenced the ,great work `+ I The population of amity was'df lay in g the foundation of Bis- h"> student listed as ,5000, including 1,000 -hop Seabury-University. We now av, iy noon voters. fxld were enrolled in the point 'to 'these institutions with Apri local schools. I price and It becomes its ens'a city ,e _ The Charter meeting was -held 'to cherish for them a -fostering tt- �ol wil in the 'Ceritral Hallwith a capa- and friendly•interest. duet city, audience in attendance. -Dr.' -Bat-I forebear'to give you more hG rl Lys los L. �W.' Dennison was -elected as;of z ur past history and check army n e poli ehaharran. The meeting_was op-Ilonging to cluster 'together the .hy', f p mak ened by F. W. French,-Esq., wlko•names of the 'men and' women +� spoke at length in explanation of!among us Who have so nobly andvada the charter. Other prominent 14 an speakers for and a 'in'st_the char- ti`i steiry contributed of their f g time, their energy and their Iim- n ed co •ter were:Zuke'Hulett, Esq., Hon. lied means to make this place a e G. E. 'Skinner, Hors. -Gordon E. desirable home for 'the ener etic, Cole and'R. A. Mott,-Esq. I i ,s pa q the educated and refined of our ,attue The first election held on April older states. e ., . School 2, 1872 -was received"by friendsI T.zcated intcorner of a con- + P riday 'of'the charter,with great rejoicing gre„sionai township it has been e and salutes were fired while the demned•wise to bring together the af. -Faribault'Brass Mand discourced'contiguous territory of Your sem - some of its most pleasing music:eral townships having a com- n Dri in'honor of the-event. ;•mmiity of 'interests and a conn- "The -election under 'the new mon ceriter around which cluster ^ charter resulted in -a •tle'ari Re-'our Blades of businessur schools } publican -sweep-with`the excep-I and churches and org ize there- tion 'of one 'justice 'J. `B. "Quinn, for a-muhicipal goverfnment. who ;was personally quite I T its 'territory of nine miles i popular -and •whose hepaitilican square containing a poptil2ation of iy th competitor refused'to run:” `some five'thousand with its var o 561 Election returns showed a to- led commercial, civic, .industrial, unite tal vote"of W. -There were 5+5'5 social, educational and religious o-F _ -g �hu1 s votes for the Charter, i against'interests is confided - the lega9. nG ,Mems 'a majority of fon'the charier. voters *thereof to your care, a h *hos, �'� or, trust-so comprehensive - re rtrn George'W. �Towez,'Aiccrder 1I. led that you will hereafter be c w'- �_ ibault P. Sime;-Treasurer,.-Jas. A. Win- the name -and responsibility of " el a 4or.,o P. City Fathers. : To govern- this e ;choo Alderman,-lgt ward,Z. H liar- °terr toay well, ''to contribute to „i ding; C. D.'Harm 2 yrs.; Thorn- make life pleasant,and safe and. o I .a as Carpenter, 1 yr; -E. 'Flecken= business profitable therein is your 8 - �I stein,-1-yr. I work. In anything tending to this I lO 'Second ward: 'L�. C. Ingram, -11 end you w receive my earnest ai e an yr.; S• C.'?uthauiy?2 yrs--Thom- co peration. s � I resid -as-McDermott, 1-yr.;T3. �VI. Meat- '"grad now 'Gentlemen of the , al ayett .tesonl 2 yrs. Cou:Lacil let me urge .upon you ct bee -Third Ward, Truman Nutting,-ttlie strictest economy in public ough Il Yr.; J.-1`f.'Win'ter,�P yrs; Remi ex'p`nditures compatible with igl:• w 1'gayant,l yr.; Geo. W.?3atchelder the ppuublic interests. Remem� f i babl mg that we are but trustees of f { 2'yrs. _ f sav i Fourth ward �W. �L. 'Turner 1 the,curses of our constituents, tet rsell,' {-yr:; H. E.-Barron 'a ' tennis no unnecessary officers be ap-' e i i ,c a Cavanaugh, 1 yr.; Cadres Dec- pointed no salar5es paid but for be 1 resin ter 2 yrs. torr-Asponding efficient services, terl i ti wg Justices: 4A owd, J' . C. Mold;'luno improvement made at piilb- io 2nd w d, 1 7— 'Perm; 3rd lie expense merely local or per- � wand, John B. Quinn; 4th ward, sonal; ends, and above all let us l anger-(J• I..;Sm�llidge. a®A a municipal debt as we 't i eet7•ig First -Meel*g -field. would a pestilence or famine. The first meeting was held in Our 'charter will doubtless prove ,1 krk 'meet, -Towers 'Hall- on 'Tuesday,. April defe,.°tivice in some respects. GLet cr r• of 'be 9, •11872.• -Ill. E.Barron was elect- us at first move'cautiously apply- seated ed president and F. Nutting spice Ing Ito provisions with caution 1 ' 'president. 'ion. 11 E. Barron noting carefully its.defects till by took 'the chair end -infoTmaed further legislation they may be 4 1 2yor "T4iwer he Was ready for amt;ided." f :any conmiurdeatiora he had to At this •Wresting the 'following - L =Ake, 'the -Mayor t1ten delivered busLshy was transacted: sh,� 1 the f illoWing limpresdive and.un- The treasx @es bond was set at lit 1 "rgettalb'le address: :$'1ALDOL farr "Gentlemen of the Council.: In. •TLA bonds sof Justice 01 the six organizing the first ConimLon Peace were firmed at${5MOOL. be w 'Counetl of Me new City.of Fari- - - - ina l}a"�u ° I think t fs not o r tined l - n e_ 'iurday, soci _ 75th Anniversary of the Incorporation of City of Farib�ult to be Observed 2nd The 75th Anniversary of the to refer to a few of.the histor- Incorporation of the City of Fari- ical•landmarks of the past and bault will be observed on Wed- to give to you my view as 'brief- nesday, April 2. ly as possible of wants and dut- • The following information ies in the future. which was provided from, the re- "I came. to Faribault in 16,55 cords of the City of Fariba ult b and it has been my home ever T.A. Mealia, City Recorder will since. Many of the voters, the prove of interest and plssibly.business men, the wives and mo- historical value to the readers: I thers of this young city were then In an act to Authorize the In- prattling children in other states. corporation of the City of. Fari-,The town itself was not in exist- bault it was provided "that the ance having been entered subse- first election of said city shall be ,quently as a town site by Judge' held on the First Tues0ay of Chatfield. The rapid settlement April, 1$7'2, for the purp^se of of the village commencing in the the first election under tY is act. I spring of .1956 soon assured its H. M. Matteson, B. F. Straub and,success as an important point Ernest Fleckenstein, shall be in- among the villages of Southern spectors of elections and also the Minnesota. In 1657, General board of canvassers for such. elec- .Shields secured Faribault as a tion and shall perform all the point in the Congressional land duties and possess, all the .pow- 'grant•in and of the Minneapolis ers as inspectors of election and and Cedar Valley.R. R., a fact board of canvassers, they shall which secured to us the first and appoint the place of holding the most important railway connec- polls of such election and post or j tion with the East. In the same, publish notice thereof ter days year our delegates in the legis- before the same." lature secured to us the location . An act to legalize the Act to of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind authorize the incorporation of the Institute of the state. The school City of Faribault .was ap7,>roved was actually started in 1662. In on February 29, 1$712. I the same year in a humble way The population of the city was'was commenced the great work Bis- listed, as 6,0001 including 1,00 I hop lay ing the foundation of Bis- voters. 612 were enrolled in the f ea these e institutity. We now local schools. point to these institutions with II ppride and it becomes us as a city The charter meeting was held to cherish for them a fostering in the Central Hall with a. capa- and friendly Interest. city audience in attendance. 'Dr.i But I forebear to give you more L. W. Dennison was elec`pd as 'of our past history and check my chairman. The meeting was op-i 1 nging to cluster together the ened by F. W. French, Esc., who ;names of the men and women spoke at length in explana lon of i among us who have so nobly and the charter. Other prominent;persistantly contributed of their speakers for and against the char- time, their energy and their lim- ter were: Luke Hulett, Esq Hon. •.ited means to make this place a G. E. .Skinner Ikon. Gordon E.'desirable home for the energetic, Cole and R. A.Mott, Esq. f the educated and refined of our Thefirst election held or. April j older states. 2, 1672 was received by friends I Located in the corner of a con- of the charter with great re;oicing gressional township it has been . and salutes were fired wh-1e the deemed wise to bring together the Faribault Brass Band disc-)urced contiguous territory of four sev- some of its most pleasing music eral townships having a corr- in honor of the event. j munity of interests and a com- "The election under the new, mon center around which cluster charter resulted in a clesn Re- our places of business our schools publican sweep with the excep-I and churches and organize•there- tion sof one justice J. B. Quinn,I for a municipal government. Esq.., who was personally quite This territory of nine miles Popular and whose Republican square containing a population of competitor refused to run" some five thousand with its var- Election returns showed a to- ied commercial, civic,•industrial, tal vote of 846. There were 555 social, educational and religious votes for the Charter, 261 against interests is confided by the legal a majority of 264 for the charter. voters thereof to your care, a Elective officers were, Mayor, trust so comprehensive and var- George W. Tower; .I%QrdAr H. ied that you will hereafter. bear P. Sime; Treasurer, Jas. A. Win- the name .and responsibility of ter. City Fathers. To govern this Aldermian, 1st ward, J. IT, Hare territory well, to contribute to ding; C. D. Harm, 2' yrs•' Thom-'make life pleasant and safe and as Carpenter, 1 yr; E. l-icken- business profitable therein is your stein, 1 yr. !work. In anything tending to this Second ward: L. C. Ing-am, 1 end you will, receive my earnest Yr.; 'S. C. Durham, 2 yrs.• Thom- 'co-operation. as McDermott, 1 yr.; H. k. Meat- "And now Gentlemen of the teson, 2 yrs. Council let me urge upon you Third Ward Truman N acting the strictest economy in pw lic 1 yr.; J. H. Winter, 2 yrs.; Rem expenditures compatible with , Payant, 1 yr.; Geo. W. Batchelder the pwblic interests. Remember- 2 yrs. ing that we are but trustees of Fourth ward,•W. L. Tume.• 1 the 1 al,4 aea ,'fc �� @� � lr✓/(/ �O-z�/�ti�,C��r� ��C mac. C����ilic-.o�r�r�1`-' G� O'v GC��'� ✓� ✓���w y✓�ie,_ L—l/z�"%G o� ��',7!t.�ii�v _ G�/I'L� /iYv�c�7�—z�r_-t�� v2iY fw tk - (W't w,- W �Ay t y cl/v ,/)j az �A a eL-a-c ii) 4�JC4 lq/1 A�c �6 c9VI"6k di cl /�o tl /W,-. a tz, �' - C� 1 C�tt �t.k1i a c c t l Act Etc dk'caz�: e�- -t� i�c ( it 0'C� c lrv� 1 /A �t c�` 00-11tuLf— Ltfj RA, $ �r. 1,A-TGC kl U u SGC Ld ,Gf ^C�> Ee 0-k CA ctT.0 /tu c Lr TO L Com. 1 ,C 1a( ,JCYr � tc /1 cl �r� 011.7 r� l- h & C, t t��- � � _ e_ [Glt �C[_�r < UTZ,, Cly es-x ' 2 P, , T� f' ✓Q �1�t, �� u yzt u � G2z ?' C - i2e ;.-- -�,f-eL Cc ct Glc C� ' fes% l-ht J � e G� ( r %r 1 l L �_ L c� �� { f k'"2� C•�_r�,� %'r� ��z L t ,> G E% c � �� t t L 'c �.� G r t � u.,lj L,� `/A_ CL; ' "�� ✓�rl� �'.f (�r— ; Lam= {_-G�� �� rJ (�t�- C_'—�'lt-! L�Z1_� �;�-f�Gt, � �Z_EG +tic'. L�O 76 f G, //V I / a i' ILI/ - _i�,v ki, C� r_1?m'I t q ' V� A"Z,�a�n L"y L ESL L CG' / j , C C 1,rc =� 11 L c crrlC_ ,.:- �_�_ c Lc ! rte t-tam'/6 i aev ✓Z- �'G� tr-//�c�-y7=L. ;�2E: ;��f��l-� ���`���- �y"�' ��LaL1'�ri � ^,� 32ti Q. �z- 1 (� n' /UL) (77y/�' CPQ YL�I-a cct �Ic1 AL1 40_tO�c � � ( G'Gt }1 l,uQ_e,,( 2 L1'�`Qk..0` �e:'�!CI ° Tr7rt A into ZGtIv, ill CVI 1 Off- QOVOM/O L tU"Ivz� of A An ' , _ td 6. tAt R', �:41CP- �UL -T-f-J, tw �'El 0 2 0 utct,"f-- Lt tq �,,Jdz tQ -wxtj l�/1"� }b-1 ��- C��1 L� 31;'� t�,' .�,C f; /?�r� �-�1 l�= f�Z"l�'l,ti t_,� � � f/l E ,.�a�C.��u� CGZ�'� kt tt ziiO-; i,fj I�t' /7t-(,o tt " td -A f)4") 1 At c(J/-, ko (f tit v%- r I r'� ICA of - � LA-A- 1-4 , -r" a �, k�e < � z � Y ��!'YYZtiti�,Q/J c+., l` � - -� � •���tk�/�. �"<,r=CLC� CG2�,(' c� � �ry�r�% � l � �C74Lcyti� �`ItCYC( ttt{� � t� �� /�, ��. � � C %2 �c� CGt�� f ')-('-6J t"w 4, �7tw Ad a 0_-� CC, T C-4(/d 6 }Y WIT /�- I__C "`'t '� l.'1��.'. i lt-GL,.{1.� L''l. ..'l'�v 7'^ ✓. rf�_ /�Y �l,f/ •1...`'.-'l'-C.9fs�."/ �l_- 0 Qt Pit is t 0C x � _ �) (UJ � NO, -/ �, / r ZGzc/� r `�l '��,�� .-�'�'�i ��1_ ":J�•J �j �,'L�I �_�� ��/Up��' l �j ���,I;L%fiL�Q r 7 ��YG� *"�='VL'';���Z.�,��-�J of 7 J Ila /Id fiO� Y� uWt 2�Gt � 1 4A a,14 xiLr�i� i V Ott. � � (�1M�C� l �J�ru4 fro' �s��'L�✓; �. �, )vt a td'-Au lL�Gttr 0C/-//1 .4 4t �u Z- �GC1 , vtl cl r tJ �4/— Ftp}t-�kt F?x ,�C�. / �`�� �� /J ✓� �h/ "� ° ��C- 6 � 16t 4 rffAk" '4d d'- OwL," Ly't" 0�dt tAr lq�CAX ll� -el 7 ac t"Ag " t7' C-7 A .accac. XU �G� - I ✓ r t t � 0 �j/�� //l/��'��//►' I_/n),A///��� n///�,\ 1//I1n, (yl���� ���/-� r�'�}'� �,(A/J.[/�///^G��/�J � , 7j� 1 ® i -rah %!2,Q 't 31z )'lit-, Ci�, C( /,i(x� (iktL J ` Taj a G� i�2c1 ti p- f ti ttJ d /%W', � 6y C-7c �zz �o�t -,6 f .zea ISt ciitt qla— nu/�_ Cl(k _�tv( rO�'rtut� ) )TQc tth (Q- aQ_k'_Q�tj L 7 jqaoc #o -1-,(( r 7t ro lt7 Vl- w-, P if Kc_ + o all J'� ly hit CIA c It A tt iol at 1/7 1 Itx, r (AI}yl `YYC(�2J �L1(� �1� '6' tit 0 LUQ! OV( Ch f� l% Jit Act 't�f . 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AV 0 ri tyLc f'2tititi[QC/lU1 ��C•��l til'1� _- - c�����a - —_ _ /�'i>uJ /l t�G1.rf( C —�G�G� d7"_L T, G Cfj�� -Ga1tefZz� r � t2C�Qu = /�v� O��Lcuk�l%/4z1yt111ZN�� 7C!{,Gf�LI%T-'• lC iltl11CX ✓ ESC�lf ( t�- LSC L'Z�E�,� i �: Cn uc.r°z.cf,YQ � 1�� ., r� LikelCl�t(lltl ' l ( /�Y12Gc "c . 11: t'z� -� l2l�d/W tal z -J� c�c-v p�t,�ric Gr1 u �/OF- Z-G4m �m�� G4 -71 I t"-�u 4(,c litL et /U a, r- /k t A�), I/V 60' 0- Yk� ti 6 J& dll� k Cat �ill ldl� fix, GtA, a�:t�pd,� �6 (110 t)1Z tn�d e-t �k A W1 av 4W '(41 ""Lill -I- Ltlot 6eix I/ 25 ,r�./�Ll Jyrs,ft4 - �a (i t.c�a�Li ZGt,Lt�ti i .� "Va2�� r�� ��rli(, CtAytkc .?1 w-Z4 �- 144J altq Q Yt�LLT/ �'�'�, ✓�l l fx-� G1v �E�'/ �".,�� �� � �'Y�-.d�' -L it LT`- �G1� !/ll"-�='��-G�/-GC't -� -"�-�--c Cf. ch L� au - ' r� f r E , -20 AU � 1 C(.f _ t1� Gl �GtNt 4 1oti z ti. U e �1-fit�� � o I 1, �i-aJ- -P, .C_ tit (� }-r L.� j�,v Z2 � ..�� �" � ��,�rz'( �/ �E -lrl_ v� 0Yl �CC. 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