HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-08-27 Council MinutesFaribault City Council Minutes
Regular Council Meeting of Tuesday, August 27, 2013
1. Call to Order / Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Jasinski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the
Faribault City Hall. Council members present included Duchene, Rowan, Underdahl,
VanDyke, Voracek, Walls, and Mayor Jasinski. City staff present included City
Administrator Brian Anderson, Public Works Director Travis Block, Police Chief Andy
Bohlen, Planning Coordinator Rebecca Bowers, Community Development Coordinator Kim
Clausen, Building Official Al Ernste, Library Director Delane James, City Engineer Tim
Murray, Buckham Center Director Paul Peanasky, City Attorney Scott Riggs, Community
Development Director Peter Waldock, and Deputy City Clerk Carole Luczak,
1A. Police Officer Oath of Office - Joshua W. Sjodin
Police Chief Andy Olson introduced the new Police Officer Joshua Sjodin and provided
a brief background. City Administrator Brian Anderson administered the oath, swearing in
Joshua Sjodin as Police Officer for the City of Faribault.
Officer Sjodin thanked his family, friends and co- workers for their support as he
accepted the position of a Faribault Police Officer.
2. Approve minutes of August 13, 2013 Regular Council Meeting
Motion by Council member Underdahl, seconded by Council member VanDyke, carried
unanimously, to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2013 Regular Council Meeting.
3. Routine Business
Motion by Council member Duchene, seconded by Council member Rowen, carried
unanimously, to approve Items A — L.
A. Approve list of bills to be paid
B. Approve Exempt Gambling Permit for Ladies of Ducks Unlimited -Girls with Guns
Chapter 329 to be held on October 11, 2013 at the American Legion
C. Resolution 2013 -141 Approve Charitable Gambling Board Recommendation of
$2,000 Donation to Old Prairieview Cemetery
D. Resolution 2013 -142 Approve Charitable Gambling Board Recommendation of
$1,000 Donation to Ruth's House of Hope
E. Resolution 2013 -143 Approve Charitable Gambling Board Recommendation of
$5,000 Donation to Faribault Soccer Association
F. Resolution 2013 -2014 Agreement for Youth Liaison Program (SRO) and
Reimbursement from the School District #656
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G. Approve Temporary Liquor License for the Faribault K. C. Home, Inc. Annual Fall
Festival to be held on September 13, 2013 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 17 3rd
Street NE and Parking Lot No. 13--- - - - - - -- H. Approve Quote to Repair Lily Pad Floats at Faribault Family Aquatic Center
I.- Approve Agreement for 2013 Airfest at Municipal Airport on September 13 -14, 2013
J. Approve 2013 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Contract for Roberds Lake Service
K. Approve Professional Services Proposal for Interim Planning & Zoning Services
L. Approve Installation of Wellhead Protection Signs
4. Requests to be Heard
A. Citizen Comment Period
5. Public Hearings - None
6. Items for Discussion
A. Resolution 2013 -151 Approve Fire Chief Hiring
Human Resources Coordinator Kevin Bushard requested Council consideration of
approval of Resolution 2013 -151 to approve the hiring of Dustin Dienst as Fire Chief for the
City of Faribault. Bushard reported that the City had received twenty -three applications for
the posted position. Six candidates were selected for interviews, and four finalists were
selected for the final panel interviews conducted on August 21 and 22, 2013. Mr. Dienst
was conditionally offered the position pending Council approval, with an expected start
date no later than October 7, 2013.
Council members thanked the Staff for their hard work, and commented that the
promotion was an advancement opportunity for Dusty within the City.
Dustin Dienst thanked the Council and Staff for the opportunity to work as the new Fire
Chief for the City of Faribault.
No one from the public wished to be heard on this item.
Motion by Council member Duchene, seconded by Council member Voracek, carried
unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2013 -151 Approve Fire Chief Hiring of Dustin Dienst.
B. Resolution 2013 -144 Approve Deer Management Hunt Plan at River Bend
Nature Center (RBNC) - Bow Only
Buckham Center Director Paul Peanasky provided an update on the proposed River
Bend Nature Center deer hunt, bow only, which would be held the last week of November
or the first week of December 2013. Deer hunts have been conducted in the past, and the
City and DNR would be notified with the approved hunt date(s). RBNC would be staffing
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all entrances to the facility.
Garrett Genereux, RBNC staff member, confirmed the last deer hunt in 2005 and 2006
---w—as—g-un and archery. The-201-3-hunt-would-be-archery only, which can -be- safer -a &-the
Nature Center is close to residential areas.
Greg Carlson, RBNC Board of Directors member, stated they want to institute a Deer
Management Policy, bow only, due to staffing concerns and it is a work in progress. It
would encompass more than just a hunt, and they were requesting authority to have a deer
hunt. Mr. Carlson confirmed that all entrances to RBNC volunteers would be staffed during
the hunt.
Council members discussed the fact that the deer appear very tame, food sources are
readily available, and apparently a large population. They also expressed concerns about
resident safety. RBNC stated that the public would be notified during the hunt.
Motion by Council member Walls, seconded by Council member Underdahl, carried
unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2013 -144 Approve Deer Management Hunt Plan at River
Bend Nature Center - Bow Only
C. Resolution 2013 -147 Approve a Conditional Use Permit Amendment for Faribault
Energy Park at 4100 Park Avenue
Planning Coordinator Rebecca Bowers presented a Conditional Use Permit
Amendment (CUPA) request to construct a gazebo and install benches on the trails
through the wetland area of the property located at 4100 Park Avenue. The gazebo and
benches would enhance the site's education theme for visitors that wish to view the natural
areas. The Planning Commission considered the CUPA at the August 19, 2013 meeting.
The adjacent property owner did call and was supportive of the project. The Commission
discussed the proposed additions stating the gazebo and benches had been approved in
the previous CUP's. The request supported the site's educational theme and the
Commission recommended approval of the project.
Bowers stated she just received a verbal request about the addition of a monument
sign, and that the applicant would like to have it placed at the south entrance.
Council members discussed the project, stating it would be a positive addition to
complete their project. Safety concerns were expressed as to placement of a monument
sign due to the steam during cooler weather and the visibility becomes poor. Bowers
reported that the applicant still needed to apply for a sign permit, and further information
would be necessary prior to approval.
No one from the public wished to be heard on this item.
Motion by Council member Duchene, seconded by Council member Voracek, carried
unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2013 -147 Approve Conditional Use Permit Amendment
for Faribault Energy Park at 4100 Park Avenue
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D. Resolution 2013 -148 Approve a Variance for Building Materials for a Greenhouse
Addition for Living Greens Farm at 1512 30th Street NW
Planning Coordinator Bowers presented a request from Living Greens Farm, to
construct a 17,280 square foot greenhouse addition to their current facility. The Planning
Commission held a public hearing on August 19, 2013; no members of the public attended.
The Commission discussed the variance request proposal was unique, as the materials are
part of the manufacturing process, and also noted that the City had previously granted a
similar request for the power plant. The applicant's request is actually opposite of City
ordinance, which requires materials match the existing building. The Planning Commission
unanimously recommended the variance for approval.
CEO Dana Anderson, thanked the Council for approving their project and talked briefly
about the hydroponic system currently being developed. * They are 3 -4 months out before
finalizing their design and would build in'the spring.
Council members queried if the company would be utilizing a rain water collection
system. Mr. Anderson responded that 95% less water (from the City) was a possibility but
was not part of the current design.
Motion by Council member Voracek, seconded by Council member VanDyke, carried
unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2013 -148 Approve Variance for Building Materials for a
Greenhouse Addition for Living Greens Farm at 1512 30th Street NW
E. Tobacco License for Holy Smoke at 328 4th Street NW, Suite 100 — REMOVED
F. Resolution 2013 -136 Approve Purchase Agreement for 29 1 st Ave SW
Community Development Coordinator Kim Clausen provided the Council with an update
regarding the purchase of the property at 29 1St Avenue SW. Council had previously
directed Staff to negotiate the purchase on June 25, 2013, contingent on the hazardous
materials testing. Environmental Assurance testing has indicated that the fourplex contains
asbestos. The current building owner, Wells Fargo, declined to do additional testing and
has agreed to a new purchase price of $35,000.00. The City and Attorney Riggs have also
reviewed the Purchase Agreement.
Staff plans to complete the asbestos abatement upon purchase. The demolition of both
this building and at 21 1St Avenue SW would be done at the same time to minimize the
City's costs.
Council confirmed with Staff that the purchase of the building was part of the overall
Master Plan for the area.
No one from the public wished to be heard on this item.
Motion by Council member Voracek, seconded by Council member Walls, carried
unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2013 -136 Approve the Purchase Agreement for 29 1st
Avenue SW, Faribault, Minnesota for $35,000.00.
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G. Resolution 2013 -149 Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and
Establish Bid Date for 2013 Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Improvements — Contract
City Engineer Tim Murray requested Council approval to order improvements, approve
plans and specifications, and establish a bid date the 2013 miscellaneous storm water
improvements. Five project locations have been identified for replacement or
improvements in 2013, but the overall completion of the project may be flexible. Two
projects would be required for completion in 2013: 2nd Street NW— Central Avenue to 150
west and County Club 6th Addition— Paulis Drive Low Point Overflow Grading, with the
remaining projects to be completed by July 2014, The Storm Water Utility Fund will fund
the proposed project.
No one from the public wished to be heard on this item.
Motion by Council member Underdahl, seconded by Council member Duchene, carried
unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2013 -149 Order Improvements, Approve Plans and
Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for 2013 Miscellaneous Storm Sewer Improvements
— Contract 2013 -08
H. Nuisance Abatement Action, Petro Wash, 3044 Highway 60 West
Community Development Director Peter Waldock provided a brief update on the Petro
property located at 3044 Highway 60 West. The owner appealed the abatement action to
the Council held during the Special Council meeting on August 13, 2013, and were granted
an additional 2 weeks to address the issues. City Attorney Scott Riggs and Waldock have
not received the business plan or bond as required by the City. It was recommended the
City proceed with the Nuisance Abatement Action approved by Resolution 2013 -110 on
June 25, 2013,
Zachary Klaus, MPCA Tank Inspector, presented the history of the three tanks on the
property which were installed in 1977. Inspection records and violations indicated the
owner has numerous violations and failure to comply with MPCA requirements. Mr. Klaus
indicated that hazardous conditions exist at this site, and hazardous waste exists in the
tanks and ground due to improper maintenance of the tanks. The extent of the
contamination would need to be determined.
Council members discussed the options regarding code enforcement, the owner's
liability caused due to the contamination, the City's responsibility, recouping costs of the
City's enforcement actions, or if the City should consider purchasing the property. Council
realized that it was difficult to proceed with the enforcement action as the City's taxpayers
will end up footing the bill. They also inquired if Staff and City could have proceeded
differently to minimize or eliminate the abatement action.
City Attorney Scott Riggs replied that State statute limits cities when dealing with
enforcement issues but the lack of action from the owner does not prohibit the City from the
abatement action. The Council directed Attorney Riggs to proceed with notifying the
property owners of record with the costs being assessed to the property.
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Motion by Council member Voracek, seconded by Council member Duchene, carried
unanimously, to deny the appeal of Resolution 2013 -110, to approve Bob's Electric quote
- of$2,640- for - removal -of- the- signs,—and -approve— up- t-o$4-,000- for - the - demolition- o€the -sig
foundation in the public easement.
7. Bids
A. Resolution 2013 -150 Accept Bids for St. Paul Avenue /Eastside High Pressure Zone
— 2013 Watermain Improvements - Contract 2013 -07
City Engineer Tim Murray requested Council consider accepting the bids for the 2013
Watermain Improvements. The project includes the work for St. Paul Avenue /Eastside
High Pressure Zone. Construction on the project would begin early September with
substantial completion by late October 2013, and would be funded from the Water Utility
Council members requested that notification letters be mailed to abutting property
owners as it may impact some business owners. Murray stated that the affected street will
remain open during the construction project, and would also notify the additional property
No one from the public wished to be heard on this item.
Motion by Council member Duchene, seconded by Council member Rowan, carried
unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2013 -150 Accept Bids for St. Paul Avenue /Eastside High
Pressure Zone — 2013 Watermain Improvements, awarding the contract to Wencl
B. Approve Quote for Buckham Memorial Library Restoration of East Facade
Library Director Delane James requested Council consider approval to proceed with the
exterior restoration of the Library's east fagade. The Library's operating budget will fund
the restoration project. Three quotes were received for the proposed project, with low bid
received from Met -Con Construction, Incorporated for $44,023.00.
Council inquired if an alternate bid was necessary for the project. James responded it
was not required.
No one from the public wished to be heard on this item.
Motion by Council member Voracek, seconded by Council member VanDyke, carried
unanimously, to accept the low quote of $44,023 from Met -Con Construction, Incorporated
for restoration of the East Facade of the Buckham Memorial Library.
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8. Announcements
mil member Wa1 s�naed resiae—nts--that the 2-013 =2014 school year has begun,
and to please be mindful of the students.
Mayor Jasinski requested an update of the current road construction project on State
Highway 21, since school is now in session.
City Engineer Murray stated the project is on schedule, and may continue until mid -
September. The City is also aware of the extra dust caused by the various construction
Council member Voracek informed the residents that the Council was now utilizing
(pads in the City's effort to go paperless, and tonight's meeting saved over 1,500 sheets of
9. Adjournment
Motion by Council member Walls, seconded by Council member VanDyke, carried
unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carole A. Lucza , Deput City Clerk
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