HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-063 Approve Comp Plan Amendment for Outlot A Jandros 2nd Addition and 224 23rd St NWState of Minnesota County of Rice CITY OF FARIBAAIL1[ RESOLUTION #2013 -063 AMENDING THE CITY OF FARIBAULT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE PLAN DESIGNA TION FR OM L 0 W DENSITY RESIDENTML TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FOR PROPERTYAT OUTLOT A JANDROS 2 "d ADDITIONAND 224 23m STREET NW WHEREAS, PJJ Development, owner of the property at Outlot A Jandros Addition and 224 23RD Street legally described as: Parcel 1: Outlot A, Jandros Second Addition, Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota Parcel 2: Lot 350, Except the most easterly 137 feet, and also lot 351, except the most easterly 137 feet, all being in auditor's plat number 1, of southwest quarter, section 19, township 110, range 20 west of the fifth principal meridian, Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota has submitted an application to amend the land use plan from low density residential to medium density residential for property described above; and WHEREAS, City staff has completed a review of the application and made a report pertaining to said request (CPA 7 -13), a copy of which has been presented to the Planning Commission and City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, considered the item on the 15th day of April and on the 3rd day of June, 2013, following proper notice, considered the change for the designated land use from low density residential to medium density residential for the subject property based upon the characteristics of the neighborhood and suitability of the request, and therefore recommended this change to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council, on the 11th day of June, 2013, following proper notice, held a public hearing to consider the amendment, and all interested persons were provided with an opportunity to comment. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLVES: Section 1. The Faribault Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended to change the current land use as shown on the attachment Exhibit A to as shown on Exhibit B. This resolution shall become effective immediately and without publication. Date Adopted: June 11, 2013 Faribault City Council John &YsWiski, Mayor ATTEST: EXHIBIT A E_l'ISTING LAND ITSE DE SIGN ATION Fat - fault, Minnesota f. . a ' > C1 i, kki��tlF(Bit<'t'�d�i�[itl I "_ I7 .c• .. ,I 74TH ST NIN i i 23RD ST NW z } � o ry I 7 Zoning 22NOSTNW C -1 Neighborhood Cornrnercial C -2 Highway Commercial ® C3 Community Commercial w CBD Central Business District -2 LL a 1 -1 Light Industrial z ® 1 -2 Heavy Industrial I-P Industrial Park 21ST ST NW 0 Open Space IPrgricultural i R -1 Single FarnilyResidential R -1A Single and Tvw Family Residential R -2 Lowl?ensity Residential R3 Mediurn D ensit y R esi denti at R4 High Density Residential RM Residential Manufactured Horn e District 20TH STN W TUD Transitional Urban Development I — litch =200 A et Th i:m,pi: up&u d pe riodi -11 yW reflect em en dm cn t, I ®rrei .ndAouldbe u:edforg— mireference purpo —. J�e05,2013 o ico The m,p is c urrcntsofde d•%of "m.p. !0edlic inqur`d :; A.uid be directed W the plrnning Oept M,507) 33+ -0100 EXHIBIT B PROPOSED LANI> iTSE DESIGNATION ClUNGE Fa><-jlault, Mirmesota i r T. J; .• �I41 u I t1 111W I 9,1 ST NW- R-3 �I 1 �: t.' - ;• _ _ 23RD ST MW '.i Cad •I Z ;{ N ' Zoning C -1 Neighborhood Commercial 22ND ST NW �C -2 Highway Comm eraal I C3 Community Commercial CBD Central Business District w ? 1 -1 Light Industrial z � aI -2 Heavy Industrial f _ I-P Industrial Palk 2757 ST NW j 0 Open Space I Agricultural R -1 Single Family Residential R -1A Single and Two Family Residential R -2 LowDensity Residential R3 Medium Density Residential ! I R-4 High Density Residential �RM Residential Manufactured Home District TUD Transitional Urban Development j 20TH ST N W Bich =300 feet Th i:..p is updrud periodicdl yto re&,t -end. en to ®reel •nd :h—ld be used for general reference purpose:. Time 05, 2013 0 Icn x•] The .•p is cvrren t -oft%e dete of the .P. specific inquiries should be directed to %e Fl—," Oept at,507t 3340100