HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-26 Council MinutesFaribault City Council Minutes Regular Council Meeting of Tuesday, February 26, 2013 1. Call to Order / Roll Call Mayor Jasinski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Faribault City Hall. Council members present included Duchene, Rowan, Underdahl, VanDyke, Voracek, Walls and Mayor Jasinski. City staff present included City Administrator Brian Anderson, City Engineer Tim Murray, Community Development Director Peter Waldock, Buckham Center Director Paul Peanasky, Police Chief Andy Bohlen, and Deputy City Clerk Carole Luczak. Police Chief Andy Bohlen introduced the new Police Officer Brittany Owen and provided a brief background. 2. Approve minutes of February 12, 2013 Regular Council Meeting Motion by Council member Duchene, seconded by Council member VanDyke, carried unanimously, to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2013 Regular Council Meeting. 3. Routine Business Motion by Council member Underdahl, seconded by Council member Voracek, carried unanimously, to approve Items A —E. A. Approve list of bills to be paid B. Gambling Board Appointments — Jim DeGezelle and Tim Schmidtke C. Resolution 2013 -032 Authorizing Execution of MnDOT Agreement No. 02980 — Grant Agreement for Airport Master Plan & Airport Layout Plan Updates D. Resolution 2013 -033 Approving Appointment of Commissioners to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority E. Resolution 2013 -034 Approving an Agreement with Rice County for Community Venture Network Participation 4. Requests to be Heard A. Citizen Comment Period — None 5. Public Hearings A. Resolution 2013 -030 Ordering Improvements and Ordering Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2013 Street Reconstruction Improvements— Contract 2013 -04 Council member Underdahl, seconded by Council member Voracek, carried unanimously, to open the Public Hearing at 7:07 p.m. 2 -26 -2013 City' Council minutes Page 1 of City Engineer Tim Murray presented to the Council the proposed 2013 Street Reconstruction Improvements (Contract 2013 -04) project. The proposed project includes removals, grading, concrete curb and gutters, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, storm sewer, and related improvements for Bradley Road — TH 21 to Hulett Avenue and Cardinal Avenue — Bethel Court to Woodland Drive. An informational meeting was held on February 20, 2013 with one property owner in attendance. Another property owner had called who was unable to attend; Murray answered his questions. Concerns addressed were the receiving of credit for prior special assessments against the property, tree /shrub replacement, and the vacation of excess right -of -way following project completion. The roadways will match what is currently in place with the standard 7 -ton weight limit. Bradley Road will be 9 -ton, and no water or sewer work is necessary. A special assessments hearing will be scheduled for this fall. The large City share will be on Cardinal Avenue; the old Shields driveway. It was recommended when the last section was complete to vacate to the right -of -way 66 feet. If Council approved the project, engineering will bring the prepared plans and specifications, along with authorization to advertise for public bids, in March. This project is a non - petitioned project proposing to levy special assessments against the benefitting project. Construction on the project is scheduled to begin late May with substantial completion by late June. No one from the public wished to be heard on this item. Council member VanDyke, seconded by Council member Walls, carried unanimously to close the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m. Motion by Council member Duchene, seconded by Council member Voracek, carried unanimously, to approve Resolution 2013 -030 Ordering Improvements and Ordering Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2013 Street Reconstruction Improvements — Contract 2013 -04 B. Resolution 2013 -031 Ordering Improvements and Ordering Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Central Avenue Reconstruction Improvements — Contract 2013 -05 Council member Voracek, seconded by Council member Rowan, carried unanimously, to continue the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m. City Engineer Tim Murray requested Council to consider adoption of Resolution 2013- 031 ordering the Improvements and Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Central Avenue Reconstruction Improvements (Contract 2013 -05). The project includes removals, grading, concrete curb and gutters, sanitary sewer and services, watermain and services, storm sewer, decorative lighting, and related improvements. The proposed streets are Central Avenue — 6th Street North to 14th Street North and 13th Street NE — Central Avenue to the east end of 1St Avenue, which was originally built in 1956 and repaved in 1971. 2 -26 -2013 City Council minutes Page 2 of 6 Council member Underdahl requested further clarification about 14th Street being kept open. City :Engineer Murray stated the southerly right -of -way was not intended to close. Jeff Rose, 1309 Central Avenue, inquired about the sidewalk replacement and if tree roots will be cut back. City Engineer Murray replied that at the homeowner's request, the City can try to create a half moon if possible around the roots or cut the tree down. An informational meeting was held on February 20, 2013 with approximately 15 property owners in attendance. Discussion included the impact of truck traffic, driveway grades, access during construction, street width and mailbox locations. Also discussed was the 13th Street NE partially graveled sidewalk, if 44 feet was too wide as 40 -foot was standard as the proposal was to keep the 40 -foot width, the 10 -ton pavement, which is the same as 2nd Avenue, and full utility replacement. Lead water service replacement would be capped at 100 feet. The proposed improvements comply with the American Disability Act (ADA) and will provide full accessibility. There are three phases to this project with construction starting in mid -June to September. The 600 block would continue with the streetscape elements and help identify that you were approaching the downtown area. Upon MnDOT approval, plans would be brought back to the Council in April. The very north end (600 block) would be completed last so the various City activities, i.e., fun runs and Heritage Days, would not be affected. This project is a non - petitioned project proposing to levy special assessments against the benefitting project. Construction on the project would be scheduled to begin late May with substantial completion by late June. If Council approved the project, engineering will bring for Council approval the prepared plans and specifications, along with authorization to advertise for public bids in April. Carl Voegel, 1227 Avenue, questioned the proposed assessment amount as he has a corner lot. Casey Breitenfelt, 20 13th Street NE, also questioned the proposed assessment amount. City Engineer Murray confirmed any property receiving proposed special assessments are reviewed for previous work completed by the City and any credits applied to the property, and the capping at 100 feet. Council member Underdahl commented that it was good to see the road getting redone and thanked the residents for attending tonight's meeting and the Open House. Council member VanDyke, seconded by Council member Voracek, carried unanimously, to close the Public Hearing at 7:38 p.m. Motion by Council member Underdahl, seconded by Council member Rowan , carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution 2013 -021 Ordering Improvements and Ordering 2 -26 -2013 City Council minutes Page 3 of 6 Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Central Avenue Reconstruction Improvements — Contract 2013 -05 6. Items for Discussion A. Resolution No. 2013 -024 Ordering Improvements and Ordering Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2013 M.S.A. Street Overlay Improvements — Contract 2013 -02. City Engineer Tim Murray presented to the Council the proposed 2013 M.S.A. Street Overlay Improvements (Contract 2013 -02) project. The proposed streets are Lincoln Avenue — Division Street to TH 60 /4th Street, 8th Avenue NW —TH3 /20th Street NW to 24th Street NW, and 24th Street NW -8th Avenue NW to TH 3/2nd Avenue NW. It would also include various concrete replacements, catch basin adjustment and repair, and pavement and related improvements. The bituminous roadways will be replaced, with new sidewalks delayed until future construction. Following the Public Hearing, this item had been tabled from the February 12, 2013 Council meeting, as a full City Council vote was required. Construction of the project is scheduled to begin late May with substantial completion by late June. No one from the public wished to be heard on this item. Motion by Council member Duchene, seconded by Council member Voracek, carried unanimously, to Approve Resolution 2013 -024 Ordering Improvement and Ordering Preparation of Plan and Specifications for 2013 M.S.A. Street Overlay Improvements — Contract 2013 -02. B. Resolution No. 2013 -035 Approving DUI Forfeiture Funding of $500 in Support of the Rice County Towards Zero Death Safe Roads Coalition "Smart Ride" Program Police Chief Andy Bohlen provided the Council an overview of the Rice County Towards Zero Deaths (TZD) Safe Roads Coalition which has researched and coordinated a Safe Ride Program, commonly known as "sober cab ". College City Beverage, a partner of the Coalition, has surveyed the City's alcoholic establishments and secured a participation of several of them. Rides are provided at a cost of $5.00, paid by participating alcohol establishments ($2), College City Beverage ($2), and DWI forfeiture funds ($1). State statute does allow funds to be contributed to this program from forfeitures. The Chief informed the Council that the patrons who are given a certificate, at the discretion of the establishments, for a ride will also receive a parking pass upon request. The passes are not valid during snow emergencies and street maintenance operations. The Police Dept. will exercise discretion when encountering these passes. Chief Bohlen recommended that the City publicly support and assist in matching the contributions to the Smart Ride Program. Council members discussed the TZD at the February 28, 2013 Joint Committee and fully support the program. It is a worthwhile program and helps to prevent possible harm, 2 -26 -2013 City Council minutes Page 4 of 6 and patrons also recognize the program which is currently being utilized by Rice County. No one from the public wished to be heard on this item. Motion by Council member Underdahl, seconded by Council member Walls, carried unanimously, to Adopt Resolution 2013 -024 Approving DUI Forfeiture Funding of $500 in Support of the Rice County Toward Zero Death Safe Roads Coalition "Smart Ride" Program. 7. Bids A. Approve Quote for Parks Department Pickup Buckham Center Director Paul Peanasky received a quote for a Parks Department pickup. The 2002 Ford Ranger will be traded in for a 2013 Ford F -250 truck for a total cost of $18,338.56. Peanasky confirmed that the new truck does fit on the City's trails and the toolcat will continue to be used when needed. The CIP budgeted $25,000, but a plow mounting kit to attach the plow blade, running board and mats will need to be purchased in the future. Council members discussed the current use of the backup vehicle, and mileage of the Ranger. Peanasky commented that small trucks are currently difficult to find for purchase. No one from the public wished to be heard on this item. Motion by Council member Duchene, seconded by Council member Voracek , carried unanimously, to approve the trade -in of the 2002 Ford Ranger and purchase of the 2013 Ford F -250 truck from R.C. Bliss for $18,338.56. B. Approve Quote for Pavement Striper Public Works Director Travis Block Council to approve the purchase of a Pavement Striper for use by the Street Department, which would replace the 1993 Graco Pavement Striper. The current striper had close to 700 hours of pavement striping in 2012, and would be sold auction. Two quotes were received with the low bid from Earl F. Anderson. Staff is recommending purchase of the Graco Model 5900 2 -Gun Kit Pavement Striper. The purchase would be funded by Capital Replacement Fund. Council members discussed the difference between the units, and if an upgrade was necessary. Public Works Director Block stated the striper was replacing the current model. No one from the public wished to be heard on this item, Motion by Council member Voracek, seconded by Council member Walls, carried unanimously, to accept the quote from Earl F. Anderson for the purchase of the Graco Model 5900 2 -Gun Pavement Striper. 2 -26 -2013 City Council minutes Page 5 of 6 C. Accept Bid for Engineering Department Surveying Equipment City Engineer Tim Murray requested Council to accept the bid and authorize the purchase of new GPS (Global Positioning System) surveying equipment for the Engineering Department. The current equipment is approximately six years old and they requested authorization to purchase an upgrade to a more accurate and effective system. The 2013 Budget and CIP included the purchase of a new GPS system, and the Engineering Department budgeted $40,000 for the purchase. The newer equipment would improve City services, addressing accuracy issues and concerns with cost savings during surveys. The tough terrain, loss of signal and functionality was also decrease. The old equipment would be retained for use as backup for the Engineering Dept. and Public Works. Council members questioned the need for newer GPS equipment, and the possibility of an antenna enhancement to the current equipment. City Engineer Murray was requested to provide additional information to the Council at the March 6, 2013 Committee meeting. He would also discuss with his staff and manufacturer of the equipment the various options available. No one from the public wished to be heard on this item. Motion by Council member Underdahl, seconded by Council member Rowan , carried unanimously, to table a decision until the March 12, 2013 Council meeting. 8. Announcements Mayor Jasinski and City Council thanked Human Resources Coordinator Kevin Bushard and Staff for organizing the Chili and Soup Cook -Off event held at Public Works. City Council taste - tested some great food and the Staff appreciated time together. Winner of Best Chili was Janice Bestful, and Best Soup was Theresa Manz, 9. Adjournment Motion by Council member Underdahl, seconded by Council member Voracek , carried unanimously, to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, (36'4 a YZ=4' C / V arole Luczak, Deputy City Clerk 2 -26 -2013 City Council minutes Page 6 of 6