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An Orcinance Amending Section 14 of Ordinance No. A207, En-
titled "An Ordinance Relating to the Management, Operation
and Pr"tection of the City Wate'r Works and Sanit~ry Sewer
Systen of the City of Faribault; Providing for the Appointment
and Dafining the Powers and Duties of a Water Commissioner,
and Prescribing Rules and Rates for the Use of Water and Water
Consumers; By Requiring a License for Doing Plumbing Work,
Requiring a Permit Establishing Minimum Plumbing Standards,
and Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof." as amended
by Ordinance No. A2l7 and Ordinance No. A270.
Section 1. ,That Section 14 of Ordinance No. A207, as hereto-
fore amended by Ordinance No. A217, and Ordinance No. A270,
is hereby further amended so as to read as follows:-
Section 14. The following rates are hereby established
for the supply of water to the consumer:
5,000 cubic feet or less, per month, per 100 cubic feet
Above 5.,000 to 15,000 cubic feet per month, per 100 cubic
feat, $.20.
Above 15,000 cubic feet, per month, per 100 cubic feet
Provided, however, that no person, firm or corporation
us~.ng water under the foregoing schedule shall be charged an
amount for the use of such water exceeding the minimum charge
under the next lower rate; and provided further that any
person, firm, or corporation who shall be charged an amount
for' the use of such water of $29.99 or less per quarter,
shall be entitled to a discount of 10 per cent, and any per-
SOIl, firm or corporation who shall be charged an amount of
$30.00 or more per quarter for the use of such water shall
be entitled to a d.iscount of 5 per cent and provided, how-
evar, that the consumer shall be charged the next higher
rat.e less 10 per cent discount if the account so figured
is less than computed at the above named rates les5 5
per' cent discount. Such water rents shall be due and pay-
ab~.e in the following areas as follows, to: wit:
- 1 -
. ...'- ~ <(
Ar~i No.1. Startihg from Division Street and Central
Avenue, thence West to First Avenue Northwest, thence North
to First Street Northwest, thence West to Western Avenue,
. thence South to the City Limits, thence East to Chicago,
Rock Island and Pacific. Railway right-of-way, thence North
to Division Street East, thence West to Central Avenue.
Said bills shall be due and payable quarterly on January
1st, Apr~l 1st, July 1st and October 1st of each year at
the office of the City Treasurer. Said discounts shall
expire on the 10th day of each of said months.
A~ea No.. 2. Starting from Sixth Street North and Central
Avenue, thence West to First Avenue Northwest, thence South
to Fourth Street Northwest, thence West to Chicago, Milwau-
kee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway right-of-way, thence South
to First Street Northwest, thence West to Western Avenue,
thance North to City Limits, thence East to Chicago, Rock
Island and Pacific Railway right-of-way, thence South to
Si:"th Street Northeast, thence \1Test to Central Avenue. Said
bills shall be due and payable quarterly on the 1st day of
Felcruary, the 1st day of May, the first day of August and
tho 1st day of November of each year at the office of the
City Treasurer. Said discounts shall expire on the 10th
day of each of said months.
Arf'!il,.iNo. 3. Starting from Division Street and Central
Av~~ue, thence West to First Avenue Northwest, thence North
to First Street Northwest, thence West to Chicago, Milwau-
ke~,St. Paul and Pacific Railway right-of-way, thence North
to Fifth Street Northwest, thence East to First Avenue North-
we~t, thence North to Sixth Street Northwest, thence East
to Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railway right-of-way,
th~nce North to the City Limits, thence East to the City
Limits, thence South to the City Limits, thence West to
Chj,c:ago Rock Island and Pacific Railway right-of'-way,
- 2 -
'"'" -~ ~;
thence North to Division Street East, thence West to Central
Av~nue. Said bills shall be due and payable quarterly on
March 1st, June 1st, September 1st and December 1st of each
year at the office of the City Treasurer. Said discounts
shall expire on the 10th day of each of said months. And
if said water rent is not paid as herein provided, then
in that event no discount shall be allowed; and provided
further, that when it is to the best interest of the City
so to do the Council may by contract make other rates to
wat.er consumers.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force
Ten (10) days after its passage and publication.
Passed December 22, 1959.
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City Recorder
J. I. G8 gnon .....,...............,....... of the County of Rice and State of Minnesota, being
............................ .
OFFICI U. PUBLIcA-Tom duly sworn, deposes and says that he is and has been
An OJ'dinance Amending Section 14 of Ordinance No. .A207, Entitled during the whole time hereinafter mentioned, the
"An Ordinance Relating to the Man3Jgement, Operation and. Protection I
of the City Water Works and Sanitary Sewer System of the City of Publi shar
Faribault; Providing for the Appointment and Defining the Powers ,..............,.................,...............
and Duties of a Water Comm'ssioner, and Prescribing Rules and Rates. . 1 1\T
for the, Use of Water and Water Consumers; By Requiring a License for i of the .... r.~~~ ~.~~.~1? .J?~~ . X. .j.~~:".T~. . . . . . . . . . .
Doing Plumbing Work, Req'liring a Permit Establishing Minimum I
!Plumbing- Standards. and Pro'Tjdinga Penalty for the Violation There-, d d
of." as anlended by Ordinance No. A217 and Ordinance No. A2'l:0. . a daily newspaper, and a legal publication as efine
Section 1. That Section 14 of Ordinance No. A207, as heretofore i
amended by Ordinance No. A217, and Ordinance No. A270, is hereby' f M' t ' t d nd
further amended so as to read as follows: 1 by the statutes of the State 0 znneso a, pnn e a
, Section 14 The following rates are hereby established for the j
. 5UP~I,bogfc;~~~~e~ ~~; l~~~~;:~~~onth, per .!()~LcUbkf~~t. ~.'!~ ____ oj published in the City of Faribault, in the County of
Above 5,000 lOl5;OO,VcubiC feet pee n16fith, per 100 cubiC feet; $.20.
Above 15,000 cubic feet, per month, per 100 cubic feet $.10. Rice., and State of Minnesota; which said paper is and
Provided, however, that. no person, firm or corporation using water
under the foregoin.g schedule shalJ be charged 'an amount for the use he l f h
of such water exceeding the n'~nimum c:harge under the next low rate; was during all of said time t officia paper 0 t e
and provided further that any person, firm, or corporation who shall be
charged an 'amount for the use of such water of $29.99 or less per quar- F 'b 1 nd that th exed prmted
ter, shall be entitled to a discount of 10 per cent, and any person, firm I said City of an au t, a e ann '
or corporation who shall be C'1arged an amount of $30.00 or more 'per I . N A 312
I quarter for the Use of such water shall be entitled to a discount of 5 notice of .., 9.~9-.~~~J:.1~.~.. . ~.~. . ~. . .. . ... ... .. . ..
per cent and provided, however, that the consumer shall be charg-ed the
next higher rate less 10 per c,~nt discount if the account so figured Is
less than computed at the above named rates less 5 per cent discount.
Such water rents shaH be due and pa:l"able in the following areas as
follows, to: wit:
Area No. 1 Starting fl'or1 Division Street and Central Avenue.
thence West to First Avenue Northwest, thence North to First street
Northwest. thence West to WE'stern Avenue, thence South to the City
Limits, thence East to Chicago, Rock IsJoand and Pacific Railway right-
of-way, thence North to Divis:'on Street East, thence West to Central
Avenue. Said bills shall be due and payable quarterly on J'anuary 1st,
April 1.5t. July 1st and October 1st of each year at the office. of the City
Treasm'er. Said discounts shall expire on the 10th d'ay of each of said
Area No.2. Starting from Sixth Street North and Central Avenue.
thence West .to First Avenue 1','orthwest, thence South to Fourth Street
Northwest, thence West to Chicago, Milwaukee, st. Paul and Pacific
Railway right.of-way, thence S'outh to First Street Northwest, thence
West to Western Avenue, thence North to City Limits thence East to
Chicago, Roc1{ Island and P~,cif'c Railway right-of-way,' thence South to
Sixth Street NOi.theast, thence West to Central Avenue. Said bills shall
be due and payable quarterly or the 1st day of 1<'ebruary, the 1st day of
May, the first day of August and the 1st day of November of each
ye'ar at the office of the City Treasurer, Said discounts shall expire on I
' the 10th day of each of said n1')nths.
Area No.3. Starting froD' Division Street and Central Avenue,
thence West to First Avenue I\'"rthwest, thence North to Firs-tuStreet
Northwest, ,thence West. to Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul and. Pacific
Railway right-of.way, thence N"rth to Fifth Sti-eet Northwest, thence .....................................................
East to First Avenue Northwest. thence North to Sixth Street Northwest,
thence East to Chicago Rock. Island and Pacific Railway right-of-way,
I thence North ~o th~ <?ity Limits, thence East to the City Limits, thence
SO';1th to tI:e City Lmllts, thence West to Chloago Rock Island and Pacific
Railway right-of-way, thence No-:-th to Division Street East, thence West
to Central Avenue. Said bills shall be due and payable quarterly on
March 1st, June 1st, Septernber 1st and December 1st of each ~'ear at
the offIce of the City Trea.surer. Said discounts shall expire on the 10th ' . . . . . . . . . . .
day ?f ,eaCh of ~aid months. And If said water rent is not paid as herein
prOVIded, then m that event no discount shall be allowed' and provided
further, that when it is to the best interest of the City so to do the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Council may by contract make other rates to water consumers.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effe.ct and be in force Ten (10)
days after its passage and publ'cation
Passed December 22, 1959. .
(Signed) Frank H. Duncan,
Attest: (Signed) Roland Kruegel'
City Recorder
, (Corporate Seall, City of Faribat'lt)
Dec. 30. 1959.
&tatt of tlintttrota.
\ ss.
was printed and published in said newspaper for P p..~
successive weeks, at least once in each week; the said
publication was first published as aforesaid on the. 3.0th
day of ' .I?~?~.I?-~.~~..... .. .A.D. 19. .~? and the last
publication was on the .... J9.~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. day
of . .I!~.9!9.~P.~:r. .. . .. . ... " .A.D. 19.. ?9