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An Ordinance to License and Regulate Owners and Opera tors of
Shuffle Boams.
Section 1. J:t shall be unlawi'ul for any person, association, corporation
or partner~h1p to own, operate or maintain a shuffle board for public
operation and playing without first having obtained a license as herein
Section 2. Li.censes shall be applied for at the office of the City
Recorder and such license, when duly authorized by a majority vote of
the Council, shall be issued as follows:.
Any per~~n, association, corporation or partnership may apply for a
license to hE've and operate upon the premises of his or its business
location a sl':uffle board or shuffle boards at the rate of ~~25.00 per
annum for ear-h. su(}h shuffle board, but not to exceed. f on. anyone
business pr~~ises. Licenses shall be prominently displayed on each
shuffle boarc so licensed and shall not be transferable.
Section 3. The City Council may in its discretion refuse to grant a
license here~nder. Any license granted hereunder may be revoked at
any time by n':ajori ty vote of the~ CounCil, wi th or without cause.
Section 4. All licenses issued hereunder shall expire on the last day
of May of the year following.
Section 5. Nc licensee hereunder shall pennit any ~or under the age
of 18 years t~ operate a shuffle board on his or its premises unless
such minor be then and there accompanied by his parents or guardian.
Section 6. ~o licensee hereunder shall permit a shuffle board to be
used for the making of side-bets,. and nothing of value shall be given
to a player cf' a shuffle board by the licensee as a prize, award or gift.
Section 7. iny person, association, corporation or partnership violating
any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punish-
ed by a fine of not less tham ~25.00 and not more than $100.00 and the
oosts of pro~eeution, and. in default of payment of such fine and costs.
by imprisonm~nt in the City or Rioe County, Minnesota. jail for not
more than 90 days.
$ection 8. iny Ordinance or part thereof inconsistent with this or-
dinance is hereby repealed.
- 1 -
be in force
&tatr of iltnnt~ota. )
1~g~iA~;i~~~~._~~!um~~:~o: ~:pu~:: :::YSa::a:tateh:f~ ~=;e::ta'b:e:n:U:~:
, Section 1. It shall be unlawful
Ii for any person, 'association, co--
poration or partnership to own,
operate, or maintain a shufL'e
board for public, operation an"!
i playing without first having ob.
, talned a license as herein ,provid-
Section 2. Licenses shall be ar-,
p~led for at the office of the Clt',
Recorder and sUch license, whe;
c1".1ly authorized by a majority vote
of the Council, shall be issued a'l
Any person, association, corpora-
~ion or partnership may apply for
'l. llcense to have and o,perate Upo:'1
, ~he premises of his or Its buslnes'l
"ocation a shuffle board or shuffl ~
'loards at the rate of $25.00 per all- '
~um for eaCh such shuffle boar(l,
"lut not to exceed three on any on '!
business premises. LiCenses shalt
"he prominently displayed on each
'~huffle board so licensed and shall
!lot be transferable. '
Section 3. The City Council may
In its discretion refuse to grant a
"'~ense hereunder. Any license
"ranted hereunder may be revokec1
-,t any time by majority vote of the
Council, with or without cause.
Section 4. All licenses issue(l
,- ereunder shall expire on the last '
,'ay of May of the year following. ,
Section 5. No llcensee hereunder'
i'l:lall permit any minor under thE'
; l1.ge of 18 years to operate a shufflE'
'. oard on his or Its premises unlesE'
:'1'1.1ch minor be then and there ac-
i'~ompanied by his parents or
! l1'uardian.
!I Section 6. No llcensee hereunder
:~''lall permit a shuffle board to be
i~i,lsed for the making of side-bets,
'I "'d nothing of value shall be given
,') a player of a shuffle board by:
'be llcensee as a prize, award or,
ji Section 7. Any .person, associa. 'd b ......__.__. .______.__.______.__...._______._____..____.___.________..______._..____.
:~;i~~tI~~rp:~;t~p t~: pio~~e~:h~~ .._________......__.______m' pal py--...--..---------.. ..........---.....-- .
;t~,l, is ordinance shall, upon convic- 1. ,/7 /
J~on, be puniShed by a fine of not . ('Ill .II L.7
I, ,ss than $25.0() and not more than,'e[oZme th-IS____.__.__.i<__...__......... a: _, '
'l':',O().OO and the costs of prosecution, I' \\', '
a~d, in defualt of payment of , '" _' " , .
~,U~:t ~~'tb"'h1;':: l<1,:"6o~~~~;.:,.r;t;, __.Z~__ .--. A, '9" 19.,fl.~'--li ,A/ff........ -- ........:--.~--.... ..~..---........--...........--.--.
ll!:innesota, jalI for not more than,;fr..~1~ , ".I' ~ "'I- Ant ~ 'iJm..#....
9 days. I' ,.' ~Gt- /bVF 17
ii Section 8. Any Ordinance or part--..--..--. : .",___........___........__ __._._______........_......_......_......_......_......_.........._.._...
f' ereof inconsistent with this 01'-
..inan<:e Is here,by re~ealed. " "" C,,, "',~,..." I',i:,~, 1'""""11'," MII.,.<
Ii Section 9. ThiS Ordmance shan ------~Jl\Illll[.WRUE,..llm:.:.4'..fJJ...w... ~l~".~!~__L~'l~.:..._........m.........m......._.........._.._.._.._...
tllke effect and be In force 10 days W1v Commi;ision E,mir,:::; r.~Jrch 29th 1902.
;fom and alter Its passage and
~ ublication.
'I Passed July 12, 1949.
I (Signed) Andrew J. Keller
I, Mayor
'1( (test: . ,
ii (Signed) Paul H. Haugen d
'I City Recorder '
11,:;,:,rporate Seal, City of Farlbault) ,
L ____"
. th, whol'.J.: ""''''1!f'''",tion.d. th...._......_......_.._.....
of the ...L...W.ttt.ttf...:...d.&1/...--.-.ffetv.---.--
a daily newspaper, and a legal publicatF as defined by the
statutes of the State of Minnesota, printed and publ~hed in
the City of Faribault, in the County of Rice, and State of
Minnesota; which said paper is and was during all of said
time the official paper of the said C~'t of faribl' and that
, . (?'2,' 1;:-
the annexed pnnted nonce 0[.---1-1 -.----i-__d_____.___.,;...3.___
__.._____m__ ___._____m__. ---------...----..---.------.---- -------.-----_--n------;;j-ai
was printed and publ~hed in said newspaper for._.(!...__.____.
successive wee1{s, at least once in ear"" we'i:1{; the said pu~
cation W~fi t blished as aforesaid on the____Ati..__Lh.
day of-___--: .______ __:nm____________.____AD. 19.Itf--n and the last
publicati' J on them__________._____.......___:__...______n.________m.day
of. __.__... _. __ ..... ..... -- -. ----.--... .--------. __._____A.D. 19_ __.__. __...
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