HomeMy WebLinkAboutA214 . ORDINANCE NO. A214. .An Ordinance Providing for and Requiring Water Service, Sewer and Drainage Pipes before Repaving on Central Avenue and Fourth Street North- west in the City of Faribault. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO ORDAIN:- Section 1. T~e owner of each vacant lot or sub-division of lot between the North line of Division Street and the North line of Sixth Street North on Central Avenue, and from the West line of Central Avenue to the West line of Second Avenue West on Fourth Street North shall, on or be- fore the 15th day of July 1946, construct, install and connect with the water main in said Central Avenue and Fourth Street NW., a brass water service pipe, extending from said water main to, and for a distance of two (2) feet beyond: the curb line, and each owner shall, on or before said last mentioned date, construct, install and connect with the sewer pipe in said Central Avenue and Fourth Street lrN., a four inch cast Iron Soil Pipe, or in compliance wi th the City Plumbing Code, extending from sewer pipe in Central Avenue and Fourth Street NW. to, and for a distance of two (2) feet beyond the curb line. Each brass water service pipe shall be one (1) inch in diameter or larger, and shall be of iron pipe size, and eight hundred (800) pound test per square inch. Section 2. The owner of each water service pipe between the North line of Division Street and the North line of Sixth Street North on Central Avenue, and from the West line of Central Avenue to the East line of Second Avenue West on F0urth Street North, that is of a size smaller than one (1) inch,shall: renew said water service to a size of one (1) inch or larger brass water service pipe, and shall be of iron pipe size, eight hundred (800) pound test per square inch, and shall put same into service and discontinue the water service from old water service pipe. Section 3. All old water service pipes will be cut off and ranoved from the water main by the City of Faribault, free of expense to the property owner. Section 4. The foregoing sections will apply to the property owners con- sisting of store buildings, schools, business places from the west line of Second Avenue West to Chicago Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway on Fourth Street North. Section 5. TIle owner of each building from the North line of Division Street to the North line of Sixth Street North on Central Avenue and from the West line of Central Avenue to the East line of' Second Avenue West on Fourth Str,~et North that is receiving water and sewer service from an adjoining building owned by other than himself shall install, construct, connect a water service pipe of one (1) inch or larger, brass pipe of iron pipe size, eight hundred (8oo) pound test per square inch and a four (4) inch cast iron soil pipe sewer service or in compliance with the City Plumbing Code, Ordinance No. A207. Section 6. Tle owners of each water service pipe supplying two residences on Fourth Str~et North between the West line of Second Avenue West and the East line of Eighth Avenue West, that branch off at the curb that 1s of a size smaller than one (1) inch, shall construct and install one new water service pipe of five eighths (5/8) or three fourths (3/4) of an inch in diameter, double extra heavy lead. Section 7~ r:1le owner of each water service pipe and sewer pipe that ex- tends from Fourth Street North mains on either side,ot said street that cross privat~ property that may be of interest to others or owned by others, shall constrnct, install new water and sewer services from the adjoining Avenue to corr~ly with Ordinance No. A207. Section 8. The owner of each water service on Fourth Street North from the West line of Second Avenue West to the East line of Eighth Avenue West that has curl boxes and curb stops located more than nine feet out from the inside edge of sidewalk, shall extend curb stops to within nine feet from the inside edge of sidewalk and replace the extension with the same type of material that extends from the water main, - lead, doubJLe extra heavy . Section 9. In case any such owner shall fail to so construct, install, renew, extend. and connect a new water service pipe under the size of one (1) inch or a new sewer pipe in any place required by the above mentioned sections, the City of Faribault will directly,after said date, construct, irstall, renew, extend and OJl>nnect such pipe, as above re- quired, and tax and charge the cost of same against the abutting property. Section 10. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten (IO) days from and after its passage and publication. Passed May 2eth, 1946. ~ Mayor Attest cta~ Ci ty Recorder. &tatt nf ilitttttnnta. } COUNTY OF RICE ss. CITY OF F ARIBA UL T ________m_u__~_;r;_y~]_Jt~___~~Jly______m.mmm_____mmm_of the County of Rice and State of Minnesota, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is and has been during the whole time hereinafter mentioned, I OFFICI~~~";BLICATION I ORDINl\Mca;NO. A214 . ~n Ordinanc\JiiPh>viding . for and I Requiring Wat,r Service, Sewer and Drainage Pipes before Repaving on Central Avence and Fourth Street Northwest in U e City of Faribault, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT, 1'0 ORDAIN: Section 1. The owner of each va- cant lot or sUb..division of lot between the North line of Division Street and the North line of Sixth Street North on Central Avenue, and from the West I line of Central Avenue to the Woe".. lme of Second Avenue West on Fourth Street North shall, on or before the ,15th <lay of Jrly ~946, construct, in-' . ~tall ,!nd connect wIth the water main' m saId Centra' Avenue and Fourth Street !'W" a b:-ass, water service pipe,' extendmg from saId water main to f and for a distance of two (2) feei, beyond the curb line, and each owner shall, on or before said last mentioned. I d'!te, construct, install and connect' WIth the sewer pipe in said Central ;'\venue and Foe-rth Street NW" a four mch Cast Iron Soil Pipe or in com- pliance with the City Phimbing Code, extendmg from sewer pipe in Central Avenue and ,Fou~th Street NW" to, and for a dIstance of two (2) feet beyond tJ:1e cU,rb line, Each brass water ser- VIce pIpe shall t e one (1) inch in dia- meter or larger, and shall be of iron pipe size, and eight hundred (800) pound, test per square inch, SectIOn 2, The owner of each water service pipe between the North line of Division Street and the North line of Sixth Street rTorth on Central Ave- nue, and from the West line of Central Avenue to the East line of Second Avenue West on Fourth Street North that is of a size smaller than one (1) mch, shall renew said water service to a SIze of one (I) inch or larger brass ~ater service pipe, and shall be of Iron pipe size, eight hundred (800) pound test per Sluare inch and shall put same into service and discontinue tJ:1e w~ter service from old water ser- VIce pIpe, ,Sectio~ 3, All old water service pIpes WIll be C'lt off and removed from the water main by the City of ,FarIbault, free of expense to the I prope~ty owner, I w~i~~~~l/ to T~t', f~t!;~~t~ s~~~~~~ paid by _______u_________________________________________________________________________________ con~Istmg of store. bUIldmgs, schools, _________n___' -- busmess places ~ the West line /~ of Second Av~n'''' West to Chicago /' / Sub ~~t;~~k;;-u~t\i; ~~~~taN~rthcifiC Rail~ , this ____I.____~_ ftG If: ~ ~ec~ion 5, Th, owner 'of each'. ~ bUIldmg from the North line of DiVi-)yb ________ __:___ ____ ________ _____ __"___________ /: SIOn Street to the North line of Sixth A, D. 1.9_ ___m.;" ---6.-- __ ------ ----- -------- - Street North on Central Avenue and CLL'-Y/ from the West,line of Central Avenue '.' . .''''--.. I to the East lme of Second Avenue : <: ___________.__________________________________________________ L West ~m Fourth Street North that is - - - - mmm________ - ---.---- I receIVmg water and sewer service from an adjoining bUilding owned by _______m_m_______u other than himself shall install, con- _____~___U_h______________________h____._________ _._______.~__________.___________ I struct, conn,ect a water service pipe of one (1) mch or larger brass pip~ of iron pipe size, eight hundred (800) pound t~st per s,quare inch and a four, (4) mch, cast Iron soil pipe sewer I ~.J;Y~,"e or m compliance with the I Section 6, The .. no wa~er service ' owners of each 1&<I...t. b~~~~~es th~n wj~~i~th ,S~t~~~ng N .;;Th . 1950. ~~'b~~e A West a~J' tk;:nE Of ~econd at th VenUe We" th as lme of th e Curb that ii 'Of at ,branch off fil!~~ll~~~e( Ibe~c~a ~halJ ~o~~frti'~a~~eJ lye eIghths s! er servIce " the _________ _________ e _di_ t_Q]:.___________ ________u __________________ .___ ___ ______ of the FARIBAULT JOURNAL, a weekly newspaper, and a legal publication as defined by the statutes of the State of Minnesota, printed and published in the City of Faribault, in the County of Rice, and State of Minnesota; which said paper is and was during all of said time the official paper of the said City of Faribault, and that the annexed printed notice of --- _____0.1" dinEi-n.ce---.A.2.14. - .------ ---. - .-- ----- ---. --. -.- --.. -.. -- ---..- was printed and published in said newspaper for u____ _____l__ successive weeks, at least once in each week; the said publication was first published as aforesaid on the mm__ujLu_____mu day of m___J.une.m______mm_m__ A. D., 19_4_6 and the last publication was on the m___mnu___ day of ___________.________________________________________u______ A. D. 19_______n_. Ul :.a ~ :... ..., :Q) r::: : :"0 :5 ~ i .l:<: :<:) :Q) <2~ <:) !~ rJ5 0 Ul :P :>. ~ Ul ' 0 ,..., c::l !U <:: ~ : 8 ..., "H ~: 0 r::: 0 ' ' rI:lri1~ Q) >. ri1U ::s S c::l ~! Z~ C\i 2 "0 z~:c ..., ~~c::l ~~, ..., : o~ ...... ce >=1 "H ~ 0 ~~"H r::: r::: ...... 080 ..r::: 'J: ~ Q) ..., .~ Z>' ...... tf2 ~ ..., ri1p~ ~ :.a 0-;; ...s 0 80U Q) ..., ~ - Z ::s <U ..r::: Q) 0 ce 8 <:) .D- 8 12 ifJ. ~ .~ 0 C\i ~