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The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Chamr
. II
The me'3 t1l1g
was called to order by Ida,Tor \Vals.h. On roll call those present were Councilmen Behlke,
Buendorf, Mc Car thy and Mayor Walsh, also the City Engineer and Ci ty Attorney were 'I
_ .Spe_ci?l IVle~:ting~ LIoIid~Y_LJar.tuary 61h~ 1947, E;igl1t 0' clock P .ill_.
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ber at the City Hall on l;1onday, January 6th, 1947, at eight 0 'clock p.m.
Councilman Storch was absent.
Mayor Walsh stated that the meeting was
called to consider an agreement with me Milliiesota &tate Highway Department
to repaving Central Avenue and Fourth Street IfW, also to take action on a plat of
Calls Addition to be presented by the Rice County Surveyor.
Walter Dokken, County Surveyor, presented a plat of LIe Calls Addition in the
NW 1/4 of Section 32 Tv~. 1101 Range 20 West.
On motion of Councilman Mc Car thy,
seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution No. Al933 was adopted by unanimous vote
of the Counci+ on roll call.
Relative to Acceptance of Plat of'Mc Calls Addition.
1Nhereas, there has been presented to the CO'I..illcil by the Julia K. Vogel sberg, Ad.llliniS:-
tratrix of Mary B. Me Call, Estate, a plat of land in the lIlV 1/4 Section 32, Twp. II
.I'i Resolu tion
I llO North, Range 20 West, to be known as Me Calls Addition, and ,: No. Al933
" Accep ting
1imereas, said plat was approved by the City Engineer as to content and form, Me Calls
Addi ti on.
Mr.. E.J. Rowland of the Minnesota State Highway Department presented proposed il
agreemen t rela ti ve to repaving Central Avenue and Fourth street l\~V. The agreement 'I
was read by the City Recorder. The City Attorney discussed the agreement and stated
that the agreement called for a payment by the City of $38,780.82 on or before May :
be spli t into separate bonds. He stated that he desired further time to report on II
General and to Minneapolis to see the bond attorneys, Dorsey, Coleman, Barker, Scot]
& Barber. Councilman Behlke moved that the Ci ty Attorney be authorized to make the II
above trip. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vo~e.
Councilman Storch arrived and took his seat and the Mayor advised him of the I:
The ref ore ,
Tha t the plat of Mc Calls Addi tion be and the same is hereby approved and
Passed January 6th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder.
H. Walsh, Mayor.
He s ta ted that the Ci ty could not expend under the Charter more than
$15,000.00 in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and that the amount should
the matter ~Dd requested authorization to go to St. Faul to consult the Attorney
action taken by the Council.
It was decided without vote to have the City of Faribault represented at the
opening of bids by the Highway Depart-men t on the repaving projects on January 17th,
together with a check for ~276.64 il
A communication/from John Carlander, Chairman of the Civilian Defense Council, I;
was presented. The check covered proceeds from various scrap drives and collection~.
Councilman Behlke moved that the Ci ty Recorder be directed to express the Hthanks't I;
of the Council to Mr. Carlander and the Members of his conrraittee for the services
rendered during the past war. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman I.,lc Carthy moved to adjourn.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
sec~ by Councilman
7:mu ~.&~ L.
1. A. Meal la,
Ci ty Recorder.
Motion was
Approved January
14th, .)-947. .1 I
H. Walsh,
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Bids on
Fire Hose.
No. AJ..934
~_.. Reg!J.:J.t3.rM~~:t~,qg)~'J:1uesda"y~_ J~ang~ry :l_4th.. l_941-J E:t.gh~~O~'J:!1.9C~uP.IA~ ~
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The Council of the City of Faribaul t met in regular session in the Council C':J.amL
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, January 14th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meet-
.. ing was called to order by Mayor WalsTm. On roll call those present were CouncilIru
I Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Car thy ~ Storch and Mayor Walsh, alSOJ the City Engineer and Ci ty
. Attorney were present. Mayor Walsh stated that if there were no objections, bids on
" fire hose would be considered at this time. No objections were offered.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were callecai for on 1,500 feet of' 2ift and 500 f'~et
of li" loose double jacket or multiple woven fire hose, national Standard thread,
rocker lug couplings, in fifty foot lengths. The following bids were received:- No.
, 1, Bi-Lateral Fire Eose Co., not read, certified check not in correct fom; No. ~,
Lockwood Auto Co. for B.F. Goodrich Co., not read, check not in correct form; No.3,
Kiekenapp Hardware Co. for Minnesota Fire Equipment Co., 2i" D.J. - W & G trea tee
$1.48 per foot, Ii" D. J. - W & G treated $1.02 per foot, discount 2% proxtmo
10th, 60 days net. No.4, Hewitt Rubber Corporation, 2i" plain $l.35, $1.30, $1.~4,
$1.20, $1.15 $1.10 plus $.05 per foot extra for W & G treatment, Ii" $.95, $.85 6nd
'$.75 per foot plus $.05 per foot for W & G treatment, 2% lOth prox~o 260 cays
net; No.5, American La Fr~ce - Foamite Corporation, not read, certified check Lot
in proper form; No.6, Eureka Fire Hose Division, 2i~ Multiple Woven $l.50, D.J. $1.27,
D.J. - W & G treated $1.34, li~ Multiple Woven $1.02, D.J. $.89, D.J.-W & Gum $.55,
2% lOtEJJ.~pproximately, 60 days net. Councilman Buendorf moved that the bids be re-
ferred to the City Engineer and City Attorney for tabulation. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Mc Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. Stuart Wilson, Manager of the Northern States Power Company appeared before:
the Council and discussed ~e matter of use of gas for heating and stated that due to
large number of people changing to gas heating, the demand was excessive and beycnd '
the capacity of the pipe lines to supply. Mr. Wilson read draft of an emergency
ordinance which had tbe approval of the City Attorney and requested the Council tQ
: adopt same. Councilman Buendorf moved that Ordinance No. A223, entitled "An Ordinance
Declaring a.nEmergency and Suspending Additional Service and the Supply of Addi i.ional
Gas for Space Heating Equipment and Industrial Equipment Using Firm Gas." be adopted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unantmous vote.
Harry A. Illsley appeared and discussed the activities of the Faribault Co-cpera-
tive Rural Fire Association, stating that several meetings had been held with the
Better Faribault Association and that manbers of the four surrounding Township Boards
were invited to attend as well as the City Attorney and that it was the consensus of
opinion that a fire truck should be purchased and owned by the townships and house
and manned by the Faribault Fire Department. Mr. Illsley stated that his purpose
Secretary Rice County Farmers Mutual
as well as that of F.R. Murphy. / Fire Insurance Co., was to secure a definite
statement as to the reaction of the Council on the proposition, which they could pre-
sent to the Annual Town Meetings in March. On motion of Councilman Buendorf, sec'1nded
by Councilman Behlke, Resolution No. Al934 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Rural Fire Protection.
1. That it will house in the Fire Station a fir~ truck to be purchased by par-
ticipating Townships and keep same ready to respond to any call from the participqting ~
2. That the Faribault Fire Department will send two firemen with the fire truck
who shall be responsible for its opera tion and use of its equipment. They shall also
Regular 1-14-1947
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u Ii ub~u responsible for the return of the truck~~d~-~ll of its equipment to the Fire
S ta tion.
3. Townships will purchase and deliver to the Fire Station a fire truck equ1pp~d
! ,
for Rural Fire Protection and pay for all gasoline, oil, grease and repair parts as I
may be requi;red.
4. Townships to pay salary 0 f firemen from time of call until truck returns to!
! Passed January 14th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Reoorder.
H. Walsh, Mayor.
Mrs. Victor payant, 3 Mott Avenue SE., presented bill in the amount of $88.J6,
I cost of repairs to Sani tary Sewer which was stopped by roots from tree in pye Park, I
the main sewer passing through the park. The Council considered said bill with the '
City Attorney and Water Commissioner. Councilman Storch moved that the bill be
allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Luverne Nordmeier, acting as spokesman for a delegation from the Fire Depar1In.en't
presented a request that the Council endorse a proposed bill to be presented to the
legislature' setting up a. pension fund for the fire department and levying a tax for '.
such purpose. The matter was discussed by the Council. Ifile cons.ensus of opinion was,
that the Council was not favorable toward legislation which affected only a certain
group of employees, that if pensions were tOI be granted, all employees should parti-:
cipate. Ifile matter was so left.
The City Engineer and City Attorney reported wi th the tabulation of bids on fir,e
hose. Councilman Storch moved that the Council go into executive session to consi-
der the bids. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous
Upo~ reconvening, Councilman Buendorf moved that all bids be rejected and that
certified checks be returned to the bidders. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke
and adopted by unanimous vote. T.ne qualified bidders stated that they would be at
a disadvantage because their figures had been disclosed. All of tile bidders whose
bids had not been opened were favorable to have their prices read, therefore the
City Recorder read all bids of disqualified bidders, then returned checks to all
Minutes of the last regular meeting of December 27th and special meeting of
January 6th were read and approved.
Fred Kiekepapp requested per.mission to address the Council and and spoke briefly
bids of who se bids !
on the fire hos.e bids stating that if all/bidders/had met specifications in all detalils,
were considered, I'
their bid would have been the lowest and should have been accepted at this opening. '
The following communications were presented and read:-Minnesota Tax Payers Asso~
ciation relative to general fina.ncial problems, referred to Councilman Behlke; Marihe
Corps League rela ti ve to tours and exh! bi ts, referred to City Recorder tor favorable.,
I ;reply; Minnesota Saf'ety Council relative to Pedestrian Protection Contest, referred I
I, to Safety Council; League of Minneso ta Municipali ties relative to League Legislative,
Program; Letter from Airport Board relative to reoommendation for runway markers and
I public liability and property damage insurance. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that
the recommendations of the Airport Board to purchase runway markers at a cost of
$245.00 ~d to carry $100,000/300,000 public liability and $50,000 property damage
insurance be approved. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by unani-
alleged r
mous vote. Letter from 3m! th and Smith rela ti ve to/damage caused to Clayton Pettipi,~ce
property by 00 ntractor O.Rafdal, Railroad & Warehouse Commission relative to hearing
on Northwestern Bell Te1ephone Co. application for raise in rates Feb. 17th, 1947,
Letter from State Highway Department relative to agreement on repaving Central Ave.
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, and Fourth Stre,et, were read. The 01 ty Attorney reported on trip to interview I'
! I
i Attorney General Office and Bond Attorneys and read a letter, received from the pf)nd'
! !
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Engineer and City Attorney be direc:;ted
to attend the opening of the bids on the repaving of Central Ave. & Fourth Street
to be held Friday, Jan. 17th, 1947 at 9:00 otclock a.m. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Mo Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendort moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertls~
:tor bids on l,500 feet of' 2ift and 500 feet of Ii" loose double jacket or mul tlpJ.e
woven fire hose, National Standard Thread, Rocker Lug Couplings, in Fifty foot lengths,
to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 28th, 1947. Motion was se~
conde(J. by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch moved that the meeting be adjourned until Thursday, January
16th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion wa.s seconded by Councilman Mo Carthy and !
if c2 ~ _ ;- :- /
Ci ty Recorder.
Approved January 28th, 1947.
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__ Adjo_tl!':l'le~Meeting of January 14th, 1947, January 16th, 1947 , 8 :00 0 'clock p.m.
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The Council of the City of Faribault met in adjourned session
in the Council Ii
Chamber at the City Hall on 'Ihursday, January 16th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The,!
, meeting was called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those present were Council~
man Behlke, Buendorf, Storch an~ Mayor Walsh, also the City Engineer and City Attcr~ey
were present.
Councilman Mc Car thy was absent on account of illness.
The following reports of Ci ty Officials were presented and read:- Treasurer, ::
Dec. & Annual,
i Recorder, Engineer, Chief of Police, Clerk of Court, Chief of Fire Department,jWater
Commissioner, Overseer of Poor, Fuel Commissioner, Market Maste~, Assessor, Dairy Reports
Recorder's report to
Inspector,fSupt. of Accounts and Finances in the amount of $l2,002.43. The following
bills were presented for payment:- Water Dept. Labor $134.40, l5~.60, Fuel Dept. La-
bor $ll7.47, 123.53, Minnesota Treasurer $264.43, securit,y National Bank & Trust r~~ Bills
$ll50.45, Wm. Donkers $21.75, Morris Van Thomme $15.00, Street Dept~ Payro'll $11.36.15,
$258.50, August Becker $20.63, Edmund Yankee $21.00, Edward Kalien $15.38, C.M.St.
P. & P. Ry. Co. $10.95, Mine Safety App11ance Company $13.53, United Seal Co. $16.3~,
Wm. Ackman $lO.OO, Everett Mal1uege $9.00. Councilman Storah moved that the reports
The Council discussed the matter of subscribing to Twin City papers for
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behl1:e
be accepted and the bills listed allowed.
, and adopted by unanimous vote.
departments of the City. Councilman Behlke moved that all subscr1ptionsto Twin
City papers be cancelled. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted bj
una.nimous vote.
The following applications for Cigarette licenses were presented:- Kelly Davjs,
Luther Engelstad, Castle Hamburger, Piggly Wiggly, Wn. D. Miller, Abells Broiler,
A.H. Ollhof'f, Frank Schoo,. Fair Bow Ice Cream Store, H.B. Aberle, Van's Skel1y SeT"-: Applications
vice, Erickson Grocery, Faribault Post #43. A.L., A.J. Kroska., Mabel Peterson, L.E.II for
Cmnpbel1, Umbreit & Son, Elgin Cafe, Otto Smuda, Midway Grocery, The Cue, Joseph
J. Valentyn. .Applications for Auto Car Licenses of' Walter Cates, Edwin Eigenbrodt",
Cab Service Co. (4), Jos. Clute, Eli Sterling, Red Top Cab Co. (5), Lloyd Sterllng:~
Lena Anderson, Faribault Bus Service (4), Raymond Juvland. Applications for PlumbAr~
licenses of Ernest Radtke, Fred Lockman and Ed. J. Duffney and application of Art
Bisping for Auction license were presented. Councilman Behlke moved that the licenses
be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Four contract bonds of O. T. Raf'dal, Plumbers Bonds of' Edward J. Duffney,. and
Fred Lockman, Renewal Certificate for Bond of Treasurer of Fire Relief Association,
Rider for Auto Car policy of Raymond Juvland and Auto Car policy of Francis Dring Bonds
were presented, all having been approved as to manner and fonn of execution by the Policies
City Attorney, Councilman Behlke moved that the bonds and policies be accepted an~
ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous,
Requisitions for 500 gallons of Diesel Oil and 1,000 gallons of gasoline were
presented. Councilman Buendorf moved that the Comnissioner of Accounts and Finances
be authorized to make the purchases.
adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and i
Estimate No.2, partial, of O.T. Rafda1 in the amount of $l,065.39 was presenti'ed
~or payment. Councilman Behlke moved that the estimate be,allowed. Motion was
c~nded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch requested authoriza~iOn to purchase the necessary paint to
paint the pumping station, two 8n and two .12" valves, twelve 5/8"', two 1ft meters
and tw<! hydrants. Councilman Buendorf moved that the purchases be authorized. Mo-.
tion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Adjourned 1-16-1947.
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The City Engineer reported on street lights at various locations, also on 1he
proposed sewer on Fourth Ave. West between 8th & 9th Sts. North. Councilman Storch
Bids Con-
Sewer 4th Avawith specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, to be opened at the
! 8th to 9th
sts. N. next regular meeting, Tuesday, January 28th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was
moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for bids on the construction
of Sani tary Sewer on Fourth Avenue/between 8th and 9th streets" North in acco,rdance
. seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Engineer be directed to contact the C.M. i
st. P. & P. Ry. Co. regarding red safety light at the depot on Second street NW, alsp
to issue change orders to the Northern states Fower Company to change lights in alle~s.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
The City Engineer reported that the Zoning Board had recommended making a zanin~
map and certai.n forms. Councilman Storch moved that the City Engineer be authorized!
to get required forms as per Zoning Ordinance and to make a Zoning map. Motion was
-man Buendorr
seconded by Councllvand adopted by unanimous vote.
The City Engineer reported having received a letter from Supt. Cross relative
to widening 4th Ave. West fronting the High School.
ai IP ort
Councilman Behlke read a letter from Noreen & Co. relative to/tenants and their
accounting systems.
Councilman Behlke brougb. t up the me. tter of pin ball machine licenses a.nd mov'ed
· that they be set at $200.00. Discussion followed. No action was taken.
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Attorney be instructed to serve papers on
Tom Crosby to remove obstruction on alley in Block 45, O.T. 'Ihe Ci ty Attorney stated
that work had already started on the building. No action was taken. I
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of increase of salaries of Dump ani
Incinerator tenders. Councilman Behlke moved that their salaries be increased $10.00
per month beginning January 16th, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf
and adopted by unanimous vote.
On motion of Councilman Behlke, seconded by Councilman Storch, Resolution No. A
1935 ~as adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Agreement Between the City of Faribault and State of Minnesota. De-
partment of Highways, Regarding P~ving on T.H. 60 and T.H. 218.
Whereas, there has been presented to the Council an agreement covering the rq-
paving of Central Avenue and Fourth Street NW and,
Whereas, same has been approved as to manner and fo~ by the City Attorney,
Tha.t the Mayor and Oi ty Recorder be and they are hereby authorized to sign said
. agreement.
Passed January 16th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder. H. Walsh, Mayor
Councilman Storch moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf
and adopted by unanimous vote.
c:rCA ~~
T. A. Mealia
Ci ty Recorder.
Approved January
28th, ~
H. Walsh,
~Special Meeting, Monday, January_ 27th, 1941, 7: 30 p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Chem.,
The meeting was
ber at the City Hall on Monday, January 27th, 1947 , at 7:30 p.m.
called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke,
'Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Storch and Mayor Walsh, also the Cit,y Engineer and City Attorre~
,were present. The meeting was called to meet wi th the School Board to consider the.
'matter of retaining a landsca.pe architect to draft plans for an athletic and recree,t:l;on
, layout for Alexander Faribaul t Park.
Mrs. Lydia Mc Cormic, A.B. Morris, Dr. Phil Morrison and Supt. C.W. Cross re-
:presented the School Board. Two Architectural Finns were present and were interview~~
separateJLy. Mr. Hugh Vincent Feehan represented himself and A.R. Nichols and Geo. L.i
'Nason represented the firm of Morell and Nichols.
Following the interviews, a general
; discussion was held and both the Council and School Board expressed themselves as
. favorable toward Hugh Vincent Feehan. The School Board members adopted a resoluticn
recommending that the Recreation Board retain Hugh Vincent Feehan to prepare general
" layou t for the deve1.9pmen t 'of Alexander Fari baul t Park a tacos t of $1,500.00.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the Council recommend to the Recreation Board
that they retain Hugh Vincent Feehan as landscape architect to prepare & general l&y-
" out plan for Alexander Faribaul t Park at a cost of $1,500.00. . Motion was seconded by
, Counc1bnan Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
Both the Council and School Board expressed themselves as favorable toward re-,i
~bursing the Recreation Fund for this expenditure if the progran of activities/re-
quire i t.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved to adjourn.
dorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman BueL.-'
T.. A. Mealia
City Recorder.
Approved January
28th, 1947.
H. Walsh
~~"RE3gL1.1a~ j\~e~ti.q.gt~_~'J:\1e)3day L Jam.lary_28:t.h.,u 1947.__Eight" 0 t clo~Q.k ~p .m.
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The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall ~n Tuesday, January 28th, 1947" at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
was called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke,
Buendor.f, Me Carthy, Storch and Mayor Walsh, also the City Engineer and City Attornby
- ~~~-~--- -- "
, were present.
Mayor Walsh announced that if there were no objections, the Council would ~ro-,
ceea to open bids and to discuss rural fire protection with menbers or the Township:
Boards and other interested citizens. No objections were voiced.
1,500 t-t of 2ift'and 500 ft. "Ii" ,
Pursuant to advertising bids were called for on/fire hose. The following tids'
were presented:- No.1, Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Co. 2ift $1.56 & $1.50, Ii" fl.16 & l.10;
No.2, Kiekenapp Hardware Co. on Minnesota Fire Equipment Co. 2i" $1.48,/1.02, less
2%/proXimo; No.3, Hewitt Rubber Co. 2i" $1.35, 1.30, 1.25, Ii" $.95 & .85 plus $.06
per foot for wax and gum treated, 2% lOth proximo; No.4, Lockwood Auto Co. for B.F ~
Goodrich Company, 2i" l.35, 1.41, 1.30 & 1;36 for white and treated, Ii", $.93 & 89
, plus $.06 per foot for treated, 2% for cash; No.5, American La France-Foamite Gorp~
2i" $~.52 & 1.41, li" $1.07, 2% 10th proximo; Mahowald Cycle Co. on Eureka Fire Hose
Division, 2i" $1.34, li" $.95. The bids were referred to the City Engineer Fire Chief (]t
for tabulation.
The matter of rural fire protection was discussed by H.A. Illsley who reported
on tile steps taken in the matter. He stated that a meeting had been held at which
the matter of townships issuing bonds to purchase fire equipment to be adopted at
the annual town meeting was discussed. Mr. Illsley also s'tated that the County
Attorney had said that this could not be done , that contractural services could only
be authorized from year to year. Mr. Cough~in, who was attending a meeting ot t~e
, Airport Board, was called and he stated that/had not checked the law so as to be
able to give an opiniQn on the question. The City Attorney discussed the matter in
general wi th those presen t and the County Attorney. Present were Chairman Herley
of Warsaw, Chairman Velske of Wells, Chaizmen Bowers of Cannon Oi ty and Almendi nger
of Walcott. It was finally decided that special town meetings be called to discuss
the matter of financing rural fire protection.
Luverne Nordme1er, spokesman for committee from the Fire Department, requested
the Council to adopt a resolution favoring the Firemens' Relief Association Pension
Bill. On motion of Councilman Buendorf, seconded by Councilman Mc Car thy, Resolution
No. Al936 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Fire Relief Association Pension Bill.
No. .Al936.
Tha tit hereby approves and recommends the passage of the Fire Relief Associa-
tion Pension Bill.
Passed January 28th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder.
H.. WalSh, Mayor.
Minutes of the last regular meeting of January 14th and adjourned meeting of
January l6th and special meeting of January 21th, 1947 were read and approved.
Communications from National Housing Agency relative to War Assets
tion sale of used building material; The Gamewell Company relative to fire alar.m
systems; Neil C. Smith relative to parking meters; copy of letter of City Engin~er
to Toltz, King & Day relative to lagoon for Canning Factory waste; Minnesota Military
District for Organized Reserves; Mayor of Davenport, Iowa relative to wage scales;
Commissioner Department of Agriculture relative to meeting of weed inspectors, Minne-
sota Highway Department relative to award of paving contract to Fielding & Shepley.
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Regular_ .Jan.. 28 .- 1947
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called ~or on the construction of Sanitary I
Sewer on Fourth Ave. W from 8th to 9th Sts. North. The following bids were recei ved~,-
No.1, O.T. Raf'daJ. $545.00, No.2, Vernon Peper $537.51. Councilman Storch mo,ved th1t
the bid of Vernon Peper be accepted. and that the Mayor and City Recorder be directe"':1
to enter into contract wi th Vernon Peper for the performance of such work and that t:qle
I certified check of O.T. Rafdal be returned. MOtion was seconded by Councilman Behlkel
· and adopted by unanimous vote. 'I
The City Engineer returned with the tabulation of bids on fire hose. Mayor Walsh
,I declared a recess for executive session. Upon reconvenin.g, Councilman Buendort mov~
· Accepted
that the bid of Irving G. Mahowald and Eureka Fire Hose Co. be accepted and that the! Bid
i Fire
'Mayor and City Recorder be directed to enter into contract wi th them for the furnislii;ng Hose
Sani tary
4th Ave.
I of such hose and that the certified checks of unsuccessful bidders be returned. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Financial Report of the Fire Relief Association)Recorder's report of bonded in- 'I
II i
!i :1
,debtedness to County Aud1 tor and the following bills were presented:- Park Dept. pay-i
, rol:1. $109.50, Street Dept. Payroll $1022.62, Water Dept. Payroll $129.60, $144.00, FuJel
. ,I
, '
Dept. "Payrolls $108.28, $134.18, Edw. Keilen $3.00, August Becker $3.00~ChicagoRock'
! Island & Pac. Ry. Co. $227.76, Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. $84.60, Roth Printing 00.
~$15.45. Councilman Storch moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed ana
the bills listed allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendort and adopted by
.unanimous vote.
The following applications for "On Sale"' Liquor licenses were presented:- A.R.
:Ollhoff, 314 Central Ave.; Dice Gray, 326 Central Ave.; A.B. Jasinske, 28th 3rd st.
N.W.; A.B. Becker & Mike Dwyer, 202 Central Ave.; Eotel Faribault, 429 Central Ave.;.
iKellY Davis, 118 Central Ave.;Peter TZakis, 201 Central Ave.; Lawrence E. Campbell,
"On Sal e It
: 307 Central Ave.; Harold Ollbotf, 30 3rd St. :mY.; Faribaul t Lodge 1166 B_P.O.E, 127A.
Cen traJ. Ave.; Harry Malluege, Z4 4th St. NW.; Faribaul t Pos t #43, lImerican Legion,
..512 Central Ave.; Faribaul t Golf & Country Club, Out lot 1, Grandview Add.; Veterans
· of Foreign Wars, 3l6A Central Ave.; Fraternal Order of Eagles aerie 1460,115 3rd
; st. NW., also application 3.2 non-intoxicating ma~t beverage af Veterans of Foreign
· Wars, Inc. 316A Central Ave. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the licenses be grante~.
!Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from Edgar Cornell, Faribault Bus Service, requesting approval of in-
crease of rate to $.07 was read. Councilman Storch moved that the matter be referr~d
I to the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unani-
3.2. License
. mous vote.
Applications of F..J. Dring, Otto Spitzack, Alvin Bauer for Auto Car licenses,
Plumbers Bond of Ernest W. Radtke and Airport public liability and property damage
policy were presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the licenses be granted and
the bond and policy accepted and ordered filed, same having been approved as to manner
and form of execution by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch Ins. Policy
: and adopted by unanimous vote.
I Requisitions for l,OOO gallons of gasoline and 200 gallons of distillate were
· presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved" that the Commissioners of Accounts and Finances
! be authorized to make the purchases. Motion was seconded by Counc1nnan Buendort anli
: adop ted by unanimous va tee
The Ci ty Engineer recommended that bids on Road Tar be advertised for at 'this time
and that.'\ bids be called for on sale of Concrete pipe purchased for 4th St. storm Se"Ter.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise an auction
< .......
Auction Sale
Road Tar
Permit to
Erect Fur
-! "..
Regu;I.aI"~-2~-~94 7~. .'~
~ ~ ~- ~--~~- ~~~
- -
--------.---- >--- - --
-- ----~---- , ----------- _.--~--_.---.-----
sale on 812 feet of 30" dia. reinforced concrete sewer pipe, 404 feet 27" dia., A02
. feet 24ft dia. to be received February II t~, 1947, at eight 0 'olock p.m. Motion voas I
seconded by Councilman Sto,rch aI?-d ado,pted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Minnesota State Highway Dept. specificat1on~ on,
road tar be adopted and that the Recorder be directed to advertise for bids on 80,oOP
gallons of road tar, to be received up to. eight o'clock p.m. Tuesday, February 11th!
Motion was seconded by Counoilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote. ,
" from Sorgatz Fur 81:topi
The City Engineer reported that application had been made for permit/to ere~t a
fur storage shop in dis trict requiring hearing under zoning ordinanoe. Councilme..n
: Behlke moved that the Bec9rder be directed to .advertise a public hearing on abov~
,application to be held at the next regular meeting, Tuesday, February 11th, 1947,
eight. 0 'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by unanjmous
The City Engineer reported that application for permit to operate an antiqua
shop at No. 418 4th Ave. NW. had been made by Cece1ie Mo Atee. The matter was rE',..
ferred to the City Engineer to obtain more information.
The City ~gineer made a general report on various matters and activities.
The me.. tter of calling for ~ vote on whether or not the City should continue in
the fuel business was discussed. Councilman Behlke moved that a referendum vote be
!held at the General Election, April 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch requested authorization to purchase 1,500 manhole blocks for:
the Water Department. Councilman Buendorf moved that the request be granted and pur~
chase authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unf.ni-:
.mous vote.
Councilman Storch requested authorization to purchase four 6~ water valves. Coun-
cilman Buendort moved that the request be granted and the purchase authorized. Mction
was seconded by Councilmarr Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
CounciLman Mc Car thy moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke
and adopted by unanimous vote.
T. A. Mealia
City Recorder.
Approved February
H. Walsh,
~ - ~~~~~-~--~ ~.
______ _.__._ _T__'_
- ,
,_._ ..__, Regular Meeting, ruesday,. February 13. tl1, 1947, Eight 0 'clock p.m.
The Council of 'the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council ChamL
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, February 11th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The :1
m.eeting was called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those present were Councii:"
man Behlke, Buendort, Me Carthy and Mayor Walsh, also the City Engineer and City
'i '
I ,Attorney were present. Councilman Storch was absent. In the absence of T. A. Mealia;1
City Recorder, F.W. Mc Kellip acted as Recorder at the req~est of the Council.
Walsh stated that if there were no objections, the regular o,rder of business
and hearing
\ be dispensed with and bids/would be considered. No objections were offered.
Pursuant to advertising, auction bids were called for on 812 feet 30ft, 404 feet
Fielding & Shepley presented a iPipe Sold
,i to
reinforced concrete pipe,respectiyely.
! Fielding &
Motion was seconded by Council-! Shepley.
27", 402 feet 24" reinforced concrete sewer pipe.
bid of $3.40, $2.75 and $2.30 for 30", 27" and 24"
Councilman Buendorf moved that the bid be accepted.
man Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on 80,000 gallons of road tar.
The following bids were received:- No.1, Republic Creosoting qpmpany, no certifieQ
Bid on
Road Tar
Mc Carthy moved that the bid of Bury & Carlson, Inc. be accep tad and that the Mayor : Bury &
: Carlson,
and City Recorder be directed to enter into contract with the said firm for furnishing Inc.
check; No.2, Bury & Carlson, Inc. $.133 per gallon f.o.b. FaribaUllt.
said material. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous
vo te .
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of a fur
storage building at No. 737 Willow St. by Sorgatz Fur Shop. Mayor Walsh called fo,r Fur Shop
objections. None were voiced. Wm. Maas ana Wm. Farmer spoke stating that they did I! Perm! t.
notobject. Counc ilman Behlke moved that the C1 ty Engineer be directed to issue the !i
building permi t. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and ado,pted by unanim')u'~
vote. Ii
Minutes of the special meeting of January 27th smd regular meeting of January
28th, 1947, were read and approved.
Councilman Storcb took his seat.
O.T. Rafdal appeared befare the Council and stated that there was too much
difference between the airport construction time reported by the Engineering Depart.Jl!
! men t and his time records. Mr. Raf'dal claimed additional time, stating that he had II
" two witnesses who were his employees who could substantiate his claim.. Mr. Rafdal '
a.dmitted that he had agreed with N.T. Rykken, Chief Engineer of the State Aeronautics
Commission, to supervise the work. A discussion ensued between Councilman Storch and
O.T. Rafdal. The Council sent for Geo. H.. H~sen, Assistant City Engineer.
A letter from R.B. Goodhue, Senator 18th District, acknowledging receipt of
copy of Resolution No. Al936 , relative to fire department pension, was read. Coun~
cilman Me Carthy moved that the letter be filed. Motion was seconded by CounciLman
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Application of M.S.G. for dance permit, Fire Insurance policies No. DC 305 cover~
ing movable houses and contents and No. OC 126437 covering Quonset Airport building,';
, co-insurance policy No. 9464 Wld autOI car policy of Joseph C. Clute were presented. :
i Councilman. Mc Carthy moved that the dance permit be granted and the policies accepted
and ordered filed, same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by
the City Attorney.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by
The following reports of city orficials were presented and read:- Treasurer,
Recorder, Engineer, Water Commissioner, Chief of Police, Clerk of Court, Overseer
of Poor, Chief of Fire Department, Secretary of Library Board, Physician, Health
/ 292
~ul1~gula~~ _2-1J:~~1947
Auction Bids
Si tee
Ray Lieb to
203 3rd Ave.
Mc Atee
& Lapidary
Shop 4].8-420
3rd Ave. NW.
---- --- ---
--~---~ -- ~~ ~
~_,____ ~~___ 0_
:--~~-~-- -~~-~~
-- - ------ ----
-~~ ---~~~-~~
- -- -~~~-~ - ~ ~- -- - ~ -~-~~-~~--~~._---,----
Officer, Dairy Inspector, Market Master and Recorder's report to Supt. of Accounts
, and Finances in the amount of $8,975.90. The following bil1s were presented for
payment:- street Dept. $1,003.89, Water ~ept. Labor $155.20, $146.80, Fuel Dept. Labor
#85.88, $96.53, August Becker $26.44, Edward Kellen $25.50, Edmund Yanke $39.94,
., Salary $167-40, Minnesota State Treasurer $85.09, Security National Bank & Trust Co.
$343-35, Library Accounts $622.35, Park Dept. Payroll $95.25, Snow B~oval payroll
$1,090.70, Wm. Ackman $l5.00, Clarence Jackson $4-90, Minnesota Police and Peace
Officers Ass'n. $13.00, Chi. Mil. St. P. & Pac. R.B. Co. $1.00. Councilman Mc C<),rthy
moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the bills listed allowei.
!Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Geo. H. Hansen, Assitant Engineer, appeared and presented the time reports pre~
pared by h~ on airport construction. The Council proceeded to discuss the matter
" wi th o. T. RatdaJ. and his two opera. tors. Counci lman Storch and Mr. Rafdal lett the
Council Ohamber.to discuss the airport construction time.
'TIle 01 ty Engineer read a letter from Tol tz, King & Day stating that the Faribaul t
Canning Co. officials had conferred with them relative to construction a lagoon to
take care of Canning Factory waste.
Mayor Walsh said that Harold Robilliard had reques ted a lease 1'01' the sewage
disposal site for 1947~ stating that Mr. Vassar did not want the land. Councilman
Buendort moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for auction bids on
, the rental of 10 acres or City owned property North 01' Strai~t River and West of
at eight O'Clock/.m.
14th st. to be received on Tuesday, February 25th, 1947. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Behlke and adapted by unanimous vote. Councilman Storch did not vote, being
. in conterence wi tb. Mr. Rafdel.
Th,e Ci ty Engineer presented application tOlr build ing permi t of Ray Lieb to con-
struct store building on property located at No. 203 3rd Avenue SW. Councilman Mc
Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise a public hearing aD a-
bove application, to be held on Tuesday, February 25th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman
Storch did not vote, being in conference.
The City Engineer presented application ot Mrs. Cecelia Me Atee for buildiDg
'per.mit to establish an antique shop and lapidary business at No. 418-420 3rd Avenue
NW. Councilman Me Oarthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise a
public hearing on above application to be held Tuesday, February 25th, 1947, at eight
o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch did not vote. being in conference.
Councilman Mc Carthy reported that the Oity had a hydraulic hoist which was not
in use and that inquiry had been made to purchase same. Councilman Mc carthy moved
that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for auction bids on same to be held
at the next regular meeting, Tuesday, February 25th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. if
the City were not gping to have use for the hoist. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. C.ouncilman Storch did not vo,te., being in
conference with Mr. Rafdel.
Councilman Buendort brought up a letter trom the GamewelJ. Fire AJ.am System.
The City~Engineer was directed to investigate fire alar.m systems. The City Engineer
stated that he and the Chief of the Fire Department had prepared maps to present to
the Gamewel1 Fire Alarm. System tor advise.
Councilman Buendort stated that Mr. Harshaw had requested a bill tor services
of the Fire Department at a fire in Warsaw.
Councilman Buendort brought up the matter of completing the service building at
the Tourist Park. The matter was discussed.
Councilman Me Carthy brought up the matter 01' steamer repairs, and moved ttat
the necessary repairs be authorized
on the boiler. Motion was seconded by
, Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Storch did not vote,
being in conference.
- ~~~---~-~~ ~ ~~-~-~
-=~-~ .~----_.~.~---~-~
293 \
_ "._____o~____~~~__,_.____<___~___~~_ ___ _____.______,__._.._.___________~_"_._~__._____o__o_.._ __.~_ __~_ .____ _ _.__.__ _:g~gul_ar__ 2-ll-l9d7. --- ,-
------ ------------
--- ----- --------------- - -
.- ---------.
____ ~___. _ ._._._ _~____~____~~__~~~_ ~ __ _ _.,_,__ __.~_-_, ._ ___,_~_____ __ __.___,_ ----.-.---------- .-- ------~------ --~ _ ,_. _H' _ II
Mayor Walsh brought up the matter of Parking meters and suggested making a sur-:I
vey of sentiment on the street. Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of parkin;g
on Third Street from Central to First Avenues West. ,Parallel parking was suggested I
by Councilman Behlke.
The City Engineer was directed to contact Leslie Schroeder, Commissioner of
Aeronautics relative to settlement of O.T. Rafdal.
Councilman Me Carthy moved tOI
Councilman Storch returned to the Council Chamber.
11 Approved
Motion was seconded by Counci~an Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
, ..,. F. W. Mc Kelli:p
Acting Recorder.
--~~~-- --~ ~~~-~ ~-~ ~ ~=-~-~
---- -- - -- -
---<.--. -.
Mc Atee
Mrs. Bay
Bids Bental
10 Acres
~~~~~~~~~Reg'!1~:r~~e~"ti.t!g,.~. 'r1.lE3~Cl~y ~.> ~ e b.~~ua_~~~5 ~h L.I~41..~~~:i:gb., j;.~Q. '. QJ,.()QJ~~~_. z;g.~L~~_~_
-- ~--=-" -- :_--~~~
~ __~~_____~~_~~~O' ___~~__
- --- --------- ----
.-- ----.
- --------
-~~ ----._--
- --- - ,-_._,-
- -- -- ------- ---
----,-- --
:----- ~~- ,~--~~,- - --~
____~ __~___ _ _____.___~__h__~_ ___~_ __~__._______~_ __.~~~__ ~ ____~_ _ __~_~__ .~~~.- _ -__ ~ --~~~~_.-.--_.---~ -
-- ~----- _._~ ~ ----~~---
The Council of the City of Faribaul t met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, February 25th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The
meeting was called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those pres en t were Council-
man Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Storch and Mayor Walsh, also the City Attorney. The
I City Engineer was absent. Mayor Walsh stated that if there were no objections, the
regular order of business would b~ dispensed with and the hearings advertised would
be taken up before the regular order of business. No objections were voiced. Pur-
suant to advertising, a hea.ring was called for on the application for building per-
mit of Cecelia Mc Atee to establish an antique shop and lapidary at No. 41~-420 Third
Avenue West. Mayor WaJ.sh read a letter of appeal from Cecelia Mc Atee from refuS','3.1.
of City Engineer to grant certificate or occupancy for above named business, alsc a
letter, signed by Raymond G. Endres, Secretary of Zoning Board, upholding the deci-
sion of the Oity Engineer. The matter was discussed with the applicant. Councilrran
Buendorf moved the. t action be deferred until after cantering with the Zoning Board.
Motion was seconded by Counci~an Storch and adopted by unanimous vote. Pursuant to
advertising, a hearing was called for on application of Mrs. Ray Lieb to construct
store building on property located at No. 203 Third Avenue SW. Mayor Walsh read a
letter of appeal from Mrs. Ray Lieb from action of the City Engineer denying peT.D'.it
requested. Mayor Walsh also read letter signed by Raymond G. Endres, Secretary cf
, Zoning Boar~, upholding action of City Engineer by the Board. The matter was disoussed
: with Ray Lieb, representative of applicant. Councilman Behlke moved that action be
deferred until after confering wi th the Zoning Board. Motion was seconded by CO'll.n-
I cilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, an auction bid was called for on ten acres of City
: owned property West o~ Fourteenth street North and North of Straight River. No bids
, were received. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to re-
advertise for/bids on rental of above described property to be received at next r>e-
gular meeting, Tuesday, March 11th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising an auction bids was called for on gasoline en.gine - oyrned
by the Water Department. No bids were received;'
A peti t10n, bearing - twenty nine signatures, requesting a street light on Seventh
Street North and Eighth Avenue West. Mayor Walsh informed several petitioners pre-
sent that the matter would be taken care of when the overhead systan was revampe~
this year.
A communication from Minnesota Tax Conference announcing twenty-eight annu~~
meeting at Lowry Hotel, St. Paul, Feb. 25,26, 1947 was read. A letter from Police
Department relative to proposed pension bill was read. On motion of Councilman ][c
Carthy, seconded by Councilman Buendorf, Resolution No. Al937 was adopted by unani-
Resolution mous vote.
No. Al937
Police Pension
Taxi Cabs.
Relative to Police Relief Association Pension Bill.
That it hereby approves and recommends the passage of
tion Pension Bill.
Passed February 25th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder.
the Police Relief Associa-
Lll ~&);J
1:W;:-~, Mayor.
Minutes of the last regular meeting of February 11th, 1947 were read and approvede
Applications of Wm. R. Scarborough for two taxi cab licenses were presented.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
295 '
Regular 2-c:5-1947.
The following reports of City Officials were presented and read:- Physician end:
Health Officer. The fo,llowing bills were presented for payment:- Water Dept. Laber
$155.20, $150.40, Fuel Dept. Labor $108.20, $118.81, Park Dept. Labor $96.00, Edward
Keilen $26.62, Edmond Yankee $21.37, August Becker $10.50, Street Dept. payroll $]098.40,
Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. $82.53, Win. Ackman $7.50, Mrs. Alice Manthey $3.60, GeLer~
!: Bills
Fund $273.97, Roy Spear $9.10, Library Accounts $447.45, Minnesota State Treasurer '
$181.36, Security National Bank &. Trust Co. $77l.55. Councilman Mc Carthy moved tta~:
-- - - - - ~
the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the bills listed allowed. Motion W&S!
seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
I MN. No. OC 3898 and 1321.59 were presented.
Councilman Me carthy
moved that the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances be authorized to make the pur- Ii
chase. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. !I
Application of Lloyd Tuttle for Cigarette License a t No. 315 8th st. NW, apPli-I'II;
Au to car policies of Francis
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the 11- il
Motion was seccnded
'. Policies
Applications of Irvin Ostrum for "Off Salen liquor license at No. 311 First Ave~
NW. and John Kenn~yat No. 12 5th St. NW., were presented. During the discussion it II
was brought out that a Resolution limi ting the number of "Off Saleft Liquor LicensAs II
Councilman. Behlke moved that the II
cation of Floyd Borst for truck license were presented.
A requisition for 1,000 gallons of gasoline was presented.
J. Dring and Eli Sterling, co-insurance policies of Security Insurance Agency Nos.
, censes be granted and the pOlicies accepted and ordered filed, same having been
approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney.
by Councilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
1t0ff Sale ff
to seven had been passed by the Council in 1935.
license limit remain at seven as set by Resolution. There was no secoDd to this I
motion. Discussion followed. Councilman Behlke renewed his motion again. James Ii
End.res of the Southern Liquor Store and Bert st. Martin of the Central Liquor Store II
voiced protest against further licenses being granted. Councilman Me Carthy move^ 'I
tha t Resolution No. .AJ..477 be rescinded. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendort .,i
On roll call those voting nayen were Councilman Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Storch and II
Mayor Walsh, "nayelt Councilman Behlke. Motion was carried. Councilman Storch moved i,
, that ftOff Sale" liquor licenses be granted to Irvin Ostrum and John Keml~Y. Motion ii
was s,econded by Councilman Mc Carthy. On roll call those voting "aye" were Council.. Granted.
Rescind Reso-
lution No.
Al477 ·
man Buendorf, Me Car thy , Storch and Mayor Walsh, ttnaye" Councilman Behlke. Motion
.; was carried.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the following named persons be appointed Judges
of Election to serve at the Primary, March 24th and General, April 1st, 1947:- First:
Ward, First Precinct, E.D. Roth, E.J. Drehmel~ C.C. Hedges; Second Precinct, C.M. Wall,
Helen R. Langer, Margaret A. Beaupre, Third Precinct, Alma Ricke, Edna. Balla.nthin,
Florence A. Lake; Fourth Precinct, Valerie H. Olson,. Chris. J. Donohv.e, Ray P.. Kaiser:,
Second Ward, First Precinct, Elsie M. Lehman, Lila Coo,k, F .M. Chaffee, Second Preci~ct,
Wm. J. Mc Mahon, Hertha A. Retzlaff, Susan A. Carver, Third Precin.ct, Geo. L. Craveni,
Clara M. Knaure, Clarice Chapel, Fourth Precinct, A.J. Vailencour, Elizabeth Sellner,
Elizabeth Keller; Third Ward, First Precinct, Charles R. Wal 1man , Ralph I. Merrill,
Elsie Johnson, Second Precinct, Irene Kalow, M.P. Shanahan, Katherine Casey, Third.
Precinct, Wallace Richardson, Myrtle M. Manahan, Irma Wolters, Fourth Precinct,
Elizabeth Geike, Eugene Grosser, Donald Erickson, Fourth Ward" First Precin.ct, Fr,?d
B. V01z, Agnes Cook, Andrew Eustice, Second Precinct, Wm. Bisping, Oscar G. sanders,
Joseph E. Langevin, Third Precinct, ~lI'argaret L. Grebner, Alice M. Luedtl\:e, Walter
M. Se11ner. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by un~imous vote.
l1egl1l~~~_g=g.2~~9A.1.~ _ __._. ~.. ____ __n_~__n~__._.~_~..___
- - --~ =. -- ---- ~=----~-~-~ -~ ~=
__= _ ___~_~__~~__~ __ ___~~_=__= =~__~ _~~~o~-~ ~~_~~~_ ~~ ...~~~~=~7~~~~ ~_~~~~~~~_ __~~~ -_ -~ ~ ~ -- -~ --- =- ~= ~~- ~~=-~~ -~~-~--~-
-- -- -------
. ----.-
-- --- -- --
- - -
-- -
=~ ~_____~_ ~~ ~ ~~=_ _~__~_~__ __~ __ ____ ~_____~~ ~~= _~~~=___ r_ __~~~~___~___~__ ~_~~_~~_~_~ ~~~~____~_ =~~_ _ ~ __~__~~_~ _~__~~~_ _ _ _ ~~___ _=__ ~__._._~ ___ ____ ~ ~~__~__ ~~_~~_~~_~~ = - =_ = ~~==-- _ c --~~--~~--~~ ~.- - - -
=-~=----- -=- --~~=
Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the following locations be designated as
polling places for the Primary and General Elections, March 24th and April lst, 1947,
I respectively:- First Ward, First Precinct, Fire Hall, Second Precinot, C.M. Wa!J
Bldg, 9th St., Central Ave., Third Precinct, Tate Hall, School for Deaf, Fourth Pre-
cinct, Geo. Mullenberg Residence No.4 14th St. NE., Second Ward, First Precinct,
Court House , West Entrance, Second Precinct, Garage 717 3rd Ave. NW." Third Pre::.-
cinct, Pumping Station, ~24 7th St. NW., Fourth Precinct, A.J. Vailencour Residence
208 11th St. NW., Third Ward, First Precinct, Congregational Parish Rouse, Second
! Precinct, I. C. School, Third Precinct, Irma Wolters Residence, 112.1 Third street
NW., Fourth Precinct, Garfield School, Fourth Ward, First Precinct Municipal Covrt
Roam, City Hall, Second Precinct, Joseph Langevin Grocery, Third Precinct, Washington
School. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote~
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the Flushing rate for 1946 be set at $.0511075.
per :front foot. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unan.imC'~ls
On motion ot Councilman Behlke, seconded by Councilman Storch, Resolution rTo.
Al938 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Payment of Interest due March 1st, 1947.
No. Al93B
Pay ing
That for the purpose of paying interest on Airport Bonds Nos. 21 to 30, in~lu-
si ve, all due March Is t, 1947, the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorizeC', and
directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer in the amount of Thirty Eight ard
50/100 ($38.50) Dollars in favor of the Northwestern National Bank and Trust Co. of
Minneapolis, Minne~ta., payable out of the Interest Fund.
Passed February 25th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Reoorder. H. Walsh, Mayor.
Councilman Storch reported that he had been unable to contact the State Com-
missioner of Aeronautics in regard to the account in question of O. T. Ra.fdal.
County Surveyor Walter Do,kken appeared before the Council and discussed tho
matter of lot layout on a proposed Auditor's plat of property abutting First Street
Counci1man Buendorf requested the City Attorney to get an opinion from the
Attorney General as to when the six months probationary period for firemen under'
civil service became effective. Attorney Malluege stated that it Was not necessary
to get this opinion as there was a supreme court decision on the matter which sot
the probationary period from and after the commission filed its registered list of
appoin tmen ts.
Councilman Buen.dorf discussed en tryway for Alexander Faribault Park aIlld alf!o
cleaning up North bank of South river branch. Mayor Walsh read a letter from Izaak
, Walton League relative to damage to outlet of fish rearing pond. The Council 8Rreed
that the outlet should be repaired and Councilman Buendorf was instructed to get
an esttmate or cost.
Councilman Buendorf requested authorization to purchase a power mower at a cost
of $145.00. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the above authorization be granted. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councinnan Storch and adopted by uuanimous vote.
Councilman Storch requested authorization to purchase a meter testing bench for
the Water Department at a cost of $150.00. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the re-
quest be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unan~ous
vo te.
Edgar Cornell, operator of Faribault Bus Service, appeared relative to request
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main at ten for $.60. Upon being questioned by the City Attorney, Mr. Cornell state~
that the raise had been approved by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission. CounCilm1an
Mc Carthy moved that the increase in fare rate be approved. Motion was seconded by I
CounciLman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carth
and adopted by unanimous vote.
d a ~<:.,-,. ....
T. A. Mee.l1a
C1 ty Recorder.
-~-~,~~-~-~~ -~----~
Approved March 11th, 1947.
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The Council of the City of Faribault met in special meeting on Friday. Marc~
7th, 1947, at 1:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walsh.
On roll eall those present were CounciLman Buendorf, StorCh and Mayor Walsh, alsQ
the City Attorney and City Engineer were present. Councilman Behlke was absent on
account illness and Councilman Me Car thy was also absent. Mayor Walsh stated that
the meeting was called to discuss a bill proposing a tax on natural gas. The matter i
was discussed with Mr. Stuart Wilson of the Northern States Power Company and it
was brought out that such a tax would result in an increase in natural gas rates
from 11% to 33%.
On motion of Councilman Buendorf, seconded by Councilman Storch, Resolution No~
Al939 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Proposed Tax on Natural Gas.
WHEREAS, under the provisions of (H.F. 399) )S.F. 99) it is proposed to levy a
tax of seven cents per one thousand cubic feet of natural gas entering the State of
" MinneSOJ ta, and
WHEREAS, the imposition of such a tax will create a hardship on the users of
natural gas in the City of Faribault and will increase the costs of fUel to local
consumers in approximately the following percentages, Residences ll%, Commercial
20.5%, Industrial 33.3, and
WHEREAS, the Council realizes the need of the State and Municipalities for
I additional funds to be raised by means other than by heavier burden upon real estate
and are willing to assume an equitable proportion of the required levies, and
WHEREAS, an increase in costs of twenty and one-half per cent to commercial, anci
thirty-three and one-third per cent to industrial users, will force many of the con-
'. sumers to adopt other types of fuel and assume the added cost of conversion of b'1.r-
ners to such use, and
WHEREAS, an estimated loss of approximately twenty-five to thirty per cent of
total consumption by commercial and industrial users must be reflected in additional
costs to residences and small consumers in order that the supplier may amortize his
inves tment, and
WHEREAS, the use of cheaper fuels has enabled our local industries to compete
in national and world markets against discriminatory freight rates and uncertain and
rising fuel costs, and
WHEREAS, but a comparatively small number of communi ties are now supplied by
natural gas and would be assessed disproportionately and inequitably to the benefit
of other subdivisions of the State,
Th.at, while realizing the necessi ty of addi tional SJ urces of revenues to the
State is opposed to the provisions of (H.F. 399) (a.F. 99) on the f}rocunds that the
levy proposed would be discriminatory, inequitable and unjust in that it will im-
pose a tax upon a relatively small number for the benefit of the many and respective-
ly request your honorable body to report unfavorably upon the bill.
Passed March 7th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder. H. Walsh, Mayor.
Couneilman Storch moved to adjourn.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was
seconded by Councilman Buendorf
da~C' d_ :....
T. A. Mealia
Oi ty Recorder.
Approved ~arch 11th,
~~ 4 7 ~ . I A L I
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, March llth, 1947, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Cauncil of the City of Faribault met in regular sessian in the Council Ch~~
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, March 11th, 1947 , at eight o'clack p.m. lJhe meeting
was called to. order by Mayar Walsb. On roll call thase present were Councinnan Behlfe,
Buendorf, Me Car thy , Storch and Mayar Walsh, also the City Attarney and City Engineer
were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting of February 25th and special meet~ng
of March 7th were read and approved. I:
The City Engineer reparted an the conference at the Legislature on hearing on
propased natural gas tax bill.
Walter Dakken presented praposed layaut af lats in Sectian 32-110-20, East af
Shumway Avenue, for consideration. The Council and the City Assessar viewed the
plat. The Cauncil infarmally appraved the layout.
Pursuant to advertising, auction bids were called far an the rental af lO Acrl~s
of City owned land West of 14th Street Narth and West o~ Straight River. Harry Sw~n-
for st. James SChoal,
son presented a written bid of $40.00. Harold Robil11ard/presented a verbal bid of
$45.00. Councilman Buendorf moved that the bid of St. James Schaal be Accepted.
tion was seconded by Councilman Starch and adopted by unanimous vate.
Councilman Storch reported on the disputed claUn af O.T. Rafdal for grading at
! ~
the airport stating that the Department of Aeronautics would not enter into the ar-
gument or make any statement on the matter. A general discussian was held on the
matter. The City Engineer was requested, by Councilman Behlke, to bring his figur~s,
into the meeting.
Auto car policy af Ra~ond Juvland, appraved as to manner and form of execution;
by the City Attorney, the following reports of Ci ty Officials were presented:- Treasl~rer,
Recorder, Engineer, Fuel Cammissioner and Market Master, Chief of Police, Clerk of Ii Reports
'I Court, Water Commissioner, Dairy Inspector, Secretary of Library Board, Overseer of II
the Poor, Cit~ Assessor, Recorder's repart to. Supt. of Accts. & Finances in the ama~ft
of $9,948.41. The follawing bills were presented for payment:- payroll Engineer's
Office $148.40, Water Dept. Payroll $134.40, $153.60, Wm. Ackman $51.75, Eureka
Fire Rose,.$1,969.8o, Fuel Dept. Payrall $113.40, 104.44, ~. Ackm.an $2.50, Street
Dept. Payroll $814.80, Edmund Yanke $22.87. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the Bills
policy be accepted, the reparts accepted and ordered filed and the bills listed
allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
The City Engineer returned to the meeting and presented the claim of O.T. Rat-
dal in the amount af $13,131.49 and the Engineer's time check in the amount of
$7,817.26, a difference of $5,314.22. Councilman Behlke stated that he did not
. Claim of
! consider allowing ,the contractor to act as his own s1ll-pervisar and time keeper a ! O. T. Rafdal
businesslike arrangement. Cauncilman. Storch moved that the claim ot O. T. Rafdal in ~i
the amount af $l3,13l.49 be paid. Motian was secanded by Councilman Buendorf. On
roll call those voting ftaye'. were Councilman Buendorf, Me Car thy , Storch and Mayar
Walsh, f'fnayeft, Councilman Behlke. Motion was carried.
Councilman Buendolrf moved that Ordinance No. A22.4, enti tled flAil Ordinance Pra-
i Ordinance
viding far the Issuance of a $16,869.l1 Fire Equipment Bond", be placed on its fir~t No. A224
. First
reading. MDtian was seoonded by Councilman Starch and adopted by unanimous vote. Reading.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to. advertise a
public hearing to be held Tuesday, March 11th, 1947 at eight o'clock p.m. to make
the special assessments to cover cost of constructian of the following 1mpravement~
constructed during the 1946 season:- Sanitary Sewer, 5th Ave. W, 11th to 12th Sts.
South; Div. Street West, Lincaln to Prairie Aves., 4th Ave. West, 8th to 9th Sts. N.',
Sidewalk, East and West sides of 8th Ave. West, 8th to 9th sts. S., Curb and Gutter,:
3rd st. South, 6th to 7th Aves. West, Tarvia, Fairview Ave., Jefferson Flace, GarfiJld
"~_J!~~1~~~3-=-1-J,,:!~47.!o~~~~~~______ <"_<_~_~<~~~~.~_~_.~~~__~_
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- - ----- -- -
-----~--~____ __________ ~._~____.~~o____.~ ~~~__~~~_~~~__ <k" __~~~~~~~~_~___~=_ _~ ~_~~~~~~~~~_~~_~~. ___~~_~ _ _
I. Ostrum &.
J. Kenney
Changes in
D. Simpson
E. Luedke
nOff Sale"
=,-~~~~ ~~-~~~-~~~ ~-~~~-~~-~- --~-- -- -~ -- -~~-.-
.'=~ ~-~~ -- --~~~~--
_~__~ _ , __. .oL__ __~ __
- -~-,-~--~--~~~-~~,
Place, 1st Ave. E., 1st to 5th Sts. N, 9th Ave. West, 3rd to 8th Sts. South, 11 th st.
North, 2nd to 3rd Aves. West, l4th St. North, 2nd Ave. to 3rd Ave., 3rd Ave. to River,
3rd Ave. West, 13th to 14th Sts. North, Mott Ave. 2nd to 3rd sts. North, 3rd st. South,
6th to 7th Aves. West, Hulet Ave. 20th st. to T.E. No. 21, 11th st. North, Central
to First Avenues East, Flushing for the 1946 Season. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Applications of Irwin E. Ostrum to change location of hisproposed nOff Sale"
Liquor store from 3ll First Ave. NW. to 422 Centra1 Ave. North and John F. Kenney
from :,.12. 5th Street NW. to No. 26 Third Street NW. were presented. Councilman Mo
CoarthY moved that the changes in locations be granted. Motion was seconded by Coun-
n rOll call those vo ting "aye>> were Councilman Buendorf', Mc Car thy , Storch & Mayor Walsh
cilman Storc~/nnayeft Counc.ilman Beb.ilke.IvIQtion was carried. '
Applica tion of Donald J. Simpson and Edward J. Luedke for "Off Sale" Liquor
License at No. 410 First Avenue NW. was presented. Councilman Storch moved that the
license be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy. On roll call those..
voting "ay-elt were Councilman Buendorf, Me Car thy , Sto,rch and Mayor Walsh, ttnaye"'
Councilman Behlke. Motion was carried.
Councilman Storch moved that all further applications for "Off Sale" liquor
licenses be granted only on publiC hearing and that the City Recorder be directed to
advertise a public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting, Tuesday, March
25th, 1947, on whether or not the number of "Off Salen liqp.or licenses should be
limited. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A requision for 1,000 gallons of gasoline was presented. Councilman Storch
moved that the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances be authorized to make the pur-
chase. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from the Better Faribault Association relative to a Municipal Swimming
Pool and petitions from the Central School P.T.A. bearing 10 signatures, Garfield
P. T. A. ,
School/37 signatures, Immaculate Conception School P.T.A., 49 signatures, Lincoln
School P.T.A., 30 signatures, Girl Scout Council, 7 signatures, Recreation Board, 6
signatures, Washington School P.T.A., 17 signatures, Me Kinley School P.T.A. 22 sig-
natures, total 178 signatures, were presented. The matter was discussed. The City
Attorney stated that he could not rule on the petitions until he could check on C~ar-
ter provision and the law. He called attention to the fact that nothing definite
was on record as to what the project would cost and the amount of bonds required for
this project and all the petitions did not specify any amount. Matter was so left.
The City Engineer requested authorization to purchase and stock l,500 manhole
blocks from Wm. Farmer at $:15 per block to be used during the coming season. Coun-
cilman Buendorf moved that the authorization be granted. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
The City Engineer read a letter from Fielding and Shepley, Contractors, stating
that they expected to arrive and start repaving project about April 1st, 1947.
The City Engineer submitted break down of costs in connection with surfacing
streets with Tarvia, quoting a cost of $.l4421 per sq. yd. for the 1946 season. Coun-
cilman Mc Carthy moved that the assessments for Tarvia Surfacing be figured at this
rate. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
.A letter from the Airport Board recommending 1. oontinuance of contract with
Aviation Services for another year, 2. renting out unused portions of airport site
for far.ming purposes, 3. entering into agreements with State and Federal Governments
to secure financial aid to complete various projects totaling $8,360.95. Councilman
Behlke moved that the report be accepted and that the projects be approved as listed.
Regular 3-11-1947.
Councilman Buendorf discussed the matter of repairs to outlet of the Fish reari!.p.g
pool. The Ci ty Attorney discussed projects of this nature as being highly question-,j
able. 'The City Engineer estimated to the cost to be between $700~00 and $800.00. Ii
Councilman Buendorf stated that it was found that the only way to ascertain condi tio'ns
i at the pool would be to wreck present outlet to see just what would be required. II
Motion was secon~bd
Councilman Buendorf reported that the total vote in the four townships voting :1
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the present structure be removed.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke discussed the matter of making a public statement relative td
the ]'uel Yard.
The Council concurred without vote.
by Councilman Storch and adopted by unantmous vote.
on the Rural Fire Truck question showed that the matter was favorable in all town-
ships, the total vote being 191 for and 57 against.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of the Herb. Schultz curb and gutter
assessment on 2nd Ave. SW. Councilman Behlke stated that the Council had treated
the matter fairly, assuming one half of the cost and authorizing the driveway to b~
reconstructed. The City Engineer was directed to write Mr. Schultz accordingly.
Councilman Storch requested authorization to purchase two hydrants for the
Water Department. Counci~an Buendorf moved that the request be granted. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that all city officials be authorized to attend the
League of Minnesota Municipalities short courses at the University if they wished to
attend. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted. by unanimous vote.
The matter of the salaries of deputy assessors was discussed by the Assessor.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the salary of the Chief Deputy be set at $.85 per hrf
and assistant deputies at $.75 per hour. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf,;
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch moved to adjourn.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Me tion was see onded by Councilman Buendar l'
T. A. Mealia
C1 ty Recorder.
Approved March 25ths
1~4 .
A L~e/
. Walsh
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The Council of the C~ty of Faribault met in special session in the ~ouncil Ch~-
ber at the City Hall on Thursday, March 13th~ 1947, at 7:30,p.m. The meeting was
called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke,
Buen.dorf, Me Car thy , Storch. and Mayor Walsh. Mayor Walsh stated that the meeting
was called to consider the resignation of the Ci ty Attorney and. to transact any other
business which might be brought up.
Mayor Walsh read the resignation of City Attorney Everett Malluege. Counci~an
Buendorf moved that the resigna.tion be accepted and the Recorder instructed to write
a letter to Mr. Malluege conveying ftthanks" of the Council for services rendered.
Motion was seconded by Councibnan Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mayor Walsh read applications of Robert W. Martin, Andrew J'. Cook, Urban J'. Ste!i-
.. mann and Geo. L. 8mi th for appointment as Ci ty Attorney. .As all appli cants were
present, Mayor Walsh stated that each applicant would be allowed to address the Coun~
cil for a few minutes. The applicants addressed the Council.
Mayor Walsh announced wri tten ballots would be taken and appointed the City Re-f'
corder to act as teller. Ballots were taken as follows:- Urban J. Steimarnn 3, Andrew
;J.. Cook, 1, Ro,bert W. Martin 1. Councilman Me Carthy moved that Urban J. Steimann
be appointed City Attorney for the unexpired term. Motion was seconded by Councjl-
man Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. Kenneth Heath, Dr.Phil Morrison and Mrs. Mary Mulcahy, members of the Ro~
referen.dum on the:
creation Board, appeared and discussed the proposed/swimming pool project. The
matter was referred to the City Attorney.
Councibnan Mc Carthy moved that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized tc
, sign contracts with the Aviation Services Co. for the coming year. Motion was se-
, conded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that Mr. Malluege be directed to turn over tne records
of his office as. City Atto,rney to Mr. Steimann. Mation was seconded by Councilme-.n
Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me C~rthy
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me CE'rthy
and adopted by unanimous vote.
T. A. Mealia
Ci ty Recorder.
Approved March
~h, 1947.
'. J
. Walsh
Special Meeting, Tuesday, March 25th, 1947, 9:30 a.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham~
ber at the Oity Hall on Tuesday, March 25th, 1947, at 9:30 a.m. to canvass the re-
turns of the Primary Electio~. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walsh. On
roll call those present were Oouncilman Beh1ke~ Buendorf, Me Car thy, Storch and
Mayor Walsh, also the City Attorney. The following was the result of the c~vass:- .
Mayor John J. Lyons
Everett Malluege
Emil Peterson
Frank N. Quinn
Hilary Walsh
Councilman Alvin H. Bauer
Herman A. Behlke
Walter Buendort
Andrew ;J. Keller
Leslie O. Manthey
Phil Me Carthy
Ralph D. Somers
Frank W.. Storch
Howard K. Ulvenes
Roy Widman
J"udge of
Municipal Court
;James H. Caswell
City ;Justice
Herber t A. Krenske
1 , 514
1 ,33l
1 , 428
On motion of Councilman Mc Carthy, seconded by Oouncilman Behlke, the above
count was declared correct and the City Recorder was directed to order the ballots
for the General Election printed with the names of the two highest candidates for
Mayor, the eight highest candidates for Oouncil and the name of the candidate for
Judge o~ Municipal Court and the name of the candidate for City Justice. Motion
was passed by unanimous vote of the Oouncil on roll call.
On motion of Councilman Me Car thy , seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution
NO: I.
\ ~
Rela tive to Canvass of the Retlmrns from the Primary Elee tion for the Nomina tion~
That the Council of the City of Fariba.ult, having duly canvassed the ret~ns from
Al940 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
of Oandidates for City Offices Held March 24th, 1947.
the Pr~ary Election for the nomination of the elective offices of the City of Fari~i
baul t held March 24th, 1947, and having detenn.ined therefrom the names. of the ca.ndi~i
dates to be voted on as nominees at the General Municipal Election to be held April Ii
1st, 1947,
The following named persons be and they are hereby declared to be nominated as
candidates to the respective city offices as follows:-
For Mayor
For Councilman
For ;Judge of
Municipal Court
City Justice
Passed March 25tl1, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder.
Emil Peterson
Frank N. Q,uinn
Herman A. Behlke 1,514
Walter Buendorf 1,353
Andrew ;J. Keller 1,331
Leslie C. Manthey 951
Phil Me carthy 1,428
Frank W. Storch 886
Howard K. Ulvenes 1,7l0
Roy Widman 998
;James H. Caswell 2,052
Herbert A. Krenske 1,780
H. Walsh, Mayor.
C0uncilman Behlke moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Approved March 25th, 1947.
T.A. Mealia
City Recorder.
. 304
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~--~-~~~=~ ~ ---~~-=~~--~-~~-~ ~
~--~~=---- -~.-
No. Al941
"Off Sale"
Li quor
Licenses to
- ------- -
~ -- - - ~~---- ~- -~~--~ ~~ ~~-~--- -~~ ~.~ --
------ --- -
The Council of the City of Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota, met in the Coun-
cil Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, March 25th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those present were
Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Car thy , Storch and Mayor Walsh, also the City Attorney
and City Engineer were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting of March II th
and special meetings of March 13th and 25th were read and approved.
Pursuant to advertising the public hearing was held on whether or not more "Off
Salert Liquor licenses should be granted in the City of Faribault. No one appeared. .
The matter was discussed with the City Attorney.
On motion of Councilman Buendorf, seconded by Councilman Storch, Resolution
No. Al940 was adopted. The vote was as follows:- "'Aye" Councilm.aIIJ. Behlke, Buen~lJ,rf,
Storch and Mayor Walsh, ItNaye", Councilman Me Car thy.
Relative to L1mi ting Number of !tOff Sale" Liquor Licenses in the Oi ty ot: Ff\,ri-
baul t.
That the number of rtOff Sal-e" Liquor Licenses that shall be granted in the City
of Faribault shall not exceed ten (IO) in number.
That before any increase in the number of "'Off Sale" Liquor Licenses be mac',e,
a public hearing on the matter be held.
Passed March 25th, 1947.
Attest T. A. Mealia, City Recorder.
H.Walsh, Mayor.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called to make the special assessmerts
covering cost of nnprovements constructed during 1946 and Flushing for the 1946
Hearing to Season. Messrs. C. R. .Ames, H. HWiJlson and N.,A. Caron appeared and made inquirieS" reI-
Make Special
Assessments. lative to Sanitary Sewer Assessment on Fourth Ave. west between 8th & 9th Sts. N.
The City Engineer discussed the matter of Tarvia Assessments, stating that the rate
of $0.14421 established at last regular meeting was the cost of application of tar
and that it had been the practice to add 60% to the cost to cover recoat appliec on
the second year. The correct rate with the 60% added should be $0.2307 per sq. yd.
Mr. Jack Glassco appeared and discussed parking meters which his company wculd
ca tions.
install without charge taking payment out of returns. The City Attorney ruled that
regardless of method of payment, bids should be called for. The Council concurr~d
in tbe statement of the Mayor that this was a matter for the incoming Council tc
The following communications were presented and read:- County Auditor relative
to meeting of Assessors; letter was referred to City Assessor, J.C. Lysen, Supt.
Minnesota Braille & Sight Saving School, relative to directional signs to institutions;
referred to City Engineer, W.S.C.S. relative to Liquor Licenses, letter from the
Ci ty Engineer relative to Curb and Gutter .Assessment 0,1' H.H. Schul tz against lot 8
amd N 1/2 of lot 7, Block 2, Geo. H. Faribault's Addition. Councilman BUendorf
moved that the communications be ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilff,an
Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following reports of City Officials were presented and read:- Health Officer &
Ci ty Physician. 'Ihe following bills were presented and read.: - Water Dept. Payroll
$146.40, $185.00, Fuel Dept. Labor $11l.27, $74.68, State Bank of Faribault $10,000.00, 4It
Northwestern National Bank & Trust Co. $20,000.00, Street Dept. Labor $l,058.3~,
Street Dep~. $2.76, Road,Street & Bridges $629.68, Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. $82.20,
Chicago Great Western Ry. Co. $164.73, C.R.I. & P. Ry. Co. $183.96, Library Accounts
Regular 3-25-1947
$1,131.34, Geo. La Roche $20.71. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the reports be acr.epted
and ordered and the bills listed allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlko
and adopted by unanimous vote.
A requisition for 1,000 gallons of gasoline was presented. Councilman Me Carthy
moved that the Commissioner of accounts and finances be authorized to make the pur-
chase. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Applications:- Emil Wokmunski for Auto Car License, E.H. Bollenbach, Claude
Mc Carthy, F.M. Talbott for auction licenses, Faribault Armory Board for renewal of Applica-
Dance Hall license, Marvin J. Foss for renewal of Electrician's License, Jos. H.
, Meyers for gasoline pump license at 1002 Willow st. Auto caT pOlicies if Floyd M.
Borst and Emil Wokmunski and Walter Cates, policy No. 125364 covering fuel in sheds Policies
and Official Bond of Urban J. Steimamn, all having been approved as to manner and
form of execution by the City Attorney, bond of Urban steimarm approved by the Judge Bond
of Municipal Court, were presented.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the li censes be i
granted and policies and bond accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A peti tioD. signed by five signatures requesting Tarvia Surfacing on Fifth Stree~ Peti tioD
I Tarvia
Northwest from Eighth Avenue West to C.MFSt. P. & P. RYF Co. tracks was presented. 5th St. N
8th Ave.W
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the to
I C.M.St. P.
Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held Tuesday, April eth, & P. Ry.
1947, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted Tracks.
by unanimous vote.
Councilman Storch moved that Ordinance No. A224, enti tled ffAn Ordinance Provi-
, ding for the Issuance of a $16,870.11 Fire Equipmen t Bond of the City of Fari baul t. nil
be placed on its second reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc carthy and
adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Buendorf moved that Section l. be amended to
include purchase of Fire Hose in the amount of $2,435.30, making face of bond
$19,305.41. MDtion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous votfl.
Ho. A224
Councilman Buendorf moved that Section 1. be adopted.
Mo tion was seconded by Coun- I.
cilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Behlke moved that Section 2'.
be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councibnan Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
On the qeustion "Shall this Ordinance Pass?tt, those voting "aye" were Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Car thy, Storch and Mayor Walsh. Ordinance No. A224 was hereb~
declared passed and the City Recorder directed to cause same to be published in the
Official Paper.
Summons in the matter o.f registering the title to Mc Call Addition was presente~
and referred to the City Attorney.
Letter from Leonard Furst relative to having the 4:30 Rock Island Rocket stop
in Faribault was read.. Councilman Behlke moved that the City Recorder be directed
to wri te the local agent relative to the request. Motion was seconded by Councilmf'ni
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councibnan Me Carthy moved that the special assessments covering cost of im-
provements cons,tructed during 1946 Season be made as presented by the City Engineer!
and the Flushing Assessment be made at the rate of $.05ll075 per foot, and the Ci ~'" I'
recorder directed to advertise a public notice in the official paper that the asseRs~
ments would be confirmed at the next regular meeting, April 8th, 1947, at eight 0'
clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
The City Engineer reported that a retaining wall should be constructed at the
Joseph Bakken property at corner of Ravine Street and 6th Ave. East approximately
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75 feet long and 3 feet hi~, to cost approximately $150.00.
The Council approv~d
construction without vote.
The City Engineer discussed traffio on Central Ave. and 4th Street NW. during
repaving of streets, stating that the Highway Department recommended the rerouting
o~ traffic. on Central Avenue the same as l&st year, North and South traffic over
3rd Ave. W from Willow St. to 6th St. N, thence East on 6th st. to Central Ave. and
on Truck Highway 60, West end of Viaduct on First Ave. East, thence North to 3rd st.,
thence West to 3rd Ave. West. He also reported that parallel parking would be r~-
quired on Third Street North from First Ave. East to Third Ave. West.
~os. Kaul, manager or the Airport, presented plat showing fields at airport
Advertise site which could be rented for agricultural purposes. Councilman Storch moved that
Auction Bids
Airport : the City Reoorder be directed to advertise for auction bids to be received on Tuesday,
Fields for .
AgrioulturalApril 8th, 1947, at eight o'clobk p.m. on the rental of four fields, 24.9, 35. 22.l
and 17 acres each or a total of 99 acres. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke
: and adopted by unB.JJ.imo'Us vote.
Manager Kaul. presented plat showing location of' spectator area and parking zone~
,Couneilman Behlke moved that the plat be acoep tedl and the layout approved. Motion
, was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilm~ Storch moved to adjourn.
il and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buen.10rf'!
4,0 ~~
T. A. Me811a
C1 ty Recorder.
.1 Approved April 8th, 1947 ~f
! '
........-;,/'L/( ~ ~ t l'/ ~.l (;. ~
H. Walsh,
S];)ecial Meeting, Wednesday, .April 2nd, 1947 , 9: 30 a.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Wednesday, .April 2nd, 1947, at 9:30 a.m. to canvass the
returns of the General Election and to transact any other business which might be
brougnt up. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those
present were Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Storch and Mayor Walsh, also
the Ci~ Attorney.
Th.e resul t of the canvass was as follows:-
For Mayor Emil Peterson
Frank N. Quinn
1,994 votes For Councilman Her.man A. Behlke
1,424 n Walter Buendorf
Andrew J. Keller
Leslie C. Ma.m.they
Phil Mc carthy
Frank W. Storch.
Howard K. Ulvenes
Roy Widman
Charles Mc Guiness
. 1,911 votes
. 1, 796 tt
1,600 n
1,198 n
. 1, 701 ft
678' n
. 2,515) n
1,OSO tt
1 n
For Judge of Municipal Court James H. Caswell 2,351, Ivan Peterson 1, Everett
Malluege 1, A.B. Finnegan 1, Roy Holmblad 1.
For City Justice, Herbert A. Krenske 2,158, Clem Wall, Jr. 68, Art. Dandelet 34,
Earl Orr 3, Elmer Helland 1, Webb Ulvenes 1, Earl Nye 4, Geo. Mullenberg 1, B~y
Kaiser l, Elmer De Mann 1, John Simon 3, Fred Heath 2, Earl Thompson l, J'udge
Childress l, Roger Felix 1, Don O'Brien 1, Will Grant 1, Ed. Gudknecht 1, pet~
TZakis l, Mike Schultz 1, Tom Matakis J., Herbert Krenz 1, Irvin Ostrom 1, Arthur
Bold t 3, iVm. Chappu1e 1, Chris Donohue l, John Milligan 1, Lucius Sm.i th l, Donald
Brandvold 1, M..A. Larson 1, A.M. Thompson 1, Robert W. Beaupre 1, Gus Ballis 1,
E.E. Mentz 1, L.E. Swanberg l, Bert Kampf 1, M. Ganthier 1, Everett Malluege l,
(Jbe Emge l.A On motion of Councilman Storch, seconded by Councilman. Bell lke, the
\~bove count was declared correct b~ unanimous vote of the ~Council on roll call.
Fue1 Yard Referendum nYes" 2042, ! Nott 1,208, ItBlanktt 162.
On motion of Councilman Behlke, seconded by Councilman Buendorf, Resolution :
No. Al942 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Canvass of Returns of the Returns of the General Election.
That the count as canvassed be declared correct and that the City Recorder be
authorized and directed to send c,ertificates of Election to Office to Emil Peterson,
Mayor, Herman A. Behlke, Walter Buendorf, Phil Me Carthy and Howard K. Ulvenes, Coun-
cilmen, James H. Caswell, Judge of Municipal Court, Herebrt A. Krenske and Clem W~.l,
Jr. City Justices, as they are hereby elected to take office April 8th, 1947, for the
. ter.m of two years, the Judge of Municipal Court for four years~ beginning May 1st, 1947.
. Passed .April 2nd, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia., City Recorder. H. Walsh, Mayor.
The matter of appeal of Mrs. Ray Lieb and Mrs. Cecelia Mc Atee from decision cf
the Zoning Board was discussed. Councilman Storch moved that Mrs. Ray Lieb be
granted a temporary building permit to erect store buidling on property locat~d
at No. 203 3rd. Ave. SW., upon filing copy of agreement with. Bethlehem .Academy and
Mc Atee
that Mrs. Cecelia/be granted per.mit to operate antique shop and lapidary at No. 416-
420 Third Ave. NW. provided that no change be made in outside structure of bUilding.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mayor Walsh announced appointment of Mrs. Aaron Lenmark as member of the Library
Board to fill unexpired term of Very Rev. Osborne Li ttlef'ord, whose term expires 1949.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the appointnent be confirmed. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
App~ication of Edward E. Teske for gasoline pump license at No. 1602 4th st. NW.
was presented. Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the license be granted. Motion was
I seconded by Counoilman Buenclo.rf and adopted by unanimous vo tee
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nnr--lli~ -;::~;~r~ of the Fire Underwriters on test of s~~--;~~~ p';;'per w~s p~esen ~eri~T
Councilman Buendorf moved that the report, be accepted and that the bill of Seagr'='ve I
:i Corporation in the amount of $13.077.61 for pumper and b1l1 of Eureka Fire Hose in I
, amount of $465.50 be approved for payment. Mo tion was seconded by Councilman Behlkei
_ _=-:=_ _=-~~.===-..--===_ r
------ --- -----
-- ----._--- -~- -----
~--=--~--~~-~-~-~~~~ -
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf reported on matter of fill for new entrance to Alexander
Faribault Park, stating that Fielding & Sheply would haul excavation from paving pr~~
: ject to Park for $.45 for a load of not less than four yards. The rate was dis-
, cussed and Councilman Behlke inquired as to total cost. Councilman Me Carthy mo~ed
, that the work be au thorized.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adoptad b~
i unanimous vo te.
11 Councilman Buendorf stated that he had had arr inquiry regarding purchase of a
: horse drawn grader. Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directee to'
"advertise an auction sale of a horse drawn grader at the next regular meeting, Tuesd~y,
:,April 8th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and'
I' adopted by unanimous vote.
!I Councilman Buendorf moved to adjourn.
: thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
c::f a ~~
T. A. Mealia
Motion was seconded by Councilman Me
City Recorder.
"; Approved April
8th, 1947.
T 1 '/
~-<{J.~ ,It \~j ,
I 'H. Walsh
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, April Bth_J 1947, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cha~~
: ber at the Ci ty Hall on Tuesday, April 8th, 1947, at eight 0' clock p.m. The meeting,
was called to order by Mayor Walsh. On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke
Buendorf, Me Carthy, Storch and Mayor Walsh, also the City Attorney and City Engine9r
were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting of March 25th, and special meeting
of April 2nd were read and approved. Mayor Walsh stated that if there were no objec-,
tions, the re@Ular order of business would be dispensed with and the delegations preJ
sent heard. No objections were voiced. Mr. Harvey Kelly of the Police Civil Servic~
Commission presented list of Police Officers, duly approved and certiried by the Po~
lice Commission. The following police officers were certified:- Fred A. Heath, Law-
rence F. Ableman, Ernest E. Aberle, Donald Dickey, Timothy J. Hanlon, Gordon Henry
Dep t.
Hob~, Earl H. Kielmeyer, Michael Mertes, John C. Markuson, Wm. H. Mullenmeister, Ed-
ward D. O'Brien, Edward E. Peterson. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the list of
Police Officers certified by the Police Commission be accepted. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. Mr. Al. Hanson of the Police
Commission discussed activities of the Commission and requested the Council to desig-
nate the Physician to conduct physical examinations of the police department personnel
, and such applica.nts as the Commission may order. Councilman Behlke moved that the
Heal th Officer be designated the examining doctor for the Police and Fire Departments
. Civil Service Commissions. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted
by unan~ous vote.
Mr.. John E. Coughlin, representing Bethlehem Academy, presented a petition re-
questing the vacation of Second Street South between 2nd and 3rd Avenues West in con-
nection with the proposed building program of the Academy. On motion of CouncilmaD
Me Carthy, seconded by Councilman Buendorf, Resolution No. Al94B was adopted by unani-
,mous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Petition to Vacate Second Street South between Second and Third Ave~
nue s Wes t.
Whereas: Bethlehem Academy has presented a petition requesting the vacation of
Second Street South lying between the West line of Second Avenue West and the East
line of Third Avenue West in the City of Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota,
No. Al948
Rela tive
to Peti tion
Vaca tion
2nd St. S,
2nd to 3rd
Aves. West.
Tha t the said peti tion is hereby ordered filed with the Ci ty Recorder and he is:
hereby directed to cause notice to be published in th~' Official Paper for two (2)
successive weeks, stating that such petition has been filed and its object, and that
'the same will be heard and considered at a regular meeting of the Council of the Cit~
,of Fa.ribaul t at the Council Chambers in the Ci ty Hall on Tuesday, May 13th, 1947, at.,
,eight o'clock p.m.
Passed April 8th, 1941.
Attest T. A. Mealia, City Recorder.
H. Walsh, Mayor.
Mrs. Cecelia. Mc Atee appeared relative to her application for certificate of
occupancy of her property at No. 418-420 3rd Ave. NW. for an antique shop and lapidary.
The City Engineer explained proceedure.
Pursuant to advertising an auction sale on rental of fields at airport site was
'held. Manager Kaul of the airport was present and called attention to the fact that,
not all crops would be grown, stating that corn planted near the runways would ob-
struct the view. Each tract was offered separately receiving the following bids:-
Track No.1, 211.9 acres, mostly pasture, Wilfred Duffney ~35.00; Tract No.2,. 35 acres
practically all tillable, Henry Mc Shane $155.00, Tract No.3, 22.1 acres, 8 acres
/ 310
n~~~}lir~ '-1-:~::~94.'l~~~._~_~~~~_n_'_ 0 _..._~~_~___ ._.~._._~._~.__._~ __~~_ __n~_'___~_"__~_~
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tillable, $25.00, Henry Me Sh~e; Tract No.4, l7 acres, 10 acres, tillable, Lester I
Caron $50.00. Councilman Buendorf" moved that the bids be closed, the Oi ty Attorney.'
directed to draw standard fODn contracts for rental and that renters be ordered to I
pay rent at time of signing contracts. Thbtion was seconded by Oouncilman Behlke and
adopted by unanimous vo tee
Pursuant to advertising, an auction sale was called for on old horse drawn grader.
Auction Art Degen offered the high bid of $51.00. Councilman Buendorf moved that the auctiQn
Drawn Grader.be closed and the bid accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and a-
dopted by unan~ous vote.
Pursuant to, advertising a hearing was called for on Tarvia surfacing on Fifth I,
Street North from Eighth Avenue West to C.M.St. p. & P. By. right-of-way. No one
Tarvia appeared. Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the hearing be closed and the petition
5th St. NW. granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following communications were presented and read:- Minnesota Industrial
Commission relative to alledged accident of Geo. E.. Day, not reported in 1945~ Coun1
: cilman Buendorf moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. Orders from Minnesota
State Highway Department relative to rerouting of T.R. 60 and T.R. 218, dated April
1st, 1947. Copy of Summons served by City Attorney on Crosco Company relative to
: Alley in Block 45 O.T. Letter from Better Faribault Association relative to placing
condui t for ItStopft and "Gatt signs on Central Ave. Intersections during repaving.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the matter of nStop" & ftGo" signs be tabled until a
later date. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following reports of City Officials were presented and read:- Treasurer,
Recorder, Chief of Police, Engineer, Assessor, Secretary of Library Board, Dairy
Inspector, Market Master, Mar. and 41 to 4/8, Fuel Commissioner, Mar. and 4/1 to 4/8,
Water Commissioner, Chief of Fire Department, Feb. Mar. and Annual, Overseer of Poor,
March and Annual, Clerk of Court, Mar. and 4/1 to 4/8, Recorder's report to Sup~. of
Accounts and Finances in the amount $6,948.66. The following bills were presenteo for
payment:-Water Dept. Payroll $188.80, 192.80, Fuel Dept. Labor $74.68, 94.71, St~te
Treasurer $18l.47, Security National Bank & Trust Co. $705.40, Salaries of JudgeR
and Clerks of Election and rental of buildings for polling places $1,566.50, Wm.
Ackman $35.00, Payroll Assistant Engineer $156.80, Francis Mc Cullough $88.40,
Street Dept. Payroll $1,132.50, Geo. Hanson $41.60, Edmund Yankee,$14.25, Edward
Keilen $9.75. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the reports be accepted and ordered
filed and the bills listed allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the communications be ordered filed. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Counoilman Behlke moved that the first payment of $300.00 be paid on the Avia-
tion Services Co. contract. Motion was seconded by Councilman Storch and adopted by
unan~ous vo te.
Councilman Storch moved that the final estimates of O.T. Rafdal on airport
grading and seeding in the amount of $6,574.00 "and construction of Sanitary Sew~r '
on Div. Street West in amount of $132.60 be al.lowed. Motion was seconded by Cow'-
cilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Applications:- F.M. Talbott, Auction License, Michael J. Karp, Gasoline Pump
License, Nellie Kelly, renewal Junk Yard License, also bond of Nellie Kelly, approved
by the City Attorney as to manner and form of execution. Councilman Mc Carthy moved
that the licenses be granted and the bond accepted and ordered filed. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
311 T'
Regular 4-8-1947
On motion of Councilman Me Car thy , seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution Bottom
! Page 313
No. Al943 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to the Confirmation of Special Assessments for the Year 1946.
That Tarvia Assessment No. 153, Sanitary Sewer Assessment No. 190, Curb and
Gutter Assessment No. 46, Sidewalk Assessment No. 44 and Flushing Assessment for the
Year 1946, all of the Oi ty of Faribaul t, be and the same are hereby confirmed as here-
tofore made and completed as the same appear upon the Assessment Rolls heretofore
compiled and accepted, which assessment rolls are on file in the office of the City'
Passed April 8th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder.
H. Walsh, Mayor.
On motion of Councilman Mc Carthy, seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution
No. .8.1944 was a dopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Pa~ent of Special Assessments in Ten Annual Installments.
Tha t the owner, or person interested in any lot or parcel of land in the Ci tJl"
Faribault which has been assessed for Tarvia, Sanitary Sewer, Curb and Gutter and
Sidewalk in Tarvia Assessment No. 153, Curb and Gutter Assessment No. 46, Sidewalk
Assessment No. 44 and Sanitary Sewer Assessment No. 190, all of ~ich have been
finally established and confirmed by the Council, may at his election and written
request as provided by the Charter of said City, pay the asaessment in ten annual
ins tallments wi th interest thereon at the rate of Four {4} per cent per annum, pay- '
able annually.
Passed April 8th, 1947.
! Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder.
H. Walsh, Mayor.
On motion of Councilman Mc Carthy, seconded by eounci~an Behlke, Resolution
No. Al945 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Paying Flushing Assessments Against Certain Property in the City of,
,Faribault for the Year 1946.
That the Mayor and City Recorder be and they are hereby authorized to drawar,
order on the City Treasurer in the amount of Twenty Four and 51/100 ($24. 5l) Doll~.rs
in favor of the Permanent Improvement Relvolving Fund to cover cost of Flushing a-
gainst the E 15 ft of W 40 rt lot J., Blk. 47 o. T., lots 1 &. 2, Blk. 46 o. T. lot 2,
Blk. 77, O.T., as per deed record 88, page 493 Southern Add., lots 9 &. lO, Elk. 5f
O.T., payable out of the General Fund of the City of Faribault.
Passed April 8th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder. H. Walsh, Mayor.
On motion of Councilman Me earthy, seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution
No. Al946 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Transfer of Funds.
Whereas, sixty per cent has been added to the cost of Tarvia Assessment No. 153,
to cover cost of maintenarrce and whereas, the maintenance is paid out of the Road,
Street and Bridge Fund,
Now, Therefore, the City Treasurer be and she is hereby authorized and directed
to transfer $1,582.84 from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to the Road,
8treet and Bridge Fund.
~ .
No. Al943
of Resolution
No. Al944
Pay Assess-
i ments in
. Ten Annual
Ins tallment s.
No. Al945
Pay Flushing
Ci ty Pro-
""'" I ~U<t~~~~~~'~
Regular 4-8-1947.
-- -~ ~ ---- ~- ~--~------~----~~--------~~~~-~ --~~---~~ ~--~~-~~-~--
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Passed April 8th, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia. City Recorder.
H. Walsh, Mayore
On motion of Councilman Mc Car thy, seoo:nded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution
No. Al947 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Transfer of Funds.
Whereas $5,000.00 was plaoed in the General Fund Tax Levy for the Fiscal Year
1947-1947 to take care of the Tarvia Resurfacing, whish is not assessable,
And. Whereas, the Tarv1a uaed has been charged to the pe~anent Improvement Re-
No. .A1947 ! volving Fund,
Transf er of i
Funds. Now, Therefore,
Tha t the Oi ty Reco'rder be directed to transfer $5,000.00 from the General F'md Ii
to the Perma.n.en't- Improvement Revolving Fund of the City of Faribault.
: Passed April 8th, 1947.
i Attest T.A. Mealia, City Reoorder.
A..:I' d G f tin N 63 rtl
petition, signed by Arthur A. Geika, for Curb an utter ran g the
R. Walsh. Mayor..
lot I, Blk. 6. Southern Heights, was presented.
Councilman Me Carthy moved tha t th~
petition be ordered filed and the City Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing
on same to be held Tuesday, April 22:nd, 1947, at eight o'clo,ck p.m. in the Council I
C & G
signed by
A.H. Galke.'
Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by
unanimous vote.
The City Attorney presented a draft or Ordinance No. A225. Councilman Mc Garthy
Ordinance moved. that Ordinance No. A22:5, entitled ".An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance No. A55'of
A225 First
Reading. i the Cl ty of Fari ba uJ. t" be placed on its first reading. Mo tion was seconded by
Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unan~ous vote. Ordinance No. A225 was then read
by the Mayor.
The City Engineer reported on applications for building permits referred to the
Council by the ~oning Board. Carl Hirdler, lot 3, Blk. 3, Belmont Addition, Zoning !
Board recommended that as Mr. Hirdler owned lots land 2 in addition to lot 3, that.
i he take part of lot 2 as a part of his building si te and thus acquire sufficien i
yard space. No further action was taken by the Council. Ernest Moreau. lot l, Blk.
23, North Faribault, Zoning Board recommended that Mr. Morea~ arrange for more ~pace
; ,~
i between proposed buildings or attach garage to the house. The Council took no further
action. M~rlin Muenchow, W 47 ft of N 1/2 Blk. 2, Dan Faribaults 2nd Add., Zoning
Board reoommended rearrangement of proposed building. Councilman Behlke moved that
the permit be granted subject to rearrangement. Motion was seconded by Councilrran
Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. Russell Kiker, W 12 ft of S 100 ft lot 9,
and all lot 8, Blk. 66 O.T., Zoning Board recammended obtaining right-of-way from
owner of lot 7. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the permit be granted subject to
obtaining right-of-way.
Motion was second.ed by Councilman Behlke and adop ted t'y
unanimous vote..
The City Engineer reported that the retaining Wall at H.R. King Milling Co. at
Western Avenue requires about 50 loads of filling.
Councilman Buendorf est~ated cost of hauling, debris from paving to fill at en-
trance fo Alexander Fe.ribaul t Park to be about $600.00 and rent of bull dozer tC'
push material over,bank $6.00 per hour. On motion of Councilman Mc Carthy, secorded
by Councilman Buendorf, Resolution No. Al949 was adopted. On roll call. those voting
ttaye"' were Councilman Buendorf, Me Carthy and Mayor Walsh, ftnaye", Councilman Behlke;
and storch.
Regular 4-8-1947.
Relative to Fil1uat Entranueto :A:1exab:der Fan bault Park. -
Whereas, the Council has entered into an agreement with the Faribault School
District to hire a Landscape Architect to make a layout f~ Alexander Faribault
Park to provide for an Athletic field and,
Vfuereas, the architect recommends a wider entrance to the Park and;
Whereas, a fill is required to make such entrance and,
Whereas, suitable material to make this fill may be obtained from the debris
of the repaving operations now underway, and,
Whereas, the cost per yard for such hauling is both just and reasonable and the
rental rate of the bull dozer is standard and ,reasonable for such equipment,
No. Al949
That an emergency be declared to exist and the Commissioner of Parks and Play-
grounds be authorized to cause said work to be done without advertising for bids.
Passed April 8th, 1947.
Attest T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. H. Walsh, Mayor.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Councilman Buendorf be authorized to make
arrangements with Basil Hazelton relative to ~ire of bull dozer equipment. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke recommended selling the Model ,A pickup truck which had been
used by the Fuel Department. Councilman Behlke mo,ved that the Ci ty Recorder adver- Advertise
tise an auction sale on said truck to be held Tuesday, April 22nd, 1941, at eight '. Model A
0' clock p.m. in the Council. Chamber at the City Hail. Motion was seconded by Coun- ,
cilman Storch and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise the
sale of a Fire Equipment Bond in the amount of $l9,305.41, dated May 13th, 1947,
due May 17th, 1947 , to bear interest at rate of 1/2 of 1% per annum, date of sale to
Sale Fire
Equipmen t
be Tuesday, May 13th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City
Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
The annual report of the Commissioner of Accounts and Finances on the Depart-
ments of Finance and Fuel was presented and read, the Commissioner of Parks, Fire
Protection and Public Buildings presented and read his annual report on departmeJJts
named, the Commissioner of Water Works and Sewers presented and read annual repor1
on Water Works and Sewers and Airport Departments, the Commissioner of-Roads, stree~s,
Bridges and Alleys presented and read his annual report and the Mayor presented a~i
read annual report on departments of Heal th, Police and Poor. Councilman Me Carthy'
moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the Recorder directed to
cause same to be published in the Official Paper. Motion was seconded by Councilm.an
i Behlke and adop ted by unanimous vo te.
Mayor Walsh ~ade a brief address thanking each member of the Council personally
for their cooperation and commending them for their excellent record made in their
respective departments. He also expressed his thanks to the office of the City
Recorder and Treasurer for maintaining of the City records. He extended his well
wishes to the Ma.yor elect Peterson and Councilman elect Ulvenes for a successful ad..
ministration and hopes that when they c~e to the time of retirement they would ex-
perience the same feeling of satisfaction as he felt at this time. Councilman sto~di
briefly-. thanked the Council for their co-operation and extended well wishes to the
elected officials.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called to / ~pecial assessments for
Tarvia, Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk, Sanitary Sewer and Flushing for the 1946 Seaso~..
No one appeared.
Insert Page
3ll at Top.
Councilman Storch moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke.
ReguJ.ar 4-:8...~9~47. .~_
- Buendorf "
Councilman / suggested that the vote
members. This was done unanimously.
Approved 4/22/1947.
Emil Peterson
be-~-;H;~Sing -:~-~- tribute -~o--~~~--~~~i-;~-~g ~
~ -~--- --:- ~--
T. A. Mealia,
Cl ty Recorder.
Hegular 4-8-1947.._
- ,-- - - - - - --- .-
During the interim between the rising of the old council and the seating of thil
new Council, the City Recorder administered the oath of office to Mayor Emil peterson,
On roll oall those present were Cou~-
Councilmen Hennan Behlke, Walter Buendorf, Phil Me Car thy and Howard Ulvenes. The
meeting was called to order by Mayor Peterson.
cilman Behlke, Buendorf, Me Car thy and Ulvenes, Mayor Peterson, Ci ty Engineer and
City Attorney were also present.
~e old members of the Council expressed themselves as desiring to continue
with their old departments. Councilman Buendorf moved that Councilman Mc Carthy b~
': assigJ;led Commissioner of Roads, Streets., Bridges and Alleys. Motion was seconded b~
Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Ulvenes stated that
inas much as th.e Airport was in the course of construction and development, it was
his opinion that the Airport should be assigned to the Department of Accounts and
Finance. Councilman Behlke stated that he did not agree, that during his term as
, Finance Officer, he did not have the Airport and felt that it sfiould remain as
assigned during the past year. Councilman Behlke moved that Councilman Buendorf be
assigned Commissioner of Parks, Fire Protection and PUblic Buildings and Grounds.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. Council-iol
man Ul venes moved that he be designated Commissioner of Water Works and Sewers. Mo- !,'
tion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman,;
I Buendorr moved that Councilman Behlke be assigned Commissioner of Accounts and
Finances, Fuel Department and Airport. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy.
On roll call those voting "ayen were Councilman Buendorf, Mc Car thy, Ulvenes and
Mayor Peterson, "nayett, Councilman Behlke. Motion was adopted.. Councilman Buencto.rf ,
'I moved that Councilman Me Carthy be elected Vice-President of the Council. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn until Wednesday, April 9th, 9:00 o'clock
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf
vo te .
and ~opted by unanimous
T. A. Mealia.
City Recorder.
Approved 4-22-1947.
Emil Peterson
40- 9--:J9A7 .!~~o~_..._..___
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The Council of the City of Faribault met in / ~ession in the Council
- -------
- - --- --- - ----- - --_._--~--
.------- ---. ,-..~-------
Chamber at the City Hall on Wednesday, April 9th, 1947 at 9:00 o'clock a.m. The
meeting was called to o~er by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were
Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Carth!, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson. Councilman
Behlke brought up the ma.tter of assignment of' departments to Council members. General
discussion followed. Counc1~an Mc Car thy moved that the Fuel Yard be assigned to
Councilman Ulvenes. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by wlanf-
mous vote.
Mayor Peterson read special rules of the Council. Councilman Buendorf moved
that the special rules be adopted making hour of regular meetings at eight o'clo~k
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and
adopted by unanDrrOUS vote.
Application of Milton Brekke for licenses to operate two taxis was presentee.
Mr. Brekke was present and was questioned by the Council as to his plans and rates.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the licenses be granted subject to filling of prorer ..
insurance coverage.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by uncni~:
mous vote.
The Council then went into executive session excluding the Recorder. Upon r~-
~I convening, the Mayor informed the Recorder, T.A. Mealia, that he had been unanimcus-
ly reappointed Recorder, Commissioner of Begi~tration and Purchasing Agent and t~at
i he had been conveyed the ttthanks" of the Council for the manner in which he had con-
, ducted his office during the pa.st years. The Recorder thanked the Council for their
confidence and assured them he would continue toca.rry on his duties to the best of'
his ability.
Councilman Behlke moved that Louise Thonet be reappointed City Treasurer, Assistant
I Recorder and Bookkeeper of the Water Department and that the Mayor and Recorder send
: Miss Thonet a letter of "thanks" for the efficient manner in which she conducted the
, business of the office. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by
unanimous vote.
On motion of Councilman Ulvenes, seconded by Councilman Behlke, Raymond G. Endres
was unanimously reappoiThted City Assessor.
Mayor Peterson read the following applications for office of City Attorney:-
Urban SteimanD, Herbert J. Cook, George Smith and Robert W. Martin. Written ballot
was takeIL. First ballot, Cook 1, Martin 1, Steimann 1., Smith 2. Second ballot, Cook
1, Martin 1, Steimann 2, Smith 1. 3rd ballot Cook 1, Martin 1, Steimann 1, Smith 2.
4th ballot, Cook 1, Steimann 2, Smith 2. 5th ballot Steimann 3, smith 2. Councilman
Buendorf moved that Urban Stellruann be appointed City Attorney. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Frank W. Mc Kellip be reappointed City Engineer
and Electrical Inspector. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by
unanimous vo tee
Councilman Buendorf moved that M.S. Morgan be reappointed Chief of the Fire De-
partment. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Dr. Paul H. Weaver be reappointed City Physician
and Health Officer.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous
Councilmaa Ulvenes moved that Dr. Carl Hanson be reappointed Dairy Inspector.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that A.E. Mollison be reappointed Overseer of Poor.
,Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous. vo,te.
--~ --~.- -~---~~--~~:---~~~:_--- - -,
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nAd journed
- ---- --- - ---
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Councilman Ulvenes moved that Geo. F. La Roche be reappointed Water Commissioner. MOr
tion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. II
Councilman Uivenes moved that Phil Frederickson be reappointed Engineer at the :'
Pumping Station. MOtion was seconded by CounciLman Behlke and adopted by unan~ous
Councilman Behlke moved that Henry Matthes be reappointed Custodian of the Cit~
Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.,
Councilman Mc Car thy moved that Chas. Mac Kenzie be reappo~nted Street Com-
missioner. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that H.W. Graunke be reappointed Fuel Commissioner er,d!
Market Master until such time as the Fuel Yard is liquidated. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Buendorf' and adopted by unanimous vote.
Ai rp'1J:1,t.
Councilman Behlke moved that Thos. N. Kaul be reappointed Manager of the
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that Ella Roberts be reappointed Matron of the Rest
Room. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the matter of' salaries be tabled until a later date.
Motion was seconded by Counci~an Mc Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
The Council decided without vote/to view Western Avenue near the Mil~ and the
entrance to Alexander Far1baul t Park following adjournment.
Councilman Behlke moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Counc1~an Ulvene'"
and adopted by unanimous vote.,
de:;:;: ~c::o...~')
T. A. Mealia
City Recorder.
Approved 4-22-1947.
Emil Peterson
- -~-~-~-~ ~- ~_._-.
~~_.- ~.~ pm _~~Spe9.j.~M(3_~~tiPl.&,.. M.Qn~lay,_ 4pr:i.Lu14 thJ-_ 1947~..- Ej.ghtO~_clQck p.m.~___~_
,--_. -
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~___ ______~___ ~___r____~_ ___~~ ___ ~~~~ _ ____ ____~~:~~~__ ._~__. ~_"______ ~_ _ __~_____~,_~___ __~_ _=_ ___ _ ~__..
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Monday, April l4th, 1947, at eight o'clock p~m. The meeting
was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf, Me Car thy , Ul venes and Mayor Peterson, also the Ci ty Attorney and:'
City Engineer were present. Mayor Peterson stated that the meeting was called to
consider nOff Saleff Liquor License applications of Irwin Os trum, .John Kenney, Donald
I .J. Simpson and Edward J. Luedke which were returned to the Council by the LiquoT con-
trol Commissioner without having taken action on same and to consider certain matters
which the City Engineer wished to bring up relative to repaving project.
Mayor Peterson read the letter from the Liquor Control Commissioner, also letter
from the W.C.T.U. Mr. L.A. Smith, attorney representing the Faribault Retail Liquor
D~alers Association, appeared and urged limiting the number of licenses and presanted
a proposed ordinance 1imi ting the number of 'tOfr Salett licenses. Councilman Ul v~nel:1
moved that the proposed ordinance be tabled. Motion was seconded by Councilman ].'fc
Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. John E. Coughlin, Attorney representing Irwin Ostrum and John Kenney, appeared
and reviewedaction of previous Council and questioned action of the Liquor Contrcl !:
Commissioner in returning licens.es without having taken action on same.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Council recess. Motion was seconded by Ccun~
cilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Upon reconvening Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the applications be return~d to
:. the Liquor Control Commissioner for action. Motion was seconded by Councilman UJvenes
: and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the action of former Council be rescinded. No se-
cond to this motion.
City Engineer Me Kellip reported on condition of a manhole on Central Avenue &
4th Street which he had ordered enlarged and repaired without getting action of the
:, Council so as not to delay the progress of work and stated that there would be items.
of like nature when underground structures were uncovered. He asked the Council to
. designate someone to make decisions on these matters immediately without calling
'the Council into special session. Councilman Behlke moved that the City Engineer be
authorized to cause minor changes in any of the details of the project. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Behlke in-
quired of Mr. Mc Kellip as to what he considered "minor changesu. Mr. Me Kellip stated
changes not to exceed $100.00.
The City Engineer reported on writing the Highway Department relative to repairs
on detours on which the heavy traffic was breaking down the surfacet stating that he
had received no reply to date.
'Ihe City Engineer stated that as the 4th Street entrance to the Alley in BlOr>K
45 o. T. was closed by the Paving CD n tractor and that if the 1st Ave. entrance to the
alley is closed with staging by Tom Crosby in connaction with remodelling his building,
all truck traffic in the alley would be stopped and as Kresge's are planning on
building an addition to their building, with the short turn in alley to Third Str~et
. a fire hazard would be caused. The matter was discussed and Councilman Ulvenes and
Me Carthy stated that they would contact Mr. Crosby.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Counci~an Buendorf
and adopted by unanimous vote. ~
c:/7, c2' ~
T. A. Mealia
Ci ty Recorder.
Approved 4-22-1947.
Emil Feterson , Mayor
----~-~ --~~ ~~---_. -~---,
319 ~,
Speci~J- M~e"ting,F~iday, April 18th, 1947, 7 :30 p.m..
- ---- --- -~-
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham.
I bel" at the City Hall on Friday, ~pril 18th, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was call~d
to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke, Me
Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Attorney and City Engineer. Counci~-
man Buendorf was absent on account of illness.
Mayor Peterson stated that the meeting was to receive report of City Engineer
relative to condition of areaways under sidewalk on Central Avenue and Fourth Stre9t'.
and to consider the matter of taxes on lot 55, Section 36-110-21.. The City Engineer,
that ;:
reported/in connection with the repaving, it was found that many areaways under side~
walks on Central Avenue had been found to be in a poor state of ~epair, walls were
disintegrating, "I" beams were practically rusted out. To construct new curbing
would result in curb settling out of line and grade in a few years. The remedy was
ei ther to have all doorways and windows opening in to the area-I' bricked up and the
areaways filled and tamped or to have new walls constructed to support walk and curb.
The paving contract specifies a unit price of $1.00 per cu. yd for filling. The City
Engineer gave an estimate cost of $70.00 for filling areaway for 2~ feet frontage.
George Welch, State Project En.gineer, was present and discussed the situation. City
Central AVe.
4 th st.
Rela ti va
tha t the 01 ty to Re-
Attorney Steimann discussed the law governing the situation and ruled
had authority to compe1 property owners to keep walks in a good safe condition.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the City Engineer be authorized to contact property
owners and notify them to cause the necessary repairs at once so' as to allow repavin~
project to be completed at the earliest date. Motion was seconded by Counci~an
Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
~~. Harry Kane appeared relative to taxes assessed against Lot 55, Section 36- i
110N-R21W, stating that when building was being ~rected the Council had promised
that a nominal tax of $300.00 would be levied for the first few years, that the pre- Electrical
sent tax was over $2,lOO. He stated that negotiations were under way to sell tile
property to a nationally known firm who would start operating May 1st and employ
from 200 to 300 people, if the deal were completed. The City Assessor discussed the
valuation and stated that he had assessed same at the lowest possible figure. The
City Attorney stated that the Assessor was required by law to place a rair value an
the property and was subject to penalty if he did not do so. Councilman Behlke stated
that the Council had promised that the tax would be around $300.00 and that he would.
like to have same set at that figure if it co. uld be legally done. After general dis~
cussion it was decided that the City Attorney and Mayor consUlt the Attorney General
regarding the matter.
Councilman Ulvenes requested authorization to purchase two fire hydrants for
the Water Department. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the request be granted. Motior;l
was seconded by Counci~an Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy
,c:fa ~e"" .:...
T. A. Mealia
City Recorder.
Approved April 22nd, 1947.
-~- -~-~- -=
O":fte:g~~r 1~~~~tin~'_n~uesday~ApriJ. 2.2.nd~ 1947, Eight O'clock J?~.n ~
- -- ~- ---~ -- ~ ----~ ~ ~--~~ - ~-~-~~ - -- ~=~ - - - -- - -- ---- - - - ---
- .-" --- ~.-~~-~--~~-
----~ ---- -=~----~: ---
Oi ty of F~;ib;~l t met in r~gcl~ - se~~i~~u~i~ ~th; Coun-c-ii- 0han{~ .~~...
Tuesday, April 2.2nd, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meetin~
---- -----------.
The Council of the
ber at the City Hall on
. was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilm~n
Behlke, Mc Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Attorney and City En-
gineer were present. Councilman Buendorf was absent on account of' illness. Minntes
of the last regular meeting of' April 8th, 1947, and special meetings of April 14th !
and l8th were read and approved.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of Curb
, and Gutter fronting the North 63 feet lot 1, BIk. 6, Southern Heights known as tl'.e
1 Arthur Oeike property.
No one appeared for or against the Unprovement.
Councilman , Hearing
. Arthur
. Geike.
Me Carthy moved that the hearing be closed and the petition granted.
Motion was
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from the City Engineer relative to the reopening of State Avenue throu&h
the Minnesota State School and Colony grounds was read. Councilman Mc Carthy mo,..-ed .
that the matter of reopening the vacated Avenue be laid on the table. Motion wa~ se-
conded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Application of Phil Schocket for renewal of Junk Dealers license was presented.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the license be granted. Motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Application of Ray Bothi for Electrician License was presented. Councilman Behlke
moved that the license be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes an~
adopted by unanimous vote.
A requisition for 1,000 gall9ns of gasoline was presented. Councilman Me Carthy
I moved tha t the Councilman Ul vanes be authorized to make the purchase. Mo tion was se'-
conded by Co~cilman Behlke and adopted by unantmous vote.
Pursuant ~ advertising, an auction sale was held on the sale of a Model A 1/2
Auc t10n Pi ck- I
up truck Model ton pickup truok. A bid of $110.00 was received.
A. Bid Rejected.
Readvertise: bid be rejected and the Oi ty Recorder directed to readvertise auction sale to be
5/13/1947. I
held Tuesday, May 13th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the
Councilman Ul venes moved that the'
Presen ted.
Oi ty Hall. Motion was seca,nded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vot.e.
Mr. Don Scott, Secretary of the Charter Commission, presented a letter fram I
Chairman of the Charter Oommission, Frank Klemer, together with the proposed revi sed,
Charter and stated that the Charter Commission had suggested that the election be
held on July 1st, 1947. Councilman Ulvenes moved tha t the repo rt of 'the Charter
Commission be accepted and that the date for the election beset at a later meeting.'
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unantmous vote.
Mr. Don Scott presented the following bills approved by the Charter Commission~-
SDli th & Smi th, Attorney Fees, etc. $404.80, June Mac Whirter, stenographic Work $38.3l,
, Don Scott, Secretary Expense $1.85. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bills be paid,
subject to approval of the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Car~
thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. Esvold, representing Local 642, stated that he had several requests to pre-
sent to the Counci1 relative to members of the City Street Department crew, who wer~
members of the Union. The City Attorney stated that all such requests should be nade
in wri tinge
Mr. Everett Malluege, representing the Telephone Union, read a prepared state-
ment relative to cause of the strike and stated that mass picketing would start on
April 23rd. Fred Goar, President ot the Local Union, stated that several out of town
workers were to be brought in and that they would be stopped from entering the pro-
perty. It was also stated that phones to Police and Fire Departments, Hospi tal and .
321 "-y.
Regular 4-22-1947.
- - --- ---- -
-- -------- ---
- --~ ~-~------
Doctors would be kept in repair. Mayor Peterson stated that the Council would recog~
nize the rights of the Union and that Police would be there to protect property, etc~
Joseph Gilligan appeared relative to Sanitary Sewer extension on Division Strl~et Sani tary
:1 Sewer
East between state and Brand Avenues, peti tioned for in 1946. The City Engineer r~-:! Div. st.
;1 East
ported on the layout, stating that Mr. Brand did not object to sewer fronting lots Ii Discussed
,Ion which buildings could be erected and serviced at normal depth, and that Mr. Dok.'{e;n
wished his property serviced from First street Northeast. Councilman Ulvenes suggest,l3d
that the City Engineer make a survey and est~ate of cost. The City Engineer stated
that he would do s~.
Mayor Peterson read four petitions bearing ninety eight signatures, requesting'
by Ordinance
the Council to: set/the number of ftOff Sale"' Liquor licenses to be granted in Faribe.u.l t
at seven. Councilman Ulven6s moved that the petitions be accepted and ordered filed
and the matter tabled until after. receipt of action of the Liquor Control Commissioner
on the applications which were now filed with him.
Official Bonds, oft Emil Peterson, Mayor, Councilman Herman A. Behlke, Howard K. ::
f Urban J. steimann
Ulvenes, Walter Buendorf, Phil Mc Carthy, all approved by the District JUdge,/City ,
Attorney, approved by Judge of the Municipal Court,
Frank W. Mc Kellip, City Engineer,
Ray G. Endres, City Assessor, Allen E. Mollison, Poor Commissioner, Herbert A. Krens~e,
, Offi cial
City Jus~tice, Louise Thonet, City Treasurer, T.A. Mealia, City Recorder, Geo. F. La Bonds
Roche, Water Commissioner, Paul H. Weaver, City Physician and Health Officer, Fred ;,
Heath, Chief of Police, Patrolman L.F. Ableman, Timothy J. Hanlon, Gordon H. Hoban~ Ii
Edward D. O'Brien, Edward E. Peterson, Michael Mertes, all approved as to manner II
" .
a.nd form of execution by the City Attorney. Councilman Behlke moved that the bonds '1
be accepted and ordered filed, the Recorder's and Assessor's with the County AuditQr.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes requested authorization to purchase twelve 5/8tt meters. Coun~
cilman Mc Carthy moved that the request be granted and the purchase authorized. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
On motion of Councilman Me Carthy, seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution No.
Al950 was adopted by unanimous va tee
Relative to Cancelling Certain Delinquent Uncollectable Water Accounts.
Vfuereas the following delinquent water accounts are considered uncollectable
after due consideration
Resol u tion
No. Al950
Water Bills.
That the delinquent water accounts of N.E. Overby $7.19, Oliver Frechette $2.49,
, Henry F. Bauer $.56, Alfred Spitzack $2.67, Ar.l[101d Piper $1..50, Roger E. Weber $.95,
be and the same are hereby cancelled.
Passed April 22nd, 1947.
Attest T.A. Mealia, City Recorder.
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
Councilman Ulvenes reported on conference with Thos. Crosby relative to alley I
in block 45 o. T. Oi ty Attorney read a letter from Attorneys representing Mr. Crosby Block 45
o. T.
requesting additional two weeks for reply. Councilman Beblke moved that the exten-
sion of time be granted for reply. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and
adopted by unanimous vote.
Mayor Peterson stated that there were logs at the City Dump which could be sold'
and suggested advertising them for sale. Councilman Behlke moved that the City Re-' Advertise
, Auction
corder be directed to advertise an auction sale of logs at the dump, to he held, Tu~s-Sale Logs
!; at Dump
day, May 13th, 1947, at eigh t 0 'clock p.m. in the Council Chamb,er at the City Hall. ,I
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
R(3gu.!~;r _ 4-2.2"-J-94't
~-, - -~ ~-~~---~
---- - -- - -
- - --
-= ~--, ~~--- ~--
-"-- d '_L_"_ -. .~. .-----~---..- ---- ____u_________ ----- -- --- --- - t
The following bills were presented for payment:- Water Dept. Payroll $l68.eo, 1[1'.:
pay:roll 'i
$184.00, Fuel Dept.l$74.68, $68.83, Street Dept. Payroll $lI71.20, Roy Spear $27. 301~
Lloyd Tuttle $l20.00, Vernon Peper $80..62, Mueller Co. $91..65. The :followi.ng r~or!ts
were presented:- City Physician and Health Officer, Treasurer and Becorder for f.,ll I':
. 1,1
to 4/8/1947.. COUllcilman Mc Carthy moved that the bil.ls be allowed and the reports
accepted and ordered filed. MOtion was seconded by Councibnan Behlke and adopte~
by unan~ous vote.
Counci~an Behlke moved that Ordinance No. A2~5, entitled "An Ordinance Re~
pealing Orcinance No. A55 of the Cit,y of Faribault.", be placed on its second r~adihg.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by WJlanimous vote. Ordinar~e II
No. A225 was then read and voted on by sections as follows :-CounQilman Me Carth)"
Ordinance moved that Section 1. be adopted. Motion was seconded by Counci~an Ulvenes ano
No. A225
Second adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Section 2. be adopt€d.
Repealing : Motion was seconded by Councilman. Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman
Fuel Ordinano~.
Me Carthy moved that Section 3. be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman BehlJ.{e
i. and adopted by unanimous vo te. On the ques tion ftShall tliILis Ordinance pass? ff thC'se
voting aye were Councilman Behlke, ~~n, Me Carthy, Ul venes and Mayor Petersc'1,
"naye"' none. Ordinance No. A255 was hereby declared adopted and the City Recorder
directed to cause same to be published in the official paper.
The Oi ty Engineer stated that he had served notice of repairs to areaways en
five property owners on Central Avenuee
Councilman Behlke stated that he thought street crew could be cut during the
time ot repaving. Councilman Mc Carthy stated that the men were cleaning in re~i-
dence district. Counci~an Ulvenes reported on the Fuel Yard. He also stated that
he thought. that there was plenty of repairs to be made on residential streets. Ii
The City Engineer reported on detours. He also stated that he had condemne'l II
the cornice on the Masonic Building, also on the Arlington Hotel. II
Counci~an Ulvenes moved that the s~e Judges of Election be appointed to servb
at the Charter Election as served in the General Election and that the same locatio~s
be designated as polling places as, used at the" General Electioln. Motion was sec')ndbd
by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
C9unci1man Ulvenes moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc
Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
T. A. Mealia
Ci ty Recorder.
: Approved May 13th,
~ CJ~J
Emil Peterson .
- -: --------~-~~~-
---- --- ~~-_._-~~-..
Regular Meeti~g, Tuesday, May +3~h, 1947, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of " Faribault met in regular session in the Council Chem~
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, May 13th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
'was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf, Me Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Attorney ana
City Engineer were present.
. . Pursuant to advertisi~ bids were called for on a Model A Ford pickup truck .
,Wr1tten Bids of Ray Flom $lbO.OO, Vernon Drinken $~25.00, Lehman Woodcraft $175.00 we+e presented.
Ii The bid of L.E. Ullerich, 51 W Kellog,St. Paul, in the amount of $205.00 was accepted,
I same being the highes t bid.
! ~
Pursuan t to advertising" bids were called for on logs at the City Dump. No btds
. were received.
Raymond Dwyer appeared before
II After di scussion Councilman Behlke
. of amending same. Motion was seconded
the Council rela ti ve to present licensing of dogs.
ordinance licensing
moved that the present/Dogs be considered in
by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by
appeared before the Council 4:30
Leonard Furst/regarding having the/Rock Islam Rocket stop at Faribault.
cilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder take the matter up with the Rock Island 'I
Railroad Co. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote
Clarence Larson appeared before the Council relative to Northern States Power
Co. rates requesting that the rates be the same in the City Limits. Councilman Me
Carthy moved that the City Attorney be instructed to investigate the matter. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Henry Mueller appeared before the Council relative to lot line of lot 1 Block 6~
. Mc Clelland's Addition. Mrs. William Delaney arid Mrs. Fred Me Atee spoke on the srun$
matter. Walter Dokken, County Surveyor, also spoke. It was suggested that the in-
teres ted/contact their respective attorneys and make settlement. Counci~an Behlke
moved that the City Engineer and City Attorney investigate the matter of the alley
in Block 6, Mc Clelland's Addition. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and
adopted by unanimous vote.
Herbert Krenske appeared before the Council relative to construction of a home
on the West 1/2 lot 4, Blk. 80 O.T. The location was approved by the Zoning Board.
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Attorney be authorized to issue a building
permit to Herbert Krenske. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted
by unanimous vote.
Clarence Larson appeared before the Council and requested that the grade of
Fourteenth street Hill be improved. The City Engineer stated that the City planned
to take off the knoll when St. James School put in a new driveway.
Edward C. Esboldt, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Joint Council No. 34 and
presented a letter to the Council relating to the General Drivers & Helpers Union
#642 of Faribault. Councilman Behlke moved that the matter be tabled. No second
was received to this motion. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Union be recognize'l",
and that the Union Members be notified to appear at the next regular meeting at whi~h
time the Council would inform them what action would be taken by them regarding the
Union. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. ,
be letter and
Lester Caron, president of Local 515, representing common labor, requested/that' verbally
the wage scale be set at $1.00 per hour ~or 40 hour week and $1.50 per hr. for over~i
time. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the matter be tabled until the next meeting. !
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
CO"l1cilman Ulvenes moved that Ray G. Endres be appointed Acting Recorder during;
the absence of T.A. Mealia.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Car thy and adopteq.
by unanimous vote.
Re~ula.r 5-:J-3-1947. ".
No. Al95J.
2nd st. SW.
No. Al952
Paying Fire
o __ ~ _~_ _~-
------~------ --- ---.
- --- -~ ._----<~~--
II Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on. the vacation of Second St.
II residing at No. 227 2nd Avenue SW.
! South between Second and Third Avenues West. Geo. Kallak!appeared and objected to
the vacation. Discussion rollowed between Ray Lieb, interested property owner,
i John E. Coughlin, Attorney for Bethlehem Academy, and Walter Dokken, County Surveyor.
Councilman Mc Csrthy moved that Resolution No. Al95l be adopted and that Bethlehem
Academy be required to give the City of Faribault an easement on Water Main. MotioD.
was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Vacation of Second Street South lying between the West Line of Se-
cond Avenue West and the East Line of Third Avenue West.
Whereas, a petition was presented to the Gouncil of the Ci~ of Faribault, at a re-
gular meeting held April 8th, 1947, praying that Second Street South lying betwe~n
the West line of Second Avenue West and the East line of Third West, be vacated,
, And Whereas, the Council of the City of Faribault adopted Resolution No. A1948 or-
dering said petition filed with the City Recorder and directing that he cause a no-
tice to be published in the Official Paper for two successive weeks, at least on~e
each week, stating that the Council, at its regular meeting to be held on the 13th
'. day of May, 1947, would hear and consider said petition,
i And Whereas, at a regular meeting held on the 13th day of May, 1947 , proof of PUbli~~ed
notice having been made, the Council heard said petition, and no objections having 'I
I ~ I
been filed by written instrument and only one objector being present,
The. t that part of Second Street South lying between the West line of Second Ave,-
nue West and the East line of Third Avenue West be and the same is hereby vacate,1\.
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that said street sha11 remain open for public travel
until the
City Engineer files with the Gity Recorder a certificate that actual construction o~:
the new Betalehem Acadany School Building has started.
That the City Recorder be and he is hereby directed to cause this Resolution
-0__'_- _ _.~____ .._
to be published in the Official Paper of said Ci ty, and if no appeal is taken there-:
from, to file a copy of said Resolution, duly certified by the City Recorder, with the e
Register of Deeds in and for the County of Rice, State of Minnesota.
. Passed May 13th" 1947..
Attest R.G. Endres, Acting Recorder.
, (Corporate Seal, Oi ty of Faribaul t)
pursuan t to advertising, bids were called for on sale of Fire Equipment Bon~
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
in the amount of $19,305.41. No bids were received.
On mqtion of Oouncilm~ Ulvenes, seconded by Councilman Buendorf, Resolution
No. Al952 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Pa~ent of Fire Equipment Bond of the City of Faribault.
That for the purpose of paying Fire Equipment Bond or the City of Faribault,
! dated May 13th, 1947, maturing May 17th, 1947, and interest accrued thereon, the
Mayor and City Recorder are hereby directed to draw an order on the City Treasur9r
in the amount of $19,,306.73 in payment of said bond and interest, $19,305.41 out o~
" the Sinking Fund and $1.32 out of the Interest Fund.
, Passed ~~ay 13th, 1947.
Attest R.G~ Endres, Acting Mayor Emil Peterson, Mayor.
Corpo~~~e 3eal, City of Faribault.
~n motion of Councilman Me Carthy, seconded by Councilman Ulvenes, Resolution
No. Al953 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Regular 5-13-1947.
Relative to Payment of City of Faribaultt's Portion of Tarvia Assessment No.
That the City of Faribaultts Portion of Tarvia Assessment No. 153 be paid out
of the General Fund of the Ci~ of Faribault, in accordance with Seotion 192 of the
Charter of the City of Faribault.
That the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to draw an
order on the City Treasurer in the amount of $242.72, payable to the Permanent Im-
out Fund
provement Revolving Fund/of the General/of the City of Faribault.
Passed May 13th, 1947.
Attest R.G. Endres, Acting Recorder.
(Corporate Seal, City of Faribault)
Emil Peterson, Mayor
On motion of Councilman Me Carthy, seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution
No. Al954 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Imp roveme:'1t !
Relative to Payment of City of Faribau1t's Portion of Special Assessments.
That the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized and directed to draw an order
on the City Treasurer in the amount of $239.91, payable to the Permanent
Revolving Fund out of the Permanent Improvement Fund for payment of City's Share of II
The following bills were presented for payment:- F .H. Mc Cullough $61.20, Fuel II
Dept. Payroll $180.80, Water Dept. Payroll $74.68, Edmond Yankee $9.00, C.M. st. F. II
, & P. R.R. Co. $11.69, Security National Bank & Trust Co. $754.69. Minnesota State II
Treasurer $158.29, Payroll Engineer's Office $124.00, Library Accounts $817.79, F.H.!
Me Cullough $88.40, Street Dept. Payroll $ll18.30, C.M.St. P. & R.R. Co. $9.26, ,
Water Dept. Payroll $249.60, Fuel Dept. Payroll $59.68, Universi ty of Minnesota $;.09,
:, Industrial Maintenance Co. $60.00, Water Dept. Payroll $230.40, Fuel Dept~ Payroll
$38.68. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bills listed be allowed subject to apprcva1
I Curb and Gutter Assessment No. 46.
Passed May 13th, 1947.
Attest R.G. Endres, Acting Recorder.
Corporate Seal, City of Faribault.
Emil Peterson, Mayor
of the City Attorney.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by
unanimous vote.
A letter from the City Engineer to Urban Ste~ann~ City Attorney, relative tc
hazardous condition of stone barn on lot 7, Blk. 69 O.T. in rear of Larson Tire Srop~
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Engineer be instructed to start condemnaticn :
No. Al953
Ci ty t s
No. 153.
Resol u tion
No. Al954
Ci ty , s
C & G
No. 46.
, proceedings to have the building rendered safe or demolished. Motion was seconded. by
CounciLman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The resignation of H.W. Graunke as Fuel Commissioner and Market Master, effecti~e
'i Resignation
M~y 15th, 1947, was presented. Councibnan Ulvenes moved that the resignation be H.W. Graunke
accepted with regret and that Mr. Graunke be paid the usual two weeks vacation. Mc,- ,
tion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimOus vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that a refund of $11.00 taxi license be made to W.E.
Scarborough. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous ,ot~.
The following applications for pinball machine licenses were presented:- Mid]an~
Amusement Co. 10 owner's licenses, Gopher Sales Co. 35 own.er's licenses, Olson's ri-!!
rect Serv&ce, Faribault Golt & Country Club, Maison Ritz (2), Joe. J. Valentine, ;
Haug Grocery Store, H.L. Goodwin, Veterans of Foreign. Wars Post l562, B.P.O.E. #1166'
I, (2), Fraternal Order of Eagles, Faribault Bowling Lanes, Hotel. Faribault (2), Maic~-
Rite Sa4wich Shop, J.B. Hunt, Castle Hamburger Shop, Wimpy's Pantry, Boston Cafe,
American Legion Post #43 (2), H.W. Malluege, Eldo H. Radtke, Harold A. Ollhoff (2),
~ .
Regular 5-13-1947.
I! Frank Doege, Mil ton Hanson (2), 'lh:e Hurryback (2), Olympia Candy Co. (I), Dice's
Bar (2), Frank Schoo, Kelly Inn, all operators' licenses. Co,uncilman Me Carthy
. moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and
adopted on the following vote, "ayes" Councilman Buendorf, Mc Carthy and Ul venes,
Applice. tions of Homer Q. Co1.e for renew&l of Roller Rink License, F. W. KoopII.an \
Cigarette License, W.R. II
nnsyes" Councilman Behlke and Mayor Peterson.
ifor Plumber's License, Faribault Golf & Country Club for
Scarborou~ and John C. Bultman Est~ for Auction Licenses were presented.
Au to Car
See insert
, Ulvenes moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Counci1man Me
" Carthy and adop ted by unanimous vote.
I Deputy Assessors' Bonds of Mrs. Esther Myers, Mrs. Florence Peterson, Pearl P.
I! No rd gaard , Dora Nichols, Plumber's Bond of William F. Koopman, Bond of Bernadett~
\i\ R. Bieter, Clerk of Court, and Auto Gar policy of Mil ton O. Brekke were presented.
t!councllman Ulvenes moved that the bonds and policy be acoepted and ordered filed,
~;: all having been approved as to manner and form of' execution by the Oi ty Attorney.
Endorsement for Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance Policy for
'!I I,
:1 policy No. PUB-A73542, Hartford Accident & Indemni ty Co. , to cover Leland H. sarge1t
[,was presented. Counoilman Mc Carthy moved that the transfer of insurance be accepter
Ii subject to approval of City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman 1J.l.venes and:
ii adopted by unanimous vote.
bdlttom page 327.
Ii; Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the Ci ty Engineer be authorized to cause the
Ii necessary repairs to be mad~ on the Incinerator.
IUlvenes and ado~ted by unanimous vote.
I The City Engineer asked the Council to give thought to planting of shrubs and
I trees in the boulevards in acco,rd~ce with the Zoning Ordinance.
Motion was seconded by Councilman
Three "Off Sale" Liqu~r ~icense ~pplicat10ns and letter from Dudley C. Ericson,
Control Commissioner, wer~ presented.
Councilman Me carthy moved that the
ilmatter be tabled.
lilmous vote.
Motion was seconded. by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by una~i-
Ii A petition signed by twenty six signatures requesting that the Council refr"'in
I from granting any more
[moved that the_ petition be accepted and ordered filed
>>Off Sale" Liquor Licenses was presented.
Council.m..e.n Ulvenes,
with several others received i:
earlier date. Motion was seconded by Councinnan Buendorf and adopted by unani~
Councilman Ulvenes mDved that the date for voting on the Revised Charter Qu~stibn
set as of July 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adoptedi
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for bids
!;,Iat an
I;lmous vote.
Minutes of the last regular meeting of April 22nd, were read and approved.
Election Dat~be
Set for '
July 1st, by
for Bids on
P rin ting.
unanimous vo te .
on Official Printing for the ensuing, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on
Tuesday, May 27th, 1947, at eigh~ o'clock p.m.
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous votee
Motion was seconded by Councilman
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
[,bidS on compensation insurance to. cover Oi ty employees, to be received up to eight
Bids on 10 'clock p..m. on Tuesday, May 27th, 1947, at eight 0 'clock p.m. Motion was seconied
Compensa tion \:' . '
Insurance. ,by Councilman Buendiorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
I' ., .
1'1 Dr. Chatham, Business M~nager of the Fsribaul t Municipal Band Associa tion, appe4red
!before the Council relative to renewal of the Band Contract. Councilman Ulvenes
imoved that the Mayor and City Recorder be directed to sign a contract with the Fari-
327 'v,
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- --. - - -- -
- ,
--------- --- ---- --.,,---- ---
--_.---- --- - ----~-- - .------ ---------------- - ------
Regular 5-l J{_].OJl r"J~_ __
__~_~_ __,~_ ~_~~~~~_ ~ ~-~_, -__L~_~_~ J~__ __ _____
- ----------
.~ ___~__~_~O ___-_~~__ ~__~~__~ ~~
bault Municipal Band Association for six concerts to be rendered for $1,500.00. MOn
tion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Dr. Chath~, Chair.man of the Zoning Board, addressed the Council regarding
r having a joint meeting with the Council. No action was taken. Councilman. Ulvenes,
II moved that the City Recorder be instructed to write a letter to Dr. Chatham, Chair~
i man of the Zoning Board, commending them for their work and assuring them of their
i earnest support.
I, mous vo te .
MOtion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unani-
Councilman Buendorf moved that the request be granted.
cilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
l ~
the boiler :i
~ j
unanimons "
A letter from Geo. H. Hansen, Assistant Engineer, requesting to be put on ftOn
the Job TrainingU as an engineering aid for bo~ inside and outside work was read.
Motion was seconded by
A request was made in behalf of the girl scouts for the use of a wenning house
for three weeks beginning July l5th, 1947-
take care of the matter.
Councilman Buendorf said that he would
CounciLman Ulvenes moved that CounciLman Mc Carthy be authorized to cause a
sand point to be driven at the Municipal Garage to get water for use in
to heat Tarvia.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by
Mayor Peterson requested that a waDning house be constructed at the
for use of Incinerator Tender.
Mayor Peterson was authorized to have the matter
I ~
The City Attorney said that he had received an answer from Attorney represent:\ng
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of tennis courts and toilets at AleT- ':
totter, swings, etc. Councilman Ulvenes moved that Councilman Buendorf be authorized
taken care of.
Tom Crosby in regard to vacating part of alley in Bl.ock 45 o. T.
ander Faribault Park ~so the ~eed of Playground Equipment such as slides, teeter-
to spend $600.00 for Playground Equipment a.nd Repairs for 1947. Motion was secondod it
by Councilman Me Car thy.
Requisitions for 1,000 gallons of gasoline, 500 gallons of Diesel Fuel, 200
gallons of distillate were presented$ Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the Finance
I ~ J
Officer be authorized to make the purchases. Motion was seconded by Councilman Be~lke
and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following monthly reports of City Officials were presented and read:- Tre~~urer,
Library Board, Market Master, Water Commissioner, Overseer
of Poo,r, Assessor, Recor-:I
Counc ilman ii,
Recorder, Engineer, Clerk of Court, Chief of Police, Dairy Inspector, Secretary of
der's report to Supt. of Accts. & Finances in the amount of $7,212.74.
Councibnan Behlke moved to adjourn.
adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was secondod:'
Cal !i
Leland H. Sa.rgeant and applicaticn:
Councilman Mc carthy moved that t
Me Carthy moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed.
. by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous votee
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and
R. G. Endres
Acting Recorder.
I Approved May
27th, 1947.
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
I! Insert on page 326.
I: Service Company to transfer their Taxi License to
Application of Arnold E. Lunde & G. LaVerne Campbell, dba
ot ~~. Sargeant for a taxi license was presented.
the transfer be allowed subject to approval of City Attorney. Motion was seconded by
Councilm~n Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Special Meetipg-,~u Wedl!:~~day, _M~.Y ?:Ls~1:;_LJ947L8 ~ 00 0~'~C1DCk p.m.
- -_.._--~-~ -,--.
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~:-I - ~- ----- ---~-~- .___..__~__n_~_.________~._..~~__...~_____ -------..--~------------.-~-------- ---------.- -------------TI- ----.
Ii The Council of the Ci ty o,f Fari baul t met in special session in the CO'UIlcil Cha.m:~
iiber at the City Hall on Wednesday, May 2lst, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
:1 was: called to order .by Mayor Peterson. On rliJill call those presen t were Councilm.s.n
ilBehlke, Buendorf, Me Carthy, Ulven6s and Mayor Peterson. Mayor Peterson stated that
il the meeting was called to consider several proposed projects at the Airport which
I .
'I Thos. N. Kaul, Mgr., wished to present to the Council.
Thos. Kaul, Airport Mgr. brought up the matter of investigating tbe possibili ty'
of obtaining an option on the sevent'aen acres of land belonging to the Ryan family
adjacent to the Airport.
Councilman Behlke mo~ed that the Airport Board be authorized
to make the investigation.
Motion was lost on account of no second being receive1.
A lengthy discussion followed during which it was. brought out that some of the
Councilmen thought that major repairs should be made at the Parks before making
expenditures at the Airport. Councilman Behlke, Buendorf and Ulvenes and 'rhos. N. KaiUl,
Airport Mgr. and .Tohn Coughlin, Robert .Johnson, airport board members, took part in
the discussion.
Councilman Behlke moved the. t the necessary work b('e' done at the Airport as pr,:,>-]
system, including well, pump and pipe to:,
posed by the Manager, namely:-install water
administration building,lPurchase and clear 20 acres of tllnber to West
Extend Sewer and water service to tenants $1,967.74, Build spectator &rea in vicinity
,of administration area, surface with Tarvia and surround with safety wire, $1,389.50~
: Build Access road and parking area. $1,080.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buen-
dorf and adopted on the fOllowing vote:- "ayes" Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Me C~rt~y
',and Mayor Peterson, "naye" , Councilman Ulvenes. Motion carried.
Manager 'rhos. N. Kaul was authorized, without vote, to make trips to callan
Leslie Schroeder, State Aeronautics Commissioner and to callan Art. Collinge, Well
Driller, at Zumbrota.
Councilman Ul venes moved to, adjourn.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf
and adopted by unanimous vote.
i ~
B.G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
Approved May 27th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
-- -- - --.------
- -- . - - -
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, May 27th, 19479 Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the Oi ty of Fa.ribaul t m.e-t in regular session in the Council Ch~-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, May 27th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meetirg .
was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilm~
Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Engineer ard
City Attorney were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting May 13th, 1947 W6re
read and approved with the following eorrection:-The vote on the $600.00 Park approi;
priation for equipment should be as follows :-"aye" Councilman Buendorf, Me C6.rthy,
Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, "naye" Councilman Behlke. Mayor Peterson and Councilman
Buendorf discussed the "noft vote of Mayor Peterson on granting Pinball Machine Licenses.
Minutes of the special meeting of May 21st, were read and approved. Di~cussion followed
regarding the cost to tenants, in accordance with their leases and contractst for piping
of water to their hangars at the Airport.
Ray Dwyer appeared before the Council to ascertain if the Council had made
any change in the Ordinance licensing dogs in the Oi ty of Fari baul t. On being aS1:ed!
wordingof the!i
by Councilman Behlke, the City Attorney stated that he thought the/ordinance coulo 1
be improved. Councilman Buendorf and Mayor Peterson also took part in the discussion.
Henry Mueller appeared before the Council relative to the Alley in Block 6,
Me Clelland's Add. The City Attorney stated that the Alley had never been laid o~,t i
by the C i t.y , that several structures were now located on the alley and tha t probatly
action wo ul d have to be taken by the property owners.
Joseph D~, member of the Fire Department Civil Service Comraission, appearea
before the Council and stated that the Commission favored setting the salaries of,
firemen at $200.00 per month.
.Application of L.W. Massee to have Roller Rink License of Homer Q. Cole tranE'fered
to himself was presented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the request be granted. Me-,'
tion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and. adopted by unanimous vote..
Applications of Mabel Peterson and Geo. Ellis for Pinball Machine Licenses werei
i~ presented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was se-I Applications
conded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll call thos'e voting Haye" were Councilman
Buenderf, Mc Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson. Itnaye" Councilman Behlke. Motior
Applications of Otto Spitzack, Walter Cates, LLoyd Sterling for renewal of
was oarried.
bage collection licenses, Oliver N. Larson, Frank Golden, William Thierman for renewal
of Electrician's licenses'Ihomas F. Mulligan for Dance Permit aDld Rueben Schwert fer;
Auction License were presented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the licenses be grEnted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A peti tion for Sanitary Sewer on Second Avenue Northwest,. Horth from present
terminus to 23rd 3treet North, signed by twenty two property owners, was presentee.
Lester Caron was present and requested that his name be stricken off of the petition~
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the petition be accepted'and ordered filed and the
, City Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held Tuesday, ~-une
lOth, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy ant
Peti tion
Sewer 2nd
Ave. W.
North to
23rd St.
adopted by unanimous vote.
Official Bond of John Ennis, House Mover's Bond of Andrew H. Story, Sidewalk
Bond of Elgin & Caron, all approved as to manner and form of execution by the Ci t~.
, Attorney, were presented. Councilman Buendorf moved that the bonds be accepted arfl
o,rdered filed~ Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Reports of the Market Haster and Fuel CO!"TITIissioner for Hay 1st to 15th and
Chief of Fire Department for April were presented. Councilman Behlke moved that
~ '
Regular 5-27-1947.
the reports be accepted and ordered filed.
Motion was seconded by Councilman
Buen- I
dorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following bills were presented for payment:- Fuel Dept. Payroll $38.68, par~
Dept. Payroll $33.60, 11.S. Morgan $12.70, Water Dept. Payroll $232.00, Street Dept. i
Payroll $1097.20, Water Dept. Payroll $24-1.60, Fuel Dept. Payroll $38.68, Librar:r
Accounts $549.85~ Thos. N. Kalil $8.4-5, Emil Peterson $lO~OO, Maurice Van Thomme $3l.i50.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bills be paid. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Letter from Anchor Casualty Company relative to Workmen,Is Compensation Insuranc,e,
S.W. Marshall, Jr., Consulting Engineer, offering services for Airport, League of
Minnesota Municipalities presenting tentative Amendment to League Constitution,
State Department of Social Security relative to Sewage Disposal Plants, An expression
of tt'Ihanks" from the Francis Ford Family, were presented. Councilman Behlke moved. !
tions. that the communications be ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes'
and adopted by un~imous vote.
.A request from the Northwestern National Ban.k requesting the release of $35,000,:.00
u.s. Treasury Notes, Series A 47, l!% due Sept. 15th, 1947, held by the City Treasurer
Colla teraJL a.s collateral for City Deposits and presenting $35,000.00 u.s. Treasury Bonds of
Released 1967-72, 2i%, due Dec. 15th, 1972, to take their place was presented and re ad. Coun-
Accepted. cilman Behlke moved that the Ci ty l}:'re8.surer be authorized to release the U.S. Tr'~asury
Notes and th3t the $35,000.00 u.s. Treasury Bonds, 2i%, due Dec. 15th, 1972, be
accepted as collateral for deposits in the Northwestern National Bank. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Compensation Insurance. The
Accept Bid
Off icial
Accept Bid:! follow:h.ng bids were received: - Security Insurance Agency in Anchor Casualty Co. and
Compensa tion:1
Insurance. :Ii Popelka Insurance Agency in Anchor Casual ty Co. Counc ilman Behlke moved that the bi~
['Ii of the Security Insurance Agency be accepted, they being next in line for this b-1Si-11
II ness. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. :!
II, Councilman Ulvenes moved that the certified check of Chas. J. Popelka, which il
I ~ [I
laccompanied his bid, be returned to him. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me C~rtht
I and adopted by unanimous vote. I:
'I. Ii
II! Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the Official Printing for the Ii
II ensuing year. The following bid was received: - Tba Journal Company, publishers 6r Ii:,.,
i'the Far1bault Journal. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the Mayor and C1 ty Recor1er Ii
:be authorized to enter into contract with the Journal Company~ publishers of The
iiFaribaUl t Journal.
limous vote.
i Me qarthy
i The ma tter of salary increases and wage scales was brough t up. Councilma.njpre-:
I sented the following scale for labor:- Patrol Grader Operator $1.00 per hr., Flusher,
I:Operator $.90 per hr., regular labor $.90 per hr., special labor $.85 per hr., Man
l:and Truck hire $2.00 per hr.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unani-
Lester J. Caron, President of Local 515
and Edw. C.
Esboldt, Sec'y. Treas. Te~sters Joint Council No. 34, Saint Paul were present. Mr.
!,EsbOldt stated that inasmuch as he . was not prepared to quote wage scales of other
ilMinnesota cities in the class of Faribault at this time, he would accept this scale,
,in behalf of the Union, but requested permission to appear before the Council in the
: ~
I,future after
he had prepared the data on wage scales.
at any time.
would be welcome to return/Councilman Behlke opposed
Ivlayor feterson sa.id that lhe ~
the raise in the wage scale
was greater than any industry
Istating that the wage scale of the City of Faribault
'!in Fari baul t was paying. Councilman 1.;1. venes moved that the following salary and wage
i'scale be adopted:- Chief of Police $2l0.00~ Patrolmen ~~185.00, Chief of Fire Depart-
. ~
__ c___. _. _~.
..,egular 5-27-1947
ment $210.00, Assistant Chiefs $195.00, Firemen $185.00, Assessor $200.00, Recordor;!
& Registration 'Clerk $203.50, Poor Commissioner $165.00, Assistant Poor Commissioner
$126.50, Dump Tender $145.00, Incinerator Tender $145.00, Park Tenders $165.00, stre1et
Commissioner $192.50, Garage Mechanic $200.00, Airport Manager $200.00, Treasurer,
Assistant Recorder $200.00, City Engineer $313.50, Attorney $138.00, Janitor City
Hall $165.00, .Radio Mechanic $46.00, HeeJ. th Officer and Physician $97.75, Dairy 11',-
spector $ll5.00, Matron Rest Room $130.00, Judge Municipal Court $215.00, Engineer ,i
i Pumping Station $170.50 & Hame, Assistant Engineer at Pumping Station $176.00, Wate~
Commissioner $215.00, Assistant Water Commissioner $161.00, Assistant Engineer $2:;'0.00,
Assistant Engineer $220.00, Assistant Engineer, Geo. Hansen $.90 per hr. unless ho
took up training under the G. I. Bill of Rights, Patrol Grader Operator $1.00 per l:r.
Flusher Operator $.90 per hr., Operator Cat at Pit $.90 per hr., Labor $.90 per hr.
Special Labor $.85 per hr. Man & Truck $2.00 per hr., Clerical Help $.85 per hr.for.
to take effect as of May 1st, 1947.
three months, then $.90 per hr./Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll
call those voting nayeff were Councilman Buena~orf, Mc Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peter-
son, nnayeU Councilman Behlke. Motion was declared adopted.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Assessor be allowed $120.00 per year for Assessor
Car Exp.
car expense. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unan~ous vote. Allowed.
Mayor Peterson brought up the matter of creating the office of Assistant Chi~f
of Police and office of Desk Sergeant. Councilman Buendorf moved moved that the
Mayor's suggestion be approved. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted
by unanimous vote.
Salary of the
Counc ilman Behlke moved that the/ Assists,nt Chief of Police be set at $195.00
per month and that of Desk Sergeant at $185.00 per month. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
1~e Council discussed the matter of Firemen holding down other jobs besides
that of Fireman. It was unanimously decided that the ,conduct of the Firemen should ..
be under the control of the Firemens' Civil Service Commission.
The matter of trading in the 1939 Ford Car used by the Police Department on a
" new car was discussed. It was suggested that Mayor Peterson contact all dealers to
. .
i get trade-in prices on the car, also to get cost of repairs on the car.
Councilman Ulvenes requested authorization to purchase 2 3/4" and 12 5/8ft waterl
meters for the Water Department. Councilman Behlke moved that the request be granted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous votee
Councilman Me Carthy moved that M.S. Morgan, Chief of the Fire Department, bo
authorized to attend the Fireman's Convention at Brainerd. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes brought up the matter of selling the Market Property and
suggested that the Council meet and view the property before tW{ing action.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of installing a"Stop Sign" at inter-
section of Shumway Ave. and Ravine Street as requested by Henry Van Houdt. The
matter was referred to the City Engineer.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of cleaning and redecorating the Rost
Room in the Gallagher Building. It was suggested that Councilman Buendorf get an es-
tima te of the cost.
Councilman Buendorf reported a request made by Harold/for a street light at
6th Ave. and 3rd Street ~~W.
Councilman Buendorr brought up the matter of repairing the Tarvia surfacing
fronting his property on Division Street. 'Ihe ma tter was referred to Councilman lITe
~ '
Regular 5-27-1941.
Mayor Peterson brought up the matter of Petition for Tarvia Surfacing on 15th
Street North fram Central to 1st Aves. West. He was informed that the work would b,
done as soon as the weather permitted.
Councilman Behlke moved that Justice of the Peace, Herbert Krenske, be given
quarters in the Ci~ Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted
by unanimous vote.
Mayor Peterson brought up the 111a tter of redecorating the Red Cross Room. Coun-
: cilman Buendorf said that he would look into the matter.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of hiring Zane Crandall as caretaker
: and watchman at the Tourist Park. CO'Ullcilman Ulvenes moved that Councilman Buendorf
· be authorized to hire Zane Crandall at $100.00 per month and that Mr. Crandall be
i sworn in as Watchman and given a Police badge. Motion was seconded by Councilman
, Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Rev. B.C. Siewert appeared before the Council relative to petitions which had
been filed requesting that the Council adopt the old policy of allowing only seven
· flOff Salefl Liq\l.or Licenses. Dean Allen also spoke but took nei ther side of the ar-
gument. Attorney Lucius A. Smith represented the nOn Salelt Liquor Dealers and said
that he thought the seven licenses were adequate. Councilman Behlke moved that
the bonds and license fees be returned to the three new applicants. Mayor Peterson
yielded the chair to Vice President Me Carthy. Mayor Peterson seconded the motion.
On roll call those voting ttayen were Councilman Behlke and Mayor Peterson, ttnayett
Councilman Buendorf, Me Carthy and Ulvenes. Motion was lost.
Councilman Ul venes brought up the matter of closing "Off Salen Liquor stores
including Drug Stores at the same hour, and moved that the Ci~ Attorney be directed
. to draw up an Ordinance amend ing the present Ordinance to this effect. Mo tion was
seconded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll call those voting "aye" were Councilman
Buendorf and Ulvenes, ttnayeft Councilman Behlke, Me Carthy and Mayor Peterson. Motion
.was lost.
The Ci ty Engineer brought up the matter of purchasing parts to repair the Patrol
Grader. Councilman Me Car thy moved that the purchase be authorized. Motion was se-
,. conded by Councilman Buendorf and adop ted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke
and adopted by unanimous vote. A f..~
H..G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
.Approved June lOth, 1947.
Emil pe terson
- .- ~-~ ~---- ~~
333 "
_ UP~~~<:I.:L_~iVi~et:i.J1.g-J__ 8a1;tl:r:day,~May J~st, 1947, 2:QO O'clock p.m. .
- ~~-- ~ ~~ ~ ~--:- - - - - -~~ - -
in Special Session
'The Council of the City of Faribaul t met/in the Council Chamber at the Ci ty
Hall on saturday, May 31st, 1947, at two
o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to
order by Mayor Peterson.
On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke, Buendo~f,
. ,I
Me Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Attorney and C~ty Engineer were!
present. Mayor Peterson stated that the meeting was called to consider condemning Ij
sidewalks on the East and West side of Central Avenue from Division to Sixth Streets
North, which are in a hazardous condition.
.After due discussion, on motion of Councilman lJJ..venes, seconded by CouncilmaIL
Me Carthy, Resolution No. Al955 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Condemning Sidewalks on the East and vwest Sides of Central Avenue
from Division to Sixth Streets Harth.
Whereas, the Sidewalks on the East and West sides of Central Avenue between
Division and Sixth Streets North are broken and in a hazardous condition,
That they be hereby condemned.
Tha t the General specif1 ca t10ns for the cons truction of Sidewalks on file in the
office of the City Engineer be accepted.
Tha t the 01 ty Recorder be directed to advertise a public hearing on the condem-',
nation of sidewalks on the East and West sides of Central Avenue from Division to
Sixth Streets North to be held on Monday, June 16th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in
the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
That all property owners be given personal notice of said hearing.
Passed May 31st, 1947.
Attest Louise Thonet, Assistant Recorder. Emil Peterson, Mayor.
(Corporate Seal, City of Faribault)
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
bids on the relaying of condemned sidewalks on the East and west sides of Central
Avenue from Divis ion to Sixth Streets North in accordance with plans and s,pecifice.tions
on file in the office of the City Engineer, to be received up to eight o'clock p.:rr.
on Monday, June l6th, 1947. Motionwas seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopte4
by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by CouncilmtaD. Me CE'rthy
, and adopted by unanimous vote.
te f!::::t
Assistant Recorder.
!:1eg'\.].lar ~eeting, Tuesday,Jun~ lOth, 1947, Eight O_'clock p.m.
- -------- ---- - - -- -~-- ------
- -
-- ~- ~- ~-- - ->
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Ghamt
ber at the City Hall on Tu.esday, June 10 th, 1947, at eight 0' clock p.m. The meet,ingll
was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilmen
Behlke, Buendorf, Me Car thy , Ul venes and Mayor Peterson, also the Ci ty Engineer End
and Special Meeting of '5/31/47
; City Attorney were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting of May 27th/were
i read and approved.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the petition for Sanitary
Sewer on Second Avenue West from present te~inus of Sewer North to Twnety Third St.,
: North. Francis Henry was present and asked to have Twentieth and Twenty Third Streets
! included in Petition. The City Engineer spoke regarding conditions in the ,area and
! cost of' construction including 20th and 23rd Sts. A delegation of property ownere
General discussion followed, Councilman Buendorf, Behlke, Me Cartl~,y
: and Ernest Kuntze taking part. Wm. Glor objected to the improvement stating that he
. would not be benefited.
The City Attorney expressed an opinion.
Mr. Hugo WicklE\nd
, inquired regarding cost. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the peti tion be granted E'~J.b-
ject to survey of the City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carth3~
: and adopted by unanimous vote.
Application of Alvin H. Bauer for renewal of Garbage Collection License was pre-
sented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the license be granted. Motion was seoonded
: by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Applications of E.J. Luedke and D.W. Simpson, Irwin E. Ostrum, John F. Kenney
: for "Off Salelt Liquor Licenses were presented. Councilman Behlke moved that the
,licenses be denied. Mayor Peterson yielded the Chair to Vice President Me Carthy.
: Motion was seconded by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those voting Itaye" were Cour.ciI-
'man Behlke and Mayor Peterson, !tnaya'" Councilman Buendorf, Mc Carthy and Ulvenes. Mo-
tion was declared lost.
nOff Salen
Liquor Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Irwin E. Ostrum be granted an ~tOff Salen Li<:mor,
Granted. · License. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll call .tlTJ.ose voting Itaye"
. were Councilman Buendorf, Me Car thy , Ulvenes, "nayett Councilman Behlke and Mayor
Peterson. Motion was declared carried.
Councilman Me carthy moved that John F. Kenney be granted an "Off Sa~elt LiqJ or
'License. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll call those voting "aye"
. were Councilman Buendorf, Me Car thy , Ul venes, !tne-yeft Councilman Behlke and Mayor peJ,
terson. Motion was declared carried. .i
Councilman Me Carthy moved the. t E. J. Lued.ke and D. W. Simpson be granted an POff,:
Salefl Liquor License subject to signature of Marven S. Morgan on "Report on PreIr,ises
by Fire DepartmentU clause. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and on roll :1
call those voting "aye" were Councilman Buendorf, Mc Carthy and Ulvenes, ttnayett
Councilman Behlke and M~or Peterson. Motion was declared carried.
The following reports of City Officials were presented and read:- Treasurer, R~~
corder, Engineer, Dairy Inspector, Assessor, Market Master, Secretary of Library II
: Board, Overseer of Poor, Chief of Police, Water Commissioner, Clerk of Court, Rec:or~
der's Report to Supt. of Accounts and Finances in the amount of $7,234.92. Council- I
,..: I
: man Behlke moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was s eCC1nded
by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mover's Bond of Harry R. Schimelpfenig was presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved
that the bond be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adoptee"', by,
:1 unanimous vote, same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the
II City Attorney.
The fOllowing bills were presented for payment:- Water Dept. Payroll $224.00,
Regulo~r 6-l0-19~.7.~
~ o_____~__ _______~~ _ ~ -~_ ~_
~--=-~ -~~--~- ---~~-~~ --~~~~~-- ~ --~-- ~~ -
-- - - ---
--~-~----~ -~- ~-~-----
- - --------
0_ _ ~__~_~__~ _~___~_ ~~~=~_~~__ ~~__~ u_. __. _ "__ __ ~ ~_ ~____ ~~~_ _ _._ _ ___~ _ - __ -_____________~_ _
Fuel Dept. Payroll $38.68, Security National Bank & Trust Co. $877.70, Mrs. C.C.
Hedges $88.80, Payroll Engineer's Office $174.40, EI.P. Christensen $4.00, Park Dert..:
$72.l8, Road, Street, Bridges Payroll $1336.10, Water Dept. Payroll $329.30, Fuel
Dept. P{lyroll $38.68, Mrs. Mabel Winslow $38.33, Securi ty Insurance Agency $2,593.4q,
Vm. Ackman $27.50. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the bills be allowed. Motior i
----- ----- -
--- ----- ---
was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A petition for Sanitary Sewer on State Avenue between 1st St. SEe and Barron
Road, signed by W. F 8 KoOpID.ans, was presen tad. Councilman Ul venes moved that th e
petition be accepted and ordered filed and the Recorder directed to advertise a pub-
lic hearing on same to be held at the next regular meeting June 24th, 1947, at eight
in the Council Ch~ber at the City Hall.
o 'clock p.m. / Mo tion was seconded by Councilman Me car thy and adopted by unanimous'
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Eighth Street south from Seventh to Ninth
Aves. vvest, signed by four property owners, was presented. Coune:ilman Me Carthy
and that advertising for hearing be
moved that the petition be accepted and ord.ered filed/:am:a.: :tIKar bE]g:rti:~ iitxuJ![:lma: :XiI"
deferred unti~ survey was made by the City Engineer.
dxmx:tXDD ~DXiE D~i:ng i&:m :siDlE :tm JIB ocum: fiK~d:Q, bIlK :i~, ~~:;: u n:g]irt
lrm:m:j1Dd; Jtm: z:mx:mJ: J&i: :to ti~ EQ:iam:!tx.
I&XEXI&EX ~xrx. :bI :to BRun :tmiiIXEu K:t Dm ~~ Mux:;: tMoz:tmJi JrlD EBJ![:Q!tRi~ Q: glDFJE .
.Motion was seconded by Coun- !
8th St..S
7th to 9th
Aves. W.
cilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved the. t Ordinance No. A226, en ti tled "An Ordinance
granting to the Great Lakes Pipe Line Company certain rights, privileges and Authcri-
ty to Occupy ~~d Use the Streets, Alleys, Lanes, Parkst and Public Grounds in the No. A22b
I 1st
City of Faribault for the Pirpose of Laying, Relaying, Removing, Constructing, Main- Reading.
, taining, Repairing and Operating Pipe Lines Therein." be placed on its first rea6i~g.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. Ordinarce
No. A226 was then read.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Ordinanoe No. A227, entitled HAn Ordinance
Granting to the Great Lakes Pipe Line Company Certain Rights, Privileges and Authcrity
to Occupy and Use the Streets, Alleys, Lanes, Parks and Public Grounds in the Ci ty of
Fari baul t for the purpose of Building, Cons true ting, Rebuild ing, Repairing, Main tf:.ining" No. .A227
Removing and Operating Private Telephone Lines Therein." be placed on its first re.ading. Reading
Mo tion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and 8.dop ted by unanimous vote. Ordine.nee
No. A227 was then read.
Applications of Reuben Schwert for Auction Licenses and Harry A. Mandell for
renewal of his Milk License were presented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the
licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by ul1.ani-
mous vote.
Councilman lQvenes moved that Councilman Behlke be directed to study the Fleet "
Insurance coverage and that the Recorder be directed to advertise for bids on fleet'
. .Adverti se
insurance to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, July 8th, 1947,. in the for
Councilman Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Car thy and Insurance.
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Louise Duhe be appointed Judge of Election to
act in the Fourth Ward, Third Precinct..
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Wm. Ackman be ~ppointed Dog Catcher. Motion
Motion was seconded by Cow1cilman Behlke a~~
was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
The ma tter of the Council meeting as a Board of Equal iza.tion and Review on Mon-,!
day, June 23rd, 1947, at 10:00 O'clock a.m. was brougAt up.
The request of Judge of Municipal Court, James H. Caswell, for increase in his
to ~250.00 per month was brougat up. Councilman Behlke moved that the salary of the
't'-; _~,"''f .t:;~"' .-~-~"---
Reg~8.! _~_-lO-l9A-7.
-=~-- ~,~~~-~==
Judge of the Municipal Court be increased to $250.00 per mon~ beginning June 1st,
1947. Motion was aeconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unan~ous vote.
Mayor Peterson brought up the matter of sanitation at the Fair Grounds requested
by the Fair Board. The Council discussed the matter. Councilman Behlke moved that
Councilman Buendorf be directed to contact the Fair Board regarding the project. Mo~
tion was seconded by Councilman lliC Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
On motion of Councilman Buendorf, seconded by Councilman Me Car thy, Resolution
, No. Al956 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Comending Company H Minnesota State Guard.
No. Al956
Commend ing
Co. H.
Whereas, after the National Guard of Minnesota was called into service a Minne~
sota State Guard was organized and Faribault was requested to organize a State Guard
Company, and
Whereas, in March 1940 Compaay H of the MinnesGta State Guard was mustered into
service and the members of said Company being citizens of Faribault, and,
Whereas, all members of said Company did from the time of their organization
: until June Ilth, 1947, when said Company was mustered out of service, give consider-
able of their time in the carrying out of their duties as members of said Company, and
Whereas, all members of said Faribault Company of the Minnesota State Guard have
aside their
comendable public service and deserve substantial credit for having put :'
own personal affairs and given generously of their time to be of service.i
" performed a
to their State and Country,
Now, Theref'ore,
'Ihat the City of Faribault do hereby extend its most sincere thanks and appre-'
ciation to each individual of the Faribault Company of the Minnesota State Guard,
being Company H, and
That the City Recorder be and he is hereby instructed to deliver a certifiei
copy of this Resolution to the AdjutaTht General of the State of Minnesota and to the
Chairman of the Armory Board at Faxibaul t" Minnesota.
Passed June lOth, 1947.
Attest R.G. Endres, Acting Recorder. Emil Peterson, Mayor.
Councilman Ulvenes requested authorization to purchase paint for the reservoirs.
Mo tioD made by Counc ilman Me Car thy, seconded by Counc ilman Buendorf, and ado,p te1. by
unanimous vote, granted the request.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the wages of the Park Tenders be set at $.90 per
;: hour, the same as common labor, beginning June 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Me Carthy. On roll call those voting "aye" were Councilman Buendorf, Me
Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, ftnayeft Councilman Behlke. Motion was carrie1.s
Councilman Buendorf moved that the salaries of the Chief of Police and Chief
of the Fire Department be set at $2l5.00 per month effective June 1st, 1947. Motion
i was seconded by Councilman Me Car thy . On roll call those vo ting If aye It were Councilman
Buendorf, Me Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, "naye" Councilman Behlke. Motion
was carried.
Councilman Behlke moved that the Salary of the City Treasurer be set at $225.00
: per month beginning June 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman ID.venes and
adopted by unanimous vote.
A petition to vacate the alley in Block 6, Me Clelland's Second Addi tion was pr'e-
Councilman Behlke moved that the si~e be viewed by the Council and the City,
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.!
Regular 6-10-1941_._ _
_~_~~_~~_~__ _____0 ______~~~_~_~ -_-_- --==- ~_ __ _ ~_~__
..~~--~--~~-=~~ ~-=~----~~=~~=--~--~~--~~ - --~~~=~ ~~-~~-- ~--~==~=--~-~-~~~~--~~~=~~~~~-~~~~ =.~-~~-~~~~ ~~-~~~~-~~----~----~ -= -~~~~--~~~-~-~~~ ~~~~~-==
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I Councilman Buendorf moved ac tion on bids, for cons true tion of sidewalks on Cen trh
i il
i Avenue be deferred until June 23rd, 1947, and that the City Recorder be directed t~ Ii
j Eas t and Wes t sides of I
Ii readvertise for bids on construction of sidewalks on/Central Avenue from Division to il
I: Sixth Streets North, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Monday, June 23rd,
I:: 1947, in the Council Chamber e. t the City Hall.
!! Behlke and adop ted by unanimous vote.
----~--- - .--- ---
--- ~--- --. ----
-.----- --- --- -----------~------*-
-~----- -- ------------.----------
--- -..------ --------
Motion was seconded by Oouncilman
The layout plans for the Disposal Plant were discussed by the City Engineer.
Councilman Ulven6s brought up the
matter of children using the South lawn of th~
The matter was discussed by thE' !I
Buendorf look irtq
Ii Buckham Memorial Library grounds for a playground.
11M d
!i ayor an Councilman.
It was decided without vote that Councilman
!! the matter.
Councilman Buendorf brolught up the matter of completing the toilets and baths
at the Tourist Park.
Councilman Behlke moved to adjourn.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvene~
Ray G.. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
Approved June 24th J 1947.
~--- I~~ ~
~~r7 Emil Peterson
,__ __ J~__ _.____ _ __ __ ~_.~ ~==~~_ ~ _ _ . ~ _
... .__ _._ Special Meeti~g;,_}vlonday,. .Tulle _~~tb., 1947 .'_ E~g):J..~_Q_~__(}~ockE.~~__
- --- - --------~-=---- ------------~ ----, ------------~---~------~--- ---------~----- -
-- --- --. -- = -
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_.-~- ----~._-
- -- --________.________________________ -____________ _u.~_________._
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----- -------------
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The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Monday, .Tune 16th, 1947 at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf, Me Car thy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, alsQ the City Attorney and,:
City Engineer were present.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the condemning of sidew~lks
on the East and West sides of Central Avenue from Division to Sixth Streets Nort:"'.
About thirty property owners were present.
A discussion took place between Counci~an
Buendorf, U1venes, E.A. L1eb, L. Himmelstein, F.A. Kiekenapp and the City Engineer.
The property owners present inquired as to the status of their respective walks and
the Ci ty Engineer answered each one individually. Councilman Behlke moved that the i.
City Engineer read the n~es of property owners beginning on the West side of Central
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. "
Ave. at Division Street.! As the City Engineer did this, he commented on the condition
and made recommendations.
of each walk' F.A. Kiekenapp objected to the relaying of his walk at No. 214 Central
Ave. stating that his walk was in gQod condition 6J.d that he would take/action if
same were condemned. E.A. Lieb and A.J. Kraska also objected to the improvements. N6
other property objected.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Engineer and the Council meet to inspect
walks on Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn.
I and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke aijd
Motion was seconded by Councilman
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
I Approved June 24th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
---- ------
~SpecialMeetiIlgJMqnda..Y!-~J@e ~23I"~,1947, Eigh"t O'clock p.m.
~- ---- -~---
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Ch~-
ber at the City Hall on Monday, June 23rd, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Carthy and Mayor Peterson. Councilman Ulvenes was absent on
account of being out of town. The Oi ty Engineer and C1 ty Attorney were also present.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were ~alled for on the construction of sidewalk
on the East and West sides of Central Avenue from Division to Sixth S~reets North.
The bid of Fielding and Shepley, Inc. was presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that
the. t
the bid be referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and/the bid be considered
at the regular meeting, Tuesday, June 24th, 1947, at ei~t o'clock p.m. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. Swanson;, presented the bid for Fielding and Shepley and spoke regarding seme,
al so G.F. Welsh from the Minnesota State Highway Depa.rtment discuss ad the work to be:
Counc1~an Buendorf brought up the bill of Fielding and Shepley for hauling
broken concrete, etc. from paving job to Alexander Fariba~t park for filling for
which the City had agreed to pay $..40 per load and which was charged at $1.00 per
load.. Councilman Buendorf moved that the bi11 be allowed at the rate of $.70 per
load. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc earthy. On roll call those voting ttay~"i
were Oouncilman Buendorf, :Mc Oarthy a.nd Mayor Peterson, "nayen, Councilman Behlke.
Motion was carried. The City Attorney requested that it be inserted in the minutes
that he did not approve the pa.yment of the bill as to legalit,y.
Councilman Mc Oarthy moved to adjourn.
dort and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buen-
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
Approved July 22nd, 1947.
Emil Peterson. Mayor.
1____ ..
Re~uJ.ar MeetJ-IlS' Tuesday, June 24th, :}'9~47, Eight O'clQck J?.m.
.------- --
__ ,,_ r~ ______ _ __~_ _.___~ ____.__~
~- -" ------~
___ ~. ~__~~_, n___ __ ~__,
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, June 24th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The
meeting was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were
II Engineer and 01 ty Attorney were present. The minutes of the las t regular meeting
i! of June lOth and special meeting of June 16th, 1947, were read and approved.
Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Me Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the Ci t;w
Mrs. A.J. 'Ihibaul t, representing the Visi ting Nurse Association, appeared. i'~~ .
fore the Council relative to the City providing transportation for the Visiting
Nurse. Councilman Behlke moved that the matter be considered and reported on ar
soon as possible.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by uneni~
mous vote.
A delegation from the Fire Department and Police Department appeared before-- the
Council. .Alton Kiekenapp acted as spokesman'and requested that the salaries of
Firemen and Patrolmen be raised to $210.00 per month. Councilman Ulvenes moved th~it
the matter be tabled until the regular meeting of July 8th~ 1947. Motion was SE"- :1
conded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by Wlanimous vote. 'I
He~ry Mueller appeared before the Council re1ative to alley in Block 6, Mc C1e1-
lands A9.d1tion. Mr.. Behlkeo stated that it was a personal matter between Mrs. Fri<:)d ;i
Mc Atee M4, Henry Mueller. Faribaul twas r ea?-.
A letter:f:rom B.R. Horswell, Rock Island Agent, relative to 4:35 rocket steppillg in
COWlcilman Behlke moved that the Oi ty request. that the Better Faribaul t Associa-
tion bring pressure to bear on the Chioago Rock Island Ry.. Co. to have the 4:35
rocket sto,p at Faribaul t. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf' and adopt e.1. br
unanimous; vote. .
The resignation of Mrs'. Man S. Henning as a member of the Airport Board was ' ~
and the City Recorder directed to write Mrs. Henn1n~ to thank ber for her
read. Councilman Buendorf moved that the resignation be acceptedJ Motion was se- services. ..
conoed by Counci~an Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
M.S. Morgan, Chief of the Fire Department, reported on tbe Firemens Convention
at Brainerd. Councilman Behlke moved that the report be accepted. Motion was s e- i'
!i conded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of Sani-
Hearing ,i tary Sewer on State Avenue, 1st St. Soutbeast to Barron Road. No one appeared for
Sanitary Sewe;r
State Ave. ls~ or against the improvement. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the hearing be closed
St. SEto i!
Barron Road. and the petition granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted
by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the bond of' Beatrice R. Hedges as clerk hire in
'tbe Recorder's office be set at $1,000.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Bu~n-.
dorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the bond of Ray G. Endres as Acting Recorder be
set at $1,000.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by un~-
mous vote.
Peti tion
2nd St. S
7th to 9th
Aves. W.
A petition, signed by seven property owners, requesting Tarvia surfacing on
2nd Street South from 7th to 9th Aves. West was presented. Councilman Buendorf
moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the Recorder directed to
advertise a public hearing on same to be held on Tuesday, July 8th, 1947, at eight
o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
The matter of a Quiet Title Action was referred to the City Attorney.
Application of Elroy Sprague to transfer his 3.2 Malt Liquor License at No.
, 900 Willow St. to Stanley C. Wendler and application of Stanley C. Wendler for 3.2
Malt Liquor License were presented. Councilman Behlke moved that the transfer be
- ~ ....
Regular 6-24-:1947 ~
-- --- - -- -
=_<~_____~ __ ~~ _'Z_~~~_~___
-- -.---=~-~----'~-' -~ --- ~ --~~---- ,--->-~
- ---- -- ----
__ __ c~~~---
- 'i
allowed and the license granted.
by unanimous vo tee
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adcp~ed
App11cati~ns for nOff Sale" 3.2 Malt Liquor Licenses of Delbert Aldricht panl
G.. BeckleYt Alfred Cook, F.J. Dring, Luther Engelstad, Donald M. Erickson, Harold I..
Goodwin, Victor Jensen, Andrew J. Keller, Joseph E. Langevin, Eleanora Sower, otto
Smuda, Edward E. Sheridant R.D. Somers, Unbreit &. Son, Joseph J. Valentynt D.H. Wi]-.
son, Stanley C. Wendlert "Off &. On Sale", Becker &. Dwyer, Kelly Davis t Frank Doege,
. Geo. H. Ellis, Melvin Haug, James B. Hunt, Harry Mallueget 'Thomas G. Matakis, Mabel
B. Peterson, Eldo H. Bad tke, Frank Schoo, Peter Tzakis, "Club", Veterans of Foret gr,
Wars, Inc., Faribault Post #43, American Legion, Faribault Council 889, Knights of
Columbus, Faribault Lodge #1166, B.P.O.Elks, Faribault Golf and Country Clubt Rice
County Agricultural Society. Councilman Me Car thy moved that the licenses be granted!.
lli~tion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the Mayor and Recorder be authorized to sign tt'e .
O.T. Rafdel
release tor O.T. Rafdel releasing h~ from his contract dated December l4th, 1946, Release
. for excavating and backfilling water trench at the Airport. Motion was seconded by
. Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Applications of O.H. Hermanson and Ray Lieb for Oigarette licenses, Dance Per.mit
of Art Lips, Reuben Schwert for two 'Auction Licenses and American Billiard Parlor I Applications
. for
Councilman Ul venes moved that tl'e: Licenses.
for Pool & Billiard Table License were presented.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Me earthy and adopted by unan'i-
licenses be granted.
'mous vote.
Applications for gasoline pump licenses of Wm. Scarborough~ Erwin Karow, Fraru~lin
Dennison, Melvin Haug, Keller's Grocery, M.F. Freier, Jos. Walsh, Rice County Oil Po."
H.H. Pankow, Burmeister Service Sta., Stanley C. Wendler, Hagel's Service Station, . Applications
· Gasoline
Frank Schoo, nCy" Lloyd Schultz, Harold L. Goodwin, W.F. Wagner, Mike's Service Statipn,
, Pump Licenses
Sioux Oil Co., Community Co-op. 011 Ass'n., Faribault Motor Sales, Inc., Schreyer Mo-
Itor Co., ~ockwood Auto CO.t Elmer E. Piquette and Zerck's Repair Shop were presented.
Counoibnan Behlke moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Patro1.mens bonds of L.F. Abl, eman Earl H. Kielmeyer, Ernest E. Aberle, Willian
H. Mullenmeister, Sidewalk Bond of Martin L. Bisping, Auto Car Policies of Alvin H.
Bauer and Elwood Fritz and rider for Auto Car policy of cab Service were presenten. . Bonds
Councilman Behlke moved that the bonds and policies be accepted and ordered filed,
same having been approved as to manner and for.m of execution by the City Attorney.
Motion was seoonded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following bills were presented for payment:- Water Dept. Payroll $241.20,
'Fuel Dept. Payroll $38.68, Park Dept. $345.60, Maurice Van Thomme $11.70, Road,
Street, Bridge Fund $1051.80, HeDnan Behlke $48.38, Recreation payroll $339.99, Salaries
Deputy Assessors $96.00, Mrs. Lawrenoe C. Thompson $90.00, Ervin E. Kirkpatrick $25.00,
Water Dept. Payroll ~245.25, Fuel Dept. Labor $38.68, Northwestern National Bank &
Trust Co. $40,000.00, State Bank or Faribault $16,000.00, Special Labor $90.00. Coun- Bills
'oilman Behlke moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes
and adopted by unanimous~ vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Ordinanoe No. A226 entitled ftAn Ordinance. granting
to the Great Lakes Pipe Line Company Certain Rights, Privileges and Authority to occupy
and Use the Streets, Alleys, Lanes, Parks, and Public Grounds in the City of Faribaul t
for the Purpose of Laying, Relaying, Removing, Constructing, Maintaining, Repairing
and Operating Pipe Lines Therein. tt be placed on its second reading. Motion was seconded,
by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. Ordinoo.ce No. A226 was then rl~ad.
Regular 6-24-1947
No. A226
No. A227
On the question "Shall this Ordinance pass?" those voting Itaye" were Councilman
Buendorf, Behlke, Mc Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson. Ordinance No.. A226 was'
hereby declared passed and the City Reoorder was directed to cause same to be pub-
lished in the Official Paper.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Ordinance No. A227 entitled" An Ordinance
Granting to the Great Lakes Pipe Line Company Certain Rights, Privileges and Authori-
ty to Occupy and Use the streets, Alleys, Lanes, Parks and Public Grounds in the; City
of Faribault for the Purpose of Building, Construotion, Rebuilding, Repairing, Main-
taining, Removing and Operating Private Telephone Lines Therein." be plaoed on its
second reading. Ordinanoe No. A227 was then read. On the ques tion nShall this Or-.
dinance Pass?", those voting "aye" were Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Ulvenes
and Mayor Peterson.
Ordinance No. .4227 was hereby declared passed and the City Be-,
, corder directed to cause same to be pUblished in the Official Paper.
Monthly reports of the Health Officer and City Physician for April & May aud
of the Chief of the Fire Department for May were presented. Councilman Behlke m.,ved
that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilm~n
Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. ~
Geo. Ebert residing at No. 1402 2nd Ave. NW. appeared be fore the Council r~la-
tive to the exoessive rate of speed travelled by motorists North of the 30 mile speed
Speed L1mi t 11mi t on Second Avenue. Councilman Behlke moved that the City Recorder be directed I:
2nd Ave. NW.' I!
, to write the MinneSl!1Jta State Highway Department and request that the 30 mile be eX-I
tended from the Faribault Woolen Mills North to the City L~its. Motion was seo~nd~d
by Councilman Buendorf and adop'ted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that hearing advertised for and held on June 16th, 1947
Close at eight o'clook p.m. on the condemnation of sidewalks on the East and West side~ of
Central Ave Central Avenue from Division to Sixth Streets North be closed. Motion was secomed
CondemnatiOz;L.by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Fred A. Kiekenapp appeared before the Counoil relative to his sidewalk on C~ntral
Ave. No. 214 Central Avenue North. Mayor Peterson stated that the sidewalk had been
passed on as O.K.
Councilman Ulvenes and Councilman Behlke brought up the matter of the liabili ty
of the City due to accidents on account of the present condition of sidewalks.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the bid of Fielding and Shepley opened and re-
ferred to the City Engineer on June 23rd be rejected and that their certified check
beretur.ned. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Counoilman Behlke moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for
bids on the construotion of sidewalks on Central Avenue between Division & Sixth
Streets North to be opened and considered at the next regular meeting of the Council,
Tuesday, July 8th, 1947, a.t eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the Cit7
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Recorder be authorized to cause the above
call for bids in the Construction Bulletin. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mo
Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Counc.1lman Mc Carthy moved that the Fuel Department truck be transferred to the
Street Department.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unari-
mous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the specifications for laying sewer and water pipe
I at the Airport prepared by the City Engineer and on file in his office be adopte~.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Regular Meeting 6-24-l947.
._~ ~----~
-- - --- -- --- - -
- ----- -- ---- -- --
- I
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for bids
on the laying of 170 feet at two inch Ca.st Iron Water Pipe, which 1s on hand, and tli,e
~ =~-~--~~-~ ~
, furnishing and laying of three hundred fifty (350) feet of two inan cast 1ron wate~ :
pipe, for furnishing and laying three hundred sixty nine (369) feet of eight inch
Sani tary Sewer Pipe according to above specifications, to be received up to eight
o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, July 8th, ~947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the specifications for playground equipment in
the amount of $700.00 to $750.00 prepared by the City Engineer and on file in his
office be accepted and that the City Reoorder be directed to advertise for bids on
Playground equipment in accordance wi~ said specifications on file in the office
at the City Engineer, to be reoeived up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, July 8th,
1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Ulvenes. On roll call those voting Itaye" were Councilman Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Ulv:mes
Call for
Water &
Me! ns
A1rpo rt
Call for
Bids Play-
, ground
. Equipment
and Mayor Peterson, "naye1t Councilman Behlke. Motion carried.
Councilman Buendorf presented the bid of Art Sophy in the amount of $95.50 for
painting & washing Rest Roam walls and varnishing and $75.00 for Sanding and varnishing
, Bid Redecora-
the floor. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid be accepted. Motion was seconden ting Rest
, Boom.
by Co~o1lman Mc Carthy. On roll call those voting "aye" ,were CounciLman Buendorf,
Mc Carthy and Ulvenes, "naye" Councilman Behlke and Mayor Peterson. Motion was
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of repairing the roof on the jail.
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Engineer be directed to draw up specifications
for the repair of the roof. Motion was seoonded by Councilman Buendorf and aCbpted
by unanimous vote.
'!be Ci ty Engineer brough t up the me. tter of the rough grading at Alexander Far1-
bault Park on the Reoreation Field, stating that appro,x1mately 34,500 cu. yds. of
material would have to be moved. Discussion followed by Councilman Behlke, Ulvenes,
the City Attorney and City Engineer. Mayor Peterson suggested that the City Attorney
and the Attorney for the School Board get together to deoide legal points pertaining
to details. Counoilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise
for bids on the rough grading at Alexander Faribaul t Park in accordance w.L th specifi~
cations on file in the office of the City Engineer to be received up to eight o'clook
p.m. on Tuesday, July 8th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall, also that
the City Recorder cause said advertisement to be published in the Construotion Bulle-
tin. Motion was seconded by Counc1~an Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Counoilman Ulvenes
and adopted by unanimous vote. tf~~
Ray G. Endres,
Aoting Reoorder.
Approved July 22nd, 1947.
Emil. Peterson
Special Mee ting, 'Ihursday, June 26 tb., 1947, 10: 00 0' clock a.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Counci~
Chamber at the City Hall on Thursday, June 26th, 1947, at 10 :00 0 t clock a.m. 'IiJe
meeting was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were
eounci~an Behlke, Mc earthy and Mayor Peterson. The City Attorney was also pr~$ent.
Applications of Lester Hansen, Jos. H. Meyers, Bonded Petroleum Corp. amd W.R. .
Applications Schmidt for gasoline pump licenses were presented. eounci~an Mc Ca.rthy moved that
Pump Licenses the licenses be granted.. Motion was seconded by Counci~an Behlke a.nd adopted 1'y
unanimous vote.
3.2 Malt
Applications of WIn. Kenow, Merrill Siemers, H.R. Aberle, Gust Koutavas, all for
, "Off Salett for 3.2 Malt Beverage Licenses, F.O.E. #1460 fornClubftLicense, A.H. rll-
hoft dba Hurryback and Harold Ollhoft for "Off and On" Sale Malt Beverage L1cen~es
were presented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the licenses be granted. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved to adjourn.
and adop ted by unanimous vo te.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Me pax-thy
Bay G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
Approved July 22nd,l947.
Emil Peterson
~~_____~_ ____~~~_ ~~~~t~_~~ti~g~_M911~~.Y.t~!L~e _30_tb..~~ _l9_41~~g_:90___Q !QJ., () ck~ p~m. __~~..___- _.-_ ~.- -. ______~___.~~.~__u. _..
-- - - ---- ---
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~ !i
was called to order by Mayor Peterson .
On rOill call those present were Councilman
Councilman Behlke was absent.
3DnB, Buendorf, Mc Car thy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson./ Mayor Peterson stated thBt
the meeting was called to take action in regard to Fish Rearing Pond at
.. Fa ther
Vfuereas it is necessary that certain work be done to the Fish Rearing Pond at
Father Slevin /1mmediately Councilman Mc earthy moved that an emergency be declare,!
to exist and that the necessary work be done without advertising for bids. Motion
il was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Counci~an Behlke took his seat.
In view of the fact that certain conditions exist due to oircumstances beyond
the control of the Council making necessary certain repairs at the Rearing Pond at
be able to
. Father Slevin Park so that the Izaak Wal ton League may/continue their pursuit of
; I'
:1 raising and hatching fish at said pond, Councilman Buendorf moved that an expendi t1Jr~
il i
: of $500.00 be authorized for such work. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke an~
:' adopted by unanimous vote.
The Izaak Walton League agreed to take care of $150.00
, a.ddi tional expense.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn.
thy and adopted by unanimous votee
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car''''
II ~4.4..-
Ray G. Endres
Acting Reoorder.
Approved July 22nd,l947.
Emil Peterson
Fish Rearing
Board of EquRliza tion and Review Meetings, .Tune 24th, ?6th, and 28th, 1947.
The Council of the City or Faribault met, pursuant to law, as a Board of Ec:.ua-.:
1i~ation and Review on Tuesday, .Tune 24th, 1947 at 10:00 o'clock a.m., having b~en
I sworn in as such by the City Recorder previous to the meeting. Th~ meeting was
called. to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Carthy and Mayor Peterson. Councilman Ulvenes was absent.
City Assessor Bay G. Endres was present at the meeting and acted as Secretary of th$
i Board in the absence of the City Recorder. No one appeared before the Board. Coun~
i cilman Behlke moved that the Board adjourn until 'lliursday, June 26th, 1947 at 10 :00:
a.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unamimous vote.
Ray G. Endres,
S ecre tary.
Approved .T~~2n~~ 1947.
'llie Council of the City of Fari baul t met as a Board of Equalization and Review
on Thursday, .Tune 26th, 1947, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. The meeting was called to order
by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke, Mc Carthy and
Mayor Peterson. Councilman Buendorf and Ulvenes were absent. No one appeared be-
fore the Board. Councilman Behlke moved that the Board adjourn until Saturday,
June 28th, 1947, at lO:OO o'clock a.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy
and adopted by unanimous: vote. ~ ~~
Ray G. Endres
.Tuly 22nd, 194i..!
'llie Council of the City o,f Fari baul t met as a Board of Equal iza tion and Review,
on Saturday, .Tune 28th, 1947, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. The meeting was called to order
by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke, Buendorf,
Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, . Councilman Mc Carthy was absent. No one appeared before
the Board. The City Assessor reported that he had had no complaints and the Rec?rder's
Office reported that no complaints had been received.
Councilman Behlke moved that the returns of the Assessor for the year 1947 be
hereby accepted and the Mayor and Recorder directed to sign same. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved to adjourn sine die. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. ~z~
Ray G. Endres
.Tuly 22nd" 1947.
Emil Peterson
, - . ..-.- ---,
Inse rt
e Above
~~~_ .. _~I;>~ciaJ. Meeting, Thursday, July 3rd, 1947, 10:00 O'clock ~.m.
_ _ __~__=~~_~ _ u__ _~~~_=~_~~~~____~__T_~~~~_~___ _~~__ _~~~--~~~_~____~__~_~~:~~-~-_ _-~- :____~~~~~ _~_~_~_~~_______~
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----------------- ---
--------------- ----
___ ~~__o__~_ ~__~_~~
--~- ---~-~-~~- ~~-.---~----.~ ---- ~'f--~------.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the
Counci~ Cha;].-r!
~ 1
ber at the City Hall on Thursday, July 3rd, 1947, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf' and Ul venes were present.
Mayor Peterson was out of' Faribault.
Councilman Mc Car thy was absent. The Oi ty Attorney ruled that as long as there was
Councilman Behlke acted as Chairman of the meeting.
a quorum. present, the Co un a1. 1 eould transact business.! The meeting was called to
: canvass the resul ts of the Special Election of July 1st, 1947.
The following was the resuJ. t of the canvass:-
ftShall the Proposed Re~ised Charter be adopted?"
Councilman Buendorf' moved to adjourn. Motion was
and adopted by unanimous vote.
"Yes" 758 ItNott 1131.
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes!
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
! Approved July 22nd, 1947.
Emil Peterson
Councilman Buendorf moved that the above count be declared correct and the Ci ty
Reoorder directed to cause same to be published in the official paper. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Reg1.1lar Meeting, Tuesday, July 8th J- 1947, Eigb. t Q' clock p.m.
The Council of the City Of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Ch~-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, July 8th, 1947, at eight o'olock p.m. '!he meeting.
was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Counci lman
Behlke, Buendorf', Mc Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the Oity Attorney and I
City Engineer.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called on Tarvia Surfacing on Second st. i
Hearing Sou th from 7th to 9th Avenues West. No property owners appeared. Councilman Mo
2nd St. S. Carthy moved that the hearing be closed and the petition granted. Motion was se-
7th to 9th
Aves. W. conded by Counoilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Kenneth Heath, representing the Reoreation Beard, appeared. before the Council
relati ve to Tennis Courts at the Tourist Park. Councilman Behlke moved that the
City Engineer be directed to view the courts and make an estimate of cost to put
courts in shape. Motion was lost, no second. Counoilman Buendorf moved that thft
Ad vertise
for Bids oni and roads at the Tourist Park with Tarvia and that the City Recorder be directed to
Tervia Sur- "
facing advertise for bids on the above mentioned work, to be received up to eight o'clo~k
Tennis Courts
&. Roads 'p.m. on Tuesday, July 8th, 1947.
City Engineer be directed to prepare specifications for Tarvia surfaoing the couJ."ts
Motion was seconded by Councilman. Ulvenes and
adopted by unanimous vote. The Council agreed that the roads should be surfaced 1~7"
I the City if possible.
Irvin Ostrum appeared before the Councll,represent1ng the American Legion, re-
Am. Legion
Request to
Install Flag
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the request be granted subject to the approval of th:e
City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimons vote.
I', :
Milton Brekke appeared before the Council relative to raising Taxi fares to ~.35
Raise in instead of $.25 for one or two persons. Councilman Behlke and Buendorf discussee the
Taxi Fares.
! matter. Councilman Buendlorf moved that the request be granted subject to the ap proval
lative to the installation of a flag pole at the curb at No. 512 Central Avenue.
0.1' the Council and the General Pub~1o. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenef' and
adopted by unanimous vote.
Mil ton Brekke also spoke regarding Parking Stand nest to Wimpy's. CouncilmNl
Mc Carthy stated that the matter would be taken care when the streets were completed.
Clarence Larson appeared before the Counoil relative to assistance in obtairing
rebate from the Northern States Power Company on electric rates for the past sev~n
years. Councilman Ulvenes stated that the matter strictiy concerned Mr. Larson End
the Northern States Power Co.
Henry Mueller appeared relative to property in Block 6, Me Olellands Add. stating
that Mrs. Mc Atee would not agree. The matter was discussed by Mayor :peterson all d!.
and Councilman Behlke. Councilman Behlke moved, that the matter be investigated fur-
ther. Motion was seconded by Councilman: Ul venes and adop ted by unanimous vo tee
Nor.man Brekke appeared and complained regarding the garbage collector dropping
garbage allover his lot. Mayor Peterson said that he would look into the matter.
A petition, signed by Archie Garver, for Tarvia surfacing on St. Paul Avenue
North from its present terminus to the North line of his property, was presented.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the
City Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held Tuesday,
July 22nd, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf
A clatm,filed by Frank N. Quinn, Attorney, for damages for Mrs. Franklin Deni-
: son due to injuries from fall was referred to the Oi~ Attorney.
Letters from the Police and Firemens Civil Service Commissions requesting ai-
__~~_~~o _~_~~___~__~=~~ ____~ ~_~~~__~____"~_~ ____ __ ___ ~~ _____ __
~~__ _ __~~ ~__~__~~ _~<_~=~~__~~~~~_. ~~_~,__~_==~~~_-=-_~~o_~_______~
-------- -- -
:R~gular 7-8-J,947
---- ----
- --
co~~~1iman~ Behik~ moved that---th~---ciity-Re~~rcie-r be -d.-ii-ected to advertise for bids
on the paving of Second Street North from Central to First Avenues East with concrnte paving
over Water
over Water Main ditch constructed by the Water Department in accordance with specifi~ Ditch 2nd
St. :NE
oations on file in the office of the City Engineer, to be received up to eight o'clock Advertised
p.m~ on Tuesday, July 22nd, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and
adopted by unanimous ~te.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the salary of the Water Commissioner be raised to
$250.00 per month, salary of Engineer ~t Pumping Station to $200.00 per month, sal~ry Water Dept.
, I Personnel
of the Assistant Water Commissioner to $190.00, effective July 1st, 1947. Motion ~as Increased.
seoonded by Councilman Buendort. On roll oall those voting "ayeft were Councilman
Buendorf, Mc Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson" ttnayett Councilman Behlke. Motion
was carried.
Water Oommissioner Geo. F. La Roohe requested authorization to purchase l2 house-
12 Meters
hold meters.. Oouncilman Buendorf moved that the request be granted. Motion was se- Purchased.
conded by Counoilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
The Ci~ Engineer requested authorization to purchase 500 feet of Highway Cable
at a cost of $52.50.
Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the request be granted.
Motion purchase
500 ft.
was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The Council agreed to check the Fuel supply at the City Fuel Yard to ascertain
;i.f any of the grades could be used at the Fire Hall.
Th~as N. Kaul, Airport manager appeared before the Council relative to trading
in the Park Dept. Jeep on a tractor and mower, stating that he thought an even trade
could be negotiated.
CounciLman Buendort moved that the City Engineer be directed to prepare plans
and specifications for a tractor and mower and that the City Recorder be directed to Advertise for
bids Traotor
advertise for bids on suoh equipment in accordance with said plans and specifications and Mower.
to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday. July 22nd. 1947, that said equip-
ment be paid for out of the General Fund and that sale of Jeep be credited to the
Park Fund. Wwtion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vo,te.
Councilman Buendort moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise an
auction sale on the Park Dept. Jeep to be held at the next regular meeting, July 22nd, Auction
Sale Park
1947, at eight 0 'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman. Ulvenes and adopted Dept. Jeep.
by unanimous vote.
Counci~an Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise an
auction saJ.e on sorap iron which may be viewed at the Oi ty Pumping Station and brass Sale Scrap
which may be viewed at the Water Dept. at the City Hall, to be held at the next regular &
meeting, Tuesday, July 22nd, 1947, at eight 0 'clook p.m. in the Council Chan.ber at
the City Hall. ulotion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous
Councilman Buendorf moved that the charge at the Tourist Park for tourists be
set at $.50 per day. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unan1-
mous vo tee
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
bids on a power mower for the Park Department, to be received up to eight 0 'clock p.m. for Bids
on Tuesday, July 22nd, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the Oi ty Hall. Motion was Mower for
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the bill of the Larson Electric Shop in the
amount ot $66.09 for repairs to underground service at Central Park. Councilman
Ulvenes moved that the bill in the amount of $82.21 be allowed. Motion was secom.ed
by CounciLman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
-- -~- -~-
-- - .~< ----
--- --- --
---._-- --
- --~--~---
-- - ---,----
- - - - -- ----~- - ------- <-- - --- - ---~---.-
--------.--.------ -- ---._--~- -
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- --- .~_..-.- - -. - - --- -- - - ~-- ~--~-- --~ ~~ -.-
-. - ._~_.- - ---- ~~--- ----. ~-
CounciLman Behlke moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
bids on repairs of the City Jail root in acoordance with speoifioations on fi~e in
Advertise . the offioe of the City Recorder, to be opened and considered by the Counoil of ~~e
for Bids !I
Repairs Jai:L City of Faribault, Tuesday, July 22nd, ~947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council
Root .J
:' Chamber at the 91 ty Hall.. Motion was seoonded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by :
I unanimous vote.
I Councilman
I and adopted by unanimous vote.
Buendorf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ul VE'ues:
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
Approved July 22nd, 1947.
Emil Peterson
__~____~ ~~ T___~
~ _~~Oo_____~_~~=_ 0--
------------ -
-- -- - ---- --
-- -- -- --
-- - - -
R~gular 7-8~1947.
---- - ------
-- ------- -~~~~-~-~-~-~~-~~ =-~ ~--.>-~~--~---~~~-~----- - - -- ----
jus~ents of salaries of the Police and Fire Department salaries were Presented an~
read. Councilman Ulvenes spoke regarding Police and Fire Department personnel holdirig
outside jobs. Councilman Behlke moved that the matter be tabled. Motion was secon1ed
by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
The report of the Merrill Aviation Company for June, 1947, was presented and
read. A letter from Robert E. Johnson, President of the Airport Board, regarding in- tionse
amounting to $50.00 per mo.
crease in salary/for Airport Manager was presented. The matter was discussed by
Councilman Behlke. Councilman Behlke moved that the salary of the Airport Manager
,be increased to $250.00 per month beginning July 1st, 1947.
Salary In-
crease for
Councilman Behlke, Mc C3r-Airport
--- --- ~~~-~-~~- ~~~~~~-~~--~
- ----- --
-------- ----
-- -
---- -------
-- -
~ ~ ~~~~~--~ -- ~ -~-
Motion was seconded by
Councilman Mc Carthy.
On rOill call those voting ffayen were
i thy and Mayor Peterson, Unayett Councilman Buendorf and Ulvenes.
Motion was carried.
Councilman Ulvenes and Behlke, the City Engineer and Airport Manager discussed Federal
,Aid_ for Airports.
A letter from the Liquor Control Commissioner, Dudley C. Ericson, notifying the i
Council that the "Off Sale" Liquor Licenses of John F. Kenney, Irwin F. Ostrom and Certified
Checks &
Donald J. Simpson and Edward J. Luedke had been denied by hUn was read. Councilman Bonds Re-
tur ned to
Ulvenes moved that the certified checks and bonds of applicants be returned. Motio~ "Off Sale"
,was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. Applicants.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the ro.ugb. grading at Alexander
Faribaul t Park. The following bids were received:- No.1, Thomas Stepka, New Market,
Bid O. T.
LEV ing
Sewer &
such work aud Water Main
. bid not considered, not accompanied by certified check; No.2, Tuma Construction Co.
Minneapolis, $lO,336.50. The City Engineer was directed to check the bid. Mr. Hugh
Feehan, Architect Engineer, was present and said that in his opinion, the bid was
eo fair bid for the work. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid of the Tuma Construc-
tion be accepted and that the Mayor and City Reaorder be authorized to enter into
contract with the said Company for the performance of such work. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising bids were called for on laying of sewer and water pipe
at the Airport. The following bids were reaeived:- No.1, O.T. Rafdal, $1,771.70,
No.2, P.J. Gallagher & Sons $2,687.40. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Bid of O.T.
Rafdal in the amount of $1,771.70 be accepted and the Mayor and City Recorder directed
to enter into contract with the said O.T. Rafdel f~ the performance of
that the certified check of P.J. Gallagher & Sons be returned to them.
seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Fleet Insurance for the ensuing
Motion was
year. The following bids were reaeived:- Harry B. Smith Insurance Agency ~1,076.3Q,
No.2, Fopelka Insurance Agency $967.68, #3, Auto-Owners Insurance Company, Boock
Insurance Agency $889~77. Councilman Behlke moved that the bid of the Auto-Owners
Insurance Co. be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted b~
unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that certified check of unsuccessful bidders be returned.
Motion was se~onded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were ealled for on the construction of Sidewalk on
East and West sides of Central Avenue from Division to Sixth Streets Norti1. The follow-
ing bid was received:- A.L. Alley & Son $25,230.00. The Council decided to hold the
bid over until Thursday, July lOth, 1947. Fred Van Guilder inquired regarding pri-
vate contractors doing sidewalk construction.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to publish a notice
in the Faribau1~ Daily News to the effect that the Council and the property owners
on Central Avenue would hold a joint meeting on Thursday, July 10th, 1947, at eight
Bid Tuma
Cons truc-
Ac cep ted
FarHa ul t
Bid Fleet
fCJr Play-
:1 o'clock p.m. to discuss and consider the relaying of sidewalks on Central Avenue.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following applications for licenses were presented:- Evergreen Knoll "C~ubn
3.2 Malt Beverage License, Stanley C. Wendler" Cigarette, Massee's, renewal Roller
Rink License, Rueben Schwert, Auction, Vernon Simon, Raymond Melchert, Harlan Kenow
for Auto Car licenses and application of Alton F. Meese to transfer three of his cab
licenses to named applicants, Voegel's Creamery, Marigold Dairies and Faribault Co-
operative Dairy for renewal of Milk licenses, Otto Zabel Henry '!horson, Glenn 'a Shell
Service, C.A. Gretz, Edward Teske and Jos. Valentyn for gasoline pump licenses.coun~
cilman Ul venes moved the. t the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Counai 1-
man Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on playground equipment. No bidS
were received. Counci1man Ulvenea moved that the City Recorder be directed to rn-
advertise for bids on playground equipment in accordance with specifications on file
in the office of the Q1ty Engineer, to be received. up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tnes-
.i day, JUly 22nd, 1947. Motion yvas seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by
!I "
ii unanimous vote.
Official bonds of Ray G. Endres and Beatrice Hedges, bond of the Journal COD'~n;y,
and Auto Car Policy: of Vernon R. Simon
and House Mover's Bond of Wm. C. Brookslwere presented, all having been approved as i
to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. Councilman Ulvenes moved that~
and policy
the bonds/be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Counci~an Bueneort
and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following bills were presented for payment:- Buckham Memorial Library Accts.
$536.35, Water Dept. Payroll $328.95, Fuel Dept. Labor $38.68, Special Park Labor
$166.95, Security National Bank & Trust Co. $1109.00, Minnesota state Treasurer ~191.31,
Recreation Payroll $447.50, $33.00, ~~s. C.C. Hedges $140.20, Deputy Assessor's
; Salary $88.40, Geo. Hanson $19.60, Salaries Engineer's Office $1.76.20, Road, Stre'~t,
Bridge Dept. Payroll $1142.40, Salaries Election Judges and Clerks $721.50, water
Dept. Payroll $455.85, Fuel Dept. Payro1.l $38.68, Speci al Park Labor $193.90, ROJ,
Spear $6.80. Councilman Buendorf moved that the bills listed be allowed. Motior
was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
On motion of Counci~an Buendorf, seconded by Counci1man Mc Carthy, Resolution
No. AJ.957 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Payment of Tax Certificate of Indebtedness No. 143.
That for the purpose of paying Tax Certificate of Indebtedness No. 143 agair~t
the Park Fund of the City of Fariba.ult, the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby
dire c ted to draw an order on the Ci ty Treasurer in the amount of $2, Ol2. 33 made p~y-
able to the Water Department of the City of FaribauJL t out of the Park Fund.
Passed July 8th, 1947.
Attest Ray G. Endres, Acting Recorder. Emil Peterson, Mayor.
The following reports of City Officials were presented and read:-Treasurer,
Recorder, Engineer, Chief of Police, Overseer of Poor, Clerk of Court, Assessor,
Market Master, Secretary of Library Board, Dairy Inspector, Recorder's report to
supt. of Accounts and Finances in the amount of $7,315.00. Councilman Ulvenes mcved
that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilm.:'n
Behlke and adop ted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ul venes moved that the reading of the minutes be dispensed Wi. th at,
this meeting. Mo tion was seconded by COW1C ilman Mc Carthy and adop ted by unan imcus
Sp-~cial ~IvIee:t1ng,-~T11urs~ay,~J\lly~~:tO~'tl'!J~ 1941'n Eigh t~()_'clockp.m. __
-- --- -------- - --
~ ~-~--~,--~-~~--
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham~
ber at the City Hall on Thursday, July lOth, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
Behlke, Buendort, Mc Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Atto,rney and
City Engineer. Mayor Peterson said that the meeting was called to consider the Bid
on Sidewalk Construction on Central Avenue presented at the regular meeting July 8th.
The bid was discussed by the City Engineer, Counci~an Behlke, Ulven6s and A.L.
.Alley, the bidder.
John J. Lyons, B.E. Orr, Benson Bro~, W.P. Roach, Bert Johnson and Jack Duse~
were presen~ and inquired as to the cost.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the bid of A.L. Alley & Son wi th the following
Bid 01'
amendment "6 inch slab, $24.00 per cu. yd.", also with the provision that any propqrty A.L. AJ.ley
& Son
owner may contact any other contractor prior to August lst~ 1947, to do his work if Sidewalk
he so wishes, be accepted and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to e~- be accepted.
ter into contract with the said A.L. Alley & Son. Motion was accepted by Councilman
Mc earthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the bill of Archer Young in the aItount of $11 T.1a
for balance due on compensation insurance premium be allowed. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Behlke and adopted by unan1mous vote.
Councilman Buendorf spoke regarding purchasing a tractor large enough for snow
removal and other heavier purposes.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the salary of the City Assessor be increased to
$225.00 per month beginning July 1st, 1947.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved to adjourn.
Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
I~tion was seconded by Councilman Behlke
per Mo.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc
Ray G. Endres
Acting Recorder.
Approved July 22nd, 1947.
Emil Peterson
Regular Meeting, Tu~sday, July 22nd, 1.947,~Eight Q'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Far 1bault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, July 22nd, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
; Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the Oi ty Engineer E'nd
City Attorney were present.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing on St. Paul
Hearing . Avenue North from its present terminus to front the Archie Carver property. Arctte
Surfacing i Carver was present. No objeotors were present. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the
St. Paul Ave.!
hearing be closed and the petition granted. Motion was seoonded by Councilman ~len-
dorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A petition, signed by E.J. Kohl and Will J. Glaser, to widen First Avenue We$t
Peti tion to from 1st to 2nd Streets North, was presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved tbat the
Widen 1st
Ave. W, lstpetit10n be accepted and ordered filed and the City Recorder directed to advertise a
to 2nd Sts.
North. publio hearing on same to be held TuesdaY', August 12th, 1947 , at eight 0 'clock p.m.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
A petition, signed by eleven residents, requesting street lights to be place~
Petition . at regular intervals on Grant Street West of Park Avenue, was presented. Councilman
Street Lights
Grant st. Behlke moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the matter table~
Wes t of Park
Avenue. for inves tiga tion. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adop ted by unani-,'
mous vote.
The construction of Sanitary Sewer on 2nd Ave. ~-W and 20th Street North was
brought up and discussed by Jule Langer, the City Engineer, Counci~an Behlke, Buendorf,
Discussion .Mrs. Fred Sellner, Mrs. Lowell Kuntze, Lowell Kuntze, Councilman Ulvenes and Hugo
Sewer Pro- Wickland. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Engineer begin the necessary survey
ject 2nd Ave..
20th St. :on July 23rd and that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for bids on material
Advertise for
Bids. ,and labor for construction of Sanitary Sewer on 2nd Ave. I~. and 20th Street Nor~
to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, August 12th, 1947. in the Council
: Chamber at the Ci ty Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adoptei.
: by unanimous vo te.
The following communications were presented and read:- Department of Highways re-
lative to traffic on Second Ave. NW., acceptances of Great Lake Pipe Line Franchises,
letter from the I.C. Parent-Teachers Association stating their intention to operate
a bingo game at the Rice County Fair in accordance wi th Section 2, Chapter 419, 1945
Session Laws. Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the request of the I.C. Parent-Teachers
Association be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by
;unanimous vote. 'l'elegram from Vincent Tibbetts relative to extension of Sani tary Sewer
!on Second Ave. NW. was read. Communications from Minnesota Safety Council, Leag"le
.of Minnesota Municipalities, Report from Department of Aeronautics, Southern Jobbing
House, Inc. Insurance reinstatement notice of Floyd M. Borst truck policy, were pre-
sented and read. Counci~an Mo Carthy moved that the communications be accepted and
ordered filed. wbtion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Report trom Faribault Flying Service, submitted by William G. Andrews, for dune:
was presented. Counc1~an Mc Carthy moved that the report be accepted and ordered
.. filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adop ted by unanimous vo tee
The following applications for licenses were presented:- Cigarette Lioense,
Richard and Ed. Sharps teen, Auction License, Ruehen Schwert for Herbert Zabel.
cilman Buendorf moved that the licenses be granted.
man Me Carthy and! adopted by unanimous vote.
Reports of the City Physician and Health Officer for June were presented and
Motion was seconded by Council-.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the reports be accep~ed~ ~otion was seconded by
--~- -- --
-- --~ ---~~---
____~I!e_guJ. aru7 _:gg-1947.
--~~~----~-~~-=~~-~~~----~- ---- ----
-~-~~- -~=-_~:~~~__ ~-___-~- --_=__~~_~~~_=~=_ =-_=~o~~~~~~_~_~___ __~~
---- ._-~~--
- - --- ----
, Councilman.. Eihike and-adOpted-~bY-~Unanimous~ vote-:~~--~----~--~~--~--------~
Jack Glassco appeared before the Council relative to Parking Meters. Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf, Ulvenes and W~. Stockey~ B.F.A. Secretary discussed the matter.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise a public
hearing on the installation of Parking Meters in the business district, to be held
Tuesday, August l2th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Ch~ber at the Ci1~
Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. Parking
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for bids on
250, more or less, Parking Meters installed in the business district of the City at
Faribault, to be rrceived up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, August 12th, 1947, in
the,Counoil Ch~ber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy end
a~opted by unantmous vote.
Junk Dealer's Bond of Faribault Iron & Metal Co., Sidewalk Bond Paul Schroeder,
Auto Car Policy Rarmond W. Melchert, Auto Car Policy Harlan A. Kenow and letter fro~
I Bonds
, Faribault State Inruranoe Agency regarding Insurance coverage of Mr. Lee Sargeant
were presented. Cf1uncilman Mc Carthy moved that the bonds and policies be accepted
and ordered filed, I same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by
the City Attorney.; Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf' and adopted by unani-
mous va tee
The following bills were presented for payment:-R.P. Christensen $2.00, W.Se Dqr~
ley & Co. $29.73, Joseph Cou~hlin $4.50, Water Dept. Payroll $520.20, Fuel Dept. Pay-
roll $38.68, Speci!l Labor $~93.95, Recreation Dept. Payroll $497.50 & $24.00, Salary
Deputy Assessor $81.40, Park Dept. Payroll $428.90, Lee Rosenstiel $67.67, Street D~pt.
Payroll $1294.83, Water Dept. Payroll $502.20, Fuel Dept. Payroll $38.68, Special
Labor $l84.00, c.MlSt. P. & P. By. Co. $2.26, Chicago Great Western Ry. Co. $9.l4.
TI10mas N. Kalil $6.30, Paul Mullenmeister $22.50.. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the
bills listed be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by .
unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising bids were called for on a tractor and Mower. The bid of
Bid on
Rosholt Equipment Co. in the amount of $1,172.00 was presented. Councilman Buendort Tractor
moved that the bid be rejected and their certified check returned. ~fution was seconded Mower
by Councilm.an Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to a.dvertising bids were called for on a power mower. The bid of R.L. Accept
Bid on
Gould & Co. in the amount of $400.00 less ~25.00 for old mower was presented. Council-Power
man Buendorr moved that the bid be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes
and adop ted by unanimous vo te.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on playground euqipment. No bids
were received. Councilman Ulvenes moved that Councilman Buendorf be authorized to
purchase the equipment on the open market. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Ca~-
thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Tarvia Surfacing of Tennis Cour;ts
and roads at the Tourist Park. No bids were received.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Repairs of Roof on City Jail.
The bid of B.B. Lockerby in the anount of $635.00 for lockup roof, plus $300.00 addi-
tional if garage roof is includ~d and $15.00.for six vents on lockup roof if necess~ry
Councilman Behlke moved that the bid be rejected. Motion lost, no second.
was presented.! Uouncilman Ulvenes moved that the bid be accepted, that the Mayor and
Bid on
City Recorder be authorized to enter into contract with B.B. Lockerby for the perfor-
mance of such work and that their certified check be held in lieu of surety bond. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy. On roll call those voting Haye" were Coun-
cilman Buendorf, .Mc Car thy, Ulvenes, flnayett Councilman Behlke and Mayor peterson. Motion earried.
Pursuant to advertising, an auction sale was called on Park Department Jeep. No
Regular 7-22-1947.
Ii them to put in this pardel of sidewalk.
,I and adopted by unanimous vote.
:: Fourth Street North from Central Ave. to C.M.St. P. Ry. Co. tracks was brought up.
~ I
Hearing Ii Councilman Behlke moved that the Ci ty Recorder be directed to advertise a public
Advertised o~
Relaying Ii hearing on the relaying of condemned sidewalks on the above described street, to be
Sidewalks on 11
4th St. MV. 'held on Tuesday, August 5th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at
Readvertise I
Sale of Jeep.!
fa r bids on
Tractor &
Bid on
Scrap Iron
&; Brass
Aceap tad.
Readvertise I
bids Paving I
over Water
Di tch 2nd
St. NE.
for Bids
Well at
C. M. St. p.
Ry. Co.
4th St. 8th
Ave. W to
C . M. st. p.
'1 '
bids were received. Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to I
readvertise' an Auction sale on the Park Department Jeep to be held at the next re-
gular meeting, Tuesday, August l2th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by
unanimous vote. The matter was discussed by Mayor Peterson and Councilman Behlke.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvert1se fori
bids on a tractor and attachments in accordance with specifications on file in the
office of the City Engineer, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday,
August 5th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Me Oarthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising,/bids were called for on brass and scrap iron. P.A~
I Schocket entered a bid of $.09 per lb. for brass and $20.50 per ton for scrap iron.
I' Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid be accepted. ' Motion was seconded by Councilman
I Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising bids were called for on concrete paving over water ~itch
on Second Street North from Central to First Avenues East. No bids were receive~.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for bids
on above described project, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, Auguat
5th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
I Dennison.
I by Councilman'Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
I and moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for bids on the drilling
I of a well at the Airport si te in accordance wi th specifications on file in the office
!Iof the City Engineer, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, August 5th,
Ii 1947, in the Council Chamber at the Ci ty Hall. Motion was seconded IJ 3fiJI~JIt
il by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
The City Attorney brought up the claim of Mrs. Franklin Dennison, and Franklin
Councilman Behlke moved that the claim be rejected.
Motion was seconn.ed
Councilman Behlke brough t up the matter of having the well drilled at the Airpo'rt
Idayor ]?ete;,son brough t up the matter of a sidewalk on South side 0 f Fourth rt.
I; North
i: moved
from Eighth Avenue West to C.M.St. P. & P. By. Co. tracks.
Councilman Behlke '
that the City Recorder be directed to write the C.M.St. P. By. Co. requesting,'
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf'
The ma~ter of condemning and relaying sidewalk on the North and South sides or
the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous
CouncLDnan Mc Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
bids on the construction of sidewalk on the South side of Fourth Street North from
5th to 8th Avenues West, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, Au~'st
12th, 1947, in the, Council Chamber at, the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Council~
maIL Buendorf and adopted by unanimous: vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
bids on the construction of sidewalk on the North and South sides of Fourth Stre~t
Nor~ fro~ Central Avenue to C.M.St. P. Ry~ Co. tracks, excepting on the South side
of Fourth Street from 5th to 8th Avenues West, in parcels of two blocks and' one parcel
-------- - ---- ---- -- ---------------
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- -
_. ~ Regul~.r___7 -22":~947.__~
-- --.-
. --- .
.__u_ ~ __ _ ~~__:_~_ __ ~__~~___ ~_~~~__~ _~~_~ _~_~~~ ._. __ ..__~~~__~___~=~=~~~~~_~_~~__~__ r_ --~~~ -------~ ~-~~ -- - --
of one block, to be reoeived up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, August 12th, 1947,
in the Council Chamber at the Ci ty Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf .
and ado p ted by unanimous vo te e
Councilman Behlke moved the. t the request of the Minnesota Seed Company to build Request
a wood bin for hay ohaff be denied. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf an~ Seed Co. be
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Engineer be authorized to purchase a Purchase
Uni tHeater
uni t steam heater for the C1 ty Hall garage. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Ci ty Hall
Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the number of "Off Saleu Liquor Lioenses be limi ted
to seven. Counoilman ul.venes discussed the matter. Motion was lost for want of a
Counci~an Buendorf brougnt up the matter of the salaries of the Police and Fire
Departments. Councilman Behlke, Ulvenes, Mc Car thy, Mayor Peterson and the City
Attorney discussed the matter. Councilman Buendorf moved that both Civil Service
Commissions and three members of eaoh department be called to attend the Speoial
Meeting on Tuesday, August 5th, 1947, at eight o'clook p.m. in the Council Chamber
at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and a.dopted by unan1-
mous vote.
Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the salary of the Garage Mechanic be increase~
to $250.00 per month beginning July 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Buendorf. On roll call those voting naye" were Councilman Buendorf, IlfLo Carthy, Ulvenes,
Mayor Peterson, "naye" Councilman Behlke. Motion was oarried.
Councilman Ulvenes requested authorization to purchase two fire hydrants. Coun-
cilman Me Carthy moved that the requested be granted. Motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Buendorf and adop ted by unanimous vote.
COWlcilman Ul venes called the attention of the Council to the ftspeedingft on Sq- I
oond Avenue Northwest, also racing on the Fair Grounds track.
Councilman Ulvenes brought up the matter of stands on the streets during the
Legiorr Convention. Councilman Ulvenes was granted permission to handle the matter.
Minutes of Special Meeting of June 23rd, Regular Meeting June 24th~ Special Meeting
June 26th, Special Meeting, June 30th" Board of Equalization June 24th, 26th and 29th,
Special Meeting, J~y 3rd, Regular Meeting July 8th, and Special Meeting of July 10th,
1947, were read and approved.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that Alley & Son be released from their oontract on
construction of sidewalk on Central Avenue from Division to Sixtn Streets.North an~
that their certified check be returned to them. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Mc carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn.
and adopted by unanimous vote..
Motion was
sec3fded by Councilman
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
Approved August th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
Special Meeting, Monda.Y,. August 4th, 1947 , 7:30p.m.
- -~----- ---
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the ~ouncil Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Monday, August 4th, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was called ~
to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those presen-t were Councilman Behlke, fllen,
dorf, Mc Car thy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterso~, also the City Attorney and City Eng:ineer
Iwere present. Mayor Peterson stated that the meeting was called to e:l.E;lar up any mis-
understanding in regard to the contract of the Turna Construction Co. for grading at
Alexand.er Faribaul t Park.. The Contract was read by the City Attorney. A discus~:ton
followed, Councilman Ulvenes,/Buendort and Mayor Peterson, the Ci~y Attorney and CitY
'Engineer, E. J. Tuma, Hugh Feehan, Engineer, and Lucius A. Smith and Dr. Phil Morrison
representing the School Board, taking part. Councilman Behlke moved the. t the eortractor,
,ITuma Construction Co. t be held to complete the contract as signed according to p] ans ,
Buendorf &
Mc Carthy we reBehlke , Ul venes
permitted to ,!,
change their j'was carried.
vote to "yes"!!
at meeting I
8/5/1947. i
iland specifications on file in the office of the Oi ty Engineer and base bid. Motj,on
On roll call those voting ftayeft were Councilman
!wasseconded by Councilman Ulvenes.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Reoorder be directed to advertise for
and Mayor Peterson, "nayett Councilman Buendorf and Mc earthy. Motion:!
~ 'I
Stoker CoaJ., f.o. b. Fire Department bins!,
up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday" August 12th, 1947, in the Conncil
City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adoptod b~
tons of '~/est Frankf'ord of Orient Illinois
ito be received
[IChamber e. t the
iunanimous vo te.
The City Engineer presented request of Ed. Teske to rebuild his garage on tl'.e
iOld foundation. Councinnan Ulvenes moved that the City Engineer be authorized tG
issue the building per.mit. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthyand adopted
i'bY unanimous vote.
~ !
:1 Councilman Buendorf moved to adjourn.
land adopted by unanimous vo tee
~wtion was seconded by Councilman
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
August 26 th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
~.~~ ~~~S-peQ:i. aJ. JvI~~tin..g ,~<T).1.esde.:v:,~~Augusto. .5.th~.194l,..~.Ei gh ~Q'.cJ-a ck.~p.m.
- --- --- -----
- - --
~ _ __~_ o____~~ ~_~ ~ _~~~__~~_v =_=<~~~_~~~~___,_~_ _~__~~~~~ __ .~_ ~___~~_~: ______~~___~~_~_:_~__~_=~o___ ___~~_~o ~_~_~_~~~_~__--~ -----
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Ch~-
ber at the City Hall on TuesdaYJ August 5th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
was called to order ~y Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
Behlke, Me Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Engineer and City Attorney
were present. Counci1man Buendorf was absent.
Geo. W. Kingham of the Library Board, appeared before the Council regarding tbe
breaking of windows at the Library and spoke regarding the care of the building.
Councilman U1venes moved that proper signs be placed on the grounds. Motion was SE-
conded by Councilman Mc Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the relaying of condemned
, .
. sidewalks on Fourth Street North from Central to C.M.St. P. & Ry. Co. tracks. A large
delegation of property owners were present and discussed the matter and various
parcels of sidewalk.
Wallace Quiggle appeared before the Council relative to speeding on Fourth st.
Leslie Lindenberg appeared relative to damage to his boulevard at No. 728 4th st.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Council review all walks on Fourth Street !~.
on Monday, August 11th, 1947, at eight o'clock a.m. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Treasurer be authorized to release $lO,COO
U.S. Treasury Notes, Series Al947, li%, due 9-l5-1947, held as oollateral for deposit1es
of the City Treasurer in the Security National Bank and Trust Co. Faribault, and that
i;lO,OOO U.S. Treasury Bonds o.f 1949-51, ~, dated. 5-J..5-1942, be accepted to replace
collateral released. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by un~i-
mous vote.
.Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the paving of the water ditc~
on Second Street NE from Central to First Avenues East. The fOllowing bids were rE"-
ceived:- A.L. Alley & Son $1,210.00; Wm. L. Farmer & Son $825.00.
Councilman UlveL9s Bid Wm. L.
moved that the bid of Wm. L. Farmer & Son be accepted, that the Mayor and Ci ty Reccr- Paving
Water Ditch
2nd St. NE.
der be directed to enter into contract with the said Wm. L. Fanner & Son, that the
work be delayed until the sidewalks on Central Avenue are completed and that the cer-
tified check of the unsuccessful bidder be returned. Motion was seconded by Council~
m~ Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendort took his seat.
Purs~uant to advertising, bids were called fo:r on tractor and. equipment. The
following bids were received:- Lockwood Auto Co. $1,672.20, $4341.29; Wm. H. Ziegler
Co., Inc., $6,763.50; Rasholt Equipment Co. $4,793.50. Councilman Behlke moved th~t
the bids be rejected. Motion lost, no second. Councilman Buendort moved that act:1o.n
Bids on
on bids be deterred until the next meeting and that the bids be referred to the City Tractor &
Engineer for tabula. t1on. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adop ted ty
unanimous vote.
A letter fm.m the Lange Tractor & Equipment Co. relative to collect express cr.arges
on hose returned on account of being defective was read.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of increasing the salaries of the Fj,re
Department personnel. Mayor Peterson, Councilman Behlke & Ulvenes, Alfon K1ekenapr,
Fireman,. Joe Dahl and Steve Benjmn.ine, Civ1l Service Commissioners, toolk part in tbe
discussion. Councilman Buendorf moved that the salaries of the Fire Department per-
sonnel be increased $25.00 eacb, effective September 1st, 1947, and that no outsid~
work be per.mitted until October 1st, 1947. Motion was lost, no second.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the salaries of the police and Fire Depa.rtments
Special Meeti~g~8/5/!~~7.
Raised to
$188.00 per
Mon the
personnel be increased $25.00 each beginning Septembe~ lst~ 1947, providing that
the Police Deparbnent patrol 2nd, 3rd and 4th Streets between the hours of ll:45 a.m.
to 12:15 p.m. and 4:45/to 5:30 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and
on roll call those voting "aye" were Councilman Buendorf, Mc Car thy , Ulvenes and
, Mayor Peterson, "naye" Councilman Behlke. Motion wa.s carried. .AJ. Hanson, Civil
Service Commissioner, spoke regarding the Police Departnent.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. be allowed i~:
to defer construction of sidewalk on 4th st. NW. in Block 35 O.T. subject to approv&1
of the City Engineer, until their new building was completed in 1948. Motion was
seconded by Counci1man Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the salary of the Oi ty Attorney be increased ~50 00
beginning September 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf and Mc Csrthy requested permission to change their flnott
vote taken on the Turna Construction Co. con.tract to ftyes"', taken at the special
meeting of August 4th, 1947. The Council agreed unanimously to allowing the Ci1~
Recorder to change the minutes.
Counci~an Behlke moved that the salary of the City Engineer be raised to $350 00
per month beginning Sept. 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes an&
on roll call these voting "aye" were Councilman Behlke and U1venes, ftnayett Gounci1m~
Buendorf, Mc Carthy and Mayor Peterson. Motion was lost.
Councilman Buendort moved that the salary of the City Engineer be raised to
Engineer's $375.00 per month beginning September 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman;
Raised to Mc Carthy and on roll call those voting Itayetf' were Councilman Bu.endorf, Mc Carthy,
$375.00 per
Mo. Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, "naye" Counci~an Behlke~ Motion was carried.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for
bid on the drilling of a well at the Airport in accordance with speci~ications en
Readvertise file in the o~fice of the City Engineer, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on
for bids
Drilling Tuesday, August 12th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the Ci ty Hall. Motion was
Well at
Airport seconded by CounciUnan Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. On calling for bids,
pursuan t to advertising, no bids were received at this mee ting, Augus t 5 th, ~941'.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. ~~~~
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
1\]:>proved August 26th, 19~
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~ .
- .- ~----~- -: ~~-
-- ---- -~----
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-- -- --------
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--.- ------
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--~~--~~~ -----~-
361 '
The Council of the City of Feribault met in the Council Chamber at the City Hal~
on Tuesday, August 12th, 1947, at eight o'clock,p.m. The meeting was called to orde~
by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilmcn Behlke, Buendorf,
Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Engineer and City Attorney were present.
Councilman Me Car thy was absent. Counci1man Ulvenes moved that the reading of the
minutes be dispensed with until the next meeting. Motion was seconded by COW1cilmnn"
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from the Better Faribault Association relative to Parking Meters was
read. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the letter be placed on fil~. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by un~imous vote.
J.B. King, Joseph Burmeister, C.C. Adams, Mel Schreyer and A. R. Stockey appeared
before the C~uncil relative to Parking Meters and parking in general.
Pursuaat to advertising, bids were called for on Parking Meters. The following
bids were received:-M.H. Rhodes, Inc., Magee-Hale Park-O-Meter Company, Duncan Met~r ' Bids on
Corp. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bi.ds be turned over to, the Oi ty Engineer for Meters.
l study and tha.t a special meeting be called on Saturday, August 16th, 1947, at eight
0' clock p.m. to. consider s:ame. Mo tion was seconded by Councilman Buendo.rf and adop ted
by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the widening of First
'Avenue West from First to Second Street North between curbs. Miss Stella Cole and
Charles N. Sayles, representing the Donohue sisters appeared and protested the pro~ Hearing
, Widening
posed improvement. E.J. Kohl appeared in favor of the improvement. Councilman Behlke, First Ave. W
,1st to 2nd!
an<< the City Engineer discussed the matter. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the matter, Sts. N.
be tabled until the next regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman BuendQrf
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that above motion regarding bids on Parking Meters ba
rescinded. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by w1animous vote.
The City Engineer brought/the bids on Parking Meters. The bids read as follo~s:-
M.H. Rhodes, Inc., $58.50, Magee-Hale Park-O-Meter Company $61.50, Duncan Meter COJ~.
Bids on
$75.00. Counci~aan Ulvenes moved that the bid of M.H. Rhodes, Inc. subject to the Parking
approval of the Council and the advise of the Ci ty Engineer and that the checks of the Accepted.
unsuccessful bidders be returned. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted
by unanimous vo tee
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the parking lots on 3rd and 4th Streets Northe6.f't,.,
at the City Market grounds and on Division Street West near Standard Oil Co. Station
be put in good condidion and properly light under the supervision of the Ci ty Engir~er.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of surfacing the tennis courts in tl'Cj
Tourist Park with bituminous surfacing material and moved that the City Recorder b~
,directed to advertise for bids on this work to be done in accordance with specifica-
,tions on file in the office of the City Engineer, to be received up to eight o'clock
p.m. on Tuesday, August 26th, 1947, in the Council Chamber in the City Hall. Moticn
was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the construction of Sanitary
Sewer on second Avenue Northwest and Twentieth Street North. No bids were receive~.
Pursuant to advertising, an auction sale was called for on the Park Department
Jeep. No bids were offered.
Councilman Buendorf moved that all bids on the tractor and equipment, opened at
the special meeting of August 5th, 1947, be rejected, and that all certified check~
be returned to bidders... Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adop too. by uneJ11-
mous vote.
~ --
for Bids on
Touris t
Regul~r 8-12-l941~
Bid W.L.
Sid ewa.lk
4th St. NW.
Bids on
I ~
Resolution I
No. A1.959 ::
Paying Bonds Ii
and Interest I
~ :
---------- --
__ __ _u__ ___> _ _ _____ ,_ ___~
Councibnan Buendorf moved that the Council purchase an International Tractor
at a cost of $733.00 f.o.b. Chicago. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes. On ~
"aye" .,
roll call those voting /were Counoilman Buendort and Ulvenes, rtnayett Councilman Behlke
and Mayor Peterson. Motion was lost.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the construction of the con-
demned sidewalks on Fourth Street NW. W. L. Farmer & Son submitted a bid quoting
for construction of sidewalk to 4th Ave. W.
unit pricesJ Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid be accepted. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to ~dvertis1ng, bids were called for on fifty tons of JJest Frankford
or Orient, Illinois stoker coal, f.o.b. Fire Department bins. H.E. Westerman Lun- !
per ton.
ber Co. submitted a bid of $10.251 Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid be accepted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Gn motion of Councilman Behlke, seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by
unanimous vote, Resolution No. .Al959 was adopted.
Relative to Payment of Bonds and Interest due September 1st, 1947.
That for the purpose of paying Bonds and Interest due september 1st, 1947, namely
Airport Bonds Nos. 21 to 30 inclusive, and interest thereon, the Mayor and City Re-
corder are hereby authorized and directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer in!
the amount of $10,050.30 in favor of the Northwestern National Bank & Trust Company,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, $10,000.00 to be paid out of the Sillic1ng Fund and $50.30
from the Interest Fund.
Passed August 12th, 1947.
Attest Ray G. Endres, Acting Recorder.
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
On motion of Councilman Ulvenes, seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution No. .
Al958 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll ~all.
Relative to Death of Thomas A. Mealia.
Whereas, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has called from this life Thomas
A. Mealia, and
Whereas, Thomas A. Mealia, has served the City of Faribault as City Recorder,
Registration Clerk and Purchasing Agent for the past nine years and as Assistant
Engineer for approximately ten years prior to that time, and
Resolution Whereas, Thomas A. Mealia showed a keen and active interest in all matters per-
No. Al958
Relative to taining to the above positions and in all matters tending to promote and advance
Death rr. A.
Mealia . the welfare of this community, and his absence will be keenly felt by his co-wor~ers
and the Council and this community,
That it extend to the members of the bereaved family its sympathy in their sor-
row and that the City Recorder be directed to transmit a copy of this Reoo,lution to
Passed August 12th, 1947.
Attest R.G. Endres, Acting Recorder. Emil Peterson, Mayor.
Insurance Poli~y covering contents Police Broadcasting Station, Policy covering
contents of Engineer's panel truck, policy covering radio tower, etc., truck policy
~red Schultz, fleet policy, all approved as to manner and fODn of execution by the
City Attorney, were presented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the pOlicies be accepted
and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous
Ap~lications of Rueben Schwert for auction licenses for Blanche Durdall ani
Lawrence Schwartz, Auto Car License of Roy O. Nelson, Ralph Mensing, John P. Colf,ann.1
"--.- -----~~--.~~-~~ : -
- -=~--- - -- ~ -
- ----- -- ---
-- - --- -
- -------- -
-- --- - -- -- ---
- - ---
Regular 8-12-1947.
-- - - --
- --
- -
---- ---
- :~- -- - ~-- ~--
- --- - --------
-- --- - -----
- - ~ -----~- ~-~- ~- ~
_ _ __~~~___ ___ r~_ -~ ~~ ~ ~~~_=_____
and John Feak for Cigarette Licenses were presented. Councilman Behlke moved that
the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes. and adopted by UD(ani-
. mous vote.
The following bills were presented for payment:- Mrs. Adeline Heine ~:10.00, Mrsei.
M.W. Hoover $10.00, Arthur Pykles $2.25, George Orr $3.00, 'I'GIn. Ackman ~5.00, standard
Oil Co. $36.00, Salary Fund, City of Faribault $ll22.00, Fuel Dept. ~38.68, Perm. Imp.
$152.50, Water Dept. $427.50. Salary Fund$400.00, Security National Bank & Trust Co. Bills
! $1144..65, Minnesota State Treasurer $148.42, Northwestern Bell Tel.. Co. ~)88.98, Li-
brary Accounts $342.76, Recreation Salary $615.00, Deputy Assessor's salary $loo.Eo"
Mrs. C. C. Hedges $144.00, Engineer's Office $232.65, Park Dept.. Salaries $435.05, E\.lel
,Dept. $38.68, Water Dept. Salaries $446.40, Perm. Imp. Fund S~aries ~20)4.70, Wm. itck-
I man $55.75, Recreation Dept. Payroll $272.50, ~p24.00, $18.00, Water Dept. Payroll
, $440.1.0, Fuel Dept. Payroll ~~38.68, Special Labo;, $242.L}0.. street Dept. Payroll $164~.76.
i On motion Councilman Buendorf, seconded by Counc~lman Ulvenes, above bills were allowed unanimously.
, An approval f'rom the Department of Aeronautics of water main and sanitary sewer
extension at the Airport in 'xhe ~ount of $2,236.81 and a communication from the
I Commissioner of' Highways releasing roads used as detours for Highway No. 60, were
" tiens.
sented and read. Counci~an Behlke moved that the communications be accepted and cr~
: dered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf' and adopted by unanimous '.i"ote.
The following reports of Ci ty Officials were presented and read:- Treasurer, I~s';'
corder, Chief of Police, Overseer at Poor, Dairy Inspector, Market Master) Water 000',- i
.! missioner, Engineer~ Secretary of' Library Board, Clerk of' Court, Recorder's report
to Supt. of Accounts & Finances in the amount of' $l5,218.19. Councilman Ulvenes
: moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed.. :Motion was seconded by Coun...
cilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Co,uncilman Buendorf moved that the salaries of the Dump Tender and IncineratoI'
Tender be raised to $170.00 per month beginning August Is,t, 1947 t also that the wage Increased.
per hr.
scale of W.J. Wines, Supt. of Painting of Water Reservoirs, be set at $l.OOj Motic~'
I was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimDus vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the salary of' the Poor Commissioner be raised tQ..
I $185.00 and the Assistant Poor Commission.er to $l45.00 per month beginning August 1st,
1947. Motion. was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. Raised.
Councilman Buendorf moved the. t the sa.lary of' the Assls tant Engineer at the Pun'"9~
. Raised.
ing Station be set at $190.00 beginning August 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by
! Councilman Ul venes and adop ted by unanimous vote.
CounciLman Ulvenes moved that the salary of the Janitor at the Ci~ Hall be s~t
at $185.00 per month effective Augus,t 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman Raised.
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendort' moved that the salary of the matron at the rest roam be s~t;
at $150.00 per month beginning August 1st, 1947. 1wtion was seconded by Councilman Raised.
Ulvenes and adopted by unanimousvote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the hearing on the construction of' condemned ai,de-
! walks on Fourth Street mv. b,e closed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf end
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved to adjourn.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendort'
1ti;4. ~~d~ .
Aoting Recorder.
Approved August 26th,
Wi de ning Firs 11
llvenue West,
1st to 2.nd
Ste. North.
Diagonal &
S tree ts
Communi ca-
Peti tion
Reed Ave.
Peti tion
Reed Ave.
Regular JJl~eting, Tue:3Jl~y, A.ugu.Clt 26th, 1947, Eigh t_ 0 'clock p.li1__ _
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, August 26th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.. The meeting
was called to order by M~yor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman
Behlke, Buendorf, Me Oar thy , Ulvenes and J:vlayor Peterson, also the City Attorney and i
City Engineer were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting of August l2th,
regular meeting of July 22nd, and special meeting of .lmgus t 4th and special meeting,
of Augus.t 5th were read and approved.
The hearing.on the widening of First Avenue West between First and Second Stre~ts N
was continued.
Miss Stella Cole appeared before the Council and protested the wide4-
Motion was lost, no second.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the petition be granted. Motion was seconded by Coun-
I! cilman Buendorf. Councilman Olvenes and Behlke and the City Engineer discussed the i'
II me. tter. On roll call those voting ftayeH were Councilman Buendorf and Mc Car thy , Itnalyett
Ii :
ing. Councilman Behlke moved that the petition be denied.
Councilman Behlke, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson.
Mo tion was los t.
Milton Brekke appeared before the Council in behalf of the Taxi Cab Companies
regarding parking charges for buses and taxi cabs.
Edgar Cornell appeared in regard
to bus space on 4th Street.
Councilman Ulvenes, Behlke and Me Carthy discussed the
matter. Mayor Peterson read the recommendation from the Better Faribaul t .Associatlo.n
recommending that no charge be made for parking spaces for, busses and taxi cabs but
that the space used be minimized if possible. Mayor Peterson and Councilman Ulvenes
discussed the speeding of taxi cab operators. Mayor Peterson, Councilman Mc Car thy ,.'
and the City Engineer discussed parking spaces for doctors. Councilman Me Carthy
moved that doctors be allowed parking spaces for a fee of ~5.00 per month. Motion I
was seconded by Councilman Behlke and ,adopted by "aye" vo_te of Councilman Behlke,
I Buendort, Mc Carthy and Mayor Peterson. Councilman Ulvenes voted IInayett.
CounciLman Ulvenes moved that diagonal parking be permitted on 2nd, 3rd, 5th
Streets Northeast ~rom Central to First Avenues East, that parallel parking be de-
signated, on all other st~eets '~{est ~t Central Avenue except on First street North- ..
east, that 90. degrE!e parking be designated on said First Street Northeast, that truok
parking be permi tted on Fourth Street Northeast, East of Alley. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Buendort and adORted by unanimous vote.
Letter from Francis B. TIilliams relative to courtesy shown Mrs. Williams who
injured her ankle during the Legion convention, letter from the City Engineer stating
that the retaining wall had been completed at corner of Ravine Street and Sixth Ave.
E and that Mr. Joseph Backen could .be notified that his payment of ~p50.00 was due
i in accordance vuth agreement, letter from 3nlth & Smith relative to widening First
I Avenue West, were presented and read. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the communica-
tions be ordered filed.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by
l, unanimous vote..
A peti tion, signed by ten property owners, for Tarvia surfacing on Reed Ave.
was presented.
Councilman ~c Carthy moved tha~ the petition be accepted and
tiled and the City Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on s~e to be held
Tuesday, September 9th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the
Ci ty Hall.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. :
A petition, signed by four property owners, for Sanitary Sewer on Reed Ave.
was presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the petition be accepted and or1ered
filed and the City Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to b~
held on Tuesday, September 9th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber
at the Ci ty Hall~ Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous
vo t e.
~ '
- - --- ---..
~-=~---=-~--~ ---
--- --- ---. ----
--- - --- -----
- -- -
Regular 8...26':001947._
- - -----
-- -
-~ - -~-~-----~~~-~~=-- ~~~ -----~ ~ ~--- - - - -~--~-~ -, .-., - - --~~-~=-~~--~-~-~=--=~-- =------- - ~-~----~ ~ - --- -- --- -~=-
A petition, signed by three property owners, requesting Tarvia surfacing on Alley
in block 45 O.T. was presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the petition be accepted
:,'1 and ordered filed and the C1 ty Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on san~ Peti tion
i ,i Tarvia
'. to be held Tuesday, September 9th, 1947, at eignt o'clock p.mo in the Council Chamb~~ Block 45
o. T.
at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous
Tarvi a
7th Ave.
Be:'1lke 11 th to
, 12th sts.
.. va tee
A petition, signed by seven property owners, for Tarvia surfacing on Seventh Ave.
I West from 11th to 12th Sts. South, was presented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the
: petition be accepted and ordered filed and the City Recorder directed to advertise a
! public hearing on same to be held on Tuesday, September 9th, 1947, at eight o'clock
p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
,I and adop ted by unanimous vo te.
Motion was seconded by Councilman
I Contra.ctor' s bond of O. T. Rafdal, Sidewalk Bond of WIll. L. Farmer & Son, Insurance
!I Policy covering Police cars, liuto Car policy of Roy O. Nelson, were presented. Coun-:
'i cilman Behlke moved that the bonds and policies be accepted and ordered filed, same
having been approved as to manner and for.m of execution by the City Attorney. Motion
. was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Applications of Mrs. Thomas Whitver, Mr. Bauernfiend and Tbm Lynch for Auction
;, licenses, Massee' s Roller Rink for renewal roller rink license, John E. Hyde, Jr. for,
,. Electrician's license, Lester Brandvig for cigarette license, Faribault 'Iheatre Co.
I .
i for renewal rtLidol1 'Ihee.tre License, James Asbe and Wm. D. Wells for gasoline pump
licenses and application of Eldo H. Radtke to transfer his 3.2 malt beverage license
at No. 309 1st Ave. ~w. to Ralph L. Mensing and application of Ralph L. Mensing for
tions for
! such license were presented. C01J.llcilman Mc Carthy moved the. t the licenses be granted,.
~ J
'1010 tion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adop ted by unanimous vote. II
Reports of the Chief of Police, Faribault Flying Service and Merrill Aviation Cd,.
were presented.
Certificate of County Board of Classification of Forfeited Lands and recommendation
!, of the Ci ty Engineer were presented. Councilman Behlke moved that the Mayor and Ci ty cations
;: of
Recorder be directed to sign S~le for the City and the City Recorder be directed to :, Forfeited
ret1,U'n copy to County Audi tor6 Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted
by unanimous vote.
'The following bills were presented:- Perk Dept. Payroll ~p465.50, Albert Grohm.an I'
!iQ72.50, General Fund, City of Faribault $287.41, Water Dept. Payroll (~525.95, Perm.
Imp. Payroll $226.30, Fuel Dept. Payroll $38.68, street Dept. Payroll $1,382.73, ~ater
Dept. Payroll $516.35, Fuel Dept.. Payroll (:)38.68, Perm. Imp. Payroll ~~183.l0, Wm.
Ackman ~11..70, George Orr $10880, Arthur Pykles ~32.85, Peter Hanson $42.00, Central..
!Drug store ~1.25, Faribault Daily News $.75, Audrey Graupman ~5095, The 30urnal Co.
.: ~;;2.75, Kuhlman & Co. $ll.6o, Iv:ahowald Cycle Co. $18.37, Marigold Dairies '::;13.50,
Nappin's Complete Furniture Sho~ ~)4.87, Smith & Dapper $30.70, ~estern Grocer $5.95,
, Gift & i...rt Shop :::9.05, Jos. T. Bel tz & Co. ~p76.05, Buckh8lIl Memorial Library $236.02,
, Faribault Fire Dept. Relief Association ~1,828.23, $354.34, Faribault Municipal BanTh
! Association $700.00, Armory Board (~250.00. Rice County Agricul tural Society ~~l,OOO.OO
. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. $91.08, EeE. Noreen & Co. ~?745.00.
On motion of Councill!an Me Car thy, seronded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution
Lio. Al960 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Appropriation for ~aintenance of the Faribault Armory.
That the S'Ul1l of TwqHu.ndred Fifty (~:i250.00) Dolla.rs, be and the SS-Lle is hereby
-II set as1d~ and- app~op-;'ia ted. from the General. Fund of the 01 ty of Far1 bault to the me
lof Company E, 135 Infantry, Minnesota National Guard, in accordance with Section 193 35,
liMinnesota Statutes 1941, to be expended in the pa;Ylllent of ma.intenance of the Armory
. !i of said Company in said Ci ty for the year ending June 30 th, 1948.
That the Mayor and City Recorder be and they are hereby authorized and directed
to issue a warrant on the City Treasurer in the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00)
:Dollars, payable to the Armory Board.
Passed August 26th, 1947.
:'Attest Ray G.. Endres, Acting Recorder.
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
Archi tec t
stat,ement of Hugh Vincent Feehan/be sent to
:; Councilman Buendorf moved that the
!'Kenneth Heath, ChairmaD. of Recreation Board.
Ii .
II Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
II Counc ilman Behlke moved the. t the
II subject
:i thy and adop ted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman l\;lc
Annual Audit made by E.E. Noreen & Co. be accepted
Motion was seconded by Councilman Me car-
to approval of the Finance Officer.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Tarvia Surfacing of the Tennis
Courts in the Tourist Park. Bituminous Roadways, Inc. presented a bid of ~2,904.00.
Councilman Behlke moved that the bid be rejected and that their certified check be
returned and that the work be done by the local Tarvia Surfac ing crew. Motion was sEl-
cond'ed by Councilman Ul venes and adop ted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the Ci ty Recorder be directed to cause the fo:llowing
'Official Publication to be published in the Official paper:-"Due to the fact that a
'vacancy exists for the Office of the City Recorder of the City of Faribault, the coun-
cil of the Ci 1'Y of Fari baul t will receive applications for posi tion of Ci ty Recorder i
iUP to Five o'clock p.m. on Thursday, September 4th, 1947, applications to be filert
in the office of' the City Recorder.. Applicants are to apply in wri ting and to state i>
i their qualifications." Motion was seconded by Councilman. Buendorf. On Toll call thbse
. voting "aye "_,were Counc ilman Behlke, Buendorf, Ul venes and Mayor Peterson, "naye"
.Countilman Me Carthy. Motion was carried.
Councilman Ul venes suggested that the Council readvertise for bids on construction
. of sidewalk on Fourth street my, 4th to 8th Aves. West~ No action was taken.
Councilman Ulvenes suggested that tile Police Department arrest tickets be printed
: in triplicate,. the Judge of Municipal Court to receive one copy, the offender one and
I the Police Department to retain one.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Basil Heselton be authorized to strip the City
'Pit and to remove the nigger heads without any expense to the City. Motion was so-
conded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the City Engineer be directed to prepare sper.i-'
fications for a boiler for the street Department Steamer. Motion was seconded by I
Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Recorder be directed to write Thos. Crosb~
a letter thanking him for the use of the alley in Block 45 o. T. during the cons truction
.. of Paving, also to no tify him to reconstruct his building so the. t the alley could be
opened. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved to adjourn.
i and adop ted by unanimous 'Vote.
Approved Sept. 9th,
19~. 4 ~
seconde~ b: Councilman
I~ in~
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
Motion was
--- -- --~----~
~ ---- - ~- - --~---
~~_Sp_ec::i~~u:Nle~E3ti~g~ We_Q.ne:?d~y L~J~.g\.l.~t_~_2~7t!1, 1947 J 12: 30 p.m.
- -- -
11 TIle Council of the City of Farib-aui t met in special session in the- Council clia.,..;
I ber at the City Hall on Wednesday, August 27th, 1947, at 12:30 p.m. '!he meeting was,
called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman Behlk~!,
Buendorf, Me Car thy , Ulvenes and ~ayor Peterson. Mayor Peterson stated that the meeting
waS called to consider the purchase a tractor. Thoa. N. Kaul, Airport Manager,spoke
! regarding the tractor. The quotation of the Lockwood Auto Co. for tractor and mower
,! in the amount of $1,402.83 and for tractor, mower, snow plow and hydraulic lift in
:1 the amount of ~n,7oo.58 was considered. Councilman Buendorf moved that the tractor
I with all equipment listed be purchased at a cost of $,1,700.58. Motion was seconde(
by Counci~an Me Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councibnan Ulvenes moved that John Ennis be employed to operate the tractor at
the rate ci: $.90 per hour under the supervision of the Mayor, to work in any department
where needed. Motion was seconded by Counci~an Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous
i vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the salaries of Francis E. Ford and Wm. Cribbs
. be increased $25.00 each per month beginning September 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded
, by Councilman Buendorf. On roll call those voting Hayen were Councilman Buendorf, Engineer's
, Salaries
~c Carthy, D~venes, "nayen Councilman Behlke and Mayor Peterson~ Motion was carried. Increased.
Councilman hic Carthy moved that the salary of the Dairy Inspector be increase~1
Dairy Inspe~
~lO.OO per month beginning September 1st, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman ! tor's Salary
Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved to adjourn.,
!. and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes
Ray G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
I Approved September 9 th ~ 1947.
Erail Peterson
Mayo r.
.Heg~~r lvle~~i.ng, T:u.esclEiY, septern.ber.9th, 1947, EightO'<;lock p.m.
-~------- - -
__ ~..-_ ___~ __ p __ _, ~____ _____~___L__ _ _._~
-~- - --- ---- -.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Ch~~
i ~
Hearing TarVi~
Reed Ave. ,I
I ~
by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Courl-
Car thy , Ulvenes and ~,Iayor Peterson, alSOJ the~ Ci ty Engin~:er
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of sanit~ry
Sewer on Reed Avenue. John Hanson, Wm. Farmer and Otto Flach, property owners, werdl
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, September 9th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. ~he
I meeting was called to order
'! cilman Behlke, Buen6.orf, r.lc
,I and 01 ty Attorney were present.
Sewer Reed
present and spoke 1n favor of t he improvement.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that tho
hearing be closed and the petition granted.
Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing on Reod
Motion was seconded by Counci~an Mr.
John Hanson, 7w. Farmer and Otto Flach, property oID1ers, were present w1d
spoke in favor of the improvement.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the hearing l'?'
closed and the peti tion granted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and edopted
by unan~ous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing of ~.ley
Hearing in Block 45 O.T. Councilman MC Carthy moved that action be deferred until the
Ttarvia Sur-
facing Alley: Council could view 'same. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adoptee by
in Blk. 45 I
o. T.' unanimous, vote.
Tarvia 7th
'Nes t, 11 tb.
to 12th Sts.
So u th .
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on Tarvie. Surfacing on Seyenth
E.E. Chambers and Mrs. Dehn appeared and
, Avenue West from 11 th to 12th sts. South.
'i favored the improvement.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the hearing be closed and
:' the pe ti tion granted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adop ted by
Mrs. Lowell Kuntze appeared before the Council relative to construction of sanit&ry
unanimo us, va te.
sewer on 20th street I~V. Speaking in regard to ti1e matter were the City Engineer,
20th St. NIV.
Councilman Me Carthy, Ulvenest Behlke, Buendorf, Mayor Peterson and Mrs. Fred,SeJlner.
Idayor Peterson suggested that the City Engineer employ additional help to go aheed
with the project. Councilman Behlke moved that the City Engineer drop all other work
, immediately and begin work on this project. The motion was lost for want of a second.
Applications for Auction licenses of T.J. Mc Car thy, Est. and Leonard Renow,
Gasoline Pump, Geo. Beucler, Renewal Bowling Alley L1cense, John O. Sneva, Renewal
Applications, Electrician's License, Mike Spaetgens were presented. Councilman Buendorf moved
! that the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Counci lman Me Carthy and
, adopted by unanimous vote.
Insurance Certifics. te covering Murphy Transfer and Storage Company and Murpr,y
Motor Freight Lines, Inc., approved by the City Attorney as to manner and form or
Certificate execution, and Workmen's Compensation Rate Revision Endorsement were presented.
Rate Revision Councilman Buendorf moved that the documents be accepted and ordered filed. Moticn
Endorsement. I
i; was seconded by Oouncilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
I A letter from the League of Minnesota Municipalities announcing schedule of
I League Regional Meetings for Fall 1947 was read.
: North from Franklin to Hulet Avenues was presented. Councilman Ul venes moved the.t
II the peti tion be accep ted and ordered filed and the. t the Recorder be direoted to €d-'
Peti t ion '1
Sanitary Sew~rvertise a public hearing on same to be held Tuesday, September 23rd, 1947, at eight
7 th st. N. II
Franklin to
Hulet Aves.
A petition, signed by three property owners, for sanitary sewer on Seventh ,Street
0' clock p.m.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous
vo t e .
A question,airefrom the Better Faribaul t Association relative to leasing property
on City Dump for Junk Yard site was read. Councilman Behlke moved that the request
--- . -: - --~- ----~-~
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Regular 9-9-1947
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be denied. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ul venes and adop ted by unanimous vote.il
A reques t from the Rice County Farm Bureau, Inc. to opera te a bingol game at I:
the Faribe.ult l-\rmory at the annual Harvest Festival on Ootober 17th or 24th was pro.-I
sented. Councilman Me Car thy moved that the request be granted. Motion was secon1ed.
by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
A request from the Bethlehem Academy Athletio Association to operatetheir
weekly bingo game in the I.C. Hall was presented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the!
request be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unii-
mous vote.
The following bills were presented for payment:-Lee. Rosenstiel :,;34.00, VJater
Dept. Payroll (,;619.25, Fuel Dept. Payroll ~,~32.23, Perra. Imp. Payroll ;;;210.10, Securi~
ty National Bank & Trust Co. $1,403.40,
Minneso ta state Treasurer (ilbO.. 40, Fari ba.1..ll,t
Fire Department Relief Ass'n. ~35.00, Park Dept. Payroll ~437.00, Mrs. C.C. Hedges
~;115.30, Gilbert Flom ~77.00, Salary Engineer's Payroll ~:J244.35, ~.'lm. Ackman ~33.00,
vvater Dept. Payroll ~:?4l8.95, Frank Johnson $2.25, Road,street,Bridges ()1,417.6o.
Councilillilll Me Carthy moved that the bills listed be allowed. Motion was seconded by:
; Councilme..n Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The follo1.lving reports of' Ci ty Officials were presented and read: - Treasurer,
Recorder, Engineer, Overseer of Poor, Chief of police, j;.ssesso,r, Secretary of Library
! Board, Market iJle.ster, Water CO!T1JJl.issioner, Clerk of I\~unicipa1 Court, Dairy Inspector,' Reports
Recorder's report to Supt. of Accounts and Finances in the ~ount of $11,070.26.
, Councilman Ulvenes moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Iiotion was'
seconded by Counc ilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanil:lOus vote.
The application o.f vIm. T. Kenow for HOn SaleH 3.. 2 L:l8.l t beverage license at No.
:; VIm. T.
:: Kenow
:! nOn Sale IV
! 3.2 Beverage
122.0 7th ~3treet NW. was presented. Councilman i,ic Carthy moved that the license be
granted subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
The application of John P. Colie.nni for HOff Sale" 3.2 MEilt Beverage License
J.F. Co1ianni
nOff sale"
3.2 Beverage
at No. 315 8th Street j;;T,V. was presented.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the license
be granted. -Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman M:c Ce.rthy moved that the Northern States Power Company be requestei
to install a light at the intersection of 1st Street l~V. & Irving Avenue and at the Lights
end of 5th Street NW. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unani-
mous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the salary of Dr. Paul Weaver as Heal th Offic~r
& City Physician be increased ~lO.OO per month beginning September 1st, 1947.
was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Heal th
MotionOfficer &
! Physicie.n' s
. Inc reas ed .
Cou~c1lman Me Carthy moved that the motion adopted at the last regular meeting.
be amended to allow diagonal parking on Fifth Street Northwest from Central to First
Avenues West. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendo,rf. On roll call those voting
Hayetl were Councilman Buendorf, .Me Ce.rthy and Mayor Peterson, "nayeU Councilman Behl~e
and Dlvenes. Motion was carried.
Councilman Buendorf, moved that the Hotel Faribault be allowed free parking on
South side of Fifth street Northeast from inset to corner of building. Motion was
I seconded by Counoilman Mc Carthy. Oil roll call those voting Hayen were Councilman
Buendorf, Me Car thy , Ul venes &.m.d Mayor Peterson, Hnayett Counci lman Behlke. Mo tiOD
was carried.
Councilmarr Ulvenes moved that the matter of repairing of the balanoe of the
sidewalks be left to> Councilman Mc Car thy . Ivlo tion was, seconded by Councilman Buen-
dorf and.~dopted by unanimous ~ote.
...riegulW' 9.-)l":"~41.
_ L~ ~_~ _ _ ~~~
Council111an Behlke brought up the matter o,f issuing ~40,OOO.OO in Permanent
Improvement Revolving Fund War~ants. to defray the cost'of the City's portion of the
repaving of Central Ave. and Fourth Street N1V. and recommended that they be issued.
Councilman Me Carthr moved that the recommendation of Councilman Behlke be carried
Motion was seconded by Oouncil-
1'1 out subject to the approJval of ;the 01 ty Attorney.
I' man Ul venes a.nd adopted by unanim.ous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the Jeep used by the Park Department be EDld at
r auction. Motion lOist, no second.
II The Dlatter of leasing ground at the Airport 8i te to private plane owners was
Leases Ii brougnt up.. Councilman Ulvenes moved that 'form of lease drawn up by the City Attorney
Airport fi
Site Privatel be accepted.
Owners. . .
Motion was seconded by 90uncilman Behlke and adopted by unantmous wte.
I. The fee for leased land was set at ~}36.oo per years to be paid annually.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter os>Sanitary Sewer on Second street
Adv. Bids North, West from Lincoln Avenue to terminus of street and moved that the City Recor-
Sewer 2nd
st. N, West. der be directed to advertise for bids to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on
from Lincoln!
Avenue.i, Tuesday, September 23rd, 1947 in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that Edgar Boldt be appointed to replace Mel Johnson
Ij on the Fire Depar1:m~nt Civil Service Coramissio~, effective Sept. 13th, 1947. Motion:
.was seconded by qounCilman Me Carthy and a~op ted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendo,rf moved that one barrel of "Rid-O-Weedtt be purchased. Motion i
!I was secondeq by Councilman l-J.c Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ul venes sugges ted the. t the American Legion Pos t if43 be reimbursec1, in!!
the amount of $750.00 for repairing and redecorating the Third Floor of the Ci ty Ha1.~
Building, which was used by them as club rooms before locating in present quarters.
Councilman Ulvenes asked the moral support of the Council to help recruit mp,n
for the National Guard.
Councilman Ulvenes brought up the provisions accompanying the raises in salaries
of the Police and Fire Departments personnel, namely that certain streets be patroled
at specified hours and that firemen discontinue outside work as of Sept. 1st, 1947.
The Council proceeded to consider the applications for the Office of City Re-
corder. The following appli~ations were presented and read:-Pau~ H. Haugen, Cyril
'W. Bieter, Donald C. Brandv~ld, A.J. Tierney, Francis H. Me Cullough, John D. Beecher.
Weir Me Quoid. The Council decided to select the appointee by wri tten ballot. 'It.e
result of the first ballot was. as follows:-Paul H. Haugen 2, Cyril
I, by unanimous vote. 'I1:te resul t of the second ballot was the same. On
Bieter 1, Francis'
Carthy and a<<optrd
the third be-1Io t i
Me Cullough 1, Weir Mc Quoid 1. Councilman Buendorf moved that the candidates ~o
. on ballots .
were not named/be eliminated. Motion was seconded by Councilman ~c
,Paul H. Haugen received 3 votes, Weir Me ~uoid 1 and Francis Mc Cullougn 1.
~ i
man Ulvenes moved that the ballot be made un~imous and that Paul H. Haugen be appoi4ted
City Recorder. Motion ~as seconded by Co~ncilman Beh~ke and adopted by unanimouR vo~e.
ii Councilman Behlke moved that the Ci ty Recorder be directed to no tify Mr. Haugen of
I,'his appointment.
I ~
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unarrimou*
Councilman Behlke moved that the salary of the City Recorder be set at ~200.00
per month. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous ''0 tee
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn. Motion was seCOnde~y Councilman Me carthy
i and adopted by unanimous vote. ~,.,.~
Ba G. Endres,
Acting Recorder.
i; .Approved
September 23rd, 1947.
Emil Peterson
Omi tt,ed in Error
- - - - -- --
SPE! 9il;ll~ kle~~ing,5(~9-~l3sday -,~~p ~t~e~llEer loth ~ 194 7,9.: 20~_~~ ~~,?c~ p ~m~.
-,---- ---::-- -- ---
-- - - -- -- - -~~----
--- -----. . -.-------.--
-- - ~ ~_~_________.__ _ ~~_:_______._, _=.. ____z ~~ __~ _~_ ~ _____
1 The Council of the City of b'exibaul t met in
I ber at the City Hall on Wednesday,
il meeting was called to order by Vice President Me Car thy.
! ~
II were COW1cilraan Behlke, Buendorf and Vice President Me Carthy. I~~6.yor Peterson and
!I Councilman u"J. venes were absent.
II ander Fari baul t Park be named temporarily !1Memori81 Drive", a .flermanent name to be
i chosen later by the School Board.
_J _~__~~~___~_____~
-- -- ~-~-~-~<--
special session in the Council Gham-
September loth, 1947, at 9:00 o'clock p.m. Th~
On roll call those pre~en~
CODBcilraan Buendorf moved that the road surrounding the Athletic Field at Alex-
IJlotion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and e.<io~ted
by unanimous vote.
A discussion of slight changes in grade, surfacing of parking lots and location
of driveways at the Athel tic Field was held. :1
Councilman Buendorf rfloved the. t the City Engineer's Office follow orders and in:
structiollS of the Planning .Archi teet at Alexander Faribaul t Park in order to faci.li~
ta te the progress of the work therein. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and!
adopted by unanimous vote.
A discussion was held in regard to the purchase price of the Athletic Fiele,
at Alexander Faribaul t Park in which the members of the School Board participatec',..
'The purchase price of seventy per cent (705b) of the grading charges was determin~d to
be ap~)roximately Eight Tllousand Five Hundred U)8,500.00) Dollars.
Cotcl1cilL'lan Buendorf discussed the installation of Se\7er and water mains, and the
ins talla tlon of plull1bing. I t was agreed that the Ci ty of Fari baul t run the seriTeJ" and
water mains to the perllaeter of the tract and that the School BOQrd continue the~e
mains and install the pl~lbing facilities.
Councilman Buendorf moved the. t the Ci ty Attorney, Lir~ Urban Steimann, meet and
co-oper,;,\,te with the School Board Attorney, Mr. Lucius ":0.. Smith, in lliatters of form,
and proceedure in the matter of the purchase of the l~thletic Field tract at Alexan-
der Faribault Park. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke illld adopted by unani-.
mous vote.
Councilman Buendcrf nlOved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke
and adopted by unanimous vo,te.
C{~1 ~
City Recorder.
Approved September 23rd, 1947.
Emil Peterson
~ _ _ ~_ __~__ r_T~__
- ----- -._--- ---
_ _.__.__.~___._ 0_____ _~.
-~~~-~-~~~-~~- ~_.~~~~~ ~- --~- ~
uu _. __' u_ 3necie.l_Meet.ing uMonde.,,-_Sent.ember.lk th -1947 . ..9_.;_QO_~O!cloQk~~.lJ1.
- - ---- ---- -- - - - ~ - - - -. -- - - - --- ---- J--- _ - - - -- --- -<1--'- .. --. .I:'~ -- - . -- -- - - ----.J - -- , - --- . - - ~-.
_____~~~___~ r~__ ~
!I The.C'o~~'il-~fth;~---'~--'- ______._~.__~__~___~~____r-~____ -- ~.~-....-
II ber at the City Hall on
ii called to order by Vice President Mc Carthy.
II cilman Buendorf, Ul venes and Vice President Mc Car thy were present, also the Ci ty
~ I
;: Engineer and City Attorney were pr€sent.
~:absent on account of being out of Faribault. Acting Mayor Me Car thy said that the
City of Faribault met in special session in the Couucil Ch~n-
~ I
The meeting was I,
Monday, Sep tember 15th, 1947 , at 9: 00 a.m.
On roll call those present were Coun-
Councilman Behlke and Mayor Peterson were
, meeting was called to discuss the legal description of the School Board property at '
Alexander Faribault Park. The City Attorney spoke in regard to the urgent necessit71
of securing a complete legal description of the Athletic Field at Alexander Faribault, Regarding
Park. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Engineer be directed to secure a complete Legal
legal description of the Athletic Field at Alexander Faribault Park immediately. There Athletic
, Field
was no second to this motion. Motion was lost. The City Engineer discussed the im- ',Alexander
, Fari baul t
praoticability of securing a complete legal description of the Athletic Field at such Park.
short notice. Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Engineer be Qirected to obtain
sufficient help outside of his depart.ment to secure the above mention l~gal descript.ion.
Motion vms seconded by Councilman Ulvenes: and adopted by unaniIilous vote.
The City Engineer explained an estimate presented by the city Attorney from the
Co. Estimate
Tuma Construction Co. Councilman Buendorf moved that the estimate in the amount of
$4,911.44 be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unani~
mous vote.
Coul1cilIilan Ulvenes brought up the matter of the resignation of Wm. 0.. Cribbs as ,rVb1. O. Cribbs
I Allowed Two
Assistant Engineer and moved that. he be allowed two weeks vaca t.ion salary ine,smuch as:, Weeks Vaca-
i tioifi Salary.
,he had been employed a year. ~lotion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopte~
ilibY unanimous vote.
! Councilman Buendorf
moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
:bids on the co,nstruction of Sanitary Se~ver on Ninth St.reet Northeast from central/to
Bids Sanitary
Sewer 9th st.
!Interceptor, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1947.NE.
i!Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
ibids on the cOl~truction of Sanitary Sewer on
Counc ilman Buendorf moved the. t the Ci ty Reco,rder be directed to advertise for
23rd, 1947.
Fourth Street Northwest, East from : Bids Sani-
'I tary Sewer
Crackers Creek 490 feet, to be received up to eight 0' clock p.m. on Tuesday, Sept.embeJi- 4th st. NW 0
. East
. Creek 490
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendo,rf feet.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous votn.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn.
'and adopted by unanimous: vote.
@"I/I ;../ U~V
pauY' H. ~n
City Recorder.
Approved September 23rd, 1.947.
Emil Peterson
- -- -- ~ ~-
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I Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, September 23rd, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
111 ~
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council
meeting was called to order by Mayor Peterson.
On roll call those present were
Counci lman Behlke, Buendorf', ~Ic Car thy, Ul vene s
and Mayor Peterson, also the Ci t:r
Engineer ffi1d City Attorney were present.
Minutes of the last regular meeting of.'
August 26th, special meeting of.' August 27th, regular 'meeting September 9th, special
meetings of' Sept. 10th and 15th, 1947, were read and approved.
A delegation of property owners from Seco,nd .::..venue and Twentieth Street :aorth- I
west appeared before the Council relative to Sanitary Sewer construction on above
Sani tary .i named streets. The Ci ty Engineer s ta ted that due to lack of help, the survey had
Sewer 2nd Avd.
20th St. lri~.i not been completed. A discussion b~tvleen the Council and several property OV!ller~
Discussion. ,I
ensued. The Council expressed themselves in favor of' the pr~ject. Councilman
Ulvenes moved that the City Engineer be directed to complete this survey as soon as
possible. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote
Councilman Buen6.orf moved that IJ:ayor ~eterson be authorized to employ an engineer-
ing crew to co:nplete the survey. Uotion VIaS seconded by COLU1Cill11an lJlvenes and adopted
by unanimous vo tee
Ii tive to the water pump located on the resident si te at .Alexander Faribaul t Park,
~I stating that same was worn out. Counciillan Ulvenes moved that the matter be re-
Purap Alexan-:
der Far1baUl!1 1'erred to the C1 ty Attorney. ~lot1on was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted ,
Park Residen.e.
:1 by unanimous vote.
'i a pu.mp, the cost not to exceed (i125.00t if the Oi ty Atto1rney rules that the Oi ty is
John Luxem appeared before the Council in behalf of IvIrs. Cordelia Caron, rela-'
Councilman Lie Car thy moved the. t Councilman Buendo,rf be authorized to purchase
liable. Motion was seconded by CouncLUlan Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of salu-.
tary Sewer on Seventh Street Northwest from Franklin to Hulet Avenues. illaurice
Hearing Paro and Clara rillaure, property owners, were present and objected to the construction
Sanitary Sew~r
7th st. NW. I' of the sewer, stating that they had. hooked up to the manholes, therefore did not
Franklin to
Hulet Aves.
need the sewer.
Councilman Behlke moved that the hearing be continued and
that the
City Recorder be directed to check the records to ascertain whether or not these
property owners had paid for there services.
Motion was seconded by Councilman
Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
I property owners, was presented.
~ ~
that the petition be r
A petition for Storm Sewer on Lincoln Ave. & 6th Street Nfv., signed by
Councilman Me Carthy moved
pe ti tign
Storm Sewer
Lincoln Ave. accepted and ordered filed and the request granted.
6th St. N'v/. i
Granted. l!mal1 Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Ilof.' the bond of John Ennis as Fuel Commissioner and Marke t Master.
Motion was seconded by Council-:.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be authorized to sign a release:
Motion was
Councilman M:c Car-thy and adopted by unanimous vote~
The Cow1cil brought up the matter of widening the alley in Block 45 O.T.
,man Behlke moved tha t the Ci ty Attorney be directed to check the me. tter over with
. Tom Crosby and that he be given a copy of the le tter wri tten to Mr. Crosby af.'ter the ,i
meeting of Sept. 9th, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman'Buendorf.' and. adopted by
unanimous vote. llIr. Steimann W6.S handed the letter.
Official Bond of Paul H. Haugen and Auto Car Policy of Roy O. Nelson, both
approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney and applications of.'
Roy O. Nelson for auto car license and Fechner Estate for Auction license were pr~-
sented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bond and policy be accepted and ordere~
.. filed, the bond of PaJll H. Haugen to be filed with the Rice County Audi tor, "'nd tt.e
~-~--~- ~~~-~--~ -~ .
o _ ____~~~~_=_~___=_~o~ _~__ ~ ~=
- ------- --
- -
----~--~-- ----
-- -- ------- --- -- ----
- -- -- --- - - ----
Reg~la~ 9-~J-194J.
-- -~~ -~-~~-- ~ -~--~~- =~--=---~
--------- ----------- ---- --- -------- ---------- ---
_ __ _ __ __ ____ _ ____ n__
----- --- ---
- -------------- - ----
___- =--_-_o_~-_~_--_-~=-
--~ :,~- ~- ~ -~~~~~~ ~~~= -- -___~_~~~______~ _____ _ __ __ _ ___~ ~__~~_~_~~~ __ _~ --~-_~ ~_~ ~~_o ~._ ~ ___ __ -_~ --- ~-~ --- ~~_~_~___~_ ~-_~ ~ -~_ ~__~_ ____~
licenses granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous Ii
vo te.
reports i
~vionthlyi'of the Faribault Flying Service and the Merrill Aviation Co. were pre.. Ii
sented. Councilman Behlke moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Mo-! Reports
tion was seconded by Councilman Buenaorf and adopted by unanimous vote. ii
Pursuant to advertisingt bids were called for on the construction of Sanitary !i
'I "
'! Sewer on Fourth Street liJW. from Crocker's Creek to a point 490 feet East:- Bid NO.1,::
'O.T. Rafdal ;~1~6l4.00, Ho. 2t B. H. Heselton and Vernon J. Peper ~1~4l0.30; Second st.
: N~., West of Lincoln Avenue 342 feet:- Bid No. It O.Te Rafdal $1,397.00, Bid No. 2t
! B.H. Heselton an.d Vernon J. Peper $9-48.54; Ninth Street NE. from interceptor ~1est
approxima tely 253 feet: - Bid Ho. 1, O. T. Rafdal ~983.l0 t Bid No.2, B. H. Hesel ton and:
'Vernon J. Peper $731.6l. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid of B.H. Heselton ard
,Vernon J. Peper be accepted and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to
Sani tary
i: enter into contract wi th the said B.H. Hesel ton and .Vern.on J. Peper for the performance
:; of such work and tha t the certified check of O. T. Rafdal be returned to 111m. Ilhoticn.
"was seconded by Councilman Lie Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
On Motion of Councilman Behlke, seconded by Councilman IVlc carthy Resolution Ne.
I, 6
Al9 1 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to the Issuance of ~;40,000.00 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund
I, Warren ts.
That pursuant to Section 223 of the Charter of the Ci ty olf Faribaul t, the Mayor
and Ci ty Recorder of the Ci ty of Fari baul t are hereby authorized and directed to issu,e
Warrants against ti1e per.manent Improvement Revolving Fund of the City of Faribault in
!; the amount of $40,000.00 in amounts of one thousand dollars each, bearing interest at!
the rate of four per cent per annum from date of issue, for the purpose of raising
funds to defray the cost and expense of the Ci ty's portion of repaving Central Avenu~
and Fourth Street and Cu.rb and Curb and Gutter on said streets, constructed during th:,e
Year 1947. I;
Revol ving
Vfarran ts "
The said Warrants shall be of the for.m as prescribed and adopted by Resolution
No. Al07 of said City.
Passed September 23rd, 1947.
Attest Patll H. Haugen, Ci ty Recorder.
Errlil Fete rs 0 n, I:layor.
The fOllovJing communications were presented and read:- Izask Wal ton League ~
l1rllerica relative to Fish Rearing pondt Mrs. Carl 1>.... Lick rela ti ve to Parking, I,irs..
T. A. r'.Lealia , a card of t!ThankstlO' Councilman Behlke moved that the communications
be ordered filed. Llotion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by Ul1Blli-
mous vote.
The following bills were presented for payment:- Street Dept. Payroll $lt420.70
Park Dept. Labor Q440.60, Special Labor ~4.50t $65.70, ~ater Dept. Fayroll $407.93t
\lm. o. Cribbs ~~p265.83, Special Payroll ;;;)149..80, <later Dept. Payroll (~306.40t Special
F'5.yroll ,;;119.00~ .,:a4.85,1Jrs. I~Iable Winslow ~;65.00, Murphy Motor Freight :S;3.24-~ Chi-
cago Llilw8.ukee 3t. Paul & Pac. By. Co. ~1.96, :,Iaurice Van Thomme i)52.50, Public Library
~!..CC01.li1.ts ~;;37l.31, horthwestern Bell 'l'elephone Co. ;:~92e8S..CounciJJ.nan Behlke moved that Bills
tlle bills lis ted. be clloHed. )"lotion was seconded by Councilman r.lc Carth;}T 8.nd adopted
by uno.nimaus vote.
3stimtte for B.B. Lockerby, Final ~~935.00, Estimate:'J.Lc Fanner & Son, Final
)355.00 and estimate W.L. Farmer and Son, partial, ~~4-5l.80. :Jiscussion followed.
Councilman Ul venesulOved that paY::'llent of es tLI'.a tes be withheld until perfOl"manc e
bonds were filed and. 8.DDroved bv_ the Ci_T_,:'" !J"t,t._'OT'~_t1_AY, 1 tOl P D L ' b f . 1
_ _ _ p' SO ll'l 1 ._. occ:er y -Ul"111S_1eS
F;egul?-r 9-_?3~:-1947. _ __ ._. .
Sale Land
Faribaul t
.Approving ':
paytnen t of I
W. A. Stei. ga'lJ.fl~1
for installa'
tion of Park,
ing Meter 'I
Posts. ::
~ I
Me Carthy
Well Co.
-- ~- ---~-~-
_ _ o_~_ ~_ _ T..__~___
-~ ~~-=-~~-~~~, ~----------
- ~~ -------- .~~ ~~~---
--- ~---~.. ~- ~-- ~--= -~
~___~_ ~ _~__o_~__ ~___~ ~___.
~I a twenty year ro of guarantee bond.
~ I
Motion was seconded by CO'LU1cilman Behlke and
aopted by unanimous vote.
The performance bond of W.L. Farnler & Son in amount of
0825.00, approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney, was pre-
City Attorney Urban Steimann discussed the proceedure necessary to sell a por-
tion of Alexander Faribaul t Park to the Faribault 3chool E08.I'd for an i:..thletic Field.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to cause an official
publication to be printed in the Official Paper 011 Sept. 25th and October 2nd, 1947,:'
, stating that the COlAncil of the Ci ty o.f Faribaul t 'would hold an auction sale at
Ii eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, October 7th, 1947, on the land at Alexander FaI'ibault.'
: "
Ii Park wi thin the perimeter of Memo,rial Drive as described in records on file in the ;1
n ; ~
II ,:
!I office of the City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted;
L I:
by unanimous vote.
Langu the
seconded :i
1he City Attorney brought up the sui t of IvIo,onan, sturney o.nd Heinen for Em.me.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Attorney be directed to contact
the firm of attorneys named and offer a settlement of: ~~250.00.
by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes brought up the matter of a refund to be paid the American
Illotion was
Legion Pos t #43 for decorating and improvements made on the Third Floor of the C1 ty .
Hall Building while they were using same as Club Rooms. The City Attorney ruled
that such refund could not be made.
Mr. Gordon Chase, representing the I'.iI.H. Rhodes Co., relative to Parking 1ietl~rs
and paying 'lIm. A. Steigauf for installing the meter posts. Councilman Me earthy
moved that the City Recorder be directed to 't~ite a letter to the M.H. ffilodes Co.
approving the payment of W.A. Steigauf for installing meter posts. Motion was se-
conded by Councilm8~ Buendorf and adopted by Ul1anliaous vote.
Mr. Chase brou~lt up the matter of the City employing a man to collect Parking
LIeter fees, also to maintain meters, stating that he v'\Ould like to have the matt8r i:
taken care of by October 3rd, 1947, so that he could give him the necessary instruc~
tions. Councilman Behlke moved that the matter be taken under consideration. Motioin
was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes inquired regarding the matter of reporting the accident of
Mrs. B. Hedges to the Compensation Insurance Co.
Councilman hIe Carthy moved tha t Co:uncilman Ulvenes be authorized to have the
dwelling at the Pumping Station redecorated. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buen-
dorf W1Q adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf was excused on account of illness.
Water Cor~aissioner, Geo. F. La Roche, brought up the matter of growing consump~
tion of water. The matter was discussed by Phil Frederickson, Engineer at the pump~
ing s ta tion and Councilman DI venes 8.nd Behlke. Councilman Ul venes moved that the
Water Commissioner, Engineer at the Pumping Station and Councilman Ulvenes be au-
thorized to to employ the Me Carthy Well Co. to ascertain what could be done about
reclaiming one of the wells at the pumping site. Motion was seconded by Councilnan
Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vo tee
Councilman Behlke moved that the Park Department Jeep be sold at once and that,
the City Recorder be directed to advertise an auction sale on same to be held at the
next regular meeting, Tuesday, October 14th, 1947. Motion was lost, no second.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Water Commissioner be authorized to emplo7
a meter reader Gnd water. rent computator at the rate of ~.90 per hour. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Me CarttlY and adopted by unanimous vote.
--~-~-~-= ~-- ~--~,---
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ii The Ci ty Engineer reported that the Survey of the Seabury property would start I
Iii on the morning of September 24th. He also spoke regarding the matter of reinforcing; I
I: by C. G. Western Ry. i
!' the Sanitary Sewer under the spur tract to be_ constructed/to accoWffiodatethe Minnesota
lill'I'urkey Gro'wers .Ass 'no plant. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the Ci ty Engineer be I Reinforcing
!I I SEmi tary
I!,,":: authorized to spend $250.00 on this reinforcing project and to employ B.R. Hesel ton I' Sewer Minn.
" , Turkey Co-op.
I: to do the work. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous I Plant for
i' I $250.00
~ I
~vote. I
Ii I
"ll Councilman .I.vlc Carthy moved that the City Engineer be authorized to lay the storml Storm Sewer
" i!Alley Elk 33
:: sewer in the alley of Block 33 o. T. Motion was secaoded by Councilman Ulvenes and ib. T. Authariz-
II led.
i! ado p ted by unanimous vo te.
I: Counc ilman Me Carthy moved the. t the plat of ]..g.:f; 3 as prepared in the office of
Ii the Ci ty Engineer be accepted as the official plat of 1~ 3 at the Airport. Motion I
': I
Ii was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. I
,I Councilman Ulvenes moved the. t the City Engineer be directed to draw up specifi- I
, I
ications for a new tar distributing kettle. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car~
Ii thy and adop ted by unanimous vo te. II
I~ Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for
Ii I Readvertise
II bids on the repairing and replaceing of sidewalks on the North and South Sides of i bids Sidewalk
II' I Cons true tion
!Fourth Street NW. from 4th Ave., 'J'iest to 8th Ave. West in parcels of two blocks each, [14th St. NYv.
'I !I 4 th to 8 th
! to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, October 7th, 1947. Motion was If I' Aves. West.
!I seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
l'lj' II
Councilman Behlke moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me carth~!
iiand adopted by unanimous vote. I;
, ,I
Accep t Plat
Lo t 3,
(]~ ;f )L~JA-P/M~
Paul H. H;~~~
Ci ty Recorder.
October 14th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
Mayo r .
I ;1
e !I
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-~~ ~-~--=- -~------~--~ ~~=---~~-~~-- ~ -~-
Well at
81 te.
The Council of the Ci ty of Fari baul t ruet in special session in the Council Cha1t-
ber at the City Hall on Wednesday, October 1st, 1947, at eight o'clock p..m.. The !.
On roll call those pres en t vv'ere II:
Councilman Behlke, Buendorf and Mayor Peterson, &lso the City Attorney was present. i
Uayor Pe terson s ta ted that
meeting was called to order by Mayor Peterson.
Councilman fuC Car thy and Councilman Ulvenes were absent.
~1e meeting was called to consider a bid on drilling a well at the Airport site.
l'homas H. Kalil Aorport l',lanager, presented a proposal from the Keys Well Drilling Co.;
and casing :1
of 3t. Paul for drilling/a well at the Airport site at the rate of ~~6.50 prer foot foir
a 6n well, for placing a 6" screen in place if necessary, ~:~25.00 per foot, ptL.ilping 'I
test at the rate of ~8.oo per hr, 1 pumping test to be furnished. General discu::sio,~
ensued.. Councilman Behlke moved that the lIayor and City Recorder be authorized t.o
for drilling and casing a well at the Airport si tIS at the above figur<S1s
enter into con tract wi th the Keys iJell Drilling Co ./subject to the approval of the
state Departraen t of Aeronautics, the. t the Keys I'v'ell :Jrilling Co. be required to fur-
nish a performance bone1 in the amount of the contl'act. ],;otion was seconded by ccun~1
Thomas N. Kaul pr'esented leases of ~Uden Voegel, Joseph Dusek and 11m. Voegel fot
rental of hangar sites at the Airport at the rate of ;;~36.oo per year, payable in ad-;I
Hotion was seconded by I
J..!lo tion was se conded by Counc ilman BEh lke!1
oilman Buendorf and adopted by unan~lous vote.
v anc e .
Councilman Behlke moved that the leases be approved.
Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf brought up the matter of increasing the capacity of the
warming house at the Lincoln Skating Rink. ITo action was taken..
Councilman Buendarf moved to adjourn..
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Ci ty Recorder.
Approved October 14th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
., .
- . - ~" ~. . - - -
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The Council of the Oi ty of Fari ba ul t met in special session in the Council Cl1arll-+:
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, Uctober 7th, 1947, at eight p.m. The meeting was II
On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke,
. Buendorf, 1Ie Car thy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Engineer and City Ii
to conside~
She s ta. ted the. t se'-eral of the firemer~ ,I
had been working at their tin shop and that necessary work was piling up on account I'
of their absence., A lengthy discussion ensued during which it was brought out that
:i:.iayor Peterson recommended the reappointra.ent of .Albert Hanson as a member of the
Councilman Buendorf moved that the appointment be Ii
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopte~
Ii <, 6
I: F.O.E.if14 0
'II PeTrai t ted to.
j Operate
II Bingo Games.
. during the Winter months. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by I:
A letter from the Walcott Fa.rm Bureau relative to free parking lots was prese.ntep.
Council- ii
Motion was seconde"t Ii
Pursuant to advertising, bids ware called for on the construction of sidewalks II
on the North and South sides of Fourth Streets Northwest from Fourth to Eigh th Avenu~s.
No bids were received. Councilman Buendorf moved that Councilman Me Car thy be au- Ii
: thorized to negotiate for the repairing and reconstruction of sidewalks on Fourth st.' Construction
: Sidewalks
. Northwest from Fo'urth to Eighth Avenues West at a cost of not to exceed ~;3.25 per sq.l: 4th St. NW.
II 4 th to 8 th
"yd. or at the lowest possible cost, wi th the consent of the individual property OWl ers.Aves. West..
affected. 1'lotion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. Ii
Pursuant to advertising auction bids were called for on the sale of a portion i!
of 1U.exander Faribaul t Park. Dr. Phil Morrison, representing the Fari baul t School
Board was pres en t and presented a bid of' $8,500.00 for the Area wi thin Memorial il
I Drive, the School District to install water and sewer m~ins wi thin the area, the Ci t~:
to install water and sewer mains to the perimter of the area, also to construct and il
Councilman II
~ "
- .
_ ~~~~~~~ _____~___~_~O__
called to order by Mayor Petersono
. Attorney were present.
bids on a portion of Alexander Faribault Park and bids on construction of Sidewalks
hlayor Peterson s ta ted that the mee ting was called
on the North and South sides of Fourth Streets North from Fourth to Eighth .Avenues
:i West.
Hadley IJyers appeared before the Cou~cil relative to Firemen working on
:: their days off a t jobs outside their homes.,
Councilman t~venes, Behlke and Buendorf disapproved of the fir~nen working at such
No action was taken.
Police Civil Service Commissiono
Ii made for a term of three years.
by unanimous vote.
A letter from the F.O.E.#146o to conduct Bingo g~aes, the proceeds of same to
be used for Christmas parties for the children of the Order. Discussion ensued.
i Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the F.O.E.#146o be permitted to conduct Bingo games
unanimous vote.
and read.
Councilman u~venes moved that the communication be placed on file.
was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from the American Legion Post No. 43 requesting a permit to operate
Bingo garlles on the second and Fourth
Fridays of each month was presented.
man Mc Carthy moved that the above requested per.mit be granted.
by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
,I main tain the en trance road and to take care of the neces S8.ry drainage.
.. Ulvenes moved that the bid be accepted" payment to be made on receipt and acceptanc~
'of abs tract of ti tle and deed of said property to be prepared by the Ci ty Attorney aJid
Motion was seconded.
!presented to Lucius A. Smith, the Attorney for the School Board.
by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The Council discussed the feasibility of amending the Zoning Ordinance. City
Engineer F. Vl. Me Kellip spoke regarding proposed. recommenda tions submi tted by the
Zoning Boerd. No action was taken.
-- ----------
- .-
~~ --- ~~ -~~~- - --,
Bid of
Acc ep ted.
Speci~~ 10-7-1947.
_ .~__ ~____. __ _~_~_o_ ____ .__,__ ._____~___._~ < __~_ _ _~~,__.. ~__ _~~__ __~_ ,____
____ _._ _ _ ___ r ___ _
_____. ~_~__ _ _~ __ . _~.-___. -4__ ._~ ______~_~__~.___~_.~ ._~ -~___~____.
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The ~ouncil agreed to eon tinue the meeting.
~! '
~ 1
~layor Peterson asked the pleasure of the Council regarding continuing the
Councilman Buendorf bra ugh t up the exis. ting ca,ndi tion at the Fire Hall
which caused the step of the new fire truck to scrape when leaving the Fire Hall.
Councilman Me Car thy moved that the nexessary repairs, be made unier the directior. ofl
the City Eng1neer.
City ~ngineer reported being engaged in perusal of the Sewage Disposal Plant
plans and specifications which were received a short time ago.
An est~ate for Vernon Peper in the amount of $1,564~03 for construction of
cilman Me Carthy moved that the estimate be paid.
Motion was seconded by COUnCilnI8I1;1
Councilman Behlke spoke regarding wasted parking space abutting Theatres and oif
~ i
CouncilrG.W1 !
Curb and Gutter on Tenth Street North from 2nd to 3rd Aves. West was presented.
Buandorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
stations, also regarding parking meters being placed in front of residences.
man Buendorf, Me Car thy and Mayor Peterson tOiok part in the discussion.
Ulvenes moved that a meeting of oil station and theatre operators be called to d1s-
cuss parking spaces. Motion was lost onaceount of no second being received.
Mayor Peterson spoke regarding viewing the Alley in Block 45 O.T.
1he City Engineer was excused.
Mayor Peterson spoke regarding the adoption of a Parking Meter Ordinance. The
City Attorney reported on various ordinances he had studied. The City Attorney, G~un~
cilman Behlke, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson discusseC!. the provi sians for penal ties for:
I overtime parking. The discussion embodied penal ties, method of collection, etc.
Mayor Peterson brought up the matter of appointing a man to maintenance parking
meters and to collect parking fees. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Weir Me Quoid
be appointed to maintain meters and to collect money boxes from meters for deposit
Hc Q,uoid
Parking I"
Meter i:1
t:an & Fee :1
Collectoro 'i
with the City Treasurer, to begin work as soon as meters were installed. Motion was
I seconded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll call those vo ting naye" were CouncilmaIJ. II
Buendorf, lIc Carthy, Dlvenes and h[ayor Peterson, r!nayefJ Councilman Behlke. Coul1ciman
Behlke stated that he wished it inserted in the minutes that he vias not opposed to
the appointee but thought that the Council should give the matter more cOllsideratiop.
before making the appointment.
that his salary be set at ~200.00 per month, that his bond be set 6.t ~a,OOO.OOe Mo- :i
Councilman Ulvenes moved that Weir
Quaid be deputized as a police officer,
tion was seconded by Councilman LIe Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
The City ~ttorney discussed typical penalties oontained in various Parking
Weter urdinances.
Cowlcilman Ulvenes moved that the Stillwater Parking Meter Ordinance be used as
a pattern for the Parking Heter Ordinance, the. t the Ordinance es tab lish a Parking
~,leter Fund and provide for the disbursement of the net proceeds as the Council may
see fi t. L~o tiol1 1.-ias seconded by Coul1cilDlml Behlkeand 8.dop ted by unanimous vote.
Cou~cilffian Buendorf &iscussed the grading project at Alexander Faribault Park,
stating that the work would be done by October lOth, 1947. The Council agreed to
,I to
II and ad op ted by unan imo us vo t e.
view the site in a body on Saturd~y morning. Mayor Peterson was instructed. to call
l':1r. Feehan, Architect, to be present and to notify lfrancis Ford, ,L'.I.ssistant Engine?rJ
have figures on cubic yards ready by Friday.
Councilman Behlke moved to adjourn.
llilotion was seconded b~l Councilman Buenaor~:
cf~~~~ity Recor~er.
Approved October l4thJ 1947. ~ ~
Emil Peterson, I.iayor.
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, October 14th, 1947. Eight O'clock p.m.
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! The Council of the City of Fari be. ill t me t in regular session in the Council Cham4
" :1
! ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, October 14th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting
~ I
On roll call those present were Councilman B#hlke,
Buendorf, Me Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the Ci ty Attorney and Oi ty En-I!
gineer were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting of September 23rd and special
meetings of October 1st and 7th were read and approved, on motion of Co,uncilman Me Ct'fr-
thy, seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. 1
Councilman Mc carthy reported that ~[.L. Farmer and Son were engaged in replacing
and would move to Fourth street if so direct~dv
CO url-
,i w. L. Farmer
cilman l,~c Carthy moved vv. L. Farmer and Son be directed to begin repairs on sidewall~s ,i & Son
Directed to
Repairs on
4 th st. N~i .
was mentioned that the sewer could be constructed during ~inter season but that the
cost would be increased. The Water Co~aissioner mentioned the economy in using Machine
labor. Councilman Ulvenes, moved that Mayor Peterson be directed to contact Irwin F.:
adopted by unanimous vote.
A petition, signed by 354 property owners, in behalf of Mrs. John Sneve, reqUeS~ing
that the Urdinance regulating Bowling Allies be amended to extend the operating honrl3
On the approval of the City Attorney 'I
Councilman Ul venes moved that he be direc ted to draw up the necessary arnendmen t to II
Mo tion was seconded by ii
. Ii
Councilman I\Ic Car thy . On roll call those vo ting Hayen were Councilman Buendorf, Me '
inquired II
Councilmwl Buendorf moved that the City Recorder
be directed to advertise for 5,000 lineal feet of 8 n X 36ft, 200 lineal feet of 6 If X ~Olf
I Bids
sewer pipe, 100 pieces 61i on 8" X 30" Ts, 100 6\! stoppers, 25 8" stoppers tCI conform! Advertised
i for
to H.S.T.E. specifications C-13 for vitrified Clay Sewer F'ipe, to be received up to I Sewer Pipeo
. ---
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called to order by Mayor Peterson.
sidewalks on Central Avenue at present
Councilman ~c Carthy, Behlke, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson engaged in discussion.
The matter of remuneration of Ray G.
Endres as acting recorder was brought up. II!
allowed the difference between the salary
on Fourth Street N7l from 4th Ave. 1,1est to C.lii. st. P. & P. By. Co. tracks at once.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous votee
Cow1cilman Behlke moved that tJr. Endres be
, o,f 1'.A. Mealia as Recorder and the cost of extra clerk hire during the illness and
death of l.lr. Healia. No second was received to this motion. Councilman Buendorf
, moved that Ray G. Endres be paid ~nO.OO per month for five months as acting recorder
and that his bond be released as acting recorder. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Behlke" On roll call those voting "aye" were Councilman Buendorf, Behlke, Me Cartl'.Yi
Six property owners from Second Avenue Northwest represented by Mrs. Lowell Kun~ze
the Council . :1
as spokesman appeared before/relative to construction of the North end Sanitary Sewei;'.
, :1
'l'he Ci ty Engineer stated that the necessary survey had not been completed.. Mayor !I
~ 1
Feterson reported on his efforts to employ an Assistttnt Engineer, also a temporary ,I
Assistant to make the survey. C01J.ncilman Me Carthy suggested W.G. Dokken.. 'The counl
and Idayor Peterson., !lnaye" Councilman Ulvenes.
Motion was carried.
cil discussed pending engineering jobs and the scarcit,y of compentent engineering
help, also the feasibility of constructing sewer in cold weather. On inquiry, it
Smith to aid in making the survey.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and
from 7 to II p.m. on Sundays was presented.
said Ordinance to be presented at the next regular neeting.
Car thy , Ul venes and ldayor Peterson, "nayeli Councilman Behlke.
Hugo ~hcklund, property owner interested in North end 'sani tary Sewer
as to availability of sewer pipe.
eight 0 'clock p.m. on Tuesday, October 28th, 1947. l;lotion was seconded by Council-
man hie Carthy and ac10p ted by unanimous vo te.
JU. Hanson, tlember of the Police Civil Service COl11missioIDl
appeared before
Cowlcil and sugges ted that the Council furnish spe cifications for Folicemens 9 unifo:rfu.s.
General dis cussion followed on the providing of uniforms. Civil Service :He quir6i1611 ts!:~i
I, ~ _ "c "-~"'-''''''':''~.'''~'~;'~~f' '"""-
"--;' '''':1'1r."''.~ '
- ~--------_._---
._~..._ _ ___H_ "._
Ray G.
'~1'150 .00 as
North End
Peti tion
to Extent
.Alley Hrs.
from 7 to 9
'- ~~ -.---~-
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on the appointment of the Dance He.ll Inspector c.nd P5:rking Meter Man was Discussed.
Marven S. Morgan, Chief of the iire Departrcent, appeared before the Council
and discus sed lli1iform problems of the Dep~,rtli1ent.
TIle City Engineer reported that he had ordered the abstract for the School Boa~d0
'The City Attorney s ta ted that the Regis tel" of Deeds could l~ot get the abs tr6.c t out
before the 1st of J~nuary and suggested that the School be allowed to use the City'
abstract temporarily. 'Ihe Ci ty Engineer reported that the well at the Airpo rt was
down 140 feet and that it was recorillliended that the well be drilled 40 feet in rock
before testing.
A request from the Faribault Lodge No. 1166 B.P..O.E. to play Bingo at their
JI'all and Winter months was pr8sentedo Councilman Mc Carthy moved the. t the request,
be grantede LIotion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanirilous
A letter from the M:innesota Highway Department calling the attention of the Cot:.n-
cil to the fact that the agreement regarding the Repaving of Central Avenue and :;3'oUJ:1th
~38,780.82 street called for the payment of 038,780.82 on September 15th, 1947~ and that the
Paid to ,pay.m~nt had not been received. Councilman Behlke moved that the Mayor and City Re- ~
Highway Dept. _
ii corder be authorized to draw an order on the Oi ty Treasur~r in the amount of ~38, 780.82
Ii as per agreel1lent~ IlJlotion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous
II vote.
Letters from Tal tz, King & Day, Inc., Engineers and Architects" relative to pla,ns
~~d specifications for ~le proposed Sewage Treauuent Plant, also bill for services '
rendered, were presented and read. The City Engineer requested time to check the
contract before approving the bill for paymente
Central Ave
A copy of a letter from the Minnesota Braille and Sigh t Saving School to Id.r.
Au tome. ti c
Hoffman, relative to/ttStop &. Gon signals on Central Avenue was presented and reac.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the City Engineer be instructed to write the High-
way Department to make a traffic survey on Central Ave. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unani~ous vote.
A letter from the Uerrill i~viation Compan~r requesting permission to operate
6, lunch counter at the Airport was read. Discussion followed. Cowlcilman Ulvenes
- - . 1 I.i
MerrJ.l !i
! ~
Aviation co.ll.
Permission I,
Operate 'i
Lunch ,I
Counter at
s ta ted the. tit would be necessary for t he Company to get ~e approve~ of the Well s
and compliance with all other regulations and licenses.
Township Boardj Councilman Behlke moved that the permit be granted subject to tbe
a.pproval of the Wells Township Board. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Cartb.y
Q,uiggl e
I and adopted by unanimous vote.
'i and moved
I Councilman Behlke recommended/that Wal ter Dokken be appointed a member of the
Walter Dokken
Airport '.'...[ Airport Board to succeed Mrs. Henning who has resigned. Mo tio,n was seconded by Coun;
Board. ;
I cilman Ul venes and 6,(lopted by unanimous vo te.
il sidewalk construction at No. 4-12 4th Street NW. was presented. The City Engineer
'I was instructed to contact IvIr. Q,uif:.:gle to ascertain the facts in connection wi th the.
'I matter.
1 A petition,
II ruled that the petition could not be entertained on account of specifying a price
! limi tation.
A bill from Martin Bisping tD Wallace J. Quiggle in the amount of $102.60 f~
signed by four property owners, requesting Sanitary Sewer on St.
specifying the cost not to exceed $1.75 per foot ,
Paul Avenue from Shumway Ave. to 'Il1ird Street NE. /was presented. The City Attorney.
unanimous vote.
har:ded to the Ci ty 11... ttor~ey
for proper disposi tione :Mo tion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and 6.dop ted 'ty Ii
The following applications for licenses were presented:- Dance permit, Vincent:1
Cou~cilman Ulvenes moved t~at the petition be
strou tt", J:i'ari baul t Theatre Co., Renewal Paradise Theatre License,
~.~as see, ren ew'al
--~----------.-+ --,-- ._--,
- -----.~-------------,
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- -----
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i Roller Rink License. Councilman J:vlc Car thy moved that the licenses be granted. Mo- II
! I
:, tion was seconded by Councilman Ul venes and adopted by unanimous vote. !,
~ ~
Car policies of Lloyd Sterling and Faribault Bus Service, all approved as to m~1ner ] Bonds
?erformance bonds of B.B. Lockerby, Vernon J. Peper and Arthur C. Sophy, Auto
and fO~l of execution by the City Attorney, were presentedD
Councilman fuC Carthy
moved that the bonds and policies be accepted and ordered filed.
Motion was
by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
The follo'lving bills were presented for payment :-Special Payroll ,~~152. 50, Minnesol ta
State Treasurer (;169.64, Jos. Schell, Treasurer .'ari baul t Fire Depart:nen t Belief' Assj n.
~?35. 0 0, Securi ty National Bank & Trus t Co. ~~117l, 0 5, Bea tric e Hedges :::;66. 60 ~ salarie~ Bills
Assistant Engineers ;:)182.25, Water Dept. Payroll ~~279.40, Street Depta Payroll ~;1,231.27
Water Dept. Payroll ~~264.55, Special Payroll ;;i:167.80, Sam Llc klahon ~'P7oD65, Water D8p~.
Payroll ~289.80, 3pecial Payroll $30.00, Special Payroll 0154.30, S.L~ Pulsifer $15.50,
:1 :Park Dept. Payroll ~;469.l0, General Fund (~379.65. 'l'he following monthly reports of' i
city Officials were presented wad read:= Treasurer, Recorder, Chief of Folice, Clerk
I Reports.
of Court, Engineer, Overseer of Poor, Secretary of Library Board, Physici an and Heal ~h
Officer, Dairy Inspector, 'dater Corilluissioner, A.ssessor~ Recorder's report to 3ul't.
of Accounts and 2inances in the ~aollilt of G9,700.51a Councilman Ulvenes moved that
: the bills lis ted be allowed Cind the reports ac cepted and orciered filed. Llo tiOl1 was
seconded by Councilman Ec Carthy and adopted by unaniulOUS vote.
Councilman LTc Carthy moved that the bill of B.H. Hesel ton in the amount of ~~825.'75
, E.H.
, for machine work be allowed.
i by unanimous vote..
Motion was seconded by Coune iluan Buendorf and adopte.d ,Hesel ton
,: All oVled .
Co uncilraan Buen6.orf Goved that Es tina te Ho.. 3 of the TwnG. Construct io n Co. in tll.le
il Tuma
I,iotion was second.ed by Councilrnan =~c Carthy 8.nd a- :11 Canst. Co
I Zstimate
!I No.3.
cluction sale on a Sterling Gasoline Engine, model GRC6, 6 cylinders, Rotation Right, :1
'i 225 E.P. at maximum R.P.M. 1550, purchased in 1930, actual use since purchased 50 hrsl.
to be held at the next regular meeting, October 28th, 1947, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. in :1
b.1110tU1t of ;)2,035.66 be allowedo
c~opted by unanimous vote.
Insert Page 384.
':Cl1e Council O. is cussed the provi sions of the propos ed Parking :'.Ie ter Ordinance.
COlillcilillsn Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise an
. the Council Cl1e!lnbers at the Ci ty liall.
~otion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf
: and adopted by unEillimous vote.
Councilman Dlvenes moved that Ordinance No. A228 , entitled I/lUl Ordinance to Au- ii
thori ze the Ins talla tiol1, Regula tiol1: Control and "Lse of' Parking He ters in the Ci ty II
Faribault. It be placed on its first reading.
Liotion was seconded by C01.illci lman
orc1ere1. il
liIc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. Ordinance No. 1:..228 was then read as
~by the City Attorney.
Councilman Ulvenes brought up ttle matter of installing lights on ;;lillow Street.
the Security National Bill1k Building.
Llayor Peterson vvas directed to have the
matter II
l!Iayor Peterson brought up the matter of installing a light in the alley in back of
I taken cere of.
Councilman Buendorf was directed. to purchase 6. desk lamp for the Police Depart-
~ j
i,layor Peterson
1 men t Cind to cause a wall plug to be installed in the Red Cros,s Office.
brough t up the matter of furn1 shing a car for the Visi ting Nurse.
Councilman Ulvenes
',recalled recommendation of James H. Caswell that the COl1l:Huni ty Chest provide such carl:.
Fire Chief hlorgan and Councilman Bue.:.1dorf stated the necessi ty of having the Plymouth
'car now being used by the Visi ting Nurse on hand at the Fire Hall for insp ection cal~s
~at all times. Councilman Buendorf proposed that the Health Department purchase a ca~
for the Visiting Nurse.
General discussion ensued on the transferring of the .l:V1110tl ih
~ I
~~. I ',! _.... 0_.
,58.1 e
No. 1.1.228
- - - - - . . - ----
- -,----------
_B~_~1:l~~~}_~...];.L1_...l_947~. _
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-------------- ---------~-- --~----~~
-------..-- - ..-.----- ---+-- -----
__ __n__ __+
---~--- - - ----- -- - - --~
- --------~--
--- ~-- -----
. - --,-- ---
- -- ----~--------
--- -- -,_._--- -,--
__ __'__:__._T~ __~ ~+ _____._~.___ ___
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--~---- -..--
--- --._--
___ ____ - 0-
__._________._~ _.___ _____.C____~__._ _
Auction Sale
Park Dep t.
- -- -- - --
___c_ __ ~__~_______________ ~_~__~____~~_ ~_ __~__._~,_._.
.---- '- -----
directed to w~i te the Visi ting Nurse Association informing them of the ruling of thei
City Attorney , that City owned veh~cles coul~ only be ~riven by City Employees and thr
Visiting Nurse be instructed to cease the use of the Plymouth on Oct. 20th, 1947.
Car and Park Deplirmtnet Jeep.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be
Motion was seconded by Cquncilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise ar,
auction sale on the Park Departm~nt Jeep to be held at the next regular meeting, Tue~-
; day, Octo~er 28th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chanber at the City
'; Hall. Mo tion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and ad.o,pted by ,unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise ar
sale on the Chevro~et/Truck, Year 1934, used by the Fire Department, to be
.Advertise I auction
Chev. Pickupl
Fire Dept. :1 held at the mxt regular meeting, ,Tuesday, Octobe~ 28th" 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
Truck AuctiOn.
'i in the Council, Chan. ,be r, at the Ci ty Hall. Mo tioD" was seconded by Councilman Ul venes
I and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendo~f mentioned purchasing 12 flood lamps at a cost of ~230.0C
to alleviate the necessi ty of moving lamps.
Councilman Buendorf reported the. t Mrs. Caron had purch,ased a new ptm,lp. He 8100.
stated the. t the old purup was in the, possession of the City and suggested having same
repaired and storing same. The Council agreed without vote.
Councilman Buendprf asked the City Engineer if had/plans for improving the Lin-
coln Skating Rink. The City Engineer replied in the negative. Councilman Buendorf
. proposed moving the ~Jarming house to the SW corner of the rink and heating same from
the Linco,ln Scho:ol Heating Plant..
Councilman Buendorf moved that ~be City Recorder. be directed to advertise for
Bids on bids on Rear Wheel Weights, Chains for lonK 24ft ::fueels, labor and materials for placing
Acces'~ories fluid in tires and a cab for the VA! Case Tractor, to be received up to eight 0 'clock
p.I)l. on Tuesday, October 28th, 1947, in the Council Chanber at the Ci ty Hall. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved to adjour~.
:Motion was seconded by Counc ilman Buen-:
dorf and adopted by unan~ous vote.
GJ~)/. ~~/
Paul H. Haugen
City Recorder.
, Approved October 28th, 1947.
Emil Peterson.
Insert Page 383.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the billo of A.C. Sophy and C.E. Arters in th~
amount of ~171.50 for redecorating the Rest Room be allowed. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
- -------- ------
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--- -- ----- ----
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I Note:
--. - u~__ - ~~-l
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council chaml
ber at the City Hall on Wednesday, October 22nd, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The
---- -- . --- ~~-----
-- --- -~~~~--- --'-
! meeting was called to order by Vice President Me Car thy. On roll call those present.
were Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Me Carthy and Ulvenes. Mayor Peterson was absent.
The Ci ty Attorney and City Engineer were also present. Vice Presiden t Mc Carthy
stated that the meeting was called to meet with representatives of the Visiting Nurse
and Service Association and American Legion Post #43 to discuss several matters.
Geo. L. Smith, representing the American Legion Post #43. appeared before the
Council and requested a building pel~it to erect a steel Quonset type building at th~
, Build ing
rear of their Club Building in Block 19, o. T. The Oi ty Attorney stated that the bu:'.lCl1n~
: Permi t
would be fire-proof construction but that the present Zoning Ordinance specified Granted
stone, concrete or brick construction. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the permit bA Legion
Pos t #43.
, granted subjeot to the approval of the State Fire Marshall. Motion was seconded b~
I Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Eighteen representatives of the Visiting Nurse and Service Association represAnted
by Mrs. ~rt. Thibault as spokesman, appeared before the Council and requested the aid
of the Council in providing transportation for the Visiting Nurse. Mayor Peterson
took the chair. A lengnty discussion ensued during which Mrs. A.J. Thibault, Mrs.
R.F. Eggleston, Fred Degan and James H. Caswell spoke regarding the value of the s~r~
vices of the Visiting Nurse to the community. Counci~an Mc earthy moved that Polic~
Car No. 1 be transferred to the Health Department for the use of the Visi ting Nurs~..,
Motion was seconded by COUllC timan B\lendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
of maintenance, housing and time of transfer were brought up.
The me. tte;rs
Councilman Ulvenes
moved that the cost of maintenance be paid out of the HeW. thFund budget. Motion ws'
Councilman Behlke vote ftnaye" Corrected 10/28/47. vote.
seconded by Councibnan Buendorf and adopted by unanimoust It was decided without
I vote that the car be housed in the City Hall garage when not in use. Councilman
Buendorf moved that the car be turned over to the Visiting Nurse and Service Association
on October 27th, 1947. Motion we.s seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by Ii
I unanimous vote. Mrs. Art. Thibault thanked the Council in behalf of t~e Association'
, Visiting Nurse
for the satisfactory solution to the/transpo,rta tion problem. The Ci ty Attorney brought
up the matter of placing the Visiting Nurse on the City Payroll. Councilman Mc Carthy
moved that the Visiting Nurse be put on the City Payroll at a cost of $1.00 per month
beginning October 27th, 1947. Moticln was seconded/Councilman Ulvenes and adopted 1-;"",
unanimous vote. On inquiry of Councilman Buendorf, the City Attorney stated that th~
Ci ty would have some supe,rvision of the Visiting Nurse. Rev. ill.A. Lempke thanked tt~,
Council for their action in behalf elf members and non members of the Board of Educfl-
tion of the Trinity Lutheran Churcn.
Mayor Peterson brought up the matter of a wazming house for the Incinerator Ten,:,",
der, s ta ting that he had an apportu.ni ty to purchase a building 8' X l4' for $l50. or. .,
After a discussion Mayor Peterson was authorized to cause a Ci ty owned warming houf"~'
to be moved to the site or to have olne constructed out of City owned materials.
Councilman Mc Carthy brought up the matter of the alley running North and South
in Block 45 O.T. and moved that the City Attorney, City Engineer and three members of
the Council meet and investigate thel matter. Motion was seconded by Councilman U1\enes
and adopted by unanimous vote. Disc:ussion of the Crosby Alley in Block 45 followef.:
The City Attorney discussed the course of action necessary and the steps which had
been takeD. The fire situation in Block 45 O.T~ was also discussed. The committee
I agreed to m,eetThursday-morning at 9:00 o'clock a.m. to view the alley site in Bloc}:
45 O.T.
A peti tion for a street light c,n Second street No,rthwest one block ~est of I..1r-;'
Use of Ci ty
--- ~ - ---~-~--,
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!1 coln Avenue was presented. Mayor Peterson brought up the matter of a street ligb t
I[ in Belmon,t Addition near the cemetery on Frink Avenue. Councilman Buendorf moved
that the matter be referred ,to the Mayor to aot upon as he saw fit. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unan~ous vote.
rt~4. ~
Counoi~an Ulvenes moved to adjourn.
thy and adopted by unan~ous vote.
Motion was seoonded by Councilman Mc car-il,
City Recorder.
Approved October 28th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
--- ~-- ~~~=~~~- ~ -- -~~~-==~~~~ ~ ~
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The Council of the Ci ty of Faribaul t met 1n regular session 1n the Council Chem...!
The mea ting
bel' at the City Hall on Tuesday. October 28th, 1947. at eight o'clock p.m.
On roll call those present were Councilman Beihlke,
Buendorf, Mc Car thy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also Assistant Engineer Francis Fcr~
:Mr. Jack Glassco reported the.. t the Parking Meters were here and that Mr. ChasE
of the/Rhodes, Inc. was on his way to Far1bault to have the meters installed. Mr.
" Glassco 1nvi ted the Council and other interested Oi ty employees to visit Stillwater
wi th him to view their Parking Meter setup.
A letter from 'Ihomas N. Kaul, Airport Manager, ci t1ng the following recommendt:- I
i tions of the Airport Board:- the nee:d of a Maule anemometer at a cost of $125.00 ard Airport
, Board
the necessity of hard surfacing the runways at the Airport. Discussion followed. Ko : Recommen-
da tions.
, ac tion was taken.
. man Ul venes moved that the City Recc,rder be directed to advert1se for bids on Insur,s.nce Insurance
I Parking
to cover parking meters and standards, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. at th$ Meters &
I Standards.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke
was called to order by Mayor Peterson.
and the Ci ty Attorney were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting of Ootober l4th
.1 and special meeting of October o..c..:t.ober 22nd were read and approved with the followj n~
correction:- Councilman Behlke voted ftnaye" on the motion "that the cost of mei nterance
: of the Visiting Nurse car be paid out of the Health F~d", in minutes of special meeting.
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Kuntze appeared before the Council relative to North end Sar.itary
Sewer project. The Assistant City Engineer reported that the necessary field work WQUld
.i be completed by the end of this week. Mayor Peterson reported that he had investifla~ed
the pipe si tuation by making personal calls and had found tha,t it will be almos t iIr,..
· possible to procure the necessary pipe. The Assistant Engineer reported that he had
.. ascertained that the Red Wing Sewer Pipe Oompany was two years behind in their out-
Councilman Ulvenes recommended that that the services of the Health Officer enaJ
: put.
, City Physician be employed to aid in procuring pipe to correct the North end sani ted
, condi tion as a Heal th measure.
Le ttersfrom Francis B. Williams regarding claim for injuries sus ta1ned by Mr~~.
, Vvilliams during the Legion conventio,n werepresented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that i:
the communicationsbe turned over to the City Attorney for reply. Motion was seoonded
by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from the Ostrum Agency quoting a price of $.277 per $100.00
, ~
for insur,'3Jjce
to cover parking meters was presente:d and read.
Councilman Behlke recommended that ;,
the Council call for bids for insurs,nce if it were necessary to carry same.
': next regular meeting, November 12th, 1947.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from F.W. Mc Kellip, City Engineer, regarding application for Traffic.
Signals on Central Avenue was read. Mayor Peterson d1sous sed his conversation witt ii
Mr. James Darrell, Assistant Hi~way Department Engineer, regarding the proposed Sjgt
nals. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Attorney and City Recorder be directe~'
to draw up a Resolution requesting I1stop & Go" sign.als on Central Avenue. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Mc earthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from the City Engineer rela ti ve to proposed supplemental Agreement be-
tween the Minnesota Department of Highways and eity of Faribault regarding sidewal~
repairs and a copy of proposed agreement were presented. The proposed agreement was
discussed. Councilman Ulvenes moved. that the matter be tabled until a conference
of the Ci ty Attorney and Ci ty Engine~er could be held.
A letter from the C1ty Engineer recommending the repair of the Curb on First A,.e.
West between First and Second streets North was presented and read. 'T'he Assistant
Engineer Teported the progress of the storm Sewer inlets at the Argus Camera Factory
North End
Sewer P ro-
Di scussed.
Francis B.
'.Stop &. GOff
Signals. '
-- - - -----
~oRegular 10-28-1947. '_
- -- -- ---
--- -- ---
1st. Ave.
1st to 2nd
sts. N.
Fire Dept.
Bingo Game
Permi t.
-- - -- ---- ~ ~,
~ -~~ --- ------- ~->
-~ ---- ----~----. --
-~ ~- . _._---~-- - ------------ --.
-----~- -.._~---
~_ __~r ~_____
~ ~~:- -~~~
and the condition o~ the curb and gutter. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Cit~ I:
to instruct Mr. Perkins I
/ II
Recorder be directed to follow the recommendation of the City Engineer in the matter
under the supervision of the/City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Councilman B9hlke
and adopted by unanimous vote.
A reques t from the Fire Department to operate a Bingo game on the night of
November 20 th" 1947 , at the Legiop. Club Rooms was pre~ented. Councilman Mc Carthy'
moved that the request be granted. Motion was seconded and adopted by unanimous vote.
Applications of Geo.S. Bell, Leonard Gillis and Anna Wunderlich Estate for
Applieation~.Auction licenses and Vitus Wesley and Co. E. National Guard for Dance permits were
! presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the licenses be granted. ,Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Application of the Evergreen Knoll Club Inc. for/Liquor License was present~d.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the License be granted., the application and bond
A petition for Sanitary Sewer on St. Paul Avenue from Shumway Avenue to Third
Petition Street Northeast, signed by four property owners, was presented. Councilman Ulv~nes
Sani tary Ii
Sewer L moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the City Recorder directed
St. Paul Av~.
. to advertise a public hearing on same to be held at the next regular meeting Nov.
l2tb, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by CouncilmanMc Carthy and
" adopted by unan1mous vote.
Performance bonds of Keys Well Drilling Company and Vernon J. Peper were pr1esented,
, approved as to manner and tor.m of execution by the City Attorney. During the dis-
cussion which followed, it was brought out that Vernon J. Peper had not been em-
Peper played by Councilman Mc carthy to construct sidewalk on Fourth Street Northwest as
Sidewalk, provided for at the last regular meet1ng. Councilman Buendort' moved that Councilman
Cons tructidn
4th st. NW~ Mc Car thy contact Vernon J. Peper and procure a contract for sidewalk construction on
Fourth Street Northwest at a fair price. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes
and adopted by unm.1mous vote. No action was taken on the Vernon J. Peper bond. It
was decided without vote to defer action until the next meeting.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the bond of the Keys Well Drilling Company be
accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and ado1ptedl
Knoll Club
Keys Bond
having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes. On roll call those voting "aye"' were C,1un-
cilman Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, "naye" Councilman Behlke.
Motion was carried.
by unanimous vo te.
Pursuant to advertising/bids were called for on a gasoline engine formerly used
by the Water Department. R. Larson presented a bid of $50.00. Councilman Behlke
moved that the bid be rejected. ~tion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and
Bids adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising auction bids were called for on a 1929 Chevrolet Pick-:
up truck used by th~ Fire Department. R. Larson presented a bid of $40.00. Valentine
Emge presented a bid of $50.00. Councilman Buendorf moved that the bid be rejected.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising/bids were called for on the Park Department Jeep.
I Kelly presented a bid of $400.00. Henry Voegel, $600.00.
Councilman Behlke moved I
that the bi~be rejected. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendort and adopted bJ
unanimous vote. ,I
Councibnan Buendorf moved that the City Reoorder be directed to readvertise for
'/bids on the sale of the 1929 Chevrolet Pickup truck at the Fire Hall, to be recef,ved
at the next regular meeting, Wednesday, November 12th, 1947, at eight o'cloQk p.n.
---------------------- -
-------- ---~- -- ---
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· 11otion was seconded by Councilman Me: Car thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Counci~an Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise an
, auction sale on the Water Department, gasoline engine, to be held at the JlI!a% reguler
meeting, Tuesday, 'December 9th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m., said Auction Sale Notice, Readvertise
; Sale
i to be inserted in a "trade" magazine. . Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car thy and Gasoline
i Engine
i adopted by unanimous vote. The meri ts of the gasoline engine were discussed.
Counci~an Behlke moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise an
auction sale on the Jeep to include the top, side curtains, heater and snow plow, to '.
be held at the next regular meeting, Wednesday, November 12th, 1947, at eight o'clock
p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll call those voting nayeff I:
,were Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Car thy, Mayor Peterson, Itnaye" Councilman Ulve:J.els.
.Mbtion was carried.
Sale Jeep.
Councilman Buendorf inquired of Councilman Behlke how the Jeep at the Airport
,was being used. Councilman Behlke named the general uses of the Jeep. Tom Kaul took
::part in the discussion. General discussion followed on which Department should have
priori ty on the Tractor for snow removal.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the motion adopted above to readvertise auction
sale of Jeep be rescinded. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll oall~ Rescind
those voting "ayeU were Councilman Buendorf, Mo Carthy and Ulvenes, "naye" Council- Sale Jeep.
.' Discussion
Airport Jeep
, Tractor
man Behlke and Mayor Peterson. Motion was carried.
Councilman/moved thet the City Recorder be directed to readvertise the sale of
'the Jeep wi th all accessories. No second to this motion. Motion was lost.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on one Cab for VA! Tractor delivered
and installed, two wheel weights, one set 10 X 24 chains, two lO X 24 tires filled
with fluid. 'lhe following bids were received:- No. l~ Lockwood Auto Comapny $232.50,1
Bid No.2, '!he George T. Ryan Compan~r $243.75 wi thou t including two tires filled wi th
Bid on
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes.
Councilman Buendorf moved thelt the bid of Lockwood Auto Company be accepted.
On roll call those voting "aye" were
.Councilman Bu.endorf, Mc Carthy and Ulvenes, ftnaye't Councilman Behlke and Mayor Peter-,
'son. Motion was oarried.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Vitrified Sewer Pipe. No bid~ I
were received. Councilman Bu.endorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to read-
"vertise for bids on 5,000 lineal feet of 8" X 36ft ~ 200 lineal fee t of 6" X 30" vi trj fled
i Readvertise
i sewer pipe, 100 pieces 6ft on 8" X 3011> Ts, 100 6" stoppers and 25 8" stoppers, all tC'
conform to A.S. T.M. specifi 0& tions C-13 for vi trifled Clay Sewer Pipe on file in the
Bids on
,office of the Ci ty Engineer to be received up to eigh to' clook p.m. at the next re-
Sewer Pipe.
,gular meeting, Wednesday, November 12th, 1947. Motion was seconded by Councilman M~
,Carthy and adop ted by unanimous vote.
'fiLe following bills were presented for payment:-John B. Hunt $30.00, John N. Hert-
man $30.00, Wm. Ackman $90.50, Street Dept. Payroll $1,372.93, Special Payroll $139.90,
Water Dept. Payroll $268.20, Sam Mc l.iahon $28.80, Water Dept. Payroll $265.05, Special
Labor Payroll $254.80, Buckham Memorial Library Accts. $436.02, Security National
~ank & Trust Co. $1,23l.40, Jos. Schell, Treasurer Fsribault Fire Department Relief
Ass'n. $35.00, Minnesota state Treasurer $168.01, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. $92~48~
Lockwood Auto Co. ~1,700.58, Old Shads Association $396.40 (Library), Keys Well Drill~ng
. ii
Co. $1,183.00, Police Dept. City of Faribault $500.00. Councilman Ulvenes moved that
the bills listed be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopte'i
by unanimous vote.
The Partial Estimate of Tol tz, King &. Day in the amount of $l3,765.80 was presented.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that action be deferred un~i1 until the Commissioner of Acc~unts
. R~gular lO-28-1.947L~. _~. m
-- - ---- ----
---------- --
-- - ----_."-- ---
No ~ A228
. _ _~_ O~ __ ~
--- ---- --~-~-~---~--_.~--" ~----, --.----- ---._~-,
and Fi~anQes.~d the City Engineer had conferred on same. Motion was seconded by Coun-
. oilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. :'
Councilman Eehlke moved that Ordinance No. A228, entitled ftAn Ordinanoe to Au-
thorize the Installation, Regulation, Control and Use of Parking Meters in the City
of Faribault.n be placed on its second reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. Ordinance No. A228 was then read and voted
on by Sections as follows:- Councilman Buendorf moved that section 1 be adopted. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Behlke
moved that Section 2 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and a-
:. dopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Section" be adopted. Mo-
, tion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Ul-
venes moved that section 4 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carti1Y
and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Behlke moved that Section 5 be adopted.
MOtion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. After a
discussion of the 1 hr. parking limit specified in Section 6, Councilman Mc Carthv
Ii moved that Section 6 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted
: by unanimous vote. Councilman Ul venes moved that section 7 be adopted. Motion W':lS
seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted. by unanimous vote. Councilman Behlk~
moved that Section 8 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and
adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Buendorf moved that Section 9 be adopted. Mo-
tion was seconded by Counci~an Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman
Mc Carthy moved that Section 10 be ad.opted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ul venes
and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Behlke moved that Section 11 be a.dopte,i..
bbtion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman
Buendorf moved that Section 12 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke
and adopted by unanimous vote. After a discussion of Section 13 regarding charging
,Court costs to violator, Councilman Mc Ca.rthy moved that Section l3 be adopted. M<')-
:tion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman
,Ulvenes moved that Section 14 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me C,~rthy
and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Behlke moved that Section 15 be adoptei..
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman
Buendorf moved that Section 16 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Counci~an Behlke
and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Section 17 be aCiopted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. Councilman
Ulvenes moved tI'lat Section 18 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc c~:rthy
and adopted by unanimous vote. On the question "Shall this Ordinance pass?", those
voting "aye~ were Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peter~Qn,
"Nayett none. Ordinance No. A228 was hereby declared adopted and the City Recorder
:directed to eause same to be published in the Offieial Paper.
:1 the status ot:
Weir Mc Quoid appeared before the Council in regard to/his appointment as Meter
Mai.ntenance Man. '!he Council infozmed M~. Mc Q.uiod that the appointment had been made
in good faith but had been made with insufficient investigation into the requirem~nts
of the Police Civil Service Commission in regard to employees endowed with police
: powers.
Councilman Buendorf moved that Ordinance No. A229 entitled "An Ordinance Ame,'1ding
,Section 1 of Ordinance No. A3 entitled'An Ordinance to Regulate the Closing Hours or
,Public Places of Business Wherein Pool and Billiards or Bowling or Box Ball are Played,
land to Prevent the Playing and Loitering of Certain Persons Therein,' As Amended by
,i Ordinance No. Al6a." be placed on its first reading. Motion was then seconded by
Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. Ordinance No. A229 was t~n r~ad.
~-~~--~-~~ -
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Councilman Behlke brougb. t up the fact that gasoline was being purchased wi thortl
, presenting requisitions. It was decided the. t Councilman Ul venes purchase the gasoli~e
for City Fleet and that same be purchased on presentation of requisitions, for same.
Councilman Behlke brought up the need or a coin counter to take care of the
Parking Meter receipts. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed
to advertise for bids on a coin counting machine in accordance with specifications on:
- "
file in the office of the City Recorder, to be received up to eight 0 'clock p.m. OE i
in the Council Chamber at the C1 ty Hall.
'Wednesday, November 12th, 1947t Motion was seconded by Oouncilman Me Carthy and
by unanimous vote.
ad o~ted
. ~~~~-~~~~ - --~-~~< ~- --
Bid. s
Councilman Buendorf moved that C.E. Schulz be appointed a member of the Park
C.E. Schulz
Board to fill the unexpired ter.m of W.O. Johnson who bas been ele cted eo member of tbe to Park
. School Board. Motion was seoonded by Councilman Ulvenes ~d adopted by unanimous, V'1 te .
Councilman Buendorf asked the a:pprovaJ. of the Counc U on moving a warming house .
from Alexander Faribaul"t Park to Lincoln Skating Rink. The request was g ranted without
Councilman Buendort recommended selling the water pump recently removed from the.
Alexander Faribault Park residence. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the City Recorder: Advertise
! Auction
be directed to advertise an auction sale on the delco water pump, wh1c.h may be viewed. Deleo
.. at the Ben Spi tzack shop, to be held Wednesday, November 12th, 1947, at eight 0 · clock:
in the Council Ch~ber at the City Hall.
,p.m./ MOtion was seconded by Counci~nan Ulvenes and adopted by unan~ous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise an
auction sale on seven card tables, one hundred twenty one assorted rolls of wall pa9~r,
nine boxes perfection milk discs, 6in, 17 radio batteries, salvaged from Mahler Hari~
ware St~re, to be held on Wednesday, Nov~ber 12th, 1947, at eight o'clook p.m. in the
Council Chamber at the Oi ty Hall. MI:>tion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and
adopted by unantmous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes 1p.oved to adjIJ_Urn.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy
Cj~1 ~.
City Recorder.
Approved November 12th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
- -~------
Sacks to
Too Low.
Bid Chev.
Accep ted.
. _ _ Re&.~ar Meeting,_Vle~e.~day,~ovemner 12th, 1947, Eight 0 'clo~~ p .Dl.... _
-- -- - - - - - -- - -- -~- - -. -- ~ -- - -- - -" - -
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The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Ch~-
ber at the City Hall on Wednesday, November 12th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m. The t
meeting was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Ci")un-
ci~an Behlke, Buendorf, Mc Car thy , Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the City Engineer
and City Attorney were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting of October ~8th
were read and approved.
Mr. E.J. Kohl appeared before the Council relative to Parking Meters in frort
of his funeral home. Mr. Kohl stated that the City of Owtonna used sacks to cover
the meters during the hours of funeral services. Councilman Ulvenes moved that Ed.
O'Brien be authorized to purchase suitable sacks to cover the meters and turn thfm
over to Mr. Kohl. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by un€.ni-
mous vote. Jack Glassco was presented and stated that he would make a request fer
two dozen sacks from the Rhodes Meter Co.
Mr. Kohl brought up the matter of surfacing the boulevard on the West side ~f
his property wi th Tarvia for a parking E3pace. The Council agreed to look into tre
matter in the Spring.
Wm. Hohenhaus appeared before the Council re1a ti ve to planes flying over his pro-
perty too low causing a nuisance. He said that he had complained but to no avail.
Counoilman U1venes suggested that Mr. Hohenhaus get the numbers of such planes ari
turn them into the Council. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Council take action
in the matter. General discussion followed. Councilman Behlke volunteered to con-,'
fer with the Airport Manager.
Mr. Francis Rosen appeared before the Council relative to delivering vegeta1'les'
to down town stores now that the parkings meters were in effect. Councilman Behll:e
suggested that Mr. Rosen use the alleys. Councilman Buendorf stated that Bread truoks,
cars '
etc, do not pay. General discussion fo,llowed on parking/and trucks in loading zones
to load and unload wares. The Council agreed that they were unable to grant special,
pri vileges.
Pursuant to advertising, auction bids were called for on the Delco Water pmLp.
No bids were reoeived.
Pursuant to advertising auction bids were called for on the 1929 Chev.Truck.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the bid of the highest bidder, Edgar Cornell, at
$110.00 be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unan1~
mous vote.
: Pursuant to advertising, auction bids were called for on various items stored
Bid Various !
Items $lO.OO~t the Fire Hall. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid of Edgar Cornell in the amount
Accepted. I
I of $10.00 be accepted. Motion was seconded. by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by
for Bids
Coin Counter
Delco Pump.
unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising bids were called for on a coin counting machine. Bids
not considered, not accompanied by certified checks.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for
bids on a coin counting machine to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday,:
November 25th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Recorder be directed to/advertise for I
auction bids on DeJ..~co wa.ter.pump to be received at eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday,
November 25th, 1947.1 in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was sem, nded e
by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vo te .
Pursuant to advertising bids were called for on vitrified sewer pipe. No bids'
were received. Councilman Ulvenes read letters from James B. Clow & Sons and Kenneth
_R__ eg~~_r_ J.l_..._!2~19~.7 ._________________ __
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Bid s on
~ Pipe
~ ~-~--~~~
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-- ------- -----
--- ----,_.-.-
_ -~=~ =~___~~_~~_~_ =_~~_~~_~__r_~ ~__~~__~_~__~_~~ ~
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--- ~~~~~._- --~----
Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the Ci ty Recorder be directed to advertise for .'
i: Bids on
bids on 3.000 feet of 6" B & S Super deLavaud Cast Iron Pipe, class 150, or equal, Water
. Pipe
in 16 or 18 foot lengths and five tons of fittings, to be received to eignt o'c]oQk Called
i For.
Heath relative to sewer pipe.
General discussion of the pipe situation followed.
p.m. on Tuesday, November 25th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that Councilman Ulvenes be authorized to investigate
the purchase of vitrified sewer pipe in the sizes required as advertised for, the
'price and grade to be subject to the approval of the Council and the City Engineer.
;MOtion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car thy and adopted by unanim~us vote.
Pursuan t to advertising, bids were called for on insurance to cover the Parking
"Meters. 'Ihe Harry B. Smi th Insurance Agency subm1 tted a bid for entire coverage in
I the amount of $345.94. Jack Glassco stated that it was common practice to cover meters
with insurance. After a general discussion Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid b3 Meter
',rejected and thatthe City Recorder be directed to readvertise for bids on Parking
to Negotiate
for Vitrified
Sewer Pipe.
,Meter insuranoe to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, November 25th, 19l1-7,
in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and
jadopted by unanimous vote. During above discussion it was decided that the bid sub~
I!mi tted was too high..
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of Sanitarr
Sewer on St. Paul Avenue from Sh'UID.wa~r Avenue to Third Street Northeast. No proper'tr :!
owners were present. Councilman Ulv6nes moved that the hearing be closed and the P'';\-';
. ti tion granted and that the Ci ty Recorder be directed to number all peti tions for
Sanitary Sewer which have not been constructed in numerical order as to date of being
granted by the Counci~ and that the last number be assigned to this petition. Motion
,was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that Ordinanee No. A229 be placed on its second readin$,
'an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Amending Section One (1) of Ordinance Number A-3 '
'Entitled 'An Ordinance to Regulate the Closing Hours of Public Places of Business
'Wherein Pool or Billiards or Bowling or Box Ball are Played.., and to Prevent the
~Playing and Loitering of Certain Persons Therein,' as Amended by Ordinance No. Al6o.'
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. Ordinance
:No. A229 was then read and voted on by Sections as follows:- Councilman Buendorf mo~ed
jthat Section No. 1 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adoptad No. A229
by unanimous vote. Councilman Buendorf moved that Section 2 be adopted. Motion wa~ Reading
,'seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. On the question "Shall Bawling
, Alley
'this Ordinance Pass?" those voting rtayen were Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Me Ce.rthr'" Ordinance.
Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, ftnayeft none. Ordinance NO. A229 was hereby declared adC'pted
Sani tary
st. Paul
,and the City Recorder direoted to oause same to be published in the Official Paper..
The following reports of City Officials were presented and read: Treasurer, Re~o~-
der, Engineer, Chief of Polics, Clerk of Court, Overseer of Poor, Dairy Inspector,
:Assessor, Water Commissioner, Chief of Fire Dept. for July, Aug. Sept. Oct. ,secretary,
:.01' Library Board, Faribaul t Flying Service for Sept. & Oct.., Merrill Aviation Co. fC'r:
sept. Recorder's report to Supt. of Accts. & Finances in the amount of $7~845.89. CC'un- Reports
Ul venes moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded ly
Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.. The 1'ollowing bills were presented
:for pay.ment:-Park Dept. Payroll $453.20, George Hanson ~187.20, F. H. Me Cullough $108.00,
:Mike Holm, Sec'y. of State $6.30, Water Dept. Payroll $259.20, Special Labor $116.1C, Bills
:Street Dert. Payroll $1,446.68, Water Dept. Payroll $260.55, Special Payroll $152.50.
Regular 11-12-47.
- --~ -. --~--- ~ -
- --------- --------
----_._-~ -.--------
- >-------- -
- ~ - --- -- - --
- - =--- --,---- ~ - -- ~.- ~-- --~-~~-~ -=-~~- ~~-
-- -~-- - --- ~---~--- .~-- ----- ~~- -~~--~---
Motion was seconded by
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bills listed be allowed..
Councilman Me Carthy a.nd a.dopted by unanimous vote.
The following applications for licenses were presented:-Dance Hall License,
FaribauJ.t Armory Board, Dance permits: ftSix Fat Dutchman", National Guard, Louis
Application~ Schwi tzen berg,~'" Auction, Myrtle Clausen, Auto Car, AIton F. Meese dba Red Top Cab Co.
and application of Harlan Kenow to transfer his auto car license to Alton Meese.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by
Councinnan Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Performance Bonds oZ Vernon J. Peper and B.H. Heselton and Vernon Peper (alone)
were presented. Councilman Me Car thy moved that the bonds be accepted and ordered/
I same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attornez.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Insuranoe policy covering Park Benches and rider for poli~y of Milton O. Brekke
were presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the policy and rider be accepted,
s~e having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorne~.
I Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from Archer Young requesting special parking privileges in the blocks
between Central and First Avenues East was read. Co unci !man Behlke was in favor of
! granting the request and mede a motion to this effect. Mayor Peterson asked Vice
President Mc C&rthy to take the chair and seconded the motion. The Council discussed
s~ilar cases~ Mayor Peterson brought up the matter of the Minnesota Seed Company
lot and suggested designating certain stalls for individuals. The City Attorney
ruled that the street cannot be rented. Vice President ruled the ltQ,uestiontt out
of order. The Council discussed the graveling of the Minnesota Seed Company lot.
The City Attorney ruled that only the approach could be repaired. The City Attorney
again ruled that the streets could not be rented and that special parking privileges
could not be granted. Mayor Peterson volunteered to negotia te with Mr. Vassar r''?-
garding the Minnesota Seed Co. lot.
the purchase of from Sioux Oil Co.
A requisitions for/I,OOO gallons/was presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved
that Councilman Ulvenes be authorized to make the purchase. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
The Claim of Hugh Vincent Feehan in the amount of $l,OOO.OO was present. Co un-
H. V.Feehan I
bill allowed.: cilman UI venes moved that the bill be allowed after it was genearlly understood that
one half of the bill would be refunded by the School Board. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unan~ous vote.
The claim of W.G. Dokken in the amount of $685.00 for engineering fees for
services on State Avenue, Sixth Ave. E. and First Street Southeast was presented.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bill be allowed. Motion was seconded by Council-
Claim W. G.
man Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
A bill from the Northern States Power Co. in the amount of $71.36 for damag'9s
to a light pole at 9th St. & Central due to accident in which B.H. Heselton truck
and Dr. Nuetzman's oar were involved was presented. Councilman Behlke moved that
Bill N.S.P.CQ.
Damage to the bill be referred to the City Attorney to write the parties involved to pay the
Light Pole
bill. Motion was seconded by Counoilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
Orn~ental .
Advertise !: bids on insurance to cover all City/light poles in accordance with specitication~
Bids Insurance
Light Poles. i; on file in the office of the City Engineer to be received up to eight o'clock p.m.
on T't:esday, November 25th, 1947, in the Ooun~il Chamber at the 01 ty Hall. Mot1o~
was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
.~~~~- --~~~=-~-~~~~--~"~~-~- ~ ,-~~----
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Counci~an Me Car thy moved that the est~ate of W.L. Far.mer & Son
, of $1,844.07 be allowed.
Mo tion was seconded by Ce,uncilman Behlke and adop ted by
in the smour,t:
unanimous vote.
The contraot for repaving Fourth Street I~. with the Minnesota Highway DepartIT~~t
which Ii
was discussed by the City Attorney. General discussion followed during/it was brougijt
out that the contract was to pay for the sidewalks damaged by removing trees. Counc.il-
man Mc Car thy moved that the agreement be approved with the ro~owing modification:- Contract
"p;i.ge 2, paragraph 2, "during the construction season of 1947" to "on or before June;
,1st, 1948". Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.'
On motion of Councilman Mc Car thy, seconded by Councilman Ulvenes, Resolution
. No. Al962 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Requesting the Department of Highways, State of Minneso,ta, to Install
: Necessary Traffic "Stop and Go" Signals on Cen tral Avenue.
Whereas, for some time past and now there is a tremendous flow of traffic upo~
and across Central Avenue whicfu is also part of U.S.
Highway 65 and Minnesota TrUIJkl
: Highway 218 in the City of Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota, and
Whereas, Minnesota. Trunk Highway 60 joins and follows said Cen traJ. Avenue betvree'n
; Fourth and Division streets and practically all tr&ff1c from and to Minnesota Trunk' :!
Highway 21 and 165 travels upon said Central Avenue, and,
Whereas, there is no alternate truck or through traffic route in the City ot
, Faribault except along and upon said Central Avenue, and,
Whereas, the Minnesota Braille and Sight Saving School and the Minnesota School f~
. the Deaf are located in the said City of Faribaul t, and many students of said
travel, daily, along and across said Central Avenue, and,
Whereas, the Minnesota Safety Council and the Council of the City of Faribault
;is desirous of reducing accidents and providing all possible safeguards to pedestrians
j Resolution
, No.A1962
. Requesting
,vehicular traffio is markedly faster than heretofore, and during certain hours of the~ Central
.and automobile traffic on and across said Central Avenue, and,
::Whereas, due to repavement and new lighting on said Central Avenue, the movement of'
day is badly congested thereon, and,
Whereas, vehicular traffic on Central Avenue has increased and, according to
Highway Department experts, will double by the Year 1956,
~ !
That the Department of Highways, State of Minnesota, be petitioned and they ar~ I:
hereby petitioned to make traffic surveys on Central Avenue in view of installing
,automotic "Stop and Gatt traffic signals.
Passed November 12th, 1947.
:Attest Paul H. Haugen, City Recorder.
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
On motion of Councilman Ulvenes, seconded by Councilman Behlke, Resolution No.
Al963 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Declaring that Friday Evening is the Evening on which the Majority
of Downtown Stores Remain Open for Business Until 9:30 o'clock p.m.
That in compliance with Section 6 of Ordinance No. A228, Friday Evening be rec?g~
until 9:30 o'clock p.m.
Passed November 12th, ~947.
~ttest Paul H. Haugen, City Recorder.
nized as the evening on which the majority of downtown stores remain open for business Resolution
,I No. Al963
; Recognizing
Ii Friday Eve.
Open Till
.9:30 O'clock.
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
The Jity Engineer stated that he hadreceived applications for building per.mits
for a retail business on lOth St. South and Willow street and on Central Avenue and
Regular ll-12-1947
~ -- -- - _ _ __ n.__. ~~~ c ____
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- -- - --
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I that
:Iof a retail business by Mr. A.M. Hauser on lot la, Blk. 18, North Faribault being on
Hearing on ;1 the Northeast corner of the intersection of Central Avenue and Eleventh Street North,
Cons true tion: '
Retail !ialso on the construction of a retail business by Mr. L.O. Markowitz in Block 12, 1st
Businesses .1
A.M. Hauser I Add. to Southern Heights being on Willow Street South of Tenth Street South, to b~
&. i
L. C. Markow-I held at the next regular meeting at eigb t 0 'clock p.m. on Tuesday, November 25th, 1947,
i tz. I
; in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
Eleventh Street North on which it would be necessary to hold Public hearings befare
the per.mits could be granted. After a general discussion, Councilman Mc Car thy mDve~
the City Recorder be directed to advertise a publio hearing on the construotion
Motion was seoonded by Councilman
'and adopted by unanimous vote.
I. Grote
The Ci ty Engineer brought up the matter of the sidewalk of 1:Ir. I.. Gro te , whioh
. is pi tted due to use of impure gravel by th e contrao tor, for whioh defect Mr. Gro te
is demanding a refund from the contractor. The City Engineer stated that Mr. Grote
will abide by the figure approved by the Counoil. He also stated that Mr. Grote
: will now settle for $50.00 which he said in his judgment was a fair and just settle-i
!ment. Counoilman Mo Car thy moved that the amount stated be approved. Motion was
i!seconded by Counoilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Works Agency
The City Engineer stated that the Federal/Report on the Sewage Disposal Plant
Fed. Wks. i;was ready to be sent in. Counoilman Behlke moved that the Mayor ~p Cn, RQI:~Q~~
Agency Report
Signed.ibe authorized to sign the report in behalf of the Oi ty. Motion was seoonded by
ICounoilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
The Council disoussed the bill of Toltz, King & Day, oonsulting engineers, in
regard to Sewage Disposal Plant plans.
The City Engineer asked the approval of the Council on the purohase of a chute
'casting for the inoinerator. Councilman Behlke moved that the purchase be authorized.
,Motion was seconded by Counoilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Counc1lmanUlvenes brought up the matter of the North end Sanitary Sewer. Thp.
Ci ty Engineer stated that three miles of levels should be taken Vlest of the tracks
,to complete the survey. During the discussion whioh followed, the Counoil disoussed,
the necessity of such an extensive survey. The City Engineer referred to his perFonnel
problems. 4i'
Couneilman Ulvenes moved that the Engineering staff be summoned to appear befor~
:;the Counoil and tha t the meeting be adjourned until Tuesday, November 18th, 1947 et
~:30 p.m. to oonsider the budget and to transact any unfinished business. Motion was
seconded by CounoiLman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
C?aJ;/ ILdA'fR-yV
Paul H. H~g~
Ci ty Reoorder.
Approved November. 25th, 1947.
Emil Peterson
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The Councilof the City of Faribault met in adjourned session in the Council Cham-
at the City Hell on Tuesday, November 18th, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was .i
On roll call those present were Councilman Behlke,
called to order by Mayor Petersorn.
BQendorf, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson. The City Attorney ,was absent on account of il1-
ness. Councilman Mc Car thy was absent.
The Council proceeded to discuss the Library Budget with Mr. G.R. Kingham, Memb~r
of the Library Board , Dr. Nuba Pletcher, also, Member of the Board and Miss Esther I:
Reinke, Librarian. Dr. Nuba Pletcher stated that the Library has solici ted aid fr~mr:
organizations and has tried to stay wi thin their budget. Mr. Kingham said that the: Discussion
Library needed redecorating. Miss Reinke explained the pr,oposed budget. General Budget.
discussion followed. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the maximum amount of five mills
be allowed in the Library Budget for the 194B-1949 Fiscal Year. Motion was seconded I
by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Counci~an Me Carthy took his seat.
EdwardD. O'Brien, Patrolman, appeared before the COUllCi1 relative to Parking
Councilman Ulvenes asked Mr. O'Brien if he
was able to take care of the mot~rs
that too many meters needed re~ i
1~. O'Brien replied in the negative stating
Councilman Ulvenes recommended that an. extra man be employed to take care of'
peak load of meters.
At the suggestion of Mayor Peterson, Council:nan Ulvenes moved that Edw. O'Brien 1
be appointed Parking Meter Maintenance Man and Collector. Motion was seconded by
CounaiL lman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the Meter Maintenance Man be authorized to pur-
chase a bag to carry meter repair parts. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Car-
thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. O'Brien stated that many requests had been made for two hour parking. G,eIJeral
E. O'Brien
Appoin ted.
j discussion on Parking Meters followed.
Mr. Jack Glassco was present.
The Council proceeded to make the Budget for the Fiscal Year 194B-1949. Each
Fund was studied separately before deciding on the amount to be levied. Councilman
: Behlke voiced opposition to the proposed expenditures in the Police, park, Fire and
i Road, Street and Bridge Funds. After due consideration and discussion on the need
!' of a new police car, improvements to Alexander Fariba.ul t Park and new trucks and
:: me chanica.l equipment for the Street Departm.en t, Councilman Ul venes moved the. t ResoluJ
" tion No. ~964 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted
'by unanimous vote.
Resolution Levying aTax on the Taxable Property of the City of Faribault, Rice
County, Minnesota, for the Fiscal Year 1948-1949.
That there be, and there is hereby levied on the taxable property of the City of
Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota, for the Fiscal Year 1948-l949, for the following
funds to- wi t :-
Heal th Fund $3,000.00
Police Fund 41,500.00
Poor Fund 9,000.00
Printing & Supply Fund 3.000.00
Sinking Fund, Five (5) Mills on the dollar on the assessed,
valuation of all taxable property in the City of Faribautl.
SaJ.ary Fund
General Fund
Library Fund,
valuation of all taxable property in the
Five (5) Mills on the dollar
City of Faribault.
Park Fund
Fire Departm.en t Fund
on the assessedl
_~nn_.A.djourne~_ Meetin~ 11-1?-~947.
- ~ -- -- -- -- -- - -- --- -- - -- -
--- -- .---- -<--
---- ----------- ~ - -----------
- --- - ----,-.
------------ -- -
- ---- ---_._~-
- --------,-.---
ReSOlu t1oni:::.
No.A1964 I.:
--- ---- -- -
- ----- - ~---
_n _~ _~__ _
_=_o_______~~~ -_
Musical Entertainment Fund
Road, Street, Bridges
Ligh ting Fund
Permanent Improvement Fund
Recreation Fund
Airport Fund
. Passed November 18th, 1947.
Ii Attest Paul H. Haugen. Emil Peterson, Mayor.
The Council having previously considered ~he housing conditions in the City
and. having reaa letters from the Rotary Club &nd Better Faribault Association,
.. of Faribaul t,jadopted Resolution No. Al965 by ~ln&n1mous vote on motion of Councilman
1 , 50 0 . 00
~ , 500 .00
Resolutioni Ulvenes, seconded by Counci~an Mc Carthy.
No. AJ.965
Housing RESOLUTION NO. Al965.
Authority. Relative to Establishing a Housing & Redevelopment Authority in the City of Faribault.
Whereas a housing survey has been made in the City of Faribault by a competent
and able association, and,
Whereas the Council of the City of Faribault has reviewed the findings of the
association and has found that approximately three hundred families in Far ibaul tare
in need of adequate housing,
That an emergency be declared to exist and that ahous1ng shortage be declarei
and that there is need for a housing and redevelopment authority to function in the,
City of Faribault.
passed November 18th, 1947.
Attest Paul H. Haugen City Recorder.
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise a public
'hearing an the appointment of a housing and redevelopment authority in accordance with
'Resolution NO~ Al965 , to be held Tuesday, December 9th, 1947, at eignt o'clock p.m. i
:in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc carthy
I and adop ted by unanimous vote.
The Council discussed the purchase of Police unifor.ms and overcoats and it was
:decided that the City pay $60.00 toward the cost of each uniform and overcoat. Coun-
cilman Behlke opposed tnis expenditure. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Ra-
,carder be directed to. advertise for bids on uniforms for the police deaprtment, bid-i
for Bids on
: ders to furnish cuts of uniforms and samples of materials, to be received up to eight
'o'clock p.m. on TMesday, December 9th, 1947, in the Counoil Chamber at the City Hall~
.1 Motion wa.s secanded by Councilman Mc Car thy . On roll call those voting "aye't were
,Ceuncilman Buendorf, Mc certhy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, "naye" Councilman Behlke
.' Motion was carried.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for'
bids on a car for the police deaprtment in accordance with specifications on file in
the office of the City Engineer, to be received up to. eight o'clock p.m. on ~esday,1
December 9th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Metion was seconded by
Councilman Buenderf. On roll call those voting flAyeft were Councilman Buendorf, Mc
Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Petersen, "nayeft, Councilman Behlke. Motion was carrie".
Dr. Pickell Councilman Buendorf moved that Dr. W.D. Pickell and R.E. Johnson be reappointed,
&R.E. Johnson.
Airport ! as members of the Airport Board. Motion was seconded by Ceuncilman Mc carthy and
,adopted by unaaimous vote.
Councilman Behlke brought up the matter of selling the Park Department Jeep.
" Councilman Ulvenes stated that the sale had not been made because the bid was too
!low. The matter was tabled.
Counci~an Mc C~rthy moved that Altie F. Borst be appointed Dance Hall Inspector
at the Faribault Ar.mory. Metien was seconded by Councilman Buenderf and adopted by
unanimous vo tee
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to. advertise for
bids en the censtruction of San1tary Sewer on the fOllowing named streets in the City
Adjourned ll-l8~1947.
<_._-------"-~---~-------~ -------------------------.
-~-~---~--_._- -
------:r . . - -~- II
'I of Fa.ribault to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, December 23rd, 1947:~
Ii 'I,I
I ~
!I in ,the Council Chember at the Ci ty Hal~:- Fourth Ave. West, 12th to 13th Sts. Nor:hilil
!i Third Street South, East of 7th Ave. W.; Ravine Street, Shumway to St. Paul Aves.; 1'1
./ II
il ThirdStreet North~ Eighth Ave" West to Commander Elevator; 2nd Ave. NW. North fran' II
., 1
present ter.minus to serve 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th StS.,i State Ave. between I:
,I ~
~.... I'
First Street SE. to Barron Road; Reed Avenue; Seventh St. NW., Franklin to Hulet Ave~~;
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc car'FY
St.. Paul Ave., ShumW8;W Ave. 1D 3rd St. NE.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Thos. N. Kaul, Airport Manager, appeared before the Counoil and discussed the
need and desirab11i ty of having the runways and space in :::fron t of the hangars/wi th
bitwminous surfacing.
Mr. Kaul also reoommended hiring consulting and project en-
giners to take charge of construction.
Counc ilmSIt Ul venes moved to ad journ.
Motion was seconded by Counci~an Mc
thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
(jJ~/l /~
Paul H. Haug.en,
City Recorder.
Approved December 23rd, 1947.
Emil Peterson
.1 Water Pump. No bids were received.
:1 Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Cast Iron Water Pipe. '!he
'I following bids were received:- No. l,
Bids Cast ;i
Iron Pipe I deLavaud Pipe $1.44, no price on fi ttings, shipment to be made in about 6 months;
Rejected. I .American. Cast Iron Pipe Company,
!; No. 2,/$1.39 per foot, $.0975 per lb. fo,r fi ttings, shipment to be made in first
II quarter of 1949.
the bids be rejected and that certified checks be returned. Motion was seconded by
-II Councilman Heblke and adopted by unanimous vote.
-- ------ ---------
- ---
A.M. Hauser.
L. C. Mar-
kowi tz
Permi t.
Bids Cast
Iron Pipe.
~~ u~~~a~ J\!(3~tin~_, Tl.les~a.Y' No!~embe~.o25th, .1.941. )5.ight. O~' c!()ck I>.~.
--- - - ----~- --- -------- -- -- ------
- - - -
~e counc1.or~of~~the~Ci~t'y~of~Far~1DaUIt ii1et-i~n regular~seSS10IiiIi ~~t1ie_n_Councril C1iam:,;; --
~__.____ _n
II ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, November 25th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
meeting wa.s called to order by Mayor Peterson.
On roll call those present were
Councilman Behlke, Mc Carthy, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson, also the Oi ty Engineer and
City Attorney were Present. Councilman Buendorf was absent. Minutes of the last
" regular meeting of November 12th were read. Mayor Peterson stated that the minutes
of the adjourned meeting of November 18th would be read later.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the granting of a building
!1 pe1'll11 t to Mr. A.M. Hauser for the construction of a cement block building for tho
sale of "'Dairy Q,ueen'" products on the Northeast corner of Central Avenue and Ele'tJ'enth
Street North.
Mr. Hauser was ~esent and submitted a photograph and description of
the building and stated that the business would operate between the hours of 11:CO
o'clock a.m. and 11:00 o'clock p.m.
aoross the Central Avenue Sidewalk.
Councilman Behlke objected to the driveway
Mr. J.J. Sickteig was present and described the
product. Mr. Hauser stated that only one product ~uld be handled. Rob't. Fiebj-
ger, Mr. Achilles, Chas. Headline, Lawrence Grundman., Ferd. Duchene and Mr. Drevlow,
property owners in the vicinity, were present and opposed the permit on account cf
i traffic hazard and depreciation of property values. Mr. D. J. Chatham, Chairman ('1"
the Zoning Board, was present : and stated that the Building Ordinance pemi tted tl:is i
construction in this locality and that it was the opinion of the Zoning Board that
property values would not be lowered. General discussion of parking situation was
i discussed. Mayor Peterson called for motion. Councilman Me Carthy suggested that
the Counc il swai t the arrival of Councilman Buendorf. Councilman Behlke moved t:tat.
the Council investigate the location before deciding. Motion was seconded by OOtID-
cilman Mc Carthy. On roll call those voting naye" were Councilman Behlke, Mc Car-
thy and Mayor Pe terson, nnaye" Councilman Ul venes. Counc.i lman Ul venes inquired C's
I to when the site should be viewed. Mayor Peterson suggested 9:00 a.m. Wed. morning.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the granting of a building
'. permit to L. C. Markowitz for t he construction of a ftDrive-in" on Willow Street
South of Tenth Street South. No property owners ap peared for or against the per-
: mite During discussion it was brought out that the building had been constructec
. wi thout obtaining a penni t.
Cou~cilman Behlke, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterson expre~se~
themselves strongly in favor of enforcing the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. I~
was decided that the building be viewed in th'e morning.
Pursuant to adve~tising, auction bids were called for on the sale of aDelco
James B. Clow & Sons 6" X 18' Class 150 Super
g~~aK ~~w~ imBk XXX BR~. Councilman Ulvenes moved that
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for
bids o,n 3,000 feet of 6" B & S Super deLava.ud Cast Iron Pipe, class 150, or equal, ,
in 16 or 18 foot lengths and five tons of fittings, to be received up to eight o'clobk
p.m. on Tuesday, December 9th, 1947, in the Council Chan:.ber at the eity Hall. Mo- "
, tion was seconded by Councilman Mc earthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf took his seat.
Pursuan t to advertising, bids were called for on Parking Meter Insurance. T';-,e
_J- -~--->--~-~-~
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--~-~~-~-~~-~---~____~~__~~___~~~~~~n ~_~_~___~ ~~R~gt1l~I"~ ]J.....,g 5~J941~~__ ._._
. ----
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~~~--~~~ '=-~-=~~~=~~~-~- ~~~~~~~~~~~- ~---~-~~- ~~----~~~---~-~~~--~-~-- --~=~._----~-~-~=~~= -~~~._~~---~--~ ---~-~~-~ - -~=~--~----~--~- .--~-- _.~-~- -----~~~
following bids were rece1ved:- The Ostrum Agency $74.79, No.2, $345.94. COUnCilm-m!!
,Ulvenes moved that the matter be tabled until the next meeting for further investiga+
----~-~-~-- .
Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous votes
Pursuant to adver~ising, bids were ealled for on a Coin Counting Machine. The ! Bid Coin
" Counter
'following bids were received:- NO.1, Brandt Automatic Cashier Co. $295.00, No.2, :i Accepted
J.B. Glassco Co. for Johnson Fare Box Co. $217.00. After due discussion, Counoilman I
Behlke moved the. t the bid of the J. R. Glassco Co. be accep ted and the certified ch~ck!
returned to the Brandt Automatic Cashier Co. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc
Carthy aDd adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on insurance to cover City owner,
light poles. No bids were received. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recor., Readvertise
Bids In-
. der be directed to readvertise for bids on insurance covering Ci ty owned ligh t poles surance
Ci ty Owned
'in accordance with specifi cs tions to be prepared by the 01 ty Attorney, to be recei y~d Ligh t
i! Poles.
!up to. eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, December 23rd, 1947, in the Council Chanber atl
the City Hall. Motio.n was seoonded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous'
;vote. (To. be inserted in Official Paper 12/11/1947)
Councilman Ulvenes asked the City Attorney to investigate similar cases of insurance
being carried on Light Poles and Parking Meters for report.
The Police Department Civil Service Commission presented a letter certifying Arthur
L. Pykles for employment on the Police Force. General discussion followed on the neeF!
of another man in the Police Department to work on Parking Meters. Councilman Ulvenes
Imoved that Arthur L. Pykles be accepted. as Assistant Meter Maintenance man to seal I' A.L. Pykles
! Appointed.
'coin boxes under the supervision of the City Treasurer and th be vested with police
powers to begin work as soon as possible. Mo tion was seconded by Counc ilman Buendo.rf',
and adopted by unanimous vote.
General discussion of salary ensued. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the salary
Arthur L. Pyk1es be set at $l90.00 per month for six months,then to. be increased to
, Salary Set
6 months.
$210.00 per mon.th.. Motion wa.s seconded by CounciLlman Behlk1e and adopted by unanimous
va t e.
Insurance riders covering the Health Department car and Truck of Floyd M. Borst,
approved as to manner and form of execution by the Ci ty AttlJrney, were presented.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the riders be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was
seconded by CounciLman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Applications tor Auction License of Luella Ableman, Est., Dance Permi t far Nattl~
and un! ted Packinghouse Workers of .America for Bingo Permi t,
,Guard Danoe, Renewal for L. W. Masses roller rink license/were presented. Councilma.11
Ins. Riders
Accep ted.
'Mc Carthy moved that the licenses be granted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buen~ Lioenses
:dorf and adopted by unan1mo,us vote.
for Sept. & Oct.
Reports of the Hea~th Officer and City Physicianlaccompanied by
and report of Merrill Aviation Co. No.,r.
attendance at State Sanitary Conference/were presented., Councilman
certif i ca te of
Ulvenes moved
that the reports be accepted and ordere~ filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Mc Car thy and adop ted by unanimous vo tee
The following bills were presented fo'r payment:- F.B. Me Cullough $75.60, Water
Dept. Payroll $273.20, Wm. Aokman $120.50, Street Dept. Payroll $1,262.35, North-
western National Bank & Trust Co. $25,000.00 for deposit St~lte Bank of Faribault
$15,000.00 for deposit, Water Dept. Payroll $283.05, Special Payroll $44.10, Lee
Rosenstiel $96.33, No.rthwestern Bell Telephone Co. $84.51. Counci~an Ulvenes moved
that the bills listed be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc carthy and
. Reports
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the estimate No.1 (final) far B.H. Heselton ar1:
Vernon Peper in the amount of $2,899.68 be allowed. Motion was seconded by Council~
Regular 11-25-1947.
____ _______w_~.__. .
-.--- ----
- -- ~ ~--- - -, ----
__ ~~____ ___r_
-------------- --~-~--
_ _ ~ _ w_. ._ ~--
-~- --~~~--- -- ~_.,
~- -- ---- =~-
man Behlke ~ndadopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that bills be subject to verification of the City
Treasurer before being allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Car thy and
adopted by unanimous vote.
Twenty Year Guaranty Bonds on Flashing and Roof on City Hall Garage and City
Lockup were presented. Councilman Buendorf moved that the bonds be accepted and
ordered filed, s~e having been approved as to manner and for.m of execution by t~e
City Attorney, and that B.B. Lockerby be paid the amount of his contract. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unan~ous vote.
Requisitions for two fills of gasoline were presented. Councilman Mc Carthy
Requisitions, moved that Councilman Ulvenes be authorized to purchase same. Motion was seconded
for .
Gasoline by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
B.B. Lockerbt
Paid. Bonds I,
A letter from the Iowa Mutual Liability Insurance Co. relative to accident of
Light Pole B.H. Hesel.ton and A.W. Nuetzman causing damage to a light pole on Tenth street &
B.R. Hesel- I Central Ave. was read. The City Attorney stated that Wr. Heselton intends to acknow-
I ledge liability and to instruct his insurance agent to pay the claim.
Councilman . Behlke
On Sale
moved that L.E. Campbell be per.mitted to transfer his/Li-
Hilary quor License at No. 307 Central Avenue to Hilary Walsh and that Hilary Walsh be
We.1.sh Liquor
License granted an "On Sale" Liquor License at No. 307 central Ave. on approval of his app11-
cation by the Ci~ Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted
by unanimous va tee
Mayor Peterson brought up the matter of leasing the Vassar lot for parking space
rental. During the discussion Councilman Behlke voiced himself as being opposed to
the City Going into business. 'Councilman. Ulvenes proposed that an individual be en":'
couraged to operate the lot. Councilman Buendorf moved that the signing of the pro~
posed lease be tabled until the next regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign
relative to repaving
the supplementary agreement/with the Minnesota Highway Depariment. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Behlke moved that the City Treasurer be authorized to release the
$10,000.00 U.S. 2%/Treasury Bonds due 3-15-48, deposited as collateral by the Security
National Bank & Trust Co. of Faribault ~d that ~10tOOO.00 U.S. Treasury Bonds 2i%
dated 11-15-45 be accepted as collateral. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes
, and adopted by unanimous vote.
Accepted. I
The City Engineer stated that the K & G Corporation had requested Stor.m Sewer
on Park Avenue and Fourth Street. Councibnan Mc Carthy moved that the City Reco~der'
cons true tion of
advertise for bids on/466 feet of Storm Sewer on above named streets
Adv. Bids i be directed to
Storm Sewer'
Park Ave.' in accordance WLti1 specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, to be
Fourth st.
received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, December 9th, 1947, in the Council Cham-
: ber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unani-
. mous vote.
The City Engineer stated that he had hired Leonard Carlbohm at $2.25 per hr. and
i Lloyd Parker at $2.00 per hour to complete the North end sanitary sewer survey. Coun-
cilman Behlke moved that the action of the City Engineer be approved and that thp.
,Engineers work under the supervision of the C1 ty Engineer until the temporary wo~k
i was completed. Motion was seconded by Co,uncilman Me Carthy and adopted by unaninous:
vo te.
The City Engineer presented partial estimate No. 4 for the Tuma Construction Co.
and state~ taat Mr. Carlbohm was being employed to complete cheeking the yardage be-'
'-4 ...,
-- ~ -- -~-~~- ~
- ---~= ~~~~~-=- ----------~ ~-~~-
Regular ll-2~-47
~--~~~__~_~__O~~~~_ _~__ =~=-_~______~~- ~~,,__~_._ ~~ ~~=_~_~ ~_,_~
=~~~-=----~-~-~~- ---- --~~ ------- -~~-
- -~~-~~--.
.=..;_:::;..:~.;:-- -- --==:;;.-=~ ---
~ - - -- ~ -
- - ----.-------
- - -------- --
~ - --------------
----- - ------
--~- -~-~~-~ -~~~.~-~--~-~-
~~~~----~-_._~--~- --~~._~-~ -~~~~-~- --~~
--~~-= -,-._" .-~-~------~------~ -,~~-, --~---- --- ._---,------ -~. ~~-------
- ----------
~~----- -~---~-~
:'fore the final estimated was presented. The City Engineer explained the estimate.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the est~ate be allowed. Motion was seconded by Ccun~
cilman Me Car thy . On roll c~ll those vo ting "aye" were CClunC ilman Buendorf and Me;
Tuma Construction Co. be paid~$870.15, retain:!.
Motion was seconded by Couno1lm.an
Car thy, ttnaye"' Councilman Behlke, Ulvenes and Mayor Peterslon. Motion was lost.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the
ing $l,575.00 until the check has been completed.
Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Mc Car thy brought up the need of Railway crossing signals. The City
Attorney was requested to look up the status of same.
Councilman Ulvenes
brought up the matter of closing the hearing on the petition
, for 6ani tary Sewer on 7th St. NW. from Franklin to Hulet Aves. and moved that the
hearing be closed, the petition granted, and the City Recorder direoted to advertise Hearing
: for bids on construe tion of same in accordance wi th specifioations on file in the Mv. Bids
office of the City Engineer, the bidder to furnish the pipe, to be received up to Sewer
7th St.
eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, December 9th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Franklin
to Hulet
1 Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. Aves.
Councilman Ulvenes moved tnat the Chief of the Fire Department be authorized to
attend the meeting of the Minnesota Fire Chiefs Association and that his expenses and Chief
registration fee be borne by the City. Motion was seconded by Councilman :Mc Ca.rthy, :Meeting.
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
Councilman Me Car thy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for
. Bids
,Red Cross
.& Girl
! Scau t
Motion w~sRooms
bids on thirteen police unifoDns consisting of cap, blouse, a pair trousers, cloth
bidders to furnish cuts and samples of materials,
all purpose coat and sheeplined overcoat,/to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on
Tuesday, December 9th, 1947, in the Counoil Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by una.nimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Reoorder be directed to write Paul
· Schroeder to contact Mr. I. Grote regarding sidewalk settlement, and to request Mr.
Schroeder to report to the CounOil. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and
adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that Councilman Buendorf be authorized to purchase
$135.00 worth of lumber and ~50.00 worth of posts for the hockey rink. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise fOT
bids on the painting of the R~d Cross room in the City Hall building, to be received:
up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, December 9th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at
the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvene~ and adopted by unanimous
: vo te .
the installation of three Fluorescent lights in the Red Cross room and one in the
Girl Scout room in the City Hall building, to be received up to eight o'clock p.m.
Ion Tuesday, December 9th, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn.
! thy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car...
C1 ty Recorder.
Approved December ?3rd,1947.
, Purci'iB,~e
Hockey .
Pain ting
Red Cross
-- --~~- -- - -
- -- --- -
Spe.ci.a1. Me.e.t1ng,_Tq.e~day ,-J~ecember~~.2nd,1947 -7; 30 .P .1Il".-
--~.. -------~
~-~ ~-~-.- -~-~- - - -- -.~- ~_.-----~~-
__ _ __ ._._r_>_ _ _ ~ -_ -~
~--- --- - ----
- --~~~~ --~~
-< ~--~= ~-----
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Ch~-
ber at the crity Hall on Tuesday, December 2nd, 1947, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was
called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were Councilman Mc-
Carthy, Ulvenes arrd Mayor Peterson. Councilman Behlke and Buendorf were absent.
Mayor Peterson stated that the meeting was called to act on request.
for builO1 Dg
: permi t of A.M. Hauser and application for 3.2 beverage 11.ce115e of Mrs. Esther Greranleat.
A petition, signed by forty property owners, opposing the granting of the build-
" ing permit to A.M. Hauser for the contruction of a ttDrive In" on the Northeast corner
Penni t
Denied of interseotion of 11 th Street & Central Ave., was pr6sen ted. Councilman Ulvenes
moved that,inasmuch as so many property owners in the vicinity were opposed to this
construction, the permit be denied. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Ca.rthy ani
adopted by unanimous vote.
Application of Mrs. Mabel Peterson to transfer her 3.2 Malt Beverage license at
No. 2a 3rd St. NW. to Mrs. Esther Greenleaf and application of ~~s. Esther Greenleaf
for 3.2 Malt Beverage License at/named address, approved as to manner and form of
: exeoution by the City Attorney, and application of Mrs. Esther Greenleaf' for Cigaret,te
Es ther
i Lioense were presented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the transfer be allowed an~
" the licenses granted. Motion was seoonded by Councilman Me Carthy and adoptei
by unarrimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that Mayor Peterson be a.uthorized to purchase a type-
writer desk for the City Assessor's office. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc
Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that Mayor peterson be authorized to purchase "Free
Purchase parking" signs to be pla.oed on the South end parking lot. Motion was seconded by
"Free park-
ingft Signs. Councilman Mc Carthy and adop'ted by unanimous vote.
L. W. Massee'
Allowed to !:
Renew Roller: license at the Fair Grounds for a year beginning January lst~
Rink Li cens e i .
for Year. I conded by CO\lIhC ilman Me Ca.rthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that L. W. Massee be allowed to renew his. roller riDk
Motion was se-
The bill of W.O. Davidson in the amount of $260.07 for redecorating the Water
w.o .Davidsonl
Bill $260.o7Department Residence was presented.
Allowed. '
Councilmaa Me earthy moved that the bill be
: allowed. ,Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vo.te..
Councilman Mc Carthy moved. to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
paul H. ~~~
City Recorder.
APproved~ember ~3r~,~947.
. ~~
! . I eterson
, _ ~ =~~~~~~____L
---"-""~" ~ nq_"__-"---r _.u_._._.__
Ci ty of Faribaul t met in regular session in the Council Cham...
'ilie meet~ng
I _ -~;:;:--~~=-.~~_n~=-====-_R~gul.ar_ IVle~'ting:' _~Tt1esda~_Jo~D-.e~c_~m.b.:e:t"n_9_tl1J-:194 7 ,LEight 0 '_cl()Q~ P_~rn..
~~ ~--~---~~~-~-~- ~-~--- ~~-~--~~~~-~=~~=-- -~-~-- -~~- =--~-- --~~_. ~~-~~ ~---~ ---~~~----~-~--=--~~~---~~--<-
-~~:_, -~-~~ ~~~~---~ ---
The Council of the
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, December 9th, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
, was called to order by Vice-President Mc carthy~ On roll call those present were
Councilman Behlke, Buendorf, Ulvenes and Vice President Me Carthy. Mayor Peterson
was absent on account Of being in quarantine. The Ci~ Attorney and City Engineer
were also present.
Paul Schroeder appeared before the Council relative to the claim of Mr. Grote
for refund on sidewalk asses~ent. General discussion followed during which Mr.
Schroeder stated that he opposed making refunding to Mr. Grote because it would es-
tablish a precedent. The City Engineer retracted his statenent made in a former
meeting in which he sta.ted that $50.00 would be a fair adjustment to be made by Mr.
Schroeder. Councilman Buendorf moved that the claim be denied. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Mr. J~ Bryant, representative of Geo. T. Ryan Co., appeared before the Council.
I relative to a street sweeper, a model of which was being delivered in Red Wing in
January .
No ac tion was t,akeD.!..
IvIr. Stuart Wilson, Division Manager of the Northern states Power Company,
before the Council and discussed proposed Ordinance No. A230. Councilman Buendort
'moved that Ordinance No~ A230, entitled "An Ordinance Granting/to Northern states
"I. Grote
'. Sidewalk
, Denied.
Power Company, Its Successors and Assigns, to Install, Operate and Maintain in the Ordinance
A230 First
City of Faribault, Minnesota, a Gas Plant, and such Gas Pipes, Mains and Appurtenanc~s Reading
i Gas Fran'-
as May be Necessary for Transmitting NCltural Gas into and Through said Ci ty and for : chise.
the Furnishing of' Natural Gas to the C1 ty and Its Inha bi tan ts and to use th e Stree ts,
.Alleys and Public Grounds of said Ci ty for such Purposes. tt be plaoed on its first
reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Ordinance No. A230 was then read by the City Attorney and accepted by the Council as
was called
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing/on the appointment of a Housing and Redevelop-
'. ment Authority to function in the City of Faribault~ No persons appeared. Councilman
: Buendorf moved that the hearing be- Closed and the't1~Mayor authorized to appoint a , Housing
Authori ty.
, Housing and Redevelopment Authority to function in the City of Faribault to consist
of five members. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the construction of Storm Se~er
No bids were received. CouncilmFn'
on Park Avenue North from Fourth Street 466 feet.
Bids Storm
Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for bids on constr'l1.c~ Sewer Park
. Ave.
tion of above described Storm Sewer, to be received up to eignt '0 'clock p.m. on Tuas~ Readvertised
! day, December 23rd, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hal1. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the construction of Sanitary
Sewer on Seventh Street iJorth from Franklin to Hulet Avenues. No bids were received.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for bids
on above described Sanitary Sewer to be received up to eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesdey,
December 23rd, 1947, in the Council Chamber at the city Hall.
Motion was seconded by
Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertisingbids were c:alled for on cast iron pipe and f i ttings~
.James B. Claw & Sons submitted a bid on 3,000 feet 6" X 18' Cl.ass 150 Super deLavaud
centrifugally cast 13&8 pipe at ~1.44 per foot and $.09 3/4 per lb. for five tons of
fittings. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bid be accepted and the Mayor and City
Bids Sani-
tary Sewer
7th st.
Franklin to
Hulet Aves.
,R~egll.la:r 12"9-47.,
~ -----,-- -~._~>- -_..~.. ,-~---
-- --->--
- - -------- ----------- ---
---"-- .-----.--
- -~ --- ---~-----
- ---- -- ~-- --~
-=---~ . ~ ~------
---- - ----- ----- ------ - -
----._- -
Bid o.W.
Painting 'i presented.
Red Cross:
Room Acceptedby Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unan~ous vote.
Bid on
Kaiser Car
Bids Ligh ts
Rejected~ .
for Licenses:
-~ ~- -- -~~~-.- ~ -~-~
~ --~-- - ~~- ~-- -~-- -~-~ --~~~- ~~~~~-------~- -~- ~-- --~--~---:- ~~-~-~-~ -- .~--~~~ =--
d~-iIRec6rder'a.u-tl1orl-zedtoen'ier' fn~tocontract"'wi ill,uthe said James B. Claw and Sons for
:11' the furnishing of said material. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and
i adopted by unanimous vote.
I The following bids were reoeived:- No.1, Ford Motor Sales, Ino. 1948 Ford $1,740.96;
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on a car for tile Police Department.
Special built Ford Patrol Car $1,791.25; Bid No.2, Scarborough Motors & Implements,
,: Kaiser Patrol Oar $2~2l8. 50.
the return of Ma~or Peterson.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the bids be tabled until
Motion was lost, no second.
After due consideration. ,
, of merits of the cars Councilman ~lvenes moved that the bid of the Scarborough Me tors
subjeot to approval of the City Engineer as to specifications on 'file
. & Implements on a Y~iser car in the amount of ~~2,2l8.50 be acceptedland that the
in his offioe,
certified check of the unsuccessful bidder be returned. Motion was seconded by COUDo.
oilm~n Buendorf. On roll 'call those- voting ffaye't were Councilman Buendorf, Me Car thy,
and Ulvenes, ilnayeft Councilman Buendorf. Motion was carried.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on redecorating the Red Oross
'. room in the Ci ty Hall building.
The bid of O.W. Davidson in the amount of $79.00 was
Counci~an Buendorf moved that the bid be aceepted.
Motion was seconded
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Fluorescent lights for the
Girl Scout Office and the Red Cross Room in the City Hall building. The followin~:
bids were received:- Larson Electric Co., No.2, Jenke Electric Shop; Foss Electric
Shop. Cowlcilman Behlke moved that the bids be rejected because the specifications
a.nd the Oi ty Recorder directed to readvertise for bids to, be racei ved Dec.
were not explicit so that the bidders cou1d place an intelligent bid. /Motion w€~s
23rd, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Police unifor.ms. The following
bids were received:- Thirteen uniforms and All Purpose coats $2~2l6.00, and 12 s'heep-
skin coats $318.00; No.2, St. Paul Clothing House, 13 uniforms and All Purpose coats
$2184.00, 13 sheepskin ooats $5l3.50, alternate $344.50; No.3, Ooos Bros. 13 uniforms,
All Purpose Coats, sheepskin coats $2645.50. Oouncilman Buendorf moved that the
bids be rejected, the specifications to be redrafted to be more explicit, and the
City Recorder directed to readvertise for bids, to be received up to eight o'clc~k
p.m. on Tuesday, December 23rd~ 1947, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes._ On roll. call, those:,voti.ng. naye" were Coun-
cilman Buendorf, Mc Carthy and Ulvenes, Itnaye" Councilman Behlke.
Applications for Dance Permits of Faribault Baseball Club, Rice County Oil,Co.,
Vitus Wesley, Co. E, National Guard, renewal of Village Theatre L,icense by Farib:lUlt
Theatre Co., transfer of Pinball Machine license to Hilary Walsh by L.E. Campbell,
renewal Electrician's License by Carl Jenke, Roller Rink License by L.W. Massee.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the licenses be granted and the transfer allowed. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following reports of Ci~ Officials were presented and read:- Treasurer,
Recorder~ Engineer, Chief of Police, Clerk of Co~urt, Overseer of Poor, Water Com-
, missioner, Secretary of Library Board, City Assessor, Dairy Inspector, Recorder's
Report to Supt. of Acc~unts and Finances in the amount of $7,105.02 were presented.
The Council discussed the Larson Electric Bill in the amount of $302.84 for putting
up Ohristmas street decorations. The City Attorney was questioned as to legality
o:f paying same. The Oity Attorney stated that he would not rule on same until 1',e
had had an opportunity to investigate same. Councilman Behlke moved that the bill
be tabled until ruling was made. Motion lost, no second. Councilman Ulvenes moved
that the bill be paid. MDtion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf. On roll cW.l
those voting "aye" were Councilman Buendorf) Mc Car thy , Ulvenes, ffnaye" Oouncilnan
Behlke. Motion was carried. Councilman Buendorfmoved that the reports ofi: ac-cepted
and ordered filed. Thfution was seconded by Oouncilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanl~
mous vote.
-~==-- ~,=
- -- -- - ----- --
_ ___ ______ ____ _ _~~=r_~=
~ ~~~ =-~~~~_~o=~__~_~~~___~__
~ ~~C".__.~~~_~_ __~~~~__,=-~_~____--~- O-,o__~___~n___
- - ----- -
Regular l2-:9-~947.
-::----==-----= - --~..,. - :----- ~
-- .-. - -
------ - -_.~.._---
~--__ ____. _H _,
.. --- -----_._~---------
-._- ----_.~---- - ----
~~~ -~- ~---.- --
-- . ----~~--_.-~-~~--~~~- -~-~--~~.~~-~~-- ~~-~~
I The follow1ng~'biiis ..were---p-resen ted.-~ior-payme-nt-: _ -J~-s--: -- Schell,
- -~~--~- _.~-- -- --- " --.
Relief Ass'n. $35.00, Security National Bank & Trust Co. $1109.20, Minnesota State
Treasruer $173.83, Water Dept. Payroll $266.40, Edward Kalien $15.31, Edmond Yankee
$3.40, Park Dept. Payroll $356.85, Payroll Engineer's Office $25l.0QJ Street Dept~
Payroll $l187.10, Edmond Yanke $18.70, Lee Rosenstiel $45.33, Water Dept. Payroll
Treasurer Firemena
$280.80. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bills listed be allowed. Motion was se-.
condLed by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote. (See insert Page 408.) ..
Plumber's Bond of P.J. Gallagher & Sons, Fire Insurance Policy covering conte;nt~ Policies
of Rest Room, Robbery & Safe Burglary Policy covering City Treasurer, were presented~ Bond.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the policies be accepted, same having been approved as
to manner and form of execution and the plumber's bond accepted subject to approval
of the CU. y Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by uneni-
mous vote.
A requisition for the purchase of 500 gallons of Diesel Fuel Oil from the Soc,ny
I Requisi-
Vacuum Oil Co. was presented@ Councilman Behlke moved that the purchase be authorized. tion.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
The deed for a portion of Alexander Faribault Park sold to the Faribault School;
District was presented and discussed. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Mayor and Deed
Alexand.. er
City Recorder be authorized to sign the deed and to execute the papers necessary to Faribault
complete the transaction, subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from tile League of Minneso~a Municipalities to Mr. Urban J. Steimann
to insurance on Parking Meters and Light Poles was read. Discussion.follQw~d.
received at last regular meeting were cons1dered. .
~~ ~~~~~WI~ Bids/~~B uoct~~ for insurance on Parking Metersl The follow-
ing bids were considered:No. 1, The Ostrum Agency $74.79, No.2, The Harry B. Smith Ii
Insurance Agen.cy $345.94. Councilman UJ.venes moved that the bid of the Ostrum Age'lcr
be accepted providing that the tem I1system" used in the bid be construed to mean !
'tstandard and. meteru. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by
unanimous vote.
Copy of letter wri tten by T.P. Peterson, :E'residlent of the Peterson Art Furni t-J.re
Co. to Chicago Great Western Railway Co. was presented and read.
a Councilman Behlke moved that the City Becorder be directed to issue the checks
for December salaries before Ohristmas. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendor~
and adopted by unanimous vote.
The Ci ty Engineer discussed the progress of rtStop & Goft signals and Railway
crossings lights.
Councilman Ulvenes stated that 1200 manhole blocks at $.l7 ea. and several gate
valves at $27.00 each were needed by the Water Department, also that lighting fixt-uo1es
were needed in the Water Department office.
Councilman Buendorf moved that Councilman
Ulvenes be authorized to purchase the manhole blocks and gate valves and that the
States Power Company Lighting Valves
Water Commissioner be authorized to contact the Northern
Engineer regarding lighting specifications for the office. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Buendorf moved that the City Attorney be directed to take the necess.ary
steps to secure the installation of adequate safety signals at the Rock Island crossing
on Third Street Northeast.. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by':
unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes suggested closing the gasoline station at the City Market and
doing business with local stations.
Councilman Ulvenes stated that he was having difficulty in locating Sewer pipe.
Regular 12-9-4-7., _ ___
--------~~~~ --~- ------~ --~~-~~- -~-~~~ -~ -------~ ---
~~ ____-_~_~_~~__~_~=~~~___~~~__O~~~ _~~~~~___~~_~-__~o~~~_ =-F~~~~ -_
~, ----~----- ~--
_~_____~ __~_ _~_____ o~__, ~ ~ __~ _ __~__~__=__=__ -----~- -~---- ~
---~ - --~~--~..--- ~--~-~~~~
.,- --,------- ---.-
-----.------ ------- --
_~_=L_ _________~_____~_~_~__~_~
~~~O__~.-~~~~__~~__-~___~_____~~~__ ____~_C_.~L_______~____.
i-~~~ ~ --C~-~~~ilm~-ui.;ene; ~~v~d-~th~t--th_;; Vi;~--President of the Counc il be authorizod I;
. - - --
~ ~~- ~-~---~~ ~ -
to sign the request to the Federal Government for additional funds to defray the
cost of Sewage Disposal Plant plans and speci~lcations.
Motion was seconded by
Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
The Council, having discussed the Parking Meter Situation with a delegation
from the Better Faribault Association befolre the regular meeting of the Council, now
resumed the discussion. It was brought out that two hour parking time was desirod. I
I Mr. Glassco was present and stated that the covers for the Kohl Funeral Home would
cost ~~.OO each. The City Attorney disoussed the present Parking Meter Contraot
situation and the problems involved in changing to two hour parking meters. It was
agreed that the Council and the City Engineer make a survey of the Parking Meter
streets in, view of determining the number of each me ter desired.
Co~oi1man Behlke moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buencorf:
and adopted by unanimous vote.
(lau.l/I JI. ~N9~-Hj
Paul H.~~,
City Recorder.
Approved December 23rd, 1947.
Emil Peterson
Ins ert Page 407.
The bill of Larson Electric Co. in the amount of $302.84 fair installing Christ-
mas Decorations was presented. The City Attorney refused a legal opinion until he
had had opportunity to make investigation. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the bill
be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buebdorf. On roll ~all those voting
Hayen were Councilman Buendorf, Me Carthy and Ulvenes, Itnaye" Councilman Behlke.
Motion was carried.
-~~~--~~ ~~==-=:_=-~--
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------ ---~ -~------
---"- --,-----"---.
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--~-~~-~---=~- ~~-~ --~~~---~~~~__~__a_~_______~~~~_~~__~~__~ ~~ - -------- - ---~------ - ~~ -~---~~~-:r~-~-~~=--~-~~-
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham4
~ I
Bid Storm
Sewer Park
Ave. Re-
jected. Re-
Recorder directed to return certified checks to bidders and to readvertise for bids I 3-23-48.
,on construction of above described Storm Sewer to be received up to eight o'clock P.J.
- -- ----- ~----..
--, ----- --------
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I ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, December 23rd, 1947, at eight o'clock p.m.
meeting was called to order by Mayor Peterson. On roll call those present were
COWlcilman Buendorf, Mc Carthy, Ul venes and Mayor Peterson. Counc ilman Behlke was
absent on account of visiting in the East during the Holidays. The City Attorney
and City Engineer were also present. Rubrications of the minutes of the adjourned
meeting of November 18th, regular meeting November 25th, special meeting December
, 2nd and regular meeting of December 9th were read. Reading of the minutes was post-
· poned.
A letter from the Faribault Bus Service requesting permission to raise bus fare
,rates from $.07 to $.10 for cash fare, from $.60 to $.80 for 10 ride adult ticket an~
,I from $.40 to $.50 for lO ride. student ticket was presented and read.
Carthy moved that the increase in rates be approved.
,man Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Counc ilman Me' ,
Motion was seconded by Councilt
Judge Caswell appeared before the Council relative to purchase of Annotated Sta~
,; tutes from the West Publishing Cae and discontinuing the other statutes.
Councilman '.
I Ulvenes moved that the purchase be authorized. Motion was seconded by COWlcilman Me I
Carthy and adopted by unanimoua vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Police uniforms. The followir~
bid was received:- Bachrach Clothing Co. Patrolman HanlonJ O'Brien and Harvey Kelly
retired to the Recorder's office to examine the samples of materials and bids.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called fem on the construction of Storm Sew~~
on Park Avenue,North of FourtIr:n. Street 466 feet. The following bids were received:-
B.H. Heselton and V.J. Peper $1,404.16, No.2, O.T. Rafda! $1,573.00, No. 3, ~ester
Caron $1,687.80.
Councilman Me Carthy moved that all bids be rejected and the City
on Tuesday, March 23rd, 1948, in the Council Chamber at the Cit~ Hall. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called fo,r on construction of San! tary Sewer
: on Seventh st. Franklin to Hulet Aves~ 4th Ave. NW:, 12th to 13th Sts:, 3rd St. SW.
I short Main East of 7th Ave. W., Ravine St. Shumway Ave. to St. Paul Ave.; 3rd St. NW.
: 8th Ave. W. to Commander Elevator; 2nd Ave. W. North from present terminus to 23rd st:;
,State Ave. bet. 1st st. SE and Barron Road; St. Paul Ave. from Shumway Ave. to Third
St. NE. The following bids were received:-No. 2, a.T. Rafdal $12,133.00; NO.1, B.H.,
Heselton and/J. Peper (4'sewers) $7,266.90. Councilman Ulvenes moved that bid be r~~
jected, the City Recorder directed to return oertified checks and to readvertise fot',
bids on construction of above described sewers to be received up to eight o'clock p.m.
on Tuesday, March 23rd, 1948, in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Purusant to advertising, bids were called for on fluorescent lights installed
in the Red Cross and Girl Scouts rooms in the South half of the City Hall building.
No bids were received. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Councilman Busndorf be authorlzed
to purchase the necessary lights. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and a-
dopted by unanimous vote.
Pursuant to ~dvertis1ng, bids were called for on insurance on City owned light
poles. No bids were received.
A petition, signed by thirteen signatures requesting the installation of a street
,light on Fourth Street SW. in the 800 block was read. Councilman Ulvenes moved that
the City Recorder be directed to write the I~orthern states Power Co. to install the
Bus Fare
Rate In-
Wes t Pub-
Co. Sta-
Bids on
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light pole as originally planned. Motion was seconded by Counci1man Buendorf and
adopted by unanimous vote. 0
A letter from the City Engineer regarding the Kaiser car purchased for a patrol
car was read. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the Kaiser car be accepted subject to I
the filing/a written guarantee that fan belt and pulleys would be replaced if pre- .
sent equipment would not operate the generator to be installed in the oar properly,l:
and the City Reoorder directed to issue a check to Scarborough Motors in p~yment of
car retaining 15% of purchase price. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf
and adopted by unanimous vote.
A letter from the Police Civil Service Commission certifying Gordon Hoban for
the position of Assistant Chief of Police was read. Councilman Mc carthy moved that
Gordon Hoban. certification of Gordon Hoban be accepted and that he be appointed Assistant Chjef
Chief of of Police at a salary of $225.00 per month beginning January 1st, 1948. Motion was
Requisi tions!
seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Reports of the Chief of the Fire Department for November and Merrill Aviatj.on
Co. for November were presented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the reports be €~ccepted
and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and adopted by unani- ~
, mous vo tee
Requisi t10ns for the purchase of 2,000 gallons of gasoline were presented. Coun-
cilman Ul venes moved that the purchases be authorized. Motion was seconded by Coun-
eilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
The following bills were presented for payment:-Water Dept. Payrolls $288.C0,
$288.00, $288.00, Roth Printing Co. $39.25, Edward Keilen $30.60, Edmond Yanke
$28.80, State Treasurer $10.00, Park Dept. payroll $407.70, Lee Rosenstiel $85.C0~
Park Detp. Payroll $374.40, street Dept. Payroll $1,291.10, Special Street Dept.
Payroll ~M85.25, Thos. N. Kaul $21.10, Tol tz, King & Day ~~4,473.12, Lockwood At~to
Co. $232.50, M. Van Thomme $33.00, Chicago Rock Island & Pacifio Ry. Co. $11.09,
Murphy Motor Freight Lines, Ine, $1.26, J.R. Glassco $217.00, Jos. Schell, Trea~.
$70.00, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. $79.55, ~.E. ~~~X~A tx,~.~, W.L. Far-,
mer & Son $393.79, Vernon J. Peper $35.76. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the ['ills
listed be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unani-
mous vote.
Insert Page 412.
Applications:- Renewal Plumber's license, Ernest Radtke, Dance Permit, MinI',.
, National Guard and Daughters of Isabella, Auto Car licenses, L.H. Sargeant (2),
Faribault Bus Service, Edgar Cornell (4J, Milton Brekke (2), Cigarette Licenses:
National Tea Co., A.J. Vailencour, Kelly Davis, New Brunswick Hotel, Midway Grocery,
M. Siemers, Wm. D. Miller, Maid Rite Sandwich Shop, Fair Bow Ice Cream store, A.J.
Vogelsberg & Son~ Sommer Drug Store, The Cue, Mil ton W.. Hanson, Vic Jensens Grocery',
Nutting Truck & Caster Co., Stanley C. Wendler, Hilary Walsh, Glenn shell Service,
Rexall Drug Store, Gust's Caf'e,. Al's Place, Faribault Lodge #1166 B.P.O.E." .American
Billiard Parlor, Otto Frenzel, illodern Cafe, Becker & Dwyer, Monica Hotel, Harol~
Brekke,. Harold L. Goodwin, Earl J. Poirier, Delbert Aldrich, H.H. Aberle, Harry W.
Malluege, J.B. Hunt, Joseph J. Valentyn, Central Liquor Store, Wm. T. Kenow, Jo~epb
Langevin, Olympia Candy Co., Swensons Central Drug Store, Boston Cafe, Frank Doege,:
Harold's Stage Bar, F.O.E. 171460, Kaul Food Market, Gervase T. payant, Brandenb\l,rg's
Market,. W.J. Sowers'Grocery, A.B. Ollhoff, A.J. Kroska., Lester Brandvig, Direct Ser-
vice Station by Wm. Wells, Piggly Wiggly, Rice County Oil 00.. Frank Schoo, Em ley ,'s
Grocery, Esther Greenleaf, Castle Hamburger Shop, Michael J. Karp, Wilsons Grocery,
V.F.W. Club, Luther Engelstad, Oscar Kuntze, John P. Colianni, Hotel Faribault, Inc!.,
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John Feak, C.M. Rasmussen, Faribault Post #43, American Legion, Umbreit & Son, Relph'
Mensing, Evergreen Knoll Club~ Inc., Erickson Grocery, A.J. Keller, K of C #889, .Red!!
Owl Stores, Inc., L.L. Connolly, Dice's Bar, Paul G. Beckley, Melvin Haug, Tib's by
Jacquie Tibbetts, Albert Rodewald. Counciilnan Me Car thy moved ~1at the licenses be
granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Behlke and adopted by unanimous vote.
) Liabili ty Policy covering Airport, Fire Insurance policy covering Quonset Bu1ld!:-
ing at the Airport, Liability policy ,covering street decorations, all approved by th.e
I Policies
City Attorney as to manner and fODn of execution, were presented. Councilman Ulvenes
-- ,-- -~ ----~ --- ~--~-----
moved that the policies be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Coun~:
cilman Me Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote.
Official bond of Arthur L. Pykles, approved as to manner and form of execution ..
by the City Attorney, was presented. CouncilmaDMc Carthy.moved that the bond be accepted
i A.L.Pykles
and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by uneni- Bond.
motiS va tee
Insurance Policy of Lelarrd H. Sargent, Taxi operator, was presented. Councilman Auto Car
i, Policy
; Me Car thy moved that the policy be accepted subject to filing of cancellation cert.ifi- Accepted..
cate. Motion was seconded by Councilman 7 and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Treasurer be authorized to release the
$15,000 City and County of San Francisco, Cal. Airport bonds of 1938, 1.70% due Jan.
, 1st, 1948 and that $15,000 2i% u.s. Treasury Bonds, dated 11-15-45, due 1967-1972
be accepted as collateral fa r deposits in the Northwestern National Bank & Trust C'..:
Minneapolis, Minu. Motion was seconded by Councilman -".lc Carthy and adopted by unani-i
motiS vote.
On motion of Councilman Buendorf, seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy, Resolution.
No. Al967 was adopted by unanimous vote.
Relative to Payment of Tax Certificate of Indebtedness No. 144.,
U.S. Treas.
That for the purpose of paying Tax Certificate of Indebtedness No. 144 against Resolution
, No.1U967
the Park Fund of the City of Faribaul t, the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby directed Pay Tax
to draw an order on the City Treasurer in the amount of $2,004.63 made payable to the cate of
Park Dept.
Water Department of the City of Fsribault out of the Park Fund.
'I Passed December 23rd, 1947.
Attest Paul H. Haugen, City Recorder.
(Corporate Seal, City of Faribault)
Emil peterson
On motion of Councilman Ulvenes, seconded by Councilman Me Car thy, Resolution
! No. Al966 was adopted by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Designating of Depositories for the City of Faribault Funds.
That the Security National Bank and Trust Company, the State Bank of Faribault,
both of Faribault, Minnesota, and the Northwestern National Bank & Trust Company of,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, be and they ore hereby designated as the Depositories of th~
Ci ty of Faribaul t, in whi.ah the Treasurer of the said Oi ty of Fari baul t shall deposi:t
~d keep money until the First day of January, 1949.
The maximum amounts of the City funds that shall be kept in each of said banks
during said term shall be the following:-
Security National Bank and Trust Co., Faribault
State Bank of Faribault, Minnesota.
Northwestern National Bank & Trust Co.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Passed December 23rd, 1947.
Attest Paul H. Haugen, City Recorder.
(Corporate Seal, City of Faribault)
Emil Peterson, Mayor.
Reg1.llEJ.I'12-2}:47. _
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Bids police:]
Uniforms Ii
Rejected. :1
Patrolman O'Brien and Hanlon returned with the Police uniform bids and re-
commended that they be rejected. Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the bids be re-
jected and the certified checks returned. Motion was seconded by Councilman Ulvene~
and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved that Mayor Peterson and two ~embers of the Police Dept.
be authorized to negotiate to purchase Police Dept. unifo~s. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ul,venes moved that Mayor Peterson be authorize to sign the complaint
Complaint against the Chicago Rock Isl~nd and Pacific Railway against their Third street East:
C.R.I.&P. Ry,~ crossing, said complaint having been prepared by the City Attorney to be placed be-
3rd St. E.
Crossing. fore the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission. Motion was seconded by Co un-
cilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
Supplemental Agreement to Aviation Dealers Airport Lease of Lawrence E. Merrill,
Airport LuncJ) W.Stewart Shaft and Ralph femple to operate a restaurant and lunch counter in their
Counter Lease
Accepted. building at the Airport was presented. Councilman Ulvenes moved that the lease be
accepted and President and Secretary of the Airport Board be directed to sign sale.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Buendorf and adopted by unanimous vote.
After a general discussion on ratsing the f~Off Sale" liquor licenses, Councilman
Ulvenes moved that Ordinance No. A23~ enti tIed" An Ordinance .Amending Section 4 of
Ordinance No. Al43, entitled 'An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the sale of In-
toxicating Liquor, Making it Unlawful for Any Person Under Twenty-one Years of Age
No. A234
to Rai se
nOn Sale"
Li quor
License Fee'
to.$l, 750.00 !
First Read. '
to Misrepresent His Age to Obtain Liquor, Repealing Inconsistent .Ordinances, and
Providing a Penalty for the Violation Thereof' And Repealing Section 4 of Ordin6J11Ce
No. .Al44 and Section 1 of Ordinance No. A209." be placed on its first reading. Or-
dinance No. A23l was then read as ordered. ~otion was seconded by Councilman Me
Carthy and adopted by unanimous vote. /Ordin.ance No. A231 raises the "On Sale" Li-
, quor license fee to $l,750.00
Councilman Ulvenes moved that the City Recorder be directed to wfite Senator
Write Senator' Goodhue and Representative Illsley to use their influence in the Legislature to in~
& Rep resen ta-'
"';ive to Raise crease the "Off Sale't and "Club" Liquor license fees and Mayor Peterson directed to
"Off Sale" &
.t-Clubu Liquor sign the letters wi t.h theCi ty Recorder. Mo,tion was seconded. by Councilman Buend orf
License Fees.!
and adopted by unanimous vote.
The City Engineer made a general report.
Mayor Peterson stated that he recommended the following named persons for
appointment to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority:-Roger Peavey (3 yrs.) Jo,~
Carlander (2 yrs.) J.R. King (1 yr.) Herbert Cook (2 yrs.) J.G. Tbhol (3 yrs.~
"lousing &
iiedevelopment Councilman Buendorf moved that the recommendations be approved. Motion was seconded
Authori ty
Appointed '! by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote.
Councilman Ulvenes moved to adjourn.
thy and adop ted by unen imo us vo te.
Motion was seconded by councilman Me Car~
(lawfJ )/' ~/fA~.
Paul H. liiautK'n:
Ci ty Recorder.
Approved January 13th, ~948.
Emil Peterson
Insert page 410. vfuereas, the City was visited by several heavy snow falls and the,
City owned snow removal equipment was inadequate to remove same within a reasonable;
I length of time, Councilman Me Carthy moved that an emergency be declared to hav~ ex~
isted and that the bill of B.H~ Heselton in the amount of $1,050.00 be allowed. Mo-:
tion was seconded by Councilman Ulvenes and adopted by unanimous vote. '
.------.---- .J