HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941 ..~fg --tJ ~) Special j:\Ieeting, Tuesday, January 7th, 1941, Eight 0 'clock p.m. ... The Council of tlj.e City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham- bar at tile City Hall on Tuesday, the 7th day of January, 1941~ at eight o'clock p.m. ,Councilman. l.\.berle~ Carlson, Keller, Me Carthy and !Jlayor Bell were present. The meeting was called to order by President Bell who stated that the purpose of the meeting was to receive bids on a $11,648.16 Permanent Improvement Bond of the City of Faribault. issued in accordance with Ordinance No. A184. No bids were received. Councilmen i.1C Carthy moved to adjourn. Liotion 'i'las seconded by Councilman ::..berle and passed by unanimous vote. c/a.?X~ - ~- · , T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. App roved January 14th, 1941. M.I?~ ~~y P. Bell, kayor. o Q o o o Q o lU9 Regular Eeeting, TuesdaJT, January 14th, 1941 , Eight 0' clock p ..m. -,,~~ -- ------ -- -------.-- -------- .-- ------- --- - - --- ---- -.-- 'I'he Council of the Ci ty of Fsri baul t met in regular session in the Council CharIl- o ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the l4th day of January, 1941, at eigbt o'clock p.m.. '-,-he meeting was called order by Fresident Bell. Councilman Aberle, Carlson, Keller, we Car thy and Mayor Bell were present. :\~inutes of the last regular meeting of December 27th, 1940 and special meeting of January 7th, 1941, were r~ad and , approved. O'NtL;1 ldr. Geo. Kallak appeared before the Co~~cil relative to John P. OINeil lot lo~. on Third Street South and Second Avenue West which was being used as a storage yard for contractor's equipment. He requested that the Cit,y take action to cause the o condition to be corrected, stating that the valuation of his property on the opposite been corner hadjclepreciated 01,000.00 by the F.H.li.. 'Ihe City L.ttorney rulect t11at this 't'lEiS a private nuisance and that the Council ~ould have no jurisdiction in the matter. o Jeddy Thibodeau appeared before the Council and requested the Council to vacate . tl1a t portion of First Street Eortheast lying betvleen the :.Jest line of of Third live~ East and Straight River, which he said was being used as dumping grounds. The City. Engineer called the attention of the Council to the fact that a stonn Sewer was 10- cated in the street, also one of the water mains connecting the East and ~est sides1 and that if the Council vacated same, provisions should be made to retain the right to service these constructions. Councilman Carlson moved that the property in ques- tion be viewed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanimously. The following monthly reports of City Officials ~ere presented and read:- City Treasurer, City Recorder, City Engineer, City assessor, Clerk of Court, Chief or . . . also Annual. Report, . . .' . . Fo:1J.ce, ChJ.ef of Flre DepartraeD.\" /CJ. ty Fhyslclan, Het'li. th OffJ.c er, Poor COlrm1J.SS10ner, Llarke t 1iaster, Secretary of Library Board, Report of Collector of -iJater De:eartm.ent City Recorder's report to Supt. of Accts. &. Finances in the amount of ~l4,o40.3;. > illld Dairy Inspector,/The following bills were presented for payment:- Fred Degen D ~,n~. Insurance .Agenc~ ~j76.00, C.G.VI. Ry. Co. 0234.87, C.M. &: St. P. Ry. (;173.35, i.ia,ter Dept. Labor ~86.40,Fuel Dept. L~bor $28.36, Street Decorations ~c-;67.50, -.lra. AckraaIl $46.75,01ater Dept. Labor ;)8.8.40, Fuel Dept. Labor ~12.6o, H. Graunke ;~;2l.00t Ardella \Jinkel ~>34.78, Geo. Hansen ::;>21.50, lilvin Hoover 0108.88, Gus h.itzman ;}3.75, Street Decorations 057.50. Councilman C~~lson moved t~at the reports be accepted and ordered o filed and the bills listed. allo....18d. I,iotion was seconded by Councilman Eeller and passed by unanimous vote. Auto Car Policies of Francis Dring and Ed"7in U. Eigenbrod t were presen ted. Councilman Carlson moved that the policies be accep ted, same having bee'J. approved as to manner and f'orm of execution by the Ci ty Attorney. :r:lotion Vlas seco,nded by o Councilman .....berle and passed by unanimous vo te. .2..pplication of F.Q.E. ;1460 for renewal of their Dance Hall License lias pre- o sented. Councilman Carlson :noved that the license be grBllted. I\~otion was seconded by Councilman tic Carthy and passed unanimously. i'..pplication of I-lax H. 1'honet for a 3.2 non-intoxicating mc~lt beverage license at No. 1402 Central ~venue, together with required bond was presentede L. 5. St. l.lartin appeared in behalf of several property owners residing in this locali ty and ~)(" . ~JU stated that they were no t personally opposed. to I,~ax. Thonet having a license but Ii that they wanted the place run in accordance with the law. Councilman Kelle_r I!loved, 0 n I that the license be granted. I:.lotion \'Vas seconded by Councilman Aberle. Those voting , !fayen were Councilman Aberle, .t:..eller and i.~C Car thy , ITnaye ft Coul1cilDlGIl Carlson and . I',iayor Bell. J.vlotion carried. Fursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of S~ni- Hearing tary Sewer on b'ifth Street Northwest from Lincoln Avenue to ths ~ast line of Cosgrove's Sanitary ~~~efrw?th AdCii tion as a Il.F .A. pro ject. ITo one appeared for or against the improvement. Coun- Lp1inctol1J:? to cilman i~berle moved that the tiearing be closed Cilld the sewer constructed. Hotion was -,,"as ~ne of Cosgrove's Add. seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of S~ni- o tary Sewer on Second Street South, Park to Frink ilvenues as a r;r.F.'::i. project. N0 Hearing one appeared for or against the improvement. The City Engineer reported that about 0 Sani tary .sewer fifty per cent of the property was tax delinquent. Cou.ncilman Lberle moved the. t the 2nd St. s. F'ark to hearing be closed and the sewer constructed subject to the ,J.P...:.. furnishing the necessary Frink J,;"ves. pipe for the State Qlmed property. i,lotion was seconded by Councilman t;arlson and passed by unanimous vote. rursuant to advertising, a hearing TIas called for on the construction of S~nitary Sev1er on Fowler Street as a .J.F......... project. l~o one appleared for or against the im.- Hearing prov~lent. The City Engineer reported that in order to construct a sewer on Fowler Sa...'1 i tary Sewer FOVller-Street, it would be necessary to construct about 2,000 feet of interceptor. Council- Street. man Carlson moved to table the matter. Liotion was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed unanimously. 'Ihe appliaation of Leonard .cockDlan for ;i.uto mechanic at the proposed L~unicipal Garage vms presented. .i:>. letter from fron the State Heal th :Jepartment approving Sani tary Sewer Plans and a letter from the State hetirement Association relati ve to the L1agner Bill. in Congress 'were read. L;omlcilrnan Carlson moved that the City Re- o corder write the Hetirelllent .b.ssociation and get full details. J.lotion Was seconded by Councilman .Aberle and pa~:;sed by unanimous vote. o Mayor Bell stated that following the last meeting he had entered the Folice De- partment in the j;1'.Be I.. School and had notified the League of .L11innerota LLunicipalities 8.ccordlingly. He read LIr. Ludwig's reply. H letter from L:...L. ,t!'oreman, Ioor r.;oInmissioner, enclosing bills from the~.lc Carthy ?uneral Home for burial expenses of James Uolden, Lllen Harrison and ~illna Cromer, TIas presented. GouncilIn8l1 C;arlson ::no\ed that the recormnendatiol1s of the Poor CO~Jljlissioner ibe adopted and the bills disallowed. 1'10 tion \Vas seconded by Councilman Aberle and on roll call, those voting !!aye fI were Councilman Abarl e, Carlson, Keller and IJa~"':1r o Bell, Inayer!, Councilman Me CElI'thy. 1iotion was carried. On mo tion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Counc ilman Keller, Hesol u tion 1,JO. o Al704 was passed by unanimous vote. HESOLU'IIOlJ NO. 11.1704. Relative to Iayment of l'erIllanen t Improvemen t Bond. 1] .. ."'1 ..1 '11 . - CO"~ ~-- '._'_.'- -_.-., -' - -- _.,---~. -~~----~-- "'::_.~-~.~ .----. - ------- -- - - --- -~_._~.--_.- - - --',---- --.--- 'lHE C01J;;CIL OF TEl.:; CITY OF i7.ARIB~1.lJLT ;)0 BESOLVE:- o That for the purpose of paying :Ferrnanent Iraprovement Bond in the amount of J~ <11,b48.l6, issued January lOth, 1941, and. interest thereon, the L.ayor and City Recorder are hereb;y- authorized and directed.. to dra\7 an oreler on the City Treasurer o o 1Ce pa: ~ l~nkQo IBrrd:t./:. l::JIQns o o o o in the am.ount of ~11,649.46, to be made payable to the Permanent Improvement Fund of the City of Faribault. ! Passed January 14th, 1941. Hadley P. Bell, Mayor. T. A. ilealia, City Recorder. The City Engineer presented estimate Ho. 2 of Long and Thorshov in the amount " Ii I' j. " c' of ~500.0G. Councilman Carlson moved that the estimate be paid. 1illtion was se- Go~ded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The final estimate No.1 of the E. F. Johnson Co. Waseca in the amount of $2,743.00 for the police radio equipment was presen ted. General di scus sian Vlas held and the matter was laid on the table without formal vote. Plans and ~greement of the State Highway DeparVillent for the construction of a bridge over Straight River ~rom Third Avenue East and Division Street East into Tepee To-nka Park. The Mayor read the agreement in detail. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No. Al705 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. RESOLUTIon NO.. A1705. Relative to ~cceptance of Plans and Specifications for the construction of Bridge over Straigh t Hi ver as Entrmlce into Tepee Tonka Park. THE CO UUClL OF TEE CITY OF F .i:.BIEAULT DO RESOLVE:- the C-oILstruction of That the Plans and Specifications for/a bridge over Straight River connecting Third Avenue East and Division Street with Tepee Tonka Park, preparei and presenteQ by the Minnesota State Highway Department be and they are hereby accepted and the 1Iayo,r and Ci ty Recorder be authorized to sig;n. the Co-operative Agreellent be 1;ween The State of iIinnesota, Department of Highways and. the Ci ty of Fari b:lul t. Passed January 14th, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. Hadley P. Bellr Mayor. blayor Bell brougtJ..t up the nlatter of stop signs at the School for the Blind. He stated that after an investigation made by the City Engineer and Chief of Police, and discussing the situation TIith the City attorney, it W&s decided that the matter was wholly a State problem as the street lay completely within State property. The folloVling requisitions v/ere presented:- two ?:ills of gasoline, Oile fill of' distillate and ten carloads coal, assorted. Councilman Keller moved that the Finance Commissioner be authorized to make the above purchases.. Motion was s_econded by Coun~ oilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. The Council decided that all applications for liOn Salelt Liquor Licenses should be presented at 1he meeting of January 28th, 1941. Mayor Bell announced tha t Hart Cowperthvlai te~ Radio Inspector of the Police : Departmen t, had resigned to enter the service of the Federal Communications Commission and that Ottem Miller had been appointed to fill the vacancy, Hr. Miller holding a first class license. 1')(11'-' ,.,., 14 Councilman Carlson moved. that the appointment be confirmed. 'II II Motion was second~d [l by Councilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that Resolution l{o. Al706 be ad.opted. Motion was se- o conded by Councilman. Keller and passed by unanimous vote. 8ed/a,,'f /1- ~/.s- C!, /I. Cas) RESOLUTION NO. Al706. Relative to Extending Well Wishes to Battery A 215, Coast Artillery (AA). THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- Uhereas: Said Battery A 215 Coast Artillery (All) has been called into active service and, Whereas: Battery A 'will leave Faribaul t on. January 16tb., 1941, for Camp Raa.a, California for a year's training, and o Dhereas, it is fitting and proper that official recogrrition should be give~ in the matter, o THEREFORE, 'mE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- That ~ell wishes in all matters be and they ere hereby extended to the Officers and Men of said Battery it, knowing that, it will establish a record of service that will redound not only to itself but to the City of Faribault as well. Passed January ldth, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia, c~ty Recorder. H~dley P. Bell, Mayor. CounciLman Carlson moved that the City Recorder be directed to write a letter of "Sym.pathyn to: Mrs. W. A. Stickly, Jr. of Vlhite Bear Lake, 1lil1l1esota, expressing sympa thy on account of the death of her husband II .A. Stickly, Jr., President of the League of Minnesota Municipalities. LIotion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. COlillcilman Keller announced that Earl Froman had served six months as Fireman at $90.00 per month and reco~nended that he be raised to $lOO.OO. Councilman C~rl- son moved that Mr. Froman's Salary be fixed at $100.00 per month from January 15th, 1941. tfution was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson reported on the W.P.A. Planning B08rd in detail. The City o Engineer a1so reported along the same lines. o The City Engineer reported that he had word from the United Stated Engineers of the War Department that the plans for the proposed Dam on Cannon River at Alexander Faribaul t F'ark had been approved as submi tted. Councilman Carlson moved that the Ci ty Recorder and I.layor be authorized to draw an order 011 the City Treasurer in the amount of :JIOO.OO for deposit with \'J.P.A. for the purchase of gasoline from the Vi..F .A. Motion vias seconded. by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. the program of ! I"\. Councilnan Carlson brought up the me tter of/Liayor Leach of I.iinneapolis reg'lrdi~g V obtaining contracts for factories in Minnesota under the Defense Program. Gener'3.l discussion ensued and the City Recorder Has directed to write for information. re- o garding the pro gram. Councilman Lie Carthy moved to ad journ. I.1otion nas ~onded by Cou:qc1lman Aberle and I>assed by unanimous vote. "~'h'J;/"? ~ Q.??!:- "'.~-~ (?,~ T. ./::\.. r,leal~a, C~ ty Recorder. Approved January 28th, 1941. ~ Hadley P. Bell) Mayor -~ : :: - o o o LJ o o o '~fL6iI '~UO Regular kieeting, Tuesday, January 28th, 194~, Eight O'clock p.m. R:,I,~<<. /?crcl,~ d, $Gc,J.!$:7rz.cl. - - --- - ---------.. -----. - --- - --~.- 'lhe Council of the City of Fari bau.l t net in regul~,r session in the Council Cha~ber at the City Hc~l on Tuesday, the 28th day of January, 1941, at eight o'clock I p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Councilman i:cberle, Carlson, Keller, Ec Carthy and I;layor Bell uere present. The minutes of the laet regular meeting of January 14th were read and approved. Charles Li verseed appeared before the Council and requested tua t he be permi tted ! to operate a lunch stand at the skating rinks, also at the parks in the S1.J!J1l.i!er time. The Ci ty .c~ttorney ruled that concessions could no t be leased excepting on bids. The I :matter rms referred to the City littorney for further investigation. "&ayor Bell brough t up the 11a tter of es tima te Ho e 1 (Final) of the. E. F. Johnson I t. Company Folic e Radio Contract. Previous to Ii ! had di s~ussed the bill in informal session. the meeting, the ;':;ouncil End Lir. Johnson l7pon inquiry, the City ,Srgineer stated I that he had approved the bill for payment. '.L'he ~,laJ70r stated. that the radio had been I rlorking sU.tisfactorily for the past three months. Mr. Johnson discusEed the matter and of installing/the difficul ties vlhich had arisen Quring the period the Elachine \las : under test and stated that he felt thatthe contract had been fulfilled and that pay- ment should be made. Councilman l:eller suggested that addi tional time be alloVled ~.because winter weather ,vas most favorable to radio reception and he th.ought that it should be tested in warmer weather, not so favorable to reception. He also inquired as to v/hether or net this machine was entirely wc.nuf [wtured by the 30hnson Company or assembled, and 'whether or not present day manufactured sets were no t much improved over those made at the time the contract was let. 11'11". Johnson stated that there was 'no radio manufactured mlich was entirely a product of tile company putting it out. He stated that various parts were patented and manufactured by the comparies who had sole control over them, and that they themselves held control over certain manu- factured parts which were being used by many of the largest radio manufacturers. In !regard to improvements, he said that radio Has still in its infancy and like all 'electrical appliances Vlas undergoing constant refin~aents. He further stated that i following the installation of the radio and \7hile it was under test, tl1e Federal COlJ:c!Hmica tions Commission had ~Tlade certain changes in their resulatiors affecting the ill.oni tor ( a l11a tter wholly beyond the control of the Johnson c.:ompar.y) and they re- I 'placed the monitor Vlithout charge. He further stated tllat some of the difficulties encountered Vlere due to defects in the crystals. wJ.lich nere manufactured by cor.lpanies ! ! ! in whom thF.' Upij!.ost confidence should be placed Qnd these companies hac replaced the to three parts without question. He stated that for the last t~o and one half/months satis- :factory service had been rendered which he thought Vlas ample proof of the reliability of the equipmen t. l':':ayor Bell reviewed the steps taken by the previou.s (;olincil in entering into contract and inquired what action the Council wished to take on the estimate. ITo action VlaS taken. <"_r. Johnson stated tJ:lat he thought that if the Gounail (lid not wish to take any action, it would be but just to the manufacturer to state \'Ihy approval should not be given and payment made. He said that he did not think that they had violated their part of the contract. Councilman __'~berle stuted that he (). 4 "",fJ _ --~ - -~.. - -.- . thought more time should be given for testing. 1.;:1". Johnson said. that he thought the request was not reasonable. ::';ouncilman :fC CarthjI- stated that in his opinion, addi tional time for testing should be given. kir. Johnson said that in view of the fact that changes had to be made in the equipment due to changes of the regula tions of the Federal COmBunications Commission for which the Johnson COillpany were not responsible and had made no claim for additional compensation, that if further delay were made in settling this contract, he would feel justified in adding the additional charge to the original contract price, if they were obliged to tW~e other steps to ottain pa~ment of contract. The application of t;;e Continental uil Company for gasoline pump license at G~s ~~ps' the corner of Fourth Street and First i.l.V811Ued8st -gas presented. dr. G..O. Belshe " ,,: ~~ocC) 'District Superintendent, di scus sed the proposed construe tion which the Company c~ntemplated building a~d stated that before his com~any would 'start the construction they wished to be assured that a license would be granted ana so requested a license dated as of July 1st, 1941-. The Ci tjr .littorney ruled that the Council could not grant a license in advance of the license period. IJr. Belshe then changed the application to read as of January 28tll~ 1941. Councilman Carlson moved tllat license be granted. I'.lotion was seconded by Counciluan Aberle and passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. .d.n acknowledgement card from Mrs. '01. A. Stickly, Jr. was read, a copy of the ! letter of the Ci ty :i;ngineer to the Heal th ufficer relative to sewer on First street Horth (Dwyer Sewer) was read, and. a le tter from the League of l,:innesota l:iunicipali ties called the attention of the Cou~cil to the fact that a bill had been introduce1 into the legislature which would set the minimum salary for firemen in cities of ]:!'irst, Second, Third and Fourth Class vias read. ,elSQ a letter from the Oi ty .1.:'.. ttorney of St. Cloud regarding the same matter was read. Uayor Bell suggested that as the hearing ! on this bill was to be held on the 28th of January, 1941, it might be well for Council- man Carlson and heller and the City Attorney to attend the hearing and voice objections. It ~as so decided \dthout formal vote. /~/e~gtZ ...... letter from the Securi ty LJational Bank and Trust Company of Faribaul tasking C:t::'//e:;,ftZ/'QI. the release of three ~5.00Q state of LIinnesC:J!ta Public Relief Certificates 2i~b, ciue Feb. 1st, 1941, now held as collateral for City deposits was read. Councilmen Carl- SQn ?Iloved that the collateral be released.. _'lotion was seconded. by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. ..J /3, i/~ The following bills ner8 presented fo.r payment :-Street Decorations Payroll ;~;'57. 50, Oscar Fladland ;~lO.75, Labor Water Dept. 998.40, Uarvin J. Foss :)2.0.97, Gaylord. LIeese ... ,; --1 ~L;23.50, Arthur Kaiser ~~6.50, H. If. Graunke ~2l.00, Tri state Tel.. &. Tel. Co. ;~69.40, Roth Printing Co. (no.ao, Chicago Gt. ~Jestern R.R. Co. ~j,2.30.05, Labor Fuel Dept. i ~23.o8, Street Dept. Payroll ~~544.55, L:urphy L:otor Freight Lines ::1.50, Library .... '.::'I.ccou.nts ~)37~..14, Public ldangement ;~:;4-.0Q, IiC.unicipal Finance Officers Ass'n. ~;.;l.5Q, Dorothea il.. Beech,er $35.26. CaUllC ilmal1. Carlson moved that the bills be allowe"!.. 1010.- tion was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed unanimouslY. J.'lpplications for Auto Car licenses of .8.. F. r,Ic Intyre, Geo. Caron, Ii. H. Karow, o o o o G o o 1) '~..'" :\ r:)- ,,,.Itn.. Q o o o c o o -_.._~,._. "- Petition 8ani tary SeVier on Hulet Ave. Petition Sanitary Server State Avenue. Bond Policy Advertise to r:lake ,Special. Assessments. Liquor Licenses -----------=.--.. -- ._, I ------ -~-,-- Leslie C. ',lorkIG.an, Edgar Cornellf Ed. Eigenbrodt ailC j. A. Burke, and iQfred Degen 'were presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the licenses be granted. I,~otioll was . secolried by Councilman Keller and passed by UnW1DrrOUS vote.. A petition for Silllitary Sewer on Hulet Avenue for approximately 150 feet South as a ~.P.A. project, of interceptor No. 2,/signed by three signers, was presented. Couucilman Aberle moved that the petition be accepted and or dered filed and the Ci ty Reco'rder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held at the next regular neeting of the Council February 11th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. ~Jotion was seconded. by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. A petition for Sanitary Sewer on State Avenue for approximately 1,400 feet South from Divis ion Street as a W.F .A. pro ject f si gaed by seven property owners, was presented. The City Engineer stated that this sewer would require an outlet the mos t practical route being acro 5S the Seabury Mission grounds. Councilman . Aberle moved that the petition. be ordered filed and the City Record:er directed. to C:.dvertise a public hearing to be held at the next regular meetingJ Tuesday, the 11th day of February, 1941., at eight 0 'clock p.m. 1lotion was seconded by Gowlcilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. House movers bona. of Eli Sterling and Fire Ins urance Policy on Vi.F. A. ',Janning Houses TIere presented. Councilman Carlson movet that they be acceptet and ordered filed, same having been approvea. as to manner and form of 6xecutio~7the City Attor- 'ney. Lfution was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Requisitions for two fills of distillate were presented. COUl1cilman I~eller moved that the above purchas~s be authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman !aberle and passed unanimously. Councilman Ide Carthy moved that ~~.06l675 be establised at the 1940 Flut3hing Rste. Motion was seconded by COl.U1cilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that the Ci ty Recorder be directed to adverti se that the Special Assessments for Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter, Tarvia, Pavement, Sanitary Sewers and Flushing for the 1940 season Vlould be made at the next regular meeting of the Council, TuesdaYf February 11 th, 1941, at eight 0 'clock p.m.. I',Totion was se- conQed by Councilnan Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. The Council then considered applications for ilOn Sale!f Liquor Licenses. .All applications and bonds were approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. Councilman Aberle moved that Kelly Davis be granted an "On Sale1t Liquor license at Eo. 118 Central Avenue. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vo te. Councilman. Keller moved that Harold Ollhofr be granted an liOn Salef! liquor license at No. 22 3rd Street :N1V 0 kIotion Vlas seconded by Councilman Hc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that the Elks Club be granted 811 !tan Sale" Liquor license at Fo. l2711. Central .Lwenuee liotion was seconded by Councilman Lel1er ar!lo. ;'206 'passed by unanimous vo te. . c~---cc=---~--:-~O-- -- . - ~ I . " '1 Ch :?4/<Z. The application of .tI.l. Jasinski was presented. Councilman Carlson inquired o A./9'~oro what classif"ication was named in the application. 7l&yor Bell saia. that the 8.];1plication ct/C~5fZ5D read. ftrestaurant". Councilman Carlson said. that he had stopped in there recently cmd could not see any tables or chairs for restaurant service. I:lr. IvIc C8.rthy said that that must have been the day Mr. Jasinski was having his furniture varnished. 'lhe Cit y Attorney said that he had been served food there, also the Uayor said that he had been served food there. Councilman hIe Carmy moved that Mr.. Jasinski be granted an ttOn Sale It License at !Jo. 30 Third Street NiV. l'Iotion was secQnded by Councilman I Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Mr. Carlson said that his vote was cast on the strength of the statements that had been made relative to his inquiry. o Councilman Aberle moved that Peter Tzakis be granted an !IOn Salen License at unanimous vote. o No. 20l Central Avenue. 1~tion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by Councilman Keller moved that the Faribault Hotel be granted an rrOn SaleH Liquor License at ITa... 429 Central Avenue. 1J:otion Has seconded by Councilrr1an lIe Carthyand passed by unanDnOUS vote. Councilman LIe Carthy moved that Herb. r,Jinkley be granted an nOn SaleH Liquor 'License at No. 305 Central Avenue. Hotion VIas seconded by Cou;::.cilman Aberle and passed by unan~ous vote. Councilman heller moved that 11.1. O+lhof':f be granted an "On Saletr Liquor License [It No. 314 Central A.venue. Motion was seconded by Councilman l,lc Cclrthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller moved that Becker & Dwyer be granted an"On Sale!! LiCJ.ilor License at No. 202 Cen tral Avenue. Motion was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed by Councilman Keller moved that Harold Kennedy be gran ted an ftOn Salerr Liquor Li cense o unanimo us vo te . at No. 24 4th Street HW. Motion was seconded by COl.lllcilman Aberle and passed by o unanimous vote. Councilman Lie Carthy moved that L.E. Campbell be granted an !tOn Salert Liquor License at No. 307 Central Ave, subject to paying of water bill. wotion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. 'Ihe City Attorney reported that the matter of obtaining an easement across the const ruction Gloudeman property for new tv:mnty inch water main/had been submi tted to the Probate Court. Councilman Carlson s;tated that one of the Vl.P .A. trucks requirect two new tires arra the Chevrolet Coach used by City Engineer and ~ssessor needed tTIO new tires also. Councilman Keller moved that CouncibnaTh Carlson be authorized to make the necessary purchases. Motion was seconded by Councilman. Aberle and pas.sed. by unanimous vC'te. o 'I'he City Engineer submi tted. the plans of the Highway Deparw.ilent for the 'I'epee 0- Tanka Park bridge and suzgested that the sidewalk be placed on the westerly side of the bridge instead of the easterly as shown on the plat. The matter was discus~ed by ~~JI "il ---- -- - -- ---~----_.- - ------..--.- u.. __ _,_. _ --. - .",~ ..<- 'the Council. Councilman Keller moved that the suggestion of the City Engineer be Q , ~ J 'I · accepted and that he be directed to have the Highway Department make ::;'lich changes i in the plans. i.lotion rlaS seconded by Councilman LIe Carthy and passed. unanimously. .5<% """"cz.r The City Engineer requested authorization to purchase a car of vitrified sewer .'0 ' jI ,. I-:::;~ pipe. Council III an Carlson moved that inasmuch as the pipe was for used. on -.1.F .11.. iq,!"'"~h&sr;;:g/ projects and that as Vl.P.it. was of indefinite duration and as prices on pipe are standard and app~rently reasonable, that an emergency be dec18~ed to exist, and that the City Engineer be directed to order the pipe on the open market. tiction ~as se- 'cond.ed by CO'Ul1cilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. Q .LJ.ayor Bell reported that Mr. Gettchel of the Highvray Department had conduct~ed a survey of traffic on Central Avenue and had found that the traffic ~as heavier at Fourth street than at Third Str6et and also that if the traffic serG.~phores Vlere o installed, the Ci ty vlould be asked to bear one-half of tIle cost. COUllcilman 1,.eller reported on the meeting which had been caLied by IJayor Leach for the purpose of securing more defeillse progrillu contracts for lliinnesota. He stated that as far as he could judge, the matter \78.S purely a personal matter vIi th Uayor ,Leach. Councilman I,ic Carthy moved to adjourn. and passed by unanimous vote. wotion was seconded by COUllcilman ~berle qa ~~ - /?- -j T.. J..... ~'lealia, City REGOrd.er 0 Approved FebrUarY}l th, 19~') ~~~~/ / ~dley P. Bell, Uayor o o o D 208 Regular 1,~eeting, Tuesday, February 11th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. Hearing Sewer State Avenue. Hearing Sanitary Sewer Hulet Avenue. Reports :Dills The Council of the City of Faribault met in regTIlar session in the Council Charr- ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 11th day of February, 19412 at eight o'clock p.m. T'he meeting was called to order by President Bell. On roll call, those presen t were Councilman Aberle, Carlson, E:.eller, Lilc Carthy and !:layor Bell, also the Ci ty attorney and City Engineer were present. Layor Bell read a letter from the State Highway Department relative to a sur- vey made of' traffic condi tions on Central .!lvenue at Third and Fourth Streets. LIr. Lysen of the School for the Blind (iscussed the matter of traffic signals as affecting the blind. After a general discussion, Cou~cilman Carlson moved that the City Re- corder write Senator Wm. L. Roepke requesting hila to make arragnements for a con- ference between the State Highway DeparUnent and the City Council to discuss the illatter of automatic traffic signals. 1.Iotion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vo tee Fursuant to advertising a hearing was held on the construction of Sani ta:'C'y Sewer on State Avenue from Division Street south approximately 1,400 feet as a W.P..A" l)roject. The City Engineer descri bed the rou te across the Seabury L:iission grounds -y,hich would be necessary for an outlet for such sewer. He also read a le tter he had received from Archer Young on behalf of the Seabury Mission. Councilman Carlson moved that the hearing be held open 2.n<1 the Ci ty Recorder directed to advertise that a hearing would be hel~ for the constrLlction of a sanitary Se~er on First Str~et Soutb from Sixth Avenue East to East line of Faribault Addition and thence in a con- tinuation of said Street to the 'dest line of State Avenue as a iV.P.A. project, to be held at the next re~llar meeting of the Council, February 25th, 1941, at ei~lt o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construe tion of Sani- tary 'sewer on Hulet Avenue south from interceptor No.2 approximately 150 feet. 1:0 I one appeared for or against the ~Qprovement. Councilman Aberle moved that the hearing be closed and the sewer constructed in the regular course of work. .Iv.Iotion was se- conded by CounciLilan Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. The follovnng monthly reports of City Officials were read:- City Treasur~r, City Recorder, Chief of Police, Clerk of L,J:unicipal Court, Chief of Fire Department, Secretary of Library Board, City Engineer, Poor Commissioner, Ci ty Physician, Health , Officer, Market Master, Ci ty Assessor, Dairy Inspector, '~Vater Depart.aen t Collector and City Recorder's report to Supt.. of Accounts and Finances in the amount of ~6,95l.60. The following bills were presented for payment: -Labor '1/ater Dept. ;f;;99. 50, l.1.I'della E. Winkel ~34.78, Pay Roll Engineer's Office ~287.00, Gust Kitzman ~6~50, Labor ..f Fuel Dept. ~105.23, ~lfred Moreau 014.30, Iowa Pipe & Tile Co. $248.05, J~es M. Uurray ;)40.00, Labor Water Dept. ;J;98.40, Chi. Mil.. St. P. & Pacific Ry. $,105.46, Fred Mathis, Jr. ;)7.38, A.. J.. Keller C~9.55, Pittsburgh Coal Co. (;;268.'l8, John ,.. Hackett ~jll.63, Bell & Zoller Coal Co. ;~;92.86, Chicago Great Western R.R. ~j123.03, 2dgar Paschke ~2. 25. Counc ilrllan Carlson. m.oved that the reports be accepted and or-' dered filed and the bills listed allowed. Eotion was seconded by Councilman Eeller o Q o o o o o ~-; .. ..:1.' ~,-. -d}~ Q o ~ ~ o o I ~~_.~~~___~_'_ ___~~_~_~_.o.~~~__._ ~ -- .---- - - --- -----------------.---- ------.- Policies --- . --------.----- --------, ------- --- -- -- ~- --- -~--~---- - - - - - -- - -- - ---- ----- - ---- and passed by unanimous vote. Co-Insurance policies Hos. 26-17636, MF 8147 and rider for Policy No. UA 518809 and Auto car policies of Fred Schultz and ITilnler A Schley were presented. COllilCil~ man Carlson moved that the policies be accepted and ordered filed, Sffine having been approved as to manner and form (:)f execution by the Ci ty Attorney. ~.lc tion was se- conded by Councilman ~berle fu~d passed by unanimous vote. A petition for s~litary sewer on Fifth street Northwest from Fexk Avenue to \'lest line of Block 3, Fair Park Addition as a d.P..A.. project was pre::ented. Co un- Petition cilman Aberle moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the Ci ty Re- Sanitary Sewer 5th St. I'm. corder directed to advertise a public hearing on sarl1e to be held at the next re- Park li.ve. to W line Blk. 3, gular :meeting of the Council, Tuesday, the 25th day of Ftebruary, 1941, at eight Fair Park ~'ldd. o 'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. .tq!plications for Licenses. Fin Ball Llachine Licenses Granted. Applications.:- Fenton S. Ankeny for renewal of roller rink license, Fre~ Schultz, Alvin Hoover, W. A. Schley for .i~uto Car licenses and .Albert H. Griffin to have gasoline pUl1lp licenses at No. 28 1st St. NE. transferred from Jos..lalsh to himself, were presented. Councilman heller moved that the licenses be granted and the transfer allo\'led. I\.1otion was seconded by Councilman CGu'lson and passed by unanimous vote. one ~pplication of Gopher Sales Co. for Owners License covering thirty/pin ball machines and applications for tTIenty two operators licenses for pin ball machines were presented. Councilman Aberle moved that licenses be granted. Councilman Carl- son discussed the matter '\ll th the Ci ty Attorney. On roll call, those voting !lAye\! were Councilman Aberle, Keller, iJc Carthy and I,iayor Bell, Itnayelf, Councilman Carlson. Motion was declared carried. A letter from Senator Henrik Shipstead notifying the City Clerk that Project No. 50285 had been approved by the W.P.A. in the amount of ;~;25,246.00 for the con- read. stl~ction of dam across Cannon River, was read! Also a letter from George F. Dix, Coramunications. Secretary of the Public Employees Retirement l:..ssocia..tion, was. The Ci.t~T Recorder 1~:so/~/.;iiJ~' . ~ '7& ~ briefly discussed the pending bill in Congress to place all public ~illploye8s under the social securi ty act. The matter was referred to the Ci ty Attorney for report. On moti on of COlLl1cillian Carlson, secondeO- by Councilman Eeller, Resolution No. iD...707 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. Al707. Rela.tive to F'ayment of Interest due ~,larch lst~ 1941. THE COUNCIL OJ!' THE CITY OF :?ARIBAl!LT DO RESOLVE:- That for the purpose of paying interest due Ll&rch ls t, 1941 on sani tary and Storm Sewer Bonds l~os. 11 to 40 inclusive, issued September 1st, 1932, the Llayor and Ci ty Recorder are hereby authorized D.nd d.irected to draw an order on the C1 ty Treasurer in the ~ount of Oue Hundred Eighty Seven ill1d 50/100 (0187.50) Dollars payable to the Horth\"lestern Hational Bank and Trust Company of l.1inneapolis, rJiDlle- sota,. payable out of the Interest li'und of the Ci ty of J!'aribault. Passed Februa~y 11th, 1941. Attest T. A. ~'lealia, City Recorder. Hadley P. Bell~ Mayor 21U --~----_.- -~~_._-----~ --- --~~~._--~~-~-~~--~- ~ ~--- ~ -~~-~~~~---~--~~~~~~_._-_.~- --"---~ -~~~~-~'--'---'- -~-~.'--- ---" ._--~----_.. "-~. -'-"-'--~~-~~-~~~~.-.- ~'-~--~-~-~~~-~ --- --- ~.i-. - - was read, .b. letter from A. L. Foreman, Overseer of the Poor,jexplaining the bill o.f Dr. Francis of I.:orristoml and enclosing the claim of Dr. F.F. Eeyer for an append.ectomy o for Betty Smith in the amount of (~50 .00, which he had rejected. because no funds were available. Requisitions for one fill of gasoline and one fill of distillate were presented. Councilillan Eeller moved that the above purchased be authorized. Llotion was seconded. by Councilman Aberle and passed by unanimous voteo Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for to mal<:e the assessments for Tarvia, Paving, Sidewalk, Curb and Gut ter and, i3an.i tary ,'Sewer construe tea.. during the year 1940 and Flushing for the 1940, season. LIr. Fred Emge appeared and voiced objection to the assessment for Paving on First Street Northeast fronting Blmcks 15 and 16, Cooper's [\ddi tion, stating that the eight feet lying between the street and the North line of said Blocks was in the name of John Cooper, original owner . of the iJ.ddition. He further stated that the hearing on this project had never been ~ official closed. The c@uncil discussed the matter with lir. Emge in detail. The Hearing to' Eake ,special Assessments minu tes of the meeting of September 12th, 1939, and of April 9th, 1940, rela ti ve to the hearing on Paving of First Street lfurtheast TIere read. The City Engineer read the rates used.. in making up the assessments, na..TJlely ;~~.42534424 per lineal foot for Sanitary Sewer, ;;.92744957 per front foot for Concrete Paving, ;~;;.3358065 per cu. ft. per cu. ft. for Sidewalk, :).3598l25/for Curb and Gutter, :::.136098 per sq. yd. Councilman Carlson moved that the Ci tJT Recorder be directed to advertise that the Special Assessnen ts as me..de would be confinned at the next regular meeting of the Council, February 25th, 1941, at eight 0' clock p.m. 110tion was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed by ullanimous vote. :~r. Fred Emge then notifi ed tha t the assessment for Faving would be con tes ted. Councilman Mc Garthy moved tha t the Ci ty Recorder be directed to advertise for bids on 80,000 gallons of tar for road surfacing, State HiGhway Specification$, to Advertise for Bida on be considered at the next regular meeting, Tuesday, February 25th, 1941. l,':otion was Road Tare ~ seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanrnous vote. The Ci ty .i~ttorney repo,rted tha t Lir. St. LIartin, residing on Thirteen th Street () Horth, West of Third Avenue West desired a sanitary sewer and said that there VIaS some question as to the depth of the sewer, and asked to have the matter checked up. The matter was referred to the City Engi~eer ~ithout formal vote. Councilman Keller brought up the matter of the Food Stamp Plan for relief clients in handling surplus commodities. After a brief discussion, Councilman Keller moved tha t the Council go an record as favorable to the adop tion of this plan for this County. Uotion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unan~ous vote. o Councilman Carlson brought up the matter of allowing the Recreation Planning Beard an amount of ~25.75 to purchase office supplies for the balance of the fiscal year and recommended that this be paid out of the Gener8~ Fund. CO'llncilman Carlson I and Keller discussed the activities of the Board in detail. Councilman Keller moved that the amount of $25.75 be appropriated to the use of the Recreation Planning Board Ll ~~il ---- -- ---- o o o o o o o jVo7'"~r 1Jff't;:'of; 0 - - .- -. - - -- .- ---. ----. ----.--.---------- .--..-- -- ----------- out of the General Funds Motion Vias seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson reported that Councilman l:eller, the City AttJrney and him- self had attended the hearing of the Legislative Committee vdth refer3nce to the proposed bill to set minimum salaries for firemen in Cities of the First, Second and Third Class. The bill he stated had been referred by the committee to its author. He also reported that he had attended a meeting at l,;:ankato relative to the Food Stamp Plan and a meeting at Winona relative to the Defense Program. Plan for the First Congressional District. paper Councilman Keller reported in detail on the Gordon 0 'Neil/Bottle I M.achine Company and stiJ.ted that they Viere attempting to secure the Shoe Factory Building on Third Street Northeast and said that he understood that they were having some difficulty inth the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. The IJayor appointed Coun- cilman Keller, Ci ty .ci.tt.orney and the Ci ty Recorder as a coro.m.i ttee to. aid the 0 'Neils in securing the building and bringing the factory to Faribault. COlIDcilman Carlson reported on the Rice County w.P.A. Planning B0ard kctivities. vlater Commissioner I.E. 1,'lilson reported that water mains should be constructed on streets parallel to sanitary sewers constructed this last year and also re- com:,nended tho. t additional 20 ft main be installed to carryon the construc tiOll of the equalizing main this summer. The Council entered into a general discussion on the Water Vlorks. Councilman Carlson favored the construction of water mains under VI.P.A. I;Iayor Bell stated that he felt that the six and Sn constructions should be laia. but that the 20ft should be deferred tenlDorarily. Former Councilman Emge asked permission to speak, which permission was granted. He discussed the vlater systen in general. bids on Councilman Aberle moved that 1he City Recorder be directed to advertise for/1500 feet of 8" and 6500 feet of 6ft cast iron pipe, to be opened at the next regular I1eeting February 25th, 1941. lIotion was seconded by Coul1.cilIilail Eeller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Aberle stated that the Water Department needed two hydrants and asked authorization to purchase same. Councilman Keller moved that the above au- thorization be given. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson asked ~hat the Council wished to do in regard to the deficit in the Permanent Improvement Fund stating that he favored transfering ~~lO,OOO.OO from the Water Works Fund to the Sinking Fund to pay Fermanent Irr1provement FUlld Bands. After a brief discussion, Councilman l~eller suggested. that the me,tter be left till an infor.mal meeting of "llie Council was held. His suggestion was carried out. The City Engineer reported on W.P..A. projects ill1d reCOTIElended that six cutting edges be purchased for the street depar tI!1en t. Councilman hIe Carthy moved tha t the Ci ty Engineer be directed to make the purchases IiIotion was seconded by Councilm811 Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. The City Engineer also reported that the Highway Depart.ilGnt Vlere getting active .)18 r.;j .4 f'..I m on the matter of the bridge into Tepee 'l'onka Park and that this was due to the efforts of Senator 'i1.L. Roepke. ,(1 (7.'_,': He also reported that a car of pipe Vlas required for Sa-ni~ tary Sewer construction. Councilman L~c Carthy moved that inasmuch as the work was I9.P~ fi,y being done under W.P.i:... and that the IN.P.A. was of indefinite duration and as there' ~/~r~ is an irn:mediate demand for the pipe, as the prices on pipe are both uniform and ~~wtZ.r6 apparantly reasonable, an emergency be declared to eXist, and that the C1 ty Engineer be au thorized to make the necessarJT purchase on the open market. r.:otion was seconded by Cotmcilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Uc Carthy moved to adjourn.. };Iotion was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. ~ . Zo.~ T. A.. 1:Iealia,. City Recorder. bpproved February 25th, 1941. *C7r;f~l' !Jayor. Special 11eeting, Tuesday, the 18th day of February, 1941, 1:30 p.m. The Council of the Oi ty of Fari baul t met in special session in the Council Cham- ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 18th day of February, 1941, at 1:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Councilman Aberle, Carlson, Keller, LIe Carthy and t~ayor Bell flere present, also the Ci ty .Attorney and Assi stant Engineer. i~iayor Bell stated tha t the purpose of the mee.ting was to e on sider asking the Legislature to enact a law which would peTInit the City to assess public impro~ements against tax reverted landa, the matter having been discussed infor&ally previous to . the meeting. Mayor Bell read a letter from the Ci ty Engineer addressed to the Exe- cutive Secretary of the Leag11e of tlinnesota Eunicipalities along the serne lineso o o o Councilman Carlson moved that the City Engineer be directed to contact Senator Roepke and Representative Covert to sponsor suoh legislation or if already introduoed, [J to support same. l~o ti on was see o net ed by Caune ilrnan r:eller and passed. by unanlmous vote. 'I'he 1jayor read the le tter of the City Recorder to Senator Ro ep ke relative to traffic survey made by the Highway Depar~lent on Central Avenue and Senator Roepke's reply to same. Councilman Carlson moved that the LIayor and City Recorder be authori zed and di- rected to draw an order on the City Treasurer in the amount of j~aoo.oo in favor of the Procurement Division of the U~S. Treasury Depart~ent for the purchase of gasoline for W.P.A. projects. I.lotion was seconded by Councilman DIe Carthy and passed. unanimously. Councilman Keller stated tha t the Mangemen t of the Police Boys Club had been taken over by the Recre8. ti on Planning Board and that they desired to paint and clean up the o rooms which had been occupied by the Club, the Board to supply the labor, the City the ~ materials. He est~ated the cost to be about 015.00. Councilman Carlson moved that the above expend.i ture be authorized. I,lotion was seconded by Councilman I,Ic CaJ'thy and passed Ullanimously. Councilman j:.jc Car thy moved to adjourn. Motion and passed by unenirn.ous vote.. 11_~t2~fl# _ Approved February 25th, 1941 ,/TUt7v/~,~ayor. was se~ed by Counc~lman Aberle ~ O.?:Y-~ ... <,::'-1 , T. A. l-IIeaJ..ia, City Recorder o ~--, " ..' .~ ,~8J "l,.J Regular 1.1.eeting, Tuesday, February 25th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.ll. -0 - --~ - -- ---- - - -- - - - --- --- - ------------.----------- ------- --------- The Council of the City of Fari baul t met in regular session in the Council ChEilll- o ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 25th day of February, 1941, at eight orclock. The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Councilman Aberle, Carlson, Keller, ~,lc Car thy and LIayor Bell were present. L':inutes of the last r;;cgular meeting of February 11th ana. special meeting FebruQr~y 18th Vlere read and apprcved.. The City Engineer reported on the matter of special asses~lents against State delinquent tax ovmed/property and stated that while he was in st. Paul, he was Lillable to contact Senator Roepke or Representative Homer Covert, but had taken the matter up vdth City Engineers who were present at the State meeting and they all repcrted favorable securing toward/legi sla ti ve relief. o lIT. G. 1:.i. Robbins, representative of U.3. Pipe Company, extended an invitation D 'i "to the Council to be represented at the State \lc.ter Works Association meetings by having the Water Commissioner and City Engineer attend. Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construc:tia,n of Sani-' tary Sewer on First street South fron Sixth Avenue East to the East line of Faribault Addition, thence on continuation of said street line to the Flest line of State Ave. as a Ii.F .A. project. No one protested the iraprovement. 'The Ci ty Engineer read a Hearing Sewer sta te Ave. System. letter from .archer Young, aSen t of the seabury LIission, stating that the Mi ssion lioula. be favorable toward. gran ting an e. asement providing that no ass eesment for sewer other than that fronting on State Avenue TIould be maQe against the Seabury Mission. After a brief discussion, Councilman liberle moved that the hearing be held open. Eotion "iT,aS seconded by COUl1C ilman Carlson and passed by urrunirnc us vo tee Fursuant to advertising, a heQring was called for on the construction of Sani- ~ Hearing Sewer tary Sewer on Fifth Street Horth from Park Avenue to ',Jest line of Block 3, Fair Park Fifth St. Ho. Park Jive. to as a W.P.A. project. No one appeaxed for or against the improvement. Councilman Wlineof Elk. 3, Fair I'ark Add. Aberle moved that the hee.ring be closeo_ and the se1;ver construc ted in the regular course of vlOrk.. Motion \18.S seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. o Fursuan t to advertising, bids VJere e alled for on Cast Iron pipe 0 The follO\ling bid.s were received:- United. States F'ipe and .E'oundr;\T Company,;J.87 per foot for Gn Class 150 Super-deLavaud Centrifugal B&S Pipe in 12 ft. lengths and $] .23 for 8n ~ .I.J..ccept Bid on . f.o. b. cars Fari baul t, net 30 days from date of invoice. Council1uGl1 l-~berle I'iloved C&.st Iron F'ipe litlter Dept. that the bid be accepted and that their certified check be held in lieu of bond. 1,~O- tion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Fursuant to advertising bids were called for on Road Surfacing Tar. The following bid WEtS l"eceived:- The Barrett COlilpany ;~,.0905 per gallon for TC3,4,5 and 6,. o Accept Bid on rl'arv~ a f.o. be Tank Cars Fari baul to Counci 1 Ti1an I.=c Carthy moved. that the bid be accep ted and. certified that their/check be held in lieu of bond. LIotion was second.ed by Councilman Keller o and passed by unanimous vote. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Aberle Resolution No. I : A1708 was passed by unanimous vote. RESOLUTIOn EO. J.Q 708. Relative to the Confirl1la tion of Sne cial .:.:..ssessments for the Year 1940 e :214 TEE COlJ1WIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- ~s~/CJII't:1~ /I /70 f- That Curb and Gutter Assessme..!'1t No. 42, Sid.ewalk Assessment Eo. 39, Tarvia o t4?~<?:.:?~m~. AssesSillents Nos. ~34 to 145, inclusive, Sanitary Sewer Assessments Nos. l73 tc 182 & t . orA:5~/ljt/~n n /70'9. ;:6yme."f or r9ss~mu;6. '~$QIt:J-I/;',., /1 / 71t::) - ~7 /ar. n'$S€,~~- /J?~O~~. inclusi ve, Paving Assessment Eo. 146, and Flushing .b.sseSSlllen t for the 1940 Season, all of the City of FeXibault, be and the S~TIe are hereby confinned as heretofore made and completed as the same appear upon the ASSeS3.H.ent Rolls heretofore compiled. and accepted, which Asses~1ent Rolls are on file in the office of the City Recorder. Passed Februa~ 25~, lq41. ..~ttest T.. A. Meal~a, City Recorder. Hadley F. Bell., Ma;vor. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Kel.ler, Resolution No. .. A1709 was passed by unanimous vote. RESOLUTION NO. Al709. o Relati ve to Faymen t of Special Assessnents in Ten Armual Installments. 'lliE COUI:CIL OF THE CITY OF F ARI BAD"LT DO RE30 L VE:- o That the owner, or person interested in any lot or parcel of land in the City of Faribault, which has been assessed for Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk, Sanitary Sewer and Concrete Paving as describeGl in Curb and Gutter AsseSslilellt No. 42, Sidewalk Assessment No. 39, Sa.ni tary Sewer Assessments Nos. 1.73 to 182 , inclusive and Paving Assessmen t I'Jo. 146, all of which have been finally established and confirmed by the Council, may at his election and written request as provided by the Charter of said. Ci ty, pay the assessment in ten annual ins tallments with in teres thereon at the rate of four (4) per cent payable annually. Passed February 25th, 1941. Attest T. A. Wealia, Clty Recorder. Hadley P. Bell, Mayor. On IllO tion of Councilman Keller, seconded by Councilman Carlson, Resolution No. " ; Al7l0 was passed by unanimous vote. RESOLU'I'ION NO. .8.1710. Relative to Payment of Tarvia Assessments in Installments. THE COUECIL OF TEE CITY OF FARIBi1.ULT DO RESOLVE:- o That the ASSeSSTIlents for benefits for Tarvia done in the Year 1940 be and the () same are hereby confirmed; that the Ci ty Treasurer be and she is hereby directed to request that payment of all assessments of Ten (~lO.OO) Doll&rs and under be made in one inste1lment, provided, however, that the OVJIler or any person interested in any lot or parcel so assessed and described in such assessment, IIlay at his election and wri tten request pay the sar-ae in ten annual installments, iai th in terest thereon pay- able annually at tile rate of four (4) per cent. Passed February 25th, 1941. Attest T. A. 1Iealla, City Recorder. Hadl ey P. Bell" Mayor. On motion of COllilcilman He Carthy, seconded by COUllcilmarr .tberle, Resolution No'. i ::..li 711 VlaS passed by unanimous vote. o RESOLUTION NO. lU 711. Relative to Transfer of lunds from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to o ! the Road, Street and Bridge Fund of the City of Faribault. TE!E COm:CIL OF TEE CITY OF FARIB.AULT DO RESOLVE:- ~Jhereas, sixty per eent has been added to the cost of Tarvia Assessments Nos. r')lh -'- ,) - --- Q c o o o Q o 16:..-;0 i~ ..lto~ r)1711 In?~~ftrr df re.,ne::/'.5 . o ~ ~ . f(~/~rt'~n 0'"717/1 /~y~,,'l ~f Crfrs 5hQr~ -.----------.--. ----- - - - -- - - ---- 134 to 145, inclusive~ to cover cost of maintenance and whereas, the maintenance is paid out of the Boadt Street and Bridge Fund, Now, Therefore) the City Treasurer be and she is hereby authorized. and directed 'to, transfer One Thousand Three Hundred Seve:aty Five arld 4ljloa (;J,1,37~.4l) Dollars from the F'ERIdAlJEIIT' I1iPROVEhlEI:JT REVOLVING FUlill of the Ci ty of Faribaul t to the F1Q~ID, STRSET ~i~ND BRIDGE li'l'lID of the Ci ty of Faribaul t. passed February 25th, 1941. Attes t '1. A. hiealia" City Recorder.. Hadley F. Bell, Mayor. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Aberle Resolution Iro. Al7l4 was passed by unanimous vote. HESO L U IT ON NO. Al714. Relative to Payment of City of Faribault's Portion of Special Assessments. 'IHE COUrWIL OF 'IHE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RE$QLVE:- The. t the Ci ty of Fari bau1 t' s portion of Sani tary Sewer Assessments Nos. 1[;0.181 t)/~ [7..7..;,-~1"'1?e?4aIT(i 182, Curb and Gutter Assessment 1[0.., 42, Siclewalk Asses5lnent 1;0.. 39J be paid out of the Pe:rrnanen t Improvement Fund. ~ <i. 'JI _J/~,,-'-t: -- ~,~~,~1 '~j <::,t'l~ ,.,.t/: <t:lf .. 7clI'cO fi.. ~ -f2SS~ , ~=:, -.. . co, .L.s L L" '- I _~L., L-r.~ That the Wayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized ill1d directed tv drQwan order on the City Treasurer for the sum of Fourteen Hundred Seventy and 49/100 {~1470.49} Dollars, payable to the I'ermanent IHprovement Revolvin'g Fund of the City of Faribault out of the :F'ermanent Improv6r:lent Fund of the City of Faribault. Fass;ecl February 25th, 1941-. Attest T..A. Uealia, City Recorder. Hadley F. Bell, Lla;yor. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman }.eller, Resolution l'~o. .Al712 was passed by unanimous vote. RESOLUTION NO. Al712. Rela ti ve to PayrI1ent of Ci ty of Fari baul t' s Portion of Tarvia Assessments Nos. 134 to 145, Inclusive for the Year 1940. TIlE COU1WIL OF TtlE CITY OF 7 i..RIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- That the City of Faribault's portion of Tarvia AssesSlllents Nos. 134 to 145, in- clusiveJ be paid out of the General Fund of the City of Faribault in accordance with Sec tion 192 of the Cheer ter of the City of Fari baul t~ That the Mayor and Ci ty Recorder are hereby au tl10r i zed and directed to draw ill1 order on the City Treasurer for the sum of Six Hundred Seventy Six and 76/100 {:iiJ676.76} Dollars, payable to the PERL:ANEIlT HTI?ROVK,IElTT REVOLVIEG FU'1TD of the City of Faribault out of the GErmRi~ Fill'ID of the City of Faribault. Passed February 25th, 1941. ~ttest T. A. wealia, City Recorder. Hadley F. Bell, Mayor. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seco,nded by Councilman Aberle, Resolution No. A17l3 was passed by unanimous vote. RESOLUTION NO. A17l3. Bela ti ve to laying Cos-t of stree t Sprinkling for the Year 194.0 and Fluzhing ~ssessments against Certain Property in the City of Faribal~t. THE COU:';CIL OF TlJE CITY OF Fill-TIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- 'l'lhereas the cost of sprinkling First Avenue East and Third Avenue Eastamoun ted to :)129.22 and is not assessable to G.butting property, ')1'-'1 ,1:...1 [) C.z so j lit f 0;" A 17'"3' ~'irt]e;~t of Flu:;,/h,IJ._, and Sf""o.., k J, ~q Q'1Q,~t ~rllf ~f';:,.ft T t"'Q ~6 f~r ~f ~.Z , " ! ~o~e-"&~ (3; II So lilld Whereas the cost of Flushing on the E 15 ft of W 40 ft of lot l, BIk. 47 O~T. lots 1 & 2t BIk. 46, O.T. lot 2, Elk. 77 O.T. as per deed record 88, page 493, Southern Add.~ BIk. 78 O.T. lots 9 & 10, Blk. 58 O.T. & lot 10 Blk. 32 O.T. amounts to ~39.75; Now therefore be it resolved that the l\Iayor and City Record.er be au thorized and direc ted to draw an order on the City Treasurer in the amount of ~:n69. 01 payable to the Fermanent Improvement Revolving Fund of the City of Faribault out of the General Fund of the City of Faribault. Passed February 25th, 1941. Attest T. fl. Mealia, City Recorder. Iiadley P. Bell, Mayor. A letter from the City ~ssessor enclosing a copy of a letter from John A$ Foster to the County Auditor relative to claimed. lien held by Home Investment & Loan Co. on 1'ax forfeited lands. Q Application of George 1.'1. Gilbertson to transfer his 3.2 non intoxicating malt and bond beverage license at No. 215 First Avenue Northwest and application/of Charles and Llam.ie Duchene for 3.2 malt beverage at this address were presented. Councilman o J.'lberle moved that the transfer be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Leller and passed by unanimous vote. The application of E.. H. Booshardt for hUlk License was presented. Councilman Keller moved that the license be granted S8me having been approved by the Dair7 Inspector. Llotion vias seconded by CouncilLl.an Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. -~...._" The follovang bills TIere presented for payment:- Labor Water Dept.. 88G.40, Labor J?uel Dept. ~;'99.98, i\.rdella E. ~hnkel ~))4.41, Harold L:ieyer ~B.56, Geo. W. 'ilood ~j3.50, Iowa Pipe &: Tile Co. ~;25l.42t Peabody Coal Co. ~;J82.o8, ,Stott Briquet Co. Inc. ~:;152.19, c- Recreation Planning Board. ;~:4.75, Labor :later Dept. ~9(S'.401 Labor Street Dept.. ::;6e.90, Gust l~itzman ";;6.75, Earl Lielmeyer ~j9.34-, Roth PrintinG Co. ,;42.15, Tri state Tel.. & Tel. Co. ~~7l.8o, Labor Street Dept. $500~68, street De]}t. Labor ~ll..OG, Library Acctso ~:;505.ll.. Councilman Carlson moved the. t the bills listed be allowed. Motion 'livas seconded by C01UlCilm.an. ~berle and passed by unanimous vote. o Hequisi tio,ns were pr8sen ted for two fills of d..i stilla te ana. one fill of gasoline. o Councilman Eelle:r moved tha t the Finance Officer be authorized to mal,;,:e the purchases. ,'Motion was secol1ded by Councilman lJc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Et~,~il~~ 'The Counc il then proceeded to review the li st of J'udges of Electio,n vIllo acted Jod~cZc '-it the General Election in November. Councilman Carlson moved that the follolling . AppoJl)ied named persons be appointed Judges of Election to act at the Primaries 1\'L8.rch 24th and General Election April 1st, 1941. First Ward, First Precinct, Ed. Roth, Ed. Drehmel, iuelia K. Johnson; Second Precinct, Clem 1:1. Wall, J. Vl. Champagne, John Langer; Third Precinct, Florence A. Lake, Val. J. Schr18isthal, Nathan B. Graves; Fourth Prectnct, 'Talerie H. OISOll, Chris. J. Donohue,. Ray P. Kaiser; Second Ward, First Precinc t, o F. M. Chai'fee, 11. C. Weyer, Clem J. Hutchinson; Second Precinct, IT" S., Erb, Bertha , Retzlaff, Wm. J.. Mc r,Iahon; Third Precinc t, iJ.rthur E. Haumant Gee.. L. Craven, Clari ce o Chapel, lourth F'recinct, Elizabeth Leller, Elizabeth Sellner, A. J. Vailencour, Third ~Jard, l!'irst Precinct, ~.irs. Susan Carver, Chas~ Wallm.an, F. J.. Lockwood; Second Fre- Charles Wolters cinct, Irene Ealow, Catherine Casey, LI. P. Shanahan; Third Precin.ct; A. J. Behlke..1 ~~i~j ~... - -~~._----~- _.~~--~~~~--~=~--~~~-- -------- -- - -----.--- - -- ---- .--- --. ~--~.~---- ---------. -.--.- ----- -------- --.-- .--- .--- --- --- - --.-------- - - -- - --- - .-----------..--- ------- -- ----- -- - - ---- ---------- -------~ I 'Anna Rehac; Fouxth Precinct, mldrew Eustice, Ida LJ~lCh, Elizabeth Geike; Fourth o 'lIard, First Precinct; F. B. Volz) Oscar Lee, .Agnes Cook; Second Frecinct, Nm. East- I ling, Paul Tilly, Oscar Sanders; Third Frecinct, Irving Lindenberg% L8o. J. O'Connell, , I.Iargaret L. Grebner. Llotion Vias seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unani- lilOUS vo tee ~ n I: ') :, Councilman Carlson :Gloved that the polling places used. in the Genar~l Election P!ae..e.s" in Novem.ber 1940 be designated as the polling places for the Ci ty Elections except- ing the polling place in the Third Ward, Third Precinc t. Mo tion vres seconded by Counc ilman l.eller and passed by unanimous vote. e 'I'he I',iayor reported that there were several cases in need of tonsilec tomies, which had been called to his attention by the Poor CO!!llD.issioner. He 8tated that if this practice were started no one could tell where it v.Quld end. I The City Attorney reported on the request of the Gi ty Recorder on Tr,atters per- taining to City Elections, stating that the ballots should be pl'ep&I'ee. as provided 'for in the Ci ty Charter, and other matters to follow the State electic.n code. The City Engineer reported that the state Highway DeparWlent had agreed to all the changes he had suggested in the design of the Tepee Tanka Eridge . Councilman Carlson moved tha t the i.Layer and. Ci ty Recorder be 8.1.1 thoriz ed and directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer in the amount of 0100.00 in favor of the Procurement Division of the U.S. Treasury Depar~ment for the purchase of gasoline to be used on V1..P..h. projects. :Llotion was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed by unaniaous vote. The City Attorney reported that a SUIT~ons hQQ been served on the City in the matter of a Q,uiet Ti tle Action being brought by Seabury ~,Iission and that it would in-valve stree t lines on State Avenue. The matter was discussed. briefly by the Ci ty I Attorney and City Engineer. 'The matter of mrrending the Ordinance relative to Cog Licenses was discussed by .. the Ci ty Attorney and the Council. Ho action Vias taken. Counc"lman I ic Carthy moved to ad'ourn l".l"otl" on .",:-~s <:", econ;;.@dbyGcuncilmanAberle : - ~ ~. ~;. ,,~u u.~ and passed by unanillious vote. d %0 /n<-~ III ~ _/ T. ~. Mealia, City Recorder. Approved tirar eil 11 th, 1941. . / /-')/'2.. //~tf~ /~l7'; B~ll, 1layor Q I (1)lV I~ (J Regular Meeting, Tuesday, March 11th, 1941, Eight 0 t clock P .ID. ------ -~ ..---->.--.---------. - ~---- -.- -- ----------------------.-. - ---- .. .--.-- -- -- - .~ R~port ,0 Y) .N (z.lA.> 'watcz.r Wdr k.~. r3<<.1dd.':' q Rct porf$ @1f1d] '~J i II 5 - j' The Council of the City of Fari baul t met in r 8gule..r session in the Council Chamber at tbe City Hall on Tuesday, the 11th day of Larch, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Bell. On roll call, those pre- o sent v.rere Counci1.r4an Aberle, Carlson, Keller, LTc C€i.rthy and I.layor Bell. The City Engineer and Ci ty Attorney \/ere also presen t. ~;.iinutes of the regl1~ar ;:'l1ee ting of February 25th, 1941, were read and approved. lIr. H. C. Leibee, Field Engineer of the Portland Cement Association, was present and addressed the Council relative to the Water Works BuildiQg, stating that the Cement Association had received illany favorable comments from various parts of the COillltry in regard to the structure ffild that they had the architects write up a des- cription of the building which with various photographs of the building were published ~ in the recent issue of .A.rchi tectural Concrete. Mr. Lei bee stated that this ms-gazine would be in the hands of all of the architects of the country. He also statei that ~ the Portland Cement Association congratulated the City of Faribault on the building and presented each Councilman with a copy of the magazine. I,Iayor Bell thanked Mr. Leibee for his remarks illld directed that they be recorded in the minutes. iJ.lfred Li verseed inquired of the Council as to whether or not hey had decided to allow lunch wagon concessions at the parks this sUlmner, menti orring Tepee Tonka and Alexander Faribault parks. The City Attorney stated that as he had l~led before, no concession could be granted unless; bids were advertised for and proper contract and bond executed. Councilman l~eller recormnended that the matter be left until the opening of the parks. It was so decided wi thout formal vote. Armouncement of Traffic Engineering Conference at the University of r,linnesota on March 25 to 28th, 1941 was read. A letter from tJ.1e League of Iuinnesota Municipali ties ~ announcing short courses for \iater Works Operators, Plumbing Inspectors, Sewage Plant Operators and Traffic Engineering was read. illetter from Senator M. J. Gal- I vin of Winona relative to hearing on a bill tQ establish a Light and Power Commission was read. A letter from the Faribault Chamber of Corilllierce relative to establishing o a ~Ul1icipal Airport was read. b.onthly reports of City Officials:-City Treasurer, City Recorder" City Elgineer, Olerk of Court, City Assessor, Chief of Police, Foor Commissioner, Market Uaster, 'Health Officer, City Physician, Secretary of Library Board, Chief of Fire Department, Collector of Water Department~ Dairy Inspector an( City Recorder's report to Supt. of Accounts and Finances in the amount of 05298..10. The fo,llovring bills were presented:- Iowa Pipe & Tile Co. $2-38.74, j;"rdella E. Winkel t.?29.60, Hick Zensen (;9.40, Labor Fuel Dept. :~121:io, Edgar l.Ientz ;~?2.25, Labor\later Dept. ~)97.85, Salaries Engineers Office ;~282.40, James I\:1. hlurray ;~;J2l.00, Chi. Gt.~lestern R..R. Co. (al.Ol, Chi. Mil. tt St. P. & P. Ry. ;;)106.77, Chi. Rock Island & Pac. Ry. Co.. ~~109.94, Pittsburgh Coal Co. :;271.69, Inland Coal & Dock Co. 8114.03. Iowa Pipe & Tile Co. $280.14, Chicago I Gt. Western Railway Co. ~~2l9.62, Gus Kitzman ~)7.00, Labor '~vater Dept. ~?126.40, Jos. Elgin ;~j25. OO~ Harold 1,;leyer 014t 37, Street Dep t. L~or ;:;;61.50, T. A. Mealia ~15.95, Oscar Fle.dland ~;J9..00, Bell & Zoller Coal Co. ~j87.00, Chi. Mil.. st. P. & Pac. R~l. ;)1.29' , cc~=c~~:~;c~=~~~-" o - = I e o Ii Petition Sewer 'l'l1irteen th st. Eor th i>.ppli ca tions Hesolu tion No.. lJ.l7l5o Wo \~r bl\\s ('Oil" '^,. ~ I'!- =~" 0 "'" ~t, ! (~, <i9 -- ~~~~~~--~--- --_.~~~-~.=~~-_._~---~- ~----~-- -~-~~-~-'-- ----. _._--~,,~- -- ----'-- -- --- -- -~-- ~-- _.~--~------------- ----------- --._"-- 'I ~-..~ ~_=__~-.::__~...N__..;.~.._~::....~___=_ -~-..;--..:---=- .----;....::....~ .;.=.:=-~=~~ -- - -- --~"~_. ----~_._------ - ..- -~ ---.-.---. A. B. Powers $4.00. Councilman Carlson moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the bills lis.ted allowed. Motion was seconded by CounCilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. Jl petition for Sanitary Se'wer on Thirteenth ,street North l'Jest from Third Avenue West as a W.P..A. project, signed by nine property owners was presented. Councilman Aberle moved that the pe ti tion be accepted and ordered filed and the Ci ty Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing"r t' d d b C 1 C d t b h l.,~. ..... 1J5th 1041 1'0 3.on was secon e y ounci man arlson an o e e_Q. lVJ.arcu '- . , J e .' passed by unanimous vote. Application of Fenton S. Ankeny for renewal of Roller Rink License, application of :;~arvin J. Foss for renewal of Electrician's License and apIJlication of Harvey Bauer fo.r .i:"uto Car lic ense were pre sen ted. Councilman Leller moved tha t the license5 be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilm.an Carlson and passed by unanimous vo tee ~ list of delin~uent water accounts was presented and d.iscussed. The City Attorney stated that he had checked the accounts with the City Treasurer and said tha t they TIere ul1collecta ble for various reasons and I' eCOIiJ1llended that they be can- celled. On motion of Councilman Aberle, seconded by CounciJluan 1.Ic Carthy Resolution Ho. .f!J..7l5 was passed by \ll1animous vote. RESOLUTION NO. .Al7l5. Relative to Cancellation of Delinquent Uncollectable ~ater Accounts. 'J1-I.Jj; CO U1TC IL OF 'l1H': C I T~{ 0 F F lLRI E!~ CL T DO, RESO L VE : - That, Whereas, the following delinquent accounts were duly considered and de- clared uncollectable on account of property ownership chanses and on account of being outlawed, the City Treasurer be and she is hereby authorized and directed to cancel same 011 the Wa ter Department ledgers of the Ci ty 0 f Fari haul t: - Elizabeth Fiebiger ~~~9.07, A. Radtke, Est.:;:;2.88, A. Kiekenapp ;;4-.40, Donald. Struthers ;~il4-.5l, P. Karow ~:~1.50, l~entz Property i}20.28, tiee Bros. 06.87, Shell Oil Co. (error) ;~;'.99, .ioefel Property ;)1.12, ,;2.24, Ferdinand Schmidt ~.p5. 38, E.P. Lynch ;J37.64, VJillard Gordon ;~~3.23, T. J. Conlin ~}6.oo, Hannah I;Iorstad ;i~.70, Gus Boosalis ~~j27.27 and ;:;j5.44, Carl Plasket ~8o.99, Shaft Pierce Shoe Co. $553.93, 1.Lrs. Jolm Hagner, Est. ';9.77, ISi.TI8.. Cadwallader ~,?15.05, Geo. Shipman Est. ,,,;12.00, 11m. F'ye Est. ~:~8.6;, .8.lfred l.~entz ~12.00, Geo. Lyons, Est. 011.91, August Hansing v2.50, Nels Oppegaard, $3.00, Ralvor Hofdahl ;:;;20.08, .i!..lbert Kelm ~;3.50, P. F. :aackett, Est. l'28 45 ',,' L <,; . , 1 '1. e Payant, Es t. ;J2.00, ',v. L.ahitson :)15.04, I. fT. Grote ~::63.04, David Olson ;;~2.97. F'assed Earch 11th. 1941. b.ttest 1'. A. Llealial' City Recorder. :rIadley Pe Bell, IIIayor P~H~ Councilman Carlson reported that Hr.. Slezal\: stated the. t he would fix up his "5v-.f :0 pet garage for a voting placeo Councilman Carlson I:loved that the Slezak GC1.1"ace 1:e de- signated. the Polling Place in the Third '.lard, Third Precinct. l,iotion was seconded E~~~;.ir~';~ -!,~.)d9'q;;. 5 by Councilman li.berle and passed by unanimous vote. 'Ehe matter of filling vacancies in the Judge of Election personell was brought up. (;ouncilIiwn Carlson moved. that IIrs. E. B. I:ie};:enapp be appointed Judge in the First Ward, Third Precinct. Iilotion lias seconded by Councilman tic Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved tlla t .Jas. F. L81111edy I:,e appointed I<).-,u- .~~ --~~-~.~~~._.._-~.._-~ ----_._-~~ -~~- ._~~~ I Mo tien vms -~----~- - -..- _ :r- ~-- to take the place of Leo 0' Connell in the Fourth Ward, Third Precinct. seconded by Councilm.an 1>.eller and passed by unani:qrmls vo te. F~t2~ Councilman .Aberle moved that the 8I1lOunt of '~;50.00 be paid to H.R. Meyer, .Adm.. E~s(f,m~t"Jt of the GloudelTl.1ln Estate to cov.:er attorney's fees and Frobate Court costs for obtaining Gr k 74 an easement across the Gloudeman Property in Block 5L~, Original Town for the con- O.T struction of the pro.posed 20ft water main. I,lotion vias seconded by CounciJJ.llan Carl- o son amI passed by unanimous vote. The City Engineer reported on the Sanitary Sewer Hearing for sewer on First stree t Sou tl1east which was held at €I, previous meeting and read a letter he hael just recei ved from. j.~rcher, Agent of the Seabury Eiss:ion, and he recom:Clended that no action be taken by the Council until 1iro Young returned in i-ipril.. The matter was so left. - bayor Bell ste.ted that he had received many inquiries from property on Stc.te City En2ineer said that this was the matter of a private survey caused by clearing ~ .Avenue regarding a rumor that the street lines were tobe changed several feet. The of title, it appearing that certain proper descriptions were erroneous. The matter was referred to the City Attorney. The Council also discuss,ed a similar condi tioD on Shumway Avenue Harth of Ravine Street. 'me matter of whetiler or not the City could legally collect Tarvia Assessments against property in Blocks 11 and 12, Southern hddition, fronting on 3econd Street :3outh, the improvement having been made in 1936 and not assessed through error in 1937, some of the property having changed hands in the interim. The matter was re- ferred to the City Attorney. ~'I';'~ J..oc.k.c%r5 liayor Bell requested au tl1orization to purchase Ct new tire casing for the Dodge i and stated that the patrolmen desired personal lockers to take care of their equip-' ment which would cost ~,,)3.00 to (:,4..00 each. Councilulan Carlson moved tha t the 1Iayor be authorized to make the above purchases. Eotion was seconded by Councilman Keller I ancl passe(l by unanimous vo,te. The Ci ty Attorney reported that easements for construotion of ;iater trains across Q the Gloudeman and '.'lest properties in Blocks 54 and 53 had been obtained e.l1d that the Boyer easement was still pending. .: Councilman Carlson brought up the matter of the deficit in the Permanent Impro\re- s~ll ment Fund and inquired what the Council wished to do, whether they wished to/bonds for the entire amount or whether they wished to transfer ~lO,.OOO from the ',iater Department ~- to the Sinking Fund to take care of that amount of bonds. Councilman Aberle stated 'td'ioCi I ()t:}{j that he thOU@lt it inadvisable to transfer from the \later D~artment, that a surplus i~ONOS shoulc1 be kept on hand for emergencies. Councilman Carlson moved that the Ci ty i_ttorney 0 ("",,-OE:'~fO be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance for the transfer of 010,000.00 from the Water Department to the Sinking Fund and that he be authorized to obtain the ~ervices I of Fletcher, Dorsey, Barker, Coleman & Barber, Bond Attarniea to do the legal viOrk necessary to float a :',~20 ,000.00 bond issue. lIotion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unaniillous vote. ii t">, ~.1 " \ - ':.Jk; - ~-----~-- - -.-. ---~--.- - -. --~_._---=--_._~ -~-~._--~---- - --- --~-_._- -- - --.- - -- - - -------- --- -"- ---- - ----- - ---::------ =------_-::.::...---=-- -=--=---=----=---=-=----=---~------- , - . I I - - = P~l'''1nRt E 1- ECT'Ot 1 +=' (',=,AN\I~S~ --------.-.---------- - -- - ------- - -- - ------ Councilman Carlson, Councilman Keller, The City Engineer and City Recorder re':':' ported on the tax conference meeting which they attended on Idal'ch 7th, 194L The City Engineer reported on letters that he had received from various City , Engineers throughout the State relative to ma:.king assessments against tax forfeited property. Councilman Lie Car thy moved to adjourn. Aberle and passed by unaniffious vote. Approved L:arch 25 th, 1941. ~R&z Hadley ~ll, wayor. 1lotiol1 vms seconded by Councilman d ' /; 0, /;:k... ~ ~~ ~ -" T. A. ~ealia, City R8~order. Special Leeting, Tuesday, LIarch 25th, 1941, 10:00 O'clock a.m. The CotUlcil of the Ci ty of Fari baul t met in special session in the COUllcil Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, "the 25th day of I.Iarch, 1941, at 10:00 O'clock a.m. Counc ilman Carlson, .Aberle, Eeller, Lie CB.rthy and 1~ayor Bell wer8 present. The meeting was called to order by Fresident Bell for the purpos:e of canvassing the re turns of the F'rimary Election. The Mayor H. H. ",Aberle Jos. i. .t-J.s~iey Hadl ey P. Bell. John J. Lyons Counc i lman E. W. Carlson Fred Emge LI. O. Gran t ,;.'U1drew J. Keller Phil Me Carthy H. H. Meyer Herman Thurnau Hilary Walsh Otto A. Vlolf hi. F. Donohue Charles A. Lockwood H8.rvey Ring Edgar Luecke Pete Finnegan Russell Woad John Carlander Franci s L:Lorgan AarOIl Lemnark Geo. Robinson Jos. Fritsch A. B. Jasinski L1ike Baumgarden Lyle Schreiber City Justice was tl1e result of the Canvass:- follo1'Jing ~1~ 701 791 1710 1123 902- l25Q 1536 ll02 J~ 1147 1848 1317 2 1 5 2 1 2 ~ 2 2 1 1 . On motion of Carlson, second.ed by Councilman l.1c Carthy, the above count was declared correct and the City Recorder instructed to order the ballots for the General Election printed wi th the names of the two highest candjdates for 1'~ayor, the eight highest candidates for Councilman, the two highest candidates for City Justice. Motion was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman I,Ic Carthy, Resolution No. Al7l6 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. RESOLUTION no. A 1716. Rela ti ve to Canvass of the Returns from the Primary Election for the Eomina tioD. of Ci ty Offices Held March 24th 1941. ,,)qq ~!.Jf..J J2~SOLl1T'(7r! A ~ 71{~ '(-f. mt3r-Lf E'cz~ +,0.-, Ca V,) 'V' CI SS ~-, cc:-.~---jc-- ------ --- --~-~~--~~~~~--~-~~-~.- ----- 'lliE C01JlmIL OJ:!' THE CI'l'Y OF FilliIBAULT DO HESOLVE:- The Council of the City of Faribault having duly canvassed the returns from the Primary Election for the nomination of the elective offices of the City of Faribault held T\/larch 24th, 1941, and having determined therefrom the names of the candidates to be voted on as nominees at the GEFER.AL IvIUNICIPlLL ELECTION to be held April l2:,t, 1941, NOW lliEREFORE, The following named persons be and they c,.re hereby declared to be nominated as can- didates to the respective city offices as follows:- For Eayor 899 791 1710 1123 902 1259- l53b 1102 1186 l147 1848 1317 For Coullci lman H. H. Aberle John JO' Lyons E. \7. Carlson .Fred Elnge 1\:10' 00' Grant lllidrew J. Keller Phil hlc Car thy H. H. Leyer Hilary v7alsh Otto .A. 'l'lolf For City Justice E. F. Donohue Charles A. Lockwood Passed Barch 25th, 1941. Hadley P. Bell, I,layor. ~ttest T. A. Uealia, City Recorder. The Council discuss.ad the Curb and Gutter ..~-sseSS;llel1t of "lVilliam H. 8: I!'lorence :i:liller on Division Stree t East in vlhich the property owner had been charGed for Curb and Gutter fnlich was later renoved for the construction of a driveway into his pro- party. Councilman l~c Carthy moved that the City assmne one half of the additional cost. Motton was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unaniillo~s voteo Councillllau LIe Carthy moved to adjourn. Llotion was seconded by Councilmau Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. Approved I,larch 25th, ~a /?t'~ ~ ~~ ~.J T. li. l1ealia, City Recorder. , '/J ./~ Bell, l.:aJTor ~ ~--~.... - o o o o o o " ,~'iI -I~t) Hegular Ueeting, Tuesday, March 25th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. ~~ --- -~~--~-~-~~~--"~ ---~----~--~-~-_.~- ~~___'__O~~____~_~~_'__' _. ~~- -~~'-'--- ..._..._._---~-~----=~~~~~~._~---- --- '------ ------- --.. --- -~_. -_.~~_._-_._----- --- --- ----- -. -- -- ---------.----...-. -------- --------- ---- -.".-'-. ------------------- --- - --~-~- .~- -- _:_--=-::-=----_.-...'-=--- --"----...- The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in "the Council o Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 25th day of I.1arcl1, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Councilman Aberle, Carl- The City Attorney & City Engineer were also present. son, Leller, I,ic Carthy and I.layor Bell were present. / Minutes of the last regular meeting of ~.Iarch 11 th and special meeting of i,~arch 25th, 194.1 ~ nere r':)ad and approved. 1~. Ray Lieb was present and brousht up the matter of a Tarvia AssessDlent Ray Lieb Tarvia against his property on Second Street So~th. The City Attorney rulet that inas- .f!..ssessment Second Ste S. much as the property had chfuiged hands since the improv~nent was made, the City Q could. not hold the present O\'Jner for the assessment. Councilman I,Ie Carthy moved that the assessment be cancelled. i..lotion was seconded by Councilman Eeller and passed by unanimous vote. ~ Councilman Carlson inquired as to the status of the assessment agains t lJ.F. Donohue and Bethlehem Academy also on Second Street South. The City Attorney said that the question had not been SUbllli tted. to him so he was unable to answer it at this time. Communications. .D'rOlil the League of r~luni cipal i ties rela ti ve to a ,Saf ety Counc il Meeting April 8th; Legislative Bulletin relative to proposed laws affecting municipalities; two letters from the Departnrent Health relative to plans for sewer exteneion; letter of appreciation from E.J. Engberg, Supt. of LIinnesota School and Colony, for the presence of Councilman l..eller and iTireman Fred Achilles at the '.Jalcott Colony Fire to ascertain whether or not the Ci ty Equipment should be called. F'ursu8n t to advertising, a hearing was called to make the asseSSIl1en t for sani- I tary Sewer on Eigh th street North from lifth to Sixth Avenues '.lest. lIe property Hearing Assesst. ouners were present. Councilman Carlson moved tllat the City Recorder be authorized Sewer 8th St. N ~ to advertise that swne would be confiTIJed at the next meeting April 8th, 1941. ko- 5th to bth Aves. West. tion was s eco nded by Counc ilme.n l~eller and passed unanimously. e Pursuant to advertislEg, a hearing iilas called for on tile construction of 86.111- tary Se'Her on Thirteenth street \jest of Third k.venue ~lest as a ':I.F.A. project. No Hearing Sewer one appeared for or against the improvement. The City Engineer reported that 198 13th st. IT, West of Third Ave. VI. ' feet frontage was tax delinquent. Councilman Aberle moved tIla t the heDxing be held Held Op en. open. 1l0tion "Was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanirrous vote. The following bills were presented for pay1nent :-'a:;}l. Dee Qll. 50, Labor ~later Dept. ;~lo8.25, Central Drug Store :jl.OO, H. H. L~eyer, Adm. (?50.00j Ardella E. Vlin- tel ;j34.4.l, Miscellaneous Payroll :~)118.oo, Gust Kitzman ;;J)7.25~ I:orthwestern l-iational Bills Bank &: Trust Coo :~;lOfOOO~OO, Labor Water Depto ;:'98.4-0, ,Street Dept. Payroll ~?75l.73, Chi. Gt. '('[estern By. Co. 0231.12, Chicago Rock Island & Pac. Ry. :~115.26, Gust I:itz- man 03.75, Tri Sta.te Tel. &, Tel. Co. ~67 .05, Frank E. C~uinn ~~9 .90. Ccuncilman Carl- son moved that the bills be allowed. Illation was seconded by Counciln'.an l~eller and ~ I passed unanDnously~ .J;.. petition signed by eight property owners requesting Sanitary Sewer on Geo. L. street between. Lincoln Avenue and.. Crocker's Creek as a \'l.P. A. pro ,ject was pre- 224 ------- ._----------~ - -----~--- ---..------- - - --- . -- - ---. - - -- . - - P-ihl.on sented. Councilman Aberle moved "Ghat the petition be accepted and order fileQ; and SQn, Sz.Wa:V" the Ci ty Record.er directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held e.t the (Gcze L Sf. next regular meeting of the Council, .April 8th, 1941. Motion was second eo. b;y- Coun- cilman Carlson llild passed by unanimous vote. Application of Geo. Caron for refund of :;;'4.50 on taxi license was presented, L.lr. Caron having discontinued business. The City Attorney ruled that a short term license was (;2.00, a refund of not more than ~';4.00 could be made. Councilman Carl- son moved that the refund be made. Eotion was seconded by Councilr:1an .Aberle and. pass.ed unanimou sly. .Lipplication of ":".F. IITc Intyre for autocar license was presented. Councilman Carl~n moved that the license be gr~nted. ~otion uas seconded by Councilman iilierle He qui s1 "Gions and passed by unanimous vote. For one fill of distillate, tV/O fills of gasoline. Councilman Kel.ler moved. that the Finance Officer be aU"Ghorized to make "Ghe above purchas,es. illotion Wf'.s se- conded by Councilman I\~c Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. A letter from Juran, 1body llild Rice, Bond Attorneys, calling attention of the Council to Senate File 881 and. House File 1003. The letter was ordered placeC' on file. Councilman Carlson moved tha t Ordinance Ho. Al85, .An Ordinance Relative to Ordinance Transfer of Funds, be placed on its first reading. l,io tion was seconded by Councilman No. 185 First Reading Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Ordinance IJo. .l~185 was then read by the 1Iayor. Councilman Carlson moved that Ordinance no.. i:J..86, An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of Bonds to Raise IJoney to Defray the Cost of Extend.ing Sewers, be Ordinance rOe 186 First Reading by,unanimous vote. placed on its first reading. LLotion vms seconded by Councilman :Keller and passed Ordinance l'~ol. Al86 was then read by LIayor Bell. The City Engine er reques ted au thori za tion to purchase a car of 8 It and a car of 12" pipe.. Coune:illl1an Carlson mal1ved that inasmuch as the pipe was to be used cn H.P.A. sewer construction and the 'H.P.A. was of indefinite 6.uration, that Sll emergency be declared to exist, and the City Engineer authorized to make the necessary purchase. h~otion was seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed by unan.imous vote. The Ci ty Engineer reported tha t he had a communicEt tion from the Highway I(~partrren t stating that the construction of the Tepee Tanka Park entrance bridge woulct be delayed until legislative action was taken to remove certain technicalities. The City Engineer also reported that the Fouxth Street paving was in a bad state of repair and demanded early attention. Councilman Llc Carthy moved tha t the City Engineer be directed to purchase four- teen feet of 2in hose for the flusher. l.lotion was seconded. by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. The Ci ty Engineer made a general report on all ff.F. A. pro jec ts. ComlCilman I.:c Carthy moved to and passed by unanimous vote. adjourn. LIotion ~econded by Co~nciJ..ra.an Aberle :% c;. ~ 04/ _. T. A. Ee(uia, .Ci'ty Recorder. ~ey P. Bel.l. RDDroved April 8th! 19 ~ - - Q - ! I o o I ~. :-:c;.:c;-= e e ~ I e o ~ ---------- ---- .)~~H)- -,J~C Special Meeting, iiJednesday, April 2nd, 1941, 10:00 O'cleck a.m. ---.-- ---.---.- - ----~-------- -- -- - -_._-~-~~~~~~~~- -~ ---.---- -- ------------------ ---- - ------~----------_._- - - -. - - - . - - - - - - - ~ ,--.- .- ---- -- --- -- - - - ---.._-- -- ------- --------.----------------- -----. --- . -. -- - - -. ... -. .- ------~----~-_._- ... -- -. .-.- ___.____.~____ .H -- -- -. - - - _ _ --___,.-__- c.~V)v~ 55 ~a.r')lXra[ Eicz.c:t,~n ez.~ i u-t I~'" A 11 rr .~ I II..:[ cz.n<< f'O -=1 ,.~.~u, ~~.. ~..-__~~,r,_" 'I'he Council of the Ci ty of Fari baul t met in special session in the Ceuncil Ch~TIber at the City Hall on Vednesday, the 2nd day of April, 1941, at ten O'clock a.m. The meeting was called to order by President Bell. COlirrcilrn~n Aberle: Carl- sen, Ide Car thy, Yeller and Mayor Bell VTere present. I'resident Bell ~tated that meeting was called to. oanvass the returns of the General Election. The result ef the canvass was as follews:- uayor H. H. Aberle l417 Coul1cilm.an E. -Ii. Carlson. 2443 1432 102l John J. Lyons 2292 2 jfred Emge M. O. Grant Hadley P. Bell Jes. W. Astl.ey Andrew J. Keller 1717 1 Phil hie Car thy 2055 H. H. Lleyer 1513 1606 Hilary Walsh Otto A. Wolf r- lb44 . 1 Geo. Lenway City Justice LI. F. Denehue 229l Charles A. Lockwoed 1723 Lydia Pettijohn 13, Joe Fritsch 5, Joe Freidheim 4, Al Jasinski 4, Gerhart Johnson 3, Lyle Schreiber 3, l)..aron Lel1J.ilark 3, Francis EorgaJJ 2, Dr. JL J. ~Vest 2, hI Ochs 2, Tim Hanlon. 2, Wm. Eastlin.g 2, IT. Strandano 2, F~ J~ Robbi6 2. The follow- ing received ene vete each:-Catherine Shields, Urban Steliuann, Roy ~idman, H. Schlatter, ,'i.. I-I. Schmidt, Ed. Sheridan, Rev. Warren, Harry Golden, Faul Cloutier, Dr. Paul hleyer, E. H. Galagan, Franlc Gear, Ben Raison, Alonzo Retzlaff, Sydn.ey Wunderlich, JI'. Milligan, Kenneth Joachftm, Ed.gar Luecke, Clark Weinors, Ed. Norton, Frank O'Brien, Albert Bartel, Roy Ray, Frank Shook, B. A. Shea, H. E. Veegal, Joe Robinson.~ Chas. Canterbury, Harold Ahrens, Den Brandveld, Lloyd Nelson, Art Firulegan, I.i. J. Baumgard en , Roy Spes.r, Al Cyinsky, Pets Finnegan, 1-(5 F., Swanson, L.'d", ,Siemers, Chris Schuehle, Leonard Elstad, Frank Gear, Everett Idalluege, Ben Krueger, Ray Endres, Harvey Ring, Rev. Caskey, R. Carlander, Stewart Shaft, Carl Smith, JQhn Dudley, Arthur Kaiser, C. R. Holmblad, A. L. Richardsen, Irving Bachrach, E. J. Drehl11al, Beata Quinn, Bert Flein~ H. T. woser, Richard ~agner, Harvey Kelly. On motion of Councilman Gerlson, seconded by Councilman t~c Carthy, the above canvass was declared cerrect by unanimous vote of the Council on rell call. On mo tion of Counc ilman Carlsen, seoo nded by Counc ilI1an LIc C&rthy Resolu tion No. ll7l7 was passed by unanimous vote of the Cou.ncil on roll call. HESOLUTION EO ~ J.U 717. Relative to Canvass of Returns of the General Election. T'llli CC;Ul,~CIL CF TIlE CITY OF FP.RIBiJ..ULT DO RE,30LVE:- 1~at the count as canvas&ed be declared correct lliid that the City Recor6er be authorized and directeQ to send certificates of Election to Office to John L'~ayo r J. Lyons7 E. W. Carlson, Andrew J. l(eller, Fhil Mc Car thy, Otto A. iJolf, Councilmen, 1,1. F. Donehue unCL Charles _:.... Lockwood, Ci ty Jus tices, as they are hereby elec ted to take ("l -~t' i.;,.J~ J ------ --- --------~-- ~~~~~..---~--- - ~~~ .~--~-~--~----~~-- -------~- ---_.~~~~- __c__ _______ ------------ office April 8tll, 1941 for the term of two years. Passed April 2nd, 1941. Attest T. A. l.lealia, Ci ty Recorder. Hadley P. Bell, Mayor. Councilm.an Llc Car thy moved to adjourn. Llotion vms seconded by Councilmen Aberle and passed unanimously. of . ~c.~ i~proved April 8th, 1941. /~/p~ f (1adley F. Bell, L1ayor. T. A. lw:ealia, City Recorder. Speciall,Ieeting, Friday, April 4th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. The Council of the City of Faribault met in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on Friday, the 4th day of April, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Councilman Aberle, Carl- son, Keller, Me Car thy and l.~ayor Dell Vlere presento The meeting was called to or- der by President Bell to clear up unfinished business and to consider the trensfer of a Liquor License. ~ f , ~a; l?ad '.0 The matter of thE E.F. JolLnson Company contract for police radio in the amount of ;:;2,743.00 Vias presented. Llr. lrank Gallagher, attorney of VJaseca, addressed the CHSG(jS5e--.::~ Council in behalf of the Johnson Company urging that the matter be clared up at tl1is ar?d oycttZred time, the equiprnen t having been approved by the City Engineer, radio inspec tcr and ,pcud the police depar~nent. He also presented a claim in tl1e amount of v62.50 for addi- tional equipment required by the Federal ConIDlunications Comraission, due to a change made in their requiranents after tile original contract had been leto After a general discussion, Councilman Carlson moved that the contract ana.. the additional charge of ~~62. 50 be :paid. ~,.lO tion was seconded by COlU1cilm8.n heller and I'assed by UIl811imous vote of the Council on roll Qall. ~~I ~UO(~ 'file applications of H. C".ilinkley to transfer his liquor li cense and 3.~ Beverage JLI C. E:NSE License at No. 303 Central hve. to Leo P. Thomas and 'dilfre0. 'J.:'lliffaul t and appl ications Trcu?sfcz:t"'. of Leo. P. 'momas and 'dilfred 'Ihiffaul t for above named liccnses I,ere presen ted. The Ci ty kttorney ruled that all papers i,vere in proper form. Councilman Aberle TI'oved that the transfers be allowed and licenses [',rEU1ted. Liotion \lEts seconded by Co un- cilman Eeller and passed by unanimous vo tee .no letter from from .1.:...1. D'oreman tral1Silli tting funeral bills of J .2. LIc Carthy for burial of Ja.lles Golden ond Anna Cromer totaling (.1190.00 was read. The report of i'IIr. Foreman, dated ~fffil1J.ary 14th, relo. ti ve to the se same claims was read. TIle nat ter IIJ2.S discussed. CouncilLlan Carlson moved that the bills be rejected. Liotion was se- conded by Councilman ..iberle. On roll call, those voting "aye" we:re Councilman Aberle Carlson an.d }.Iayor Bell, "naye If Councilman Keller and lc:c earthy. r.;otion was carriedo (Insert) Councilman l'Jc Car thy moved to adjourn. LID tion was seconded by CounciJ..m.an Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. (Insert) The City i..ttorney presented a bill from Lucius A. Smith in the amount of ;';207.35 for fees, and e:A..-.penses in connection with the Batchelder & Batchelder vs Ci ty of Fari- baul t, c",s~_ still pending in the Court. Councilman J.~elJ.er moved that the bill be allowede bO tion VlUS seconded by Councilman Carlson ~ ):Jbs~~a._. ed ]JY 1.illap.:Lmous tote. /. ~ ~~~.. ~- ..AJ T. A. Uealia, City Recorder. Approved AprH 3th, ~9~1. ~cr'~R~ h~dley P: ~ ciayor. -If -- 8 - I i e o ~ ,~2/i Regular Meeting, Tuesday, April 8th, 1941, Eight 0' clock p.m. 1] --~ .~-.- ~ -" ~ - i .1 h The Council of the City of Faribault met in the Council Chamber at the City o Hall on Tuesday, the 8th day of April, 1941, at eight orclock p.ill. TIle meeting was c:liled to order by Presidellt Bell. Councilman Aberle, Carlson, I~eller~ tic Carthy and l,~ayor Bell and the Ci ty Engineer and Ci ty Attorney were present. L:inutes of the last regular meeting of Llarch 25th and Special meeting of April 2nd and 4th were read and approved. l,layor Bell stated that it might be \Jell to take up the matter of the Sanitary Sewer on State Avenue wld First Street South from Sixth Avenue East to state Avenue. !Jr. Archer Young representing the Seabury 1.':ission spoke on the general layout of the sewer 8...nd stated tha t the Seabury L~ission "liraS not oppo sed to the s e'\'Jer on ,Sta te o Avenue as this was but a natural develop~ment of that section but felt that they sholUd be relieved of any further asseSSlilen t in view 0 f th e fact that they would be o asked to grant an easement across their property. He stated that from all informa- tion he could obtain from attorneys, it was, their opinion that that portion of First Street ,South which lay to, the East of Sixth ..:;'venue had long aGc! passed to the Seabury Seabury Llission Llission under 8.a.verse possession o..no. that an assesslllellt for sewer 011 this portion Sewer Discussio.n ~ could not be made. He stated that the possibilities of developing this portion of the Seabury grounds as residential property y/ere very remote. He saicl th8. t the LIissioD. was considering the matter of using this. property for You th Nork in connection with the Episcopal Church and that if such were done the sewer would be of no bene- fi t to the propE:rty as they were already servJ. ced. Council.lilan Eellel" moved tha t the matter be laid on the table. f.J.Qtion was seconded by Councilraan Aberle and pe.ssed by unanimous vote. Communication from the Tax Commission relative to cigarette licenses, communi- o Communications. cation from Representative Homer Covert rela tive to in traducing a bil}. in regard to assessing public improvements to tax reverted lands and two cOlmnunications from the Sta te Board of I-leal th approving Sani tary Sewer Layouts were read. o Fursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of Sillli- Hearing Sanitary ,seller Geo. Le ,Street. tary Sewer on Geo.. L. Street between Lincoln Avenue and Crocker's Creek as a W.P ...cl.~ project. Eo one appeared for or against the improvement. Councilman Aberle moved that the hearing be closed llild the sewer construe ted in the regular course of business. i.,lotioI1 was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. The matter of confirming the Special i..ssessment for Sanitary Se\7er on Eighth Street North frolil Fifth to Sixth Avenues \'lest was taken up. Eo objectors were pre- sent. On motion of COUllcilman Carlson, seconded By Councilman Eel~er Resolution ~~$oio-l-Iot)) No. .A.l7l8 was passed unanimousl.y.. o A 1118 RESOL UTION NO. A 1718. o C.o")1Irm Relative to the Confirmation of Special Jissessment for Sani tary Sewer on Eichth c?I~~~$,~;}t Street North from Fifth to Sixth ..lvenues West. 'IRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY" OF FAliIBl~ULT DO RE!30LiJ-.E:- That Sanitary Sewer Assesmnent I~umber 183 be and the sane is hereby confinned as heretofore made and completed as the same appear upon the Assessment Rolls h81"'8- ~).) H I~h:,! .J tofore compiled and accepted, which Assessl11en t Roll is on file in the 'office of the City Recorder. I'assed April 8th, 1941. Attest T...8.. hlealia, City Recorder. Hadley Fe Bell, ~ayor. On motion of Councilman. Carlson, seconded by Council..n1an .&berle, Resolution liTo. Al7l9 was passed. by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. f2~"50lut,o'" RESOLUTION NO. Al719. ~'fy"q,nt Relative to Payment of Sani tary Sewer Assessment No. 183 in Ten Armual Install- ~Y). Scz;w~~ ments. t1SS~5s(Y)Q)f THE COlJITCIL OF THE CITY OF F.8RIBADLT DO RESOLVE:- *~g"3 That the o~mer, or person interested in any lot or parcel of land in the Ci ty of Faribault, which has been assessed for Sanitary Sewer in Sanitary Sewer Assesa- ment No. 183, may at his election G!1d 'written request as provided by the Charter of said City, pay the assessment in ten annual installments with interest thereon at the , rate of four per cent per ann.um. Passed April 8th, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. Hadley P. Bell, 1iayor. On motion of Councilman Keller, seconded by Councilman Carlson, Fenton S. An- keny was granted a renewal of a skating rink license at the Armory by unanimous vote. .L~uto Car policies and riders of Jess.e Rasmussen, .Alvin. Uc Intyre (2) and V/.H. for bond and Louise Karow, endorsement for ;'ieston & Jewett Policy, rider/covering Edmond F. Policies Riders Langevin, Meter Reader and Collector, 't'Jere presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the policies and riders be accepted, same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the Oi ty Attorney. L.i:otion was seconded by Councilman Ke] ler and passed by unanim.ous vote. The follovd.ng bills were presented:- Payroll Fuel Dept. ~}113.56, 'IiiIl. Ackrnan ~~)31.00, Bills Fred ljathis ~~1.20, Labor Water Dept. ~98.40, Payroll Engineer's Office ~~28l.00 ~ Ardella E. Winkel ~34.78, Labor Fuel Dept. 074.13, ,James I'jl. Iihurray V13.50~ Iowa Pipe 8; Tile Co. ~~544..49, Election E),.'-pense ~~1l59.Q.0, ~~5l.00, Park Dept. Payroll ~,p22.50. street Dept. Payroll ~~796. 73, Library Accounts ~~;570 .02, Labor Water Dept. f~106.40. CC'uncil- , man Carl son moved tl1a t the bills be allowed. Lio tion 'Was seconded by Councilra811 I~eller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller stated that at a previous meeting he had stated that it would require about ~)15.00 for materials to fix up the ,South side of the building for the Recreational Board, but on further investigation had found that it required much more and called attention to the bill listed on the report and asked the Council to authorize this bill to clear the record on this matter. Councilman Carlson moved that the bill of the Faribault Paint Shop' listed be authorized. Liotion was second.edL by Councilman hl-c Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. ((~, por'r S The following monthly reports of City Officials were presented and read:- City 'l'reasurer, Ci ty Recorder, City Engineer, Chief of PoliceJ Ci ty Ass.es.sor, Cler.k of Municipal Court, Chief of Fire Depariment, Overseer of Poor, Market Master, Cit;y- Physician, Health Officer, Dairy Inspector, Secretary of Library Board, Water Dept. Collector, Chief of Fire Dept. (Amlual) City Recorder's report to Supt. of Accounts [J - - o o o o o C) D i .. -~. - -- ------------- -.. .--.- - ._.__.~--- '~.")n .h:"';c:.I --- -- ---. ------. - --_._-------~-~ ._--_._~-- .'. ._~~~-~~-_._- -- -- ------ --- ------ - - -- ------------- .,- --------- o Ordinance l;o. .ll85. o 1t-~V') 5f<<.r ~ .fund'C", ~ Ordinance ITo. Al86 . ~ S :; ~~, ~i:, +-IP.O~ C:,= .1-: I e o I and Finances.in the amount of 04243.24. COllilcilman moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Mo tion was seconded by Coul1:cilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. On motion of CouncilmaJ.l Carlson seconded by Councilman Keller, Ordinance 1:To. An Ordinance Relative to Transfer of iunds, A l8S/was placed on its second reading by unilllimous vote of the Council on roll call. Ordinance No. ;li85 was then read and voted on by sections as follows:- Councilman Carlson moved that Section 1. be adopted. 11otion WQS seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that Section 2. be adopted. I.Iotion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanimously. On the question "Shall this Ordinance Pass?", those voting naye" were Councilman Aberle, Ct.n~lson, Keller, l\lC Carthy and 10.!.a;/or Bell, IInayesU none. Ordinance l:~o. .li85 uas hereby- de- clared passed. Councilman Carlson moved that Ordinance l~o. ili66, .d.n Ordinance en ti tled. rr,An Ordinance Provi6.ing for the Issuance of Bonds to liaise l,loney to Defl-'ay the Cost of 3xtel1ding Se'wers", be placed 011 its second reading. L1:otion was seconied by Council- InEHl Leller and passed by unanimous vo te of the Council on roll call. Ordinance 1;0. ~~8G was then read and voted on by sections as follows:- Councilman Carlson moved that Section Ie be ad.opted. I\lotion UQS seconded by Councilman Keller. On roll call, those vo ting naye" were Councilman .d.berle, Carlson, Eeller ~ llc earthy ar."1Q Cayor Bell, \!mlyesH none. S:-lle sec tion was declared adopted. Councilman Carlson r:lOved tl1a t :3ection 28 be a6.opted. Motion nas seconded by Councilman l~eller. On roll call, those voting "aye" were Councilman Aberle) Carlson, Keller!! Lie Carthy and L=ayor Bell, "nayes" none. 'Ihe section VIas declared a6.optede On tha question ItShall this O:c- dinance pass?!;, those voting "aye!! vrere Coul1cilBa.n Aberle, Carlson, Eeller, La Carthy and Liayor BelJL, ffnayes I' none. Ortiinance Eo. iU86 was hereby declared passed. The annual reports were then presented. fhe City En3ineer made an abstract of his report" iJounei lraan .Aberle, Carlsoll, Keller, I\le Carthy ElJ.id L=ayor Bell l-'ead their Ca r> I SOY) reports. CounciLman, hci 1 a.I" moved that the reports be placed on file 8.nd those of the 11ayor and Councilman published in the official paper. I'Lotion was seconded by Councilman L.eller and passed by unanimous vote. The Ci t~l .b..ttorney reportea. that the Ci ty Engineer had checked the lines Oll State Avenue and found them to be correct. He also said that the assessment on Second Stree t Sou th against 1i. F.. Donohue and Bethlehem Academy 'NuS a legal assess- mente He also reported that Mr. Ras.mussen who had previously appeare1 before the Council for a lease for part of the Dump grm.ulds fOl~ a truck te:mlinal was ret:'tdy to go ahead with the matter. I\~ayor Bell sUGgested that the latter matter be left to the new Council. Co~ncilman Leller moved that this matter be left to the new COlLncil. Motion vias seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilm.an I~;:c Carthy moved to adjourn" Eotion",,?s seconded by Councilman Aberle and passed by unanimous vote. ~ ~ '7......_ . - /.~, ........-....-z:~./ T. A. Kealia, City Recorder. Appxoved April 22nd, 1941o .0~g / John J". lyo 2~O First Meeting of the New Council, Tuesday, April 8th, 1941, 9:30 p.m. -. ---_._~ -. ------ -------.--... ~. ~-~ ----._- - ------ - .... During the recess betwee~ the rising of the old Council and the Seating cf the new Council, the oath of office was adIainis tered inCii vidually to L~ayor Lyons, Coul1cil- _ man Carlson, Keller, LIc Carthy and Wolf. The mee ting was called to order by Presiden t Lyons0 On roll call tllose present VIere Councilman Carlson, Eeller, tic Carthy and Wolf and ~ayor Lyons, also the Oi ty Engineer and Ci ty Attorney. The Llayor announced tha t C~" W)~( I the first business vias the election of the Vice Presideli t of the Council. COlmcilman ~ O""qcU?~"!l?,d Wolf moved that OOill1cilman L.eller be elected Vice Presiden t. Idotion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed. by unanimous vote. 1'he Mayor announced the.. t the next order would be the de signa tion of Departments. Councilman Keller Qoved that Counciillan Carlson be designated Commissioner of Accounts 8l1cl Finances. I.lotion was seconded by Councilman Ec Cart;hy 8J.1c1 passed by UTI-en imous vote. _ Councilman Carlson moved. that Councilman Keller be designated Commissioner of PQ.rks, Public Buildings, lire Protection anQ Public Grounds.. Dation was seconded by Councilman = ::':c Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved. tha t Councilman Lie Carthy be designs. ted COl1lTld ssioner of Roads, Streets and Bridges and Alleys. Motion was seconded by CouncilTI:.an Keller e.nd pa3sed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller moved tha t Councilman Wolf be desitTIatec::' Comrlli ssioner of ~ia tel' \'iorks and Sewe:rs. 110- tion was seconded by Councilman. Lie Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. B~~ds The bonds of the l>~ayor and Councilmen were pr esented. Councilman Carl son moved fdlac.a:.d 6r] that they be accepted, sarae having been approved as to maIlller and form of c3xecution ~I!- J ~- ~ by the Judge of the District Court, Fred \/. Senne Motion TIas seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. LIr. Archer YOllilg requested that he be given notice "\'711eD the Covncil discussed the matter of tile State Avenue Sewer. Councilman ',10lf nlOved that the meeting be ad journed until 10: 00 0' clock on \Jed- nesday, :...pril 9th,. 1941. I,lotion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by UflanimOUS vote. c/O~<,p.~. ~ T. A. Nealia, City Recor1er. I Lpproved April 22nd, 1941. ~j.Y~or. o Adjourned hleeting, Vlednesday, 10 :00 0 rclock a.TIl. The Co~mcil of the City of ~aribault met in adjourned session in the Council Chamber at the City Hall OL ~ednesday, ~pril 9th, 1941, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. The meeting was called. to order by LIayor Lyons. Councilman Carlson, Eeller" Mc Carthy, dolf and :blayor Lyons and the City Engineer and City Attorney were present. At the request of the Mayor tho City Recorder read the standing l~les of the Council. Coun- cilman Carlson moved that the rules be adopted. hlotion was seconded by CouncilIaan Eeller and passed. by unanimous vote. to'/"'yor':;. The iciayor then addressed the Council as follows:- "I believe that every person ~ f1ddr~";~.;. \'/ho aspires to a public adnlinistr0tive office should. have certain reasons and objectives o in doing so besides the wiml and willingness to draw the salary ~lich goes with it. r" think this is especially true of the office of Li.ayor. 'vi ~ --~--~~~-~--~~- ----_.,~--~ - -~.-=---~------~---~----~"~~~~~-~-~-- -~ ~---~~.~~---_.----~~-~----.- ---~~-~~-- ------ ---. --- --~-~~- -- -- -- ----- -------.----.--- - - .- --. -.. -- - . . -.. - - -- .--. . -----. .-. . - - --. - - - --~~------ - .--. ---.--------- ---- ------------------~---------- - --.--.-..-- - --.--- ------.. - I also feel that at the commencement of a new afuninistration the governing body as. e 0.. body have certain a1..111s which they ylill determine to strive for with the earnest intent that at the expiration of the te~ they shall have been achieved as nearly as possible so that it may be said that the city as a whole has received some lasting benefit from that particular adQinistration. rle take up this administration at a time when our country is putting forth a tremendolis effort to meet a erea t cri si s in world affairs. This cri Eis comes upon us just as we are beginning to recover from the t-::reat depression. tJI.yone who reads and thinks must know that this country faces sacrifice. lor the task of defense the financial resources of i~merica vlill be taxed to the - u tlllOJst. Increased goverllil1en t taxes and borrowi ngs are inevi table. 'dith such a prospect before us, how can we as a Cit~' Council best play our part I in helping this country to be financially sound and strong? We call do it by strict economy in the administration of city affairs. \78 can see to it that there is no leak or vJaste of pu.blic funds under our control and that the taxes which we have to levy are l::ept at t..he lo"west possible figure. In this connection I want to say to you that I believe the present total tax rate of 120 mills is too high. ..:is a matter of fact, it is actually higher t,110.n it seems because it is based on valuations which are too higho Since ~oth thE rate &!d the valuations upon which it is based are largely ficti tious, I think we should turn our attention to the number of actual dollars which the city has been taking annually froTI its taxpayers in the past and see vlhethc::r and how much rle can bea t the record of former councils by so exacting a smaller nUJlber of dollars. To aid in accomplishing this project, I sUGGest that each departllen t be informed monthly as to its spending and as to the degree \Ii thin which it is keeping to the I budget. Each department should at all times make tile strongGst effort to keep not only wi thin the bu.dget but below it. Only by so c!'oing can we hope to progress in e economy, I further propose that full publicity be Given each illonth of our success or failure in shooting at a record of economy. In the drive for eCQnomy which I hope this Counci 1 "will make the effort should not start tomorrow but today. Every City official should honestly and gladly do his part. This year tllere should not even be any rlliaors that city COTS Qre being used for private taxis. If there are, the perso~ who spre&ds them should be maQe to put up or shut up, and if any waste is discovered, the @lilty putlic servant should stGnd ready to tQke the conseQuences. But it is not only in fiscal affalrs that this city CGll help. .i;\. country 1:7hich tf is trying to put forth its best effort still needs relaxation and fun, but lawless- ness and ilJ.ID.loral conduct cannot be pen!litted to oat c..way from "Vltthtn the country's I nfl tural strength and vi tali ty" Lets have relaxG. ti on anc, re crea tion no t for our pleasure alone but to recuperate our powers so thQt each of us may deliver his best effort for his country. In other words ~ d.uring this crisis: let's [wve an orderly, coop erG.ti V8, 18-1.i'l-abicling tOVJlL Let's not W(J.S to our 01,-ill Ilolley fiGh tinc anong ou.r- 'J~.(I~} ,<.."ItJ4J -- -~ "--. -. -. .. -- Re ~iU11;f? A i7zo StZ.t; Salar~a-s -If I: sel ves over 0 be6.ience to the laws 8.nd ordinances by which we govern our OVID conduct. Gentlemen of the council, I pledge my cooperation, and I know Y01I will recipro- i ca te in proving to t~l€ people 0 f Fari baul t that we are worthy of the offic es they have bestowed upon us. In closing let me say that r firmlJT believe tllG citizens o::::~ Faribault will not be disappointed in us if we can produce a record for law and order and show the way to some real Qollar and. cents economy.. I thank you. Signed J-ohn J. Lyons. If Councilman h.eller moved that the address be placed on fileo lIotion was second.ed by Counci~u~1 Carlson and PQssed by unanimous vote. me Council now pro ceedecl to consider the s8l ariesa Each offic er r S sal ary was considered separately and fixed as set fortll in the following resolution. an motion of Councilman Keller, seconded by Councilman. Carlson Resolution No. Al720 was passed by unanimous vote of the COlli1cil on roll call. rtESOLUTION NO. .Al720. Relative to Fixing Salaries of City Officials illld. Laborerso 'THE COUYCIL OF 1'.0::;: cr IT 01 F iillIB.AULT IX) R"SSOL VE:- That the sal~ries of the City Officials ber and the same are hereby fixe1 and established at the following a."D.ounts respecti vely:- City Recorder, Purchasing Agent Commissioner of Registration City Treasurer, Assistant Recorder Bookkeeper Jater Accounts Water CODuTIissioner PlWRbing Inspector ;J,130 .00) 2n. 00 ) 135. 00 } 15.00) 130 .. 00 90.00 150.00 150.00 120 .00 130 . 0 OJ Ci ty .Attorney City Assessor Chief of Police Fa trolmen- Desk Serge an t Fuel Commissioner, Market Master Engineer Frunping 3tation 125.00 C1 ty Physician He:::l th Officer J &lJ.i tor Ci ty Hall Overseer of F'oor 50 .00 ) 25.00} 100 .00 - 120 .00 Assistant Poor Commissioner 100.00 90.00 lOO.OO 160.00 Dairy Inspector Assistant 'v'later COTITIuiss,ioner Judge of 1Iunicipa~ Court City Engineer, Electrical Inspector Engineer Vlater Dept. Ivla tron Rest Room 175.00 2t:\.OO 62.5a 135..00 120.00 110.00 80.00 80 .00 Chief of Fire DepartDlent Assistant Chief of Fire Depar1211_ent Firemen Caretaker Incinerator Dl1IJ1p TeI:).der Park Tenders 75.00 o - I I e e I ~1J o o D o o o o 1 ~ .' '" ~ <'Ie) ~- Ii street Commissiorrer ;)150.00 150.00 125.00 Assistant City Engineer Assistlli~t City Engineer Tha t the. wages for the ci ty be and they are hereby fixed at ~~;. 50 per hour for I ;; common labor; special labor at ~).55 per hour; te8JJr labor at ~}.8o per hour and trl1.ck ii . i hlre at ;)1.10 per hour for l.h ton truck and a_river and ~;.65 per hOlU' truck alone. TIle< t the l.Iayor and Ci ty Recorder be, and they are hereby authorized and direct- ed to draw on the City Treasurer monthly and senirnonthly for the payment of the elective Glld appointive officials or t..h.e ci ty in equal monthly and semim.onthly in- stallments as said salaries Iilay become due. . Pass:ed April 9th, 1941. I Attest T. T. Mealia, City Recorder. John J. Lyons, lviaycr. f)ppJ;c'c...tw~Q~ The following applications were opened. and read :-Ci t3T Recorder, T. A. 1..~ealia; City Treasurer, Louise Thonet, J. W. Ch8J.llpe.gne, :3. F. .';l1dersen, .!.'~oB" Povlers; City Lttorney, Everett I~luege, Urban Steilliann; City Assessor, Frame N. ~linn; Chief of Police, Otto ~'l. Hubin; Pa.trolmen, Earl Kielmeyer, Ed. :Peterson, Francts A.. Judd; Fuel Commissioner and Larket rJaster, Fred. Llathis, Jr.; Ci ty Physician and Heal th . Officer, Dr~ Horman Lende; Jani tor Ci ty Hall, Henry LIntthes; Overseer of Poor, A.L" Foreman and Frffilcis A.. Judd, J. W. Champagne; Assistffilt Foor Comrr.dssioner, A.E. L~ollison; Dairy Inspector, Dr. Carl Hansen, H. C. Vestal; Ci ty Engine~r, Frank N. fu:c Kellip; Chief of Fire Depari1nen t, LI. S. 1Iorgan; Caretaker Incineratcr, Fred V[est, Geo. Swanger; Dmnp Tender, Oscar Morstad, Fred"lest; street COl1Jillissioner, Chas. 1:ac Kenzie; .Jater COIDluissioner, I.E. Wilson; Automobile Mechanic, Jack Dusek; General I Labor, Ed. Beese. Councilman Carlson moved that the applica tions be placed on file. J.'J.otion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Leller moved that all appointments be made by ballot. Motion ViaS seconded by Councilmarr Carlson and passed by unilllimOliS vote. , ~ttJ~IQ(5 The Council then proceeded to ballot on the folloDing offices:- City Recorder, 10 \-:>po;ot~:t T. A. i.'iealia 5. Councilman Carlson moved that T. A. ~,lealia be appointed Ci t;y- Recoxder. ! I,lotion was s eeonded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous voteo City Treasurer, Louise Thonet 4, J~ w~ ChanpagLe 10 Councilman CQrlson moved that Louise Ttwnet be appointed Ci ty Treasurer. Motion was seconded by Councilman l~eller and passed by unanimous vote. wiater Commissioner, I. E. Vlilson 5. Councilman Carlson moved that I.E. ':lilson be appointed ;.later Commissioner. Motion was seconded by Councilman l\1c Carthy and ~' passed by unanimlus vote. City Attorney, Everett ~.ialluege 3, L. A. Smith 2. Councilman r:eller moved that Everett Malluege be appointed City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman LIe Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. City ~ssessor, Frank b.. Quinn 4, F. N~ I~aisersatt 1. Councilnan Keller moved ! that Frank N. Quinn be appointed Ci ty Assessor. Motion was seconded ty Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Chief of Folice, Fred Heath was nominated by Mayol~ Lyons. On ballot Fred Heath ~)')4 ,.,.,0 _.~ '~p F~I. t?t - mq.l?t ,~f off.~~j~ received five votes. Councilman I.Ic Car thy moved that Fred Heattl be apJ?Qinted Chief ~...- -- of Police. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson a.nd pass.ed by unanimous vote. Fuel Commissioner and Liarket Liaster, J.i'red I"iathis Jr. 5. Councilman Keller moved. o that Fred hlathis, Jr. be appointed Fuel Co,mmissioner and Market Llaster. 1Iotion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Engineer at Ptllli."})ing Station, Phil Frederickson 5. Councilman Keller moved. that Phil Frederickson be appointed Engineer at the Pumping Station. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and. passed by unanimous vote. Janitor at City Hall, Henry Matthes 5. Councilman Keller moved that Heru7Y Matthes be appointed Janitor at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councibnan Carlson and passed by unanimous vo tee 0 1.1ayor Lyons recommended that no appointment be made to the office of PooJ':' COrarJ1issioner at this tiD,le and that Mr. A.L.. Foreman be allowed to continue for the present. The Council concurred "Wi thout formal vote. o Assistant loor Cqmmissioner1 A. E. L:lollison 5. COlUlcilman Carlson moved that A.. E. Mollison be appointed ..lssis tan t Poor CO;Jlll1issioner. I.lation was seconded by Councilman LIe Car thy and passed by unanimous vo te. Dairy Inspector, Carl Hansen 5. Councilman Lic Carthy moved that Carl Haneen be appointed DairJT Inspector. .illotion was seconded by Councilman dolf and.. passed b~y' unanimous vote. Assistant Water Comnissioner, Robt. Pofahl 5. Councilman Me Carthy moved that Robt. Pofahl be appointed jlssistant Hater COTImissioner. Motion vias seconded l'JT Councilman Wolf and pass.ed by unanimous vote. City Engineer, F.','I. I,Ic Kellip 5. Councilman Carlson moved that Frank W. Mc Kellip be appointed City Engineer. tlotioD. was seconded by Council1ilan I{eller and. pas:::ed: by unanimous vote. o Fire Chief, COUllC ilman Keller recoIO:illended the appointment of LI. S. Morgan. On .. ballo t 11. S. lJiorgal1 re.cei ved 5 votes. Councilman Keller moved that 11. S. lIQ1.'"'gl.;.l1 be c.ppointed Fire Chief. 1iotion was seconded by Councilman LIe Cartl1y and passed by o unanimous vote. .b..ssi stan t Fire Chief, Fra.nl:;: Boldt 5. COUl1C ilman Eeller moved that Frank Boldt be appointed ~ss1 stan t Fire Chief. 1t10 ti on was second ed by Councilman lIc Carthy and passed by Lillanimous vote. Street Commissioner, Councilman LIe Carthy l"econ:mended the appointment of Chas. 1Iac Kenzie Sr. On ballot l~lr. ~.lac L.enzie received 5 votes. Councilman Me Carthy moved that Chas. i,iac Kenzie be o.ppoin ted Stree t Corrunis sioner. llotion was seconded by COilllcilman,Jolf and passed by tUlanimous vote. 0 Councilman liolf moved that the Council Adjourn until 2:00 o'clock p.a. Motion uas seconded by Coul1cill.!lal1 Lie Carthy and passed by unanimous vote._ o The Council reconvened at 2:00 otcloct p.m. On roll call, Councilman Carlson, Leller,I~c Car thy , Vlolf and liayor Lyons TIere present, also the 01- tyEllgine.er and 01 ty il.ttorney were present. . Ii'.. t- .:':"uiJ -.~-. ~ ~ -- ---~-------- -.~- --~'-- --~---------~- ----------. -- -- ---- -. --- -~~-~-~--~--~._--~~-- ------- ----------- - o o o o o o o - '--------- --- --- ------ - --- -------- -----.. ---- - ---- ------ bond. The F1Ulilb8rsjof Fred Lockrnan VJaS presented. Councilman Carlson moved that thE;, bond be accep ted, StIDIG havins be en approved 8.S to manner and fonl) of 8xec1J.tion by the City ~~ttorney. hiotion vms seconded by Councilman r:cller and passed unanimously. ~t;t,'on A pe ti tion signed by two property requesting Sani tary Sew'er on Fourth Street SC4t') Sczwct.r Southwest from Fifth to Sixth'~venues, as a VI.P.A. project "Jas presented. Council- ~"'b 5t .;6.ILV man 'aolf woved tha t the p eti tion be accep ted. and orde1."ed fi led and the Ci ty Recor- der directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held at the next re011ar R,rc has.<<. "-~,, ~ ;rl \ I t) ~ l.q,,'\t; o )En9' r')0Lf's' 'TroY)SIt, meeting, 'I'uesday, April 22no., 19Ljl, at eight 0 r clock p .ill. 1.:0 tion was seconded. by Councilman LC Car thy and passed by l.u1animous vote. A letter from J.C. Lysen, Supt. of thE state School for Blind, relative to ilStop Signsil at the School entrance 8l1d Folice patroling of that street wo.s read.. ilf'ter a general discussion: the [(latter was referred to the City Attorney without mo tion. COlillcilman Carlson reported that thirty five additional men had been assigned tQ. W.P.n.. pI'ojects in the City of Faribault this mOrl1ing. General discussion 'nas held vlith i.ir. Luebbert, County Project Engineer of the ;.7.P.,A.~as to projects in general. ThE setup of the County PlanninG Board was also discussed. Councilman l>.eller moved that Councilman Carlson and the Ci ty Ensineer be appointed to repre- sent the Ci t3T 011 the County Planning Boord for the m ~'1ing year. Uotion was seconded by Councilman l~C Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. The Council discusaed the matter of the Fire Deparunent of making outside runs. Eo a ction was taken. Council1:l8.l1 CcLrlsol1 reported that the indexing project was at such state of wa s re c OllliJIC l1.d ed , completion that the purchase of a card filing case/ estimate cost.j25.00 to :;30.00. CounciLman Lie Car thy moved that the purchase be authorized. 1:otion nas seconded by Councilman Holf and passed. by unanimous vo tee The City Engineer called the attention of tile Council to the condition of First ~venue East from First to Fifth Streets North. The City Engineer was directed to prepare esti&ates for paving same. The Ci ty Engineer reported that 'two pumps on the sewer jobs required repairs Tvhich he estimated \Joulo. cost ~:;67 .000 Councilman Carlson m.oved. tha t the Ci ty En- gineer be authorized to have the necessary repa.irs made. Moti on was seconded by Councilman 1,'Ic Car thy and passed by unanimous vote. 1he City Engineer reported that the Air Hammer was in bad state of repair OLd that he would make a detailed report on same at the next lilGe ti ng. The City Engineer reported that a new transit v~s needed in the Engineering Dept. at a cost of approximately ~::;400.00 and that this had. been provided for in the budget. Councilman Carlson moved that the City En::;ineer be authorized to make arrangemen ts to tr;y- out transits. Liotion gas seconded by Councilman LIe C5.rthy and. passed by unanimous vo te. in Councilman Eeller stat ed tho. t!the makilJl2: of the budget an 8rflount of ;;;200.00 had been allowed f~r landscaping engineering services at .~exander Faribault Park and suggested that this am.ount be allowed Lir. Eaufman for services rendered. COUll- cilman Carlson moved that the payment be authorized. Motion was secollaed by Coun- cilman l,~c Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. I:!Zotion was ~ded by Coun.ciJJnan Carlson , and passed by unanimous vote. C--7.a~J 9 / 0 Y? ~ .. T. A. ~.~ealia, Ci ty Recorder. lwproved ":i.pril 22nd,. 19410 (tJ/~tt-"/, ~...~n oJ. Lyons l.layor !'J ~ .f ! ' I~ot) Regular Meeting, Tuesdays April 2~d, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session 1n the Council Chwrr- ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 22nd day of April, 1941, at eightc o'clock p.m. The me~ting was called to order by President Lyons. On roll call, those present were Councilman Car~son, Keller,. Me Car thy , Wolf and Mayor Lyons, also_ the City Engineer and Oi ty Attorney were present. Minutes at the regular meeting of April 8th, both old and new Councils ani. ad- journed meeting at April 9~h were read and approv~d. Application of Nellie Kelly tor Junk Dealers License and bond were presented. Nellie KellyCouncilman Carlson moved that the license be granted, and the bond accepted, s~e Apt>lication . ana. bond. havJ.ng been approved as to manner and form. of execution by the 01 ty Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. A communication from the Recreation Board announcing that C. C. Adans, Ed. Dahl, Kenneth. Heath an~~d1 th Frost had been nominated as members of the Bosrd. Council- man Keller moved that the appoin1ments be approved. Motion was seconded by Council- man Carlson and passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. The Mayor read the proposed By-Laws of the Recreation Board. Councilman Carl- son moved that the By-Laws be approved, same having been passed on by the City Attorney., Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous. vote. A communication from A.L. Foranan thanking the Council for continuing h~ in theotfice was read. The officiaJ.. bonds of the Ci ty Treasurer, City Record.er, City Engineer, E'7erett Official Malluege, City Attorney, City Assessor, Poor Commissioner, City Physician, Market Master and Fue1 Commissioner, Water Commissioner, Chief of Police, Patro~en T. E. Bonds. Conniff, T. J. Hanlo,n, W. H. Mullenmeister, Arthur H. Geika, L. F. Ableman. Council- man Carlson moved that the bonds be accepted and ordered filed,same having bet;\n 1/ approved as to manner and form of exectuion by the City A.ttorney, the City Recorder's bond to be filed wi th the County Audi tor. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The Plumbers Bo.nd of Edward J .Duffney was presented. Councilman carlson moved that the bond be acoepted and ordered filed, same having been approved as to manner and form of executian by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Walt and passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll oall. The following bills were presented for payment:-Labor Water Dept. $68.00, Ardella E. Winkel $17.76, Labor Fuel Dept. $51.75, Velske & Hazelton $35-50, Water Dept. Pay Ro,ll ~69.80, Ardella E.. Winkel $15.91', Westerman Lumber Co. $8. 75:~ Al.bert Fryden1.und -.1"-- ~_ _ \..- $18.57s Earl Kie]meyer $lO.50~ Gust Kitzman $l.75, Labor Water Dept.. $68.35. Street ,,"- Bills Departnent Payroll $422.45, Tri State Tel. & Tel. Co. $71.88, Iowa Pipe & Tile Co. ~- '-~ $590.9l, Wm. Minder $7.00. Councilman Carlson moved that the bills listed be allowed. ~otion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. ~ A peti tion, si.gned by two. property owners, requesting Sanitary Sewer an Sixth Street North1'iYest of Park Avenue as a VI.P.A. project was presE!nted. Councilman \ o Q o o o o o ~~ -; <, /'") -'~.J I o " o D o o o Carlson moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the City Recorder Peti tion '; a.uthorized and directed to advertise a public: hearing on same to be h~ld at the Sani tary Sewer ' 6th st. N, West next regular meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. :f.n the Council Park Avenue Chamber at the Oi ty Hall. Mo tion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vo te. A petition, signed by four property owners, requesting Tarvia Surfacing on Petitions Second Street Souti1 from Seventh to Ninth Avenues West, was presented. Councilman TarVia 2nd st. S, 7th to 9th Mc Carthy moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and tre City Recor- Avenues West. der authorized and directed to advertise a public hearing on same to 1? held at the Hearing Sewer 4 th st. S, Sewer 5th to 6th Aves. . Wes t. Curb & Gutter Same as above Sidewalk North side Same as abo ve. retZ.~olui ,~ ~~11Z-( f:>Q'i.~'''tQ1t . rt?czal f5~tahl. J~ f? ~': II" I:') c'~ . next regular meeting, May 13th, 1941, at eight 01' clock p.m. Motion WES seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. A peti tion, signed by four property owners:, requesting Curb and C:'ltter on Second Street South from Seventh to Ninth Avenues West as a W.P.A. project, was pre- sented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the petition be accepted and crdered filed and the City Recorder authorized and directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held at the next regular meeting, Tuesday, May l3th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unan~ous vote. A peti tion, signed by four property owners, requesting Sidewalk on the North side of Second Street South from Seventb to Ninth Avenues ~est as a W.P.A. project was presented. Coun~ilman Me Carthy moved that the peti tion be acceptedo a.nd ordered filed and the City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held at the next regular meeting, Tuesday, May 13th,. 1941, at ei gh t otclock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed unanimously. Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of Sani- Itary on Fourth Street South between Fifth and S1xt~ Avenues West as a W.P.A. pro- F. W. Me Kellip, M. A. Larson and A. C. Mazes 'appeared in behalf of the Car.lson No objectors were present. Councilman I., moved the. t the hearing be ?losed ject. and the peti tion granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and p':lssed by unanimous va te. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Wolf, Resolution No. Al721 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. Al72J... Relative to Payment of Real Estate Bond and Interest due April ~5th,. 1941. TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- That for the purpose of pa.ying Real Estate Bond No. 3 in the amount of $3,000.00 issued AprLl 25th,. 1938, and interest on Real Estate Bonds Nos. 3 and 4, inclusive, dated April 25th, 1938, the Mayor and Oi ty Recorder be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw an order on the Ci ty Treasurer in the amount of T~ree Thousand '\f'., One Hundred Fifty ($3,150.00) Dollars in favor of the Water Department of the City of Faribault, t3,OOO.00 to be made payable out of the Sinking Fund and ~150.00 out of the Interest Fund. of the City of Fari baul t. Passed April 22nd, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. , ,0. t Cc;"v-'t.' ,.' L "'~::::;""'" -:-.?-"'..,A./,) ~- - ---~- .- Jqhn J. Ly6~s. (I 1,1 ayor 9"'Q I~()O On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Wolf~ Resolution NOe . AJ.722 was passe_d by unanimous vote of the Councilor! roll call. /\\ . ~L~soit.rh-ot? RESOLUTION NO. 1U.722. o A 177-~ IPaYt7JiZrJf of J nta:rtt:<.f raSc'/ut,~ (A '72..3 S~{(]rYi (L) c.11 .;~, Jud9 <l.- \\?a'{ Chapet Ra.. po r" t '"'' Relative to Payment of Interest due May lst$ 1941. THE COUNCIL OF 'IHE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- That for the purpose of paying Interest due May 1st, 1941, on Storm Sewer Bonds Nos. 20 to 24, Local Improvement Bonds Nos. 17 to 20, Building Bonds Nos. l3 to 15, Bridge and Culvert Bon~s Nos~ 13 to 15, all inclusive, all issued November 1st, 1923; the Mayor and City Recorder are authorized and directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer for the sum of Three Hundred Seventy Five ($375.00) Dollars in favor of the Northwestern National Bank and Trust Co., of Minneapolis, Minnesota, to be made payable ~ from the Interest Fund of the City of Faribault. Passed April 22nd, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia, 01 ty Recorder. John J. Lyons, Mayor. o On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No. A1.723 was passed by unanimous vote of tbe Council on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. .Al723. Relative to Fixing Salary for an Acting Judge in the Municipal Court. THE COm~CIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- That, Whereas, Chapter 154 of Laws ~f 1937 provides for the appoin~ent of an Acting Judge to serve during the absence of the Municipal Judge and empowers ~e Council to set a per diam salary for the appointee, That said salary be and is hereby set at ~~lO.OO per day until the second Tues- day of April, 1943. Passed April 22nd" 1941. Attest T. A. MeaJ.ia. City Recorder. John J. Lyons, Mayor. Mr. Ray Chapel appeared before the Council relative to the Sanitary Sewer whicb wa.s constructed on Fifth street North from of Park Avenue, calling the attention of' . the Council to the fact that approximately eight hWldred feet of this street is but thirty feet wide and offered to deed property to widen the streeit to sixty fee t,. if the City would relieve him or the Sewer Assessment. Councilman Keller moved t~at the location be viewed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by o o unanimous vo tee requisi tions for A requisition for ten car loads of various kinds of coal and andI2,OOO gallons of gasoline were presented. Councilman Keller moved that the Finance Officer be directed to make the above purchases. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me C~~thy and passed by unanimous vote of the Council Q,Il roll call. Reports of the City Treasurer and Ci ty Recorder for April 1st to 8th and Annual Report of the Poor Commissioner were pr~sented. Councilman Carlson moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and o passed by unan1roous vote of the Council on ~oll call. Counci~an CarlsQn moved that June 2nd, 1941, at lQ:OO atclock a.m. be designated the date and time at which the proposed $20,000.00 bond issue would be sold. Motion o was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. -~ ~ -- --------. .~- <n - -,tJiJ ~.----- .. ---- .---- -~- .~-~~~-~--- ~~~ ~--~~~~------ --~~-~-~--~-------- - -- ------ ----------- ---- - -=-::...==- ==:=..=--=----=--=-=-=--=--~::-~--=-.~--=- :-.----:::--====--...:.=_----'~--=--=-=----=----- - o -- ! Ii e e ~ -- --------.. -----.-.---- --=-- ~-,-~----- -- - -- - -.--..-. -- -- .. -..--- -------~- -----~- - --.- - -- -- -- --------~-_.- -- ---------------- Councilman Carlson moved that inventory be taken of all depar1men.ts. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous, vote. The Coun.cil discussed the matter of the Fire Department making rnns Dutside of go to the City. It was decided wi thout formal vote t%watonna and Austin on April 23rd to investigate the manner in which they handled country runs. 5~9n Councilman Carlson suggested that bill boards advertising the City be erected Boards at the entrances into the City. He sta.ted that a 10 X 20 board would cost $200..00, a lO X 3a board $300.00. He also suggested that the police carry p~)hlets for dis- tribution to out 01' State cars:. He also brought up the matter at a mochanic to care for the Oi ty fleet end the need for a new fence at the coal yard. Councilm&n Keller reported that it would cost $25.00 to install a hand rail on the inside of the stairs in the City Hall side of City Hall Building. Councilman Carlson moved that the rail be ordered installed. Motion was seconde~ by Councilman Mc Car thy and passed by unanimous vote. Pc:,,~i fo~ Councilman Keller requested authority to purchase fifteen gallons of wagon f'~~~ paint for the Park benches at $3.75 per gallon. Councilman Carlson moved that the ~~r')c:.h<t5Purchase be authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car thy (\nd passed by <C'"T'f' HaH Reof WOof cz.t'" Da;pf f ~th;"\:: unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. Councilman Keller reported on the necessary repairs to the earth dike between the two dams at Alexander Fari baul t Park caused by the high water. Councilman Keller brought up the matter of concessions at the Parks and suggest- ed that the City Engineer and City Attorney prepare specifications for same. This was agreed to by the Council without formal voteo Councilman Keller reported that the City Hall should be repaired this year and recomDlended a complete new root. He stated that an estimate received for a twenty year guaranteed roof with iron flashings was $750.00, with copper flaBhings would be $215.00 additional~ half inch insulation would be $175.00 additional, and an estimate of i!?25.00, for repairs to gutters, etc. Councilman Wolf requested authorization to purchase 3,700 lbs. of pig lead and four 6" 'valves. Counci~an Carlson moved that the above purchases be authorized. Mo- tion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous voto. The City Attorney reported that Councilman Wolt and he had conferred with Archer Young relative to easement for Sanitary Sewer through Seabury Campus. He stated that 5ectbcJr''I the Mission Board would meet on April 28th, 1941 and that Mr. Young f~lt assured that ~ ~...---'r\ - ....- . c ,.'> I the Board would grant the e.asement with the understanding that Sewer Assessment would be deferred until connection were made to it. The City Attorney stated that in his opinion that portion of First Street South lying between blocks 1 a.nd 7, Fari baul t' s Addition had passed to the Seabury Mission under adverse possession, that the street had never been laid out or used for street purposes. The Council discussed the matter and decided to meet with Mr. Ysung after the Mission Board meeting. The City Engineer reported that he had communication from the Rock Island Railroad relative to his request for an easement for the proposed 20" Water Mwn on the East ~2L} 0 ~- ~ -- (-2,r-chas fZ Sa:w~r 11pcz; S~Ob(1".G"LJ ,~ .~ ..l.I- side of Straigh t River between Second and Third Stree,ts North. He Stated that the ; Rock Island Road offered to make an exchange of this property fair an equalanount bord~~ing the:L.r right-of-way in Block 21. O.T. The City Engineer was, direoter. by the Council to inform the Rock Island Road that the City was DOt favorable towards making any exchange. The City Engineer reported an W.P.A. projects in general and requested ~uthori- I zation to purchase two cars of eight ineh pipe. Councilman Keller moved that inasnu~ as this pipe was for use on W.P.Ar projects, that the W.P.A. was of indefinite duration and sewer pipe can be obtained on the open market for a reasonable price, an emergency be declared to exist and the Oi tr Engineer and Department Heads be authorized to make the purchases. Motion was secondpd by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. CArl-son Councilman*" e~II.b.tt reported on the meeting of the County Vi.P.A. plannjng bo ard. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. and passed by unanimous vote. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson of . /.o'~ T. A. Mea.lia" Ci ty Recor1er. Approved May 13th, 1941. J/.. ~4 ~~rMaYOr. Special Meeting, May 2nd~ 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. Friday. The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on Friday, May 2nd, 1941, at eight o'cloek p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lyons. On roll call -those present were Councilman Carlson) Me Car thy , Wolf and Mayor Lyons were p resen t~ also the a1 ty Engineer and City Attorney were present. fat JD%~i1I<< ][b nkbd ])x Diu ~ bon IiJm:t Councilman Keller was absent on account being out of town. President Lyons stated that the purpose of the meeting was to consider an ease- ment across the Seabury Campus and to transact any other business which might come up. Mayor Lyons read the following communication from the Seabury Mission Board:- "Mr. Foster made a statement to the Board regarding a co nference which the Treasurer had with the members of the Council of the City of Faribault in connection w:ith the prQPosed extension of a line of sewer through Seabury grounds from state AveI1'le on the east to Sixth Avenue East. The tentative understanding with the Council was that if an easement was granted the City for extension of this sewer as contemplated no assessment would be made against the Mission 'until such time as they migh t con- e ~ ~ i e neat onto this line of sewer. It was also brought out that the Council are jnclined e to question whether the Divinity School property should still be exempt from taxa- tion in view of its practically no longer being used tor seminaI"Y_ or church rurposes. The m.embers of the Council also express the idea that in view of the den'.oand for lots on the East Side in Faribault, due to its deve~opment f~+lowing the con- struction of the new viaduct, that the Mission place on the market lots for l:uilding i "' ;-0 --, 'i L -" :.t: _ o o D ~ o l\ brca f'"'C.( ~epCU.r5 purposes in the northeast portion o.f the campus. In. this way releasing such pro- perty for building and thus producing a tax revenue to the city. After consideration of the matter in its various phases, the following motion was made by and seconded by that the Mission now aut~~izes the sale of certain lots in the northeast eorner of Seabury grounds ly- ing between Division Street and what would be First Street South, if extended through the grounds to State Avenue and that Mr. Foster wi th the treasurer be con- stituted a committee to carry out the undertaking. Also, that the tr~asurer is au- thorized to enter into an agreement with the City of Faribault granting it an ease- ment through the Seabury grounds along the center line of what would be First Street South, if such a street were openede The consideratiOIl for granting this easement would be that no assessment will be made upon Seabury for the sewer constructed through the grounds, until such time as the use of such sewer may be made by making one or more connections thereto in the selling of lots as cont"mlplated, but that when such connections are made the assessment for the sewer through the grounds shall be immediately due and payable but wi thout penalty or interest. The motion was unanimously adopted." Councilman Carlson stated that he thought it would be better for the City to condemn or purchase a right-of-way for a street paying the Mission for the property and then make the regular sewer asses5.ment. This was discussed by ths Council and the City Attorney was directed to contact the Mission to ascertain their reaction to this prQiPosal. Councilman Carlson stated that it had been brought to his attention that there were several truckers operating without city license. The Council without formal vote directed that the ordinance be enforced. Councilman Carlson moved that the $20,000.00 bond issue be dated June 15th, 1941. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. The City Engineer reported that the large stained glass window at the Library required repairs, that Mr. Tyrie, the Architect had a representative of the stained v glass window company inspect the window who gave an estimate of $80.0") for the re- pair. 5tZW"~V' u~'p~ P~~~~"~~f- o o Ce",~~ C-=~mtU)t The City Engineer reported on W.P.A. projects and requested authorization to purchase a car of 8n pipe. Councilman Carlson moved that inasmuch as the pipe was to be used on W.P.~ projects and the W.P.A. is of indefinite duration and the pipe can be purchased at a reasonable price on the open market, the purchase be authorized. Motion was seconded by Couneilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote of the Council' on roll call. The City Engineer requested autllorization to purchase 250 bbl. c~r of cement stating that the price would be between $2.26 e~d ~2.28 per bbl. Councilman Carl- (:t.IfGI:;c;~-;:~ son moved that inasmuch as the cement was to be used on W.P.A. projects, that W.P.A. was of indefinite duration, and that this p~1oe was apparently reasonable for cement, 242 -- -- - .- ..... OF \ " m that the purchase be authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car thy and passed by unanimous vote. o Ps~",~ I, ,v ~ ~fi ~ b ~ @, ="1, Mayor Lyons called the attention af the Council to. the Minnesota Police and I I Peaoe Officers Association Annual Convention to be held in Faribault the early part~ C::.lf.)v~r;':h~,[-" I of June. He stated that the President of the Organization had been in Fa.ribe.ult recently and it was decided that he, Chief 0.1' Police Fred Heath, the City Be"}order and representatives of the Civic Associatians wauld meet wi th the Board of Directors. 0.1' the Police Association in Minneapalis on Monday J May 5th, to decide on a definl te date and to discuss ather matters pertaining to. the canventian. Councilman Carlson moved that the dues of the Palice Department-in the Associatian I ~ be paid by the City.. TIle Ci ty Attorney ruled that this was legal. Mation was se- ! 0 conded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote of the Cauncil on roll call. Councl1man Carlson reported that the State Welfare Meeting would be held May 6th in St. Paul. He stated that he thaught that the City shauld be represent~d and said that he would like to go. and take Fred Mathis. No. objectian was voiced. Cauncilman Carlsan moved that the City Hall be closed at nOQn on Saturd~?s until further natioe. Matian was secanded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by o unanimous va te . Cauncilman Walf moved to. adjaurn. Mation was seconded by Cauncilman Carlson and passed by unanimous \10. te . Appraved May 13th, 1941. cLA--...AA/ ~ ~:(f:r;;.;r. cI' C7 7n~ 0 ~~ :., ~ T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. o o o o ~-~ -~-~~.._~- o '),~ii); u''.1:0 Regular Meeting, Tuesday, May 13th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. The Council of tbe City of Faribault met in regular session in tte Council Cham- ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 13th day of May, 1941 at eight o'clock p.m. On 'roll oall those present were Councilman Carlson, Keller, Me Car thy, Welf and Mayor Lyons, also the Oi ty Engineer and City littorney were present. The meeting was called to order by Presiden t Lyons. Minutes of the last regular meeting of April 22.nd, and special meeting of May 2nd were read and approved. Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of 88.11i- Hearing Sewer tary Sewer on Sixth Street North, West from Park Avenue as a cr.P.A. pr'.)jeot. One 6th St. N, W of Park Avenue. ' of' the petitioners appeared and inquired as to whether or not it was necessary to '. oo,ns:truct the sewer the entire length of the atreet as the property ovners toward the West end of the street did not care for sewer. The City Engineer stated that o o it would be possible to construct a short, run of sewer and to servioe it from the manhole and that a lamphole could be plaoed at the terminal to aid in the servicing.. Councilman Carlson moved that the hearing be closed and the sewer ordered constructed fo,r a.pproxima.tely one half of the frontage. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of Side- the North side ot Hearing Sidewalk walk on/Seoond Street South from Seventh to. Ninth Avenues West as a VI.P.A. project. 2nd St. S. 7th to 9~ Aves. The following objectors were present:-Agnette Sammon, Mr. &, Mrs. Walte,ore Spitzack, West, North Side. Mrs. Amelia Schwartz. John Puffer and Milton L~ were present in favor of the im- pro.vement. After a di scussion on the matter ~ Councilman Keller moved tha t the hearing be continued until the next meeting and that the lacatian be viewed* Matian was se- canded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. o Pursuant to. advertising, a hearing was called for on the constructio.n of Curb and Gutter on Second Street So.uth from Seventh to Ninth Avenues West as a W.P.A. Hearing Curb and project, 81so on Tarvia Surfacing on the same street. In addition to. above named Gutter and Tarv1s on Second St. S, objectors and petitioners, Margaret and Rose Leonard stated that they were opposed to. 7th to 9th Aves8 West. the improvemen ts, at this time. After a brief di scussion, Councilma.n C<:>rlson mo.ved tha t action on the peti tio.n be deferred until the Council had viewed the locatione o AN. Ban \~...\ C<Z.O~S o o Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. The application of the Gopher Sales Company for Owners' Licenses for thirty Pin Ball Machines and the following Operator's License applicatio.ns were presented:- Wimpy's Pantry, 52.0 Centr'al Ave., Bar B Q. Shop. 510 Central Ave.~ Gust's Place Cafe, 420i Cen tral Ave. J The Olympia~ 330 Central. Ave. ~ '!he Hurryback~ 314 Central Ave., .American. Billiards, 313 Central Ave., Thomas & Thiffault, 305 Central Ave., The Spat, 28 3rd st. NW.>> Al's Place, 30 3rd St. NW., Kelly Inn, 118 Central Ave.>> Becker &, Dwyer, 202 Central Ave., Sheridan's Bar, l20 Central Ave., Silver Cafe, 215 First Avenue mv., Harold's Place, 22 3rd Ste ~m.~ Soo Lunoh 25 3rd St. ~Wl.t Castle Ham- burger Shop, 125 Central Ave., Chappuis Grocery, 2035 7th St. NW., Nelso.n Cafe, 126 Central Ave., Maison Ritz 307 Central Ave.~ Boston Cafe 412 Central Av~., Stub's Place, 24 4th Street ~TW.t Filling Station Cafe, 27 4th Street NW., Conklin & Van Houdt, 306 1st Avenue NW. Councilman Carlson stated that as the Judge of the District 244 m Pin Ball Machine Licenses Au to Car Licenses Milk Licenses. Policies Bond L. Hyatt Transfer Allowed. Petition Sanitary Sewer Gran t Street. Petition 'I'arvia. 9th Ave. W 210 ft. N 8th St. s. Court had rendered the decision that these machines were g~bling devices and the Attorney General's Office had made similar rulings, he fel t that the licenses should not be granted. He said that he also felt that if the machines were to be licensed, 'I D-- ~- o the licensed fee should be increased. Councilman Mc Car thy moved that licenses be granted for three months. Motion was seconded by Counc11man Keller. On roll call, those voting rtaye" were Councilman Keller, Me Carthy and Wolf, "naye" Councilman Carlson and Mayor Lyons.. Motion was declared carried~ Auto Car License applications of Elwood Fritz, Theodore St. Hilaire, Walter ,..:; 11'. Cates~ F. J. Dring~ F. J. Dring, Clark Rosen~hal were presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. Q The application of Joseph Carpenter and Henry Voegel for Milk Licenses w~re pre- sented. Councilman Carlson moved that the licenses be granted, the dairies having been approved by the Dairy Inspector Carl Hansen, V.S. Motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Keller and passed by unan~ous vote. o Auto Car Policies of Elwood Fritz, Walter Cates and renewal certificate for Frank J. Lenway' s Plumbers Bond were presented. Councilman Carlson moved tha t the policies and renewa1 certificate be accepted and ordered filed, same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. r\:~otion was se- conded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The application of Louis Hyatt to transfer his 3.2 beverage license at No. 309 First Avenue NW.. to John Van Houdt and application of John Van Houd t and bond of John Van Houdt and F. G. Conklin were presented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that tne transfer be allowed and license granted subject to filing of personal pro- perty certificate. MQtion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. o A peti tion, signed by six property owners, requesting Sani tary sewer on Grant Street as a W.p .A. project was presen tad. Councilman Wolf moved that the petition be accepted and placed on file and the street viewed before action be taken. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote~ A petition signed by A.H. Wunderlich requesting Tarvia Surfacing on Nint1:' Ave 0 West 210 feet North from Eighth Street South was presented. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the petition be accepted and placed on file and the City Recorder ~irect~ to advertise a public hearing on same to be held at the next regular meeting, Tues- day~ May 27th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson o and passed by unanimous vote. Communications:- County Audi tor's Certificate for Receipt of Recorder's Bond, o Anchor Casualty Co. relati'Ye to Compensation Insurance, State of Minnesota InmU'ance Division, Inspection of Fire Hall, Aireo Engineers relative to Air Port planntng, I Depar1ment of Health approving Sewer Plans, League of Minneso ta Municipali tie~ announcing League Meeting at Winona June 16, 17 and 18. The following monthly reports of C1 ty Officials were presented and read :., City D ,~~ .} I~-~J ;'i: , ~1l authorization be given. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy& On roll call o those voting nayett were Councilman Carlson, Keller, Me CarthLy and Wa,lf, "nayesft Mayor Lyons:. Motion was declared carried. Councilman Keller suggested that the Members o,f the Council view the Nutting constructing and Truck Company buildings in regard to their method used in/repairing of roofs. Councilman Me Carthy sta ted that four new tires were needed and the Ford vB Stree t Department Truck. Mr. Mc Carthy was ins.tructed to subm1 t prices. Councilman Wolf requested authorization to purchase two hydrants at $82.00 each. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the above authorization be grant~d. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unapimous vote. a Councilman Wolf discussed the matter of delinquent water bills briefly. The o Council au thorized Mr. Wolf to proceed as he saw fi t in each case wi tho','lt formal vote. r:J~~.k Councilman Keller recommended. the following persons as mem.bers of the Park Board:- "-, '\:=:=<'c:~. Archie Tischler, Fred Kiekenapp, Harvey Kelly, H.P. Bell and Rufus Andr3ws. Mayor Lyons stated that he would appoint the above named persons members of tue Park Board. ApFf'QR ~~.S The matter of the so called Seabury Sewer was discussed. Councilm~n Keller ,- 9=_ ;:k~ g r.;.Ji~ '/f",~ , _ ~..L IF" _.:.:~ ~ r moved that the Mayor appoint three appraisers in an advisory capacity. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. The Mayor, City En- gineer and the Street Department were authorized wi thout formal vote to investigate the matter of surface drainage in this location. The City Attorney reported on the matter of the County Warrant in the amount of $85.00 which had been lost, stating that certain papers had to. be signed in order ':;t7' P .~J";::, r- '-.llr::: -.-=, ._--~- c:>> 't ('"~ ~;" ~ ~ ~ , -='='='f,c~ y ~Jafi'd, t to. have a duplicate issued. Councilman Carlson moved that the Mayor ani Oi ty Recor- der be directed to sign the necessary papers. 1:Iotion was secended by C~uncilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. o o The City Engineer reported cement price of ~2.30 per bbl. if paid within fifteen days. Councilman Carlson moved that payment be authorized wi~in the fifteen day periodJ ~IDtion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimousvote. The City Engineer reported that the 1941 legislature had enacted a law which will permit the Oi ty to place an assessment lien against state held delinquent tax property ,. alSo. a law which will permit the State Highway Department to construct the bridge at the en trance into. Tepee Tonka Park. Councilman Wolf maved to. adjourn at 1:07 a.m. Mation was seconded by Council- man Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. C?5 :-/, U ??z ~__~c..~ T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. Approved May 27th, 1941. o John J. Lyans~ Mayor. o 248 Special Meeting, Friday, May 16th, 1941, 10:00 O'clock a.m. [l - The Counc il of the Ci ty of Fari baul t met in spe cial session in the Council Cham- ber at the City Hall on Friday, May 16th~ 1941, 10:00 o'clock a.m. The meeting was_~ . Called to order by President Lyons. Those present were Councilman Carlson, Keller, - .. . ~ Wolf, Mayor Lyons. Councilman Me Carthy was absent, could not be located. The City · Engineer was also present. The City littorney was absent. The Mayor stated that the meeting was called to decide on a roof for the coal f" ~ sheds and to discuss the matter of the Silver Ca.fe License. The Council briefly di scussed the matter of the coal shed roof as to the aivisa- I . bility of jnstalling a metal roof instead of a build up roof. Councilman Carlson , Ad v, B!Ct'S moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise fo,r bids on the materials and. Roe;f labor for the construction of me tal roofing on the coal sheds, to be opened and con- ~:~Q' Sheet sidered at the next regular meeting, Tuesday, May 27th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Adv. \3.d.::, Off,C'"O i "II t ~.""-r Q &:. IZ r Pay c.lay S.z, tu -for strczt:t Da:pt 0' The Council then discussed the conditions at the Silver Cafe and decided ta a- .0 wait the arrival of the City Attorney. The City Recorder reported that the authorization fo.r advertising for the Offic-ial Printing should have been gi'Ven at the last meeting. He said that he had caused the necessary official publication to be published. Councilman carlson I~oved. that the action of the City Recorder be conf1r.med. Motion was seconded by Council- man Keller and passed by unanimous vote. a Counci~an Keller brought up the matter of sites for/fire hall and the Council . di s cussed the matter 0 Councilman Carlson moved that the Street Department employees be paid on Ule . 5th and 20th of each month instead of at each regular Council meeting. Motion YTas seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The City Attorney took his seato The ~onditions at the Silver Cafe were dis- cussed and the City Attorney advised the Council to await the action of the County D !'Attorney in the ma.tter. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. : and passed by unanimous, vote. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson o d . %a~ T. A. Mealia, City Recorders Ap:p~roved :May 27th, 1941. '^ 4~{V ~. 1l'ICt^--r L'Vv1 ~/ . ~,hn J. ~yonsJr~ayor '. V I. o D ~u-c--~ o o D o o o D · 'f -<.'.c:~ Special Meeting, Saturday, May 17th, 1941, 11:30 a.m. _ _ __0" _ ~_ The Council of the City ~f Faribault met in special session in the Counci1 Cham- 'ber at the City Hall on Saturday, the 17th day of May, 1941, at 11:30 a.m. The meeting 'was called to order by President Lyons. Councilman Carlson, Keller, Mc Car thy , \1011' and Mayor Lyons were present, also the City Attorney. 5.llt'<u" Mayor Lyons stated that the meeting was called to take action on the Silver C:af~' Cafe License for sale of 3.2 Beverage. Charles and May;me Duchene, licensees, were 3/2'= (lecltJS-l: present. The MayaI' inquired if the licensees had anything to say as to why the \Kct.V'okez;d Council should not revoke their license. Charles, Duchene stated that t:"'ey would like to retain their license as they had several bills to meet and that this was the only manner in which they could raise the money. He said that the whole tro'lble at .the Cafe r was purely domestic and that if the Council would allow them to r~ta1n their license he would guarantee that there would be no further trouble. Mayor Lyons said that this was the same promise that they had made a week or so previous when he and the City Attorney had called on them. The Chief of Police was called and testified as to being caJ..led to the placee The C1 ty Attorney asked Mr. Duchene if he had not plead guilty to intoxication and if he were not placed on probation previously. Mr. Duchene answered in the affirmative. The City Attorney inquired of Mrs, Duchene as to whethe:-:- or not just previous to this meeting she had plead guilty in Municipal Court to an assault charge. Mrs. Duchene answered "yes". The Ci ty Attorney inquired of Charles Duchene as to whether or not he at the same time had plead guilty to the charge of threat provocative of assault. The answer was flyesft. Councilman Keller 3.2 Beverage moved that the/license of Charles and Ma~e Duchene be revoked. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson.. On Roll Call, those voting "aye" were Councilma"'\ Carlson, Keller, Me Car thy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons, IInayes tt none. 'The bill of Gretz and Anderson in the amount of $6.75, omi tted at the last meeting, was presented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the bill be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Applications of Liber~ Transfer and Otto Spitzack for Auto Car Licenses to- gather wi tt their insurance policies were presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the licenses be granted and the insurance policies be accepted and ordered filed, . same having been app.roved as to manner and form of execution by the Cit:" Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councibnan Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. and passed by unanimous vote. Motion was seconded by Councilm~n Carlson c:tOP/7~ T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. Approved May 27th, 1941. J~yis.r 2tiO Special Meeting, Thursday, May 22nd, 1941, 7:30 p.m. '!he Council of the C1 ty of Fari baa 1 t met in special session in the Council .D~ ChamJ~er _at th~~City Hall o,n Thursday~ May 22nd, 194~, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was Ca.l;Led to o:r:-Cler by President Lyons. On Roll Call, Councilman Carls9P-_L!{eller, Mc Councilman Wolf was absent on account of being absent from Faribsult. Carthy and Mayor Lyons were present, also the City Engineer and City Attorney. / The o purpose of the meeti.ng was to consider the transfer of a liquor license and transact C \ reu s any other business whi0h might arise. Frank N. Morgan addressed the Counoil relative to the Ford-Kough circu~, stating F~~ that it was organized at Austin, Minnesota, clean and respectable in every manner, and SC2:.t;. introduced Mr. Silver of the circus who requested a lioense. After a general discussion Councilman Keller moved that the license fee be set at $15.00 and the rental of show ! I grounds at $1.00. Motion was seconded by COlfncilmaD. Carlson and passed by unanimouS vo te. \..1~'c'O" 'lhe application of J.H. Kennedy to transfer his liquor license at No. 24 4th 0 "'\c:.(l.~sa Street Northwest to Dice Gray at No. 25 3rd street Northwest and appli.cation and bond o =h"~~~S~[f~ of Dice Gray for such license was presented. The C1 ty Attorney approved all pa:gers as to manner and for.m of execution. Mr. Jos. Rosette appeared and protested the transfer of the license until such t1me as he could secure an att~rney to represent h~ in the matter. Councilman Keller moved that the matter be laid on the table until the regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vo te. o Ad\/' r3.ds Tbe specifications for roofing the coal sheds with corrugated metal were pre- C~,a i Sh-=d' sen ted and read. ,1'''''' '" ~.t"'. _ ~ \" Councilman Carlson moved that the specifications be adopted and the City Recorder authorized to advertise for bids in accordance with above speci- fications, to be opened and considered by the Council of the City of Faribault in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, May 27th~ 1941 at eight o'clock p.m. M.otion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. CounciJ.man CarlsoUc.requested authorization to purchase two tires for the Engineer's truck. Counci~an Ke1ler moved that the above authorization be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Car thy and passed by unanimous vo te. Gat1d ~ f.4H, Councilman Keller reported that a set of stairs fronting the band shell could ! c: II I \mrrOVam<lnHbe completed for the amount of $21.0:0.. He stated that these stairs would be mO'1'Ta.bl~ · and fel t that they would be very convenient to have for various programs presented. I o o Councilman Keller moved that Counci~an Keller be authorized to make the necessery purchases to construct the stairs. Motion was seoonded by Councilman Carlson and Sct",~r IJ"~t\ Sf W "') r-J I If\va: .J n u~;to";\a:YIl-~ passed by unanimous vote. Counoilman Carlson moved that the Sewer on Thirteenth Street North, West of Third !Avenue be ordered constructed under W.P.A. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy ! and passed by unanimous vo tee . The Ci ty Engineer made a report to the Council in regard to Central uAvenue Paving and read a letter from the Highway Department. He stated that he had offered to assign i Tappa.n Childs to the Highway office to help prepare the necessary plans~if it we uld speed up the project. ! . Councilman Me Carthy moved to adjourne Motion son and passed by unanimous vote. o ApProve<1. May 27th._194J-.<}.,.-L ~.~ John it LYOnslJM8.~r wasdconded by COUnC~lD1an Garl~i: :2 <::2 /?1?--<- ft? P ~ .~ J' T. A. Meali8." CIty Recorder.! o ~---'-~.~----~,~~- - - D ....~-:-: -: ~"--1 7;~.~ Regular Meeting, Tuesday, May 27th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.me o o D D o o o Peti tion Sewer l4th st. Central to Is t Ave. East. The Council of the City' of Faribault met in regular session in the Counc11 Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 27th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lyons. On Roll call those present were ~ii~H Councilman Carlson, Keller, Me Car thy , Wolf and Mayor Lyons" also the City Engineer and City Attorney. The minutes of the regular meeting of' I~ay 13th and special meetings of May 16th and 22nd were read and approved. - The 1~yor stated that if there were no objections, a recess would now be de- clared to listen to the broadcast of President Roosevel te No objection,s were offered and the Mayor declared a recess. Mr. Harvey Kelly installed. his radio, and the broadcast was received. The Council reconvened. A petition, signed by two property owner~, re~uesting Sanitary Sewer on Fourteenth street North between Central and First Av~nue East, as a W.P.A. project was presented. Councibnan Carlson moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed a~d the City Recorder authorized to adverti~e ~ public ,hearing on same to be held at the next regular meeting June 12th, 1941, at eight I : 0 'clock p.m. Motion was second.ed by Councilm.an Wolf and passed by unsL.imous vote. I A petition, signed by twenty seven property owners and residents, requesting Peti tion i that a stairway be constructed on the South side of Ravine street at IvIctt Avenue, Stairway , South Side was presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the petition be accepted and ordered Ravine street. filed and the City Engineer directed to investigate the matter and repcrt at the next meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by uranimous vote. The Mayor directed that the various bids ~alled for be opened. Bids o,n reroofing the coal sheds: -B. B. Lockerby ~k502. 00; Mahler's Hardware Bidso ~ct'-5hcd 'Roof C~~relf)s~~ ;~tJI J Y):C ~H..OI- Truck Terminal Leased" $439.25; Lampert Yards~ Inc. $405.05. Official Printing:-Faribault Daily News, Legal rates less 10%; Farlbaul it. Journal, legal rates, less 10%. Compersation Insurance:-Dorothea A. Beecher with the Ancho~r Casualty, advance premium ~1323.43, bureau rates, participation refund; Popelka Insurance Agency, Anchor CE'$ual ty Co. same as above; John W. Boock; Bituminous Casualty Co., bureau rates, etG. No bids were received on Park concessions. The bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation. West 1/2.. The council proceeded to conduct an auction on the lease of a portion of/Block 6, Original TOwn, for a truck terminal. Rasmussen Transfer Co. made a bid of $4.00 per month. No other bids were offered. Councilman Keller moved that the bid be accepted and that the pro'perty be leased for one year wi th a ninety dEW cancella- tion clause. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by Lnanimous vote. -rar:','~~ = '0/'" Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the; surfacing of Ninth Ave. =RC"S:~ ~ vn1~n 'West, North 21.0 fee:t from Eighth street South wi th Tarvia. A. H. Wunderlich, the peti tioner was present. No objectors were present. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the hearing be closed and the street surfaced in the regular course of wo,rk. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed. by unanimous vote. The house mover's bond of Harry R. Schimmelpfening ~ approved as to manner and 6)f~' } ......,I~..J(~ D. ~~ - - c~ t!crf($/7::1/' fonn of execution by the City Attorney, was presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the cbond b~c accep ted and ordered_filed. Motion was st';condedby Councilman Keller and passed by unanimou$ vote. An assignment of collateral from the state Bank of Faribault was presented. o6c..z,pftZ.d. Councilman Carlson moved tha.t the assignment be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous, vote. Bills Aoe}f!~Yi Sa let:. ~ _ ~I~I r - ,-/ r.k 1.1,-' Applications of Eli Sterling and Rasmussen Transfer (2) for Auto Car. Licenses were presented. Councilman Carlson moved tha t the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Application Q.f Fari baul t Iron & Metal Co. for Junk Dealers License and of the . Armory Board for Dance Hall License were presented. Cou.ncilman Keller moved that o a the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous va te. 0 A letter from Col. Louis D. Pepin U.S.A. thanking the Police Department for co-operation in the matter of the Eucharistic Procession held on SUnday, May 25th, was read. Applica tion of F. C. Hanscom for garage mechanic was read. The report of the Health Officer relative to the annual inspection of the Ci ty Lockup and also his annual reIJort were read. ,.I' The following bills were presented for payment:- Ardella E. Winke1 ~33.67, pay- .., r \/- roll Assessor's Office $254.00, Botsford Lumber Co. 0575.00, Murphy Motor Truck Lines ~ ~ t~, $3.97, Wm. Ackman $5.25, H. C. Melchert $2Q.00. Police Dept. Special Payroll $lP..OO,. Alvin Hoover $4:95, Street Dep t. Payroll $1016.43, Jacob Burkhm>tzmeyer $22~OO. Chi. Mil. st. P. & p. By. $6.50, Labor Water Dept. $110.05. Gust Kit~an Q7.00, Chi. Mil~ I St.. P. & F. Ry. ~6.16'~_nRarry ~Lewis $13..00, Labor Fuel Dept. $57.50', Jacob BurkhE'.1'tz-' ~ , meyer $14.00, Tri State Tel. & Tel. Co. ?69.36, Roth Print~ng Co. $33.25, Ferdie . I Penn. Imp. Rev. :j?120.17 t Henry W. K~row ~j21.26. Bu.rkhartzmeyer $l5.00, Library Accounts $43l.63J Councilman Carlson moved that the i communications and reports be ordered filed and the bills listed allowed.. Motion Iwas seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vo tee The City Engineer reported that the bids f~r Official Printing specified different sizes of type and stated he thought it wise to check 'Up to! see if this would affect ,! the C(iJ)st of officiaJ.. printing. Councilman Carlson moved that action on of:ficial iprinting be deferred. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf al1d passed by un8J11mous i vo te. The Council recessed for executive session and reconvenedo An auction sale on Junk Iron was then called. Phil Schocket offered a bid of .$8.25 per ton. No other bids were received. Councilman Carlson moved that the bid be accepted. Iv'".lOtion was seconded by~ Councilman. Wolf and passed by unanimous vete. Councilma.n Carlson moved tha.t the Bid of Dorothea A. Beecher on Compensation Insurance be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by iunanimous vote. .1- Councilman Keli.ler moved that the bid of the Lampert Yards, "Inc. in ~the amount ~ o o D 1] " -:w f., ']I tiJO B(d CAt!..~~pt~ of ~405.05 be accepted. Motion was seconced by Councilman Carlson and passed by ~?oCJt Cc,o ~ unanimous vote. The Mayor and City Recorder were authoriz,ed to enter into con tract 5~p:~1, " wi th Lampert Yards, Inc. o Councilman Carlson moved that the Oi ty Recorder be directed to advertise for Plant (,~V'. ~<t05(( the lease of tbe Sewage Dispo-sal/Site, auction bids to be received at the next re- OI~F50~ fknt gular meeting, Thursday, June 12th, 194J., eigh t 0 'clock p.m. Motion wa~ seconded ~;t~ Keller and passed by unan~ous vote~ on Second Street South from Seventh to Ninth Avenues West be denied. ~otion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote~ The City Engineer reported that grading of Second Street South could be done under the City wide project of the W.P.A. Adv. J1~arl~q Councilman Wolf moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise a public AqV'. ~,dSJ Coat 'fd. f<<'~I~~ 0 o o kaquot" o \..Jc~ns~ ~:':'-Qn7~ +cz.' ,~ ..~ P<zf; t ~"ons 5 ~d~~~i ko ~- ~ rf!::J& ~... . T ~::I 0 o 2nd S-:'~ -~~, 7- 97!J,(1-;:;.; df&~/~d o The specifications for fencing for the fuel yard were read. Councilman Carl- son moved that the specifications be acc~ted and the City Recorder directed to ad- vertise for bids on same, to be opened and considered at the next regular meeting, Thursday, June l2th, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unan~ous vo te. Councilman Carlson moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise that the next regular meeting of the Council would be held on Thursday, June 12th, 1941~ instead of the regular meeting date, June 10th, 1941. Motion was secon1ed by Coun- cilman Keller and passed by unanimous, vote. The applicatio,n of Harold Kennedy to transfer his liquor license to Dice Gray : was presented. Councilman Keller moved that the transfer be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Ca:\r-thy. On roll call, those voting "ayett wer~ Council- man Carlson, Keller and Me Carthy, "naye" Councilman Vlolf and I"layor Lyc!ls. Motion was carried. Councilman Carlson moved that the petition for sidewalk on the North side of Second Street South fram Seventh to Ninth Avenues West be denied. Motjon was se- conded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that the pet! tion for curb and gutter an' Tarvia ~!(:~, SePJ'3~~ hearing on the construction of Sani tary Sewer on Grant Street to be held at the "'" Ii --t Q h:'(OL c', ~. ~ --::=-~.., (~Qd '~0:. L C. <;to W next regular meeting, Thursday, June 12th, 194JL, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. The matter of the road in Section 25 North of Cannon River was po~tponed wi th- out formal vote of the Council indefinitely. John E. Coughlin representing the Chicago Great Western Railway presented a o S\-:>c,Jr TI"'a':'. ~ plat of the proposed spur track crossing Central Avenue at its Northern extremity to join up wi th a. spur track at the Canning Factory and asked the Council to o approve the construction of same. Councilman Mc Car thy moved that this construction be approved. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson presented requisitions for the purchase of ten car loads of various grades of coal and one fill of gasoline. Councilman Keller moved that the 254 k'cz, odv, r:6/r'~r, i~OPc 1.000ci A lu7 nr~t i\,';)6 ~d · ~.,' 1J <--'~~~ =~ ~ '1' J'1 purohases be authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf by. Ii and passedlunani+ I' i mous vote. Councilman Keller moved that the City Recorder be directed to readvertise for .. bids on Park Concessions, to be opened and considered at the next regular meeting of the Council, Thursday, June 12th, 1941. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mo , Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Oounci~an Ke11er recommended that $25.00 be allowed th~ Fire Chief for expenses to attend the Annual Fireman's Convention at Alexandria. Councilman Carlson m01rred that the allowance be made. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed i i by unanimous vo te. Councilman Wolf recommended that a new drinking fountain be purchased and in- stalled at Second Street and Central Avenue. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the installation be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilmarr Keller and passed by unanimous vo te. Councilman Wolf recammended that the Council investigate the land lying North i of the Water Works with the view of purchasing same from the Blodgett Loan Company , to be used for storage space. TIle Council acquiesed. The City Attorney reported that the 1941 legislature had made certain changes in the liquor laws and recommended that the City Ordinance be amended to confoTn8 i AI87 Councilman Carlson moved that Ordinance No. ~, An Ordinance lImending Ordinance I: No. Al43, be pla.ced on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy fH87 and passed by unan~ous vote. Ordinance NOe ~ was then read by the City Attorney. \0 b ~"'"""~Ir?&~.~;z : I: ".. ~- II "....u~;;,.,j.{Va.r : pipe.~. Councilman CarlsonHmoved that inasmuch as the pipe was to be used on W.P .A. I ,- ..~ ;)~ ~ The City Engineer requested authorization to purchase one car of 8" vitrified and \V.P.A. was of indefini te duration, that sewer pipe can be purchased on the open market at a reasonable price, that an emergency be declared to exist, and that the I: above purchase be authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passei by unanimous vote. bridge The City Engineer reported that Geo. L. Street/was in need of repairs and that I he would have an estimate of cost ready a.t the next meeting'. He also reported on thb .' status of the Tepee Tanka Bridge and also that curb and gutter construction had started under W.P.A. o Adv"o B,d";l Councilman Carlson moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for Washczd ' bids on washed sand and gravel to be opened at the next regular meeting, June l2th SC\hcJJ~. 1941, eight 0 'clock p.m. Motion. was seco,nded by Councilma.n Wolf and passed by GrQlla.!o unanimous vote. The City Engineer reported that the paving buster was in need of repairs in the estimated amount of $25.0Q. Councilman Carlson moved that the repairs be 8',1.- ! thorized. r Motion was seconded by poul1cilma.n Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote:~ CounciJ1n.an Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilmen Car1s')n and~passed by.~@animous vo_te a.t 12 00 p m J: C. "/?t. ...~ . :.... ". g ~a';P.JI~~.. .- ._-~ A~ Meii.-l~;;:Ci~; Recorder; - Approved June J._2thJ 1941. . ':J Jo~':TrrLYOns. Mayor _ D~ o o o o () o o iJ o o o D o \ o [j - i f_ - ~- ..,;,j,J Special M.eeting, June 2nd, 1941, 11:00 O'clock a.m. The Council of tbe City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham- ber at the City Hall on Monday, June 2nd,. 1941,. a.t ll:00 o'clock a.m. T'~e meeting wa.s BONO called "GO order by President Lyons. On 1"011 call, those present were COW1cilman Carlson, Keller, Mc Car thy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons, also the City Attorney. The meeting was called for the purpose of selling a $20,000.00 bani issue for sewer construction. No sealed bids were entered. The Security National Bank and Trust Company of Faribault represented by Roger Peavey, the State Bank of Faribault Co. represented by John Car1ander, E. J. Prescott/represented by Mr~ Whitt6TIore each deposited $1,000.00 as guarantee on bid. A telephone call was received from a bidder in route asking delay of sale until he arrived. After waiting f.~fteen minutes bidding was declared open. During the bidding a representative of Kalman Company 5A"'~ arrived. The City Attorney ruled that ina5.much as this ~ auction, bids could be recei ved from any bidder before the sale was closed. The Kalman Company check of $1,000.00 was deposited. The high bid of each bidder was as fo1lows:- State Bank of Faribault 2~~ and $150.00 premium; E. J. Prescott Co. l% and ~120.00 premium; Kalman and Company 1% and Q130.00 premium; Security National Bank & Trust Co. 1% and ~135.00 premium. Councilman Carlson moved that the bid of the security National Bank and Trust Company be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller0 On roll call, those voting "aye" were Councilman Car~son, Keller, Me Carthy and Mayor Lyons, "nayes" J none. Motion was declared carried. On motion of Councilmarn Carlson, seconded by Councilman Wolfe, Resolution No~ Al724 was passed by unanimous vote. f?CZ-50 lu~,~J) RESOLUTION" NO. Al724. t1 i~{ Z4~ Relative to Fixing the FOIm of Sewer Bonds of the Ci ty of Fari baul t, and levy- f30t?Gl rc::trm ing a Tax for the Payment Thereof. ~:e--O: f. T~c~ mE COUNCIL OF THE CIIT OF FARIBA.ULT DO RESOLVE:- re That the C1 ty shall forthwith issue its Sewer Bonds in the aggregate principal ts amount of :;P20,OOO, said issue to consis/of 20 bonds, numbered 1 to 20, l':>th inclusive, each in the denomination of $1,000.00, bearing date of June l5th, 1941., bearing in- terest at the rate of l% per annum, payable semiannually on the 15th da~s of June and December in each year, and maturing serially , without option of prior payment, on June 15th in the years and amounts as follows:- $10,000.00 in each of tl'~ years 1944 and 1945. The bonds shall be in substantially the following form:- UNITED STATES OF A1iJERI CA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RICE CITY OF F.ARI BA.ULT SEWER, BOND No. ~i'l 000 00 'of> , . · KNOW.ALL NIEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the City of Faribault, Rice CC".tnty, Minnesota acknowledges itself to be indebted for value received promises to pay to bearer on 25fj , ~~~ - - -~- _.-- - ,.- !: the l5th day of June, 19____, wi thout option of prior payment, the sum of ONE W:OUS.A!iJD DOLLAR$,. end to pay interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of One (1%) per cel!.~ per I3:I1num, pay:able seniannually on the 15th day of June and December in each year, in a.ccordance wi th and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons " hereto attached as they severally become due. Both principal and interest are payable at the Security National Bank and Trust Company, Faribault, Minnesota, in lawful 'money of the United States of .America, and for the prompt and full payment of s'l.ch 'principal and interest the full fai th, credit II and taxing po,wers of the Oi ty a.r~ hereby irrevocable pledgede This bond is one of an issue of ~20,OOO.OO bonds, all of like date and ten~r i ! except as to maturi ty, all issued by said Ci ty for the purpose of rai sing money to defray the cost of extending the existing syst~ of sewers in said City pursuant to , :' Chapter XVlIl Section 143 of the Home Rule Charter of said C1 ty, and pursuant to · and in full confo:rm1 ty wi th the Canst! tution and laws of the State of Minnesota. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED That all acts, condi tions, and things Z''!'quired by tbe Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to' and in the 1ssufLtJ.ce of this bond have been done, have happened, and have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner, as required by law; that prior to the issuance hereof a direct, annua.l, irre- pealable, advalor~ tax has been duly levied upon all of the taxable property in said Ci ty in the years and amounts as required by law, and additional taxes may be levied upon said property wi thin the 11mi tations prescribed by law; and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness of said City to exceed any constitutional, statu- i tory, or charter limitation of indebtedness. IN WIW~SS WHEREOF the City of Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota, by its Cj,ty Council, has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signature of the ,Mayo!, countersigned by the Treasurer, attested by the Recorder, and its corporate 1 i seal to be hereunto affixed, and has caused the interest coupons to be executed and : j, I, authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said Mayor and Recorder, all as of June' ;l5th, 1941. . COUNTERSIGNED Mayor C1 ty of Fari baul t. City Treasurer Attest ! (SEAL) City Record~r (Form of Coupon) No. $. On the 15th day of June- (December) 19_, '!he City of Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the DollarS' for interest then due on its sewer bond dated June 15th~ 1941. No. At te s t Mayor City of Faribau1t -~~-~----- Oi tyr Recorder Dc- () o o o o o o ':, ':,' ,-:'"/ -It) 6 ---~.- o o o D o o [j -----. -- Said bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the City Recorder and shall : be executed on behalf of the City by signature of the Mayor OQ,untersigned by the Treasurer and attested by the City Recorder, and the corporate seal shall be affixed thereto, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed engraved, or II thographed facsimile signature of said Mayor and Oi ty E'1corder. The full fai th, oredi t, and taxing powers of the City are hereby pledged to the prompt and full payment of the principal and interest on each and all of said bonds as the seme become due. There is hereby created a fund which shall be used for no other purpose that to pay principal and interest on said bonds, into which fund shall be paid all of the moneys received from taxes hereinafter levied and any other money which shall be appropriated to said fund from any other source. Pro>vided, however, that if any principal or interest on said bonds shall become due when there is not sufficient money in said fund to pay the same, the Treasurer shall neverthel ess pay sue'"', principal or interest from the General. Fund of the Oi t Y , and such fund shall be reimbursed for su ch ael vanc e s out of the proceeds of the taxes herein levied. 'I'he 01 ty Recorder is directed to certify to the County Auditor of Rice County, on or before October 15th in each year, the amount on hand and available from any Slurce and which has been appropriated to the Sinking Fund to be used to pay principal or interest on said bonds, and direct the County Auditor to reduce the ~evy for such year by such amount. There is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in the City a direct~ annual irrepealable, ad valorem tax, which shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected wi th and as part of other general property taxes in said City, in the years and a- mounts as follows:- i~i~ 1944 1945 (p. 200.00 200.00 10,200.00 10,100.00 Such tax levy shall be deemed a part of the Sinking Fund levy requi red to be made by Section 137 of the Charter, and the. annual levies hereafter made by the City Council under said Charter provision shall be reduced by the amount hereinabove provided. The City Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Rice County, together with such other information as he shall require, and to obtain from the County Auditor a certificate that said bonds have been entered on his bond register and said tax has been levied as required by law. The Recorder and Treaurer are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnist: to the purchaser of said bonds, and to the attorneys approving the same, certified copies of all proceedings Qr records relating to said bonds and to the financial afEairs of the City, and such certified copies and certificates shall be deemed the representations of the City as to all facts stated therein. Dated June 2nd, 1941& John J. Lyons, Mayor. Attest T. A. Mealia~ City Recorder. I.)t-:;.- l...,.,jfJ(::) Council~man Wolf reqQested authorization to purchase twenty meters. Councilman Keller moved that the purchase be authorized. Motion was seconded by Counciln'~ !vIe Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Mr. Archer Young appeared at the request of the Council. Mayor Lyons informed Mr. Young that the CounciJ. had the report from the unofficial appraisers on the pro- . posed street through the Seabury Property on the line of First street Southea~t. He said that the contents of the report was as follows:- The Seabury Mission is to give the right-of-way in exchange for the City construeting the street wi th grave] sur- - 0---- .--- 5~>~.1-- 'iI=UI ~. ~~ ~~V U -J Sd:F(/~r.- S I c:i t') CIC'~A nd 5 0 i) face and all other assessable construction to be assessed against the abuttiD€~ frontage. The appraisers stated that the benefits derived from the construction of the Etreet should equal the damages incurred by Seabury Mission. 1'1r. Young stated that he would 0 contact the Mission Board andreport their reaction to the Council on or befor~ their next meeting. D el\RI-GoN councilman\brOUght up the matter of signs advertising Faribault, 10,' X 2(ft in size, and gave an estimate 'cost of construction and erection of less than $25(.00 for two signs. " r i Councilman Me Carthy moved. that Councilman Carlson be au thor1zed to: proceed with erection at this figure. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. Councilman Carlson stat~ that befo,re any work was done he wo1.1ld submit definite figures to the Council. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy .- c..-. /1 ~~ ' and passed by unanimous vote. /, O. ,r/LL t? ~ __ J T. A. Mealiat, Oi ty R~corder. Approved June 12th>> 1941. John J. Lyons" Mayor. w o o o ~ _J.I~-,~f. '.....IUc:/ Special Meeting, Tuesday, June 3rd, 1941, 3:20 p.m. 1] The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham- o ber at the Ci ty Hall on Tuesday, June 3rd, 1941, at 3:20 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lyonso On roll call those present were Councilman Carlson, · Keller, lv'lc Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons, the Oi ty Engineer and City Attorney. TIle purpose of the meeting was to designate the official printer and to transact such other business as might arise. The City Engineer reported o,n the matter of the bids on official printing, stating that both bids were identical. Councilman Carlson spoke on the advantages of having OFF IGI ~l. a daily paper ins tead of a weekly as the official paper. Councilman Keller moved P~PER that the Faribault Journal be designated the Official pe~er for the ensuing year. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by un~nimous vote. o o Councilman Keller brought up the ma tter of the surmner band concerts in Central Park. Councilman Carlson moved that the third week in June be set as the date for the first concert. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unan~ous vo te . p~ ~'t")t ~::, T ( Councilman Keller moved that the City Engineer be directed to draw specifications t~ = \ I ,t,'..",,;...- II for the interior painting of the North half of the City Hall building. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller announced that the Chicago Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Co. Service Club would hold a picnic at Alexander Faribault Park on Sunday June 8th, 1941, and inquired as to whether or not there would be any objections to the Club installing a merry-go-round for that day. IJo objections were offered. be Councilman Keller suggested that it might/well for the Council to view Fire o Stations in other cities to obtain information as to construction ,etc. l~ter in- formal discussion, Councilman Keller, Carlson Wolf and Fire Chief Morgan were au- thorized to make a tour on June 6th, 1941. Councilman lIe Carthy brought up the matter of contacting the Highway Depart- ment in regard to the Paving of Central Avenue and the City Engineer was directed \uthout formal vote to contact the Highway Department to make a date for June 13th o to discuss the matter. moved to Councilman Wolf/adjourn~ ~btion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. 90. /?L~ e" c; ~ T. A. Mealia City Recorder. Approved June 12th, 1941. t1 _L/- C) V ~;tA,L " l/.,4/~ /J OM J. JtYons t? .l'.'layor. o D 26U Regular Meeting. Thurs.j Juner 12th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham- ~=.. Hearing on Grant St. Sewer. Hearing 14 th st. Cen t. to' Ave. E. Sewer. ber at the City Hall on Thursday, June 12th, 1941., at eight o'clock p.m. The m.eeting 0 was called to order by President Lyons. On roll call those present were Councilman Carlso,n, Keller, Me Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons, also the Ci ty Engineer and G1 ty Attorney. Miss Beatrice Quinn, Mr. C. C. Adams and Mr. Bell representing the Recreation Board, requested approval of the Council to transfer $150.00 from their allotment for expenses to a salary account for the purpose of hiring three instructors for play groW1d work. It was decided to lay the me. tter on the table until later. Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construotion of Sanitary Sewer on Grant Street as a W.P.A. project. No one appeared for or against th~ im- provement. Councilman Wolf moved that the hearing be closed and the sewer cOIjstructed o in the regular course of work. Motion was seconded by CounciJIaan Carlson and passed o by unanim@us vote. I to advertising Pursuant/a hearing was called for on the construction of Sanitary Sewer on Four- teen th Street North from Central to First Avenue East as a Vi.P .A. pro ject. Two pe- ti tioners were present. No objectors were present. Councilman Keller moved that N 1st the bearing be closed and the sewer constructed in the regular course of business. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Mr. Frank Stanek and others. appeared befo.re the Counci1 and protested the placing of Water Works construction under W.P.A. He urged that the work in the Water Depart- ment be carried on as in the past allowing men to work a full day at regular wages. Councilman Carlson stated tha t he felt that the work in the Water Department should be under W.P .A. thus saving the cos t of labor. Councilman Wolf stated the. tit was the praotice of the Water Department to favor those persons who had dependents. No action was taken. A petition, signed by three property owners. requesting curb and gutter en Fourth and Sidewalk on the North. Side Street South between Fifth and Sixth Avenues West/as a W.P.A. project. Councilman Petition Carlson moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the City Recorder C &; G &. Side- walk 4th St. directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held June 30th. 1941, at eight S, 5th to 6th. Aves. West. o'c~ock p.m. Motion was seco,nded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. A petition, signed by three property owners, requesting Curb and Gutter on Fifth ":Oeti tio,n For C &; G Fifth Ave. SW 2nd to 3rd Sts. S. Pet1 tion Sid ewalk 1st Ave. E. 11 th to 12th Sts. N. o O' Avenue Southwest between Secc;nd and Third Streets South as a W.P~A. project was pre- sented. Councilman Keller moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and the City Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held on June 30th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. 4[) A peti tion signed by two property owners, requesting sidewalk on the East side ~ of First Avenue East between 11th and 12th Streets North as a W.P.A. project. Councilman Carlson moved that th~ petition be accepted and ordered filed and the City Recorder dire~ted to advertise a public hearing on same to be held on Jure 30th 1941, at eight 0' clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and paS!s'~d by o =0 3~Jl o " o o o o o Pa.-\ ,..bm') lar"" i' I 'unanimous vote. A petition with twenty one signatures of residents requesting tarvia on st. Paul 5t (-t,,='1 A\~.-,z 'Avenue be tween Shumway Avenue and Ravine street was presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the petition be accepted and ordered fileds Motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Wo'lf and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller moved that the City Engineer be directed to inspect said Applications Policy Bids OPened. fe~pgrt5 6dl,$ Street and reporto motion was seconded by CQuncilman Carlson and pass:e'i by unani- mous Viote. Application of Alvin Bauer for Auto Car License, application of Irving Bartel for Milk License and Compensation Insurance Policy of the Anchor Casualty Co. were presented. Councilmam Me Carthy moved that the license be granted and the insurance policy be accepted and ordered filed, same having been approved as to m~nner and form of execution by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by ujanimous va tee Communications:- from the Board of Health approving sewer plans; f~?m the Dia- mond Ball Association contributing $7.r;!J towards cost of lights; announcement of the meeting of the Clerks and Finance Officers at Winona; Invitation fram the Mayor of Winona to attend the League Convention. The following bids were opened:-On fencing for the Fuel Yard, No.1, Botsford Lumber Co. $46l.o2, alternate $647.43; No.2, Westerman Lumber Co. :;)358.68; Indepen- dent Lumber Co. :;i;458.35 al ternates~j 358.5Q, $484.35 and ~~377. 5Q; No. 4 Lampert Yards $358.28 and $398.00. On Sand and Gravel, No.1, Thommes Bros. Washed Sand $.95 No.2, S. E. Boyer, $1.00 cu. yd. for sand & $1.70 for gravel. Washed Gravel $l.50 per eu. yard,/lhe bids were referred to the City Engineer for ta bula. tion. The following monthly reports of city officials were presented and read:-City Treasurer, City Recorder, City Engineer, Chief of Police, City Assessor, Clerk of Court, Poor Commissioner, Chief of Fire Depar1ment, Dairy Inspector, He~l th Officer, Ci ty Physician, Secretary of Library Board, Market Master, Water Departllent Collector, City Recorder's report to Fire Department Relief Association,/Superintendent of Account's Finance~ in the amount of $lO,'fi78.l2. The 1"ollomng bills were presented for payment:- $275.00 payroll Ci ty Engineerts Office, Ardella E" Winkel $34.78, Payroll Water Departmen t ~189. 50, Iowa Pipe & Tile Co. $24.55, Labor Fuel Dept. $39.00, Special Police $21.50, Labor '\ Water Dept. $378.80, A. B. Powers $2.00, Gus Kitzman ~4.25, Fuel Dept. Labor $58.04 \.'" Chi~ Gt. Western Ry. Co. $298.80, Otto Wolf $12.99, Labor Water Dept. ~497 .95, Frank L. Kiekenapp $2.25, Salaries Deputy Assessors $260.00, Street Department Payrol~ $1001.58, M. S. Morgan $25.00, Salaries Special Police ~2l.00, Ardella E. Winkel $31.82. Counci~an Carlson moved that the reports be accepted and order~d filed and the bills listed allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vo tee Ra. Aclv" , L.,;d~ No bidders appeared to rent the sewage disposal site. Councilman Carlson moved La.Q~4t r>~., r~': ~ '5,te that the City Recorder readvertise for bids, to be opened at a special meeting June 30th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilmarr Wolf and passed 4)[;. ,) ~U~ [J-= ~::o..,t rCl~,t- B::1r.1d \~t?GtLrt<:, fund Sha; IU -- -~. - -... by unanimous vote. Counci1man 0arlson recommended that the Council consider the matter of _increasing the pin ball machine license fee before ~e expiration of the present license (Aug. 14th 1941).The matter was, discussed briefly, no action was taken. The band budget in the amount of $1490.00 was submitted by Dr. Cba th am, Secreti:lry. I The matter was discussed and Councilman Carlson moved that tbecontract for eight concerts be set at $l200.00 and the Mayor and Recorder directed to sign seme~ that the esttmated deficit be considered later. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller stated that the Commercial Club loud speak1ngsystem was avali- I v~~prov~rtcc::"'{ able fOlr use at the band shell and requested authorization to purchase a microphone:. and to instal1 pennanent wiring at an approximate cost of $50.00.. Councilman Carlson that the above authorization be granted the! expendi ture to be charged to the Musical Ordinance No. Al87 Second Reading Entertainment Fund. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vo te . On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Me earthy, Ordinance No. n87, en ti tIed ".An Ordinence to Amend Section No. 7 of Ordinance No. Al43", be , placed on its second reading, by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call~ The ordinance was then read and passed on by sections as follows:- Counci1man Carlson : moved that Section 1 be ~dopted as read. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller I and pa.ssed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. Councilman Carlson m':)ved .. !. that section 2 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Ca.rthy and passed by unanimous vote,on roll call. On the question nShall this Ordinance Passtt th')se voting "aye" were Councilman Carlson, Keller, Me Carthy) Wolf and Mayor Lyons, Itnayett I none. Ordinance No. Al87 was hereby declared passed. I I I I' Mayor Lyons called the attention of the Council to the fact that the appraisers on the Seabur~ Property should be recompensed for their servioes. Counoi~an a~rl- son moved that they be allowed $3.00 each. 11otion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that the Council recess.~otion was seconded by Coun- cilman Mc Carthy and. passed by unanimous vote. The Council reconvened. The City Engineer presented the tabulated bids on Sand Bids on .. and Gravel. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the bid of Thommes Bros. be accepted, Washed Sand I and Gravel i and the Mayor and Recorder directed to enter into contract for the furnishing of: I I : such materieJ. and that the bond be set at ;'ii1.OOO.OO. Motion was seconded by C011n- I ci~an Keller and passed by unanimous vote. s. E. Boyer objected to the above action stating that he was producing both I ': sand and gravel locally" employing all local labor and that the Thommes Bros. wl~re acting in pa.rt as agents for the Owa.tonna Tile Co. Informal. discussion fa,llowed. Mr . Boyer was informed that no action could be taken on the matter following the accepta.nce of the Thornmes bid. The Oi ty Engineer requested more time to che,ck the bids on fence, stating that o o o o () o o , 'tJ' , '-C, II "', .:, " ~ ,! It) ';"1].'. n______ --~~--- -- ~_._-~~-~-_.~- no catalogues or descriptive matter accompanied the bids. Councilman Carlson moved o that action on the bids be deferred until the City Engineer was ready to report. ;'MotioJ:Il was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by una.nimous vOlte. Councilm~ Ca.rlson reported on the road sign matter~ stating that the two loca- tions that had been picked were owned by estates and that it would require too lengthy a process to get a lease and that new locations were being looked up. Painting City The City Engineer read the specifications on interior painting of the City Hall. Hall Specifications adopted Councilman Keller moved that the specifications be adopted., Motion wa~ seconded, by Councilman Mc Ca.rthy and passed by unanimous vote 0 f the; Council on roll call. Ad", 8,ds Councilman Keller moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise for bids c \~ t n+, v, 'i' o on the interior painting of the North half of the City Hall building in accordance with above specifications, to be opened and considered on June 30th~ 1941, eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. The Oi ty Engin.eer reported on the correspondence with the Highway Depar1ment relative to setting a date for meeting w~th Mr~ Kipp and Mr. Rosenthal to consider .the Central Avenue Paving and automotic traffic signals. The City Engineer requested authorization to purchase two cars of pipe. Pu~=..;',IF'Q5€ '2, Councilman Carlson moved that inasmuch the above pipe was to be used on W.P.A. is C~~'B K='r, pet <' construction and the W.P.A.7of 1ndefini te duration anc:l pipe can be boug:i.t on the open market at a reasonable figure, the above authorization be given. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. The Oi ty Engineer reported that the repairs on the Geo. L. Stree t Bridge would cos:t $300.00 to $350.00. No action was taken. Seabury Mission Extensi on of 1st Street Southeast Councilman Me Carthy moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary papers in regard to the obtaining from Seabury Mission land for extension and tha t of First Street southeast,/the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign same. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. (Note :-Previous o o to the Council Meeting, Mr. Archer Yaung, r~resenting Seabury ldission, stated that that the Mission was favorable toward giving the land for the street providing that the Ci ty construct same with gravel surface wi thin a. reasonable time, a'ld that Water Main be installed without cost to Seabury Mission, it being understood that the por- Ition of the Seabury Campus lying North of the proposed street remain tax exempt un- til dispos,ed of by the Mission.) Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was secon~y Councilm~n Carlson :::7. 0 /;n. - c P' - :... T. A. Mealia, City R~corder. and passed by unanimous vo te. Q Approved June 24th, 1941. ,0v~k.{J~ if ohn J. ;Lyons~' Mayor. o 264 Regular Meeting, Tuesday, June 24th, 1941, Eight O' clock p.m. - ~ ~. -~ .. -- 0_- - . .. -- -- Co ",-tra ~ T Qcc.=.d !J~~'" The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham- ber at the CityHa1.1 on Tuesday, the 24th day of June, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. -0 The meeting was called to order by President Lyons. On roll call, Councilman Carl- , , son, Keller, Mc Car thy and May~ Lyons were present, also the City Engineer and City Attorney. Councilman Wolf was absent on account of being on a trip West. Mayor Lyons stated that Dr. Chathan wished to discuss the matter of the band contract and asked to have same taken up at this time. Dr. Chatham stated that the ~~~&:,,~o,-<)t5c band could not put on eight concerts for the amount of ~1,200.00 because of the fact Licenses Granted. that the band had lost several of its members and that it had been necessary to hire a clarinet section. He said that the band did not wish to obligate themselves t? a contract which might be impossible to fill. He said that they would guarantee six o concerts and such additional as their funds would permit. The matter was discussed in detail. Councilman Carlson moved that the contract be amended to read six con- o certs instead of eightc Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unani- mous vote. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 12th were read and approved. Applications of Oscar F. Kuntze and Herb Gustafson for auto car license were ; presented. Councilman Carlson TI1o,ved tha.t the licenses be granted. Motion was se- conded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The application of Mike Spaetgens and Charles Thom for renewal of electrictans licenses and application of the iwerican Pool Hall for renewal of pool and billiard table license were presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. A pe ti tion, signed by four property owners, reque sting sani tary sewer onFJ',rst Avenue West, Thirteenth to Fouxteenth Streets North as a W.P.A. project, was pr~- Petition sented. Councilman Carlson moved that the petition be accepted and ordered filed and 0 Sewer First Ave. 13th. the Ci ty Recorder directed to advertis.e a public hearing c,n same to be held at the to 14th Sts. t North. nex regular meeting, Tuesday, the 8th day of July, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Mo- ~ tion was secon.ded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. A petition) signed by four property owners, requesting sidewalk on the Dest si~e 'of First Avenue West from Thirteenth to Fourteenth streets North, as a IN.P.A. project. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the peti tion be accepted and ordered filed and the / Ci ty Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held on Tuesc.e.y! Peti tion Sidewalk July 8th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and First live. W, 13th to passed by unarnimous vote. 14th sts. N. Peti tion Tarvia 5th Ave. E. & 5th St. NE. A petition, signed by ~~s. Bratton, requesting Tarvia Surfacing on Fifth Street North from Fifth to Sixth Aves. East and on Fifth Avenue East from Fifth street North C to South entrance of St. Marys Campus, wa.s presented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the: peti t10n be accepted and ordered filed and the Ci ty Recorder directed tOI a.dilerti,se I, s. public hearing on same to be held on Tuesday, July 8th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m~ o I~oti9n was seconded by Councilman. K~ller and passed by unanimous vote. Auto car policy of Herb Gustafson, Walter Cate, Oscar Kuntze, rider for Ra~ussen 1]--... -- \-#-..1: o o o o o o o Bid of Lampert Yards, Inc. Accepted. f(r')cd Est. ( ; I<;~-:J ~~w..- c~G ~~ ~ ~ 3.2 Beverage Licenses Gra..n ted . Gasoline Pump Licenses Granted. r;;\-.. "r .;. I, ~-..- I 'i.o;o;. Transfer Policy and contract bond of Charles Thommes were presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the policies and bond be accepted, S@lle having boen approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. Motion was s~conded by Coun- cilman Keller and passed by unanimo~s vote. 'ilia Oi ty Engineer presented tabulation of the bids o,n fencing opened at the . previous meeting. Councilman Carlson moved that the alternate bid of the Lampert . Yards, Inc. i~ the amount of $398.00 be accepted and the Mayor and City Recorder directed to e.t'lter into contract with the said Lampert Yards, Inc., that -the Lampert Yards, ,Inc. be required to furnish surety bond in the amount of the contract and the checks of unsuccessful bidders returned. Motion was seconded by Conncilnlan Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The City Engineer recommended that the final estimate of Long and Thorshov, Inc. Architects on Library Building repairs, in the amDunt of ~l32.32 be paid. Councilman Carlson moved that the final estimate be paid. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous votee The Council then proceeded to consider the applications for 3.2 beverage li- cen.ses. Councilman Mc Ca2"thy mcrved that liCeJ.nses be granted to t he following named applicants:- E. L. Nusbaum, Evergreen Knoll Club, Harold A. Ollhoff, G. F~ Orcutt, Alvin A. Mentz, Mary E. Russe~l, Faribault Country Club, Faribault Lodge $ll66 B.P. O.E., cTames B. Hunt, F. cT. Dring, Rice COUUlty Fair and Agricultural .Association~ Dice Gray, Ed. Sheridan, Kelly Davis, Ralph Van Ryan, Midway GroceI7, Becker and Dwyer, Luther Engelstad, Umbrei t & Son, R. C. Umbrei t, H. H. Aberle, Thomas G. Matakis, Peter Tzakis, Elenore. Sower, Vincent and Frank Chappuis, MaL H. 1honet, John Van HO'll1d t and F. G. Conk11n~ Hotel Fari baul t, A. R. Ollhoff. Motion was se- conded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller moved that the application of Ellis and Andrews fo,r 3.2 beverage license be tabled until cTune 30th, 1941. No second to this motion. Coun- cilman Oarlson moved that the lioense be denied. No second. The Council then oonsidered applications for Gasoline Pump licenses. Council- man Carlson moved that licenses be granted to the following applicants:- Ervin Kar9W, Schreyer Motor CO.j Larson & Fennell, Firestone Auto Supply, Rice County Oil Co., J. cT. Slezakt Schultz Bros.~ Luther Engelstad, Ralph Van Ryn~ Red star Oil Co., E. L.. Nusbaum, Chappuis & Son, F. K. Tebo, rJax Thonet, H. P. Bieter, Chas. Almy, Community Co-operative Oil Assn., E. E.. Piquette, Faribault Oil Co., Continental Oil Co., John Van Ryn, Bonded Petroleum Corporation, Faribault Motors Inc., Guy Rousch~ Sioux Oil Co., W. H. Schmidt. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The following bills were presented:- Salaries Deputy Assessors $238.00, Chi. t'- - v... Rock Island & ~ac. Ry. ~425.l1~ Inland Coal & Dock Co. $497.98, Labor Fuel Dept. " ' $101.04, Library Accounts ~?25l.19, Lenmark Funeral Home $85.00, G. L. Craven ~lO.OO \, '"- street Dept. Payroll $840.45, Iowa Pipe & Tile Co. 0271.04, Treasur~r State of ~ "- 1tinnesota ~2,666.37, Labor Water Dept. ~558.65~ Tri State Tel. & T~~. Co. ~75.95~ 266 _.__._-~----- [t..' -- -- Resolution No. Al725 Collateral Accepted. - .- ---~--- -~- .. - I ----~_._- .--~.- ,_ r--- Appraisers $9.00~ John J. Lyons ~2.00, T. ~. Mealia, $4.00, Salaries Deputy Ass~ssors ~~ J $78.09.~~A._,J. Keller :':>50.70k E. E. Peterson $8.0,0, Thiffault & Thomas.$105.00, E. Malluege $2:65. Councilman Carlson moved that the bills be allowed. M~tion was se- '-":- , oonded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No. Al725 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. .AJ. 725. Relative to Amending Resolution No. Al724. '.!BE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- That the amount of the Tax Levy for payment of bonds and interest be amended to read as follows:- 1941 $3].5.00 1942 210.00 1943 10,,657.50 1944 10,555.50 Passed June 24th, 1941. John J. Lyons, Mayor Attest T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. iJi20,OOO.OO worth of City of Faribault Sewer Bonds, dated June 15th, 1941, werel presented as collateral for City of Faribault deposits in the security National Bank and Trust Company of Faribault, Minnesota. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the collateral be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unani- mous vote. :~d!f', B!I!~t5 Councilman Carlson moved that the Ci ty Recorder be directed to advertise for FicllJ IrJ50r-an bids on fleet insurance, to be opened and considered on July 22ndt 1941, at eight (1:"(:".- Ordinance No. Al88 ]'irst Reading. otclock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote~ ~~. Foreman, Poor Commissioner, discussed the case of the Schultz child who is in the Minneapolis General Hospital with infantile paralysis, stating that she was sllowing improvement under the treatment, but it might require some time.Leroy T::-af- ton stated that the Rice County Chapter would go as far as their funds would permit ! in treating this case. The Council discussed this case in detail. Councilman Keller moved that W~. Foreman be authorized to use his Dvm judgffilent in the matter. Motio~ was seconded by Co:uncilman Carlson and! passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that Ordinance Ho. AlB8 regarding granting a franchise to Terry Peterson for Heatin..g, be placed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Ordinance No. Al88 was then read as ordered. " Requisitions for tWD fills of gasoline were presenteda Councilman Keller moved 0- o o o {) that the above purchases be authorized. Motion was seconded by Councilman tic Carthy and passed by unanimous vo tee 0 The Ci ty Attorney was directed to check up on the new law relative to the G1 ty acquiring tax reverted property. The matter of garbage collection was discussed. Councilman C,arlson reported on the meeting of the League of MinIlesota Munir.ipali ties I meeting in Winona. o ~... "3fll o c D LJ o o o [".if..,""C has IX (,~ r <3f I ~~ ~~~~,-"c~,=i:.. Councilman Keller discussed the matter of concessions at the parks and also re- ported on the recreation activities at Austin. The lf~yor presented request of Guy Orcutt for refund for overpaym€nt on 3.2 beverage license fee. The C1 ty L.ttorney stated that the ordinance was valid and that no refund was due Guy Qrcutt. The City Engineer reported that the Chicago Rock Island and Pacifjc Ry. CQ. had granted the requested easements for construction of water mains. The City Engineer inquired as to whether or not there would be anj- liability e on the part.of the City for accidents at the loading chuts at the incinerator. The City Attorney ruled that there was no liability. The City Engineer requested the Council to view the si te of the proposed stair- way on the South side of Ravine Street at Mott Avenue. '!he Ci ty Engineer reported that there two leaks had developed at the Library Building, that the source was believed to be located and they were being repaired. TIle' Ci ty Engineer reques ted au thorizatio,n to purchase a car of cement. Council- as man Carlson moved that inasmuch/this cement was to be used on W.P.A. ccnstruction, and as W.P.A. was, of indefinite duration, ana as cement could be purchased at an apparently reasonable prioe on the open market, that the purchased be authori zed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. lb.e City Engineer reported that the Blodgett Loan Company propert;y lying North of the pumping plant cou~d be purchased for $225.00 and the outstanding sewer assess- ment. No action was taken. The City Engineer reported on a letter received from W.P.A. advisjng the pro- gress of the proposed bridge at the entrance to Tepee Tonka Park. Councilman Carlson moved that the City Att~rney and City Recorder be directed to' prepare a resolution to the effect that the City would asstLme their portion of the cost of repaving of Central Avenue and the resurfacing of Fourth Street North- west. Illotion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Mayor Lyons reported that a family was residing in the Dwyer property on First Street North which had been condemned for living quarters on account of no sewer connections. The matter was referred to the City Attorney. Councilman Carlson reported tha.t they \"!ere ready to put up the sj,gn advertising Fari ba ul tat the South en tranc e to th e Ci ty. Councilman JHc Carthy moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Conncilm.an Carl- son and passed by unanimous vote. qQ??7.-~4~ T. A. Mealiat City Recorder.. Approved July 8th, 1941. C'Jr/ ()L/ J6hn/~~y~n~~. 26g Special Meeting Monday, June 30th, Eight Otc~ock p.m. The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Counc~l [J -- -- I ~;,,~ Chamber at the City HeJ..l on Monday, the 30th day of J:une, 1941, at ei-ght 0 tclo~k p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lyons. On roll call those rresent were Councilman Carlson, Keller~ Me Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons, also the City Engineer and City Attorney were present. ~C!)I:JF!~~i!~;";5 The following applications for 3.2 beverage licenses were presented and COR- ~,z sidered.:-Geo. He Ellis and John Ae Andrews, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Faribault J I C.d:."5c2.~ COW1cil #889, Knights of COlUIllbus" William. M. Eastling, Lawrence E. Campbell. CI?un- ~ I~ l:ICf~ 'J ut")o"JF J 'c~,,":' :::'5 ~ Tr-n"s fa..,'" o cilman Mc Carthy moved that the licenses be granted the above applicants. Motjon was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. The following applications for gasoline pump licenses were presented and con v sidered:- Chas. Canterbury, H. C. Finger, Otto Zabel, C. A. Gretz, C. E. AnderEon, Kummer Auto Co., J. E. Aabe, Lewia R. Caron, John NeUIllan, Glenn & Dick Shell Service, 0 J. E. Smita, Geo. E. Schultz, Harry Swenson. Councilman Carlson moved that the licenses be granted. Motion was s;econded by Councilman. h.eJLler and passed by unanimous "\rote. i: The application of Leo. P. Thomas and Wilfred Thiffault to transfer their 10- R,,'quu~- /"!(';"r~;', cation of on sale liquor license from 303 Central Avenue North tQ No. 24 Fourth Street Northwest, totake effect July 15th, 1941, was presented. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the transfer be allowed, subject to personal property tax division. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Hearing Sidewalk E side of First Ave, E:;>roperty owners 12th to 11 th St. N. the improvement Hearing C & G 5th l{.ve. W. 2nd to 3rd Sts. 8e Hearing C & G 4th St. s. Sidewalk on North Side 5th to 6th ./\.ve. West. Bids Painting Ci ty Hall Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was, e:alled for on the construction of C'1.rb and Gutter on Fifth Avenue West from Second to Third streets South as a fl.P.A. pro-,. , ject. No one appeared for or against the improvement. Councilman Carlson move1 that the hearing/;>e closed and the improvement made in the regular Course of business. . Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vo,te. Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the construction of Curb and Gutter on Fourth Street South from Fifth to Sixth Avenues West and Sidewalk on o the North side of said street as a W.P.A~ project. F. W. ~c Kellip appeared in favor of the improvement. Councilman Carlson moved that the hearing be closed and the im~ pro,vements made in the regular course of work. Motion was seconded by Councilman c .. Lie Carthy and passed by unanimous vo tee Pursuant to, adverti sing bids were called for on interior painting of the North .. half of the Oi ty Hall. Following bids were recei ved: -A. J. Rosette $379.75" Earl Furth $884.75, Herb. Haugh $414.00. The City ~ngineer was asked to tabulate the bids. advertising a Pursuant to/hearing was called for on the construetion of sidewalk on the East side of First Avenue East Eleventh to Twelfth Streets North as a W.P.A. project. No o appeared. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the hearing be alosen an~ . r made in the regular course of business. Motion was seconded by Court- o : cilm.an Wolf and passed by unanimous vo tee Councilman Carlson discussed the matter of the Fire Depar tment making runs o'Q.t~ side of the City Li~ts, stating that Councilman Keller, the Fire Chief and he were .".~u.' mw ~""9 - /~i ;-, ',--..JVu o Q o o o o o C"~~~~1!'"'/..~ 8~f,?5 f\V"~ \\""kpf. AI!? a~ H o 'T)~e.n8~~ \ I A~t'JSc' fc.c.s. Aw@,&-~d <::"G m~Qc:.T PQ.,.>t~.. ~oK 0 M.~t; 0 ol ~o<.&.)~c:f ~S~ (~f c:.ty 5r-r'~r n..-, <t:xr.)12:~~,--"~'- ~. _ ~ --. '-' L -' II " Ii II I were going to Ows.tonna to investigate the Owatonna. setup and that they planned on oalling a meeting with the farmers late in July. He :"tated that they planned on calling this conference on a day to be known as "City Dads Day". Councilman Keller moved that Councilman Carlson be appointed Chairman of the proposed meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car thy and pass.ed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller reported on the swimrndng hole at Alexander Faribault Park, , stating that it was being used by many boys and asked the opinion of tl'e Council as to whether or not a person should be placed as a guard at the beach. The matter was left to !Councilman Carlson)and Councilman Keller. Councilman Carlson reported on 'the condition of the Schultz child in Minnea- polis General Hospi tal and gave a report as to the type of treatment wl'ich was being used. The Mayor brought up the matter of raising the Pin Ball IJachine license fee. Counoilman Carlson discussed the fees charged in other localities. The Council then considered the bids. Councilman Keller moved tl'at the bid of A.J. Rosette be accepted and the Mayor and City Recorder directed to enter into con- tract with A. J. Rosette and that he be directed to furnish a surety bond in the and the checks of unsuccessful bidders returned. amount of the contractl ~otion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Capt. Gee. A. Morris, Company H, First Defense Regiment, appeared before the Council and stated that the Defense Regiment had been trained to act to act in time of emergency c~used by cyclones, e tc. , and requested permission to use the red lan- terns and fla.res if occasion demanded, stating that while the state ha~ these suppli es they were s to red at Camp Ripley and it would require a few days to get them. If the local unit could use the City Property during the interim, it would facilitate ser- vice in an emergency. He also requested the Council to name one of its members to examine the records of the Company as to the expenditure of funds apprcpriated by the City for their use. Councilman Keller moved that the request be granted and that Councilman Carlson be named the representative of the Council; Motion was se- conded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Wolf moveC: to adjourn.. Motion was seconded by Counc1~lan Carlson and passed by una.nimous vote.. q4 /?1~~ T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. Approved July 8th, 1941. , L- . -/'-.) --'_I (,L 1 " _.. ~ "',," /~.......-~ ,4,....-.--::. - -.,: John J. Lyons, Mayor. ~)i-- ,c_ ,"~'U Special Meeting, July 2nd, 1941, 10:00 O'clock a.m. D~ r.;o",d C~ 5<<' orda.red. a fpcz.al (l,d to ~c.lpr~~ Co~.::.~~t" The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham- ber at the City Hall on Wednesday, July 2nd, 1941, at ~O:OO o'clock a.m. 'TIle meeting was called to order by Pr~sident Lyons~ Councilman Qarlson, Keller,. Me Carthy, Wolr and Mayor Lyons wers present~ also the City Attorney was present. The Mayor stated that the meeting was called to consider the matter of the de- ciston of Judge SSI'1..J1 of the District Court in the matter of the so called Batcl',elder Bond Case. Mr. Lucius A. Smith, who represented the C1 ty in the case was present , and suggested that the Council consider his report on the matter in executive ~ession. The Council went into executive session. 1~. Smith reviewed the case giving a history of the bonds in question and the facts on which the City based its defense. mr. .James H. Caswell, City Attorney at the time the case was brought into court, was called into conference. 'The Council reconvened. Councilman Keller moved that the City A. Smi th retain Mr. Lucius/as its attorney in this case and that he and City Attorney be di- rected to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson a:rud passed by unanimous va te of the Council on roll cell. The Council then listened to ~~. Edmonds of the Ziegler Company relative t~ street equipment and informally decided to view equipment on July lOth. Councilman Wolf moved to, adjourn. Motion was aeconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. 0a ~ -c..-.::" ~ - · - ~ - T. A. Mealia, Ci~ Recorder. Approved July 8th, 1941. f;tkto~or. o o c o o o o =~D .. _...~- ". · .,- o o o o o o o ) il. ~j' Board of Equalization and Review, Monday, June 23rd, 1941, lO:OO O'clock p.m. The Council of the City of Faribault met as a Board of equalization and review on Monday, June 23rd, 1941, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. having been sworn in as such by the City Recorder previous to the meeting. City Assessor Frank N. Q,uinn was present at the meeting. CO'Wlcilme.n Carlson, Keller, Mc Carthy and I\llayor Lyons were present. . Councilman Wolf was absent on account of not having returned from his trip West. The meeting was called to order by President Lyons. Councilman Car:lson moved that T.A. ! " Mealia be appointed Secretary of the Board. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Attorney Winston C. Johnson, representing the Boock property in Block :6, appeared before the board, requesting that the valuation be lowered as it was net in line with adjoining properties. After a discussion of the facts in the matter, the Council directed the City Assessor to have the state recheck their figures. in Block 5, Dan Faribault's Add. Mr. Fred Wi tte, representing the Otto Wi tte Este. tel appeared,requesting homestead ~lassification e The request was denied because the property is still rental. Oliver Larson appeared relative to property in Section 30 on Second Ave11ue Northwest No action was taken. The City Asses~Qr was direct- requesting homestead exenption. ed to reche,ck the property. At this time the Board recessed to confer with state Highway Officials. lbe Board reconvened. T. J. Kitzman appeared relative to land in section 25. H~. Kitzman was informed that the Board was not reviewing real estate this year. James H. Caswell reques ted the. t the Ci ty Assessor review the Elks Club property in Block 69 O.T. On motion of Councilman Mc Car thy , seconded by Councilman Carlson, the board recessed until 2:00 o'clock p.m. The board reconvened at 2:00 o'clock p.m. Mayor Lyons was absent. CO\illcilman Keller presidede No one appeared before the board. The board exardned the bCQks of the City Assessor making various comparisons. On motion of Councilman Mc Carthy, seconded by Councilman Carlson, the board recessed until 9:30 a.m. June 24th, 1941. All members were present. No one appeared before the board. The board co~t1nued their exwnination of the Assessor's returns. On motion of Councilman Me Car thy, seconded by Councilman Carlson, the board recessed until Friday, June 27th, 1941 at 9:30 a.m. The board reconvened on June 27th, 1941, 9:30 a.m. Councilman Carlson, Keller and Mayor Lyons were present. No appearances were made. The examination was continued. On motion of Councilman Keller, seconded by Councilman Carlson, the board recessed until July 2nd, 1941 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. Councilman Carlson, Keller, Tile Certhy, ',.olf and Mayor Lyons were present. 'I'he City Assessor reported. that the personal property returns this year shows an increase of ~~6, 753. 00 and in moneys and credi ts Q266,226.00, and an increase of 60 individual returns. Councilman Carlson moved that tha t the booles of the Ci ty Assessor and the :Mayor ana. City Recorder directed to sign same. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimou~ vote. Councilman ',Jolf moved that the board adjourn sine die.~otion was seconded by Coun- cilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. ./.. c::/ ~~J Secretary of BOflrdo 21i2 Regular Meet~ngJ Tuesday, July 8th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. The Council of the City of Faribault met in regule~ session in the Council Cham- ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 8th day of July, 1941~ at eight o'clock p.m. ~- " I' Councilmen CarlsQin, Keller, Me Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also the Ci ty Engineer and City Attorney 'Were present. The meeting was called to order by President Lyons. ~vlinutes of the last regular meeting of June 24th, 1941, and special o meetings of June 30th and July 2nd, 1941 were read and approved. 1~. Luke Vassar appeared before the Council and inquired as to whether or not Luke Vassar the heating franchise ordinance which had been placed on its first reading June 24th granting was/an exclusive franchise. lir. Vassar said that he and his associates were purchasing the remaining properties of the Shoe Factory from the R.F.C. and desired to carryon the heating of the properties now being serviced. He said that the factory would o be operated as a seed corn processing plant and disoussed in general their pla~s. H"ah"<j The C1 ty Attorney inquired whether Mr. Vessar intended to expand the heating bus1ners 0 rr-Qr>c.h, ~cz: .. or if he objected to two heating franchises being granted. Mr. Vassar said that th~re would be no objections on their part. Councilman Carlson moved that the matter of be continued granting a heating franchise/for further investi@ation. Lfution was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous va,te. Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of Eani- Hearing tary Sewer on First Avenue West from l3th to 14th Streets North as a W.P.A. project. Sewer 1st Ave. W Three petitioners were present, no objectorso CouncinITan CarlsDn moved that the 13th to 14th . . Sts. N. ,hear~ng be closed and the 1mprovement made in the regular course of business. Motion was seconded by Counci~an Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the construction of Sidewalk Hearing on the West side of First Avenue West from 13th to 14th Streets North as a W.P.A., Sidewalk West, Side 'project. Three petitioners were present, no objectors. Councilman Mc Carthy moved 1st l\.Ve. Vi ! 13th to 14~hthat the hearing be closed and the petition granted. Motion was seconded by Counc11- Sts. N. man Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. o Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for OIl Tarvia Surfacing on Fifth Street North from 5th to 6th Avenues East and on :Wifth Avenue East from Fifth Street o North to South entrance to St. Mary's Campus. No one appeared for or against the improvement. The City Recorder reported on behalf of Mr. B.W. Cowperthwaite, Treasur- er of st. r.:laryrs Sohool, that there were no objections to this improvement, but re- Hearing quested that the job be completed, namely that portion of Fifth street which lies Tarvia Fifth st. between Fifth Avenue East and the North entrance to the School property. It was & Fifth Ave. East brought out in the discussion that the North side of Fifth street was state owned , property and was not assessable wi thout the consent of the State'. Councilmen Carl-, son mo,ved tha.t the hearing be con tinued and the 01 ty Attorney and. 0i ty Engineer dir~cted 0 to a.scertain the a tti tud.e of the 3ta te towards such an assessment. Motion was se- conded by Councilman Wolft and passed by unanLmous vote. On motion of Councilman Carls(iJ)n, seconded by Cou.ncilman I'.le earthy, Resolution · No. Al726 was passed by unanimous va tee RESOLU'ITON NO. .Al726. o ~'o ,c__------',c_.... ----I: ~- u__.___ - ---------- ecz:.~ah.,t,c"? I Resolution Relative to the Locating, Opening, Grading and Graveling o:t a Pro- ',11" .lfiil ,:':"1 ':J --. . - - ----~-- ---------_._--. o ~ 172:.'- posed Street Through the Seabury Grounds, Sixty-six feet in Width and E.~tending from First 5t. 5r:: Ii the East Line of Sixth Avenue Southeast to the West line of State Avenu~g ord.cz.rcd or':"..z.,"J"'-.( , o o Resolu tion No. A1726 o o f)rn1 or'-( VlliEREAS, The Council of the City of Faribault, Rice County, ~innes~ta deems it , necessary and for the best interest for said City to open a street Sixty-siX (66) feet in width and extending from the East ~ine of Sixth Avenue Southeast, East to ; the West line of State Avenue, and VlliEREAS, said proposed street would constitute what was originally platted as First Street Southeast and lying between Blocks One (l) and Seven (7) of Faribault's ; Addi tion, but now a part of Seabury Grounds, and an extension of said street east- :' ward to said State Avenue, and VlliEREAS, The Bishop Seabury Mission, a coporation who is the owner of said pro- i; po sed street, and has by resolution agreed to convey the land fo r said propos ed street I to the City of Fer.ibault for street purposes only; now~ therefore, be it RESOLVED BY 'IHE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF FARIB..fi.ULT, RICE COUNTY, MIl'DmSOTA, Ii ',' tha.t said City hereby agrees to open said street wi thin a reasonable le:'lgth of time' and that said City shall pay the entire costs of locating, opening, grading, graveling i and the laying of water mains along the ~assed July 8t4, lq~l. Attest T. A. Llealia, Ci ty Recorder. Mr. Lester Nichols appeared before whole length of said street. John J. Lyons. 1[ayor. the Council representing the Faribault Safety II I' Council and suggested that bicycles racks be installed in various locations. After a general discussion orr the bicycle parking problan, at the suggestion of Council- man Keller, the matter was referred to the Mayor and Chief of Police. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Couneilman Wolf, Resolution No. A '1727 was passed by unan~ous vote. !i RESOLUTION NO. Al727. Relative to Appropriation for Maintenance of the Faribault Ar.mory. 'IRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBADLT DO RESOLVE:- That the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00): Dollars, be and the sane is hereby set aside and appropriated from the General FUnd of the City of Faribault to, the use \'1c:uOtnifl,o..;~~ce ',of Company H First Regiment Infantry Minnesota Defense Force, to be expanded in the payment of maintenance of the Armory of said Company in said C1 ty for tl'e year end- o Re:solu.!iion M't c;( . o 'ing June 30th, 1942. ;1 That the :Mayor and City RecQ,rder be and they are hereby au thorized and directed: I i to issue a warrant on the 01 ty Treasurer in the sum of Two Hundred Fift~.. ($250. 00) I 'Dollars, payable to the Armory Board. 'passed July 8th, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia~ City Recorder. John J. Lyons, Mayor. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Me Carthy, Resolution I :'No., .AJ..728 was passed by unanimous vote. RESOLUTION NO. Al728. Rela tive to the Paving of Central Avenue from Division Street to Sj xth street North and of Fourth Street North from Central Avenue to Chicago Milwaukee St. paul ~)r~l4 ~I ~ -;1 !!j 1,1 , and Pa.cific Ry. Right-of-way. It - ~~pe. VJ;'q (~~e;!?trcd Alf~' Resolution No. .AJ.728 ~$eat~ I) ~ r F!f'"6~~ Et'-;~~, tr, Resolution No. Al729 Sign Rent-: al paid. i Whereas the Council of the Ci ty of Fari baul t, Rice County, Minnesota, deems it il Ii I necessary and for the best int~rest for said City. to pa'\7'e. Central Avenu..e from Di vis1;on I'; i Street to the North line of Sixth Street North and also to pave Fourth Street North!1 , Q' from Central Avenue to the Chicago Wilwaukee st. Paul and Pacific Ry. right-of-way, II I !; and Whereas the Minnesota Depariment of Highways has proposed that it will construct said pa vemen ts and wi 11 assume all the c os t e,f the cen.ter twell ty two (22) feet o:l: I Iii I. said pavements and also assume seventy five (75%) per cent of the cost of the balan6e , of said pavement; i Ii j: Ii ,I r th~ o Now" therefo re, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FMilBAULT DO BESOLVE:- That the City of Faribault, Rice County, Minnesota, hereby agrees to~assess abutting property owners along said streets a sum equal to twenty five (25%) per ce~t 0 of the cost of said pavements, le:ss said center twenty two (22) feet~ and that said I; :; C1 ty hereby assumes to pay a sum equal to twenty five (25) per cent of the cost of il r said pavements less said center twenty two (22) feet at all intersections. i Passed July 8th, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia" Ci ty Recorder. John J. Lyons., Mayo,r On mo tion of Councilman Keller, seconded by Councilman Ilolf, Resolution No. A1729 Ii was passe~d by unanimous ~vote of the Council on roll call. il RESOLUTION NO. Al729. Relative to Death of Fred Emge. Whereas Almighty God in His infinite yusdon, on July lst~ 1941~called fr~~ th~s t I Whereas FredEmge served this Ci ty as Councilman for seven terms, 1919-1921, 19~3- I. !I fai th-II Ii life Fred Emge, and 1925; 1927-1929; 1929-1931; 1931;1933;1935-1937; 1937-1939; and o Wherea.s It is fi tting- and proper that official recogni tion be given his ful service to the City of Faribault, Ii That in the death of Fred Emge the City of Faribaul t has lost a ci tizen who wa4 Ii! a loyal supporter of all interests and enterprizes which tended to promote the gene~al II Ii welfare of this cormnuni ty and who, as a Councilman gave full servi ce in all duties Therefore, 'IHE COUUCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIB.&ULT DO RESOLVE:- o assigned to him. Be It Further Resolved t Ii " ~. II grea.t I' I' i, t: 'I The. t we tender to the man.bers of the bereaved family our sympathy in their loss, and a copy of this Resolution be, .transmitted to the family. Passed July 8th, 1941v Attest T. ~ Mealia John J. Lyons, LII3.1O r . I Councilma.n Carlson moved that the leases prepared by the City Attorney fOoT .. ~ . leasing property from H. H. Meyer Trustee of the Herman Heine Estate and Doreen and I 1:1 Melvin Hoover for the placing of signs at the entrances into, the Ci ty , specifying ~ :! a rental of $10.00 a year, be ordered signe4 by the Mayor and City R~corderana ~e! I' Fent~~paid_._ Motion was seconded by CpuncilDlanKeJLler anCJ. passed bY~lln~imous vote~l: Councilman Carlson m.oved that Ordinance No. Al89 enti tled nAn Ordinance Pro- I o o 1] ,,)"'/ c- ., fJ " ~ o o o a o Ordina.nce No. Al89 ls tReading. Insurance Policies .Accepted. Remonstrance Tarv1a on St. Paul Ave. Reports Bills Requisi tions. Licenses Granted. " [,'-' I.. (" ,./ ." f1 " vid1ng for the Issuance of a $8,212.04 BuildiLng Bond of the City of Fari baUl t. Mo- ,. tion was seconded by Councilman Keller and pasaed by unanimous vote a Ordinance No. Al89 was "th~ read as ordered. Auto car policies of Theodore St. Hilaire, Clark Rosenthal, Eli Sterling, re- ii Einerson S. Riach bond 8.!'!d bond of Arthur L. Pykles newal certificate for / were presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the policIes and bonds ,I be accepted and ordered filed, same having :Reen approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. A remonstrance petition, signed by four property owners, protesting the sur- facing of St. Paul Avenue from Ravine Street to Shumway Avenue and Second Street ,:: wi th Tarvie. was presented. Councilman Me carthy moved that the peti tion be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Counci~fian Wolf and passed ty unanimous · vo te. The following monthly reports of City Officials were presented and read:- City Treasurer, City Recorder, City Engineer, Chief of Police, Clerk of Court, City Assess- or, Secretary of Library Board, City Physic1an, Health Officer, OVerSeE'T of Poor, :, ! Chief of Fire Depart:n.ent, Report of Collector of Water Dept., I..,1e.rket M6.ster, Dairy Inspector, City Recorder's report to Supt. of Accounts and Finances in the amount of ., '\ \ !'I '$9,773.59. Bills:-Faribault Municipal Band Ass'n. Q600.00, E. W. Carls-on ~?2.55, Labor Water Dept. ~569~10~ M~ A. Hanna Coal & Dock Co. $210.58, Stott Briquet Co. , \ \ Inc. $263.72, Inland Coal & Dock Co. $210.84, Labor Fuel Dept. $80.44, Chicago Gt. Western Ry. ~750.72, Arthur Pykles $4.50, Joseph Freder1ckso~ $8eOO, Ardella E. ~Winkel $33.67, i. H. .Mc Cullough $60.00, Beth Condon ~8.40 , Salaries Engineering 'I ' \ IDep t. ~275.00, Payroll Police Department ~65. 00, Street Dept. Labor $9:6.85, Arthur ,!PykleS ~5.00, Labor Water Dept. ~5l8.45, Geo.. Robinson :i;>14.80, Clarence; Kitzman ~2.75, v Chi. Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co. ~95..8l, Stott Briquet Co. $286.03. Councilman Carlson moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the bills listed allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Requ1si tions for one fill of gasoline and six shovels and six coal forks were , il'presented~ Councilman Keller moved that the above purchases be authorized. :Motion " I :W6:.S seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Applications of Sam Hanson Oil Co., J. E. Asbe, Wm. Vieths and M. F. Freier for 'gasoline pUIllp licenses were presented. Councilman Keller moved that tb~ licenses b~ granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. City Books made by Councilman Carlson moved that the Audit of7E.Eo Noreen & Company be accepted ! I:and ordered filed. I,Iotion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unani- mous vote. Councilman Carlson reported on the trip to Owatonna made to consult with the rural fire corami ttee, stating that their secretary would be here to address the local farmers, on the day set, and that the State Fire 11arshall will also be down. He also '!reported progress in arranging the program for nDeds Daytl. Councilman Keller recorrnnended the purchase of t.wo steel filing cabinets for the ~)r It~ I~ I t.t I: l Reco~d er IS storage ro om. II Councilman ~o.lf moved tha t the. purchase be authorized. Mo~ _. Ii _~ tion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. !' o " " Specifica- ~ the , tions Ci ty Hall Roof. Councilman Keller inquir~ as to whether or not it was desirable to J:'E}deccrate l I. ,I Discussion in detail followed. Councilman City Hall before repairing the roof. Carlson moved that the City Engineer be directed to prepare specifications for a roof on the City Hall building. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me earthy ard new II r 1; :i pass~d by unanimous vote. Councilman Wolf requested authorization to purchase a hydrant. III I, Councilmar Carl- son moved that the above authorization be granted. Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Motion was seconded by Courcilman i I: Councilman Wolf' called attention to the fact that the Highway Dea.prtment was in- ! o terested in the land lying North of the Pumping Station site and that the Council was I' i i:given the first option on purchase of same. The Council decided without formal vote!', t, ~ ! II , t'! The Mayor reported that he had an offer of 015~OO to rid the dump of rats. The II ~I I, :i not to accept the option. o Ii matter was left to the discretion of the Mayor. ,I ~he Mayor reported that Pin Ball Machine Licenses at Dundas were $250.00 ~er year. each.. !I i' 'l'he Mayor read a letter from GO"l"ernor Stassen ----....- ~~--. ,i asking him to nominate a cheirmad - n i, " for the Oi ty_ Defense Counail. He said that he had nomina tad John Ce.rlander. ii I, Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was s.,econded by Councilman. Carlsen an~ " i, passed by unanimous vo tee r i ApP:t'~ved cTtiJ.y 22nCi1c 1941. (~.~ / ~?hn J. ~ironSt Mayor. if ~r da /?t'~-e'~- -~ T. A. Mealia., City Recorder. !i I' I, j I" t I: t' , ~ o Ii I' I, I' I ,. ~ I II c o o Ii Iii f' ~1J.. -.--. - :":"Ir,' , , ..,J ~ Regular Meeting, Tuesday, July 22nd, 1941, Eight o'clock p.m. o o o o o o o $l50.00 to Drum. Corps. Peti non C & G & Tarvia Tyman Place and. Sixth Ave. We Peti tion C & G First Ave. W. 12th to 13th sts. North Ordinan.ce No. Al89 Second Reading ,I :1 The Council of the City of Faxiba.ul t met in regular session in the Council Cham- ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 22nd day of July, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lyons. Councilman Keller, Mc Car thy, I Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also the City Engineer and City Attorney. Council- men Car1Lson was absent on account of sickness. The minutes of the last regular :meeting of July 8th, 1941, were read and approved. Masters Ralph Me Carthy, Donald Ponto presented peti tions for a swimming pool. bearing 424 signatures. The Mayor complimented the boys for their activities in the matter. The boys stated that Donald Mc Cormick also circulated a petition. The Mayor I I infor.med the boys that the Council would take the matter under consideration and 'would do the very best they could under existing conditions. ~~. Lester Nichols appeared before the Council requesting financial aid for the Legion Drum Sorpa. He cited the various public appearances of the Corps during the past year. Councilman Keller moved that an appropriation of $150.00 be granted the Legion Drum. Corps to be paid out of the Musical Entertainment Fund. Motion was se- 'conded by Councilman ~Tlolf and passed by unanimous vote. A petition, signed by three signatures, requesting Curb and Gutter on Tyman as a N/P.A. project , I,Place and Sixth Avenue Wes t between Third street South and Ta tepaha Boulevard, falso ! 'Tarvie. Surfacing on the same streets from Third Street South to the present terminus lOt: Tarvia on Tyman Place. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the peti tion be accepted Ii ! and ordered filed and the Oi ty Recorder directed to advertise a public hearing on : same to be held on August 4th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Ch~ber Chamber at the Oi ty Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by '. unanimous va te. A petition, signed by two property owners, requesting Curb and Gutter on First Avenue West between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets North as a W.P.A. project. Coun- I' ~! cilman Mc Carthy moved tha.t the petition be accep ted and ordered filed and, the Oi ty ! :IRecorder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be held at tl' e next spe- il cial meeting, August 4th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconoed by Coun- ' !cilman Keller and passed by unanimous vo tee ,I Co,uncilman Keller moved that Ordinance No. Al89, Enti tled. nAn Ordinance Providing 'for the Issuance of a $8~2l2.04 Building Bond of the City of Faribaultli be placed on Iii Iii ts second reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unani- mous vote. Ordinanee No. Al89 was then read and voted on by sections as follows:- !' IICounCilman Keller moved. the. t Section 1 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Council- Councilman Keller moved that SectioD 2 man lvlc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. II be adop ted. I ! I On the question "Shall this Ordinance pass,?H, those voting "aye" were Councilman :!II , Keller, Me Car thy, ~Volf and Mayor Lyons, Una-ye" none. Ordinance No. Al89 was here-: Motion was seconded by Councilman IVlc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. by declared passed and the City Recorder directed to cause same to be published in , the official paper. The insurance policy covering the Engineer's equipment for fire an~ theft was ~2~ 18 ... -- it Policies "pre~ented. The City Attorney suggested certain changes in the phraseology of t~e i 'I po~icy. Councilman Keller moved tha.t the policy be accepted subject to the re- ! , ~ commended changes. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Aut@ car policies of Harvey Bauer, Francis J. Dring, Peter Schaffelhuber, rider .1 for Elwood Fri tz policy, insurance polici es covering radio equipmel1I:.t were presented~i II !: Councilman Keller moved that the policies be accepted and ordered filed, same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney, Motion was , seconded by Counci~an Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. ! ; , " Applica.tions:- Mahler Hardware for Auction License, Guy Rousch to transfer his!i !i gasoline pump license to .Albert Webster, SEllJ1 Hanson Oil Co. for gasoline pump 11- 11 , :1 Applications cel1se and Peter Schafflhuber for Auto cal' license. Councilman Keller moved that abOlve 'i and certified check of Mahler Hardware Co... deposi ted in lieu of bond be returned after !; licenses be granted; Motion was seconded by uoul1cilman Mc Carthy and pass ed by Ii I, , " I' unanimous vote. " Bid on Fleet Insurance Acceptede , JL, brar'1 Board. &~ f'p~~r? trr)Z.f1fs PursuWl t to ad.vertising,. bids were called for on fleet insurance. The fOllowittg III bids were received:-Popelka Insurance 1-1.gency $380.00, H. B. Smith Agency $36l.98, ;, , Wm. H. Ruge $317.08, H. H. Meyer $414.15, Dorothea A. Beecher $365.53, Weston-Jewett Agency $401.96~ Security Insurance Agency ~36l.89, Fred G. Degen Agency $376.91. Councilman Keller moved that the bid of Wm. H. Huge be rejected because same did not . " conform to specifi cations. Motion was S3econded by Councilman Violf and passed by I' 'I !I unanimous vote. The Council then considered the 0 ther bids. Councilman Keller moved that the bid of the Secur! ty Insurance Agency be accepted and the certified checks:, o,f unsuccess,ful bidders returned. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and Ii passed by un.animous vo tee D~. : The Mayor announced that the terms of/Nuba Pletcher, Rev. Innocent Domesti~i aqd I IvIr. Geo. E. Kaul as members of the Library Board WOUld expire this month and that' he would reappoint them to succeed themselves. Councilman Keller moved that the re- ~ appointment be. confinn.ed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by , unanimous vote. II " I' Sf'ae't'"cC(f1~t1~~! Specifioations for a motor patrol grader were presented and discussed. Counci1- rat~4'>\ Elracltt-r' mSl1lMc CsxtIw.y moved that the specifications be adopted e.nd the City Recorder d1J:'ect~d aV1"~ ~(tf'~"tn1q .', to advertise for bids on a mo,tor patrol grader, to. be opened and considered on AUguJt C.t~ ~1c:;--d\ !'; 4th, 1941, at eight m,telo,ck p.m. Motion was S3econded by Councilman Wolf and passed :; unanimously. I. I . II Specifications for reroofing the City Hall were presented and discussed. Coun~ I I ~ ci~an Keller moved that same be accepted and the Oity Recorder direct~d to adVQrti~e ", II Ii: for bids to .be opened and considered on .August 4th~ 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. in l. i,l lit the CounciJL Chamber at the City RaIl. Motion was seconded by Councilman Vlolf and passed by unaruim~us vote. -- The City Engineer reported that the Attorney General had ruled that the State could participate in Tarvia Assessment at the School for the Deai'. The City Attorney Ii stated that it would be well for the' C1 ty to have a. written agreement with Mr. Elstdd o o sele. 0 o Q () o 1:1l "'~-:-~u ~:)~. /n 0"'/1 a o " D o o Q D il.dvertise Hearing on Tarvi a 5 th NE. :regarding the payment of the assessment. Councilman Mc Car thy moved that the City Recorder be directed to advertise a public hearing on the surfacing with Tarvia the. t portion of Fifth street North be- il tween. Sixth Avenue and Shumway and between Fifth Avenue East and the Korth entranc~ St..' to st. Mary's Scho01 campus, to be held on the 4th day of August, 1941, at eight o 'clock p.m. Motion wa.sseconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller stated that two of the trucks assigned for Vi.P.A. work were lying idle this summer and requested authori ty to use same fOlr gr6.velirg in the Parks. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the above requast be granted. Motion was I "seconded by Councilman I'i Wolf' and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman VJolf requested authorization to, purchase four 4ft an.d tvrol 6ft water · valves. Councilman Keller moved th~t the above authorization be given. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman 'v'lolf suggested that the City purchase water pipe for the anticipated needs: for the coming year, stating that there was no doubt that a savir,g would be made. The matter was discussed and the water department directed to as'~ertain its I needs and the status of the market on water pipe. The Counc:il then discussed W.P.Ae pro jects in. general, the Ci ty EEgineer re- porting on recent rulings of the \7.P.A. relative to sidewalks and concrete specifi- cations. The Mayor stated that F.J. Dring requested that a curb light be removed in :! front of his property on Second street East to permi t the construction of a driveway. CounciLman Ke11er moved that the request be granted. Motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. :I The City Engineer reported a communication from the C.R.I. & Pacific Ry. re- : lative to purchasing the present dump grounds. The Engineer was directed to write the RaiJroad that the grounds were not for sale. I: I Contract bonds of the Lampert liumber Yard and A. J. Rosett were pr~sented. ilCounci1man Keller moved that the bonds be accepted, same having been afproved by the City Attorney as to manner and form of execution. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. 'l'he follovJing communications were presented:- a letter from Mrs. L.eslie Manthey . thanking the Council for their aotion on the death of her father Fred Emge, from Lt. James H. Caswell, Adj. Second Battalion :E'irst Regiment I\IDF thanking the City for I:, I I:Park facili ties in connection wi th Battalion Review, a letter announciIJg 6, conference 1,Iof police chiefs at Buffalo, N.Y., from the City Engineer to the City .superintendent I.of Schools relative to constructing a fence, sidewalk and Curb and Gutter along : Highway No. 2Jl. adjacent to Washington Sohool pro1perty (S.P. 6607 (60-21-26-1)). Coun- p I: cilman Keller moved that the communications be filed. Motion was seconded by Coun- I iicilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Councilmer:JJ Keller moved that the Assignment of Securities from the Securi ty National Bank & Trust Co. or Faribault"Minnesota, be accepted. Motion W&s seconded (')\.)u. ,c...JO II .i! by Councilman Mc Carthy atld passed by unanimous vote. ,I " II ~ II Councilman Keller discussed the matter of svdmming pool facilities and suggest~d ~ that when a new fire S'.tation was built, the matter of an indo.or pool. be conside.red. :1 Co.uncilman Keller moved that the swimming pool peti tions be a.ccepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. 'The report of the Park Board was read and ordered filed on moti on of '1 II Keller, seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and pa_ssed by unanimous vote. Ii Councilman ii r 1 , The classification of the County Board ,July 14th, 1941, was presented. of certain tax delinquent lands, dated !i Councilman Keller moved that the classification be!, II Recorder d.irected to sign same. Motion was sec'1ndedl Ii . appro'Wed and th e Mayor and City H T~ ~ O~ h !rJ9"'?'lJt' by 'i I c.u?d ~ fo..... I, f~,..I<.. p&J"po~, i: in Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. il Councilman Keller inquired of the City Attorney the necessary steps to be taken order to secure the tax delinquent lands ad jacen t to the Touri s t Park for Park II I pur-poses. The City Attorney sta.ted that the wording of the law is ambigious and thdt a ruling from the Attorney General in the matter would be requested. I Requisitions for one fill of gasoline, 150 gallons of oil and ten cars of various 1'1 kinds of coal were presented. Councilman Keller moved that the above purchases be Ii I.: au thorized. II Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Car thy and passed by unanimous vo~e. ", a ,L II ~ The following bills were presented for payment:-Labor Water Dept. $427.55, C. ~~. ) r Mollenhoff $15.00, Harry Lewis $18.00, Jos. Bruley $40.00, Murphy Freight Lil1es ~3.~:7, I. ., '.- I C.M. St. P. & P. Ry. ;)5.l5, Phil Me Carthy $2.00, Gus Kitzman $16.00t Salaries Spec., 'II liPolice $8.'00, Francis Mc Cullough ~~52'.00) Ardella E.. Vlinkel $21.46, Beth Condon ~lO.50, il!Robert Larkin $33.50, Payroll Fuel Dept. ~44. 35, Pi ttsbu.rgh Coal Co. :i171.08) Philadl~lphia Ii ,II 1'1& Reading COe]. & Iron Co. $4J.5.38, Payroll Water Dept. $359.85, Street Dept. Payrol1!i ! $914. 33, Gust Ki tzman $2.~'OO. Councilman Keller moved that the bills be allowed. Mo_:i ~ I ! I 1:1 tion was secondeq. by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. I " Councilman Keller moved that the Mayor and City Recorder draw f check in tl~e i I. :i8ra.ount of ~15.00 to the Clerk of the District Court for costs in the matter of an iappeal to the Supreme Court. " Motion was seconded. by Councilman Me Carthy and passed!: I :,by unanimous vote. Coun~ilman Keller moved that the meThbership fee of Arthur L. Pykles in the !ilMinnesota Police and Peace Officers Association in the amount of $1.00 be paid. li!was seconded by Councilman Me Car'thy and passed by u.l1animous vote. Ii Motion Councilman Wolf moved to' adjourn. I' Motion was seconded by Councilma.n Keller and!: I, II :passed by unanimous vote. I d . % a ?:n- -- d - tD,/ " Ii . Approved Augus t I ii T. A. Mealia) City Recordrr .11; ,I ,. II iIt II II 12 th, 1941. ~6. ~o~r (t o o D o 4) o o - -.,,~ - ~ o o D o c a '~!"'1 ,....1_1 Special Weeting, Monday, August 4th, 1941, Eight O'clook p.m. 9:raders manufa.ctured by his Company. I ~ t - I as. e. I Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the construction of Curb :1 and. Gutter on First Avenue \~est, Twelfth to 'Ihirteenth streets North as a W.p .A. I project. A rem.onstrance bearing six names was presented. Councilman :Mc Carthy I moved that the petition be denied. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and I I II passed by unanimous vote. il Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called I Street North between Sixth Avenue East and Shumway i I entrance to St. lf~ryts Campus. The City Engineer reported that the Supt. of the :1' that the Attorney General ruled Hearing Tarvia i School for the Deaf stated/that the School could pay their assessment out of their i 1:1 on Fifth Street 'I regular funds. No objectors were present. Northeast. I hearing be closed and the street surfaced subject to the filing in writing an agree- Hearing C & G First Ave. W 13th to 14th sts. North Hearing C & G ~an Place & Sixth Ave., West. 81d~ (.,ty Jo{cd \ ~oerf 0 c:.c-J f'~ tro. e. i AWC\\?J\,7",~i, II I if Chamber at the City Hall on Monday, the 4th day of August, 1941., at eight o'clock 11 p.m. The meeting was ca.lled to order by Mayor Lyons. Councilman Carlson, Keller, II _ I Me Car thy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also the City Engineer and City The Council of the Ci ty of Faribaul t met in special session in the Council Attorney were present. 'I Mr~ Jack Dwyer, residing on Willow street, entered a protest against the fruit II and vegetable stand adjoining his property claiming that they were a public nuisance, I I were encroaching on his property :J etc. The Mayo,r advised Mr. Dwyer that the matter II Viould. be inves tiga. ted. A represen tati ve of the Thorman Roshold Company invi ted the Council to insp ect The Council decided to do this at a latter for on the surfacing of Fifth Avenue East and between Fifth/and the North Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the' I :Iment from the School for the Deaf to pay its share of the Assessment. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the construction of Curb I and Gutter on Tyman Place and Sixth Avenue West between Te. tepaha Blvd. and Third I il Street South. ldr.. Scott, a peti tion.er, was present. No objectors were present. Iii " " II Councilman .i.>lC Carthy moved the. t the hearing be closed and the petition granted. 1110- tiam was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanim.ous vote. Pursuant to advertising, bids were ~alled for on the reroofing of the City Hall. The bid of B.B. Lockerby in the amount of $1,443.00, for reroofing With one i inch of insulation; $1,325.00 with one half inch insulation; $1,140.00 without in-I sulation; was the only bid received. The City Attorney ruled that a contract could on one bid be ewarded/provided the Council was satisfied that there was no colluRion and that 'I the bid was fair. The Council discussed the bid with Mr~ Dwight Lockp.rby. Council~ man Keller moved that the bid in the amount of ~1,443.00 be accepted find the Mayor and City Recorder autb.crized to enter into contract with Mr. Lockerby. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Car thy and passed by unanimous vote. Mr. Mike Schultz, representing the Izaak Walton League, and requested permissfon I for the League to construct and operate a fish rearing pool at Father Slevin Park. He stE:ted that Dr. Surber of the Game and Fish Department approved the location. ~)~') ,...J,::;,r fi5h pool at Fro S!l2,va~ PClrk< T & T Bar 3.2- License Granted. Adv', S,d$ f~r YV~t(l,~ [\?, f' $, The Couneil discussed the construction involved. Councilman Keller moved that the t I" I I: Izaa.k \'\Tal ton League be permi tted to establish a rearing p()nd at Father Slevin Park. h I, Motion was seco:nded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote of the Counci!l 1l v on roll call. The application and bond of Leo P. Thomas and Wilfred Thiffault for 3.2 beverage I, illicense at No. 24 4th Street Northwest was presented. Councilman. Me Carthy moved th.~t ! ~ the 11~ense be granted, the application and bond having been approved as to manner i: " ,I and fom of execution by the Oi ty Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Kelle:r and passed by unanimous vote. The applicatio,n of Guy Rousch for two gasoline pump lioenses at 3rd Ave. South " and Willow Street were presented. Councilman Me Car thy moved that the license be o , granted. Mo tio1'.Il was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The John Dwyer complaint was taken up with th e Ci ty A. ttorney who was absent from the ro om at the time Mr. Dwyer spoke. 'The City Attorney stated that inasmuch -D as the City had no zoning ordinance, the Council had no authority in the matter un- less a public nuisance was proven, that in the matter of encroachment, it would be I,i "i I!necessary for klr. Dwyer to have his line established by competentsurvey before any 'action could be taken. The matter was left wi th the Ivlayor, City il.ttorney and Cj ty Engineer. The I~ayor requested authorization to purchase three police blouses at $27.00 'i I:each. Councilman Keller moved that the above authorization be granted. Motion was I Ii i:seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Ii Councilman Carlson i! rip 8 II~ .75 for policing a wrecked plane si te last October l2th, 1940, be allowed II:C1 ty Attorne.y directed to contact the owner of the plane for reimbursement. Ii ri I \~ and the ~ I moved that the bill of Ernest Grundman in the amount of Motion :,: '" :was s.econded by Councilman Me Garthy and passed by unanimous vote. I A letter from the Uni ted States Pipe Company relative to the market on cast I :'1 'I iwater pipe was read and discussed. I, I, I:i Idirected to advertise for bids on 5,000 feet of 6" cast iron pipe and approximately Iltwo tons of fi ttings, to be opened and consid.ered at the regular meeting, rfuesdey, !:!.Augus,t 26 th, 1941, at e1gh to' clock p.m. Motion was seconded by COluncilman Me Garthf iland passed by unanimous vote. Ii II hundred Watt flood lights had been shot out at Tepee Tanka Park and requested au- Ii thorization to replace same. Councilman Lie Carthy moved that the above authoriz,atioh '!be given. 1Iotion was seconded by Councilman Wolf i;;'md passed by unanimous vote. II , " i ,j 11 irop I o Councilman Wolf moved that the City Recorder be o Councilman Keller reported that on Sunday 3 i:..ugust. 3rd, 194J., eigh teen fifteqn i Counci lman .,Jolf i, West l~'Jorth",6f Park Avenue Ii istreet was not full wid th its entire length. No action was taken. 1 I fl il :last regu~ar meeting be rescinded and that the specif'ic.ations be rejected and that o reported that a. request for water had been made on Fifth Street I' I and called the a tten tion of the Council to the fact the. t this NO bids were received on power graders as advertised for. Mc Carthy Councilman/movea that the action taken on the power grader specifications at Ii 'I :, ~ Iii th~ o ~~-~D. - --.--- Q c D o o o D I', "'1~l'it ,-'Uo o Ii R~ t';;i~hr'~~-i ,:s.~ .~ the Ci ty Recorder be directed to readvertise for bids on a power grader according 13;<1,., ~ to the Ilew specificatiOIls. l<LotioIl was seconded by Councilman \Yo~f 8J1ld passe<J. by PC!trC'<< GvooQctft':.1" .... unanimous vote. The City Engineer presented the new specifications on. the power grader, which' were discussed and the Council without formal vote decided to hold the matter up ,I II until after viewing the Thorman Roshold graeler. II II that The Council then entered into a general discussion of ~i.P.A. projects, especially ! invol ving the Tepee Tonka Park bridge. Councilman Keller s tlong13'" urged that this project be taken up at once and if necessary to layoff Curb and Gutter and Sidewe;lk projects. It was decided to meet wi th lir. Hooten of the 'v'l..P.Ao in the near i future on thi s matter. Ii it !I C. t I 1 Y The Mayor brought up the matter of the Helgeson children and others whom the was caring for. This was discussed in detail by the Council. The lvlayor announced the. t he wished to cut d.own the personel of the :Foor Depa.rt- f).E.1'1ol\l.~ev.J " ment by eliminating A. L. Foreman and placing LIr. A..E. Mollison as Poor Commissioner l,;r-'po,r;>+d ~. effective August l5th, 1941. The Oi ty Attorney ruled that no confirmation was ne- p~~=o I~~,-o<... II cessary by the Council on the proposed action as the Poor Commissioner I s office was I ii :1 Ii not one of the specified offices of the City named in the, Charter. 'I 'rile City Attorney brought up the matter of the appeaJl.. to the Supreme Court on · the Pin Ball Machines, stating that the Cityts interest in this case was simply to . defend the legali ty alf its Ordinance regulating the license for Pin Ball Machines, I in 'i and that he cou~d save the Ci ty expense by obtaing from the Supreme Court an order ~: allowing the, Ci ty to join in the brief of the appella.n ts. He stated that if he wrote a .sepa:rate brief he would be obliged to use the same arguments ard ci te the I same cases as were already filed. The matter was discussed and it was decided to :1 lay the matter on the table until the next meeting. II Councilman Vuolf moved to. adjourn.. Motion was seconded by Counciln'~n Carlson Ii i! and passed by unanimous vote. qo~-~ ~~ T. A. Mealia, Oi t~? Recorder. " I Approved '! August ~2th. ~94~. ~~-?-I ~ rts~o;~- ~ Ii ~)8. 4 (c.",J Regular Meeting, nTuesday, August l2th,_l94l, Eight 0 'clock p.rn.. The Couneil of the City of Faribault me~ in regular session in the Council ,. ber at theuCityHall on Tuesday, the 12th day of August, 1941, at eight o'c~ocJ\ ( " 1', I' Cham- I II p.m~.: 1:: Me' The meeting was called to order by President Lyon~. Councilman Carl~on, Ke1le~, Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also the City Engineer and City Attorney~ i. 1tlnutes of the last regular meeting of July 22n.d, and special meeting of August 4 thll I, I': were read and approvede I: I, , Ine following applica t10ns fOir licenses were presented:- Gasoline Pump, Max Thonet; Theatre License for Lido,. Will J. Glaser; Auto Car Lioense, Edgar Cornell; Renewal of Electricianrs Licenses, Oliver N. Larson, Frank Golden, Vm. Thier.mm1. Applications Coun~ilman Carlson moved that the above licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by CounQilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote~ rin Ball Machine Application of Gopher Sales Company for twentynine/owners licenses for a period of nine months tions from the following for operators licenses/were presented:- Boston Ii and applic!- I Cafe, Harold's [ Pin Ball Machine I. [' Applications Maison Ritz Cafe, Castle Hamburger Shop, American Billiards, Conklin & Van Houdt, for Licenses. Chappius Grocery, The Dixie Store, Olympia Candy 3tore, 300 Lunch, Al's Place (2)~ Policies Bonds. iRe Y) e 'II (td tJl4-VV\ \'>(,r~\1,~J \ Y) ~,...a-o~ l>4- Cafe, Nelson Cafe, Hotel Faribault, Roys Hamburger Place, Gust's Place, The Hu:::ryback, I"~ I' The Spot (2), Hunt's Bar(2), Becker & Dwyer (2)~ Kelly's Inn (2), Al Paulson (2), T. & T. Bar (2)~ Councilman Carlson discussed the Attorney General's ruling on Pin Ball machines and stated that he personally felt that the machines were illegal. The Mayor stated that he felt that the license fee should be raised. Councilmarr i: Carlson moved that licenses be denied on the grounds that the machines were illegali~ I I:Jo second to this motione Councilman Keller moved that the licenses be granted sub:- ject to the approval of the Supreme Court and that no license fee refunds be granted ii II Ii Car thy. On roll caJ:.l those w.ting ~ayert were Councilman Keller, Me Carthy and Wolf, Ii " ! I'; in case the machines were declared illegal. Motion was seconded by Co~ncilman Mc Hnaye" Councilman Carlson and 1layor Lyons. Mo,tion was carried. I I Fleet Insurance Folicy covering the Ci ty Fleet, Auto Car Policy of Alvin Bauer:1 and sidewalk bond of Paul M. Schroeder and riders for policies of Francis. Dring and the Fari baul t Bus Service/were presen;ted. and bond i Councilman Carlson moved that the policies/be accepted and ordered filed, same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous 'Vote. Councilman Carlson moved that the bond of l~lan E. Mollison be accepted and dered filed, same having been approved as to manner and form of exeCll tioD by the ,I o r;;' ri 'I I, II I' City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimo11s vo te. A letter from the League of ljinnesote. L~unicipali ties invi ting the Ci ty to re- t II new its m~bership for the year 1941-1942 at a cost of $lOO.OO was read. Councilman Carlson moved that the communication be placed on file and the membership renewed. ~ Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous. vote. A letter from the Minnesota Seed Co. by L..P. Vassar together wi th a propQf-'Jed franchise to operate a public heating plant in blocks 46 and 56 Original Town. counL action be taken on " ci~an Carlson moved that the cmamunication be filed until/the previous franchise (t Q u o o o o o .~~~ o C) D 0" o " o D Reports Billa [)r~th @1 ,Eo. R /....1n<:.~ .:1,(" 1-- ':oa ,~ II requested by I by unanimous J Terence Peterson. ldotion was seconded by CounciJ.me.n Keller and 'i passed! Ii II I ;, vo te . , TIle follo'wing monthly reports of City Officials were presented anc"'. read: - Oi ty'l I Ii Treasurer, City Recorder, Ci toY Engineer, Clerk of Court, Chief of Poli~eJ' Oi ty I Assessor, Chief of Fire Department, Oi ty Physician, Health Officer, Overseer of [1 Poor, lla.rket blaster, 3ecre.tary of Library Board, Dairy- Inspector, .later Department II Collector end Ci ty Recorder's report to Supt. of Accounts, and Finances in the Emount Ii ,-', II of $9,138.58. 'r.he following bills were presented:-Elmer Heck $15.00, G.R.I. & P. :! Ry. Co. $251.99, Red star Oil Co. ~~25. 74, Pure Oil Co. ~l5l. 20, Fi ttsbnrgh Coal Co. 11 I' t""- Ii ~362~ 35, C.Gt. '.Jestern Ry. ~111.66, ,~ \ ~~2.00, Labor Hater Dept. Q338.65, i,Iin:nesota Police & Peace Officers Ass 'n. (11.00, Tri state Tel. & Tel. Co& $74.94, Peter Hanson) Ii I Alfie Guimond ~p27.43, Pickands Mather & Co. $224.20, Gust Litzm8n ~2.00, Salaries I I' Engineer's Dept. i~275.00, .L:'rdella B. \/inkel ~(;34.78, Labor Fuel Dept. 088.99, Francis ~ ~ .1. Llc Cullough 056.00, Bell & Zoller Coal Co. ~~;269..05, Salaries Special Police \~9.00, 'I Salaries Recreation Board ~;28.00, ,:-:..rthur Bell ftP5.00, Labor Water Dept. ~j2l2.05, Ii Erma Wilder ~2.l0, Beth Condon ~7.00, sanitary Ice &, Fuel Co. ~110.52.,. Chi.. Gt. II L IJestern Ry. Co. ~552.78, Clarence Koopm8.ns $16.97, Street Dept. Payroll ;J:l069.23, Water Dept. Labor ~2-30.9Q, Chris Long $2.00, Theodore st. Hilaire i,t/2.50, C.LI. st. P. &. Ry.. $26l.o8, Geo. Robinson ~46.31, Pittsburgh Coal Co. $367.50,. Robert Larkin ~27.00, Clarence Kitzmen $2.75, Francis Me Cullough ~32.QO, Library Accounts $234.14. 'I Councilman Me Carthy moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the II ,I bills listed allowed. I I Motion was seconded by OOUllcilman Keller and passed by une.ni:... mous vote. On motion of' Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Me Carthy Resolution No. A1730 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. RESOLUTI:ON NO. Al730e Relative to Death of Edward P. Lynch. Whereas:- Almighty God in His infini te wig-,dom, on August lOth, 1941, called from this life Edward P. Lynch, and Whereas: Edward P. Lynch served this ci tjT as Councilman for five terms, 1925- I. 1927; 1927-1929; 1929-1931; 1931-l933; 1933-1935 and I: \fuereas: It is fitting and proper that official recognition be given this faith- ful service to the City of ~aribault, Therefore, 1HE COUNCIL OF 'IRE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- That in the death of Edward P. Lynch the City of Faribault has lost a citizen' who as a public offi cer gave full servi ce to the interests of this city and as a business man was a loyal supporter of all interests and enterp:--1ses which "tended to' promote the general welfare and progress of this co~nunity and, who enjoyed the con- fid.ence and trllst of all who knew him. Ii " :1 Be It Further Resolved That we tender to the members of the bereaved family sympathy in their great loss, and that a copy of tbis Resolution be transmitted to the family. ~}8f' ~ u m ~$O \ u-h;'Y) (,~ il~' 0 Pa )'t'Y)<t.~t ~f , , ~)~~ !d.~t19' 60 r.>d, . ~5"IClt'orJ A '7~Z Pcr'i mtLt?r "f r3ot?d~ G. J r>'b~re::>t" I I'i :Pa,ssed August 12th, 1941. I, : _~ttest T."A. Mealia" City Recorder. . John J. Lyons) 11ayor. II il I' ,I , On motion of Councilman Carlson, s:econded by Councilman Wolf, Resolution ITo. All ii c I: 1731 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.. '" ,I '! RESOLUTION NO. Al73l. I" Relative to Payment of Permanent Improvement Building Bond of the Gi ty of Fari~ II baul t. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARlBAULT DO RESOLVE:- 'Iha t for the purpose of paying Permanent Improvement Building Bond of the Ci ty !I, ,,, :: of Faribault in the amount of $8~2l2.04, dated August 4th, 194~t due August l2th~ 1941) " I 'i and interest thereon, the Mayor and City Recorder be directed to draw an order on tIle I II 1.1 II City Treasurer in the amount of ~8, 213.86, payable to the Permanent Improvement Fund 'I from the Sinking Fund of the City of Fari baul t. , Passed August 12th. 1941. !; Attest T. A. Ivlealia, City Recorder. , John J. Lyons, Mayor. On motion of Councilman Carlson, seco,nded by Coune:i1.m.e.n Keller, Resolutior.. No. Al732 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll callo RESOLUTION NO. Al732. Relative to Payment of Bonds and Interest due September 1st, 1941. THE COUNCIL OF TaB CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- i Tha.t for the purpose of paying Sewer Bonds Nos.. II to 20, inclusive and irtereft due on Sewer bonds Hos. 11 to 40, due September 1st, 1941,. all of which bonds were Ii issued September 1st, 1938, the Mayor and City Recorder be and they are hereby au- ii thori zed to draw an order on the C1 ty Treasurer in the amount of Ten Thousand C ne I r Hundred Eighty Seven and 50/100 ($IO,187.50) Dollars in favor of the Northwestern I. I I, Ha tional Bank and Trus t Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Ten Thousand to be :r: aye.bIe II '! from the Sinking Fund and One Hundred Eigb. ty Seven and 50/l00 Dollars from the Interest ! I t i! , Fund of the Ci ty of Fari baul t. I' ., Passed August_~2th lq4l. Attest T. -A. MealiA, C~ty Recorder. John J. Lyons, Mayor. Councilman Carlson reported that the City Market needed weight tickets and II Counci.1IJ1an Keller moved that the purchase~' i; read quotations from the local printers. I' be made from the Modern Printers at ~69.00,. they being the lowest bidder. Motion III ; was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. I I, Ii II Red I: Iii was Councilman Carls(m presented a requisi tion for one fill of gasoline from the Star Oil Co. Councilman Keller moved that the purchase be authorized. Motion seconded by Gouncilman MC Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. -, II! Councilman Carlson reported on the temporary organization for rural fire f:ghting I I I. i: stating that the cormnittee desired to meet with the Council and the Chamber I; on Monday evening August 18th, 1941. I i: The City Engineer reported that the pro jeot for Tepee Tonka Bridge had been CorrrnerO$ I; I'! " !iJ gRanted previous , ~possibilitY that ! to the present restrictions placed on W.P.A. and that ti1ere was a the project might be opened. C I 'ouncilman Carlson requested that the Council express ti1eir opinion of the sign erected at the South entrance to the City on Willow street. General discussion ..ll~ o o D o c o D Q o D LJ a o o Appt'"~If~ Clq~~ftf,c.crl~~"il , ~~ncu~ Tal' ~ dcz.{ ," n~..,e,,~-t II " ,,<4 & -I 5lA \ af~ C~ poor O~pi "J~~~rl I; II followed, the Council expressing general approval. I 1 I: I ~ Councilman Keller requested authorization to place a fire truck at the Fair Grounds during the Fair. Councilman Carlson moved that permission be granted. Mo- II tion was seconded by Councilman ITal! and passed by unanimous vote. Counci~nan Keller reported that he and the City Attorney had appe~red before I the County Board and had requested the. t lots 3,4,.5 and 6 of Block 2, G~o. H. Fari-;I baults Addition be classed as conservation land to enable the City to request a deed from the State for these lots for Park purposes, and Black 51 Original Town lying South of Ravin.e Street for Street purposes. The resolution of the County Board classifying these lands as conservation lands was presented by t~e City II Attorney. Councilman Carlson moved that the classification of the County Board be!i approved and the Mayor and City Recorder be directed to sign the approval. Motion: was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that the Mayor and City Recorder be anthorized to make application to the Commissioner of Taxation for deeds for the above narlled par-I I , eels. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and pasEed by unanimous vote. and Market Councilman Keller moved that the City Hall/be closed on August 13th,. 194-1 be- Ii I tween 9:00 and lO:30 O'clock and that the Council attend the funeral of E.. P. Lynch ;1 in a body. Motion. was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vo~e. Specifications for a motor patrol grader were presented by the City Engineer. ij II The Council discussed the specifications. cifications be adopted. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the spe- i Motion was seconded by Counc1~Jlan ~olf and passed by unani- I mous vote. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the City Recorder be directed to ad- I~.I' I Ii vertise for bids on a motor pa trol grader in accordance wi tl1 above spe~ifica tions,' ! to be opened August 26th, 1941 , at eight 0 t clock P .ill. :1:110 tion was seconded by COUll-! I cilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vOlte. Councilman Wolf called the attention of the Council to the fact that the ! Ij " Rock II il I Island Railroad was operating trains through Faribault at a fast rate of speed , wi thout signal men at the Second and Third street Crossings. I I The matter W8S referred to the City Attorney. Councilman Carlson called the attention of the Council to the fact that they had agreed to have Second Street southJ~est of Seventh Avenue filled and suggested that the W.p .A. trucks Ylh10h were idle be used for this purpose. 'Ine matter was discussed. No actio~ was taken. l.iayor Lyons recomm.ended that A. E. Mollison f s salary be placed at r:~120. 00 per mon.th and Ardella Winkel t s at $70.00 per mon.th. Councilman Keller mov"~d tha +, A. E. I Molli son's salary be placed at i~l20. 00 per month. ::1 Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman :1 Motion was seconded by Councilman ,I Kelle r moved that Ardella Winkel 'Is salary be placed at 070.00 per morr~h. 1~tion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote.. Llayor Lyons reported that he had received complaints on speeding on various request streets in the City. He also saiCt the. t he had received verbal/fo,r stairs at Mot t 2(:)8 -- Avenue and Ravine Street on the South side. " The Council decided to view this si te.ll I. f-he Mayor ~ugges~ed that a _name pe given t~ the City DunW grounds. The matter was referred to the Press to secure names. i The City Engineer reported that he was ready te' stake out First Stre~t Southeast through the Seabury Campus. Councilman Carlson inquired how the purchase of the motor patrol grader was to be financed. The matter was briefly discussed. The City Engineer reported that the pedestrian bridge over Crocker's Creek on ~~~!~ f~r Seventh Street was in a dangerous condition and thet he had ordered same blocked bridq~ ~Y) off. He estima ted the cost of repairs to be ~,25.00 for lumber and approxima tely TJ:bstN o'/4-r ~45.00 for steel. Councilman Carlson moved that the City Engineer be authorized to. Cro~kcz.r~ . make the necessary purchases and to have the: bridge repaired. Motion was seconded ' CrcZ.GkB by Councilmen Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. The City Engineer presented plans of the Highway Department for change of \\?(l~~ jub; .1 A ~1'~ o Relat. 'let to 1":H.~ .. grade on Trunk Highway No. 60 East of Shumway Avenue. On motion of Councilman Carl- I' ., son, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolu tion No. Al733 was passed by unanimous vo~e of the Council on roll aall. RESOLU'l'ION NO. Al733. S.P. 6607-l2 (60-21) Rice County ste. te of klJ.nneSQ;ta) City of Faribault ) VlliEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota has designated the location of Trunk Highway No. 60 formerly designated as Trunk Highway No. 2:1., through the City or Faribault as shown upon the plan which is presented herewith I' an~ 1,1 i, i: made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Said Commissioner of Highways is desirous of constructing, reconstruc~ing an.d improving said Trunk Highway throu.gh said Ci ty and has prepared plans for said construction, reconstruction and improvement~ a copy of which said plans are presen~ed herewith and made a part of this resolution; and 'I11iEREAS, 'Ihe con.struction, reconstruction and improvement of said Trunk HighwaY II I I requires a change in the grade of the streets in said Ci ty along and upon whicl' said Tr'IJM Highway passes, said change of grade being designated and shown on said plans, and ~Y.HEREAS, It is to the best interests of said City that said Trunk Highway be constructed, reconstructed and improved through said City in accordance with said plans and the standard 1::innesota Highway Specifications and upon the grade desig- nated therein; I NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT rlESOLVED, that said plans and specifications for the conL struction, reconstruction and improvement of said Trunk Highway through said City be and the same are hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said City of Faribault hereby consents to the 'I ~ III change in grade of the streets along which said Trunk Highway passes, as designated:' and shown in said plans. Dc- o () o o " o o 1J .. ~""".'9 ~u o .C) o D o o o ~~g\tjh~r? A~1M Ra.IQ11V'Co to I7H.~, 1 Dated at Faribault, Minnesota, this 12th day of August, 1941. City of Faribault By John J. Lyons President ~test T. A. ~eaiia, Recorderv ~ On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution NO. I Al734 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. Al734. i ]1 S.P. 6607-12 (6a-2l) 11 Rice County " Resolution Prohi bi ting Encroachments. state of Minnesota) ~ Ci ty of Fari bault ) Ii i \,IHEREAS" the Commissioner of Highways of t118 State of LIinnesota has now deter- I mined to designate and make permanent the location of Trunk Highway Ro. 60, fonaerly i II ~ designs. ted Trunk Highway Ho. 21, as the same traverses the Ci ty of Fari baul t~ as '! 1:1 shown upon the plan and map hereto attached and made a part hereof, and ,ffiEREAS, said COTIllnissioner of Highways proposes to construct and improve said 6 II Trunk Highway No. 0 through said City and has prepared plans, specifications, and ~ , special provisions for saod construction, and \lliEREAS, said construction and improvenent is to be accomplished with the aid of Federal funds" and 'iJHEREh.S, said project and plans, in order to, participate in Federal funds,er require the approval of the Federal Public Roads Administratio113 and ~ I ~VEEREAS, said Public Roads Administration requires as a condi tion preceden~ toi! 1 1 , such approve.l the assurance and convenant that the Oi ty of Fari baul t \'Jill not license or permit hereafter, any encroachment of any nature, including curb gas pumps or gas stations or billboards Dr other structures of any kind whatsoever, on the right of : way of said Trunk Highway No. 60 wi thin the corporate limi ts of said 01 ty of Fari- bault as shown upon the plan and maps hereto attached, and 'uH-JEREAS, in the furtherance of the public well being and . and necessary to eliminate traffio hazards by eliminating any safety it is desirablb ,I encroachmen ts whatso-i , ever now or hereafter existing in or upon the said Trunk Highway right of way; NO~, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED, that siad City does hereby agree and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroachment of any kind whatsoever~ including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other struc tures o.f any kind whatsoever, upon the righ t of way of Trun~ Highway , No. 60 as shown on the plan and maps hereto. attached and submitted by the Depart- ment of Highways, State of lliinnesota.; and that to the above end said City hereby I agrees that it 1ivill never issue any license, permi t,. or grant, or gi ve any leave or! I I liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction or maintenance I I ',I of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, bill- I. 'I boards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon said right of way; and thatl said City will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments constituting traffic hazards and will further take any necessary actio":!. to eliminat'e any encroachment that may hereafter exist on said Trunk Highway right of way. 290 -- k~~lot,{;tJ A 17', , f(a 1t1 t I V If. t D w,dtl1 tif T'i vYlQn '{Jlaca", Porc.hQs<z -<=.- -....-- -. .._~ - --~-.=--,'~~, , Dated at Faribau1t, Minnesota this 12th day of August, 194-1. City of Faribault By .John J. Lyons, Mayor Attest T. A. Mealia, Recorder. On motion of Councilman Mc Car thy J seconded by Councilman. Carlson, Resolution No. Al735 was passed by unanimous vote. RESOLUTION NO. A:L735.. Designating the Width Between Curbs on Tyman Place Between Fourth Street Sou thi, and Tatepaha Boulevard. 'IRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO BESOLVE:- That the width of ~an Place be set at 31 feet between curbs for a distwlce of one hundred eighty six feet South of South line of Fourth street South, thence gradually reducing to 28 feet to Tatepaha Boulevard. : Passed August_ 12th, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia, Oity Recorderc .John .J. Lyons~ Mayor. 1/ The City Engineer reported on drainage of Park Avenue between Fourth and Seventh Streets North recommending that StaTim Sewer be constructed and that Tarvia Surfacing on this street be deferred until this Sewer was constructed. The Oi ty Engineer repo,rted the. t he had contacted Superintendent Elstad of the School for the Dear relative to a letter in regard to the state consenting to the proposed Tarvia Asses~lent on Fifth Street Northeast. The Cit,y Engineer requested authorization to purchase a 250 bbl. car of cffinent~ ~ (~ 4- Car Lcz.rm",. Councilman Carlson moved that inasmuch as this cement is to be used on \V.P.A. and there is an immedia te need for the cement, that .cement can be purchased ~ on the open;; " market at a reasonable price, an emergency be declared to exist and the above au- thorization be given. Motion was seconded by Councilman ~J'olf and passed by unnnimO~s I I vote. The City Attorney inquired the wishes of the Council relative to filing a brief I in the Pin Ball Machine case. Councilman Carlson moved that no brief be filed. Ma.- tion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous voteG r_ Ii ''-'IClroqQ;, Councilma.n Carlson brought up the matter of appointing a garage mechanic and !; i' 'N\~eh,:m'~ ' moved tha.t Ja.ck Dusek. be appointed as such. rlhe Council discussed the matter and II II the Mayor called for the applioations that had been filed previously. The applicati9ns: of Ben Shanahan, Tony Cunz, John Dusek and Floyd C.. Hanscom were presented. Council- man Carlson renewed his motion. There was no second to this motion. The Mayor the four applications. Councilman Keller moved that a ballot be ta]:en oh Ii II Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unani-ili First II II suggested that a ballot be taken. mous vote of the Council on roll call. The City Attorney acted as Teller. Ballot, John Dusek 2, Floyd Hanscom 2, Tony Cunz 1. Second Ballot, John Dusek 2, 'il Floyd Hanscom. 2, Tony Cunz 1. 'Ihird Ballot John Dusek 2, Floyd Hanscom 2, Ton~" I' CUl1Z l. Fourth Ballot John Dusek 2, Floyd Hanscom 2, Tony Cunz l. Councilman carl-!I " i son moved that the me. tter be laid on the table until the next meeting. I.lotion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlf10n o v o o o c o ~-' -- 'I and passed by unanimous vo:e. 'I t 26th 1941. ~ _ ' Approved Angus, q -LA~./ ~ Jd:ty#>s:~;:- ~ C/o. ~Recorder. .. . Ir. A. t'1eal~a, () I' !I I II ~ o I I 'I I, ~ ,,' ~ ~ Ii ~ 1 " I' !I D 1 t II II Ii I ~ I! ~ 1 o ..~~t 1 . . . I I i :1 II II 'I " ,I I' II !! Ii I '1 I II 1 il t :i I II 'I II ! , 0 ~ II III 0 :11 II I, I: II ~)Uq r.:...J iJ (:,J _R_~gtlJ:-~l'l',:eeting, Tuesday, j~~~lst 2~th~ 1941, E~gl1t O'clock p.m. -- [t Licenses Granted. Policies bond s. Requisi tions r 1:1 The Council of the Ci ty o,f Fari baul t lile t in the COUl1C il Chamber lit the Ci ty Hall II II 'lhe me e ti ng wae caJ:tL ed - ~r to order by Iresident Lyons. Councilman Carlso.n, Keller, M:c Ca:cthy, ::Jolf and MeyoJr !I 1,1 Lyons were present, also thG City Engineer and City Attorney. 1he minutes of the re~1 \: if :1 t> on ~esday, the 26th day of ~ugust, 1941, at ei@lt o'clock p.m. gular meeting of August 12th, 1941 were read and appro,ved. [~pplications of I,lax Dubeau for Auction License, He G.. Turner for renewal of Electrician's License and Ben Murphy for Gasoline Lump license were presented. Coun~ I,: i: !cilman Carlso,n moved that the licenses be granted. 1Iotion was seconded by Councilman ; Keller and passed by unanimous vote. ~ ing I: Insurance policycoVler/r~m. A. Burke, truck clriver, and bond of B. Be Lockerby were presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the bond and insurance policy be accepted and ordered filed, saue having been approved as to illanner and form of exe- cution by the City Attorney. ~otion ~as seconded by Councilman Keller and passed byi . unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. , I' ill ( ili IVlotion I) ]'.1 I 'I ;1 'I Communications: from the League of IJ1'\.illicipali ties acknowledging receipt of annual I ,I : dues, from Charles \leikal of the Monica Hotel pro testing noisy programs' at t he 11oder~ Requisitions. for ten cars of various kinds of coal ~Ld one fill of gasoline were presented. Councilman. Keller moved that the purchases be authorized. was seconded by Councilman ';{olf and passed by unal.1.imous vote. : Cafe, from. the Public Employees Retirement Association, from Lucius Smith, Attorney, Communicationsrepresenting flay Chapel, stating that the City was Dr. Lende granted Leave of Absence. encroaohing on his property with !i The Ci:~y II 'Ii r Sani tary Sewer. 'lhe Charles iJeikal correspondence was referred to the Hayor. I:i !IEngineer reported the. t the 01 ty was not encroaching on Mr. Cllapel' s property. The 'i I me. tter was referred to the City Engineer for proper answer. Terence The Mayor brought up the matter of the/Peterson application ," II for heating frauchise. 'Councilman Keller stated that LIr. Peterson had informed him that be was wi thdrawing ". the application. The Ci ty .1.1. ttorney ruled that it would be proper for Lir. Peterson to ,file his withdrawal in writing. 'l'he Mayor stated that Dr. Norman Lende, City Physician and Health Officer, re- :iquested a leave of absence. Councilman Carlson moved tha. t Dr. Lende be granted an II! I, liiIotion was seconded by Councilman heller and passeli by: indefinite Leave of Absence. unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that Dr" E. J. ~Jest be appointed Ci ty Phy-' : sician. and Heal th Officer temporarily. hlotion was seconded by Councilman Keller and !passed by unaniIil.ous vote. Btc:\s "p4-YluI, Bids on rJater Pipe and on i,lotor Patrol Grader "\>vere "then opened.. The following l' Wata-r Rp€' [:bids were received:-on '\Vater Pipe, Ja.mes B. Clow & Son, ~G.91 per foot fox 6ft pipe, n6 I, Iii @~dJ :1bid on fi ttings; u.s. Pipe & Foundry Co., :2.90 per foot for 6" pipe and $.06l per I 00..1",,,,( ~.,..... JA'." lIb. r rt~hv 41\."~ for fi ttings. On Motor Patrol Grader, A-W Co" ~;)8,06Q.00" Ziegler Co. ~$6994.00" Dr. West appointed. Dec. 23rd delivery approximately, Rosholt Co. $6,806.60, Dec. lst delivery approxima~ely. ! !The bids were referred to the City Engineer for ta.bulation. .', 8 I 'lhe following bills were presented for pa~ent :-Labor Water Dept.$ll .85, LE..bor ......,.. " 'Fuel Dept. $57.47, Peter Hanson $3.00, iirdella E. ~hnkel :;;;34.04~ Beth Condon ~a..L1rO, o o o o o o o mC Carthy moved that all bids on the motor pa~rol grader be rejected, that certified te4:.Qd.v<Lrii~ I: checks be returned and that the Ci ty Recora.er be authori zed to read vel" tise for bielsi ~D 6~lls o ~ ,I Ordinance No. A19d! First Reading. Q D o R<<. j ~e+ bleb Pc'" rc5( Grod.~ro o ~c,~ ~ft b~d Wat<<r Rftt. : o o :.:.;h'J' "ut} I I Oscar Fladland ~9.00, Harold F. Lenway Q50.00, Street Dept. Payroll 01065.25, LaboJ ,! ! 11ater Dept. ~116.50" Francis Judd ~6~oo, Chi. Rock Island & Pacific Ry. :;;113.2.5,1 Chicago Gt. :,v-estern Ry. ~~48o.10, Tri State Tel. D~ Tel. COo :;63.. 55, Labor Fuel Dept.:1 "I " ('40 8 2 '1P u. ,. Inland Coal & Dock Co. ~185.93, Chicago Gt.'lestern Ry. Co. i,;181.93,Bell & Zoller Coal Co. iJil03.86, Faribault l;lunicipal Band .&ss'n. ~60o.oo. Councilman Carlson moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councllman Keller :1 and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that Ordinance No. Al90,. entitled "An Ordinance to Repeal urdinance No. .A85ft, be placed on its first readingo Motion was seconded by jj Councilman ~lolf and passed by unanimous vote. !! Ordinance No. l\l90 was then read by the C1 ty .L~ttorney. ," The Council discussed the matter of adoptinG an Ordinance to license the sale ~ of oigarettes in conformity with Chapter 405 of the laws of 1941.'Ihe matter was ! referred to the City Attorney to draft an ordinance. Councilman Carlson moved that the: balance of the band contrac t be paid. Illotion was seconded by Councilman heller and passed by unanimous vote. Lawrence Gru~furran appeared before the Council relative to drainage in Block 22 Horth Fari baul t. flhe me. tter was referred to Councilman IiJic Ce.rthy and the City'! Bngineer on motion of Councilman Leller. llIotion was seconded b~T CounciLnan CarlsQn and passed by unanimous vote. :"11e Council recessed to awn1 t the tabulation of bids by the Ci ty Engineer. 'l"llei Council reconvened and the City Engineer brought in the tabulated bids which were " Councilman lv~c Carthy moved that the Counci 1 go in to execu ti ve session.'! Ii considered. Ii , I,lotion was" seconded by Councilman heller and passed by unanimous vote. ~uring exe- cutlve session each representative of the companies bidding was called to answer various questions pertaining to his machine. The Council reconvened. Counc ilman to be considered at the next regular meeting september 9th, 1941. Motion was se- i conded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vo tee Councilman :,7olf moved that the bid of the U.S. Fipe & Foundry Co. on cast iron pipe be accepted, that their certified check be held in lieu of bond, and that the Liayor and City Recorder be di- 'I rected to enter into contract with the s:aid company. l'.lotion was secon4.ed by Co un- " cilman tlc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. was :: Councilman Carlson inquired what action the Cm.:mc ill contempla ting I;: i,1 h i ' raec an c. 'J.he 1~8.yor 8.nnouncea. tJ.1a t a ballot would be taken. on a garage; !! 'Ihe City 1!- ttorney WEtSI appointed Teller. lhe result of the first ballot gave John Dusek 2 votes, Floyd '.! II Hanscom 2 and Tony Cunz 1. The second ballot gave John. Dusek 2, Floyd Hanscom 36 Councilman Carlson inquired as to the matter of tools, whether the Inechanic should ! furnish all tools, to be replaced by the City when worn out. 'fhe matter was discussed by the Council and it was the general opinion tllat the mechanic would furnish his ovm small hand tools and that the larger garage equipment be purchased by the City. 294 --. --- - -0 ~ _~--~ __ -.---=-- .-- , I, ~rI'he~qfrllnCil decided to call dr. Hanscom to discuss all details in regard to setting ~p the~garage. [J ... Councilman Carlson discussea. ,1.P..i'.. items, reporting that the State Highiilay De- o :partment and the ,J.P.A. were both ready to start the Tepee Tonka bridge and he urged early ac tion. (CctmIl"'Y{ ~V~ _~.The Ci ty Engineer reported the. t the State Highway Depar1111ent had taken sam)les pC\v.nq, of the base under the Central Avenue Paving and found them uniformly poor. He also ,repc>:rted that the proposed newflLyndaleit Highvlay had not been definitely located through Faribault. 'The Zngineer also reported that a member of the conservation departIu-snt had given him an estimate cost of the fish rearing pool to conform to department standards at (~6,ooo.oO. lie also reported that sewer pipe prices had advanced 10'1; o 'and that another advance was i1mu.inent. '1.Jhe matter was briefly discussed. The City ~ttorney inquired as to the wishes of Council relative to fast trains D i I' in Faribault, asking what crossing they wished protected, whether they wanted signa~ men or automatic signals. '1.'he matter was discussed and it was left to the City Attorney to contact the railroads and obtain protection at all crossings. '1'118 m.e. tter of Lenneth Winjum establshing 6. truck t errainal in the Peterson Furni- ture Company warehouse building was discussed. Councilman violf moved to a.djo'll.I'n. Mo tiel1 was seconded by Councilman CarlslJin . and ~passed by unenimous vote. c::i' 0. /'7? c ~ '" '. 'l'. A. Mealia, City Recorder. Approved September 9th, 1941. q~L ~ ~f~ r~hL. J. Lyons, Mayor I] i'l o c ~ I, I ! ! I ~ , , I I I I 0 ji II I 0 11 1r >;,) ~ ~.~ -'!..ItJ Regular Meeting, Tuesday, September 9th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. c o o u o o o Patrol Grader Bids. --. .----- - --- - -. .-- I II !ber at the City Hall on'l'uesday, the 9th day of September, 1941~ at eight o'clock ~" Ip.m. 'l'he Meeting was called to order by President Lyons. Councilman Cerlson, b_eller. :1 ~:MC Carthy, ','Jolf and lvlayor Lyons v~ere present, also the City Engineer ane City Attorney. The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Ch~- The minutes of the regular meeting of August 26th were read and approved. Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on a motor patrol greder. The II , i~follow1ng bids were reeeived:-Bid No.1, A-'J Company on grader No. 991lI (~8,86o.00 leSs 1!~;80o.oo allowance on old grader, no d.elivery date. Ho. 2, I. Ii NO,. 112, . 7 154 00 ~ , Lt- . ' ~ ii Ziegler Co. en Caterpillar ': December 1st, 1941. 'i ,I 6.nce on old grader, delivery within !i shipment date approximately " I less ~575.00 allow. ,I seventeen weeks (January 5th 1942). The bids less ~~550.00 allowance on olel grader, on Bid No.3, Rosholt Ca./Adams 311 ~;7.345.00, were referred to the City Engineer. 1,/ "--<<..LW ~L ~I~r. John Coughlin, representing the Aviation Commi ttee of the Chamber of Com- I < !I I 1~f-f../VJffii ffii.?Jttfmerce, appeared before the Council and reques tea. the. t the Ci ty Engineer be au thoriZ~d ,..; . ~ / II v "to make a survey of three proposed 51 tes for an air port in the il1Jl1ledia te vi ci11i t-y of Faribault. l~e Council discussed the nature of the survey and the lAngth of time .'1 it would require and decided to investigate the matter. .r-- eti tion Curb [.- Gutter 2nd :3treet 3. I J1 peti tion 1'or Curb and Gutter on:3econd street South from First AyellUe West to i .Jillow Street as a '\i.P..i.J.. project) signed by nine signatures, 'l.'yu.s presented. Coun-I I ~.. cilman L1C Carthy moved the. t the petition be ordered filed and the Ci ty Recorder di-i I, : rected to advertise a public hearing on same, to be held Tuesday ,3eEtenber 23rd, Ill94l, at eight o'clock p.m. i;iotion Vlas seconded by Councilman dolI' and pussed by unani- ,I '1 ::InOUS vo tee I' ..i petition requesting Tarvia s':!rfacing on Geo. L. 3treet, signed b:r seven pro-I i !:perty ovmers, was presented. Councilman LIe Carthy moved that thE:: peti tion be order~d II Ifiled and the City Becorder directed to advertise a public hearing on same to be Il'held at the next regular meeting, Tuesday, September 23rd, 1941, at eight o'clock 'Ip.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and pass8c;c by llll6.nima.us vote. ,I A petition for Sanitary Sewer on Fourteenth street North frOill Central to lirst i Avenues.iest as a W.P. A. project, signed by Wesley Schreiber, ~Nas presented.. Coun- ! i,' , ,"I cilman 'vJolf moved the. t the peti tion be ordered filed and the City Recorder directed. "I Peti tion Iii to advertise a public hearing on same to be held on ':L'uesday, September 23rd, 1941, Sanitary Sewern 14th St. N. iiat eight Q 'clack p.m.. l.i.otion was seconded by Councilman LIe Carthy and passed. by Peti tion Tarvi a all . Geo. L '" Street. unanim~us vote. ~pplication for auction license of the D & B Furniture Store was presented. I .. C01.Ulcilman Carlson moved that. the license be granted. L~otioll VJEtS sec~O.\la.e(( h;y- Coun-: :1 cilman Leller and passed by unanimous vote. 'The bond of Dr. E..J", .Iest as acting He6.l th Officer and Ci ty Physician was pre- sen ted. Councilman Keller moved that the bond be accepted and or0.ered filed, salfle 1,';haVing been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. hlotiO.d 1'1 VJas seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. ,d. letter from. Terence Feterson wi thdrawing his application for a Heating Fran- 29b Septemb~r 9th, }.941~._ .. -- -0= ~~-:: Reports Bills P a trOll Grad er Bids Rejected. l:>cl i c.a, 5c..ho~j~ . (~~~~ % rJ~V)t.1f- Ii \ CJ 0 rOo ~oa.d I' II I chise and a letter from A.E. Mollison reporting on activities of the Poor Department " werere.ad. i Councilman Carlson moved that the action of the Council on June 24th, 1941, placing Ordinance no. Al88 on its first reading be revoked. ;,1 Ll.otioll was seconded by Council-/' ~man Keller and passed by unanimous vote. The following monthly reports of City Officials were preserrted and read:-City I Treasurer, Ci ty Recorder, Ci ty Engineer, Chi8f of PoliC'e, Chief of Fire Departmen.t, · City Assessor, Clerk of Municipal Court, Secretary of Library Board, Poor COmmissiorter, Dairy Inspector, lvlarket Master, Water Department Collector~ Superintendent of Accounts --- and Finances in the a~ount of ~7341.8l. " 'Ihe fOllowing bills were presente6.. for paY1~ent:- , " 1:, Library Accounts ~)l02.22, Payroll Recreation Board ~~41.00, Labor ~,Va.ter Dept. ?1~.9..l5, 'Fayroll Engineer's Office $275.00, Albin Lamberty i)24.00, Labor Fuel Dept. ~115.35,.1 'Fuel Dept. ~4.54, Elmer Heck, Clerk of Court ~;lO.OO, Beth Condon ~;,6.40, Ed. Stadler 1 "~18.76, 3treet Department Payroll $1072.33, Labor ~-Jater Dept. $12l.l5, Labor Fuel ;Dept. :~26.i5. Councilman Carlson moved that the reports be accep ted and ordered fil~~ and the bills listed allowed. l'v:otion was seconded by Councilman Keller and pas8ed by unanimous vote. I 1he City Engineer returned with the tabulated bids. Councilman lic Carthy moved II ,I tha t the Council go into execu ti ve session. L~otion was .seconded by Councilman Carl-: i, I' ! son. and passed by unanimous vote. The Council reconvened. Councilman I,Ic Carthy movEjd - r I that all bids be rejected and certified checks returned. Motion was seconded by Co~p- cilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlsen inquired as to the status of automatic street signals on ! Cen tral Avenue. t r The C1 ty Engineer stated that he had no repor t to make. 'l'he me.. tter II was left to the City Engineer to contact the Hi~J1way Dep~rtment. Councilman Keller requested authorization to purchase eight rain coats for the i ! ili'ire DepartrJlent. Uouncilman CarlslD:n moved that the request be granted. Motion was r " ! seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. L~ayor Lyons inquired as to the m8 tter of enrolling the Police Department in a ten weeks Police School conducted by the League of rlinnesota fuunicipali tj,es at t. .cost of :;;5.00, per man. He stated that if the F.B.I. conducted a school the same as ~ II Councilman Carlson spoke fs~ora~ il last year, there would be no charge for attendance. I: Ii bly o,f the F .B.l. School held last year. ;1 Councilman Keller moved that the matter be i> left to the discretion of the Mayor to have the Department enrolled in ei ther Schoor: I. 'I or both. ~;Iotion was seconded. by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. II ,j II i Councilman Carlson moved that Ordinance No. Al90, snti tIed "-.An Ordinance Re- !! I'Motion. was seconded by Councilman. rvic Carthy and passed by unjnimOUS vote. pealing ordinance No. A85f1~ be placed on its second read~ng. Ord.inanoe No. Al90 was, " il : then read_.and voted on by sections as follovls:- Councilmen Carlson moved that Se;r;tion ,< Ii ,I 1 be adopted. Motion was s_,econded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that Section 2 be adopted. l~otion was seconded by i I Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. On the Question nShall this r II Ordinance Pass?", thos: voting i'aye" were Councilman Carlson, Keller, lvic Car thy , ~.!2Jlf , ! o o D o o o o ''JJJ7 September 9th;, 1941. -'":-o-~ .- -- - .-- -- ~ o o o -- - <~, " " , il Recor- II ;1 ,- ,i and Mayor Lyons, !I I:directed sarne to be publishednin the Official Paper.. r The City .L..ttorney reported~tha t he had contacted the Rock Island Hailro8.d re- I . . !:lative to speed and noise of trains and that he had investigated the >dinjUlll truck :' - Ordinance Yo.. Al90 was hereby declared pa?s;ea. and the City ~j terminal. I! I'he J"eyor reported that the lights at the Conoeo Station a-t Fourth Street and I, ~I i>IFirst li.venue .Jest -i'Jere being turned out earlier that was agreed to \'lhen the regular I ii . . II Curb lights were removed. Councilman Leller moved that the Cit~l Attorney be ciirect~d II i. to wri te the Conoco Co., on the matter. i~lOtion was seconded by CouncilIll8n Carlson I; I'> and passed by unanimous vote. II 'l11e C1 ty Engineer reported the. t he had wri tten to Lucius 11.. ami th, ..~ttorney fai- Ii IRay Chapel, relative to his complaint and read his letter to the Council. He re- .., Ii I jiPorted that the reroofing of the Ci ty Hall had started and that the drainage matter !North of Tenth street Nortll would be taken care of. He said that the Incinerator Ii >had been repaired. He reported on \7.1' .A. projects and called attentioIj to the fact>i Ii ,I tha t pipe prices II lof pipe required ~ i 'I were advancing and estimated thS.t there would be eigh t to ten cars" for the ~inter projects. i Councilman Me Carthy moved that the Ci ty; !I Recorder be directed to advertise fair bids, on. a.pproxima tely ten cars of pipe in Advertise for :: accordance Wi th specifications 011 file in the office of the Ci ty Engineer, to be bid.s on Ten Cars of ~ipe. opened and considered at the next regular illeeting of the Council SepteKber 23rd, o o " o ,> I,i 1941, at eight 0 'clock I' 1" by unanimous vote. I Iii P . ill. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed The City attorney reported that the deed for the extension of lir~t Street South : through the 3eabury Campus had been drawn and was in the hands of the 3eabury Mission ,I II I': Board. Co,uncill1l6.n '"~olf moved to adjourn. Llotion was seconded by Councilman Carlson una passed by unwlimous vote. d ~a/n"e;:'/ -- T. ~. Eealia, Ci ty Recorder. II !" Approved Sep tember 2 3rd, 1941. . Jfd:tt. r '. I I I !I i"l _____~~ Counc~~ o!___~~E3__Ci_ty ?f~Fa!~E~1fJ.t_ me~. _i.J:l__sp_ecial I' ____~.~_ __L[)~_r:~~t__ the u~ CJ ty_~H;~:i.l~__Qn_ ~-J E3.Q.rlE:)S day,_ ~E3ILt em "be;:> ..1 Oth ,. .1-941., !'JOHc c..,J tJ . - - lY}~to r f~a+r~( Qradct~<"> Special 1ieeting, .Vednesday, September lOth, 1941, 10 :00 0 'clock a.m. -- ----- - ---- --------- --- -- --.-----.- -- -- - -.----.- -- --- -- ------- -- - - - ------ -- - - -- -.--- . - -p - ~ 11 session in the Council Cham- ~~-~~-~~- ~ -~--~._-~ .--- ~~- ,a.t..lp ;0,0 __Q_!~J.g~~___a._Dl..'Th.e_. --II I, i' Gouncilrhan, Qa;rlson, Kel].e!'LKc Car thy " , , _:;:L1lQe:t!.nK_V[as.9alledto ordep_ by IvlSlyor .L;yons. I,i i.Wolf ,and L.layor Lyons answered \1Present" to roll call. The City Engineer ,and City Attorney were also present. ! The llayor stated that the meeting was called to consider the purchase a motor ): i '.patrol grade:!:, on the open market .and to transact any other business: whJch might come .I:up. 'l11e Council disccused the details of thevJill. Ziegler Co. patrol grader wit.'" L:r.:, Ii 1'1 _l:Edn~nds, the representative. Councilman MC Car thy moved thet inasmuch as the low bid machine 'submi tted on September 9th, 1941, vias for a lighter/than had. been shown ana. demonstrp.ted Pvr~bg~.~d, . to the Council and a.s the Council had .rejected bids at the me.eting _of September 9th, and as, it is for the best interests of the City to pur~hase 8. grader at this time, A~r Port 5urvrz.,/ . - --- -. - - - - - - _.."."~~ : tha t a mo tor patrol grader known as caterpillar No. 112 be purchased from the v"im. H. i'Ziegler Company at a cost of ~:~6,904.00 net, price to include an electric stt.3.rter, IdeliVery date to be approximately December 1st, sUb,ject to priori ties, contractor td: j' fu.rnish a ~";l,OOO.OO delivery bond, and that the l;~ayor and City Recorder be directed f: to en t(3r in to contract 'Wi th the 11m.. Ziegler Company. Llotion was seconded b;y Coun- !.c~lman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman 1ic Carthy moved that the Council recess to view certain streets. ilo-, --~_._----.-.- ~~ '. tion was seco~~ded. _by Councilm.an Carl~':IJ.l anc1r:8.ssed by unanimous vote. The Council returned and reconvened. All present on roll call. The City En- I. "gil~eer discussed the matter of the air port survey. Councilman Carlson moved that :'1 :., thE; uCity Engineer be direc teo. to 11181:8 the Prelilllanary survey and repor t for the thrde I: I Ip_r<2posed si tes~ Llotiol1 was seconded~ by Coul1cilm.an lilc Ce.rth;y and passed by unanimolis' vo te . repairs on the pro~osed II11e/l-1ulet .iwenue Bridge and thelsteps on the 30u th side of Ravine Street at , i',,:Lo tt Avenue were left for the Ci t~r Engineer to ma}:e es tima tes of cos ts and report. II r Councilman \Volf moved. to adjourn. I\:otion was seconded by Councilman Carlson aria :pa~se<! by unanimous vote. i !, d /, a /7J-c-. c< p .:'. T~ A. Mealia: City Recorder. .i:..pproved 3eptember 23rd, 1941. fh: aon _~' I __ i~ " 'II " ~-"~._- -.-.- -.- ---0- - .--- --- - o o o o o o .. "."11."9 - ii, ~ h.JJ Special~ 11eeti~lg, r,londay, Septelilbe:r' l5th,~ 1941, 10 :00 0' clock a..m. iJ Q II L 'l'he Council of the Ci ty~ of Fari baul t, Rice County,. Miru18sota, rnet in special ~ II - II session in the Council Chanber at the City Hall on J."Ionday, Septem.ber 15th, 1941, at 10 :00 0 'c16ck a.m. 'The meeting was called to ord.er by President Lyons.. Councilman :1 Carlson, Keller. Lic Carthy, -,701:r End 1i~,yor Lyons were present on roll c&ll. 'rhe i!Engineer and City l~ttorne:l were also present. Lle.yor Lyons stated that the meeting was called to consider the me.tter of' , Ci t:>f I,ll ~!hiril1g a garage mechanic and. to transact any other business which might be brought , up. I Councilman ..,...c Carthy moved that Floyd Hanscom be hired as garage mechanic [I.t [I Garage f,leche.nic ,a salar~7 of ~?150.00 per month starting October 1st, 1941, or earlier if arrangements ~ Hired .., $150.00 per 1.,10. "could be made. lv=otion was seconded by Councilman '\Jolf and passed by unanimous vote I I I e Resolution No. Al736 R.ctlo+1v'e 10 f)r-'~r 10 50 Fra:.f)?Ct. eo".....t, e I 1" .c> .,0.1. the Council on roll call. ~! CounciL'Tlan ~Ilc Carthy moved the. t Councilman Wolf be placed in charg~ of the Re-, :! pair Department and in case of absence, that Fred Mathis take charge.. rIotion was seconded by Councilman Leller and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that Councilman Wolf be directed to investigate the Ij II ,; necessary garage equipl11en t. Motion was seconded by Councilman I,Ic C6.rthy and passed . by unanimous vo tee Councilman Lie Carth.y moved the. t Councilman Keller and Councilman Carlson be .: directed to investigate the matter of an extension telephone to be placed in the ,II " Street Deparl111ent Garage.. I,iotion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by 1,1 ,; unanimous va te of the Council on roll call. Councilman Carlson moved that the Municipal Judge be authorized to purchase a ,i criminal register at approximately $55.00. Motion was seconded by Coun~ilman Mc r Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. i' II On mo tion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution I: No. Al736 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. II ,i RESOLUTION NO. A 1736. Resolution Ratifying the Action of the 2ayor and City Recorder in Executing Appeal Bonds in Connection with Appeals to the Supreme Court in the Case of Charles I S. Batchelder and John D. Batchelder, Plaintiffs, Against City of Farib~ult,Defendant. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBi~ULT DO RESOLVE:- That, Whereas, pursuant to action taken by the Council on the 2nd day of July, , 1941, proper steps have been taleen to appeal to the Su])reme Court of the state of' f! :1 Minnesota from an Order of the District Court denying the motion by said Ci ty of '! ::Faribault as defendant for an order amending the findings of fact and conclusions of , law or for a new trial, in a certain action now pending in said Ci ty of Faribaul t I wherein Charles S. Batchelder and John :J. Batchelder are plain tiffs and the Ci ty of.: Faribault is defendant, and ~fuereas pursuant to the intent of said action, proper steps have Elsa been ta- ~, II (J ken to appeal to the Supreme Court from the Judgment entered in favor cf the plain- .: tiffs in said action, ... aoo 3pecial September 15th, 1941. J2..l1CJ._ .Whereas for the purposes of said appeal from said Order an Appeal Bond in I: the SUl11pf 'D.vo _Hundred Fifty Dollars Uli;250. 00) was execu ted by the ~layo_r!111d City Ii Recorder in favor of said plaintiffs on behalf of said City of Fari Qaul t,u D~-- -- c And Whereas for the purpose of said appeal from said Judgment, a supersedeas II .. appeal bond in the sura of Seven 'Ihousand Dollars j'! Ii and Ci ty Recorder in favor of said plaintiffs on r II i: ($7,000.00) was executed by the Mayor Ii behalf of said City of Faribault, NOW, TII&REFORE, the action of said Mayor and City Recorder in executing both said appeal bond of Two. Hundred Fifty Dollars (~250.00) and said supersedeas appeal bond !!of Seven Thousand Dollars (;J;7000.00) be and the same are in all respects ratified II and approved. i\ I Ii Da ted September 15th, 1941. " Ii Iii Attest ~ " Ii John J. lyons, Mayor o T.. A. Mealia, Ci ty Recorder. Councilman Wolf moved to. adjourn. :1 Motion was seco.nded by Councilman Carlson and D passed by unanimous vote. "I I: :,1 'Approved September 23rd, 1941. ~A~ ~?on';,'(f:a;~; d'- /,0. ?n~ T. A. Wealia, City Recorder. o () o o ~'D Sep tember Regular Ideeting, 'Iu~esday,/23rd, 1941~ Eight O'clock p.m. J:;:'," ~l r)~,. o o o u o o o " Rearing Geo. L." Street. $everal Street 'I'arvia II Peti tion "moved that the hearing be closed and the peti tion denied. Denied. G~1r' b~q ~ ~~~~~~.h~~ Bids Vi tx'ified Pipe. He~Jring C t... G 2nd St. South Hearing 3ewer 14th St. N, Cen tral to 1st .LiVes. West. Peti tion Gran ted. APPlications ~ ~ ber I jjp.m. :i ~ the Ci ty Lyons. " i! 'I TIle Council of the City of Fari baul t TIlet in regular session in the Council Cham- " at the City hall on Tuesday, the 23rdday of September, 1941, at eight o'clock II , Councilman Carlson, Keller,.~lc Carthy, dolf and :.rayor Lyons were present, also Engineer and City Attorney. ~he meeting was called to order by President illOth ~ 'lhe minutes of the regular T,leeting of ,::;ept. 9th and special meetings of Sept. and 15th were read and approved. Llrs. Donald i3randvold representing the Business ~iomens Club, the League of I! \Jomen Voters, the Senior and Junior Chamt.er of Gom:.2lerce, appeared.. before the Council i, and asked that Municipal Garbage Collection be considered. J"udge I?~ J ~ Hai1zel and iiMrs. Joseph T. Beltz also spoke in favor of a municipal system of coll80tion. '.the Council discussed the Llatter wi th the dele2;~ation which was present and the Ci ty !i n.ttorney read the Ordinance Oil Gt'Jxbage Collection. lJ~ay-or Lyons in:L'olll18c.1. the delega-:- Ii tion the. t the matter noulo. be given COllS ic:.erDtion. rt Iursuant to advertising, bids were called for on vitrified sewer fipe. 1ne folloVlin~ bids 't'Jere received:- L. M. Leach &. Sons Lumber Co.. ~;J10,3S5.31, 2~:; discount, " l~o.. 2,.lestenilC::.n Lu;:nljer COiupany :;:;10,395.31, 2j; discount; Ne. 3, Botsford. Lumber Co. :1 n , : VIO, 395. 31, 2~o di scount, No. 4-, Lempert Yards :,,:10,395.31, 2~; di;;;,co>unL :1 referred to the Ci ty Engineer. 'I The bids were Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the construction of Curb and Gutter on Second Street ,South between First Avenue -"est and Willow 3trest as a \1.1:'..:::... project. Hr. F.. B. V01z appeared vvith several of the Detitioner~ and spoke in I favor of the project. iTo objectors 'Here presen t. Councilman IJc Carthy moved tllat f~ the hearing be closed and the peti tion granted. L1otion was seconded by CounciJID.an Wolf and pv.ssed by unanimous vote. II }ursuffilt to advertising, a hearing was called for on Till~via 3urf&cing on (~o. L. Lic Cta'thy COlUlcilman / remonstrators appeare~~ no petitioners were present. ~otion was seconded by ,Councilman Wolf and passed by unan~ous vote. Pursll~.l1t to advertising, a hearing was called fer on the construction of Sarli tary Se'wer on lourteenth Street Horth from Central to First Avenues ',Jest as a (J.P.A. pro.!.. ject. b.r. Hay Kaiser appeared and made inquiries as to the construction of same. II (this street being p~ved 18 feet in center) 1ne City Engineer stated that the Sewer would be laid on the Sou th side of the pavement and that later another sewer would i , ii have to be laid on the Horth side of the pavemen t when Ciemanded by prop erty owners. li~\'~r. l~aiser voiced no objections having been infoI'"i11ed that he would not be assessed. ~ hearinry be closed and the :' Councilra.Bn Wolf moved that the/peti tion be granted. Ii.~otion was second6cl by Council- '} II1'lc Carthy and passed by unanimous votea I;Application of Clarence E. i~.nderson to transfer his gasoline pump lice:c.se at FOe 430 I ,I fllst Ave. If..7. to C. La Peterson" applications of VI .i~.. Torguson and tirP .Leach Est. for Iii Auction licenses were presen te~~. Councilman Carlson moved that license:: be granted.! , , l/ L~otion was seconded by Councilman l~eller and passed by unanimous vo tea :302 September 23rd, 1941e nA peti tionl' signed by nine property owners, requesting Tarvia 011 3ixth Avenue 0= Peti tion Tarvia that~the petition be accepted and ordered filed ando the Oity Recorder directed to 6th Ave. vi 7th to 9th advertise a public hearing on same to be held at the next regulw" meeting, TU8f1da;y, Sts. North. . ~October 14th, 1941! at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Gounci~affiL CarlsoA I:; and pa s sed by unanimous vo te 8 I: ," ~ Hest from Seventh to Hinth Streets North, was presented. CouncilmCUl Me Car thy moved 'I ,', " The contrect and bond of the rim. H. Ziegler Company for Eotor Patrol Grader II was. presented. Oouncilman Carlson moved that the bond and contract be acceptec", and' II' f) ordered filed, sameel having been approved as to manner and form of exeoution by- the I 'City Attorneyo ~otion was seconded by Councilman Idc Carthy and passed by unanimous I. vote. 0 Requitions for 2,000 gallons of gasoline and approximately 500 Ibs of grease iJwer8 presented. Councilman Keller moved that the above purchases be authorizeC'.. Motion. was seconded by Councilman j:,ic Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. o ilpplication of Dr.. Paul H. IVeaver for appointment as Health Officer and Ci ty II! Physi cian wa.s read. Councilman Keller moved that the application be received ~nd I' Iii "ordered filed. .illation was seconded by Councilmen Carlson and passed by un~IlirrLCllS Grcu,t strt:ct. , va t e. I' " liIr. O. C. Olson and La-. Clarence Peterson appE::ared and reque s ted that Grant I I ,: TIle Council discussed the layout of Grall t Street. Councilman CarI:- I. Street be graded. I:i son moved that the me. tter be referred to the City Engineer, the City Attorney and !' I: Councilman I.lc Carthy for investigation. Llotion wa.s seconded by Council1n~ll heIler a..tl.a jl DCZ:cZd ,:it $t A Qui t. Claim Deed from the Bishop Seabury Id SSiOIl conveying land for extensi oJ ~.E ~-J..!1AY<<E' of Hirst Street Southeast between Sixth Avenue East and State Avenue was presenteda tc, :Stefa; A.,,:: Councilman CarlsoIl moved that the deed be accepted and the i,layor aIld Ci ty Recorder I' directed. to draw an order on the Gi ty 'I'reasurer for ';:a.oo in favor of Bishop 3e':'lbury ,;;issioIl. iiotioIl was seconded by Councilman 1ic Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. ~ The following Bills were presented for payment:- Nettie J. Dubey ~'p20.00~ Francl"s 1'0 :.Judd 07.00,. Labor 'dater Dept. ~~137 .l5. Roth Printing Co. ~;;2b. 35, Labor Fuel Dept.. I passed by unanimous vote. o o ',- IS; it ~ ~ II i "6 ' 1:~nl..24, Ed.. Stadler ;:;;44.. 9, Stanley Ke,:rp $19.50, Gaylord LIeese ~)24-.00, Ohi. R..I. & 1]:. I' Ry. ~jlOl.43J Gus Ki tzman ~~4'..50J Street Dept. F'ayroll ~~835.70J Fred West $1.00, Beth II I Condo,n ;;~7.20,. Labor ~Jater Dept. $101.15,. Tri State Tel. &. Tel. Co. ;~'72.05, F'ay Roll: i:! : Police Dept.. ~}28.00, Robert Larkin :~26..oo, Lampert YarcLs, Inc.. :J338.30, C.. E. 3~hultz , III I' ,i$3.50, Oscar Fladland ~6.50J Iowa Pipe & Tile Co. ,",32.29, Hoth Frinting Co. ~l9S.50"" E.M. Leach & 30ns Lumber Co. 0575.00, Iowa Fipe L Tile Co. 0204.07. Councilman Carl- son moved that the bills be allowed. I;lotion was seconded by Councilman Ivlc cart':1y arid () I I passed by unanimous vote. Ooul1ci J..m.an Keller reported that he planned on malting the tennis courts at the j: requested authorization to install o ,~ourist Park serve as a permanent Hockey Rink illld 'I !Ilights at a cost of ;;;>81.00. i I: 'be given. Councilman Carlson moved tl1a t the above authorization I' L.Lotion was seconded by Councilman l.lC Ce.rtl1y and passed by unaniIp.ous vote. o c D D ~ Q o Insert Ad V~(-ff;([, a~d ~ TOf\ Ift1fJ"'i ~.H 0 September 23rd, 1941 - .. - - - - ~elow. Counc ilman Cerlson in qui red as to th e s ta. tus of the rep a.vi ng of Cen tral Avenue'! ~ and ~~urth -st~eet. suggesting that the Council have a conference wi th the Iligllway ~ " :! Department in the near future. . The City Engineer volunteered to contcct the Highway il ; Department regarding the conference. The City Engineer read a letter from i.lr'. Bosenthal of the State hjghway Depart- 'ment stating that the matter of automatic traffic control signals had been overlook6d i!, i'and that they would check up on the matter. I' ,I Councilman ,Iolf requested authorizat,ion .to purchase twenty water meters. Coun- ;,cilman ';:,10 Carthy. moved that the above authorization be given" Ilotion iNttS seconded by I, Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. r ,I ~ [!for various W.P..A. projects. II !' corder be au thori zed to draw 1:1' I ',payable to the U" S. 'llreasury for payJJ1en t of gasoline. 1/[0 ti on was seconded by Coun- The City Engineer discussed the matter of purchasing gasoline frcm the FI.P.A. Councilman Carlson movecl that the filayor and C1 ty Re- an order oil the Ci ty 1'reasurer in the amount of i~lOO.OO cilman LIe Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. ~he City Engineer seuggested that the Council consider the purchasing of Tar Road Surfacing for next season's needs. Councilman Carlson moved that the City Re- corder be directed to advertise for bids on 80,000 gallons of Tar for Road. Sur- :facing to conform to State Highway Specifications) to be considered at the next re- gular meeting, Tuesday, October 14th, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. L~otion was se- conded by Councilman ';"ic Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Ae:\VC.rtIS~ e;cl< Councillilan 1,~c Carthy moved that the 01 ty Engineer be a.irected to draft specifi- ~ctWcE." t=1p<< !cations for vi trified and concrete sewer pipe and the Ci ty Recorder directed to ad- " '; ; 'vertise for bids on same to be opened an.d considered at the next regular meeting of . Inser tion. : " lithe Council, r:Cuesday, October 14th, 19L]l, at eight o'clock p.m. ITotion was second.ed I' il I; i;:by CC)l.U1cil:me..n. Carlson and passed ~ Ii (Councilman L.c Carthy moved that the Council go into executive session. Eotion was se- !I' by unanimous vote. f.'r 5e::w'.z.o pi p..;;;: bids~which were identical <, ',\ " in all i tenis. (~he City Engineer presented the tabulated ~conded by Councilman ',Jolf and passed by unanimous vote. rl i 'Ihe Council reconvened. C01..U1cilman he Car thy moved thee t all bids be rejected ('e!l1c1 certified. checks returned. ~..otion ViaS seconded by Cou:c.oilm8l1.Jolf and passed by Ii (unanimous vote. ~he City Engineer requested authorization to purchase a barrel of carbolineum. Councilman Carlson moved that the above au thorizatiol1 be given. bo tion Has seconded 'iby Councilman \'Jolf and passed by unanimous vote" The City Engineer discussed the Geo. L. 3treet BridGe repairs and requested more time to investiGate same. '.L'he Council d.iscussed the matter of bicycle racks. ,land Counc i1man .JOlf moved to adj ourn.. l,io ti 011 W(J.S 3 econc_eCl by Counc ilman Carlson passed by unanimous vote. ~ L7 ~ 1'. A. Llealia, Ci ty liecorder. I LAI-1I'rOved I' . II October 14th, 1~4J..9.f-:~j ~A_~_/ J o~/ J. Lyo , ~V8'c"/ 304 ~ (:1Q r~qd:. E~cJ', pt?7ltt:>t oreta-!Fed Special 1Ieeting, 'luesday, 3ep tember 30 th, 1941, 9: 30 A.11. l~e Council of the Ci~y of Faribault met in specia~ session in the Council II II . Chero.ber at the Ci t~r Hall on Tuesday, Septelflber 30 tl1, 1941, at 9: 30 12".111. The meeting:i II was called to, order by ltiayor Lyons~ Councilman Carlson, :Keller, L=c Carthy, UC'lf anJ II l.1ayor Lyons were present. The City Engineer ViaS also present and acted as Reccrder. I II President Lyons stated that the meeting was called to purchase shop equipment I and to transact any other business which might come up. Iii II Councilman Wolf reported on the purchase of various i terns of e quipmen t fer the)1 ~ garage at the lowest quotation. Councilman Carlson opposed the purchase of anything II , II without the fonn..al (iuthorization of the Council which would cost over <150.000 Ooun-. I cilIIlan rlolf reported the cost of ramp at ~)150.00, equipment ~210.00, motor ~~27.50 pc.Jrc.~Ccs(ufo: and compressor and tan..k $50.. 00. ,i " Councilman Keller moved that Councilm.an Wolf be authorized to purchase shafting I .1 :i ,I i! from the Hutting Tru ck and Cas tor Co. and a mo tor from "the Fari be. ul t Machine i :,1 and Foundry at Ii total cost of not more than ;;:,50.00. lllotion was seconded by Iii :I! man l\~c Carthy and passed by umm1mous vot e. I' ii f' !I ;materials to construct a ramp at a cost of ~~l50.00. Illotion was seconded by I ,I Shop il GOWlC i~l- jl necJ!ssary ;,1 Councilman II i! Counci lman Keller moved the. t Councilman.Jolf be authorized to purchase the Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Keller moved that CounciJ41an -v7olf be authorized to purchase various ,-articles of equipment from the K &. G Company at a cost of ;~2l0.00. Motion was se- conded by Councilmwl Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. and Councilill.an Leller moved that CO'lllicilman \aolf be au thori zed to purchase a used Ii lvlOtion was seconded by Councilman Ivlc Carth;y I' r iil Councilm.an,Volf said that wiring would have to be installed to operate the motq;r, Ii Motion was se~ compressor and tank at a cost of 050.00. passed by unanimous vote. etc. Councilman Keller moved that the necessary wiring be installed. conded by Councilman hc Car thy and. passed by una..1'limous va te. The Mayor s ta ted that he had au thorized the removal of the s tree t light f::-on ting : the Dring property on Second Street East. Councilman Keller moveCi. that the removal of the light be approved. LIotion was I! ;1 seconded by COUl~cilman Carlson and passed by unanliaous vote. 'l'he 11a.yor reported that he had received a letter from the City Clerk at Red Wing relative to garbage collection. The City Engineer reported on the Eankato garbage collection ordinance. II i'l The City Engineer presented specification for concrete pipe. Councilman Carlson , II the. t the specifications be adopted. l.lotion was seconded by Councilman WQlf and Ri;2 , 5ptG~fH:~1!f"~j) moved lJ.. ---0 --- () o o Q passed by unanimous vote. C Oouncilman\/olf moved to adjourn. l;Iotion was seconded by Councilman Lie Car thy , iand passed by unanimous vote. ~ If. Vi. Me Kellip .dcting Recorder. .L~pproved October 14th, 19~.9-~(j" ~. 0__ J ot(~J J. Ly6.hs~ Qfayor o ~~ "7'<< ~5 r."y 6pe~ial Mee!~ng, Sa turday ~ October 4th, 194-l, u9 :15 a.m. o ~ o D Q '-' o Hesolution Ho. lU 737 ~y t")?~r?1 of R L ~ 0 Ft1t1d cWQ("r~ci 5, ~. .. :1 The Council of the Ci ty of lI'aribaul t met in special session in the Council Chem- ~ber at the City Hall on Saturday, October 4th, 1941, at 9:15 a.m. The meeting was ~:I called to order by President Lyonso Councilman Carlson, l\lc Carth~-, .Jolf and Llayor i irLyons were presente Councilman Keller nas absent. " un motion of Councilman Carlson, seconc,ec1 by Councilman ,;olf, Resolution Ho" ,'PJ...737 was pass,ed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call. RESOLUTION NO. ...U737. Revol vi ng " Helative to FaYillent of Permanent Improvement/Fund ',larrants and Interest due ij ,I :October 5th, 1941 0 TEE counCIL. OF THE CITY OF FiillIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- .1 ii' ij That for the purpose of paying Pennanent Improvement Hevolving Fund V~arrants 'I liNOs" 208,209,210,231,232,241,242,24-3, and Interest on 'Ilarran ts Nos. 208,209,210,213 ;\214,215,218,219,220,223 to 226, 231 to 252, all due October 5th, 1941, the liIayor (J ;) and City Hecorder be authori zed and direc tea to draw an order on the Ci ty Treasurer' I' Ii in the amount of I,fine 'll1ousand lour Hundred and nO/lOa (~9, 400.00) Dollars in favor I: I' ,of the Security National Bank &, Trust Company of Faribault, lilinnesota, payable out I ',1 of the Fermanent Improvement Revolving Fund of the City of Faribault. !Dated October 4th, 1941. J.~ttest T. A. Lealia, City J.1.8cordero .John J.. Lyons, .0.~ayor. COlli1cilBan .Jolf moved to adjourn. l.lotion was seconded by Councilmilll Carlson ;and passed by unanimous vote. d ?: G >>7.- c t:> '1'. i.i. L.ealia, ~ Ci ty Recorder. :1 d ::...l.ppl'ove r ,I ~ i I ! I f ~ II H i' 'I ;1 I I, ~ I, i Oc to ber lLj. th, 194~. ./' l~ .9, l~> .I /J}l~n J. L>#>s, ~ :3Uli Hegular 1ieeting, 'Tuesday, October 14th, 1941, Eight 0 'clock p.m. I Ii ! il I The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Chanf.- I:! 'ber_at theuCity Hall on Tuesday, the 14th day of Gctober, 1941:; at eigb.t o'clock pwci. 0 ~ 'ihe me e ting was call ed to order by Liayor Lyons. Coun eilman.. Carls on ,.1:811 er, Lee Car thy, 1.IIOlf and Mayor Lyons 'were present, also the Ci tr Engineer and Ci ty Ilttorne.y. . The minutes of the I'egu.lar Lleeting of Septem.ber 23rd, and s.J}ecial meetings of I I Sep tember 30 th and U c tober 4 th were re2,d an6. appI'ovecL Lir. Re.~T Chapel appeared relative to a 6.i tch i'ronting his property on Fifth Street !Northwest. The Council decided to view the location. , !: Pursuant to advertising, bio1S 'were called. for on vi trified and concrete E'9Wer I'PiPe. TIle following bids were received: - On vi trified pipe,. Universal Sev;rer Pipe ! i ,'corporation, no certified check received, bid not read; Lee,ch Lum.ber Co. ~8,695.l8,:1 I II Bids on ,!3~; ten days, net 30 days, prices effective to ~\larch 1st, 194-2~ Le.mpert Yards, :~8,777.82, Vi trified I! . Ii and I 2,0 10 days~ deliveries not guaranteed after Janurary 1st, 1942; '"'~esteThH3.n LI.J1TJber cd. Concre te Ii I Sewer Pipe. !:~8, 584.01, 25b 10 days, irrunedia te accep tance at present tariff rates 1 deli veries aftJr I :1 lIarch 1st 1942 at sellers option Qnly; Botsford Lumber Go. '..t8,777.82, 35~ lO deys, 30,' I, hvenue ',Ies t from Hearing Tarvi~ 6th .Ave. 0" the peti tioners. 7th to 9th ,Sts. North. llIr. Li ttel peti tion for Hew street. Thiffault Licenses Granted 'days net, prices for billlGdiate acceptance and not guaranteed after liarch lst~ 1942; ,On Concrete Pipe, Elk River Concrete Products Co.. ;;7,216.10 and Hew Ulm Brick ancl Tile I Co.. $.7,992. 2Q 0 , Fursuant to Qdvertising bids were called for on 80,000 gallons of road tar ~ The I 'following bid was received: The Barrett Co. :;;.0955 per gallon. The bids were referred to the Ci ty Engineer for tabu~atiou" Pt~suant to advertising, a hearing was calleQ for on Tarvia Surfacing on Sixth Se.venth to Hinth Streets North. l'Jr. Miller apLJeared on behalf of IJo remons tra tors Vlere present. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the hearing be closed and the petition granted. ;~tion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and LJassed by unanimous vote. Mr. John Littell apDeared presenting a petition bearing twenty three I i I signa tures: I requesting that a street be opened between Division Street East and Trunl;: Highway 60, I , on an approximate line of Brand's Cartway so called, or on the East line of the I, i Dokken proper ty.. The. me. t ter was di soussed in detail by l,;X.. Li ttel and the Council. I Councilman Keller moved tha t the pe ti tion be received and placed on file B..ncl that , the locations be viewed wi th the Oi ty Engineer present. Ll.otion was seconded by Coun- . oilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. 'IDe application of Wilfred Thiffau.l t and Leo P. Thomas to transfer !tOn SEleft I Liquor License and their !tOn and Off Sale!! 3.2 beverage license to Wilfred Thiffau~t . was presented. The City ~ttorney reported that all papers were in proper fOD1~ und Councilman Keller moved that the transfer be ' :' Ii l: allowed ~ subject to filing of' new bond~),lotion was seconded by Counc ilman Lie Car thy II II L f f G P L;censil,l, Applications:- Auto Car icense of Kenneth 'iiinjum, '.L'rans er 0 as ump... e I I': of I'iI. '"'loads ~ Aucti on License of Mary Matzen: Renewal of }j'ari baul t Theatre Lic€;D)se fQlr , , the transfer of bond arranged for. and passed by unanimous voteo P~,radise Theatre. ,"~1utO Car Polici es of Kenneth vJinjum and F6.ri bau.l t Bus .3ervice werE!i u D o Q Q D . ~. /; l f!.'~'j "Jt~t Regular October 14th, 1941. o I) I I e " I Resolu tion No. .Al738 PQym~l'1t r.;~nds go fl ntcz:.ra:.~t. Communications Insert on page f)c::...c:.~f'-t b,'d CIIf') To r . r . .'. , ., ~ p resen t ed, Coune ilmen Carlson moved that the li e Gnses be gran ted and the pol 1e1 es il :1 of execu ti on ~ :: accep ted, some having been approved as to manner and fo.rm/by the Ci ty At torney. ~,lo-! rtion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. ~ J ~ On motion of Councilman Carlson, seconded by Councilman l~eller, Resolution lTo.] II Al738 was passed by unaill..mous vOlte.. II II r ~ I' ,I ~ II RESOLUTION NO. .8.1738. Relative to Payment of Bonds and Interest Due Eovember 1st, 1941. TEill COlt1WIL OF THE CITY OF FlffiIBAULT DO RESOLVE:~ 'Iha t for the purpose of paying interest due lJovern.ber ls t, 1941 on ,StOrID' Sewer Bonds Hes. 20 to 24 Incl.~ Local Improvement Bonds Has. 17 to 20, incl., Building Bonds Nos. 13 to 15 incl., Bridge and Culvert Bonds Nos. 13 to 15 incl.~ all issued! Ii !November 1st, 1923; end Storm S8wer Bonds Nos. 20 and 21, Local Improv8lnE:nt Bond NO. 17, Building Bond Nos. 13 and Bridge and Culvert Eond Eo. 13, the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to drew an order 011 the City Treasurer in the am.ount of Five Thousand Three Hundred 3eventy Five (i.?5,375.00) Dollars in I favor of the Horthvles ter!l Hational Bank and Trust Company of I.iinnaapolis: Minneso ta~ :Fi ve Thou.sand to be made payable from the SinkinG lund and Three Hundred Seventy I Five Dollars from the Interest Fund of the Ci ty of Faribaul t. ~assed Octobe_r l~ th, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia. John J _ Lyons, I.:ayor. COllID1unications:- letter from A. EO' l'.~ollison relative to general activities of the Foor Department; letter from the. League of ;',iinnesota :0Iunicipali ties announcing that the Folice School had been discontinued because of lack of Federal Fu.nds; two cOIilrilunica tions from the Railroad and rJarehouse COlIJIIlission relative to hearings on the Faribault Bus Co. in regard to change of fare. Councilman Carlson moved that the communica tions be placed on file. IJotion was seconded by Councilman I,Ic Carthy and 'passed by unanimous vote. 308. Councilman Carlson moved tha t 0rdinG.l1ce No. Al91 entitled n An Ordinance Regu-: 1a ting the Retail Sale of Cigarettes and Cigarette Wrappers,1t -----------------------, ~ ;I ,be placed on its first reading. kLotion was seconded by Councilman f'.ic Carthy and i:passed by unanimous vote. Ordinance No. Al91 was then read as ordered. il .. J.'J.. proposed ordinance prohibi ting the loading and unloading of motor vehicle I ,I ~ ,1 pr~- ~trucks exceeding twenty four feet in length upon all streets, avenues and alleys J1wi thin the fire limi t3. was read and di scussed. " :i I;posed ordinance be laid on the table. ,\ II l'land passed by unanimous vote. I Councilman 1,;Ic Carthy moved that the bid of the Barrett Company b~ accepted and il the j"iayor and City Recorder be directed to enter into contract 'wi th the said Barrett H 11 "I Cora:.pany and that their check be held in Ii eu of banda ., I' ci cilman heller and passed by unanimous vo tee Cm.U1cilman Keller moved that the Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson , Liotion vms seconded by Coun- , i ! I 'I Councilman Carlson reported on a conference of recreation group held at Austin~ 1'1-- !!he also reported on the garbage collection systEm at Hochester. Councilman .lOlf re- :ported on the matter of welding equipment, brake equipm.ent and a batterJT charger aog Regular October 14th, 1941. I I for the municipal garage. The matter was di scussed at length. II I, Councilman Ilrlc C8.rthyt moved tl1a t the E<:;.yor appoint two or three members of the Council to "inspect this ,equipment. kotion was seconded by Councilman. l:eller and passed by unanimous vote. lhe Ell~ineer returned with the tabulated pipe bids. Counciillan Caxlson moved ~ that the Council go into execu ti 'Ie session. ~~otion was seconded by Councilman, Keller and passed by un8~iillous vote. The Council reconvened. Councilman Carlson moved that the bid of the 'iJesterman Lumber Company be accep i,ed, tha t preference be given Llil1neso ta pipe by the \Jesterman Lumber Co., that the :i'layor ;;estel'ffiGn Lurllber Co~ and City Hecorder be directed to enter into contract wi th the said 'Nesterman Lumber I Bid ~ i\.ccepted. ~Co., that the contract bond be fixed at :,ia,OOO.oO:l that the checks of unsuccessful I, I, II bidders be r8 turned. L~otion was seconded by Councilman \lolf and pas secl by lmanimous vote. I' -- thl ,!:-jor l<lr . Lalcolm Grant appeared relative to the Sanitary Sevver on Sixth street I, fronting his propert~l being laid on such a flat grEde that since the construction ofl i' O G t the sewer on Seventh Avenue, his basemen t is bein,g flooded every few weeks. The C1 ti,',' la. . ran - I! Sewer. I Engineer d.iscussed the si tuation and recollimended the relaying of the Sewer on Sixth I I Street between Sixth [.1.110. Seventh Avenues West. Councillflan Wolf moved that the City i 'lI;ngineer be directed to have the sewer relaid as soon as sewer work begins. Lotion. was seconded_ by Councilman 1::c Carthy and p8.ssed by unaniLlous vote. Geo. L. Stl'e~t Bridge nepair 1ne City Engineer reported on the Geo. L. street bridge and l~ecorilluended a parti.al repair I at an estimated cost of ~450"OO, the abuttr:lent w2.lls t;o be repaired next year. He aI:sQ :discussed the matter of le.ying a s tOr-ill se'Vver and water service to the. municipal go.r[~ge. Councilman Carlson moved that the Ci ty Engineer be ciirected to cause storm sevier and! Storm. 3ewer . water service to be constructed I'or the municiDal garage. l,.otiol1 was seconded by and '\'1 a ter to L.unicipal. Councilman Wolf al1Ci passed by unaninous vote. Garage. 'l'he City Engineer suggested that the COl1D.cil view First Avenue East between Eleven th and Twelfth Streets lJorth relative to sidewalk lines. 'l11e City Engineer Furchase Car Cement Authorized. requested authorization to purchase a minimmn car of cement. I : Imoved that the purchase be authorized. i: i,passed by unanhlOUS vote. I: I. Iii ,Ii Ii I. office. Councilman Carlson LIo ti on was seconded by Councilman "Wolf and The City Engineer read specifications for a transit for the City Engineerfs I, Specifica- !Councilman Carlson moved that tile specificatiorrs be adopted and the City Recorder tions Transit"_ t- Q~rec ea to advertise for bids on a transit to confonrr to specifications l:..d vertise for Bids. " , to be open~:d I' ,I and considered by the Council on the 28th day of October, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. hloticn was seconded by COtillcibnall Keller and passed by llilaniillous vote. I I; 11 length- TIle Ci ty Engineer reported that the culvert on :.latteson Stree t shoulCi. be insert ened in order to grade the street to proper width. He said that it would require thirty six feet of 3D" concrete pipe. Council1llan Carlson moved that the purchase be II authorized. hotion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. I; . -, l'he followingmonthly reports of City Officials were presented and read: City II 1'1 'l'reasurer, City Recorder, Ci ty Engineer, Chief of Police, Chief of Fire Department, 'I :1 Poor Conl~issioner, City Assessor, Secretary of Library Board~ Health Officer, Dairy i" -.-- o - I Ii e c I ']' --- ,'JU9 Regular October ~4t!'1~~)-94l. ~i - e I I " e I Reports Bills III nsp e c tor, City Ihysi cian, Marl,e t LIas ter , Clerk of Uunl cipal Court, C011 ec tor far ;, , [1 ~JaterDeptJ. City Recorder's report to Superintencient of L.ccounts and Finances in th~ ~fu-nountof 08,955.78. 1'he follovling bills were presented for payment:-Library Accts. 1!~397:82, Labor Water Dept. ~~95.50, Gus l~itzman ~17.50, Bishop 3eabury i,J:ission ~?l.OO" Bell ~4.99, Alvin Hoover ~45.20, Pay Roll Engineer's Office 0275.00~ United Treasurer ~lOO.OO, Beth Condon vlO.50, 3treet Dept. Payroll ~967.18, Police :1 I'r th " .J;J.r ur il II Sta tes Ii , ',Dep t. Payroll ~2-9.00, John Hackett ~15.62, ,Security hational Bank 8.::, Trust Co. , ,$6,400.,00, Robt. Larkin 016.25, Security :National Bank & Trust Co. iu53,OOO.00, Water; ij - i'IDept. Labor ~:)96..05, Howard Rans:tao. Q7.4l, Francis Judd $2.00, Labor .~JElter Dept. ~$88~OO. Councilman Carlson moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and i the bills listed. Ivlotion 1ivas seconded by CouncilmaJJt Me Carthy and passed by unani-I rt Ii i'raous vote. r! ~ , : and passed by unanimous vote. The; Council so Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy! aQjourned at 12:30 a.m. qc;.~ '1'. 1~. i\~ealia, Ci ty Recorder. _'ipproved October 14 th~ 1941. lJ:h: ~~s i: I I I II II I! II il ~ II '!i I' ~310 ~.._-~-~~ - -- - --- --~------ le~@ c~ ! '" 5~e. 250 .hpplicCltion Folicies Douds. rlegular li~eeting, Tuesday, Uctober 2tSth, 194-1, Eight O'clock p.m. --~=;=~~ -~ regular session in the Counoil GhJr- of 0ctober~ 1941, at eight o'clock p.l. [ill ,I' On roll call, Councilman Carlson, 1\ The Council of tile City of Faribault met in ber a.t the Oi ty_ Hall on 'luesday, the 20 th day " [1'he meeting was called to orG.er by Eayor Lyons. I : Leller, 1.:.c Car tIlY, '.1olf and l',~ayor Lyons were present ~ also the G1 ty Engineer and f Ci ty Attorney. I, I The minutes of the last regular meeting of October 14th, 1941, Vlere reac and approved. Llessrs. Stanek, Anderson, Vaux~ Johnson, Hershey and Silkey appeared before the Council relative to constru.ction of a road in Section 25 Earth of' the Eing J:..=j.ll.. 'l'he i! matter was discu.ssed in detail. '1'he obligation of 'ilells Township to main tain.iestetn .t;.1.venue,lJorth of the Llill, was 6.i scussed. (lday 21st, 1877, Hoad Book Page 80). counci~- i: man Carlson stated that he thought it advisable to hold off ~lY road construction in this section until the State higllvlay Department had defini tely decided the route Ofl o I " the so called Lyndale Highway through the ,Jestern per t of the City. Councilman l,-ell~r moved that the conference be arranged wi tl1 the County Commi ssi oners, ',Jells l'C'wnsh1pl und the Ci ty Council at the next meetinG of the County CO~Jllilissioners. l.otion vias se- conded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unaninous vote. Application for gasoline .L1.1ID..' license of 1I..Joad, <:J.li to car policies of ~.'heoc~or[8 St. Hilaire and ~'I""A. Schley, 3.2 beverage and liquor bonds of.7ilfred 'l'hiffaul t were presented. Councilman Carlson llloveQ. that the gasoline pUIilp licens e be gran tea and the " il auto car policies accepted, same having been approved as to manner and :Conn of execu- 'I ' . t1ol1 by the City .b. ttorney, ar:.ll the bonds or,Jilfred 'Ihiffaul t laid on the table Ul1-: " til ~'lr. [l'hiffaul t t s status as a Ii quor dealer could. be investit:;a ted. .L.lo ti on rvas se;" conded by Councilman Leller and passed. by unanimous vote. BeQ.uisi tiol1s for fills of gasoline from the Fational Hefining Co ~ and ,3}:elly Requi s1 t ions Oil Company and ten cars of assorted coal from various cOIL1panles were presen toet.. Councilman Leller moved that the purchases be au t110ri zed. L.otion \,[2I.S seconded by I CollEt teral i:;eleased. T a)l: ~",a.v Y D Counc1lmD.11 ',lolf 8.nd passeG. by unG.lli:JlOUS vote. ~ COTIwlUnication from tile Jecuri t;}T l~ational c:8.nk ~, trust Company of Faribaul t reJ I questing the release of ,,14,000 "L.S. reconstruction finance corporation 7/8'~; bonds " due 1-1:;-1942, l1eld 8.S collater21l for City of If[Jribc:mlt (~e:9osits, \l8.S presentGG.. Cou~- cLLmD.ll Carlson moved tha t the colla teral be released. liotion lIas s econc~ eel by Counl cilman Leller and passed. by una.niraous vote. 0n motion of Councilman Carlson, seconc\ecl. b~i Coune ilill311IJolf , Resolution llo. II .1:.1739 was uc_opted. by unanLrlOUS vote of the Oouncil on roll call. ! II HE'30LUTION EO. JU739. II ! I " Eesolu tion Levying a 'fax on the Taxable .i. ro per ty of the C1 ty of Fari bau1 t, Ric'le Ii,' Goun ty, I::Ii:nne:3Q to:. ~ for the Fiscal Year 1942-1943. TIrE COln~CIL OF TEE CITY 02 F .ARIBI~ULT DC. f\J2;SCLVE: - II II That there be, [1.Ild there is hereby levied on the taxable property of thE. Ci ty ! ft I 01~ ~ I l:!f;lribault, Ei.ce County, 1linnesota, fur the =:isc3.l Y80.r lC;L'_2-1c)'i-::'; for the follovr- _" i -' 1......' ing funds, to-~it:- :::~11 Re~ll&r 10~2G-laAl. ~ ../. ""1]-. --~- . II . iI fli _li 11 I 1 valuation of all 1:1 i' " ~ ,j " " :ieal th Fund Police Fund Poor ?und In tel-'es t li'und Sinking J."und., Five {5} taxa-ole proper ty in tLe Ci t~. Printing & 3upply Salary Fund General Fund Li brar~: :luna. P ctI'k Fund Fire DeJ.)artment ]:'ulld ",:crke t :fund Hoad, Street, Bridges Lighting Fund Permanent Improvement :C"und Lusical Entertainment Fund:. ;:,1,000.00 19,000.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 Lills on the ~oll&r of JTs.ribault. 1,500.00 14,500.00 Co , 300 . 00 - 12,000.00. 7,000.00- 19,500.00 - 350.00- 20,000.00- 16,000.00' 2,000.00 1~500.00 \;. l3Q:, b 50 ,,00 on the i::1.ssessec1 () Hesolu "~iol1 Ho. "-1739. o I :1 PiJ.ssed II . . ...::.:;.; te S"G October 28th, 1941. J 01111 ';:1'.. Lyons, l~ayor 0 '1'. .1:.. . L:e al i 8. ~ City Hecorder. :'11". 'l'erEi:l1ce Feterson appeCi.red, [lid voiced objections to the proposed. ordinance o prol1ibi ting the unloading of trucks OVEr 24 feet in length in the fire limi ts. He Fws-f: u2~ad I..,q .j sug,;es te(~ tl1a t l"il"S t '::!.Venue Ee,st be elimini:iteo from the Crdinanc e. 1..1' tel' a Cii scussion Councilman Carlson liloved tl1a t Ordinance l~o. 1U.92, en ti tIed .L"-.ll Ord.incmce F'rolli bi ting o rdinanc e No. A192. , the Unloading an.(l Loading of 9.ny Bnd. ,Jll i:~otor Ver.Licle T:cllcks Exceeding Twenty-Four; I 3'eet j..l1. Le.ngth, anCi the LQecding and UnloacLing of any G.na. all ...\:0 tor Vehicle Trucks, or Tn1.ck 'l'rac tors, VJi th Tr8.iler or ,Semi-'I'raileT 2'.. t tache.d. upon Certain streets ~ Avei- nues and i~lleys in the City of lari baul t, Li1J.l1esota, Bxcep t vlhen 3ucl1 Liotor Vehicles , Truck 'I'racto:cs, Trailers, or Semi-Trailers are Owned or Operated by siad City of , i! _." . ~aribault, l\linnesota, an6. Irescribing the l~ellalty for the Violation of tl1.is lJ.ct.!I be placed on its first reading. L::..otioD. Vl8.S seconded by Councilman Leller and 'oassed ~ I ;1 by unanimous vote. Ordil18l1Ce No. A192 Wo.s then react by the .Liayor. 1i. Ie tter from the l..innesota Tax Commissioner announcing an J..l.ssessor' s School to be helo. l~ov. 13th, 14th and 15th, at the University of l.linnesota, the League of LJ ; L~innesota ~=unicip8.li ties and the Uni versi ty cooperattng, \!Jas re8ii.. Counci lm8J:l 08.1"1- son luoved that the cOmIIlunication be placed on file aUQ the Assessor authorized to Q attend. l.jotion was seconded by Councilman LelleT ancl passed by ul1D.nimous vote. rursuant to ,a6..vertising, bids were called. for on a transit for the Engineer's Depart~nent. 'J:'he fOllowinG bie. was received:- ~vlinrleapolis .blue Printing Co. ;f~468..50, Transit Purchased~ :1 less '(137.00 lederal Tax. I certi fied check retained in lieu of surety bond... Councilman Carlson moved that the bid be aC'Jeptea., their: ,. l;lotion Vias seconded by Councilman: Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that the next regular weeting Qate of t!le Council be ' Regular .i.leeting Date, Charrged to Nov. 12th, 1941. set as l.\Jov.. 12th ins taud of Hov t> 11th. 1.10 tion vms se cond.ed by Councilm8.n Leller and: I , 'passed by unanimous vote. o I ine matter of special assessments against the ~Qlen 3chool property on Sixth ! Avenue Eas t Vi8.s di seus sed. Coune ilman Carl SOil moved tha t the l'la t ter be ref erred tol o Allen Lssess- lllents Discussed I the City Attorney to contact the owner and " I; !! ailman ';iolf and passed by unanimous TlO tee .1 i to report. ,:,_otion VluS sec'Jl1ded by OOU11.- The following bills vmre pl~esel1ted lor 'paY~l1ent:-.bi.lvin Hoover .;;05.42, JJ'rank: N. i :1 Q.uirm. i:.i2..15, F'ay Roll ,ia tel' Department ~,:)1~6 ..05, L;:;:.bor l'''luel Dep t. ~j 3Si. 45, E.Ll. Leach I .----.J r~!l~j i;J (:J Regular l\~eeting 10-28-1941 Bills C, CJ Q Y cr tt ct: rO rd I t')C1 necz:. Or6.inance lJo.. A191 Second Reading. A\Q. PC'rt 5uf'..("'Y ,.,I~ and Sons Lum.ber Co. :;;460.00, Beth Condon :;';18.60, C.LI. St", L P.. Ry. Co. ~7..31, /.l.H. Bell ,~5..00, Labor dater Dept. ;)96.60, Pay ROll, Library l1.epairs .w22.2Qo, Geo. Robin-i . ~ r I son \:Jlo..b3, Gus Kitzman :;?2.00, street iJept. Fayroll ~.a95.43, C. l:iollenhoff ~)15.00, I 'l'ri 3Tate Tel. p.- clel C c'c'7C) 22. ~- u .........L 8 0 . ~( ,.r. , ~Q. \-- Peterson ~2. 50, .'later Dept. \.nl.90, OttJ ,.iolf r- ~12.24, Chi. Gt. ,;estern By. Co. :;~496.49, Harold Lenway :d7.50, Chas.. E. hIorga'l :;;~23.80, .86.. Peterson ~22. 50. Councilman Leller moved tha t the bills be allowed.. Eotion was seconded b~T Councilman Carlson and passed by unanil1lous vote. Councilman Carlson moved tha t Ord.inance Ho. .6.191, An Or6.inance Enti tled ftL.n l: Ordinance Regulating the Hetail Sale of Cigarettes and Cigarette ',irappersft be placed I 'I .! on its second reading. I,i:otion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unan:tl- I: i' Ii illOUS vote. Ordinance Ho. .Al9l was then read and voted on by sections as follows:- I; I' Councilman Carlson moved that 3ection 1 be adopted. I was seconded by Council~ 1:1 Motion ,', I' \ :i man Keller and passed. by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson moved that 3ection2 " II 'I ii be adopted. i,.i.otion was see-onded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. i ..1 '. Motion was secondec1_ by Council+- Councilman Carlson moved that Section 3 be ac~optec1o I man Violf and passed by unanimous vote. ,. . I, Councilman Ca:clson moved tha t Seotlon 4 be i'i a6.opted. 1:0 tion vms seconded by Councilman Ilolf and passed by unEmimous VQ te.. Coun.:.. oilman Carlson move6. that Section 5 be adopted. i,lotion T-ras seconded by Councilman I Eeller and passed by unanimous vo tee CounciJJJlan Carlson liloved that Section 6 be adop ted. . botion ViaS seconded bv Councilman Leller anG. Dassed by unanimous vote. 'U ~ '" Ii :i Councilman Carlson moved that Section 7 be adopted. L~otion was seconded by Council~ I i man. Leller and passed by unEillim.ous vote. Un the question rtShall tIns ordinance pass?f; " those voting nayen were Councilm.an Carlson, J.,-eller, h'::c earthy, iiolf and Ll8.yor Lyol1s~ I II !lnaye!1 none. Orclinance Lo. iQ.9l v~as hereby ueclareo. pass.eo. and the Ci ty .RecorCLer di.!l I '! rected to cause SaIil8 to be published in the official paper. I i!Lr. A. I-L Bell, Hecreational Direc tor, appeared before the Council tLFlcl requested that the store room under the South entrance to the City Hall be floored and equipped I.i wi th storage shelves at an estima ted cost of ;~75.00 for materials, labor to be furnish- i ed by ',f.P.A. Councilman Carlson moved that the improvement be authorized. M:otion VYa~ seconded by Councilman Llc Car thy and. passed by unaniwous vote. I: Councilm811 Carlson made a genera.l repor t on the \/.P .1,-. Count;;,;"" Planning Board, ; I, stating that they 1fJere ready to assign men for the Tepee Tonka Eridge project if the plans lI18re complete, 2r.lso were planning on 8. rocl{ crushing project at the Gi tr gr[i.v~l pi t. He also reported that t:le steamer used on :./.F .iJ.. work required. estimated repairs of y39.50. He also reconrrnended that the send an~ gravel heaters be repaired. COUilci~- man \Jolf moved that the necessary repairs be authorized. ~';1.otion was seconded by Coun- II I:' 'i cilman Keller and p&ssed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson spoke in regard to the survey for air ports &nd suggef>ted that before the engineering (,spar tm.en t 6.id Clny further \Jork, that a defini te sta t6J:ilen t be obtained as to the full eztent of tile survey required. Councilman Carlson called the attention of the Council to the fact that Regional I l.lee til1gs of the League of I..i.inne so ts. 1,iuni cipali tie s lilere sch eduled Nov. 5 th at .[t - , . - ---- o o D o o c D -- o o ~ o .0 o o <\"../'1'>> '.J t) Regular Leeting 10-28-1941 Ii !Ip a basha G.rld L 0 v. 10th at hlunka to . CouncilmWl GarlsOl1 reported that a check in the amount of ~.i32.45 had been re- 'cei ved to cover bur€:,'Ulary loss at the Ci ty l,l.ar};:et had been received. I, 'i Councilman Carlson <iiscussed the 38\11ng Project for F..Y..l... girls ana. an inspec- tion trip to New l.:lm concrete pip e factory. Councilman l\.eller requested authorization to purchase ten comforters for the t1 1j:i!1ire Department at a cost of 'i,:3.45 each.. .1 ;1 iibe authorized. 'II ,I ,I !I Ii i" ,!was I ;1 Counci~lan Carlson moved that the purchase , , I l.~otion was seconded by Councilman 'iJolf an6. passecl by unanimous vot e~: C01..illcilms.n Eeller reported t11a t and pay for goin;5 to accept/ the lots i ~ Garl SchvlCLrz had in quired of him lilhen the C1 ty , which aC;joined the Tourist lark. ~he City Attorney :.3tateo.. tha t the ti tIe to tllese lots 1Nt::lS not clear and t11O.t he would not pass on the i' ti tle until t11e matter was cleared up. GOUllcilllian liJ.C Gar thy I1l0V86. t11a t the Ci ty .a ttorney be direc ted to check up on the 0\711ership of' the property ubu tting Geo. L.. 3treet a-t Crocker's Cresk in view of . changing the Creek bed. Liotion VlclS seconded by CouncillJlan Carlson and passe6. by unanimous vo te. Coul1ciluan Leller reported that 't;lle Lynch <;i.ncl Firh:l Illlplement Co. \Iislled. to turn over tHe wG.rehouse -ouiIding lOC8.ted Et 'Eepee ':I.'on1,:8. Fark to the Oi ty. 'rhe ~Tlattel' . -\-ms referre6. to the Oi ty .:.. ttorney for repor t. Councilman "olf requested authorization to purcllase tnenty meters for the i!ater DepartiD.ento CouncilI.lan Carlson woved that the :CH.ll"Cl:1e.se be authorized. Lotion was seconded by Councilman Keller ane: rCI-sEed by unanimous vote. Ga..-Cl:q1Z Council1I"lG.n Vlolf l"eported on prices of weldin{~ ec~uip':Jent 3.nc, ad.vised the Council .E~lJlf'r1)tU:'t against purchasing. any brake repo.iring machine or bclttery charger at this time. He irecO)Tl[Qended the purchase of' two car batteries for standby use e.t 8. cost of~15..00 ~y Cg~t '{!C,d~ 5trcz.c.t O ~ (Z.F I... ~ I E1.nd a chain hoi s t. at ':,lC, .00 c CouncilrrLD!1 Cc~rlson L110vecl that the above purchases be authorizedo kotion Has secon6..ed by Councilman h.eller und. passed by unanimous vote. r I: ~ 'Island trains through the Ci ty ':i'he l;.&yor il1Cjuire6. of the Ci t~r Attorney his findings as to the speed of Rock decide~ :1 " ~ ! of Faribault. .Lifter a brief discussion it was I,j iitl1e_t the l.ib-yo!' and City Attorney in terview th6 local agent per sonally. Ii II ,I ;;.volf stronGlY l'6coHlmended that the flusher be used only for street flushing. ~ Ijtive to paying for the Patrol Grader vil1ich viould be received shortly. On :notion of II iCollilcill1lan l,~e Car thy, seconded by Councilman C&rlsonj Hesolu tion IJo. A1740 "\7as The matter of using the flusher for snarl plOHini5 \Vas discussed. Coul1cilll13..il lne Council discussed the financial status of the Street DeparWlent Fund rela- lpassea. II ~ 'i II " by unaniaous vote of the Council on roll call. RE30LUTIOI'; NO. A1740. Rela ti ve to the I ssual1ce of T3.x Certifi CD. te of Imi e btedness agai l1S t Taxes Levi ed by the Council of the City of Faribault by Resolution No~ JJ..739, passed October 28th:, 1941. 'il-ill COUI~CIL CF 'l'FIC CITY OJT FIIRIR\.DLT DO RESOL\lJ;!;:- tj ~ 'Ihat the Hayor ana. Ci ty Recorder 8.re hereby authorized to issue a Certificate 'of Inde btedlless ag<::,ins t taxes levied (.IC tober 28 tl1, 1941, for th6 ii scal Year 1942-43 314 Regular Llee:ting lO~28'-1941. I !, : against the Road, Street and Bridge Fund ill the am.ount of Cl7:-500..00. I. That the certificates be issued in accordance with the provisions of Section 155 I: of the Charter of said ci ty, be payable from the pro ceeds of.. tile tax assessed c.nd I; _ i' collected for said fund and fall due on or before the 31st day of :)ecember, 1942, aficl bear interest at the rate of none ( ) per cent per anfiUl1l. That the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized and instructed to sign said certificates and affix the seal I Fassed October 28th lq41. L Attest, '1'. "'-. l~~ealia, C~ ty Recora.er. I I of the s8.id City of Faribault thereto. John J. Lyons, Layor The Ci ty Attorney reported on the matter of loor Relief expendi tures stating II that the Ci ty was en ti tled to be reimbursed by the County in the emount of S8yenty I I five per cent of the 8:i..l!endi tures over one mill begiillling wi th the year -1936. Councilman Carlson moved that the City Attorney be directed J~ proceed with th~ I:matter of collection. ljotiol1 was seconcled by Councilman Eeller and passed by unaniJ , l,i'l I!mous vote. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson I, ana. passed by unanimous vote. if o. .??? ~ - p ~- Ire Jl. ldealia, C1 ty RecorG.er. · Approved hovember 12th, 1941. ~gon l\lay 0 r o o D o o .1 C' o '1-C. :'iI5 Regular Meeting, Tuesday~ November 12th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. .-.----. __ _~_~_._~__~~_~_._ ~_~o._~~___~~~~~~ - - - - - --- o Safety Council ~ Awards. ~ Discussion of Proposed. Truck Unloading Ordinance. Ii if -- I -----.-.--.-- II II II III I' I'! .1 'i ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 12th day of November, ,194.1.,. at eight o'clock Ii - Ii I' p.m. Councilman Carlson, KeJLler, Me Carthy~ Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham- the Ci ty Engineer and City Attorney. The mee.ting was called to order by President.1 Lyons. Mayor Lyons. introduced Carl F. Sm:i th9 Presi den t of the Safety Counc 11, who stated the. t the Safety Council had held a City wide contest in the schools on the subject of Safety and. that the first and second place contestants: in the contest were present. Mr~ Smith presented Vernon Hanson of the Minnesota School for the Deaf who read his essay and Loretta Ehlers from the Minnesota Braille and Sight Savi.ng School, first atld second place winners in the advanced. di visicn, Wm. Peterso:n, School for the Deaf who read his essay and Virgi nia Lambert of the Sa.cred Heart " !I School, first and second place winners, in. the intermediate division, Cloe Kielmeyer i I from the Lincoln Schoo~ who read her essay and Marylin Grant from the Me Kinley Schoo]., first and second place winners in the Junior Division. Mayor Lyons thankea] : the contestants and the Safety Council for conduc ting the contest and on behalf of " the Safety Couneil, presented ca.sh prizes of,$2..00 for first place aDd $1.00 for second place to the wiIDlerse Minutes of the meeting of Octo ber 24th, 1941 were read and approved. Mayor Lyons announced that several persons desired to discuss the matter of the proposed Tr1Jlck Unloading Ordinance. Mr. Richard T~ Jones of the National Tea Co. requested that the matter be laid over to allow his Company to study it relative to the effect on their business. if Faribault and that/they were He said that there was no doubt that a problem existed I a btl e I I Rei'd \: I! r: in rl !i to II I' Owl Store sta ted that the ordinance might not allowed time to study the matter, they might be make s;ugges tions that would be of benefi t to all. John Dudley, Manager of the be so drastic if the alleys were left: I t ii au . 11 :1 Winston Johnson P.1if~SI;1e~1::i:JX:g ::tJm: ~~ fitf i~W:i~U~ stated tha t if the alleys: , were eliminated, the ordinance would not be effect in remendying the situation. El- wood Fritz stated that the ordinance did not provide for the unloading of items which could not be handled in smaller trucks and also brought the question of the rehandling of foods during extreme temperatures. Mr. JahnsQ n s ta ted the. t the increase 0 f truck traffic was the reason flOT the proposed ordinance which was dra.fted to eliminate I hazzards and the abuse of traffic regulations. A representative of tbe Murphy Truck Line stated that there were times when articles mus,t be deli vered directly wi thout .. i' 11rehaThdling, citing the delivery of the State Automobile License Platea, vmere they I! were required by the State to deliver th~ directly. After an informal discussion ri lion the matter, Councilmoo Keller moved that the proposed Ordinance No. Al92 be laid: ~ lion the table until the next meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson. and ,:1 1 ,: passed by unanimous vote. ~~ Mr. John Littel appeared and inquired as to what disposition the Council in- Ii !~ tended to make of the petition presented at a previous meeting, requesting a road ~ on .. between Division Street E@,st and Trunk Highway No:.. 60/an approximate line with :31 tj Regular Meeting~ November 12th, 1941. ......~ @opo~CZ'.d st rc:z:.cz.+ D~ ~'! 5BtJN 1; 7:11. '0, Brwm.d t S Ca.rtway. The Oi ty Engineer stated that at the time the Council viewed the l proposed route, he was of the. impression that the matter had been ]Left with Mr. Littel to contact the Becker Sisters and Mr. Hupenbecker as: to their reaction tQ opening up a street on the City Limit lin~ , stating that such a street would serve' more people. Mr. Littel said that he had not understood it that way but would gladly interview these people for the Council. XmQ 5 0 Mr. AI. OcIrus representing the Commercial Club, requested the Council to install. care t~at D<Z:.c.orc.ti,ar)~ tIme ~ Christmas Decorations and to take/of the lighting stating I the Club would Bond s o would see the:.t the decorB. tions were ready for ins talls. tion.. After a brief discussion Cire Councilman Me Carthy moved that tha City install the street decorations and take of the ligh tinge Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller 6:.1!!J.d passed by unanimous vote. _ Bonds of the Barrett Comtp8JJJ.y guaranteeing the flashing and roof of the Ci'~ ty HalJl..~ Truck and Taxi policies of Theodore St. Hilaire, Elwood Fri tz~ Eli Sterling (rider). Ii Leslie Workman and A. F. Me Intyre, Fire Insurance Policy covering park benches and' Policies !' Ci ty 'I'reasurer Burglary and Combination Bobbery Policies and Burglary and Robbery Th I ffQ()ft i.. , cJ'--' en 'i ";, ~...J C<Lr]stL Policy fQ,r Fuel Commissioner and continuation certificate of Bond for E.E. Ab~rle were pres.ented. Councilman Carlson moved that the bond,. policies and continuation certificate be accepted and ordered filed, all having been approved as to manner and , I form of execution by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and:i passed by unanimouS' vote. Upon inquiry, the City Engineer reported that a small leak had developed in the Library Building and that he taken the matter up with Mr. Paul Shroeder. Application , (jJ)f Geo. Schul tz to trans.fer his gasoline pump license a t No. 102 Central Avenue to Charles F. Hasty and application of Charles F. Hasty for licen.se were presented. Councilman Carls:oI1 moved the. t the transfer be allowed. cilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. i: !, Motion was seconded by Co:un.;. The ma.tter of the bond of Wilfred Thiffaul t (Liquor "On Saleft License and 3., 2 beverage). was discussed. The City Attorney read the Ordinance and stated. that Li- cense could be granted by the Council in spite of the fact that Mr. Thiffault had been convicted under the Prohibition Act. Mr. Carlson stated that he thought the matter should be taken into consideration as he understood that a sentence of a year and ra. day carried wi th it forfei ture of ci ~izenship. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the bonds be accepted, same having been approved as to manner and form of exe~ution by the City Attorney. No second on this motion. The matter was left to the Ci.ty Attorney to check up on Mr. Thiffaul t t s ci tizenshi:p. I: Communications:-letter from the Poor Commissioner relative to activities of the Poor Department, letter from the Barrett Co. relative I . gulations, from the Southwest Aviation Conference and , r' to shipment under priority re- from the Department of Health Ii approving Sewer plans;. CouncilmaIDl CarlsQJn moved that the communications be filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous: vo te. A cumm.unication from the Northwester1I1l National Bank & Trust Company requesting the release of $15!OOO State of South Dakota 5i% Rural Credit Bonds due 12/1/41 to I I e e i ~~ ;~~17 Regular Meeting Ncvember 12th, 1941 ~ ~ ! ~ e .0 I Collateral. Released and Accs.pted. Reports Bills. ~ t) (~V"qcz ~trcz.~t 5~ed. !1 be replaced by $15,000 City and COUllty of SanFr'ancisco 1.7% Air Port bonds due 1/1/48. Councilman Carlson moved that the City Treasurer be authorized to. release the Stat~ , of South Dakota Bonds; and the. t the San Francisco Airport Bonds be accepted as ccllateral, same having been approved as to. legality by the City Attorney. , was secended by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. I I' Mo tioD :1 The fcllcwing menthly repo.rts of City Officials were presented and read~- City: Treasurer, City Recerder, Ci ty Engineer, C1 ty Assessor" Chief of Police, Clerk of : Court, Poer Commissioner, Chief of Fire Department, Dairy IJ;:!jspector, Oi ty Physician, ,j .1 Heal th Officer, Market Master, Secretary ef Library Board,. Water Department Collectcr, .i City Recorder's report to. Supt. of Accounts and Finances in the amcunt of $6,855.01. iJ The following bills were presented:-Library AQceunts $556.25, Payroll Engineer's 'Offic~e $275.00, Labor Water Dept. $119.15, Alvin Heover *;30.98, street Department :Payrell $1057.15~ Recreatien Board $6.75, Sanitary Ice & Fuel Co. ~15.75, Labor Water Dept. $97.15, Labor Fuel Dept. $70.70, Special Police $5.50, Gus Kitzman $1.25. , Councilman Carlson meved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed and the bills . listed allowed. Metien was seco,nded by Councilman Welf and passed by unanimeus vete. Ceuncilman Carlson reported on the League Regional meeting at Mankato, also on I the N..,Y.A. Shep at Winona and suggested that it might be well to. inspect same. Councilman Keller reported en the Recreational Meeting at st. Paul and stated that Cities of our class were making about the same expenditure as we were and that it was recemmended that this work be handled on the basis of a small activities and then develeped, rather than a large wide ranged program. Councilman Keller reported that the residence at Alexander Faribault Park re- quired roof repairs and that the box gutter on same required retinning. The matter was discussed, Councilman Wolf stating that from the report he judged that this sheuld be given the immediate attentien of the Council. The Coun~il decided to in- ti 1 I: spect the property. :, Councilman Keller reported that Ceuncilman Wolf, Water Commissiener I~E. Wilson "and he had inspected the matter ef supplying water for the hockey rink at Waupaucuta. :iFark and had found that no cast iron Pipecotdbe obtained but that there was a small !: supply of one inch cepper pipe whi ch would cos t $.40 to. $.45 per reo t. He said tha t II ~ the pipe could be laid by N.Y.A. labor, the Wa.ter Departmen.t to make the required ': connection. Councilman Wolf meved that the purchase of the pipe be authorized and -tj, II 11 the service installed, ~'Imeus vote. ~ !I : Ceuncilman Me Carthy inquired as to what progress was being made relative to '1 II I ,: acquiring easements to. change the creek bed of Crocker's Creek, at the bridge on Gee ~ IlL. Street. The City Attorney requested more time. ~ Councilman Me Carthy brougrut up the matter of enlarging the street shed to perl Ilmi t the housing ef the grader wi th snew plewa ttached. The matter wa~ discussed by '1 Ii II the Ceuncil. Councilman Me Carthy moved t11at the Ci ty Engineer be directed to en- Illa:rge the shed wi th a seven by sixteen foct addi tion and that the Ci tr Atterney I Motion was seccinded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unaJ;1i- ~318 :Sa",', to,.. Y S(t.. w<t.r (at WC1tar W6&~k5 W<tSo\u1)Dn A\14i ApproYt ~q Bu~ r?out4-t1 at?o far~' Regular Meeting, Novenber 12th, 1941. be directed to arrange for the necessary lease and easemente Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf submitted a planting plan for the pumping ground site and re- quested authorization to proceed with the work and alSD to construct a Sanitary Sewer from the presentSeptic Tank North to: the Interceptor Main.. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that the sewer be constructed under W~P.A. Motion was sec.onded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. I, I" " " I. require about $125.00 this amount into the!i Councilman Wolf reported that the Dodge Police car would repairs and inquired as to whether the Council desired to put car or consider the purchase of a new car. He stated the tradein allowance would i be the same. No action was taken. The Mayor reported that he had received no reply from the C.R.lsland R.R. in !regard. to the speed of trains. He also reported tImat the present pin ball machines ware being replaced be a lever action machine. General discussion followed. The City Engineer reIlQ'rted that a. new torch heater was required for W.P.A. work at a cost of $27.50. Councilman Carlson moved that the City Egnineer be au- thorized to make the purchase. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vo te. The City Engineer reported that the County was ready to release 25 to 30 men on W.P.A. gravelling jobs. He also reported that Tepee Tonka bridge construction was ready to go as soon as the Highway Department was ready. He suggesting that the Council meet with the Highway Department. The City Engineer was authorized, without formal vote, to contact the Highway Department and make arrangements for suet. meeting. The City Engineer reported that in the matter of the ditch fronting the Chapel property, that the same had been filled and the roadway smo'othed up and that Mr. Chapel had been given a fence line. The City Engineer requested authorization to make a survey for the pro~osed change in the Crookers Creek bed. The Engineer was so authorized without formal vote. The City A ttorne;w read a letter from the Railroad and Warehouse Commiss:'.cm Ii stating that the Fari baul t Bus line was in operation on e. verbal agreement and re- i! quested tha.t the Council adopt a Resolu tion approving the routes ana. fares of the Bus Company. On motion (D),f Councilman Carlson~ seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No. Al741 was passed by un6Lli1imous vote. RESOLUTION NO. Al741. Relative to Approving the Bus Route of Edgar A. Cornell and the Fares to be Charged. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- That, WhereBs, Edgar A. Cornell is operating an auto transportation company for the transportation of passengers wholly wi thin the City of Farjbaul t and has made application to the Ra.ilroad and Warehouse Commission or- the Minnesota. for leave to extend the present route thereof, to collect a fare of 6~ per adult per- o o I I o o I " J'. ~ If'. I~ i! 'L -~~'L Regular Meeting November 12th, 1941. =0 I son, and 3~ per school child between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m." daily, o on school days while Ii ij with ~ as a transfer point upon said route. ~ such route as set forth in such petition; and expiration tLme stated from any transfer point thereon to ~ny point suc~ children are attending school, together with transfers ~ 'I I establishe~ I I I Now, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves tJ1e extens,ion ~f ~ ! BE IT RESOLVED FUBlliER, that the City Recorder of said Ci ty of Fari baul t be and I I I: he is hereby authorized and directed to file wi th said Railroad and Warehouse Com- ~ mission. a certif:Led copy of the foregoing resolution, forthwi th upon its adoption. :1 Passed November 12th, 1941. Ii Attes't, T. A. Mealia, CIty Recorder. John J. Lyons, Mayor. ': The City Attorney reported that the Lyrrch and Pirkl building was tied up in the , E.P. Lynch Estate and that notbing could be done until the estate was settled. The o Ci ty Attorney also reported that the appeal to the Supreme Court in the matter of , Pin Ball Machines had been di smissed by the Court and the. t the status of the machines. II was the SWRe as previous. II I: '1 I I " 'I The Ci ty Attorney reported that in order to make cl aim on the County for refun;d ~ of Poor Depsx1men.t expenses, in accordane6 with the recent ruling of the Attorney II General it would be necessary to have all expenQitures itemized. Council Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman CarlsoTh and .: pass.ed by unanimous vote. d /, a /;?7 - It? T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. : Approved November 26th, 1941. J::hJ., ~ ~ I !' II I' o o (Continuation of Special Meeting of November 18th, 1941}. It was suggested the. t the Mayor infomIL the Rock Island Officials to submit their propos,al in wri tinge Councilman Mc Cartfuy moved to adjo~rn. Motion was seconded by Ccuncilman Carl~ ~son anQ passeQ by unanimous vote. Ii . d ': Apprave I ! qO/?7~ T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. November 25th, 1941. J~O~' ~ o ~ ~ I, I " ~t'" ~t..J. d~ Special Meeting Tuesday~ Nov:em.ber 18th, 1941.. I 0= ---. fC'apalrs to ~rk jC~ t18 da;r')CL1 The Council of the City olfFaribault met in s.pecie.l session. in the Council Cham~ ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 18th day Qf November, 1941, at 7:30 p.m. The o ,,, : meeting was aalled to order by President Lyons. Councilman Carlson, Keller, Me Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also the City Engineer and City Attorney. of' The purpose of the meeting was to consider the construction/the addition to the street shed, the repairs on the residence at Alexander Faribault Park and to transact such other business which might be presented. Gouncilmsn Keller reported an estimate of $232.00 for the repairs tOJ the residence. After discussion, the Council decided without formal vote to ask for bids on same. which would project Olver on the John Peterson property The construetion of an addi tion to the s.treet shed/was. considered. After dis- cussing the matter of obtaining a lease from Mr. Peterson, the Ci ty Attorney was: diL () rected to arrange rOF the lease. En Iqrqe Mr. w. B. Caron submi tted figures for the construction of the street shed addi1.. 0 5tr(&{tt tion to include 1/2" Insmcli te insulation in the amount of $190.00. Councilmen Mc Carthy Al1t, h"'=n:lZd I moved that Mr.. Caron be authorized to proceed wi tb. the work. Motion was seconded by \?ur~ f Ofir€ rr~tctctlOrJ f\S$OC,~tl~.J . proposed setup of the Association and submitted the following tentative agreement:- f1GREEM,tNT "Tol the Ci ty Council of Faribault, Minnesota. Add ~-t16,?c:d rd~Oot~ nq <:::..1 \j J-Iq I ~ u Councilman Wolf and pass.ed by unanimous vote. Councilman Kelle~r brought up the matter of havirrg the Council Chamber painted in confonnity with the style of the roam. The City Recorderdescribed the proposed painting and stated that Mr. Rosette had gt ven a figure of $44.00 as the s..ddi tional cost. The matter was left to the City Recorder. I Councilman Keller reported that the Park Department was experiencing difficulty in obtaining a warming house from the W.F .A. to use in the parks during various constructionS:0 Councilman Me Carthy moved that the City Engineer be directed to in- fOIm. the foreman of the W.P .,A. that a warming house be assi.gned to the Park Depart- ; , .' ;ment to be used until required for regular W.F'.A., construetion work. Motion flas sa1 i conded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. o Mr. H. I. Ills.ley 81ilLd F. fl.. Murphy repres.enting the Faribault Co-operatil1'e . . I I'Rural Fire PrOitection Association appeared the Council and discuss,ed informally the! c The Committee of the Fsrib&ult Cooperative Rural Fire Protection Association wishes to present the fallowing plan for your approval: When your Council and the Corami ttee of' this a.ssQlciation agree that sufficient I I numbers have signed the agreement and paid membership dues a fee of one thouse-.nd ......... ~ ~ ~C and twenty five cerrts per member on all memberships collected. ~ tv) , The association further agrees to di vide equaJl~y al~ moneys paid. by Ins.urance I, ~ 0 IICompanies for the protection of policy holders between the Council and the Co-oper~~i v~ I:RuraJ.. Fire PrlDitection Association. U The Council informally accepted the proposed ~ i agre eme n t. "-J . The Mayor and Council discus,sed the speed of Rock Island trains througtL Faribault I dollars shall be paid to the Ci ty Council by the AssociSltion as dues for the first ' year's services, Every year following the association agrees to pay to the Council one dollar ~~.~ ~ ~- ~ I!. ~1' , ~ " , . fvJ Regular Meeting,. Tuesday, November 25th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. ... o c 'hi Hau(t ttc.(U) St:.5 '1r"Q,..,t~d o Policies Bonds Assignment o o Air Port ( I ~c.lJS5 f(} o ~ j' i: II ~'I I , 25t]] da.y of November, 1941, at eight o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to Q'rder bW :1 The Council o.f the City o,f Fari baul t met in regular session on Tuesday, the I I President Lyons. On r~ll call, those present were Councilman Carlson, Keller, Me i Car thy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons, also the City Engineer and City Attorney. Minutes of I the regulaF meeting of November 12th and special meeting of Nowember 18th were read, , , ii and approved. i I, Requisi tions for two fills of distillate, approximately two thousand gallons i and one fill of gasoline, approxima tely one thousand gallons were presented.. Coun- , cilman Keller moved that the purchases be authorized. Motion was seconded by Goun-, 'cilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vo tee 'The nOn Sale IJ Liquor Bond and 3.2 non-into xica ting malt beverage band of Wilfred 'Thiffault were presented. The City Attorney reported that Mr. Thiffault had not lost his citizenship because of conviction under the prohibition act. Councilman Carlson stated that he thought that the fact of his conviction should be considered by the Council before granting his license. Councilman Mc Carthy move~ that the ,bonds be accepted, same having been approved as to manner and. form of execution by .the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and on roll call, those 'vo,ting "ayen were Councilman Keller, Mc Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons, "nayeft Coun- , cilman Carlson. Motion was carried. Truck policies of Alfred J. Degen and Walter Cates, House Movers Bond of Eli Sterling, contract bond of H. E. Westermarr Lumber COe and assignment of securities of the Northwestern National Bank & Trust Co. were presented. Councilman Carlson .moved that the policies, bonds and assignmen.t be ace:epted and ordered filed, same I Ii ,having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Petitions from the Aviation Committee of the Faribault Chamber of Commerce, the Faribault C01Iill1ercial Club and the Faribault Sky Club, Inc. requesting that the were presentedi. Council call a public meeting to consider the matter of a municipal air portj Coun- ':cilman Carlson moved that the petitions be accepted and placed on file. Motion was , tseconded by Councilman. Keller and passed by un.animous vo tee !! ,I The Council discuss,ed the matter of a municipal air port and the eon.census of I I!opinion was that the Council should not sponsor such a meeting but would co-opera te with any movement along this line. Councilman Keller moved that the Mayor appoint a commi ttee of three to meet wi th represen tati ve of the peti tioners, to work out de- tails for such a meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by :, ~unanimous vote. 'ilie Mayor appointed Councilman Carlson, Councilman Keller and the .1 ~i ty Engi neer. ,.The C1 t:v Attorney reported that he was in receipt of a letter from the attorney re- 'I ~ I. If'resenting the party who had run into the Dodge Street Department truck stating that !ihiS insurance company was ready to settle the claim. Councilman CarlsQn moved that ~ :jthe Mayor and City Recorder be au thori zed to si gn the release upon paynent of the 1: ,..claim. Motion was seconded by Councilman Violf and passed by unanimous vote. :322 Regular Meeting~ Tuesday, November 25th, 1941. 5t2. ~"'V In Cf r:J..~/~ct o ;1/fQftZ"'/a/~ A communication from the Regulated Motor Transportation Association of Mlnne- sota, Inc. stating their willingness to co-operate with the Council in working out B solution to the problem of large trucks unloading and loading on City streets~ was read. Councilman Carlson moved that the proposed Ordinance NOe Al92 be laid on the table indefini tely. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unar.imous . votee Councilman Carlson brought up the matter of installing swivel chairs in the . Council Chamber. He requested the Council to set a definite amount which. should be 'paid for the chairs, calling attention to the fact that there was a wide range; in prices and grades. After a brief discussion~ the Council, without formal vote, re- ferred the matter to Councilman Carlson and the City Recorder. The matter a,f cigare tte licenses was discussed. Councilman Carlson moved that: the City Recorder and Chief of Police be directed to check up on all dealers and collect the licenses. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimouls vote. Councilman Carlson stated that Dc;m Brandvold had requested a light on First str1eet North and Sixth AV8ThUe West. Mayor Lyons stated that several other localities had requested ligpts and suggested that the Council view the different sites. Councilman Carlson moved that the materials left over from the Sewing Project be turned over to the Mayor's Clearing House Ca,mmittee. Motion was seconded by Coun- cilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. ~ ji Councilman CarlsoIl suggested that a hearing be called for on the repa.ving of Cen- tral Avenue. He reported that there were now lb3 men on W.P.A. in the County! 37 of were whom/on City projects. Councilman Keller moved th at the Oi ty Recorder be direc ted to write Senator Roepke thanking him for the aid given in the matter of the conference wi th the State 1 Highway Departme~t. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson an~ passed by unani- I, !mou:s votes . ~~~/dn Councilman Keller ealled attention to the fact that the room used by the Ameri~an ~ - s i(~t:Jr/Legion haa. been damaged by water and suggested that the plater be repaired and the room /~d~~drCT4't:{ redecorated. Councilman. Carlson moved tha t the work be done. Motion was s:eeonded by 8fX1";'s t7l ~rfi.: ~.9ld~I/C~ apf l;C'r/!;~c:t/ Councilman Mc Carthy and passed. by unanimous vote. Keller Councilman/reported quotations on the repair of the residence at Alexander Fari- :bault Park; Wm. Caron $232.65, Paul Schroeder $220.00. Councilman Me Carthy moved I ithat Paul Schroeder be employed to do the work. at $220.00. Motion was s:,econde'i by ,Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. The City Engineer repolrted on the Crockers Creek survey. Councilmen Wolf reques,ted au thorizat1on to purchase 500 feet of sewer rods. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the purchase be authori~ed. Motion was seconded by Councilma.n Keller and passed by unanimous vote. ". " - The following bills were presented:-street department payroll. $903..68s Bell &. . cO.;;;' o~ -- ! I o c I 'I ' ~'fj ~J,:.jtJ Q c o o o Q o Bills ~P<7/~ " Et?f-f =:;ld~ II $5.95, Payroll I fjZoller Coal Co. $157.18~ Mike Holm~ Secretary of Statel Fuel Deptl $36.45, Labor ~iWater Dept. $155.15, Ed. Peterson $10.00" Beth Condon $12.JLO~ Lloyd Zuehlke $11.00,,: I:Robert LarkiE-"~$1.5:6o, Chi. Mil. St. P. & P. Ry. $7.3l, OttQ Wolf $8.88, John J.. . Lyons $4.90, Art. Bell, Recreation Direc tor $4.63, Frank N.. Quinn $22.75, Labor Wa.ter Dept. $80.05, R. W" Graunke $28,.OQ, Chi. Gt. Vvestern Ry. $268.68. Councilman Carlson moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanllnOUs vote. trains The Mayor and the Council discussed the speed of Rock Island/through the City. The Mayor reported that he had had a conference with several of the Rock Island officials during which the matter of speed of trains, cro5sing gQards and train stops were discussed. The City Engineer reported on the Dwyer complaint regarding the Prinzing vege- :;table market, stating that the property line was very indefini te and that Mr. Prinz- I' I I, ing had stated that if any of his bldgs. were encroaching on the Dwyer property, n 'I they would be removed.. The City Engineer reported a break in the East side sewer line under the Rock Isla__no. R. R. tracks approximately two blocks south of Fourteenth street and stated ~/;Z,F .,;?~ . ~I that iIIilllediate repairs should be made. The Ci ty Engineer was 8.U thori zed to have the , necessary repairs made without formal vote. The City Engineer reported that a representative of the State Hi~way Department ha.d been here to investigate the quali ty of the stone required for the Tepee Tonka Park bridge.. The City Attorney discu&sed the matter of the claim for refund of expenditures :in the F'oor Department an.d stated that the law was ambiguous: and requested authorizE.:.- ,tion to visit the AttcJ>rney Gen.eral's office to obtain rulings. Council.man Carlson moved that the City Attorney be given the authorization requested. Motion was second- . by Councilman Mc Carthy ed/and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. and passed by unanimous vote. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson d 7: 0. /n. ~ ~ ~- ~ T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. Approved December 9 m, 1941. ~nv " !.I-~. {i hnJ. LY9hs, 'r~Jyorp tJ !- :Note~- The Council and the City Engineer went on a tour of the City relative to .viewing sites: requesting street lights. h I'r. )4' OkJ m 51?t:'~v /:;J/.~, !'i/~ ;::] l . c urCIJC/sec' Special Meeting, Thursday, November 27th, 1941, 10;00 O'clock aem~ The Council of the City Qlf Fari baul t met in special session in the Council Cham be rat the G1 ty Hall on Thursday, the 27th day of November,. clock a.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lyons e 1941, a.t.lO:01 0' i - 'i Councilman Carlson,i I! o Keller" Mc Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also the City Engineer. Mayor Lyons stated that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the purchase of a used snow plow for use on the street flusher. The Council discussed snow plows. Councilman Me Car thy moved that the used snow plow be purchased from the GeOa T.Ryan ,~' " Co. at a co st of $235.00 installed and that tJtD.e street flushed be taken to Aus tin for the installation. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unani- motHS vo tee Councilmam Keller called the attention of the Council that repairs to the plas- 0 . tar in the Legion Hall rurnd over the South stairs were needed. Councilman Mc Carthy moved that Councilman Keller and the City Engineer be directed to have the necessary o \"lork. done. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. d . /: a nz. e "'. ~- 6-/ T. A. Mealia. City Recorder. Approved December 9th, 1941-. c~ tfV~ (~ ~u~t ~.~- J olm J. Ly,qD.s: ~~yor . I~ .~ o c o o ~""~D .-- -- '..' , ) c.::. Ih.i I'J Regular Meeting, Tuesday, December 9th, 1941, Eight O'clock p.m. --~~~~---~._-~~~~ - . Q Communications. o Reports D Bills Appropriation to .American DLl:giOn Drum: Corps. o Applications o Policies o Insurance Rider The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Ch~- ,ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 9th day of December~ 1941t at eight o'clock "i , p .IDe The meeting was, called to order by Mayor Lyons. On roll call those pr eS8n t were Councilman Carlson, Keller, Mc Car thy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons" also the City Engineer and City Attorney. The minutes of the last regular meeting of November 25th and special meeting of November 27th were read and a.pproved. A conmmnication from the Ste. te Board of' Heal th approving sani tB.ry sewer plans and a letter from the City of Grand Forks, North Dakota, presenting a questionaire, I, " requesting a list of the salaries of' the City of Faribault were read. The following reports of City Officials were presented and read:- City Treasurer, City Recorder, City Engineer, Chief of Police, City Assessor~ Clerk of Court, Dairy ii Inspector, City Physician, Health Offieer, Chief of Fire Department, S~cretary of 'Library Board9 Market Master, Overseer of Poor9 Collector of Water De.p~tment. The following bills were presented:-Labor Fuel Dept~ $52.32, C.R.I. & Pac. By. Co~ $449.08, Tri State Tel., & TeL. Co. $73.60, Library Accounts $687.45, Labor Water Dept. $101.70, La.bor Fuel Dept. $87.43, Street Dept. Payroll $893.23, Labor Christman Decorations $87.25, Fred Mathis, Jr. Fuel Comm. $2.50, Rabt. Larkin $5.259 Beth Condon $18.40, Engineerfs Office $2.75.00, Ed. Peterson $5.00, Phil Mc Car thy $13.77, Chi. Gt. Wes- tern Ry. $58'.08, Sani~ary Ice & Fuel Co~ $11.75, Chi. Mil. st~ p~ & P. Ry. Co. $128~54, ;LaboE' Vlater Del't. $125.15, Ben Polson $3.00, Labor Fuel Dep t. $22.25, Labor Ci ty :J ij. Cfj.:t'Q n & Son $1 gO 00 Hall v~9. ?U7:;ouncilIha:f1 l;arlson moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. I . and the bills listed allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me CartfuJy and passed by unanimous vote. and Mayor Councilman Carlson moved that the City Recorder/be authorized to draw an order on the City Treamlrer in the amount of ~150.00 in favor of the American Legion DTILm Corps, to be charged to the Musical Entertainment Fund. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimoua vote. The Council re cessed to lis tin to the fireside talk of' President Franklin D. ,Roosevel t. The Council reconvened. Application of L.E. Fox for a roller rink licefi...s',e at the Armory for Dee", 10th to January 10~, 1942 was presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the license be granted. ~illtion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Application of Wemple and Zerck for gasoline pump license at No. 30 2nd Street NE was presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the license be gr&ltede Motion was seconded by Councibnan Keller and passed by unanimous vote. Insurance policy covering the contents of the Rest Room was presented. Council- man Carlson moved th.at the policy be accepted, same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney, Motion was seconded by Counctlman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. An insurance rider for the policy of the Faribault Bus Servi'Je waE' presented. !.CouncilmaJ]. Carlson moved tha t the rod er be accepted and ordered filed~ same having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorneyo Motion was ~l'L )lj' f_}~ seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. ."''''.. I Requisitions for a fill of gasoline from the Pure Oil Co. and one from the Stan- ~ Requisitions dard Oil Cg~ were presernted. Councilman Keller moved that Councilman Carlson be au- I I thorized to make the purchaaea. MDtion was seconded by Councilm~ Wolf and passed ~ by unanimous vote. ed Mayor Lyons reported t,hat he had intervi ew !~he Chicago RoC'k Is:land. R. R. CU"':'fi ci 81 a, and stated that the R.R. Co~ wished to know specificly what the Council wanted done in regard to s,peed of trains and crossing guards or signals. The Council discu.ssed the mat tel" and the City Attorney was, instructed to' wri te the R..R.. Co.. and give them. defini te information. Xmdf? Ccmneilman Carlson moved that the Ci ty Recorder be authorized to issue the sa- o ~h c "-,,. (/; cft:..;7" lary and labor chacks befo,re Christmas. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy an.d passed by unanimous vo,te. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the Ci ty Recorder and Oi ty Treasurer be 6I'Itthorized o to purchase a Chrisi1mas tree for tIme Oi ty RaJL1~ Motion. was seconded by Cm.mcil.man Keller and passed by unanimouS', vote. JYaftZr apf Councilman Wolf moved that the. Water Department invest sUI11,lus, funds in the J?~r~~~~ Tax Certifieate is'sued by the Road Street and Bridge Fund in the amount of $7,500.00. 'Mx Gird, Mo tiOD was seconded by Counc1.lman Carlson and passed by unanimous, vote. Councilmam CBrlson moveQ that the Flag be raised on the City Hall Building every ,C//?c, at , 14.;1 It Cly I/a/I day for the duration of the War. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. J.&cf/ CJ;')I Born Floor. Councilman. Carlson moved that the floQir in the Legion Hall be sanded at Ii co s t of $42.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. The City Engineer reported that the Highway Department had all materials set up to start work on the Tepee Tonka bridge next week_d Boa !Jfafl-es,(;;}.I'1 He also reported that, that portion of Matteson/in Cannon Gi ty Township was ~ 3:lre.e1, sixty six foot road an.d that the Township Board were meeting to-night to consider the o o matter of having same graded. The City Engineer also reported that County Engineer Archie Taubman had informed him that the County was: ready to close their W.P.A. pro1jects now and that he was now setting up new projects for W.P.A. as the present setup expired December 31stp 1941. CounC'ilman Wolf moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and pass.ed by unanimous va te. a< . /. O. .?-7) ~ "~<-.". ~. T. A. Mea1.ia~ City Recorder. Approved December 23rd, 1941. ()~C} ~~ {}ohn J. LY(1ns ~- ~yor o [ ''''~D- -- '7~ )~7. ~, ,:;.; Special Meeting, Tuesday, December 16th, 1941, 7~30 p.m. o o D o () o D [I I ~ '!I (i The Council of the City of Fari baul t met in special session in the Council :! Chamber in the City Hall on Tuesday, the 16th day of December, 1941, at 7:30 p..m.. The meeting was ealled to order by Mayor Lyonsa Councilman Carlson, Yeller, Me , Carthy" Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also the Ci tJr En.gineer and C1 ty Attorney: , were present. Mayor Lyons stated that the meeting was called to consider advertising for bids on a car for the Police Department and to transact any other bustness which might , be brough t. Before considering the purchase of the car for the Police Departrrent, GOl.U1cilman Carlson presented Resolution No. Al742 and moved that it be adopted. Motion was se- 1 couded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. l: RESOLUTION NO. A 1742. Relative to Paying Interest due December 15 th, 1941. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- Resolution That for the purpose of paying interest due December .'.1.5th" 1941 en Sewer Bond.s No. Al742 Nos. 1 to 2.0 inclusive, dated June 15th, 194JL, the Mayor and Ci ty Recc"':"der are here- r::l:ty !/JltZI""e5t' by authorized and directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer in the amount of lOne Hundred ($JLOO.OO) Dollars in favor of the Securi ty National Bank & Trust Co. of j Faribau~t, Minnesota, payable from the Interest Fund~ Passed December 16th, 1941. Attest T~ A. Mealia, City Recorder. John J. Lyons, Mayor. ~//c~ ~/~ The City Engineer read t~e specifications for a car for the police departmento ~~cahd~ Councilman Keller moved that the specifications be adopted. Motion W€tS seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. -) H"'eJteci~9J'l:1;:'h~ /:Jv,cht7$d check Councilman Carlson brought up the matter of purchasing a new/protectrograph for the Ci ty Treasurer' a offi~e at a cost of $65.00 and the tradein of the old machine. Councilman Keller moved that the purchase be authorized. Motion was se- conded by Councilman Me Garthy and. passed by unanimous vote. J..'9"f~ at Councilman Keller reported that lights had been installed at the vtapaucauta -&ur/f7f ;::&.,./c; Park and tha t a 220 Volt Swi tcfuJ. and Wire were needed at a cost of approximately $97.50. Councilman Wolf moved that the purchase ba authorized. Motion was seconded /Brcht:l$~ ~ ~ 1.. , l {.I 'c~1 Cl lilt::? cJ~" f f" l I by Councilman Me Ctuthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson reported that the mee ti ng; of the joi n t comrni ttees to consider the air port had been deferred until after January 1st, 1942. The Council discussed proposed Fire Hall sites and CouncibEan Keller suggested that a c:ommi ttee be appointed to investigate various locations. The Council also discussed the layout in the alley of Block 45 and the proposed repaving of Central Avenue. Councilman Carlson moved that Councilman Wolf be authorized ~I purchase an Oxy I; I! Acetylene welding outfi t for the garage. Motion was seconded by Councilman rile Carthy t, , and passed by un&limous vote. ! Councilman Wolf moved to ad journ. I' and passed by unanimouS' va tee ... Approved 12/23/1941., onded by Councilman Carlso,n Mealia, City Recorder ~(f)\) Uh.lO Special Meeting~ Thursday, December 18th, 1941, 4:00 O'clock p.m. ... -,'--~ The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Ch~- ~- ber at the City Hall on Thursday, the 18th day of Dece:nber, 1941 at 4:00 o'clock p.m. 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Lyons. Councilffian Carlson, Keller, Me Car thy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons were present, also the City Engineer and City Attorney. President Lyons stated that the purpose of the meeting Rock Island was to meet wi th various/Railroad officials to discuss the speed of trains through Dscos.5 .:5petZd ct= the City and crossing protection. The Rock Island Railroad was represented. by Mr. '~ck l5kNk::l J. H. Johnson, Division Supt.. of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, WlX. E. S. Stringer, Mpls. Attorney , Trd/nS wdh for the Railroad Co. and R. H. Haswell, Station Agent at Faribaul t. ..e R Mr. Johnson said tha t from various conferences wi th Ci ty Officials, he ha1 . ~JlY~/G7/5 gathered that the stopping or Rocket Trains in Faribault would solve the speed prob- lem. He also said that he had received a letter from the City Attorney later, stating crossing that four/signals would be required, one at each crossing. He said that the c~st of installing each one would be ~4,OOO.OQl and the yearly cost of maintenance would be $500.00. He said that he doubted that the Railroad could get the necessary materials for inst~llation under present conditions. He also said that the Railroad and Ware- house c:ommission, who issued the orders for such installation, usually requirel1. municipali ties to stand one half of the cost. Mr. E. S. Stringer discussed the crossing situation and stated that the Railroads wereunable to make such ins talla ti ons on account of present financial condi tionsa He suggest.ed the. t the p:resen t Six Mile an Haul" Ordinance be amended to thirty miles an hour, the same as Highwa.y regulations for cars. Idr~ Johnson also stated that the Railroad was willing to stop all Rocket Trains North bound for convenience of ~win city traffic and that No. 15, South bound, would stop only for passengers for Des Moines or points South. Ivlr . Johnson 0.1&0 5 ta ted tI1a t the Railroad was willing to cut down the speed of trains not stopping to 35 to 40 miles an hour~ General informal discussion ensued0 It was decided to take further time to consider and study the situation. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. passed by unanimous vote. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and d /', Q. .?7J ~ eo ~ e.- T. A. Mealia, City Recorder. Approved December 23r d, 1941-. F . ~I~ ~ J {tn J. LfJons May;r. o o o o o o ~i'. -;:0 . .t,::.; iJ Regular Meeting, Tuesday, Decem;ber 23rd, 1941., Eight O'clock p.m. Ii II II The Councilor the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council o !Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 23rd day of December, 1941, e.t eight 0' c~ock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lyons. On rcll call those . present were Councilman Carlson, Keller, Me Car thy , Wolf and Mayor Lyons, also the City Engineer and City Attorney were present. Councilman. Keller m.o,ved. that the bids on the. car for the Police teparfuJ.snt be read before taking up other business. Motion was seconded by Councilrran Me Carthy :an~ passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Carlson discussed the running expenses of the Police cars ror the last two yeara for the purpose of showing that the car was not worn out and should o Bids Car for Police Dep t. be repaired instead of purchasing a new car. No. 1 The following bids were then opened:-/KUIillll.sr lJ..uto Company, on 1942 Buick 42-471' $1404.0Q!,. allowance $380 on old car; No.2, Borcl1e:r't, Nash 1942 Sedan $1195.00, allowance on old car $275.00j No~ 3,. Schreyer Motor Co., 1942 Plymouth $1144.76, allowance $294.76; No.4, Lockwood Chevrolet,. 1942 Chevrolet $1100.00, allowance $350.0Q; No.5, Faribault Motor Sales:, Ford Sedan $1083.25, allowance $283..25; No. 69 Van Houdt MDtor Co., 1942 Pl~illouth $1141.50, allowance $385.00. The City Engineer was asked to tabulate the bids. o Communications:- Letter from Senator Shipstead stating that the W.P.A. had approved projects in the amount Qif $87! 761.00 was read; letter from Governor stassen Communications regtirding . blackou ts, was read; letter froll the OPM regarding priori ty on Cast Iron pipe was read; letter from Andrews Nursery Co. regarding planting at pumping station site was read~ o M.inutes of the last regular meeting or December 9th and special meeting or December 16th and special meating of December l8th were read and approved. C9C1rtZtfa: The following appli ca tions for Cigarette Licenses \"lara presen ted: Joseph Sulli- IlC(b,Jrj~(~:5 van, Henry Boevers, Luther Engelstad., Rexall Drug Store, W. J. Sower Grocery, B.F.O.E. Red Owl GrocerY$ Vailencour Grocery, H. Walsh, Max Thonet, Wilfred Thifrault, Hotel Faribault, RodewaJLd. Food Guild stores, F. J. Wassmund" Earl Poirier! Albin d. Nelson~ Ne E. Semac, W. Je Miller, Monica Rotel, A & P store, Chas. limy, Andrew J. Kellert o Wm. Abell at Elgin Cafe, John F. BrandenbergJ Van Houdt & Conklin, HarJld Ollhorf, 'Sommer Drug Storer Becker & Dwyert H. C. Buhman, J. J. Slezak, G. F. Orcutt, Bertrand illu~)hy, Kelly Davis, Rice County Oil CC.y H. H. ~berle" Ellis & Andrew~! Crystal Grocery, Jack Powell~ Minnde L. Birk, J. B. Hunt~ Wolf Food Market, Dice Gray, Gus N. BOQlsalis, E~.stling Grocery. Councilman Carlson moved that Andrew J. Keller be granted a license to sell o cigarettes. :1 were Councilman Carls(U1n,. Me Car thy , Wolf and Mayor Lyons. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf. On roll call those vo ting fraye ff Mr. Keller was excused o from voting. COlillcilman Carlson moved that all above n~ed applicants be granted licenses to .sell cigarettes. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc earthy and passed by unanimous i votee :j;jO Regular Meeting, Dec~ber 23rd, 1941. Auto car pOlicies of W. H. & Louise Karow and Insurance policy covering Christ- /~~,'ra~c~ mas street decorating were presented. Councilman Carlson moved that the policies /@.~~/ul/~~ .~ /74':; OtZ:nCf.~l7';..'~ ~ 0 ~ " /;;o!/C/C:5 ":Jolice Dept. Salaries Increased,. o be accepted a~d ordered filed, same having beerr approved as to manner and fonrr of execution by the Ci ty Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed bJT unaIllim.cuus vo tee A requisition for one fill of distillate from the Skelly Qil Company Wi8S pre- sented. Councilman Keller moved that the purchase be authorized. Motion was se- conded by Councilman Me Carthy anQ passed by unanimous vote. On mo tion of Counc'ilman Carlson, sec.onded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No", Al743 was :passed by unanimous vote. RESOLUTION NO. Al743. o Relative to Designa ting of Deposi tories for Ci ty of Fari baul t Funds. TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FARIBAULT DO RESOLVE:- o That the Security National Bank & Trust Company, The State Bank of Faribault, both a~ Faribault, Minnesota, anQ the Northwestern National Bank and Trust Company of Minneapolis, Minneso ta, be and they are hereby designated as the Deposi tortes of the City of Faribau~t, in which the Treasurer of the said City shall deposit and keep . ffio:ney until the first day of Janua:.ry 1943. 'TIle maximum amounts of the City funds that shall be kep t in each of said banks during said ~eTIn shall be the following:- Security National Bank & Trust Company $60~000..oo Sta te Bank of Fari baul t" Minnes(J).lta Northwestern National Bank & Trust Co. of Minneapolis ~ Minnesota Passed Dec~ber 23rd, 1941. Attest T. A. Mealia,City B~corder 15,000.00 35,000.00 John Je Lyona, Mayor. Mayor Lyons brought up the matter of a raise in salary for the Chief of Pclice and Patrolmen of $10.00 per month aIld a raise or :~15.00 per month for the Assistant Chier, namely L~ F. Ableman. He stated that the expenditures would be kept within o the budget by starting the raise as of January 1st, 1942. Councilman Carlson said that he thought other City Officials' salaries should be raised also. Councilman o Wolf' moved that the salaries of the Police Department personel be raised as re.- commended by the Mayor. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. General discussion followed on salary increases as of Janu.ary 1st. Councilman Keller moved that the salaries of the Firemen be ine;reased $10.00. per month beginning January 1st, 1942. lJotion was secorrded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Me Carthy moved that the salary or Francis Ford, Assistant Engineer, c be increased $25.00 per month. .Motion was secord..ed by Counci 1meen Wolf ana passed on the votes of Councilman Keller, Mc Carthy and Wolf. Councilman Carlson ~ and o Mayor Lyons voted ftnayett. During discussion of salary increases, Councilman Carlson inquired what depart- ments came under hilrr. The City Attorney ruled that the offices of City Treasurer, ';'rjl Regular Meeting, Tuesday, December 23rd~ 1941e ~n ----.-.---- I: II Ci ty Recorder, City Assessor, Fuel Commissioner and Market Master were under hiS' o juri sdi c tion. H !' Mayor Lyons stated that he had been talking to the officials of the League of Minnesota Municipalities and they had suggested that the City take up the matter of guarding R.R. Crossings, etc. with the Railroad and Warehouse COlmmission. General , discussion followed. The City Engineer returned with the tabulation or bid~. Councilmc~ Mc Carthy , moved that the Council go into executi ve session to consider bids~ Motion was se- conded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unantmous vote. Each bidder present was in- o ,t::b If~ e terviewed separately. The Council reconvened. Councilman Keller moveQ that the bid of Lockwood Chev- ~ ('....Cr rolet be accepted, that the check of the successful bidder be retain~~ until delivery ~ I .~rch~~~d was made arwd car accepted, and checks of unsuccessful bidclers rettirrred II Motion was !i seconded by Councilman Wol~. On roll call those voting Ita,yetl were Councilman Keller, Me Carthy, Wolf and Mayor Lyons, ftnayetl, Councilman Carlson. Motion was carriede The monthly report of the City Assessor for November was presented. COllilCil- man Carlson moved that the report be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was secon- l31/1~ ded by Councilman Keller and p~ssed by unanimous votee 'I'he following bills were presen ted for payment ~-Water Dept. Payroll $104.15, Ray Ponto $4..20, H. '\7. Graunke $35.00:, Gust Kitzman $2.00, Beth Condon $23.40J Labor Fuel Dept. $46.40, Snow Removal Payroll $167.70, Westerman Lumber Ca. $308.22~ Li- brary Accts. $438.71, Street Dept. Payroll $924.58, Labor Water Dept. $99.20., C.R..I. & P. Ry. $4.15, Labor Fuel Dept. $48.24, L. F. Ableman ~i?65, Police Dept.. Payroll ~20~OO, Oscar Fladland $l9.25, PaYIDOll Engineer's Offioe ~30l..00, Street Dept. Pay- roll $378.35, Beth Condon $16.40, Labor Water Dept. $88..60, Labor Wel Dept. $14.70, Tri State Tel~ & Tel. Co. $77.35, Fred G. Degen Agency $76.00. Councilman Carlson o moved that the bills be allQwed~ Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed by um.mimous vote. o Councilman. Carlson moved that the Council meet in special session on Monday December 29th, 1941., at 7: 30 p.m.. ta' consider "Off Salett Liquor License applications and applications for Cigarette licellses@ Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Coun~ibrran Carlson reported on a meeting af the W.P.A. Planning Board. He said that there were 216 men in the County on -W.P.A. j 127 employed on Count~7 projects, 7l on City projects and 18 on various work. He said. that the County projects were about completed and that they wished to have the City take over these nen. General o discussion of W.P.A. projects ensued. Councilman Carlson reported on the alley in Bl~)>ck 45 back of Kresge's Store ,giving the tax value of the land in the alley., The City Attorney discussed the o matter and suggested that the Counci1 allow the City Engineer to check over the ,matter with hbn. The matter was left to the City Attorney. Councilman Keller inquired regarding the bridge in to Tep ee Tonka Park. The City Engineer stated that he had received a copy of a letter that the Highway Department ~ff"" '-' i;JU {;J Reglilar Meeting December 23rd! 1941. had sent to the W.P.A. stating that the Highway Departmen.t haci the materials. and . OCC~ -- , ,"""_ ..-.h__~..r ,---r,~___c { ~-.....r '7 ~- co/kc? .~~-' ,-~. /' [,4?OlrS cto/- '(!:ounc,l I ,iCbc--"'.... were ready to start as soon as the Works Progress Adm..made the assignments. o Councilman Wolf reported that Mrs. B:.yer was willing to sign the easement for tha construc tion of 20~( Water Main across her property when the Third Avenue East Street vacation was completed. The matter was referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney. Ivlayor Lyons brought up the matter of garbage collection. General discusaion followed. Councilman Keller moved that an informal meeting be arranged witrr the garbage collectors, the Council and the Health Officer on January 12th, 1942 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf a~d passed by unanimous votea ~ The City Engineer Reported that the Superintendent of the l~A Shop at Winona had sent a bill for materials; for a washing tank for the Municipal garage. Council- D man Wolf movea. that the Ci t~i Engineer be authorized to make the necessary purchases. Motion was seconded by Councilman Mc Carthy and passed b~r unanimous vote. The City Engineer said. tha t as there was a shortage of paper stock, he thought it would be advisable to order necessary forms printed at this time. Councilman .Me Carthy moved that the City Engineer and City Recorder be a'J.thorize~ to order the necessary forms printed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson and passed by unanimous vote. The City Attorney reported that the County had approved the bill for Poor Re- lief for the Year 1935 in the amount of $3~833.79. CouLlcilm8.1'l Carlson reported that he had viewed. various chairs at the Miller Davis show rooms and des,cri bed the cons truction in general and gave prioes. Councilman Wolf moved ta! adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carlson ffi'ld passed by unanimous vote. o dc;;:~--~ e T. A. Mealia, City Recorler. Approved January 13th! 1942.. /) C) --/ ~A fL4 "~/,1 fJOhn J. yyons(rMayoro o () o 1) P,..;.,"fA ;)Ut) Special Meeting, Monday, December 29th, 1941, 7:30 p.m. o () o o o o o ~ _.4 ~='/ 9C1.rtZ17tZ .1/ C; tZ~:?tZ..7 i I ~ The Council of the City of Faribau1t met in special session in the Council Cham- I I ber at the City Hall on Monday, the 29th day of December, 1941, at 7:30 p.m., to con- i' ~ sider applications for "Off Sale't Liquor and Cigarette Licenses:. 1he meeting' was called to order by President Lyons. On roll call those present were Councilman Carl- i Ii K . ': son, reller, Mc Car thy , Wolf and Mayor Lyons, also the 01 ty Attorney. The following applications for Cigarette Licenses were presented:- J. E. Smith, i A. J. Kroska, Gus Kou tavas" N&tional Tea Food Store, Everett Nusbaum, Emil Peterson" 'A. J. Vogelsberg & Sons, Castle Hamburger, A. JJ. Paulso,n, Modern Cafe, Hurryback, Ale Jasinski, Central Liquor Store, Milton 03 Umbreit~ R. C. Umbreit, V. Chappuie & Son, E. H. Bosshart, Ralph Van Ryn, Thos. G. Matakis, G. T. Payant~ Holmes A. Swenson, H. F. Smallidge, L. E. CampbelL Councilman Carlson moved tha t Cigarette Licenses be gran ted the above named applicants,. Motion was seconded l::y Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous: vote. - ~/p,%?i~ The following applications for "Off Sale" Liquor Licenses, together vii th bonds ,j/f~or" , were presented:- Gervase T. Payant, Holmes A. Swenson, Christopher Schuehle, F:ranci~ . ~/~~/'?~~5, Bartley and Albert St. Martin, Earl J. Poirier, Bertrand J. Murphy, and Michael En- · dres. Councilman Me Carthy moved tha t "Off Salet~ Liquor Licenses be granted to the above applicants, their applieations and bonds havil~ been approved as to manner and form of executioln by the the City Attorney.. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wolf and passed by unanimous vote. Councilman Wolf moved to adjourn. : and pas sed by unanimous vo te. Moti.on 't'Jas seconded by Councilman Carlson do ...?;R-:- """ ~- Te A. Mealia, City Recorder. '!Approved January 13th, 1942.. ~"{.iJ ;;. ~/U~~/ J-Q,i~ ..r:-Ly#ns ,~ayor.