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Regular Meeting, Tuesday, January 12th, 1937~ Eight O'clock p.m.
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The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 12th day of January, 1937, at eight o'clock p.in.
CQuncilman Emge, Gay, Eeller, Lyons and Mayor Turner were present. The meeting was
called to order by President Turner.
The minutes of the last regular meeting of December 22nd, 1936, wer~ read and
with the following
approved! correction:-!tB. -1'1. Covlperthwai te, L. E. ,J. IiIabbott and their attorneyfl' should
read a:p.d "their Engineer".
- IIayo:r 'I'urner asked the City Attorney to read the proposed ordinance granttng a
franchise to the Northern States Power Company. - L. E. J. hLabbott and C. ',1. Bade:, re-
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FRAi\}.cH ISE:: presentatives of the Northern States Power Cornpany were presented. Councilman Gay
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asked the City Attorney if the franchise would be an exclusive proposition. Tl'e City
Attorney stated that the franchise would grant the Northern States Power Compar.y the
righ t to use the Ci ty streets and alleys to construct, enlarge and maintain a <iis-
tri bu tion system for furnishing electrical energy and that the Ci ty wQ.;uld not lose
the right t.o construct a plant and. system or grant a franchise to anothe.r compE.ny
at any time, and that the citizens or the Northern states Power Company could Ieti-
tion for hearings to lower or raise the rates. Gouncilman Lyons asked if the Com-
pany would make the same e:1.'1Jendi tures if granted. a five year franchise a.s they would
if gr~~ted a fifteen year franchises 1~. Mabbott and I~r. Bade explained that the
expenditures on the system Wai't{;tLt H md<< to give service to its consumers woulo. be
the same, but the expendi tures on permanent improvements would not be as large if
granted a five year franchise. President Turner asked the representatives how
long a term the Northern states Power Company wanted a franchise for.~~. MabbDtt
replied that they wanted it for fifteen years, the same length of tirrJ.e a.s granted.,
by Mankato and st. Cloud. A letter from the Workers Alliances was read protesting
the granting of a franchise to the Northern States Power Company because it was' un-
just and un:fair to grant a monoply to any company. Councilman Lyons said that he
was in favor of granting a franchise for five years aild that if the Council were in
he thought
favor of granting a longer term. franchise,jthe matter should be held up until the
citizens could vote on the question at the Spring Election. Councilman Emge asked
if the rate schedule would to into effect if a franchise were not grante~. ~~~ Bade
replied that if a fr&1chise we~e not granted the new rate schedule would not go into
effect. Comj.cilman Gay stated that the s,aving to more than two thousand COnSUTtl€rS
would amount to more than the cost of an election and that petitions could be filed
demanding a vote. Councilman Gay moved that a term of ten years. be specified in the
proposed ordin~ce and that Ordinance No. Al63, An Ordinance Granting to the
Northern States Power Company, Its Successors and .Assigns, the Right to' Construct,
Own, Enlarge, Maintain and Operate in the Ci ty of Fari baul t, Minnesota, A Pla..Tlt for
Distribution and Furnishing of Electrical Energy within said city, be placed on its
first reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge. 011 roll calL Councilman
Emge, Gay, Keller and lIayor Turner voted rTaye'''. Councilman Lyons voted "naye" \
stating that he favored granting the franchise for five years as above ITBntioned.
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Motion was carried. The Ordinance was then read as ordered.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for the purpose of hearing rea-
sons for or against the granting of "Off Salen Liquor Licenses "to the following
applicants;- Holmes A. Swenson, C. SChuehle, D. D. Counghlin, Michael Endres, L.L.
HOff Selen
Liquor L1cense,sLindenberg, Gervase Payant and Albert St. Martin and Geo. Bartley. No one appetn"ed.
Granted. that the hearing be closed,
Councilman Emge moved/that !tOff Salell Liquor licenses be granted the ~bove named
applicants, and that the bonds, having been approved as to manner and form of exe-
cu tion by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed. IVlotion was seconded by
Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
ft .An application from Holmes A. Swenson to transfer his "Off SaleH Liquor
Holmes A. Swen-License from 322 Central Avenue North to 318 Central Avenue North and a letter from
sen change ot
Location his bonding company approving the change were prasented. Councilman Gay moved that
Mr. Swenson be allowed to transfer his nOf'f Saleft Liquor Licen:;'e as requested.. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
The following applications for Auto Car Licenses were pres:ented:- W. H. and
Louise Karow (3), Leslie Workman, Anton H. Polzin, Ronald Savoie, ClarJ.r Rosenthal,
AU to Car and Vernon Fliehler, A. F. 1<Ilc In tyre (2.) Herm.an Gudknech t. Application of the Fari-
Bo~ling Alley
L~censes bault Bowling Ass'n. to operate a Bowling Alley at the Faribault Hotel was presented.
Councilman Gay moved that licenses be granted to the above applicants~ excepting
A. F. Mc Intyre and Herman Gudknecht, whose policies had not been approved. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Lyons and passed unanDrrously.
Elmer Piquette and J. H. Sandlie appeared before the Council in r~gard to
having the street department haul the snow away from their filling stations. The
City Attorney said that the City could not legally remove the ;:;now frcm private
property. Councilman Gay said that he would have the snow hauled away which was
Au tQ Car
shoveled from the street sidewalk only unless the Council took action.
Public Liability Auto Car policies of Anton H. Polzin, Vernon A Fliehler and
Ronald L. Savoie were presented. On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Council-
man Keller, the policies, having been approved as to manner and form of execution
by the City .Attorrrey, were accepted and ordered. filed, unanimously.
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Fowler street from Fr~rcis to Lind Street,
signed b~{ Frank G. Conklin, Geo.. r~.. Elliott, M. Sellner for Sellner Mfg., Co.., Frank
Peti tion J. Lenway and Catherine Webster was presented. Councilman Gay IT'oved tt'.at the City Re-
Fowler Street corder be authorized and directed to advertise a public hearing on the above petition
to be held at the regular meetin.g of February 23rd, 1937, at eight 0 'r.lock p.m. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
The following reports of City Officials were presented:- City TJ"easurer, Louise
Thonet, City Recorder~ L. E. Zuehlke, City Enginer, I.F. Smith, City Physician
Horman Lande, Chief of Police, David C. Shifflett, Chief of Fire Dept. l\I~ S. !',lorgan
monthly and annual, Overseer of Poor E. E. Aberle, LIar};:et Master ii'red Mathis,. Clerk
City Recorder's report to
of Municipal Court Rose V. Dillon, Carl Hansen Dairy Inspector and/Superintendent
of acco'lUlts and finances in the amount of ~6,657..92. Gouncilmar. Lyons moved that
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the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by COWlcilman Feller
and passed unanimously.
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The fOllowing bills were presented:- T. A., Mealia. $lOO.OO, Library SalarJ:es
for December, 1936 :;$551.66, Geo. Day ~~19.20, T. A. Mealia $108.00, Alvir, Hoover
$25.47, Earl Pofahl. ~715.61, Alvin Gloe :;~18.o6, John Hackett ~ll.05, Laber Water Dept"
$80.40,. Bell & Zoller Coal Company $248.69, Labor Water Dept. $87.60, Fe-rd. Du~hene
~17.99, Earl Pofahl $16.31, Vernon Fliehler ~9.07, Skating Rink Labor ~7.00, G~o.
Day $22.40, Labor li1ater Dept. (?87..60, Chas. Morgan ~$6.87, John Hackett ~~17 .01, Ro-
bert Larkin ~)4.25, Kenneth Lee ~~4.50, L. E" Alm $6..00. Councilman Lyons moved that
the bills be allowed. Motion was seconded by Counci lman Leller and pas:;:ed unanimously.
Bill.s from the County of Rice for old age pensions in the amount of ~780.oo
and care of City of Fari bau! t residents at Rice COW1-QJ Poor Farm in the amount of
~597.88 were presented. No action was till:en.
Councilman Emge moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to ad-
Hearing on
"On Saleu
vertise a public hearing on nOn Salett Liquor License applications, to be; held en the
26th day of January, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m& in the Council Chamber at the City
:,Iotion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
A deed executed by Andrew B. Larson and Serina B. Larson, and Gus N. and Mary
STREET lOT,) Boosalis in favor of the City of' Faribaul t covering certain strips of land in Audi-
Auo. PkA1 fl, torrs Plat No.1 of the SW 1/4 of Section 19-110-20t was presented. The City
c::>W~- ''3-110-201 Attorney siad that if the City accepted this property, they might be lie,ble for
street improvements there. He suggested that the above owners deed the rroperty to
abutting property owners. The !1atter was referred to the City Attorney for further
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An invitation from the League of Minnesota Municipalities inviting the Council
Hotel, st. Paul, on Friday, January 15th, was read. The Council agreed to have as
many of its members attend as possible, because important legislative matters were
MLJN- (LoN F.. to attend the biennial Legislative Conference of the League to be held ~t the Lowry
coming up for discussion.
Counci~an Gay said that he thought the Council should go on record as oPJosing
state owned and opereated liquor stores, state tax on natural gas, and favoring the
establishing of a police court.. The Council expressed themselves in favor of the
suggestions but no official action w~s taken.
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Councilman Gay asked authorization to purchase an oil burner for the sewer
steamer at a cost of approximately 065.00, exclusive of installation. Counciln'an
51r:{-\(:,~R Emge moved that Councilman Gay be authorized to make the above purchase. I,Ioticn was
seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanimously.
Chief of the Fire Department, :d. S. Morgan, appeared before the COWlcil 8Ld
said that the inch and one half hose which was used for inside work was twelve years
old and had deteriorated to a point where it was not usable and said that a hurdred
feet were needed at a cost of about $65.00. Councilman Gay moved that Council1ran
be authorized
Eeller/to purchase the hose. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge ancl passe<5, unani-
In regard to
from C. G. 1,'1.
R.H. Co.
at Fair
Grounds for
..:.i. letter was read from the Chicago Great ;;lestern R.R. Co. addres::ed to the
Ci ty Engineer spec ifying certain requirements which the City 'would have to agree
sanitary sewer pipe and
to before easements would be gr811ted to lay/storm sewer pipe beneath their tracks
in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets and in Third Avenue Northwest. Councilman Emge
moved that the Ci ty Engineer be inst:ructed to write the Chicago Great i'lestern R.R.
Co. that they would meet with their requirem.ents and to ask the H.R. Co. to forward
the easements. fuotion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Id. S. 1forgan, Chief of the Fire Department, said that County Corrnrissioner Thos..
F. Donohue had asked him whether or not the buildings nou located on tile Rice Co.
Faribault Grounds had fire protection and whether or not the bQilding~ the Board
proposed building would be protected. ~~. loorgan said that he informed 1~. Donohue
that the department did not have sufficient hose to protect the outl~ring bu.ildings.
Coune ilman Lyons moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded bJi- Counci lman Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke
City Recorder.
Approved January 26th,
G. W.
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Regular ~eeting, Tuesday, January 26th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
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Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in th.e Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 26th day of January, 1937, at oight o'clock
p.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, heller, Lyons and Mayor Turner were present. The meeting
was called to order by President Turner. Minutes of the last regular meeting of
January l2th, 1937, were read and approved.
B. W. cgwperthwaite, L. E. J. Mabbott, and C. ~J. Bade and Charles N. Sayles,
representati ves of the Northern States Power Company were present at the meeting.
The Mayor said that if the Council wished, the proposed ordinance granting the
Northern States Power Company a franchise, could be placed on its secone', reading
and amended, but it could not be passed until thirty days after its fir~t readi.ng.
Councilman Gay moved that Ordinance Ho. Al63, An Ord~nance Granting to the Northern
States Power Company, Its Successors and Assigns~ the Right to Construct, Own, En-
large, l~aintain and Operate in the City of Faribault, ~finnesota, A Plant for Dis-
tribution and Furnishing of Electrical Energy within said City, be placed on its
second reading. 1.10 tion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanimous~.y.
The application of L. L. Lindenberg to transfer his liquor license from No. 12
~pplication Fourth Street Northwest to No. 325 Central Avenue North was presented. COlli!cilman
to. transfer Gay moved that L. L. Lindenberg be allowed to transfer his license from No., l2 Fourth
street NVv to No. 325 Central Avenue North, a letter fram his bonding conpany having
been read approving the transfer6 Motion was seconded by CouncilIaan Emge and passed
unanimousl y.
~pplication Application of L. L. Lindenberg to operate a fire sale at No. 325 Central Avenue
L. L. Lindenberg
~ operate was presented. Councilman Emge moved that the license be granted. Motion was se-
f~re sale.
Section 7.
conded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
The City Attorney said that he had been studying Ordinance No. Al63 and that
Section No. 7 should be amended. He then read the Ordinance by sections as ordered.
Councilman Gay moved that Section 7 be amended to read as follows:- Section 7. This
Ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten days from and after its passage,
approval and publication thereof in the official newspaper of said City, unless
\~thin ten days there shall be presented to the Council a petition of the electors
protesting against the passage thereof, as provided by section 103 of the Charter
of the City of Faribault, and its acceptance by the Grantee, as hereinbefore pro-
vided. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed u~anilliously. A deleg~tion
from the Worker's Alliance headed by R. L. Carver asked the Council how long a time
they would have in which to file petions to bring the ordinance to the vote of the
people. He was informed that they ITould have ten days in which to file such p~ti-
tion after the passage of the ordinance.
"Fursuant to advertising, 0. hearing was called for the purpose of hearing rea-
sons for or against the granting of !tan Sale" Liquor Licenses :- i~. R. Ollhoff, .John
Harold Kennedy, Albert B. Jasinski, Herbert Kahn and Luther H. Ranum, Hotel Faribault,
Kelly F. Davis, Gus Koutavas, Lawrence E. Campbell, Tessie walluege, B.P.G.E. Jl166 ,
the ten liquor dealers nQW in business, and John W. Schul. tz. As only ten "On Sale"
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Policies &
1I.c cep ted.
"Liquor Licenses c::m. be granted in ci ties of the Third Class and as no complaints
have been made regarding the ten applicants now in business, Councilman Gay moved
that the hearing be closed w1d licenses granted to the ten dealers now in business,
their bonds having been approved as to manner and form of executiQn by the City
Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed. lJotion was seconded by Councilman Emge
and passed unanimously.
The following applications for auto-car licenses uere presented:- Francis
Dring, Harry Schllllinelpfenig, Alvin Hoover, Fred Drager, Oscar Kuntze, ~l. F. ~c In-
tyre (2) and Herman Gudknecht. Councilman Emge moved that the licenses be granted.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanimously.
Public Liability Auto-car policies of Alvin Hoover and A. F. IJc Ir.tyre, Fire
Insurance Policies covering the warming houses at skating rinks and the contents of
the fire station and fire sale bond of L. L. Lindenberg were presented. On motioin
of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Lyons, the insurance policies and bond,
having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the C:ty Attorney TIera
accepted and ordered filed unanimously.
The following bills were presented:- Geo. Day ~38.40, Earl Pofahl 04.27, Al~
vin Hoover $145.03, John Hackett 09.70, Vernon Fliehler Qlo.60, Bell & Zoller Coal
Co. $111.96, Fero. Duchene ~17.86, .John Wall. ~2..50, George Llor:cis Q2.50, George
I10rke 02.50, Labor Water Department {j75.00, Heury Beneke B6.oo, Library Accounts
$341.68, Robert Larkin 05.00, Labor Water Dept. 063.75, John Mullin $3.60, Christ
Anderson el5.61, John HacI{ett $6. 35~ Robert Peter $l6.94, Clarence Ki tzrrJ.an ~j9 .20,
street Department payroll ~768.94, Lyle Signs, Inc. $101.57~ Chicago Great ~estern
R.R. Co. 0579.42, T~i State Tel. & Tel. Company $49.60. Councilman Lyo~s moved that
the bills be allowed. lillJtion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanililouS-
Councilman Gay reported that DortiQns of sidewalks abutting property owned by
the followinG property OVfners had been condemned and the necessGxy repairs made;-
Mrs.. E. A. Bremer,52.l 1st Avenue northwest; I.i.ary E. Ford, 326 'Ihird Avenue Southwest,
Sidewalk Jane Purringto\n, 916 Division Street East; Laul Estate, 401 Central ,~venue; Chas. S.
Confirmed. Batchelder, 420 Second Street Northwest; Hannah U. Thompson, Est. 610 second street
Northv;Jest~ The Council agreed that the Gi ty aSSl1l11e the cost of repairi.ng the Jane
Furringto~ sidewalk because the sidewalk was put in under City superviEion and did
not stand up. Councilman Keller moved that the above condemnatiQns be confirmed.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
5EO\l"'E!,>gTATIO~\ COW1cilme.n Emge moved that the Oi ty Engineer be authorized and directed to pro-
\'f\NL. PlAN':' cure plans and specifications, together wi th an estimate of total cost, for the con-
struction of a \Jm. Sa Hewett type water sedimentation tank with a capacfty of one
million gallons. Motion was seconded by CounciLman Gay and pass~d unanimouEly.
Councilm~ Emgesaid that the Council had been invited to attend a program spon-
sered by the local plumbers at which time the state Health Department w::uld show
pictures and slides on plumbing and sanitation2 to be held after tile me~ting of
I February 9th. 1937.
DUES ,I The Mayor said that the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers .Association dues
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were due nou and asked authorization to pay the dues of the Police Department. P2;
said that any members of the Council who uished to r 6'new their membarship could
turn in their dues to the City Treasurer and it uould be sent in with th~ dues ct
the Police Department. Councilman Keller moved that the above authorization be
granted. UDtion was seconded by Counci~an Gay and passed unanimously.
Mayor Turner said that he and Councilman Lyons and Gay had attended the Legisla-
tive Meeting of the League of Minnesota I&micipali ties held in Minneapolis Janu'1ry
15th. He said that the meeting had a large attendance and was very successful. He
t I Ji ~IClpAlITIE"::; also said that the principal matters of discussion were liquor and 3.2 b'?er lic'?nse
l"'egulations. 'rhe 11a.yor also reported that the Charity Ball netted about ~325.0C)
and much credit was/to the committee for the success of the llnQertaking. He said
CA'-'- FoR.
that the money is to be turned into the fund for the sewing project.
Councilman Lyons moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by CouncilnF'\TI. Emge and
passed unanimously.
Approved February 9th, 1937.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder~
c. \V.
Turne r , Mayor
Special tJeeting, Monday, February 1st, 1937, 7:30 p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham-
bers at the Cit;y Hall on 1Ionday, the 1st day of February, 1937 at 7:30 p.m. Conncil-
man Emge, Ga.y, Keller aDd Mayor Turner were present. Councilman Lyons was absent on
account of being absent from town.
The meeting was called to 0 roer by President Turner who ste. ted that the purpos e
of the meeting was to discuss advertising for materials to be used on a Sanitary
Interceptor Uain as the application for TI.P.A. labor had been approved.
After a discussion with the City Engineer during which the use of different
materials was explained, Counci~an Emge moved that the City Recorder be authorized
and directed to advertise for bids on the following materials:- approximately
17,000 board feet of pine and fir lumber, l,b50 lineal feet of 24 inch N:). 1 double
strength vitrified sewer pipe, 60 lineal feet of 48 inch 10 gauge corrugated metal
culvert pipe, all materials to conform to specifications on file in the office of
the City Engineer, to be opened and considered by the Council of the Cit~ of Fari-
bault in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 9th day of'February,
1937i at eight o'clock p.m. Uotion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unani-
mous y.
Councilman Emge moved to adjourn. tbt10n was seconded by Councilman Keller
and passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, C~ty Recorder
~pproved February 9th, 1937.
C. VI. Turner, Mayor
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Re[:;u.lar ldeeting, February 9th, 1937, Tuesday, at Eight 0 'clock p.m.
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The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council
Chamber at the City Rall on Tuesday, the 9th day of February, 1937. Councilman Emge,
Gay, Keller, Lyons and 11ayor Turner Vlere present.
The meeting was called to order by President Turner. 1Iinutes of the last re-
gular meeting, Ja:L1.uary 26th, and Special Heeting February lst, were read and approved.
F'ursua.11t to advertising, bids were ceLlled for on the following materials:
, approximately 17,000 board feet of pine and fir lum.ber, 1,650 lineal feet of 24
inch No.1 double strength vitrified sewer pipe, 60 lineal feet of 48 inch 10 gauge
corrugated metal culvert pipe. The following bids were receive1:- On lumber;
Botsford Lumber Company ~;842.33; Independent Lumber Co. ~826.20; Lampert Yards
0771.50; H. E. Westerman Lumber Co. 0831.10, E. M. Leach & Sons Lumber Co. 07l3.l7;
On vitrified SeTIer Pipe, Botsford Lumber Co. $3,l15.95, Indepe~1ent Lumber Yards
$3,115.90, Larapert Yards \1>2929.5Q, H. E. rJesterman LUDlber Co. $2,939.40, E. M. Leach
and Sons $2,945.73; On Culvert Pipe, Lyle Culvert & Ptpe Company $699.20, H. V.
Johnston Culvert Co. $658.20. The City Engineer was instructed to tabulate the bids.
Public Liability iJ.Uto Car Policy covering the Street Department Buick Truck,
Fire Insurance/covering the street department garage and shed lfu. 4, and Fire Sale
of Edward E. Evans were presented. On motion of Councilman Lyons, seconded by Coun-
cilman Keller, the bond and insurance policies having been approved as to manner
and form of execution by the City Attorney, were accepted and ordered filed by unani-
mous va te of the Council on roll call.
Applications of Jesse Rassmussen for il.uto Car License, Edvmrd E. Evans for Fire
Sale License and of Elm.er E. Evans to' transfer his 3.2 Beverage License to L:. S.
Jacobson were presented. Councilman Emge moved that the above licenses be granted.
hbtion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimous~y.
The following monthly reports of city officials uere presented and read:-
City Treasurer Louise Thonet, City Recorder L. E. Zuehlke, Ci~J Engineer I.F. Smith~
City Phys1c~e~ Norman Lende, Chief of Police D8 C. Shifflett, Chief of Fire Dept.
LI. 3. Liorgan, Overseer of Poor E.E. Aberle, liarket Easter Fred Mathis, Secretary of
Library Board, K. I. Cole, Clerk of Uunicipal Court, Rose V. Dillon, Dairy Inspec-
tor Carl Hansen: City Recorder's report to Superintendent of Accounts and Finances
in the amount of ~5,809.82. Councilman Lyons moved that the rep~rts be accepted and
ordered filed, .idotion was seconded by Councilman lCeller and passed unanimously.
The folloning bills \'lere presented:- Labor \"later Department $69.60, Ferd Du-
chene ~j18. 59, Alvin Hoover e;115.32, John Hacl:ett ~)5.82., Vern Fliehler ~l>3..85,
Libr~ Salaries for January $551.66, Geo. Day ~4l.60, Albert Eelling t25.20, Robert
Larl~in $4-50, Labor Uater Department ~52. 50, JohL. Llu11in $3.60, Clarence Robinson
~34.30, Street Department Payroll ~507.71. COllilcilman Gay moved that the bills be
allowed8 Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed. unanimously.
11. petition signed by fifty four citizens of Faribault requesting that :LIr. C.E.
: Anderson be granted a 3.2 non-intoxicating Malt Beverage License was rresented. l~~.
Anderson was present at the meeting anc1 Hayor Turner informed him that the granting
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C. E. An-of. this license after his first license had been revoked had been held up for inves-
License tigation. The City Attorney said that it was not contrary to the ordinance to grant
lir. Anderson another license. Councilman Keller 1~ved that the license b? granted
and that the place of business be kept under police observation. LIotion was s6'"\onded
by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge said that a Sanita17 Sewer had been constructed on Reed Avqnue
outlet of the through
and that the/sewer had been laid I ' Mrs. Rhoda Sam's lots, but that L~s. Sam was be-
Assessment ing assessed for her frontage benefited only, because she had given the City an ease-
Reed Ave.
Sanitary ment to pass through her property. Councilman Emge moved that Mrs. Sam be assessed
for benefits on her frontage Gnly and. that the city absorb the cost of the outlet.
LIotion \'1as seconded by Councilman Lyons and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the next reguler meeting of the Council b~ held on
\.{ednesday, the 24th day of February, 1937. ~\:Iotion was seconded by Councilman Lyons
and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the rate for sprinkling for the 1936 seas')n be s~t at
~~. 06 per foot. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lyons Iilld passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to adver-
to LIake
Assessmentsnew, replacement and repair of sideualks at numerous locations, sanitary sewers, and.
tize a public hearing on making assessments covering the cost of Tarvia Surfacing,
Flushing and Sprinkling for the 1936 season, to be held on the 24th day of February,
1937 at eight 0 'clock p.m. rilotion was seconded by Councilman Emge and p8.ssed unani-
mous ly .
Councilman Gay moved that the city Recorder be authorized wld directed to ~ead-
vertise the hearing on Tarvia Surfacing on Fowler Street from Lind to Francis streets
as the regu:lar meeting/of February 23rd was changed to February 24th. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay said that he understood that there was an agreement between the
City of Faribault and the Town of \lells which stipulated that the City was to m""in-
tam Western Avenue South from the Mill and the Town of Wells, that portion of ~7es-
tern Avenue north of the ~ll. He said that he had received re~uests from the r?sidents
north of the Mill to open the road. The Ci ty i\.ttomey was instructed. to wTi te the
Clerk of the Town of Wells regarding the matter.
Councilman Keller said. that the Red Cross rooms at the Post Office building
uere being taken over by the Soil COl1servatianists and that the Red Cross was looking
for a new location and had asked for quarters in the south half of the City Hall.
Councilman Emge moved that Councilmc.n KelJ..er be authorized to grant the Red Cross
Red Cross permission to have their quarters in the south half of the C-i ty Hall wi tIl the un-
Permission ~derstanding that they are to vacate the space imIDediately on the request of the Coun-
to loc ate in!
Sou th HaIf Ic.il, if the City were in need of the room. Motion was seconded by Councilma.Ji1l Gay and
Ci ty Hall. I
Ipassed unanimously.
I M. S. Morgan, Chief of the Fire Department, was present at the meeiing ant said
I that a new hot water heater ViaS needed at the :?ir6 Ha~~ and that he had r6cei ved
: c........
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H~1 I V ATE I<:: a quotation on a new one from F'.J. Ga1.lagher and Sons. of ;;54.00. Councilman Gay
HEATE ~- FI ~E moved that Councilman heller be authorized to purchase a lleTI heater at a cost of
IfA,l-!~ not to exceed c.55.0Q. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lyons find passed unanimously.
llayor Turner called a recess to consider ti1e bids. Jll~ter a short recess, the
meeting was called to order by President Turnar. Councilman Emge moved that the
bid of E. i.1. Leech &:. Sons L1.ll11ber Co. on 17,000 boar6. feet of pine and fir lumber
<' L - I .~
at a total cost ~2.,9'45.73, the bid of Lara.pert Yards on 1,650 lineal feet of 24u
Acceptance of No.1 DS vitrified sewer pipe at a cost of $2,929.50, the bid of H.V$ Johnston
Bids. Culvert Co. on 60 lineal feet of 48n 10 gauge corrugated metal ~ulvert pipe v'lith
jacking service at a cos t of ~658..20, be accepted con.tingent to the execution of
the easement from the Chicago Great l.lestern F\.R. Co. pe:r.mittine; the City to construct
Sanitary Sewer beneath their tracks ana_ along their right-of-war', and that the
certified checks of the successful bidders be held in lieu of surety bonds until the
materials are delivered. Motimn was seconded by Councilman Lyons and passed ~~ani-
me usly .
Councilman Lyons moved that this meeting be adjourned until February 11th, 1937
at eight or clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Approved February 24th,
L. E. Zuehlke, Ci ty R8corder.
C. W. Turner, Mayor.
Adjourned 1ileeting, 'llhursday, the 11th day of FebruarJT, J.937 , Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council 01' the City of Fari baul t met in the Counci 1 Gh8ltlber at the 01 ty
t:..LEC1 RlC
F~f\NC.H' ;c:
lIall on Thursday, the 11th day of February, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m. Councilman
Emge, Gay, Keller, Lyons and I,Iayor Turner Vlere present. The adjourned meeting of
0120, 6t\lG3
February 9th was called to order by President Turner, to complete the unfinishOd,
B. W. Co\",rperthwaite, C. \1. Bade and Charles H. Sayles representing the lJor-
THtRO REACJlNU thern States Power Company were present at the meeting. Councilman Gay moved that
Ordinance No. Al63, An Ordinance Granting to the :Northern Staten Power Company, Its
Successors and Assigns, the Right to Construct, Own, Enlarge, Maintain and Operate
in the City of Faribault, Idi Il1J!.eso ta, 11 Plant for Distribution and Furnishing of
Electrical Energy vdthin said City, be placed on its third reading. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman I~ller and passed tmanimously. The Ordinance uas then read by
sectio'ns. There being no amenc!Iaents, on the question "Shall this Ordinance pass?"
the follouing voted ffayen, Councilman Emge, Gay, Kel.ler and. Mayor Turnnr. Council-
man Lyons voted "nayetl e rJotion was carried and the Ci ty Record~r authorized and
directed to cause same to be published in the official paper on February 13th, 1937.
<:'.Gt W. R R.,
EM f- M E: N I
5A~. ,~EW~~
.An easement from the Chicago Grea t',Jestern H.R.. Co. permitting t1'9 Ci ty to
construct Sanita~J Sewer along their right-of-way and tmderneath their tracks, was
presented for the I.layor I s signature. Councilman Gay moved that Mayor Turner be au-
thorized to sign the easement, same having been approved by the City i!.ttorney as to
fODn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unilllimously.
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Cou~cilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to a1-
vertise for bids on the following materials to be used in the constructicn of storm
.~ Sewers, all materials to conform. to sp ecif'ications on file in the office of the Ci ty
Engineer, who will supply proposal blanks TIhich shall be used in submi ttj.ng bidro, to
!be opened at the next regular meeting, 1,Jednes9.ay, the 24th day of February, 1937 at
eight orclock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City HalJ.:- Approxiraately l8,6L1.0 board
Advertise feet of Fir and Norway Pine Lumber, Approximately 2,128 lineal feet of 24 inch r~in-
StOI'IIl . forced concrete pipe, Appro:ximately 500 lineal feet of 18 tt pipe, ei ther reinforced
I,laterials. concrete or vitrified clay, approximately 340 lineal feet of 15" vi trifie.d clay pipe,
approximately 2,272 lineal feet of 12ft vitrified clay pipe, approxim.ately 40 lir~al
feet of 48ft 10 gauge pure iron corrugated culvert pipe, including jackine; operation,
approximately 3,000 concrete blocks for manhole conatruction, approximately 22 man-
hole castings complete with covers, approximately 30 storm-water inlet castings o~
various types. Lbtion was seconded by CounciLman Lyons and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the City Engineer be authorized to purchase appr~xi-
mately ;~535.00 worth of Oakum and not to exceed i:~;2.40.00 Vlorth 0 f joining compounc. to
be used in construction of Sa:..fli tary Sewer interceptor liain. Llotion VIaS seconded by
Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Lyons moved to adjounr. Motion was seconded by Councilmen Emge and
passed tmantmously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved February 24th,
C. W. Turner, Mayor
,'~;, ~
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(:"',J u
Regular I'iIeeting, \/ednesday, February 24th, 1937, Eight 0' clocl=: p.m.
- ---- - -- --- -- -
Fowler St.
Hearing to
..as ses sme nt s.
/?)~ OS ON
S.P=' R.N1
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in th8 Council
Chamber at the City Hall on './ednesday, the 24th day 0:1:.-' February, 1937, at eight
o'clock p.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Keller, Lyol1s and Llayor Tur~er TIere present.
The meeting \Vas called to order by President Turner. l.Iinutes of the last regular
meeting of February 9th, 1937 and adjourned meeting of February 9th, February 11th,
1937, were read and approved.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called on the surfacing of' fowler Street
: from Lind to Francis Streets wi th Tarvias Five property owners appear~d in favor
of the improvenent. NQ one opposed the improvement. CQuncilman Gay mcved that
the hearing be closed and the Street Denar-Q.Jlent authorized to do the sl.J..rfacing as
soon as the street was in condition. Llotion was seconded by Councilman Keller and
pussed unauDnously.
Fursuant to advertising, a hearing was called to make the special assessments
for Tarvia surfacing done in the year 1936, Sprinkling and Flushing for the year
1936, Sani tary Sewers constructed during the year 1936 and sidewalk constructed
during the years 1935 and 1936. The City Engineer said that the vmrk had been done
with W.P.A. labor and that the cost Qf sanitary sewer TIas about ~.32 per fOQt, the
lowest cost/for sanitary sewer construction on recQrd in Faribault; the cost of
sidewalk ~.35 per au. fto or about two thirds of the regular cost assessede No
property ovnlers appeared to oppose makil1g the assessments. Councilman Gay TIQved
that the hearing be closed and the assessments Dlade as computed by the Ci ty EnGi-
neer. Motion Vias seconded by Councilman Lyons and passed unaniillously. Council-
man Gay moved that the City RecQrder be authorized ffi1d directed to adv8rtise a pub-
lie hearing that the above assessments would be confirmed as made at the next re-
gular meeting of the Council, March 9th, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council
Cham. bel" at the City Hall. l.lotion Vlas seconded by Councilman Lyons and passed unani-
}'ursuant to advertising, bids Vlere called for on the follo'JJing materials to. be
used in the construction Qf Storm Sewer:- approxiwately 18,640 board f8et Qf Fir and
Norway Pine lumber; apprQximately 2,128 lineal feet of" 24'" reinforced concr~te pipe;
apprQJ-...'i.Iilately 500 lineal feet of l8n pipe, e:i, ther reinforced concrete or vi trified
clay; approximately 340 lineal feet of 15" vitrified clay pipe; approx~..mately 2,272
lineal feet of l21t vitrified clay pipe; approximately 40 lineal feet of 48rr 10 gauge
pure iron corrugated culvert pipe, inclusing jackillb operation; approximately 22
manhole castings complete with cowers; approximately 30 storm.-water inlet castings
of various types. The following bids were received: - on ltrnber: -Lampert Yards
~)1,024.77; Independent Lumber Yard ~~1,013.26; H. E. \Jest8rman Ltunber Co. 0l,024.77;
Botsford Lllinber Company ~1,022.83; E.M. Leach & Sons Lumber Co. Gl,024.70; on pipe,
lowest combination totals on vitrified and concrete:- Lalpert yards )5,942.32;
Independen t Lumber Yard ~;5, 918.62; H. E. ':1esterm.an Ltlinber Company ~~5, 877 .58; Bots-
ford Lumber Company ~)5,9l6.34; E. Ll. Leach ((. SQns L'UTIlber Company ;)5,914.46; or iron
culvert pipe :-Elauer l.ianufacturing Ca. bid not considered, not accompanied by a
- ..------~-----
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- ~- - ----~-
_ _~___~_~__ _____O~__
certified check; II.V. Johnston Culvert Co. G338.50 with jacking service Q100.0C;
Lyle Culvert & :Fipe Company ~338.80, jacking service (:;80..00; 011 manhole castings
8nd storm.-water inlets:- .E'aribaul t :,lachine Shop and Foundry, bid no t considered,
accompanying check not certified; lUnerican Brake Shoe and ~oundry Co. $472.40, not
I including squirrel cage assembly complete; concrete blocks:-,i. L. Farmer, bid not
considered, accompanied by cash deposit instead of certified check. ~he City Engi-
neer was asked to tabulate the above bids.
Pu.blic Liabili ty Auto Car policy of Edwin lie Eigenbrod t, i"ire Insurance Pclicies
covering furnitures and fixtures in the City Hall were present~d.On motion of GOlUl-
cilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay, the policies, having been apprcved as to
manner and fOl"'Dl of execution. by the Ci t~l Attorney, were accepted and ordered. b;y
u~anillious vot~ of the Council on roll call.
Application of Edwin EigeDbrodt for Auto Car License TIas presented. Coun~il-
man Gay moved that the license be granted. 11otion was seconded by COllllcilman
Emge and passed unanimously.
The following bills were pre,sented:- T. A. l;lealia ~~l04.00, Labor Water Dept.
, ~68.24t Ferd. Duchene 09.70, ktlru1esota State HiGhuay Dept. $65.00, Pittsburgh Coal
Co. $184.61, Ferd Duchene $3.10, Vernon Fliehler $2.30, Alvin Hoover OlZ9.20, John
Hackett ~~14.57, Geo. D~y ~;41.60, A~mand Hanson :;3.60, Library .L1.ccounts ~:)346.oo,
David C. Broderick 013.00, Richard Lambert Q10.00, Labor Vlater Department (;55.20,
Pittsburgh Coal Co. :;;;231.15, Clarence Robinson ~;l2.34, General Fund City of Fari-
baul t ~~>l09.07, Robert Larkin ~j9.25Jc Stanley IJelsun 03.60, Street Department par-
roll 0747.79, Roth Printing Co. ~:a5.35, Chicago Great Western R.B. Co. :)129.54.
Councilman Emge moved that the bills be alloued. Liotion nas seconde<..1. b3r Council-
man Lyons and pas s ed unanimously.
COilllcilman Gay gave an estimate cost of ~144.65 f.o.b. rtockford, Illinois, on
a Tarvia purrrp recormilended by the Barrett Company for pu~ping tar and ill~tufactured
by Geo. D. Roeper Corporation of Bockford, and said that he would like to purcbas,e
it now so that it could be ins tal led by the StreB t Department to be ready to use
when the Tarvia pa tching work began.. Councilman Erage moved that Councilman GaJ'- be
authorized to purchase the pump. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and
passed un8~iIDDusly.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder by authorized and directed to ad-
Call for Bids vertise for bids on 60,000 gallons of tar for road surfacing according to specifi-
'I'ar for cations on file in the office of the City Engineer. ~:.lotion vras seconded by Coun-
Surfacing. cilman Emge alld passed unanimously..
Councilman Gay reported that an application for -~I.P.A. labor in the amount of,
~)ll,OOO.OO for Curb and Gutter construction had been approved November 7th, 19~6,
and this amount was a great deal in e~;:cess of the amount of W.F'.i:.... labor required.
on Curb and Gutter already petitioned for and urged the public to file petitio~s
for Curb and Gutter so that this grant might be used. He also stated that petjtions
for sidewalk \'Jould be received in the City Engineer f s office and. that if ell01l~',
...;.1 .
\7ere , filed, an application for ~f.P.A. labor grant IJould be made.
Councilman Keller said that the local baseball club TIere Qakine up their sche-
dule for the coming season and he thought that it Vlould be vlell for the Council to
consiQ8r an entrance to Teepa Tollta Park as there vas evidence of the present en-
trance being shut off on account of the eonstruction of the viaduct..
Bids on
Cast Iron
Councilman Emge moved that the Ci ty Recorder be authorized and 0.1 rected to ad-
vertise for bid.s on sevell hundred feet 0 f 12ft and two hundred fe~t or 81t deLavaud
B & S, class 150, cast iron pipe in twelve foot lengths and. one piece of 24ft deLa-
vaud class laO, cast iron pipe, both ends spigot, eleven feet long, and approximately
three tons of fi ttings, to be opened at the next regular meeting of the Council,
:March 9th, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and
passed unanimously.
W't:.~1E~"~ Several property owners residing on \/estern Avenue, north of the Iv~ill were pre-
AVE. RESIOEN15sent at the meeting to inquire regarding snow rel10val on that portion of ',.estern
RE~0E5T Avenue. Councilman Gay said. that he had. fOll.nd an old minute record dated July 14th,
5~a ,1 REIV{OVf..)L 1877, which stated, as mentioned at the last meeting, that j,~'estern Avenue was to be
main tained by the Ci ty south of the i,Iill and north of the blill by the Tnvm of ',jells.
Councilman Gay also said that the road would have to be opened by hand labor if the
City were to do it as there equipment was not suitable. The City Attorney reported
~ that he had taken the matter up l;vith the Town Clerk of \Jells and had been ad-
vised that the Town of Wells had no equipment or funds to open the road but that the
Clerk had agreed to call a Qeeting of ttle TOTIn Board to meet TIith the City Council
to come to some agreement on the opening of the road.
~'()NK Df:?-)l- A letter from Phil A. Schocket, local licensed .Jund Dealer, was read objecting
ER PR~ES1 to transient Junk Dealers buying junk in Faribaultuithout license. After a dis-
cussion vii th lir. Schocket, the Council referred the ma tter to the Chief Police aud
the Ci toY Attorney.
Mayor Turner called a recess to consiQer the bids. After a short recess, the
meeting was called to order by Mayor Turner. Councilman Gay said that he had notieed
that several of the bidders certified checks did not mnount to f;ve per cent of their
bids. The City Attorney's opinion was that each bid should be accompanied by a cer-
tified check for not le:ss than five per cent of the bid subIp.i ttei, in accordance
\7i th the Charter of the City of Faribault. Eayor Turner said that all bids/were
accepted continGent to the receipt of necessary easements from the Chic~go Great
Hestern H.R. Co. Councilman Gay moved that the bid of the Independent Lumber Co.
on lumber in the awount or ~1,013.26 be accepted and their certified check be held
in lieu of a surety bond until material rias delivered and accept"~d. Motion was se-
combina tion
conded by Councilman Lyons and passed unanirn.ously. Councilman Q.'ly move':' the/bid of
H. E. Vlesterm.an Ll1l1lber Company on concrete and \Ti tirfied pipe in the am:v.nt of
~5,877.58 be accepted and their certified chec~ be held in lieu of a surety bond un-
til material was delivered anet. accepted. Uotiol1 \'Jas seconded by Councilman Lyons and
passed unanimously. Councilman Gav moved. that the bid of Lyle G'.llver C.{~ Pipe Company
') ~ .,
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- ----~~--~
- ~~~~--
- - ~- ~- - - -- - -- ~ - --
on corrugated iron pipe with jacking service in the amount of 0418.80 be accept~d and
their certified check held in lieu of surety bond until their contract was completed.
LIotion was secon.ded. by Councilman Keller and passed unanimQusly.. Councilman Gay moved
that the bid of American Brake Shoe and Foundry Company be rejected because it was
imcomplete" and that the City Recorder by authorized and 6.irected to/advertise fer
bids on approximately 22 manhole castings complete with covers and approx~illtelJr 30
storm-water inlets castings of varj.ous types, to be opened at the next regular m.eet-
ing, Earch 9th, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m. I.Iotion't'las seconded by Councilman Lyons
and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to re-
3,000 blocks
advertise for bids on approxDnately 3,000 concrete blocks for manhole construction,
to be opened at the next regular meeting, }.Iarch 9th, 1937 , at ei,gb. to' clocx p.m.
: Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanLllously.
~uthorization Councilman Gay asked authorization to purchase the necessary equipmBnt and tools
Purchase and materials required for the Storm Sewer Construction. Councilman Emg7. mo~red that
Idaterials & Councilman Gay be given that authorization requested by him. Motion was seCOnd8Q by
Councilman Leller and passed unanimously.
Councilman EI~e said that there was a considerable aTIount of brass and old iron
,:1lLich the ','Inter Department "i"Jould lil;:e to dispose of. i\.fter a short discussion, the
ma.tter uas referred "1:;0 the 01 ty Attorney to decide in what I::l.€J.rmer the IIlaterial could
be disposed of in accordance with the Charter.
CotU1cilman Ernge moved that the City RecorCi.er be authorized and directed to ad-
Bids Called vertise for a centrifugal trenc11 pump for the 'dater Department, to conform with
Centrifugal specifications in the 'office of the City Engineer, to be opened and considered at
the next regular meeting, March 9th, 1937, at eight 0 'clock p.m. l.Iotion was seconded
by Councilman Gay and passed unanliaously.
.!1 proposal from the dilliam S. Hevlett System to cooperate with the City Er.gineer
~EDINjENTA170N in making plans ane. specifications for a water tank of one million gallons capacity,
TANK.. PLI--\tlS to furnish f .0. b. cars at Faribaul t all adjustable bands, turnbuckles and levers for
ad,justraent and to grant the City of Faribault and its contractor Go license for the
use of his patents used in the structure was read. The Mayor asked the City Attorney
if the City would be forced to pay for the bands, turnbuckles and levers if the City
for plans and specifications
entered into the contract with The ".Jilliam S. Hewett System/ani did not construct
the tank. The City Attorney said that in his opinion, according to the wording of
the proposal, he thought the (;i ty would be liable. After a sbort discus sion, t:J'.e
COilllCil agreed to hold the matter up until the matter was tru~en up with Mr. Hew~tt.
Juo<=t ES ~F Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be directed to notify the Judges,
E\...E-C110N selected by the Council, of their appointment as Judges of Election to ~erve March
29th and ~pril 6th, 1937, also that the polling places designated be approved.
~~otion was seconded by Counci lman Lyons anCl passed unaninously. The Council agreed
to call a meeting of the Judges appointed and ho.ve the City .L-..ttorney amI Ci ty R~cor-
cier Itleet wi th them on the 24th day of Larch to discuss the Election Lawf! pertaining
~-f), ~ ;1
i!....', 'r.l
1310'5 oN
to the duties of Judges of Election.
Councilman Lyons moved to adjourn. Llotion was seconded by Counci~.Iilan Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. :":'uehll:e, Ci ty Recorder
Approved March 9th,
C. ~. Turner, Gayor.
Regular Eeeting, Tuesday, Llarch. 9th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular sessior in the Council Cham-
ber at the city Hall on 'J:'uesday, the 9th day of ~,~arch, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m..
Council Emge, Gay, Keller, Lyons and Llayor 'Turner were present.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the follov,-ing materials for
510R.N\ SEW€~ storm SevIer construction:- approximately 3,000 concrete blocks for manhole constru-
NlAl'ERIAL'5 ,tion, approximately 22 manhole castings complete \'lith covers, approxitlately 30 stom.
water inlet castings of various types. Pursumlt to advertistng bids TIcre called fer
ion 60 ~ 000 gallons of tar for road surfacing, etc. Pursuant to adverti Eing bids were
called for on 700 feet 1211 and 2.00 feet of 8" deLavaud B & S, class 150, cast iron
pipe in tnel ve foot lengths anel one piece 0 f 241l deLavaud class lOO, cast iron pipe
both ends spigot, 11 feet long and approx~ately 3 tons of fittings. Pursuant to
advertising bids vere called for on a self priming portable, centrifugal trench plrraF
complete \7i th gasoline engine power uni tand tVl0 16 foot lengths of suction hose ccm.-
plete with couplings and bottom screen and two 12 foot lengths of dischar,.:;e hose
complete with couplings; allowable ranGe of pUDlp capacity, 250 to 350 gallons per
L1i.nute. The following bids were received:- on concrete blocks,'vl.L. Farmer, blocks
delivered on job ;;;300.00, at plant ;)2.85.00; 011 manhole castings and storm-water in~
lets, Faribault 1:Iachil1e Shop & Foundry :~429.00; on tar for road surfacing, Hepublic
Creosoting Company, bid l10t considered, not accoIilpanied by certified check; The
Barl-'ett Com-.Qany ;~;.1027 per gallon f .0. b. F8:i:'ibault; Koppers COIilpany ;).1040 per g8.l1on
f.o.b. Faribault; on cast iron pipe and fittings, James B. Glow and Sons 02,61.35,
United States Pipe and Foundry Company 01,978.95; on trench pump, Ho~li@lt Corpora-
tion, FUlap with fittings ~:;326.10, Thorman W. Rosholt, I)1Jj}Ips at 0229.50 and :;:j30l.50
fittings ~~6o..96, Lim. H.. Ziegler Co.. pumps at ~;323.00 and $255.00, fittings (;84-.60,
less 5/10 on plli1lp and 2/10 on fittings, l.iilmeapolis Equipment Ce. pumps at $260.00,
f.322.00 and ~~;22.5.00, fittings 071.00, less 5/10 discount, Borchert Ingersoll, Inc.,
pULlpS \7i th fittings cOL"1plete (~330. 90 and ~:;400. 00, less 2/10 discount. T:le Ci ty En-
ginoer was asked to tabulate the bids.
fU'~r:~",n()R.E. John W@ Le Crone appeared before tIle Council 3.11el asl:ed that a rift:r per cent
f"c.to~~' cut be made in the perso nal and real es ta te tax of the Fari baul t l"urni ture Company
REQIJE~T fc!~ factory located on First Avenue East betueen ]'ourth and .l!'ifth Streets North and pr8-
RErJlJq/(l(~ IN sentect a reC01ilT;i8nCla tion to thi s effect for the sign8. tures of the COUl1C ::18 He e~:::-
1A.~ {-\~~CV\1c plained that if this reduction \i1ere made tem.porarily as had beer. done tn the case of
the Shoe Factory, the Co:n:pany '.70lUa. be able to pay the taxes an6 get a loan from
rli .'~ r~J
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___ L_ _ _ _~__ ~_
___ __.___~__~_~_ _ ____~~__=__ ____ ~_ ~ ~__ __0___= __ __ ___~_
the bank wi th ~7hicl1 activi ties could be renewed. The ~.Iayor said that they ~lQuld
sider the matter along with the bids.
A resident of twentieth street North appeared before the Council and complained,
1C1~_~fVIF N!:f\\'? of the llilson Compa11Y dumping large quanti ties of dead foul, egg shells and feathers
2oT!l5yf{EET in that vicinity, stating that the odor from. the refuse was very offensive and in-
quirea. wha.t aation the Council could take on the matter. The l.layor agree<i to inves-
tigate the matter and the matter was referred to the City Attorney for legal advice.
D\5K !( E f"
'y)al ter Dokken appeared befo:ce to the Council and said that his basem"?-nt and the
REQlJESTSibasement of the 0 'Connel house IJere being flooded by Spring thm7inG because the na-
DRAIN Foe 'tural drainage of the property on which the houses are located had been stopped 17
PRoPERTi the construction of LIott Avenue years ago, causing a pocket to fOrnL which held the
water from Spring thawing. C:oUl1Cilm.!,;U1 EL1ge said that he thought that the greater
portion of water would be drained away 1~th the construction of Curb and Gutter and
,storm Sewer in connection wi th the viaduct, leaving only the drainage fro:'T.I. private
property in the block to be ta.ken care of. The CowlCil di scussed rii th ~.IT. Dorren the
City's liability in
ithe draining of pri va te property by the construe tioD. 0 f Storm Sewer in the property,
Ithe diverting of the natural florl of VIa ter from one property ot1l1er to the other l:y
the grading of the properties and the Cityrs liability for obstructed drainage b:"
the construction of Llott Avenue.. The matter was referred to the City a:tt0rney and
the City Engineer to c1eter:J1ine with whom the liability lies.
Mr. Schocket appeared before the Council and neIfied several/junk dealers \'1h-:-
uere collecting regularly from local business places. The Chief of police said that
he wou~d notify the patrolmen to be on the loo~ out for these violators.
IJayor Turner called a recess to consider the bids.. ~~e pump dealer representa-
tives present \7ere given a few minutes to explain the neri ts of their p1..1Xi1pS. After
~ -~~--
a short l?eCeSS the meeting uas called to order by Hayor Turner. Councilrran Gay moved
that the bid of the Fexibault Llachine Shop & Foundry on manhole castings and stcrm-
and their certified check be held in lieu of surety bond until material wa~ delivered.
water inlets in the amount of $429.00 be accepted,; Motion was seconded by Council-
man Emge and passed un an i1i1ous ly . Councilman Gay moved that the bid of VI .L. Farnl"3r
on concrete blocks in the al110unt of :))00.00 d.elivered at job or ~.j285.0Q et plant be
acce.pted and his/check held in lieu of surety bond until blocks were delivered.. Llotion
vas seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanll~ouslYe COllilcilm.an Gay moved t~at
at ~)..1027
the bid on tar for road surfacing/submitted by The Barrett Company be accepted aud
their certified check be held in lieu of surety bond until material was C'eliverei.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unaniwDusly. Councilman Emge m?ved
that the bid of 7horman \-1. Ho shol t on pump and fittings in the cHaunt of ~)290.46 be
ac cep ted and that their certified check be held in lieu of a sure ty bond until m~r-
chandise VJaS delivered. Mo tion vIas seconded by Counci wan Gay and passed unan~l?uslY~
Councilman Emge lliG1ved that the bid on cast iron pipe and fittings submitted by United
States Pipe and Foundry Co. in the aDIDunt of 01,978.95 be accepted and that their
certified check be held in lieu of a surety bond until the material is delivered.
Llotion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanil-,lOtlsly..
-~ - - ~_. - ~~~ --------
- - -- ----
Repor ts.
No. Al550.
No. Al551
l~ter due consideration of the reQuest o~ John W. Le Crone, pertaining to the
Faribault ~urni~lre Company, Councilman Kel~er moved that the Council sign the re-
commendation and that it be forwarded to the Minnesota State Tax Com.mission. LIotion
was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously..
The minutes of the regular meeting of February 24th, 1937 were read and approved.
The following monthly reports of Oi ty Officials were presented an(t, read:- qi ty
Treasurer, Louise Thonet, City Recorder L. E. Zuehlke, City Engineer I.F. smith, Chie~
of Police D. C. Shif~lett" Chief of Fire Department M. S. Morgan, Ci ty :Physician
Norman Lende, ~mrket Master Fred Mathis, Jr.~ Overseer of Poor E. E. A1?rle, Secre-
tary of Library Board K.I. Cole, Clerk of Municipal Court Rose Y. Dillon, Dairy In-
spector Carl Hansen, City Recorder's report to Supt. of Account~ and F~'~nances in the
amount of $5,122.50. Councilman Lyons moved that the reports be accepta~ and ordered
filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unarimousl:'".
On motion of Councilman Lyons, seconded by Councilman Gay, Resolution No. Al550
was passed by unanUnous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to the Confirmation of Special l.!..ssessments for the Year 1936.
That Tarvia Assessments Nos. 96, 97, 90, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, Side-
walk Assessment No. 36, Sanitary Sewer Assessments Nos~ 134, 13~,136,l37,138,139,140,
141,142,143, and 144 and Flushing and Sprinkling Assessments for the Season 1936, all
of the Ci ty of Faribault, be and the same are hereby confirmed l;'S heret?fore made
and completed as the same appear upon the Assessment Rolls heret0fore o?mpiled and
accepted, which Assessment Rolls are an file in the office of tb.e City Recorder.
Passed March 9th, 1937.
C.. W. Turner, ~Jayor.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution 1\"0. Al55l
was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Rela.tive to Payment of Special Assessments in Ten AnnuaJ Installments.
That the ovmer, or person interested in any lot or parcel of land in the City
of Faribault, which has been assessed for Sanitary Sewer as described in Sanitary
Sewer Assessments Nos. 134 to 142, Sidewalk as described in Sidewalk A~sessment No. 36
all of which have been finally established and confirmed by the GounciJ_, may at his
e1ection and written request as provided by the Charter of said city, pay the assess-
ment in ten annual installments with interest thereon payable arnually at the rate of
six per cent.
Passed March 9th, 1937.
C. W.. Turner, Mayer
Attest L.. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Lyons, secon.ded by Councilman Keller, Resclution No. A
1552 was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
o RESOLUTION,NO. Al552. ._
Relat1ve to Payment of Tarv1a Assessments 1n lnstallment$.
That the Assessments for benefits for Tarvia done in the Ye,~ 1936 be and the
same are hereby confirmed; that the City Treasurer be and she i:::' hereby directed to
request that payment of all Assessments of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and under be made
in one installment, provided however, that the owner or any person inte~ested i~
any lot or parcel so assesseA and described in such Assessment, may at h~s elect10n
'"" '"
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Ho. Al553.
Ho. A1554
ITa. Al555.
;' 1 ';;' _ ~-:
:/ ~_ .~,: i 1..' '-"' i/
, and written request pay the same in ten annual installments.
Fassed :March 9th, 1937.
C. W. Turner, Mayor.
Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Lyons, Resolut:Lon NO.J11553
was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Payment of Balance of the Cost of street Sprinkling for the Year
~ 1937 and Sprinkling Assessments against Certain Property in the City of raribault,
Rice County, Minnesota, out of the General Fund of the Ci ty of Faribault.
vihereas the uouncil of the City of Earibault fixed the street Sprim~ling rate
for the year 1936 at ~.o6 per foot, and whereas the total cost o~ Street Sprinkling
for the year 1936 exceeds the total amount assessed in the amount of Four Hundred
Sixty Nine and l7/l00 l$469.17) Dollars, vfuich amount the Council agreed to absorb
in the General Fund, when the assessmen~ for street Sprinkling was made:~
And lfuereas the cost of Sprinkling on the E l5 ft of W 40 ft lot 1, Blk. 47, O.T.
lots 1 & 2, Blk. 46, G.T., lot 2, Elk. 77, O.T. as per deed record 88, page 493,
Southern Addn_.lots 9 & lOJ_ B:)..k. 58 and lot 10, Elk. 32 U.T., and East s7.de of Elk. 7,
Southern Add1v10~ amounts vO ~47.50;
IJow therefore be it resolved that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized and
directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer in the amount of Five HurQred Six-
teen and 97/100 ($5l6.97) Dollars payable to the Permanent Improvement RQvolving Fund
of the City of Faribault out of the General Fund of the City of Faribault.
Passed March 9th, ,1937.
C. w. Turner, Mayor
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilraan Gay, seconded by Councilman Lyons, Resolution No. .A1554
was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Payment of City of Faribault's Portion of Tarvia Assessments for
the Year 1936.
That the City of Faribault's portion of Tarvia Assessments Nos. 96 to 104 in-
clusive, be paid out of the General Fund of the City of Faribault in accordance with
Section No. 192 of the Charter of the City of Faribault.
That the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized and directed ~o drarr an
order on the City Treasurer for the sum of Two Hundred Eight and 8l!lOD (~2.08.811
Dollars, payable to the PERMAJ.'JENT nJIPRO VEMENT REVOLVING FUND of the Ci ty of Fari baul t,
out of the GENERAL FmID of the City of Faribault.
Passed March 9th, 1937.
c. w. Turner, Mayor.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Gay seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No. A1555
was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Payment of City of Faribault's Portion of Special Assessmentse
That the City of Faribault's portion of Sanitary Sewer Assessments ITos. l34, 138
and 141 and Sidewalk Assessment No. 36, be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Fund
of the Ci ty of Fari baul t.
That the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized to draw an order on the
City Treasurer for the sum of Eight Hundred Fifty Seven and 47/100 ($857.47) Dollars,
payable to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund of the C1 ty o:t Faribault, out of
the General Fund of the City of Faribault.
Passed March 9th, 1937.
C. W. Turner, Mayor.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay, Resolution No. A.l556
was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Payment of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund. Warrants.
That for the payment of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Warrants Nos. 190,
19J.,.l92 and 193, and interest thereon from October 5th, 1935, invested i]l by the
Water Department, the City Recorder be authorized and directed to draw an order on
the City~Treasurer in the amount of Four Thousarrd Three Hundred Forty Two and 67/100
($4,342.67) Dollars~ payable to the Water Department out of the Permanent Improvem.ent
Revolving Fund.
Passed March 9th, 1937.
c. W. Turner, Ma.yor
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Public Liability Auto Car Policy of Fred Schultz was presented. On notion of
P, : :-
',Y ,,)
Councilman Lyons, seconded by Councilman Keller, 7he policy, having b~en approved
as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney, was aocepted and ordered
filed unanimously.
Application of H. A~ Polzin to transfer his auto car license to Dale Anderson
and application of Fred W. Schultz for Auto Car license were presente~. Council-
man Emge moved that the request to transfer license e.nd licen~e;1 grantede L1otion v~as
seconded by Councilman Lyons and passed unanimously.
Application of Olga Uhlis for license to sell non-intoxiceting melt beverage
at lifo. 12.9 Fourteenth Street :N'orthwest was presented. CouncilIran Emg€'. moved that
the application be held up until the location could be investigated. Motion was
seconded by Councilman. Gay and passed unanimously.
An acceptance from the Northern States Power Company acce~ting Ordinanee No.
AJ.63 was read. Councilman Gay moved that the acceptance be !-'iled. 11c tion was se-
Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
No. Al63.
The following bills were presented:- Chas. Anderka $14.40, W. J. Jarvis ~l.OO,
Chicago Iulwuakee St. Paul and Pacific R.R. Co. $16.24, Labor Water Depar~ent $55.20
Geo. Day $35.20, T. A. Mealia $96.00, Library Salaries for February $551.66, John
Hackett $2.85, Clarence Robinson ~3.60, Alvin Hoover 084_00. Tri state Tel. & Tel.
Company $5a.7o, Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Ry. Co. $l3.72, Sanitary Sewer
Payroll $l0862, Labor Water Department $l27.00, Ferd Duchene ~l4-92J Robert Larkin
$8.00. Councilman Gay moved that the bills be allowed. 1btion was seconded by
Councilman Keller and passed unanimously.
Copies of several resolutions passed by the \'lorkers klliance and a letter ask-
ing the Council to endorse them through the Minnesota legislature representatives
were read. The Council agreed to look them over and call a special me~ting of the
Council if action were necessary.
Councilman Gay said that blackffiniths could be taken from the W.P.A. workers
who could sharpen tools, etc1 at the Street Department Work Shop and that a new
forge and about $2:0.00 worth of tools were needed to do this, and aske1 permission
to Purchase
Forge and Toolsto make the necessary purchases.
Councilman Emge moved that Councilman Gay be au-
thorized to purchase a forge at a cost of about 030.00 and tools in the amount of
$20.00. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanimously,
Councilman Keller moved that the American Legion Drum Corps be paid $50.00 for
their concert given on Green Signal Day. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and
passed unanimously.
Counci~an Keller moved that the City Recorder be authorized and Qirected to
advertise for bids on 500 feet of fire hase in accordance with specifications on file
Adve~tise for in the offi~e of the City Recorder, to be opened and considered at the next regular
Bids an
Fire Hose meeting of the Cou~cil, I~rch 23rd, 1937. MOtion was seconded by Councilman Gay and
passed unanimously.
Councilman Lyons moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed un~imously.
.':;'-..J-- -,,~. - -~
') .~ ...
('"/~ t:J
Approved March
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
, "
G. W. Turner, Mayor.
Special Meeting Monday, March 15th, 1937. Nine o'clock a.m.
The Council of the City of Faribau1t met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Monday, the 15th day of March, 1937 at nine o'clock a.m.
CounciLman Emge, Gay, Keller and I~yor Turner were present. Councilman Lyons was
The meeting was called to Qrder by President Turner who stated that the purpose
of the meeting was to discuss the plans and specifications for the proposed sed~ent
:SF-D1N1ENTATfotJ tank for the Water Department. The Council studied the plans and read t:1.e specifi-
cations. Councilman Keller said that common labor should be paid ~.50 p~r hour and
that the
the Gouncil discussed the matter and agreed with him. Councilman Keller moved/spe-
cifications be changed to read that common labor be paid not less than $.50 per hour.
MOtion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the plans and specifications be accepted and oriered
and directed
filed and that the City Recorder be authorized/to advertise for bids for the CO"1.-
structian of a million gallon sediment tank in accordance With such p1ans and s~eci-
ficatiOl1s, to be opened and considered at the next regular meeting of th~ Council
Idarch 23rd, 1937. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unantmously.
Councilman Keller moved to adjourn. 1wtion was seconded by Councilman Emg~ and
passed unan~ously.
Approved !larch 23rd, 193~
d. w.'~
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Special ~eeting, Friday, 1mrch 19th, 1937, Two O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Friday, the 19th day of March~ 1937 at two o'clock p.m.
'CGl..W\1~PAh Councilman Keller, Lyons and LIayor Turner were present. Councilm6.n Gay and Coun-
&~d:::' E f'1e: r'
cilman EDlge were absent, because they could not be reached by telephone.
The meeting was called to order by President Turner who stated that the purpose
of the meeting was to accept collateral for City of Faribault deposits. before making
the deposit or the tax apportionment.
Councilman Lyons moved. that (=?l5,OOO worth of U.S. Treasury Notes, S~ries D 38
2iff; due 9/15/38, be accepted as collateral for City of Faribault deposit~?~ae in
the Northwestern National Bank & Trust Company of 1linneapolis, the collateral having
been approved as to legality by the City Attorney.
MOtion was seconded by Couacilman
Keller and passed unanimously.
Councilman Lyons moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilm~ l~eller and
passed unanimously. ~
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved March 23rd, 1937. :Mayor
, '
C, l' ,)
,', i I
."-,.; ~_I. e
Regular l~eting, Tuesday, March 23rd, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesda.y, the 23rd day of March, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m..
Councilman Gay, Keller, Lyons and Mayor Turner were present. GouncilD\~ Emge was
absent on account of illness.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the constructior of a million
'~\:Pi!V1e.NTf.f\WI'J gallon sedimentation tank and five hundred feet of 2t inch fire hose. The following
;~dop tion of
bids were received~- on sedimentation tank, Anderson & Sons,:J:D.c., Mirneapolis,
$26,845.00; F. R. Williams, Owatonna., ~26,4~O.OO; Jacobs Bros., Bird Island, Minn.,
$26,040.00; Wm. O'Ne,il Sons Co.~ Inc., Faribault,. $25,685.00; on fire hose, pecaut
Industrial Supply Co. for 500 feet $340.00 plus $.10 per foot for waT and gum treat-
ment; Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Co., from $1.25 to $l.lO per foot; Eureka. Fire Hose Divi-
sion, from $.71. to $l.30 per foot. The Council gave a few minut.es time to the fire
hose representatives to discuss their product and agreed to defer action on all bids
until Councilman Emge was able to attend a. special meeting because all bids concerned
Councilman Lyons moved that the above action be. taken. Motion
mis department mostly. was seconded by Councilman Gay and pass~d unanimously.
Minutes of the last regular meeting of March 9th, 1937 and speci/meetings of
March l5th and March 19th, 1937 were read and approved.
A resolution proposing the payment of the cost of Tarvia r~surfacing for the
year 1932 in the amount of $5,2-54.84 out of the General Fund. Mayor Trlrner said
that he did not approve of former Councils keeping the budget clown by not making
the levy large enough to cover this expenditure but thought that this was the only
way to, pay for it now. The City Attorney ruled that the payment was 1€0al according
to the Charter of the City of' Faribault, Section Ho. l66, but thought that the amount
should be budgeted for in the Road,Street and Bridge Fund, but that tre only way to
take care of the accrued deficit would be to' pay it out of the surplus in the General
Fund. Councilman Lyons said that he thought the item should be taken care of by the
Road, street and Bridge Fund. On motion of Council Gay,. seconde.d by CC11ncilman Keller,
the Resolution was put to a vote. On roll call the following vcted naye", CounciLman
Gay!' Keller a.nd Mayor Turner. Councilman Lyons voted tlnayeu'. Motion was lost.
Appli.cation of Geo. Marks to transfer his gOASoline pump license to James Collins,
Applications and application of Concord Supply Co. for gasoline pump license at corner of Third
Avenue South and tlillow Street were read. Councilman Gay moved that the applications
be granted. 1rotion was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanjmously.
Insurance policies covering the street depar~ent Ford truck and Auto Car of
Francis Dring were presented. On motion 0 l' Councilman Gay, sec.onded l'y Councilman
Lyons, the insurance policies, having been approved/to/manner and fOn!::' of execution
by the City Attorney, were accepted and ordered filed.
A petition far a street light on the intersection of Third Street and Fifth
Avenue Northeast signed by eight property owners was presented. Mayor Turne:r said
that several other petitions had been presented for street lights and he thought that
they might be placed in the most. dangerous places wi thout incre.asing ttle budget for
lighting on account of the lower light rates. Councilman Gay moved that Mayor Turner
,~ ,~ ' -,
, /.... 't
(...J '_,,_LJ
cause the lights to be installed where he saw fit. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Keller and passed unan~ously.
The following bills were presented:- M. C. Weyer, $5.50, Labor Water Depertment
$119.l5, Robert Larkin $5.25, Geo. Day $41.60, Wm. Mullenmeister $41.50, E. M. Leach
and Sons Lumber Co. $737.63, F. J. Sorgatz ~1.57, Alvin Hoover $70.95, Murphy 'Trans-
fer Lines, Inc. $5.06, Robert Larkin $l.50, Labor Watar Department $91.2'1, George W.
Thonet and Tenn8. Thonet $500.00, Street Department Payroll $725.03, Independent
Lumber Yard $1013.a6, H. E. Westerman Lumber Co. e519.40, H. V. JohnstoD Culvert
Company ~263.28, Lampert Yards $507.00, Tri-State Tel. & Tel. Co. $67.27. COUDcil-
man Lyons moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller
and passed unanimously.
On motion of Councilman Lyons, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No. A
1557 was passed unanimously.
Relative to Payment of Interest Due Apr.lst, 1937, and Bonds.
! e--~TE P.E:"l
That for the purpose of paying interest due Apr.lst, 1937 , on Sanit~ry sewer
Interceptor Main Bonds Nos. 16 to 30 inclusive, all issued April 1st, 1933, and
Sani tary Sewer Interceptor Main Bonds Nos. 16 to 20 inclusive, the Mayor and City
Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer
l8o,-UJ 5 o,oJ
for the sum of Five Thousand Three Hundred $($5,300.00) Dollars, in favor of the
Security National Bank and Trust Company of Faribault, Minnesota, Five Thousand
No. A1557
Dollars to be made payable from the Sinking Fund and Three Hundred Dollars from the
Interest Fund of the City of Faribault.
Passed March 23rd, 1937.
C. w. Turner, MaY':1r.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
The City Recorder reported that Geo. Wright would not be able to serve on the
Election Board in the Third Ward, Third Precinct. Councilman Keller moved that
Albert Behlke be apPQinted to take Mr. Wright's place. Motion was seconied by
CounciLman Gay and passed unanimously.
CounciLman Gay moved that Elvin Hildebrandt/ granted an Electrician License .
Motion wa.s seconded by Councilman Lyons amd passed unsn:im.ously.
The Council discussed granting Olga Uhlis a 3.2 non-intoxica.ting malt beverage
Olga Uhlis license, applied for at a previous meeting. Councilman Gay moved that the application
Rejected. be rejected because there had been so much trouble reported from that lo~ation pre-
viously. Motion was seconded by Councilm~ Keller and passed unanimously.
Mayor Turner announced that the League of Minnesota Municipalities would hold
their annual meeting in Faribault about the third week in June and asked the pr~sent
Council to assist the Council then in office to make this meeting a complete success.
VVe~1~~~ The City Engineer said that Western Avenue North of the Mill had been widened
Av'I:" I\E1A\~\\~G out by the County and that a retaining wall was needed north of the bridge and also
V'./Al\~. a guard rail. Councilman Gay said tha t he thought that the County should take care
of this, as long as the work on the road was done by them.
,> ; J
' c
~.....-' ~! ~-
Accept Bid
on Fire
Accept Bid
on Sediment
$50.00 to
Drtull Corps.
, Councilman Lyons moved to adjounr, Motion was seconded by CouD~ilman Keller and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved, April 13th, 1937.
C. W. Turner, hiayor.
Special ~eeting, Thursday, March 25th, 1937, Five O'clock p.m.
The Council of the Ci ty of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Thursday, the 25th day of lliarch, 1937 at five o'clock p.m.
Councibnan Emge, GaYF heller, Lyons and Mayor Turner were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Turner vlho stated tbat the purpose
af the meeting was to act on bids for construction of sediment tank a.nd fire hose
and whatever business might come up.
Councilman Emge moved that the bid of the Eureka Fire Hose Company, submitted
by Klekenapp Hardware COE.pany for furnishing the City of Fariba.ult with five hundred
f'eet of LIoni tor Multiple vloven Fire Hose at 01.15 per foot be accepted. :fuIotion was
seconded by Councibnan Lyons and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the bid of Wm. O'Neil Sons Co. for the construction
or a million gallon sediment tank in the amount of ~25, 685.00 te acceI ted and that
their certified check be held until contract is signed and surety.bond furnished and
accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lyons and pas sed uranimou~ly..
Councilman Keller moved that the Fari baul t Legion Drwn Corps be r aid an addi-
tional ~50.00 for their performance on Green Signal Day. tlotic~ was seconded by
Councilman Gay and pas.sed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized and directed
to sign the acceptance, accepting the new rate schedule effecting ornemental and
~ccept New street lighting subm.i tted by the Northern states POTIer COl1J.pany effectj.ng a saving
N.S.P.Go. about
Rate Schedule. 01'/$1,004.50 per year to the city, which schedule the Mayor said had l'~en in effect.
several months. ~~tion was seconded by Counci~aan Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Lyons moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded bJT Counc:1'.lman Emge and
passed unanDilous1y.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder
Approved April 13th, 1937.
C. W. Turner, Mayor.
f) -,- , ~
~-,./~ ~.~J
Special Meeting, Tuesday, the 30th day of March, 1937, 10:00 O'clock a.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 30th day of March, 1937, at 10:00 o'clock
a.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Keller and Mayor Turner were present. Councilman Lycns
was absent.
The meeting was called to order by President Turner for the purpose of canvass-
ing the returns of the Primary Election and to transact other business that might
be necessarye The following is the result of the canvass:-
Hadley p. Bell
L.J. O'ConnelJ.
Howard L. Plahn
A. T. 8mi th
C. W. Turner
Ray L. Brinckman
Frank Craig
M. F. Donohue
Fred Emge
W. J. Gay
M.. 0.. Grant
Andrew J. Keller
Jame s P. Kennedy
Herbert A. l~enske
John J. Lyons
Fred McAtee
Herb H. Meyer
J. S. Oehler
H. A. Perkins
J. P. Shea
Re turns.
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Keller, the abcve court
was declared correct and the City Recorder instructed to order the ballets for the
General Election printed with the names of the two highest candidates far Mayor,
the eight highest candidates for Councilman. IJotion was passed by unanimous vcte
of the CourLcil on roll cal~.
On motion of Councilman Emge seconded by Councilman Gay, Resolutior No. .AJ558
was passed by unanimous vote of Council Oil roll call.
I? ;/ +" , .~ '---r:
(LL-~'H' / I~ ~ ;/
:aesolution Relative to Canvass of the Returns from the Frimary Election fer
the Nomination to City Offices held Uarch 29th, 1937.
The Council of the City of Faribault having duly canvassed the returns frcm the
Prim.ary Election for the nomination of the elective offices of the City o:f Fari baul t
held March 29th" 1937, and having determined therefrom "the names of the; candic"'..ates
tOI be voted on as nominees at the GID-J""ERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC'l'ION to be held April 6th,
That the following named persons be and they are hereby d.eclared tc be nominated
as condidates to the respective city offices as follows:-
For Mayor Hadley P. Bel~ loOhS.
c. W. Turner 1 27
Andrew J. Keller 925
Herbert A. Krenske8g8
John p. Shea 855
Zuehlke, City Recorder Signed
For Councilman
Herb. , H. Meyer
W. J. Gay
Fred Emge
John J. Lyons
M.O. Grant
Passed March 30th, 1937. Attest L. E.
c. W. Turner ,1'Iayor
.,-.,.,.._ ,'f'1
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4~~ ~
6\05 Cf\j...\..f;:P
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Ave.-\! oN BF
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Councilman Emge said that the inciLerator was urgently in need of repairs and
asked the Council to consider advertising for bids to be opened at the next meeting
to avoid unnecessary delay in making repairs. Councilman Emge moved th€.t the City
Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise for bids on the/relining of two
ovens of the incinerator according to specifications on file in the office of the
Oi ty Engineer, to be opened and considered at the next regular n.eeting of the Coun..
cil, April 13th, 1937. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and pass~d unanimously.
Councilman Lyons took his seat. The Council discussed the selling of old iron
. and brass at public auction. Councilman Emge moved that the City Recorder be au-
B 5S . thorized and directed to advertise that approximately four tons of iron and five
~1HD ,. RA.
E\.-E- TloN
hundred lbs. of brass would be sold at a public auction to be hp.ld April 7th, 1937
at two o'clock p.m. at the pumping station grounds. Motion was seconde~ by Coun-
cilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Lyons moved to adjourn. 1btion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed unan~ously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved April 13th~ 1937.
C~ W. Turner,'1myoro
Special Meeting, April 7th, 1937, Viednesday, Ten 0 'clock a.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council
. Chamber at the City Hall on TIednesday, the 7th day of April, 1937, at ten o'clock
, a.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Keller, Lyons and Lia~Tor Turner were present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Turner. He stated that tr.e purpose of
I the meeting was to canvass the returns of the General Election.
The resul. ts of the canvass were as follows:-
Counc ilman Fred ErlJ,ge ]].A. 73
W. J. Gay '{04
M. o. Grant 1467
Andrew J. Keller 1413
Herbert A. Krenske 1422
John J. Lyons 1385
Herb H. Meyer 2122
J. P. Shea 1319
Ed. Boldt 1
M. F. Donohue 1
Charles Ebel 1.
Pete Gale 1
J. P. Kennedy 1
Fred Wark 2
City Justice, Carl Aberle 1, Arther Berg l, Ed. Behlke 5. John Bailey 2, Lewis
Buckstrom 1., Gus. Brandvold 5, Lester Blais 1, S. B. Bauernfiend 3, .Iac:t{ Balfe 1,
Fred Boldt 2, Geo. Braun 2, Ed. Boldt 1, Fred Cook 1, Dan Co~ord 2, B~rt Chappuis
16, Geo. Clark 28, Elmer Carlson 31, James H. Caswe1l3, C. Canterbury;, Fred Charles
Frank Fredette 1, John R. Glassco 1 EertGlaser 1, C. E. Griffin ~Q, F.F. G~e.4, i
1, E. H. Clements 1, M. F. Donohue 2lb, Thomas Donohue 3, N. s. E~b 1., Jos. ~r1tsch 20
C. C. Hedges 1, Charles Harkins 1, Arnoldt Hafemeyer l, Walter Huff 2, William Hope,
2, Otto Rubin 1, Dr. S. B. Haessly 1, Ed. Kau1, l, G. E. Kalil, 2, A.W. Karp 2, J.P.
Kennedy 4, Earl Kt1.D:I;J1er 2, Herb. Kahn 1,. Rol1.ie Kelly l, Martin Krenz 1, B. Krueger 1,
C. A. Lockwood 47, C. N. Lockwood 8, C. H. Langdon l, L. L. Lindenberg 5, Ray Lieb 2,
Aaron Lenmark 1, John'Larem 1. Everett MaJ.luege l, Frank iloran 17, A. B. Morris 16,
Wm. Murphy 4, Art. Mealey 4, bhar1.es Mac Kenzie l" Wm. Mc Mahon 2, T.A~ Mealia 1,
Fred ~!ealey 1, John I.Tilligan 3, Harry Ualluege 1, Clem t:c Carthy 6, :Byron !,~iller 1,
H. H. I-:Ieyer 2, Fr"T1v Hve~ 1,., N. O. Nelson 4, Ed. Norton 14, Rubin r;retur.an 1, Russell
Norton l, Frank O'Brien b, 1". J. O'Brien 32, John O'Neil l, Jack Peterson 2, J.S.
Oehler 1, Ben Olstad 1, Irvin Ostrum 1, Leo O'Connell 1, Eds Peterson 2, Dick
14 3
Hadlejf F'. Bel1.
C . w. 'l'urner
c. A. LQckwood
Alfred L. Ochs
Henry Voegel
1-..11 tl.....
Polson l, \lIm. Pofahl l,. Clyde Paro 1, C. W. Rosenthal 22, Otis Rainey 1, Huga Schuen-
hoff 1, stuart Shaft 1, David C. Shifflett 5, Frank Sweska 3,Lester Swanberg 5, ITarry
B. Smith 2, Roy SWanson 1, A.T. Smith 8, Clarence Schultz l, John Sauffer~r 7, Lucius
Smith 1, .Arthur Schreiber 1, Sylvia Tetrault 25, L. Taubman 1,. Hm. Wae;ner 1, Martin
Weyer l~ Charles Wolters 3, Charles Wickham 1, John Wa1deron l, Henry Voegel l.
On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay, and passed unanimously,
the above count was declared correct and the City Recorder was directed to send cer-
tificates of Election to Office to Hadley P. Bell, Mayor, Herb H. L1eyer,. H.J. Ga.:T,
Fred Emge and M. O. Grant, Councilman; M.F. Donohue and Charles A. Lockwood, Cit7
Justices; as they are hereby elected to take office Apri1 13th, 1937 for the tern
of two years.
CounciLman Lyons moved to adjourn.
passed unanimously.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge end
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved April l3th, 1937.
C. W. Turner, Mayor
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, April 13th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
C~.~__~~~~~~~~~~~--- --~
Repair s .
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 13th day of April, 1937, eight o'clock p.m.
Councilman Emge, Gay, Keller, Lyons and Mayor Turner were prese~te
The meeting was called to order by President Turner. Minutes of the last re-
gular meeting, March 23rd, and Special Meetings March 25th and 30th, and April 7th
were read and approved.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on the complete relinning of two
ovens of the Incinerator. The following bids were received:- Jones Incinerator Co.
$1,797.00; Peter Van Houdt $1,350.00. Councilman Emge moved th~t the bids be con-
sidered later. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lyons and pas$ed unanimously.
The following reports of City Officials were presented and read:~ City Treasurer,
Louise Thonet, City Recorder, L. E~ Zuehlke, City Engineer, I.F. Smith, Chief of Po-
lice David C. Shifflett, M. S. Morgan Chief of Fire Department, City Physician,
Norman Lende, Overseer of Poor, E. E. Aberle, Market Master Fre1 Mathis, Jr., Secre-
tary of Library Board, K. I. Cole, Clerk of Municipal Court Rosq V. Di~lon, Dairy
Inspector Carl Hansen and City Recorder's report to Supt. of Accounts and Finances
in the amount of $9,761.62. Councilman Emge moved that the reports be accepted and
ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lyons and passed unanimously.
Automobile policies covering the Police Car, Engineer's Car, Fire Department
Fleet and Fire Insurance Policy covering the Fuel at the City M~rket were presented.
On motion of Councilman Lyons, seconded by Councilman Keller, tbe policies, having
been approved as to manner and form of execution, were accepted and or~ered filed by
unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
The following bills were presented:- Labor Water Department, $69.60, Sanitary
Sewer Payroll $17.60, Ed. Meehl $1.80, John Mullen $3.60, John Hackett $6.25, Library
Accounts $600.46~ Library Salaries for March $551.66, Geo. Day $44.80, Alvin Hoover
$78.95, John Hackett $17848, T8 Ae Mealia $108.00, Chicago Milw~ukee & St. Paul R.Re
Co. $15.95, Wm. Mullenmeister $46.00, Robert Larkin $3.25, Labor Water Dept. $70880,
George Mork $lS.OO, Severt Johnson $36.13, Clarence Kitzman $4.80, Lab~r Water Dept.
storm Sewer Payroll $61.95, Sanitary Sewer Payroll $66.97.
$77.68./Counci1man Lyons moved that the bills be paid. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Keller and passed unanimously.
An application was presented I the Faribault State
substitute $10,000.00 State of South Dakota 3% Refunding
Bank & Trust Company to
Bonds Series "A" 1936 due
Feb. 1st, 1947 and $5,000.00 state of Minnesota Rural Credit Certificates of Indebted-
ness 1.7% due Feb. 28th, 1941 for $13,852.50 Commissioner's Warrants as collateral
for City of Faribault deposits . City Attorney Everett Malluege approved the bonds
as to legallity. Councilman Emge moved that the collateral be left to the new
incomming Council for acceptance. Motion was seconded by Councilman l.yons and passed
On motion of Councilman Lyons, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No.
A1559 was passed unanimously.
/,01' t '-1
No. Al559
No. Al560.
Relative to Transfer of Funds.
That the City Treasurer be, and she is hereby directed to transfer from th~
Fuel Fund to the Sinking Fund of the City of Faribault, the sum of Three Thousand
($3,000.00) Dollars, in accordance with Section 2 of Ordinance No. A55 of the City
of Faribault.
That the City Recorder be and he is hereby directed to make like change in the
funds above named on his books of account under date hereof.
Passed April 13th, 1937e
C. W. Turner, Mayor
Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Emge~ seconded by Councilman Gay, Resolution No. A1560
was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to the Issuance of Tax Certifioates of Indebtedness against Taxas
Levied by the Council of the City of Faribault by Resolution No. Al54l, passed
October 5th, 1936.
That the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized to issue Certificate of
Indebtedness against taxes levied October 5th, 1936, the the year 1937, against the
Road, street and Bridge Fund in the amount of $4,000.00.
That the certificate be issued in accordance with the provisions of Section 155
of the Charter of said city, be payable from the proceeds of the tax assessed and
collected for said fund and fall due on or before the 31st day of December 1937, and
shall bear interest at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum.
That the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized and instructed to sign
said certificate and affix the seal of said City of Faribault thereto.
Passed April 13th, 1937.
C. w. Turner~ Mayor.
Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder6
Councilman Emge moved that Water Department invest $4,000.00 of its surplus in
the above Tax Certificate. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and paRsed unani-
Councilman Gay moved that the Council reconsider the transferring of the cost
of Tarvia recoating from the General Fund to the Permanent Imp. Revolving Fund. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Keller and passed unanimously. Councilman Gay moved that
the amount to be transferred be changed from $5,254.84 to $6,777.57 to c~ver tho cost
of resurfacing for two years, namely 1932 and 1933. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Keller and passed unanimously. On motion of Councilman Gay, seconde~ by Council-
man Keller, Resolution No. Al56l was passed unanimously.
Relative to Payment of Cost of Tarvia Resurfacing Out of the General Fund.
That for the purpose of paying the cost of resurfacing Tarvia surfac~d straets
" 'Ii: -~ ,-
No. Al56l.
No. Al562.
\is.E .CR.R
6\LL Y\ll
in the City of Faribault during the years 1932 and 1933 out of the Gen~ral Fund in
accordance with section 166 of the Charter of the City of Farib~ult, t}~ Mayor and
C1 ty Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to draw an order on tl'e C1 ty Trea-
surer for the sum of $6,777.57, payable to the Permanent Improv~ment R~volving Fund
out of the General Fund of the City of Faribault.
Passed April 13th, 1937.
C. W. Turner, Mayor.
, Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Keller, Resolution No. Al562
II was passed unanimously.
Relative to Transfer of Funds from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund to
the Road, Street and Bridge Fund of the City of Faribault.
That, Whereas thirty per cent has been added to the cost of Tarvie Assessments
No.s 96 to 104 inclusive, to cover the cost of maintenance and whereas the mainten-
ance labor is paid out of the Road, Street and Bridge Fund,
Now, therefore, the City Treasurer be, and she is hereby authorized and directed
to transfer Four Hundred Twenty Three and 65/100 ($423.65) Doll~rs fron the Perm-
anent Improvement Revolving Fund of the City of Faribault to th~ Road, Street and
Bridge Fund of the City of Faribault.
That the City Recorder be and he is hereby directed to mak~ like o~anges in the
funds named on his books of account under date hereof.
Passed April 13th, 1937.
c. W. Turr: er, Ma~.,.,r.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
A bill from Burton E. Orr covering cost of repair to manhoJe at re~r of his
building on Central Avenue in the amount of $17.55 was presented. A bill covering
the same expense had been previously presented. The Council agreed to leave the
matter to the incomming Council.
Annual reports of Mayor Turner, Councilman Eroge. Gay, Keller Lyons, City Engineer,
Chief of Fire Department, Overseer of Poor, Health Officer were presented. Council-
man Lyons moved that the reports of the r~ayor and Councilmen and City Engineer be
published in the Official Paper. Motion was seconded by Councilman Keller and
passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge said that he thought that the Council should accept the property
offered in a deed executed by ~drew B. Larson and wife and Gus N. Boosftlis and wife
in Cosgrove's Addition near 20th street North, as several homes were being constructed
in the addition and the city's ownership of the property would protect t.he property
owners from being shut off from use of this land by someone obtaining it by tax title.
No action was taken.
City Attorney Everett Malluege read an article thanking the Council for his
appointment as their legal advisor and expressed his approval of everytl'ing that had
been done by the Council during his term in office, also the ple~sure h~ had received
r~ r:::"
/='~ J." ~
from being their legal advisor.
Mayor Turner expressed his appreciation of the
of the Council
co-operation/for th~ past two
years and urged the citizens of Faribault to show their interest in municipal af~~':Iirs
by attending the Council meetings.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge end
Councilman Lyons moved to adjourn.
,passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, Cit:r Recore'er.
Approved April 27th,
1937. ~~
Hadley ~~~~
First Meeting of New Administration April 13th, 1937.
After the adjournment of the former Council, the newly elected and rI3-elect~ri
officials took their seats. The oath of office was administered by L. E. Zuehlkr''1,
City Recorder, and was sworn to by Mayor Hadley P. Bell, Councilman Fred Emge, W.J.
Gay, M.O. Grant, and Herb. H. Meyer.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell. He expressed himself as being
glad to see so many citizens at the meeting and invited them to attend often.
Everett Malluege asked the Council to consider the appointment of a City Att.orney
first if any appointments were made.
On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay and passed une.nimo11sly
the Standard Rules of the Council and the rules of parliamentary practice embodied
in Roberts Rules of Order were adopted to govern the Council in all cases to which
they were applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Standard Rules
of the Council.
Councilman Gay moved that the Council hold its meetings on the second and fCTlrtb.
Tuesdays of each month at eight o'clook p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
Motion was seoonded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that Counci1man Emge be appointed Vice-President of th~
Council. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant. Motion passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved that Councilman Emge be designated Commissioner of W~ter
Works and Sewers. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimouslY.
Councilman Emge moved that Councilman Gay be designated Commissioner of Roae,
Streets and Bridges. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimouslY8
Councilman Emge moved that Councilman Grant be designated Commissioner of P"'rks,
Public Grounds, Buildings,Fire Department, and that he be given charge of the dun'~
and incinerator. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that Councilman Meyer be designated Commissioner of Ac~ounts
and Finances and Superintendent of the Fuel Department. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
The official bonds of Mayor Hadley P. Bell and Counoilman Fred Emge, W.J.Gay,
M.O. Grant and Herbert H. Meyer were presented. On motion of Councilman Emge, SE"-
conded by Councilman Gay, the bonds baYing been approved by the District Judge, Fred
r~"'-' -I
.~~'.~ '.
w. Senn as to surety thereon were ordered filed, unanimously.
On motion of Councilman Grant, seconded by Councilman Meyer, Res,lution No. Al563
was passed unanimously.
Relative to Fixing the Amount of the Bonds of the Elective and AI~ointive
Officers of the City of Faribault.
That the bonds of City Justices and appointive officers of the City of Fari-
bault be a.nd the
same are hereby fixed at the
City Justices, each
Water Commissioner
Overseer of Poor
City Recorder
City Engineer
Ci ty Physician
City Attorney
Fuel Commissioner &
Market Master
Chief of Police
Patrolmen, each
City Treasurer
following amounts to-wit:-
No. Al563.
That the bonds of said officers be a.pproved as to form and manner of execution
by the City Attorney except that the bond of the City Attorney be approved as to
manner and form of execution by the Judge of the Municipal Court, and that said bonds
be approved as to sufficiency of sureties
Passed April 13th, 1937.
Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
by the Council.
Hadley P. Bell, Mayor.
Mayor Bell stated that the Council had read all applications that had been filed.
He said that two applications had been filed for the office of City At.torney, that
James H. of James H. Caswell and Everett F. Malluege. The Council agreed to vote by ballot
Appointed to appoint the City Attorney. James H. Caswell received three votes end Everett
City Attorney
Malluege two. Councilman Emge moved that James H. Caswell be eppointe.d City Attor-
ney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Everett Malluege appeared as Attorney for David C. Shifflett, Chief of Police,
and called the attention of the Council to the "soldier's Preference Act" which pro-
vides that an ex-soldier appointee cannot be removed from office withcut being given
a hearing and being proven guilty of misconduct or imcompetency. Mayer Bell stated
that he was not familiar wi tb the law and that the matter of aIPointirg the Chief of
Police would be taken up later.
Councilman Emge moved that I. E. Wilson be appointed Superintende.nt of Water
i Department and Sewers.. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay end pass'ed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that L. E. Zuehlke be appointed City Recorder8 Commissioner
of Registration and Purchasing Agent. Motion was seconded by CouncilDiaD. Emge and
passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that Louise Thonet be appointed City Treasurer and Assis-
tant Recorder. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and Pas'sed unf\nimously.
Councilman Gay moved that Irwin F. Smith be appointed City Enginaer and Electri-
cal Inspector. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and pa~eed unanimously.
'1 t;:'. ~~
(-I; ,t,j
Councilmam Gay moved that F. U. Davis be appointed Health Officer. Motior. was
seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
Councilman Grant moved that Marvin S. Morgan be appointed Chief of the Fir~
Department and Frank Boldt, Assistant Chief. Motion was seconded by Council~ar Gay
and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved that Norman Lende be appointed City Physician. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved that Fred Mathis, Jr. be appointed Fuel Comn'ission~r and
Market Master. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimcusly. Cther
applications on file were received from O.J. Stark, Leo O'connell, A.W. Retzlaff.
Dr. Carl Hansen V.S. had filed an application for Dairy Inspector,/Mayor F~ll
said that he had received two verbal applications. The Council discussed the Dairy
Inspector's Salary" The Mayor suggested that the appointment be made lE-ter.
The fOllowing applications were received for City Assessor:- C. D. Cruikshank 8
J. S. Oehler, Ray G. Endres, A. E. Hutchinson. Councilman Meyer moved tQat the
applications be considered at an adjourned meeting to be held Saturday right at
eight 0' Olock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed \'.nanimo\1.sly.
Mayor Bell said that he would appoint an assistant chief of police to run the
department until the matter regarding the Chief of Police was settled.
Councilman Grant moved that the bids on the repairs on the incinerE'tor be con-
sidered at th~ adjourned meeting Saturday. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wqyer
and passed unanimously.
Council Meyer moved that the meeting be adjourned until Saturday night at eight
o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by CounciLman Emge and passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved April 27th, 1937.
- . -I'"
';:1 t~- I)
'r~~' !. iLl
Adjourned Meeting, Saturday, April 17th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The adjourned meeting of the Council was called to order by Presie~nt Bell
in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on Saturday, the 17th day of A~ril, 1937
Accept Bid on
Reparis on
at eight o'clock p.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant and Meyer were pres~nt.
The bids on repairs at the incinerator were considered. T>e City Engineer
explained the repairs needed. Councilman Grant moved that the bid of Peter Van Houdt
in the amount of $1,350.00 be accepted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and
passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved that the $10,000.00 state of South Dakota Fefunding
Bonds, the $5,000.00 State of Minnesota Rural Credit Certificates depo~ited by the
Faribault State Bank & Trust Co. and the $10,000.00 Waseca County Inder~ndent
School District No. 72 deposited by the Security National Bank & Trust Co. as col-
lateral for City of Faribault deposits be accepted, all having been approved as to
legality by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilm~n Emge and passed
On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay, Resolution No. Al564
was passed unaninwusly.
R~~o!~OTIDM A\5"4
5?)LA~1 f-~,
Relative to Fixing Salaries of the City Officials and Lab~rers.
That the salaries of the City Officials be, and the same are hereby fixed and
established at the following amounts respectively:-
City Recorder, Purchasing Agent
Commissioner of Registration
city Treasurer, Assistant Recorder
Bookkeeping Water Dept.
Water Commissioner and Plumbing Inspector
per month
City Attorney 63 34 "
0 City Assessor 115.00 II
Chief of Police 150.00 u
Patrolmen 120.00 "
Fuel Commissioner 100.00 "
Market rvlaster 20.00 "
Engineer Pumping Station 110.00 .
Ci ty Physician 50.00 "
Janitor City Hall Building 95.00 "
Overseer of Poor 80.00 "
Desk Sergeant 40.00 tt
Health Officer 30.00 tt
Dairy Inspector 90.00 "
Employees in Water Dept. (l) 100.00 It
Judge of Municipal Court l50.00 "
City Engineer 166.67 It
Electrical Inspector 8.33 ..
Engineer Water Dept. 25.00 "
Matron Rest Room 62.50 "
Chief of Fire Department l25.00 tt
Assistant Chief of Fire Department 110.00 It
Firemen (regular 7) 100.00 ~
Firemen (part time 2} 20.00 "
Caretaker Incinerator 80.00 "
Dump Tender 80.00 "
Central Park Tender 60.00 "
Teepe Tonka Park Tender 75.00 It
~ Tourist Park Tender 60.00 "
Street Commissioner 150.00 ..
Assistant to City Engineer 4.00 per.da:-r
That the wages for the city be and they are hereby fixed ~t $.50 per hour for
common 1 abor ; special labor at $.55 per hour; teem labor at $.80 per hour aDd truck
hire at $1.10 per hour.
') ~ ~~ :;io
~ -J~ ,f -'.1
That the Mayor and City Recorder be, and they are hereby authorized and directed
Dairy In-
Engineer at
r 7 " /' I ,/'
/ to -"~ r: I;:; /./-'
to draw orders on the City Treasurer monthly and semi-monthly for the payment of the
elective and appointive officials of the city in equal monthly and semi-monthly in-
stallments as ~aid salaries may become due.
Passed April 17th, 1937.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Hadley P. Bell,~ Mayor.
Mayor Bell read an application from R.B. Pye for City Assessor's of~~ice. The
Council agreed to ballot on the applications which had been filed for City Asse~~or.
The count showed A. E. Hutchinson four, Ray G. Endres one. Councilman Gay moven that
the informal ballot be made formal and A. E. Hutchinson appointed City Assessor.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that Carl Hansen be appointed Dairy Inspector. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge said that he had appointed P. A. Frederickson Engin~er at the
Pumping Station and moved that the appointment be confirmed. Motion was secondnd
by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Meyer, Resolution No.
Al565 was passed unanimously.
Relative to Confirmation of Appointments of City Officials.
That all appointments of City Officials made at the meetings of April ~,3th
and 17th, 1937 are hereby confirmed and the City Recorder is hereby authorized and
directed to notify all appointees of their respective appointments.
Passed April 17th, 1937.
Hadley P. ~ell, Mayor.
Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Everett Malluege asked the Council what action they were going to take on the
Chief of Police. City Attorney James H. Caswell said that the statutes would be
followed regarding the matter and that the Chief of Police would be give~ notice
of charges and a hearing as provided for. Councilman Meyer moved that the City
Attorney be instructed to send the necessary notices to David C. Shifflett. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Grent and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that Councilman Meyer give the Market Master instructions
to fill only city owned vehicles with gasoline from the city owned pump at the
Market. l~. Meyer said that he had already instructed the Market Master to this
effect. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by CouncilIran Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved April 27th, 1937.
re~ /~J:J
~. fI;~
Hadley . Be , Mayor.
i;),1~ ~
',I ::; I~ ~ ~..
Special Meeting, Monday, April 26th, 1937, 7:30 p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in t}~e Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Monday, the 26th day of April, 193~ at 7:~~ p.m. Coun-
cilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell who stated that the purpose
i of the meeting was to appoint a Chief of Police and to consider other matters which
Residnation r might arise. The resignation of David C. Shifflett under date of Aprll 19th, 1937
and Withdrawal
of Applicatio~ and the withdrawal of his application for appointment to the office of Chief of
David C. I
Shifflett ' Police under date of April 22nd, 1937 were read.
Applications for appointment to the office of Chief of Police from Otto W. Hub in ,
Otto W. Rubin T.E. Conniff and Edw. E. Peterson were read. Mayor Bell said t.hat he had received
Chief of a verbal application from James Quinlan. The applications of ell were thoroughly
considered. Councilman Grant moved that Otto iN. Hubin be appoj,nted CJ'lef of Police
for the ensuing ter.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer ~nd passed unanimously.
Mayor Bell said that the patrolmen were working from ten to twel~e hours per
day with only a Sunday off now and then. He suggested that one or two more men be
added to the force to shorten the hours worked and to eliminato the hiring of an ex-
More Men on
Police Force
tra man during vacation time, also that one of the regular men police dances wi th-
out additional salary instead of a dance hall inspector who hw'etofore received
$2.50 per dance. After a lengthy discussion as to the cost to the city and the
efficiency of the department, Councilman Emge moved that Mayor Bell be authorized
to place one or two more men on the force. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay
and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the Council reconsider the salaries fixed by Reso-
lution No. A1564. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
P. A. Frederi-
ckson raised
to $125.00
per Month.
Mayor Bell said that he had interviewed P.A. Frederickson at tIe Pumping Station
and had been informed that he worked many hours during a day oo1d that at times he
was obliged to pump from twenty to twenty five hours continuously. After due con-
sideration of the faithfulness and competency of Mr. Frederickson, Councilman Emge
moved that his salary be raised to $125.00 per month. Motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Grant and passed unanimously.
The City Attorney was instructed to write the Railroad Co~panies to call their
attention to the City Ordinance specifying a speed limit of six miles per hour in
the City. After a discussion, the City Attorney was instructed to dr~w up an or-
dinance to amend the traffice ordinance to regulate the speed limit tc conform with
the state Law..
The Council discussed briefly the placing of another full time m~n on the Fire
Department ,instead of the two part time men to increase the ef~~iciency of the de-
W'\TE~ ~\ijAI\'.J
partment and to give the Chief of the Department more time for inspection duties.
No action was taken.
Councilman Emge asked the approval of the Council on laying about two hundred
thirty feet of Water Main on Francis Street to serve abutting property owners be-
i fore the street was prepared for Tarvia surfacing. Councilman Gay moved that the
~ ' I-
t- rf' 1.-lHi - ..,3.c'f' ./ i~,
" -, '/I
,':'1'" 'lo~,1
action be approved. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimollsly.
Mayor to Mayor Bell asked authorization to purchase a barrel of street Marking Paint and
Street Paint. the necessary thinner. Councilman Emge moved that Mayor Bell be authorized to make
the purchase. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
There being no further business, Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved April 27th, 1937.
~:l~~uaell,~ Mayor
Regular Meeting, April 27th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the ~ity of l8ribault met in regular session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 27th day of May, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m.
Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant and Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.
Minutes of the regular meeting April l3th, adjoUrned meeting April 17th anJ.
special meeting of April 26th were read and approved with the following correction:-
That Otto W. Rubin be appointed Chief of Police for the"'ensuing term af two yet:rs"
instead of ttensuing term".
.8.. B. Larson appeared before the Council and asked them to consider the ac;cep-
51reE~T tance of the deed for the lend .j_n Cosgrove's addition presented to the former Goun-
~~~";') H'\ cil. to relieve the present property ownerss namely Andrew B. Larson and Wife and Gus
Avo A-AT N. Boosalis and Wife from paying the taxes and to protect the present property
After discussion
5W-l;.-i~iHlo~~O owners in the addition by giving them a right-or-way to their property./ Councilman
Gay moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and Ci~y Engineer tc be
reported on at the next meeting. ~~tion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and ~assed
The Official Bonds of James H. Caswell, Louise Thonet, L. E.. Zuehlke, Irwin F.
Smi tn, Ira E. Wilson, Fred F. Mathis" Nom.an Lende, Arthur E. HutcJ:1insoJ3 ~ ErneS't E.
Bonds Aberle, William H. Mullenmeister, Ernest Noeth, Mdchael F. Donohue, Charles A. Lock-
Policies. wood, contract bond of William 0 'Neil and Son and contract bond of Peter Van HC"ldt
and insurance policies covering the street department Chevrolet, Clark F'lsenthE',t
and Alfred Moreau. On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilmar Grant,
the bonds and insurance policies having been approved as to manner and fODn of exe-
cut10n by the City Attorney and the bond of the City Attorney having been apprC'ved
by the Judge of the Municipal Court, were accepted and ordered filed by unanimcus
vote of the Council on roll call.
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Emge, Resolution No. Al566
/?~1' 1+ /~..:' ~-P
Relative to Payment of Interest Due May 1st, 1937.
was passed unanimously.
That for the purpose of paying interest due May 1st, 1937 on stor.m Sewer ronds
:{~j': ~\J
~E50J.,J)1IotJ Nos. 14 to 24 inclusive. Local Improvement Bonds Nos. 11 to 20, inclusJ',ve! Building
A ISG<O Bonds Nos. 9 to 15, inclusive, Bridge and Culvert Bonds Nos. 9 to l5 ir.clusive, all ,
it-\1EIY--€Sr issued November 1st, 1923; the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authC'rized and ~I.:.
directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer for the sum of Eight H",udred Seven-
ty Five ($875.00) Dollars in favor of the Northwestern National Bank ar1 Trust Co.
of Minneapolis, Minnesota, to be made payable from the Interest Fund of the City of
Faribaul t.
Passed April 27th, 1937. Hadley P. Bell, Mayor
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
The following bills were presented for payment:- T. A. Mealia $44..00, Geo.
Day ~35.20, $6.40, Severt Johnson $2.50, Chas. O'Brien $4.00, Labor Wa1~r Depart-
ment $98.40, Rasmussen Transfer $17.52, Servicised Products Co~? $232_76, $12.49,
David C. Shifflett $35.00 u. S. Sanitary Specialties Corp. $8.67, County of Rice
$l2.76, Labor Water Dept. $138.15, Robert Larkin $3.00, A. Lamb~rty $17.00, Clyde
Pike $17.00, Street Department Payroll $872.51, Paul Bartelt $10.67, o. J. Tetrault
$8.80, E. Olson $14.00, Lampert Yards Inc. ~253.50, sanitary & Storm SI~'1ler Payroll
$70.20, Peabody Coal Co. $107.90, Chicago Great Westem R.R. Co. $2l5.Eo, General
, Fund, Oi ty of Fari baul t $55.91, Tri State Tel. & Tel. Co. $56.37. Cour'l}ilman Emge
moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Me:rer and was
passed unanimously.
Official reports from City Treasurer, City Recorder, Clerk of Munjcipal Court
Market Master from April 1st to l3th and the Heal th Officier csreport en the Ci ty
i Lockup were present. CouncilmaJD!. Meyer moved that the reports b~ accep1''9d and or-
! dered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unani~ously.
A petition for street lights at the following intersections was pr~sented:-
Petition for Corner of 10th street and 8th Avenue SW., Corner of lOth st. and Cerlt~n Avenue
Street Lights.
S.W.! Corner of lOth Street & 9th Avenue Southwest, Corner of 11 th Str~.et and Eighth
Avenue SW. The Mayor suggested that the Council visit the vario1J.s intersections
where street lights were asked for some evening.
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on S1xth Avenue Southwest between Eighth street
South and Fifth Avenue Southwest, signed by Rohert W. Klamer was prese~ted. Coun-
cilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise a
Peti tion public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of the Co"mcil, May 11th.
Sixth Ave. SW. Mat1.on was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Applications for Auto Car Licenses of Clark Rosenthal and Alford 1breau were
present. Councilman Gay moved that the Licenses be grantede M~tion w~s seconded
by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
Application of John A. Shaffer for non-intoxicating malt beverage license at
Corner of Third Street and Irving Avenue. The Council agreed to defer action on
the application until further investigation was made.
~At..AR'( j\)t><lE
of ~,\UN.Cc:"rt
and May 3ls't, 1935,
Letters from C.M. stockton of April 27th, 1937 and May 9th, 1935J relative to
his request for restoration of his salary to $200.00 per month were rec-'i. Council
discussed the changing of his salary during his term in office. After a discussion
{~I. ~c '"1
I Councilman Emge moved that the City Attorney write the Attorney General for an
opinion on the matter. MOtion was seconded by Councilman Grant and pass~d unanj-
~ mously.
Councilman Meyer moved that the $10,000 Rice County, Minnesota, Court Housl~
bonds deposited as collateral for City of Faribault deposits by the Security National
Bank & Trust Company of Faribault be accepted, same having been approved as to le-
gality by the City Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passe~
MO'lIl....Ei The City Engineer said that application had been made to move the Christiar,
. f30t-Jp. Science Church and that it had been cus tomery for the Council to fix the amount of
C"~IST6AN 5-:;" the mover' s bond for the moving of buildings larger than ordinary dwellings. CO\1,1l-
Extra Re-
pairs on
Bids on
cilman Meyer moved that the amount of the bond be fixed at $5,000.00. Motion w:~s
seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
The City Engineer said that the site of the sediment tank for the water depart-
ment was drained by an open ditch and suggested that it be enclosed to Lmprove the
appearance of the property. The Engineer was instructed to present an estimate of
the cost at the next meeting.
The City Engineer said that he and Councilman Grant had been inspecting the re-
pairs being made on the Incinerator and that they had been informed by Peter Va~:
Houdt,the contractor, that by adding additional work on the arches, they would b~
improved as d~rability. He also said that Mr.. Van Houdt offered to do the work for
$137.00. Councilman Meyer moved that Councilman Grant be authorized to have the
work done.. Motion was seconded by Councilman. Emge and passed unanimouslY.
Councilman Emge moved that plans and specifications deep well pump be dra~ up
by the City Engineer and Water Commissioner. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Gay and passed unanimously.
CounciLman Emge moved that the City Recorder by authorized and directed to ad-
vertise for bids on the official printing for the ensuing year, to be opened and
considered at the next regular meeting, May 11th, 1937. MOtion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Gramt and passed unanimous1y.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjounr. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
I passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved May 11th, 1937.
Hadley ~lVMaYOr
,," Ir"'. ~
)',-, 11
hi 'U
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, May llth~ 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
-- ~~~~~-~~~~~
The Council of the City of Faribault met in the Council Cha~ber at the City
Hall on Tuesday, the 11th day of h1ay, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m. Councilman Emge
. Gay, Grant, Meyer and Iilayor Bell were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Minutes of the last regu-
lar meeting April 27th, 1937 were read and approved.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called on Tarvia surfacing of Sixth Ave.
Hearing Tarvia Southwest between Eighth Street South and Fifth Avenue Southwest. No one appeared
Sixth Avenue for or against the improvement. Councilman Gay moved that the Street Department be
authorized to surface the above named street when it is in condition. Motion was
Third Avenue
East Dust
Mrs. Yule
iC'"-AfM TO
~~ R H f,:.::-
seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unan~ouslY.
Miss Louise Dube spoke in behalf of several property owners present regarding
the dust nuisance on Third Avenue East caused by the trucks working on the viaduct
construction and asked that the street be sprinkled during the c~nstruction period.
Counoi~an Emge moved that the street be sprinkled during the period of construc-
tion and that the cost be charged to the General Fund. Motion was seconded by Coun-
I. eilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
i. Frank M. Kaisersatt and Mrs. Wm. Yule appeared before the Council in regard to,
an application to the Council to recommend to the Rice County Board of Commissioners
,e. reduction in assessed valuation and a refundment of taxes on the property of Mrs.
.Yule located at No. 213 Willow Street and 1011 Division Street East. After a dis-
cussion, Counci1man Emge moved that Counci1man Meyer and the City Assessor investi-
and turn in a report at the next neeting. Mo-
and passed unanimously.
driveway used for the
Council and said that the/Library was located
gate the matter and view the property
tion was seconded by Councilman Grant
Wm. Thierman appeared before the
on his property and asked that the City either purchase the strip or vacate it.
City Engineer I.F. Smith said that there were descrepencies in the lines in the
block and the Council referred the matter to him to look up old titles and records
and make a survey of the property if necessary.
Walter Dokken appeared before the Council for the Citizens National Bank and
asked that a Resolutioln be passed designating
street lines on South Willow street
as the Bank was selling several. pieces of property in that location and would like
to have the lines determined. The City Engineer said that the Highway rr6.s not in
exactly the same location as the old street line. After a discussion, the Council
agreed that the street and property be viewed before action was taken.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on Official Printing for the
following year. Bids were re cei ved from the Fari baul t Daily News and tle Fari baul t
Journal at the Statutory Legal rates, with a 10% discount if paid within 1hirty days.
Mayor Bell called a recess to consider the bids. After a short recess, the meeting
was called to order by President Bell. Council Gay moved that the bid of the Fari-
~ccept Bid bault Daily News be accepted and that it be designated the Official Pap~r for the
Fari baul t Daily
News ensuing year. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passe1 unaninously.
The following monthly reports of City Officials were presented and read:-
Ct, r" ,-,
;~I' -r ~1J
City Treasurer, Louise Thonet 4/14 to 4/30; City Recorder, L. E. Zuehlke, 4/14 to 4/30;
City EngineerJ I.F. Smith; City Physician Norman Lende; Chief of Poliae otto W."Rubinj
Chief of Fire Department M. S. Morgan; Overseer of Poor E.E. Aberle; Market Master
&nd Fuel Cormnissioner Fred Mathis, Jr.; Dairy Inspector Carl Hansen; Clerk of Co~rt
Rose V. Dillon; Secretary of Library Board K. I. Cole; City Recorder's report to the
Superintendent of Accounts and Finances in the amount of $5,909.02. Official Bords
of J. S. Oehler, John H. Lewis, Francis H. Me Cullougb., A. E. Mollison, Frances M.
Thompson, Otto W. Rubin, Timo~hy J. Hanlon; Plumber Bond of Herbert Schultz and Fire
Insurance Policy covering the street Department Ford Truck ware presented. The
following bills were presented :- Thos. Dusbabek $4.00, Paul Bartelt $5.33, Wm..F.
Mullenmeister $43.30, T. E. Conniff $10.00, E. E. Norton $20.00, Philadel~hia anq
Reading Coal and Iron Co. $211.36, Alvin Hoover $44.70, Library Salaries $551.66,
Labor Water Department $167.65, T. A. Mealia $60.00, A. Lamberty $22.00, Clyde P~ke
$22.00~ L. F. Ableman $3.61, Robert Larkin $5.25, Labor Water Department $l74.40r Library
Peter Van Houdt $1,000.00.
Accounts $540.48, Clyde Pike $27.00, Albert Lamberty $24_00,/ Councilman Emge moved
that the reports be accepted and ordered filed, the bonds and insurance p~licy,
having been appro1ved as to manner and form of execution by the Ci ty Attorney, be
accepted and ordered filed and the bills listed be allowed. Motion was s~conded by
Counci~an Gay and passed unanimously.
The Counci1 considered the application of John A. Shaffer to sell non-intoxi-
eating Malt Beverage at the corner of Third Street Northwest and Irving Avenue, pre-
sented at the last meeting. It was brought out that several Councilmen h~d received
Application requests from residents not to grant a license in that locality. The City Attorney
ruled that the Council could not grant a 3.2 Malt Beverage License where business
had not been carried on prev1ous1y. Mr. Shaffer was present and heard the above <<is-
The applieation of H.Q. Winkley to sell non-intoxicating Malt Bevera~e at 303
Application 305 Central Avenue was presented. The Council took no action on the applicatio]j, be-
cause Mr. Winkley had not been doing business.
The following applications to operate Pin Ball Machines were presented:- Gopher
Sales Co. (owner), Hyatt & Conklin, Hurryback, Ellis & Andrews, A. B. Jasinski, F~tel
Faribault, Kahn & Ranum, Kelly Davis, Ed. Howe, J. H. Kennedy, Tessie Mal1uege,. Geo.
H. Wentwortht Wilfred Thiffaut, Evergreen Knol1, L. E. Ca:c:Jpbell, Schlick's Drug Store,
Applications Payant's Drug Store, C. W. Coon~ John F. Dring~ Albert Paulson, Geo. M. Murray,
P in Ball
Licenses Davidson & Mertes,. W. J. Sower, C. E. .Anderson, A. J. Nelson, Elgin Cafe, Wm. East-
complaints resarding
ling, Thos. Matakis, H. H. Aberle, Jghn Gillis. There was some discussion as to/per-
sons under eighteen years of age playing these machines. The Oi ty Attorn~y read the
ordinance and said that it was illegal for licensees to allow persons under eighteen
years of age to operate the machines. Councilman Emge moved that Pin Ball Licenses
be grw1ted to the above named applicants. Idbtion was seconded by Counci~an Gay.
On roll call the following voted "aye", Councilman Emge, Gay, Meyer and M';oyor Bell.
Councilman Granted voted "naye". Motion was carried.
'J"r, ,
... 1'1
~ or'; , ... ,....1
Mayor Bell brought up the acceptance of a lot in Belmont Addition in the name
.// I
r I of Joseph Duchene, Estate. who was a city charge when he died. He said that he
Acceptance of had been informed by the County Attorney that the City had first claim to the lot
Joseph Duchene
lot Belmont
Officies Sat.
June, July,
Augus t.
as IJr. Duchene left no heirs, elso Mayor Bell said that the County Att~r.ney had
asked that action be taken on the matter at once as they were /
t~' get the
matter cleared up. Councilman Gay moved that the City accept the lot. Motion was
accepted by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Mayor Bell said that the County Offici~s were closing Saturday aft~rnoons and
asked what action the Council wished to take on closing the city offic1es. Coun-
. moved
c11man Meyer. / that the City Officies be closed Saturday afternoons during the
, months o,f June, July and August. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gr:::.nt and
! passed unanimously.
The City Engineer read specifications on a deep well Turbine Pump. Council-
man Emge moved that the specifications be accepted and that the City Recorder be
Advertise Bids! authorizai and directed to advertise for bids on a deep well Turbine P'rmp in accor-
Deep Well
Turbine dance with specifications on file in the office of the Water Conmissioner, to be
opened and considered by the Council at eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, the 25th
day of May, 1937. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge explained the workings of 6 baffle-hood in a sedi~entation
Advertise Bids tank and said that one was needed in the new sedimentation tank wlder construction,
Baffle-Hood. and moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to f',dvertise for bids
on a copper baffle-hood according to plans and specifications on file in the office
Advertise for
Bids on Pick-
up Truck for
Water Dept.
! of the Water Commissioner, to be opened at the next regular meeting of the Council,
~ May 25th. 1937, eight 0 'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and
I passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to ad-
vertise for bids on a half ton pick-up truck,. equipped with clos~d cab, six ply
! tires and spare. copper tank heater, for the Water Department, to be opened at the
. next regular meeting, May 25th. 1937 at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized and di-
Band Contract ree-ted to sign the contract with the r.Iunicipal Band .Association specif~ing a
thousand dollars far eight concerts and the necessary tehearsa1s. ~IDt:on was se-
conded by Counc i!man Gran t and pas sed unanimousl y.
Mayor Bell read a letter from H. C. Theopold ste. ting that he would be in
Kasson on May l3th and asked the Council to drive over to insper.t the swimming
pool which was being co,nstructed under W.P.A.. The Council discu~sed se""9ral loca-
tions briefly for a swimming pool in Faribault.
Councilman Gay said that he was going to be in St. Paul during th~ week and
said that he would take Ul' the matter of surfacing Fourth Street Pavemant wi th
black top surfacing if it met with the approval of the Council. The Council gave
Councilman. Gay's proposed [.c tion their approva.lc
("'\1 ~"
Councilman Grant said that the benches in Central Park needed painting the
the toilets repairs. Counci~an Meyer moved that Councilman Grant be authoriz~
C,fNf~k JZt}PK to have the necessary work done.. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved that the City Recorder be authorized and dir"~cted t(':
Bids on
Compensation advertise for bids on compensation insurance to cover City employees, to be opered
at the next regular meeting, May 25th, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was s~'...
conded by Councilman Grant arrd passed unanimously.
The City Engineer read a letter from H.C. Theopold requesting that a road in
the Seabury Mission Grounds be changed and put to grade. The City Engineer explained,
the position of the roads in question. No action was taken.
The Council discussed the plans of the approach to the viaduct through the Sea.-
Walk on
bury grounds which specified a five foot walk, which is contrary to the provision
of the City Ordinance specifying six foot walks. Councilman Emge moved that the
City Engineer be authorized to have a six foot walk constructed instead of five
foot and necessary sockets for the construction of a guard rail, the addAd expeIise
to be paid by the City of Faribault. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant aDd
passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Mrition was seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorde~.
Approved May 25th, 1937.
H~~'~l. Mayor
_0 ~
~~~- - -
,;-:,.... '" ,
~ --1 '11\
Regular Meeting" Tuesday, May 25th, 1937. Eight O'clock p.m.
~~~=~~ ~~~-~ -~~~ ~
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular sessioII in the. Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, tbe 25th day of May, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m.
Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and lliayor Bell were present.
The meeting was oalled to order by President Bell. Minute~ of the last regu-
lar meeting of May 11th, 1937 were read and approved.
Miss Tilford, representative of the District W.P.A. offic€ appew'~d before the
Coljncil and explained the sewing project, which the Council was being €',sked to spon-
sor. The Council advised ~liss Tilford that they objected to signing a contract
calling for an expenditure of $16,000.00 and being held for its completion, if it
were not completed by the W.P.A~ The Council also brought up the fact t~at the arti-
cles were being distributed in the County as well as in the CitJ-e Miss Tilford stated
that the project provided that the W.P.A. furnish $15,000.00 for labor and $482.00
fo r materials, and that the Ci ty of Fari baul t furni sh ~)760. 00 fo r materials and
rent. heat, light and jam tor service in the south haJLf o,f the Gi ty Hall building
which would amount to about $600.00 for twelve months. She alse stater that the
contract could be rewri tten to eliminate the Council's objections. Pr~sident Bell
7/, "
said that the Mayor's Clearing House Committee had recommended Mrs. Thais Taylor for
! supervisor. Mr~ Wm. Buth, Rice County Relief Representative stated that 90% of the
I articles made were distributed in the City and if a contract wer~ not ~igned, that
approximatelY 16 women would go on direct relief. Councilman. Me;yer mo,...~d that the
Mayor and Finance Officer be authorized to sign the contract fa l' the sa~ng project
after it was amended and that Mrs. Thais Taylor be appointed su:r~rvisor. Motion wa.s
seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Mrs. Wm. Yule appeared before the Council and asked what action tt.e Council were
going to take on her application presented at the last meeting. Councilman Meyer
stated that he and Mr. Hutchinson, City Assessor, appointed as e commit.tee, had view-
ed the Yule properties and compared them with properties in the same vj,cini ties and
found the vaJLuations very fair and that they would not recommeno a reduction in valu-
ations or a refund of taxes. After a short discussion with the other D1?.m.bers of the
Wm. Yule Council, Counci1man Meyer moved that the Council make no recomme~datio~ for reduction
Request for
Tax Reduction in valuations and refundment of t.axes on the Yule properties to the County Board.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and. passed unanimously, Mrs. Yule asked
AVE~~. r (~
what further action she could take. The City Attorney advised r~r to t~ke up the
matter with the County Board, as the Council had denied her req'l.'est.
A. petition for Tarvia Surfacing on state Avenue from Division strE"J~t south to
the Ravine, signed by four property owners, was read. Mr. ThomIr~s was present and
complained of the dust nuisance do to trucks hauling for the corstruction of the
viaduct and the east side approach to the viaduct. Councilman Gay said that the
street was out of line, needed widening, putting to grade and t:r~ drain'ige corrected,
all of which would take considerable time J thus depr1 ving the pr?perty ovmers of
cost of thin coat of Tarvia or Spr~nk1ing as a
much benefit fro~ T&rvia surfacing this season. The Council dircussed/temporary
relief from the dust nuisance. It was brought out that Sprinkljng would be too high
iJ)'-' "
,'. i' ,.,.
lr-'" ~ I ,ll
because Water could not be obtained conveniently. Councilman Gay moved tl~t the
Ci ty Recorder be a.u thorlzed and directed to a.dverti se a public hearing tc' be he] d
at the next regular meeting, June 8th, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m. in the Counc1J,
Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed W'lwll-
(j1 QREEN An ordinance similar to the one known as the Green River ordinance~ prohibj ting
State Ave.
~'YER peddlers and transient merchants from solici tlng and selling their wares from hO'.l.se
ORVIK~NC.E to house. reconme:nded by the Be tailers' Council of the Chamber of Commerc:~, was pre-
sented. President Bell stated that he thought that the ordinance should be dis~
cussed by the Council with the City Attorney before placing it on its first reaeing.
Counci~an Grant moved that the City Attorney be directed to v~ite an ordinance re-
gulating such business. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and pasfed unari-
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on a deep well turbln~ pump, motor
. pickup truck
and accessoriesj copper baffle hood for sedimentation tank; one-half ten/closed cab
equipped wi th copper tank heater, six ply tires and spare tire for the Water Dert.
and Compensation Insurance covering City Employees 1937-l938.
Presiden t Bell stated that the Council ha.d been informed that only one or two bidders
could meet the requirements of the specifications on the deep well pump!! which \w")uld
prevent competi tive bidding. Councilman Emge moved that the bids be ret'Urned to the
bidders unopened. Motio'n was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
~3AFFlE i"iw[' The following bids were opened:- On Baffle Hood; Bid No.1, F.A. Meyers & Son, !Jot
considered as check accompanying bid was not certified; Bid No.2, B. B. Lockerr~
COMP INSo $97.50 j On Compensation Insurance; Mabel A. Barrett Insurance Agency and Securi 1:-,
No.1, 6
clrtt-'~~F 1"o~~ Insurance Agencyj On Half Ton Pickup truckj7Farlbault looters Inc. $5 5.00, No. 2.~
lIR0L~. Kummer Auto Company $649.00, and $689.00, No.3 F. V. Matejcek $629.50 aD~ $597.50,
No.4, Rice County Motor Sales, not considered because bid was accompanie1. by cash
instead of certified check. President Bell read a letter trom the Anchor Casualty
Co", stating the amount the City had saved during the past few years by inquring ~,n
their company. President Bell called a recess to consider the bids. After recess,
the meeting was called to order by President Be11.
Councilman Emge moved that the bid of B. B. Lockerby on a copper baffle hoo1 in
the amount of $97.50 be accepted. Me tion was se conded by Councilman Grant and
Ac cep ted.
passed unan1mously.
Councilman Meyer moved that the bid of the Security Insurance Agenoy on com!,'~m-
sation insurance covering city employees during 1937-1938 be accepted providing that
they insure in the Anchor Casualty Co. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and
'passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the bid of the Faribaul t Motors Inc. on a half-t,.'n
pickup truck in the amount of $565.00 be accepted and that their certified chec~
be held until deli very was made. Motion was s: econded by Councilman Gay and pass~d
President Bell read a letter from the State Fire Marshall r.elative tQ municjT,>al
iO;;"~ ~ --
,~~ -I ~_
fZ.q1:"! ,'8 4 ~ F
FIRE \')E(~
ratings based on Fire Department Equipment and number of person6l. Councilman Grant
suggested that one full time man be placed on the Fire Departmert inst~ad of the
part time men. The Council discussed the matter and agreed to t~e it up latero
A letter from the National Labor Relations Board thanking the COUL.cil for per-
mi ttlng them to use the Wa tar Works fo:r an election and furnishj ng two voting booths
and a ballot box was read.
The following bills were presented:- Peerless Chemical COo $1151, Louise Thonet
City Treasurer $24.39, E. E. Norton $32.00, Labor Water Dept. $]34.40, Robert Larkin
$5.25, Alvin Hoover ~1~.80, Salaries Deputy Assessors $260.00, Clyde pjke $27.00,
Library Accounts $185.79" Labor Water Dept. $103.40, Albert Laml'~rty $~4.!00, Albert
Ring $10.00, Servert Johnson $4.50, Charles O'Brien $2.75, Leo J-arvis $4~50, Clyde
. Pike Q27.00, Robert Larkin $4.75, Albert Lamberty $24.00, Faribc Paint Shop $105.00
I Louise Thonet, City Treasurer $11.24, street Dept. Payroll $932.22, Peter Van Houdt.
1$457.00, Mueller Co. ~17.15, Wm. O'Neil Sons, Inc~ $38.72, Peabcdy Coal Co. $467~96,
: Chicago Great Western R.R. Co. $248.30, Chicago Rock Island & Pfcific $?66.50,
Faribault Machine Shop & Foundry $84.78, Tri State Tel. & Tel. (,'). $55..30, Sanitary
& Storm Sewer Payroll $68.57, S. E. Boyer Co. $18.74. Sidewalk Bond of Wil~iam L.
Farmer, Bonds of N.S. Erb Desk Sergeant and Thomas Edward Conniff, Patr?lman and
Insurance Policy covering the G.M.C. truck were presented. Councilman E~e moved
that the insurance policy and bonds, having been approved as to manner and form of
execution by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed arrl the lills listed
allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanjmously.
A claim from Raymond Matthies in the amount of $37.00 for c"'emages to his car
caused by his driving into a deep and vdde cut in the Tarvia surfaced ~treet on
Trunk Highway No. 60 near the bridge crossing Crocker's creek was presa~ted. The
City Attorney stated that the claim was outlawed because no clajm or n~tice had been
filed within thirty days as the Charter provides., Councilman Grant moyad that the
claim be denied. Motion was seconded by Coune ilman Meyer and pessed UIl'1nimously.
The following applications were presented:- F.O.E. Lodge, Dance IIall License,
Faribault Iron & Metal Co., Junk Dealers License~ Eellie Kel~y, Junk Dealers License,
Ochs Bros., Dance Hall License; C. W. Turner, Oliver N. Larson, Wm. Their.man and
Frank Golden, Electricians Licenses; Gopher Sales Co. 4 Owner's Pin Ball Machine
Licenses; Herbert Q. Winkley (2), Central Liquor Store and Farilault Liquor Store,
Operators Pin Ball Machine Licenses. John A. Shaffer was present and s~id that his
place of business was not operating and asked to change his application to "'Off Sale't
License to sell non-intoxicating Malt beverage. President Bell said tl:at Herb. Q..
Winkley had opened his place of business so that the Council conld now act on his
application to sell non-intoxicating malt beverage. Councilman Emge moved that all
licenses be granted, including John A. Shaffer and Herb. Q,. Winl:ley" Motion was
seconded by Counci~an Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Grant said that the Fire Department need 200 feet of' c]'~mical hose
at an estimate cost of $90.00. Councilman Gay moved that Counc1,lman Gj~9.nt be au-
(~'" ,~
thorized to make the above purchase. ~rotion was seconded by Counci~an Emge ane,
file E H05[:.
:?YEt::E1 lOTS
AuO. A-AT ~
t9 -uo-z.o
."\<:...<:...0. p+ <l.cf
passed unanimously.
The Council discussed the acceptance of the deed presented by A.B. l.arson end
Wife and Gus. N. Boosalis and ~ife to a strip of land in Cosgrove's addition. Ccun-
cilman Emge moved that the deed be accepted. ~IDtion was seconded by Cour,cilman
Grant and passed unanimously.
President Bell said that invitations had been sent to seven hundred fifty r.ities
to attend the League of Minn@sota Municipalities convention to be held iD Fariba~lt
June 15th, 16th and l7th.
TELe<:iAAN~ To, Councilman Emge moved that Mayor Bell be authorized to send the following tele-
SEN. ~ ~E~ gram to Senator Ernest Lundeen,. H. Shipstead and Congressman August Andre.sen:- r'I'he
f's - W. R A, Ci tizens of Faribaul t request your support of the appropriation i'or and continuetion
of the Public Wokrs Program now pending in Congress. tt Motion was s: eooinded by Council-
man Grant and passed unanimously.
President Bell stated that there would be parallel. parking on First Avenue from
Second to Fifth Streets North and on Fourth street from Central to Secona Avenues
West,. and also suggested that semaphore traf,fic. signs be installed on Central Avenue
at the Third and Fourth Streets corners. He gave an estimate cost of $800.00 for the
:5~MAPHO!RE installation of the semaphore signs. The Council discussed the congested and dangerous
5~~ t,r condi tion of these corners. Councilman Gay moved that the Oi ty Engineer get plans
SYS 1 Etvj
SpEC.IFI CA11ot/j
and specifications for semaphore sign system. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Meyer and passed unan~ously.
Councilman Gay said that he bad offered to build a road for the Seab'J.ry M1s~ion '
if the Tarvia on the Blind Road would not be removed.
The City Attorney and representative of pump dealers agreed that the plans and
FUM P: A:C.EPJEClspecifications as rewritten by the City Engineer and Superintendent of the Water
Department would permit competitive bidding on deep well pumps, Councilm'3.D. Emge
moved that the specifioations be accepted. Motion was seconded by CounciLman Gr~nt
for Bids
Deep Well
G,i'!'IA\'ll- S ~
and passe.d unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to r~-
advertise for bids on a deep well turbine pump according to specifications on file
in the office of the ~~perintendent of the Water Department. Motion was seconde~
by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay stated that he had interviewed the State Highway Department end
i I
I had been advi sed that the plans for the East end approach to the viaduct had not been
I completed, but that they did include Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk and Guard Railing~.
4-11:JS~- PAI/'~K'D' :He alsO' said tha.t the Highway Department would pump mud and concrete under the F~urth
'-~'-~OE 10
BE ~ !'J[pR6VEC! Street Pavement to put it to correct grade an~ surface same wi th bituminous road
material, and that an estimate cost would be given the City for their portion of
the street.
The City Attorney said that it would be legal for the Council to increase the
salary of the Judge of the Municipal Court during his term in office.
6].':--.} 1-;-,
if'--::: "1 i'_ :
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
Approved June 22nd, 1937.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Hadley P. Be~ayor.
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, the 8th day of June, 1937, Eight Q'cloc},: p.m.
The Council (!Df the City of Faribault met in regular sessior in tho Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 8th day of June, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m.
Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.,
I The meeting was called to o,rder by President Bell. Mayor P~ll sa:fd that T.A",
Meal1a would be Acting-Recorder for the meeting.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the surfac1n& of State
Hearing Tarvia Avenue from Division street East to the Ravine wi th Tarvia. No one app~ared for
State Avenue. or against the improvement. Councilman Gay moved that the hearjng be c:losed and
subject to grading and alighnment of the street.
the petition grantedJ Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant €nd pas~ed unanimously.
The following insurance policies and bonds were presented:., Anchor Casualty
Co., Compensation Insurance; policies covering 1937 Ford v8, G.M.O tru~k, Police
Bonds and
Car; Junk Dealers Bond Nellie Kelly and Bond of the Faribau1 t Deily Nevr~. On motion
of Councilman Emge, the insurance policies and bonds, having be~n apprcved as to
manner and form of execution, were accepted and order filed. Motion WE~ seconded by
Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
The following applications were presented:- P.O.Lee, 3.2. 1;"on-1ntcxicating
Mal t Beverage License and Gasoline Pump License at No. 9-31 Cen tr"ll AverT1.e; A.H.
Sellner, 3.2 Non-intoxicating 1~lt Beverage License at 602 4th Etreet ~~., and
Albert Meillier, Milk and Cream License. Councilman Meyer moved the. t 1 icenses be
granted to P.O. Lee and A.H. Sellner. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gran:. t and
passed unanimously. Application of Albert Meillier was held up for further considera-
The following bills were presented:- Water Department Payroll $lC3.70, Alvin
'Hoover $59.37, Deputy Assessor's Payroll $240.00, Robert Larkin $11.68, Library
Salaries for May $551.66, Albert Lamberty $24.00, Francis Milligan $16.00, Norman
Hough $30.75, E. E. Norton $48.00, Harry Cross $20.25, Severt Johnson $13.75, Gust
Kitzman $14.00, C. E. Clawson $9.00, C. E. Clawson $2.50, Herman Haupt $28.00, Labor
Water Dept. $102.40, Robert Larkin $25.25. Raymond Long $17.50" Adolph Trick $2.50,
Harry Cross $27.00, Gust Kitzman $25.00, Severt Johnson $24.50, A. L~aberty $18.00,
Clyde Pike $13.50, Emil Olson $238.78. and bills amounting to $9,125.36 as per City
R~corderts report to Supt. of Accounts and Finances. CouniclmaD Emge moved that the
bills be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed w1animously.
The following mo~thly reports of City Officials were presented and read:-
Ci ty Engineer I. F. SII'i th
City Treasurer, Louise Thonet, City Recorder L. E. Zuehlke,jOverseer of Poor, E.E.
Aberle, Chief of Police, Otto W. Rubin, Clerk of I~1unicipal ClerkJ Rose V. Dillon,
')i-"~f ~
City Physician Norman Lende, Market Master Fred H. Mathis, Jr., Chief of Fire Dopart-
ment 11.S. Morgan, Secretary of Library Board, Miss K.I. Cole. Councilman Meyer I1')ved
that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. b~t1on was seconded by r.ounciln~
Grant and passed unanimously.
On motion of Councilman Emge. seconded by Councilman Gay, Resolutior. No. AJ.567
was passed by unanimous vote of the Council on roll call.
Relative to Appropriation for MBintencace of the Faribault Armory.
That the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, be and the same is 1'9reby E;~t
aside and appropriated from the General Fund of the C1 ty of Faribaul t, Tv..., Hundr?d
Fifty ($250.00) Dollars to the use of the Battalion Headquarters' Compan~, and Tno
Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars to the use of Company E, Minnesota Natioral Guar,1.s,
to be expended in the payment of maintenance of the Armory of said Compar.ies in said
Resolution City for the year ending June 30th, 1938.
No. Al 567 .
That the Mayor and Oi ty Recorder be, and they are hereby authorized and dir'~cted
to issue a warrant on the City Treasurer in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dcllars,
paya ble to the Amory Board.
Passed June 8th, 1937.
Attest, Louise Thonet City ~corder.
Hadl ey P. Bell, Mayor
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Fifth Street Northeast between Central .Ave.
Petition and First Avenue East, signed by the Faribault Hotel, was presented. Co~ncllmaD
Fifth st.~ Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise a public
hearing, to be held at the next regular meeting of the Council, June 22nd, 1937 at
eight o'clock' p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Pursuan t to advertising, bids were called for on a deep-well turbine pump 8'''1-
motor. The following bids were received:- No.1, Layne-Western Co. $6,611.00,
Starter No.1 $350.00, No. 2$803.00, No.3 $452.00: Bid No.2, Crane Com)any:of
$5,968.00, Starter No. ]. $352.00, No. 2 $808.00, No. 3 $458.00: Bid. No.3, Fair,.
banks Morse and Co. $6,050.00, Starter No.1 $349.36, No.2 $801.68, No.3 $453.2~:
No.4, Commonwealth Electric Co. $7,370.00, Starter No. 1 $490.00~ No.2 $855.00,
Bids on Dee:p-, No. }" no, bid: No. 5 Worthington Pump and Machinery Corporation $6,334.00, Start~r
Well Pump
[,--l~. c"'" : No. l$300.00, Starter No. 2. $760.00, No. 3 $405.00. The Council recessed to con~
! sider the bids. President Be]'l called the meeting to order. Councilman Emge mO"i'~d
I that all bids be rejected and certified checks returned. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
Counci~an Emge moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to r~-
Bids on
adve.rtise for bids on a Deep-Well Turbine Pump complete wi th Motor in accordance with
plans and speci fications on file in the office of the City Engineer. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
The vaoation of Mott Avenue North between Division and First streets was brought
up. The C1 ty Engineer was instructed to contact the/Highway Department to present
ifor.mal petition for suCh vacation as provided for in the City Charter.
f' '''1 '-
I<' 10,
I - ~ )'
----~~~-- --~~~-
Placed on
First Reading.
Placed on
First Reading.
Street Dept..
The City Attorney presented a request from the Great Lakes Pipe Line Company
for a franchise to operate a telephone line in connection with their business.. After
a discussion of the franchiset Councilman Grant moved that an oriinance granting
such franchise be placed on its first reading. ubtion was seconded by Councilman
Gay and passed unanimously.
The City Attorney also presented a request from the Great Lakes Pipe Line
Company for a franchise to operate a gasoline pipe line in the City of Faribault..
After a discussion and consideration of several sections of the proposed ordinance,
Councilman Gay moved that the ordinance be placed on its first reading. MOtion was
seconded by Counci~an Emge and passed unanimously.
Mayor Bell read a_ letter from Donald J. Scott, chair.rnan of the Fir~ Prevention
. Comraittee, relative to adding additional men to the Fire DepartKent in order to re-
main in our present classification.
Councilman Gay called the attention of the Counci1 the fact that the roofs of
the street department sheds were in need of repa.irs and moved tbat Councilman Grant
be instructed to view the buildings and have same repaired if tt,e cost were wi thin
the allowable limits and if not, to report on same at the next ITeeting~ Motion was
seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously. Councilman G~y stat''3d that he
had granted permission to have a power street flusher demonstrat~d witt the under-
standing that the Street Department was not in the market for or~ at this time.
Counci1man Emgerequested authorization to purchase n~cess~ry val,~s and power
to Purchase cable for the pumping plant, also to lay a water main on Central AvenuE1 between
Valves and
cable and to Fifteenth and Sixteenth Streets, on Sixteenth Street between Cer,tral ani First Aves.
Lay Wa.ter Main
Water Dept. West and on First Avenue between Fifteenth and Sixteenth Street~, the department
having the necessary pipe on hand~ Councilman Gay moved that th~ above authorization
be granted Mr. Em.ge. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant arid passe':!. unanimously.
Councilman Emge reported that the contract of the Wm. 0 'Nefl Sons Co. on the
sed~entation tank was progressing very satisfactorily.
The City Engineer reported the need for guard rail on the Ptxth Avenue East
project. Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized ann directed to
Advertise for
Bids on Sixth
Avenue Guard
Bids Traffic
'advertise for bids on the guard rail, to confODn to specifications on f~le in the
office of the City Engineer. Motion was seconded by Oouncilman Emge ani passed unani-
The City Engineer reported on specifications on traffic control signals. Coun-
cilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to edvertise for
bids on traffi~ control signals installed on Third and Fourth Streets on Central Ave,
contingent to the approval. of the State
Cil/Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilmsn Meyer moved to adjourn.
passed unan~ously.
Highway Dept. MOtion w~s seconded by Coun-
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
T.A. Mealia Acting Recorder..
, Approved June 22nd, 1937
HadJi.ey Oil, Mayor
6~)~~' ,--..
(..J ~ ~,~)
Regular Meeting~ June 22nd~ 1937, Eight 0 'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regul.ar session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 22nd day o,f June, 1937~ a.t eight o'clock 'p.D'.
Councilman Emge, Gay t Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell
were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Minutes of the r~gular
meetings of May 25th and June 8th were read and approved with the rollow~~ corrections:-
minutes of May 25th were corrected to read, Mrs. Thais Taylor was recommenc.ed by t~e
District No. 4 of the W.P .A. instead of the Mayolr's Clearing House Co:mm.1 ttee; mirutes
of June 8th~ The, Oi ty Attorney recommended the adding of the words "206th InfantJ':;n
to Resolution No. AJ.567.
Mr..Archer Young appeared before the Council in behaJLf of Mrs. Sybill Closso":\,
who is confined to the hospital with a broken hip. He said that Mrs. Clo~$on ha~
been el1mina ted from the old age pension and the relief rolls because she was C01"-
siderecl a direct charge of the City. Mayor Bell read the letter to the Oouno1J. \1hioh
Mr. Young had received, signed by Miss Sophie Mortenson, relative to her elim1nction
from the rolls. The City Attomey ruled that the request for aid for Mrs. CloSSOT\
should be refused and the case referred baok to the County. Councilman (}v,y moveCl.
Action ~Jrs. that the request be refused and the matter referred back to the County. Motion u~s
Closson seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Mayor Bell introduced W.F. Rosenwald of the State Highway Department, who dis-
and parking
cussed traffic/conditions on streets used as Trunk Highways. Mr. Rosenwald state~
That the State commissioner of Highways would not be justified in approvir,g diagonal
parking on any street where the distance between curbs was less than sixt; nine feet.
He also stated that traffic control signals are not satisfactory on streets using
diagonal parking, also that if parallel parking were enforced on such stroets, it
might be found that traffic signals were not needed. Mr. Emge asked if t1'E:~ state
Highway Department disapproved of the use af such signals on trunk highways. Mr..
Rosenwald answered "No", but such approval should be granted with caution. The City
Attorney asked if the Highway Department had any/regulations/on streets adjacent and
intersecting trunk highways. Mr. Rosenwald answered in the negative,. saying that
it was a city problem. Mr. Rosenwald introduced i,ir. Gatchel of the state Highway
Depar~ent who has charge of traffic surveys. Mr. Gatchel recommended the adoption
Mr. Rosen-
wald, state of parallel parking and stated that he and the department would cooperative with the
Department city in a traffic survey relative to installing signals. Mr. Gay inquired as to the
Regulations space required for each car in parallel parking. :Mr. Rosenwald said that the Strite
Highway regulations of 1926 set eighteen feet with three feet clearance. Mr. Gatchel
stated that NIinneapolis regulations required a five foot clearance.
The Council recessed to get ~eturns of the Braddook-Louis fight.
The Council reconvened. Mayor Bell stated that the report of Carl Hansen V.S.
had been left at his office and that he had neglected bringing it to the ~eeting~
Dr. Hansen discussed the conditions of the Meillier herd and said that he had con-
suIted the Health Officer and the State Department of Health and recommended the re-
fusal of a Milk License to Mr. Meilliere Councilman Grant moved that the applicetion
(-:-~ .~ I
of Mr. Meillier be rejected.
Dr. Hamson, as Secretary of the Faribault Fair Association) called the atten-
i tion of the Council to the lack of Fire proteotion on the Fair Grounds. He stated
Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed
Fire Protection that present hydrants are too distant to be of much proteotion to the f3ir buildings.
Fari Grounds.
Milk License
/,', 1,1
:_J...,;...../ tt I' .A
Councilman Emge stated that the Water Department cannot lay wator mains on private
property, but that an extension on Twentieth Street North would improve the situa-
tion. It was deo1ded that Councilman Emge and Dr. Hansen investigate the SitU8-
tion at the Fair Grounds.
City Attorney, James H. Caswell, ruled that in the future, all applioations
for Milk Licenses must come from the Board of Health to the CO\:l1"c11. Councilman
Gay moved that future applioations for Milk Lioenses bear the approval of the Dairy
Inspeotor before being considered by the Council. Motion was snconded by Council-
man Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay inquired as to the selling of milk in original containers. Dr. Han-
sen said that there were a fev violations. Dr. Hansen also referred to the suspen-
sian of sentences on violators of the requirements of the Ntllk Ordinanc~.
Mayor Bell read the Resolution passed by the League of Mimlesota I[unicipalities
relative to the League Convention held in Faribault. Councilmml Emge noved that
Reaolution No. Al568 be adopted. Motion was seconded by Counoi~an Gay and pasged
unanimousl y .
to the League of M~nnesota Municipalities Convention.
the City of Faribault was on June 16th, 17th and l8th, 1537, the
c<crnvention city and host of the delegates of the League of Wlinnesata Municipalities
convention for the year of 1937~ and
Whereas, said convention was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and the City
Officials of said City of Fari baul t, and,
Whereas, Through the unselfish and untiring efforts of the citizeI1.s of this
. city, the delegates and guests attending that convention were entertairJedand made
comfortable, thereby adding to the success of the convention;
That the Council of the Oi ty of Fax1baul t do hereby resolvl~ that this Resolution
be passed as an expression and evidence of the appreciation of t~e City Officials
of this _ci ty for the untiring and unselfish help, aid and assistance f"'rnished by
its citizens and organizations who contributed their ingenuity, tbne ard efforts in
the entertainment of all those who attended the said League of Minneso1~ Municipali-
ties convention held in this city on June 16th, 17th and 18th, 1937, ard that a
copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that a copy
thereof be published in the Official Newspaper of this city.
Passed June 22nd, 1937.
Hadl ey P.. Bell, Mayor"
Attest, Louise Thonet, Assistant Recorder.
view of
Mayor Bell stated that in/the remarks of :Mr. Rosenwald, it might 1? well to re-
')r'~' .~
f'.J ; ".1
Bids on
turn the bids on traffic signals to their respective bidders. Councilman Emge m~ved
that the bids on traffic signals be returned unopened. Motion was seconded by C,-'m-
cilman Meyer. Councilman Gay stated that he was in favor of the installation of
traffic signals because of blind and deaf population of this city. Chief of Poljce
Otto Rubin said that he was in favor of the signals. On roll call, Councilman ETge,
Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell voted "aye"'. Councilman Gay voted ftnayett. Motion W8!:'
declared passed and bids returned.
Hearing Pursuant to advertis1ng~ a hearing, was called for on the surfa.oing of Fifth Street
Surfacing Northeast, east one-half block from Central Avenue. No (J,ne appeared for or agair,st
Fifth Street
Northeast. the improvement. Councilman Gay m~ved that the hearing be closed and the' Street De-
partment authorized to do the work when the street was in condition. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Emge and. passed unanimously.
a former Faribault resident, 0
Mayor Bell read a letter from Nahlman Schocket/a.ddressed to Leslie SlTanberg, re-
Block 44
BIOS oPE't-ttD
lative to the League Convention.
Application of Herbert Q,. Winkley for an "On Sale" Liquor License was read. No
action was taken.
A letter from Dr. A.J. Chesley, M.D., executive office:r of the State Board of
Health, oalling a meeting of city officials to discuss the pOlution of straight ~ud
Cannon Rivers, to be held June 21st, 1937, was read., Mayor Bell stated that he (Iud
Councilman Meyer, City Attorney and the City Engineer had attended the me~ting. p~
said that the State Board of Health was not taking any action at this tim~.
A letter from J. J. Turek, Commander of the American Legion, thanking the Goun-
cil for their assistance in taking an ex-service to the Veterans Hospital was reo1.
A letter fro~ Lloyd Thomas & Co./to bringing the appraisal of the City of F~r1-
bault up to date was read and referred to the Commissioner of Acoounts ani Finances.
An invitation from the Chamber of Commerce of Mankato to attend the dedieat:~.on
of a W.P.A. project dam in Sibley Park on June 23rd, 1937 was read.
A petition, signed by R.E. Graupman, manager of the Marigold Dairies, Inc. for
the e,stablishment of 8. public alley in Block 44, Original Town, was read., Attorney
John E. Coughlin appeared in behalf of the petitioners, stating that the alley D~W
in use was on private property and there was danger of same being clOsed. Counc~'_lman
Emge moved that the Council investigate the alley condi tion in Block' 44 and also in
Block 35, O.T. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on a deep well turbine pump s":,,d
!PEl:::P \'\IELL motor. The following bids were rece:1ved:- Bid No.1, Fairbanks Morse Company,
Pt, i-. ~ l=',
$6,050.00 complete; starter No.. l~ $349.36. No. 2.$801.68. No. 3 $453.20; Bid No. 2.
Layne-Western Company~ $6,641.00 complete, Starter No. 1 $350.00, No. 2. $803.00, No.
3 $452..00; Bid No. 3 Crane Company $5,968.00 complete, Starter No. 1 $352.00, No. 2
$808.00,. No. 3 $458.00; Bid No.4 Commonwealth Electric Company $6,270.00 complete
Starter No. 1 $350.00~ No. a $825.00 No. 3 $470~OO; Bid No. 5 Worthington Pump B~d
Machinery Corp. $6,334.00 complete,. Starter :No.. 1 $300.00, No. 2 $760.00, No. :3
oa ting Mal t
- - _w
cr :~ . ~ ;1
~-~---~~- ~~~-~~---
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for a Guard Rail on the Sixth Avenue
East approach to the viaduct between First Street South and the Blind f'~to 01. Bid
No.1, Faribault Machine Shop &. Foundry $574.00.
The Council recessed to consider the bids.
The Council reconvened. CouncilmanEmge moveQ that the bids on tbe.deep well
turbine pump be rejected and certified checks returned to the bidders. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the bid of the Faribaul t Machine Shop aIJd Foundry
on the Guard Rail be accepted. Motion Was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed
The following applications for Non-intoxicating Malt Beverages Licenses were
presented:- Hotel Faribault, John Van Houdt, F.O.E. No. 1460, W.C. Saufferer,
Gerhart Ovalson, Ellis &. Andrews~ Wm. M. Eastling~ Hugh H. Post, A.B. Jasinski, K.
of C Club #88g, Joseph Emge, A.R. Ollhoff, B.P.O.E Lodge #1166" L.E. Canpbel1, Wil-
fred Thiffaut, Kelly Davis, Alvin Mentz, John Gillis,. Faribaul t Country Club,. Nel-
son Cafe, W. J. Sower, Hyatt &. Conklin, H. H. Aberle, Herb Winkley, Gust Koutavas,
Thos. Matakis, Goo. H. Wentworth, Tessie Malluege, Rose Van Ryswyk & Jack Powell,
Albert D. Paulson, G. N. Karow, Kahn &. Ranum, A. H. Sellner, H. Walsh, C. E. An-
derson~ Liberty Transfer, Ernestine Carney, John A. Shaffer. Councilmen Emge moved
that licenses be granted to all above applicants excepting the last fou~ named. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
The following applications for Gasoline Pump Licenses were presented:- J.J. Sle-
zak, Shell Petroleum Corporation, Gerhard Ovalson, Community Co-operative Oil Co.,
C. E. Anderson, Holt ~~tor Company, Wilfred Thiffaut, H. L. Miles, Faribault Oil Co.,
500 Oil Co., Soo Oil Co., Walter Buendorf, Cities Service Oil Co., E. E. Piquette,
Rice County Oil Co. I Wesley G. Schreiber, National Refining Co., Zabel Garage, Rice
Gasoline County Oil Co.; for Pool and Billiard tables, Ellis and Andrews, John Van Houdt,
Pump, Pool
and Billiard Herb Winkley; Insurance policy covering the G.M.C. truck for liability and property
Table .
Licenses damage and bond in the amount of $10,000 covering John L. Reising, Treesurer of the
PQlicy, Fire Relief Association were presented. Counc1lffian Gay moved that Gascline Pump
and Pool and Billiard table Licenses be granted to the above named applicants and
tha t the insurance policy and bond, having been approved as to m'mner end form 0:1: exe-
cution by the City Attorney, be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by
Counci~an Grant and passed unanimously.
$100.00 Councilman Meyer moved that $100.00 be appropriated to defray the cost of the
appropria. ted
League League of Minnesota Municipalities Convention. Motion was secon1ed by Councilman
Grant and passed unan~ously.
The following bills were presented:- Schreiber's Hearse and ilmbu1ance Service
$2.50, Labor Water Department $120.40, 'Robert Larkin $25.00, Park and D'~p Labor
$48.00, Adolph Vick $8.50, Gust Kitzman $8.00, Harry Cross $8.00, C. E. Purdie $8.00
J. s. Oehler $44.00, Deputy Assessor Payroll $88.oo~ E. E. Norton $52.(0, NODll8.D.
Haugh $23.50, John Mullin $8.00, Alvin Hoover $72.98, Harry Pantier $4.55, Labor
'1 ..~~,;tJ
;..Jc -U'
Water Department $108.40. Andrew Dardis $4.25. A. E. MOllison $12.00, Fra~ces Th~mp-
son $16.00, A.. Lamberty $24.00. Robert Larkin $28.25, Louis F. Sohwichtenberg $8.00,
John J. Hackett $7.85. Old Ben Coal Corporation $181.27, Library Accounts $368.og,
Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co", $230",05, Chicago Great Western H.R. 00. $336.36,.
Faribault Clean Towel Service $1.25. Pittsburgh Coal Co. $131.15, Peabody Coal no.
$166.32, Street Department Payroll $954.72, Engineering News-Record $10.01. H.H.
Meyer $100.00, Hadley P. Bell $3.50, M. S. M~organ $25.00, B. B. Lockerby $97.50,
o. E. Perkins $24.00, Lampert Yards, Inc. $223.27, E. Moreau $55.90. Emil Olson
$377.62. Councilman Grant moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was se~onded 1'~
OounciDnan Meyer and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that Ordinance Ho. A 164, An Ordinance Granting to the
Great Lakes Pipe Line Oompany Certain Rights. Privileges and Authority to Occupy and
Use the Streets, Alleys, Lanes, Parks,. and Public Grounds in the City of Faribault
for the Purpose of Laying, Relaying, Removing, Constructing, Maintaining, Repairing
and Operating Pipe Lines Therein, be placed on its second reading" Motion was s~~on-
ded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously. The ordinance was then re,"Id as or--
and passed unanim.l1usly
dered by sections. I.t was moved by Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay/that
Section 1 be adopted. It was moved by Councilman Gay, secQ,nded by Councilman Gr.'1nt
and passed unammously that Section 2 be adopted. It was moved by Councilman Grr1nt,
seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously that Section 3 be adopted. It
was moved by Counc1~an Gay, seconded by Counci1man Meyer and passed unanimously that
Section 4 be adopted. It was moved by Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay,
and passed unanimously that Section 5 be adopted. It Vias moved by Councilma.n Grs1!J:.t,
seconded by Counc1nnan Meyer and passed unanimously that section 6 be adopted. It
and passed unanimously
was moved by Councilman Meyer, seconded by Councilman Emge/that Section 7 be adopted.
It was moved by Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unf',nimousJ.y
that Section 8 be adopted. It was moved by CounciLman Gay, se~nded by C~unciLman
Grant and passed unan.1mously that Section 9 be adopted. It was moved by Gouncllnq.:n
Grant,. seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously that Section 10 be adopted.
It was moved by Councilman Meyer, seconded by Councilman Emge and passed tUlan1mou~ly
that Section 11 be adopted. It was moved by Councilman Emge and seconded by Cow'f't11-
and passed unanimously
man Gay/that Section 12 be adopted. On the question "Shall this Ordinance pass?r
tho sa voting ftaye ft were Councilman Emge, Gay" Gran t, Meyer and Mayor Bell i ttnaye ft,
none. Ordinance No. Al64 was hereby declared passed and the City Recorder author1zed
I ,
and directed to cause same to be printed in the Official Paper.
Councilman Gay moved that Ordinance No. Al65, An Ordinance Granting to the G':'eat
Lakes Pipe Line Company Certain Rights, Privileges and Authority to Oocupy and Uf'I~
No. Al64
on Second
No. A165
Adop ted
the Streets, Alleys, Lanes, Parks and Public Grounds in the City of Faribe,ult for the
Purpose of Building, Constructing, Rebuilding, Repairing, Maintaining, Removing e~d
! Operating Private Telephone Lines Therein, be placed on its second reading. Motion
'I was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimous1y" The Ordinance ws s then
I read by sections as o,rdered.. The severa3- Sections were adopted unanimously on the
",:,;-; t
~~_o~ ~_~~_~
following motions:-
Section 1, Motion by Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay.
Section 2, rt. rt t~ Gay, It ft n Grant.
Section 3, n tt ft Grant, rt fi tt Meyer.
Section 4, "' "' ft Meyer, ft ft It Emge.
Section 5" n- ft ft BInge, ft u It Gay.
Section 5,," " ft Gay, n '" tt Gran t.
Section 7," ft It Grant" n n n Meyer.
Section 8, ft 6 ft Meyer, rt ft " Emge,
Sec tion 9, rt ff " Emge, " " ft Gay.
Section 10" rt U rt Gay, '" ft ff Grant.
Section ll, n r,r ft Grant, It ff '" MeY9r.
Section 12, tf tt tt Meyer, It " ft Gay.
On the question [IShall this Ordinance pass?" J those voting "aye" were Councilman
Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell.3Ifnaye"~ none. Ordinance No. .Al65 was hereby
declared passed and the City Recorder instructed to cause same to be published in
the official Paper.
City Attorney, James H. Caswel~, stated that he had a letter from the Attorney
of the Great Lakes Pipe Line Company stating that the Company would assume'! cost
'Of publication of the above ordinances.
The City Attorney reported that the deed for the property for the Sixth Avenue
East viaduct property from the Seabury Mission was drawn and ready for axecution and
would be delivered shortly.
The City Attorney read a petition from the Minnesota state Highway Department
requesting the vacation of Mott Avenue from Division street to First Str'?et North.
PETITioN FoR Councilman Gay moved that Resolution No. A1569 be adopted. Motion was f'econded by
1'1011 AVE
DtV,sIQ!\! t~,
F; R.~T.
A ~ ic~ ~,
Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Resolution Re1ative to the Petition for V"scation of that pst"t of M:-tt Avenue
Northeast in the City of Faribault, according to reoorded Plat thereof C71 File and
of Record in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Rice County, M1nnes~ta, Lying
and Being Between First Street Northeast and Division Street Northeast jn the City
of Faribault.
That the petition for the vacation of that part of Matt Avenue Northeast in the
City of Faribault, accordlng to recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the
Register of Deeds of Rice County, Minnesota, lying and being between First Street
Northeast and Division Street Northeast in the City of Faribault, is hereby ordered
filed with the City Recorder and he is directed to publish in the Offiajal paper,
for two ~uccess1ve weeks, a notice stating that such petition has been filed and its
object, and that the same will be-heard and considered at a regular meeting of the
Council 01' the C1 ty Q:f Fari baul tat the Council Chamber in the 01 ty Hall on the l3th
day of July, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m.
Passed June 22nd, 1937.
Had! ey P. Bell, Mayor
Louise Thonet, Assistant Recorder.
Councilman Grant reported relative to the Street Department Shed roofs and
stated that the roofs on the garage and blacksmith shop were in very p,,:or condition,
and that he had an estimate of $l58.90 and $102.75, respectively, to m'=',ke the
necessary repairs. CounciLman Grant ~oved that the City Recorder be authorized and
(..J' J,-.I
Bi!"'~ CALI-ED directed to advertise for bids on roof repairs on the two sheds in accorc",ance wj th
~~t=.PAI R.5 .
SIre. t= E T
specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. Motion was s~~onded by
Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the City Engineer tabulate the pump bids. Motio~
was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge reported a possibility of a sale of the air compressor at the s€wage
ejector pit. He also reported that the laying of water mains was progress'ing ancr
would not interfere with the Canning Factory.
Councilman Gay stated that the various parts of machinery in the ejector pit
should be salvaged and the pit closed as it was becoming a hazard.
Mayor Bell said that the extra pay paid to Harry Pantier on the W.P.A. Sanjtary
Job was causing some dissension. He also said that when the relief adm1njstraticn
would be turned back to the city, E.E. Aberle would be taken off of the Folice I:e-
partment and plaoed on full time as Poor Commissioner and that addition cl~rica1
help would be required. James H.. Caswell explained the new set up and said that the~e'
were about ninety six cases requiring investigation. Counci1man Gay askei if legal
residence could be gained by a person being sent here to obtain relief. The City
Attorney ruled that residence could not be gained but that it would be very difficult
to send them out of the City..
The Council set 10:00 a.m. June 23rd, 1937 to meet and inspect alleys in Block
44 and 35.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was secon.ded by Councilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
Approved July 13th, 1937.
T. A. Mealia, Acting Recordor.
(-~,t'il (.....\
,';"'....:,.- \.
i'-~J ''1_$
Board of E~izat10n and Review, June 28th, 1937, 10:00 otcloc~ a.m.
As per Chapter 18" Section 156, of the Charter of the Cit:r of Faribault, the
Council of the City of Faribault met in the Council Chamber at the City Hall on
Monday, the 28th day of June, 1937 , at 10: 00 0 t clock a.m. as a Board of Equaliza-
tion and Review.
Councilman Emge, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present. ,Courcilman Gay
was absent. The Council was sworn in as a Board of Equalization and P~vie\V by
Louise ~honet, Assistant Recorder.
Councilman Meyer moved that T .A. Mealia act as Secretary of the Board. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
The Council reviewed the books of personal taxes and monies and credi ts of the
City Assessor. Councilman Gay took his seat.
Councilman Meyer moved that the board recess subject to t.~.e calJ of the Mayor,
as no one appeared be'fore the Board. Motion was seconded by CI1UllcilD\'ID Grant and
passed unanimously.
Approved July 13th,
T. A. Mealia Secretary.
1937. ~ :f!? ~
Hadley P. ~MaYOr.
Special Meeting, Monday, June 28th, 1937, 11:00 O'clock a.m.
The Council of the City of Faribau1t met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Monday, the 28th day of June, 1937 at 11:00 o'clock
a.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer end Mayor Bell were pr.-esent.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Councilman Meyer moved
that $25,000 State of M1nne~ta Public Relief Certificates, deposited as oollateral
for City of Faribault deposits by the Security National Bank and Tru~t Co., same
having been approved as to legality by the City Attorney, be acceptec. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
The matter of providing an office for the Poor Commissioner was discussed.
. Councilman Emge moved that Council Grant be a'elthorized and directed tf) get estimates
Door Connect-
ing Halves of on cutting a door through the fire wall to connect the North and SoutQ. halves of
City Hall.
the Oi ty Hall on the second floor. Motion was seconded by COU1J!.cilmer, Meyer and
passed unanimously.
A letter from W. F. Rosenwald relative to parking was read. CotIDcilman Emge
moved that parallel parking be established on all streets in the Fire Limits with
Purchase of
one hour 11mi t on the arterial highways and two hours on all 0 thers. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the Mayor be authorized to pur~hase ~igns designa-
ting the parking limits. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and I~ssed unani-
A petition signed by four residents, protesting the granting of a license to
sell 3.2 non-intoxicating Malt Beverage at No. 310 Irving Avenue was read. Council-
man Meyer moved that such license be refused at this, loce.tion.IU:ot:10n was seconded
f"'r~ '
,.~ ~
I~I ',,1~
by C'ouncilman Gay and passed unanimously..
Licenses The Council discussed the applications of Ernestine Carney" Liberty Transfer Co.
3.2 Beverage and C. E. Anderson for 3.2 non-intoxicating Malt Beverage Licenses and it was unani-
mously agreed that licenses be granted.
The following applications f'or Gaso,line Pump Licenses were presente'i::- Con-
cord Supply Co., M. F. Freier, Schultz Bros.., Chas. L. Malloy, J. E. Smith. COTmciJL-
man Emge moved that Licenses be granted to the above named applicants. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
. I
Olga Uhlis Councilman Gay moved that the application of Olga Uhlis for 3.2 Malt Beverage
Denied. License at No. 12.9 14th street h.1Vl be denied. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gramt
and passed unanimously.
Fred Oester- Counci~an Gay moved that the Pool and Billiard Table License be granted to Fred
rich License
Granted. Oesterrich in the basement of the Hotel Faribault, No. 429 Central Avenu<\, subject
to the payment of the license fee of $50.00. Motion was seconded by Counc1lmw~
Meyer and passed unanimously.
Pain ting Councilmen Grant reported that the warming. houses at the skating rinks should
Warming Houses
Authorized. be painted. Councilman Meyer moved that Councilman Grant be authorized to have the
painting done. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimo'l.sly.
Councilman Gay moved that in the future no applications for licenses be con-
sidered by the Council unless the license fee had been paid. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn.
Motion was secon.ded. by Counci1m'lll Emga and
passed unanimously.
T. A. Mealia, Aoting Recorder.
Approved July l}th!l 1937.
Hadley P. ~ Mayor.
Board of Equalization and Review, Wednesday, June 30th, 1937, Eight o'clo~k p.m.
The Council ot the City of Faribaul t met in the Council Chamber at the Oi toy Hall
on Uednesday, the 30th day of June, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m. as a Boari of Equal1-
ASSE.5;:Jb!e5 zation and review.
Councilman Emge, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present. Councilman Ga~ was
A~<::: E PfE::: D absent on account of being out of town. The meeting was caJ.led to order by President
Bell. The Council continuem their review of the Assessor's books and as no on~
appeared before the Board, Councilman Emge moved that the Assessor's books be ~~cepted..
Motion was seconded by Counci~an Meyer and passed unanimously.
Mayor Bell declared the Board ot Equalization and Review adjour~~ .
T. A. Mea1ia. Secr~tary.
Approved July 13th, 1937.
Hadley P. Be~~yor.
f,.J ,J
Special 1ieeting, Vledne, sday June 30th, 1937, 9:00 O'clock p.m.
-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~--~~-~--~ ------~~~-,-----
L. E. Zuehlke
Leave of
Gran ted.
Modern Cafe
3.2 Malt
Gran ted.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in Special Session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on ~ednesday, the 30th day of June, 1937 at nine o'clock
p.m. Councilman Emge, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present. Councilman Gay
was absent on account of being away from town.
The meeting was oalled to order by President Bell. Counoilman Emge moved that
L. E. Zuehlke be granted le~ve at absence from the office of City Recorder for a
starting June 6th and ending July 3rd, 1937.
period of four weeks, two weeks with pay and two weeks witnout pay,/ Hotion was
conded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
The/condition of the parapet wall cornice on the building occupied by the
Modern Cafe was discussed. Councilman Meyer moved that the City Engineer inspect
the building and issue such necessary orders as he saw fit to cause the same to be
repaired. lfIDtion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
The following applications for 3.2 Malt Beverage Licenses were presented:-
John Shaffer~ V. Chappuis & Son, F. J. Dring, Chas. L. Malloy, E. E. Sheridan, Mary
Russell, Faribault Fair and Agricultural Association, John H. KeDD.edy, Owatonna
Bottling Co., M. S, Jacobson, Ed. Howe. Councilman Emge moved thsLt licenses be
granted to the above named applicants, subject to payment of all license fees. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
The following applications for Gasoline Pwap Licenses were presented:- M. O.
grant, James Cullen, Barnsdall Service Station, V. Chappuis & S~n, Red Star Oil Co.,
Edward H. Behlke, A. H. Polzin, S. S. Hanson, S. S. Hanson, Continental Oil Co.,
A. J. Va1lencour, Bond Petroleum, Chas. Gretz; Electrician's License, Chas. Thom.
Councilman Emge moved that all above licenses be granted, subject to payment of all
license fees. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and pass~d unanimously.
Henry Hough Councilman Grant moved that the bill of Henry Hough in the aIrlOunt of $81.00
Allowed. for paint and labor at the parks be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Emge and passed unanimously"
The City Attorney presented the acceptances of Ordinance r? Al6d and Al65
by the Great Lakes Pipe Line Company.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn.
passed unanimously.
Motion was seconded b~. C()uncilman Emge and
T. A. Meal1a, A(~ting R~corder.
Approved July 13th,
1937 .
- .
0"-" ,--,
w /II ~, J
(.oJ ".:t\,"
Special Meeting. Thursday, July 8th, 1937. 7:)0 p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council Cham-
Extra Coats
on Sedimen-
Fire De-
ber at the City Hall on Thursday, the 8th day of July,1937 at 7:30 p.m. Councj.lman
Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell, for the purpose of con~idering
deep well turbine pumps and any other business which might arise.
The City Engineer explained that by adding several more ooats of watering proof-
ing on the inside of the sedimentation tank than the contract called far, the Water
Proofing Company furnishing the material would guarantee the job, also the contract-
or and Mr. Hewitt approved of it. He said that it was found when the: ex,avat1C''IUJ
were being made for the footings, it was not necessary to dig as deeply as the con-
tract specified, so this saving would offset the cost of the extra water proof~ng~
so the contract price would not be changed. The Council discussed the matter and
decided that it would be better to have the work done at this ttme. C~JnciLm~n
Emge moved that the City Engineer be authorized to have the extra coats of water
proofing put on not to exceed a cost of $.06 per square foot over the contract price
for water proofing. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimou~lYe
Phil. A. Frederickson, I.E. Vlilson and Irwin F. Sm.i th were present at the
meeting and they discussed at length the various features of the deep well PUIl1Ts
under considera/ of the Councile On an informal ballot, the Layne Western Company
received two votes, Fairbanks Morse Company, two, and the Worthington Pu~ Company.
One. The Council left the matter rest for a short time to take up other businass.
Oi ty Hall
Mayor Bell brought up the matter of the/Janitor's salary. He said t~at he thought
that he was not receiving enough as compared to other jani tors for the 1'':\,1 thful and
efficient service rendered. Councilman Grant moved that the janitor be given ~ $5.00
raise per month beginning July 1st, 1937. Motion WQS seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed unan~ously.
Councilman Grant reported that several changes were being made in t~e Fir~ De-
partm.ent personel on account of several men resigning. He suggested that -two full.
time men be added to the department, thus changing the personel from nin7. full time
and two part time men to eleven full time men. He said that this would eliminate
hiring/extra man during vacations. The Council di scussed the saving to tax pajTers
in insurance by keeping the insurance rates as they now are, and the added efficiency
to the department. Councilman Emge moved that two full time men be plac~d on the
for the first year
department at $90.00 per month/to replace the two part t~e men. Motion was se~onded
by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously. Mr. Grant said that Luverne Nordmt1ier
would replace Donald Remmey and as he has had experience, his salary would be raised
to $100.00 per month, beginning August 1st, 1937.
Councilman Grant moved that all employees of the Fire Department be required to
have a telephone. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimou~ly.
Councilman Gay asked for authorization to purchase four tires and t'\bes fer the
G.M.C. truck. Councilman Grant moved that Councilman Gay be given the authori~~ation
requested. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
r.y:r ,1
1,1 -4" r ~
Dr=:r::: 1-::> W'=I~!_ Attar another lengthy discussion on the merits of the deep well pumps and
PUt'"1 P5 motors, another informal ballot was taken and the count was Fa.1rba1.1k~ M:orse, two,
Layne Western Company, two and Worthington Pump Compa.ny, one. ThEI Council agreed
that the representatives of these three pump companies be notifieid to be present
at a special meeting of the Council to be held on July 9th, 1937 at 7:30 p.m.
Councilman Gay said that the Street Department was in nee" elf ano ther truck
because they were hiring a man and truck for gravel hauling p~rt time. He said that
he thought this was an opportune time to buy a used truck and a Sln0'li1 plow a.nd wing.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and diI'ectl~d to advertise
for Bids on
Used Truck
and Snow
for bids on a used ton and a half truck, equipped with closed cab, hydraulic hoist,
two and one half yard steel body, dual wheels and heater; also used eight and one
half foot V nose plow and eight and one half foot wing, hydraulic: control, to be
opened and considered by the Council at the next regular meeting, July 13th, 1937,
eight 0 'clock p.m. Motion wa.s seconded by Councilman Emge and peLssed unanimously.
Counci~an Meyer moved that the meeting be adjourned until Friday, July 9th,
1937 at 7:30 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Approved July 13th, 1937.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Hacll~;c 'p(73ell " Mayor.
Special Meeting, Friday, July 9th, 1937, 7:30 p.m.
The adjourned meeting of the Council of July 8th, 1937 wes called to order by
Mayor Bell. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, and Meyer were present.
Representatives of the Fairbanks Morse Company, Layne Western Company were
present and given a Itmited t~e to explain the specifications of their bids and
al ternate bids.
DEEP WEtJ..., After a lengthy discussion, an informa1 ballot was taken. 'Ihe count was Fair-
PUM p banks Morse Co., two, Layne Western Company, two and Worthington P'WD.]) Company, one.
~~LH~HA5~[>> After another lengthy discussion, CO'Wlcilman Emge moved that a Fe.irbanks Morse Co.
deep well turbine pump with motor ~d accessories according t~ ~pec1fications agreed
be p,urchased.
to by the Counci17 Motion was seconded by Counci1man Grant. On roll call, those
voting "aye" were Councilman Emge, Grant and Mayor Bell, "nayett C:ouncilman Gay and
Meyer. Motion was carried.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded 'by '~oun'}ilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
Approved July 13th,
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
1937. ~ p~
Hadley ~1.
"j!!-.. "
./ ..,..
rf-d _~ ~~
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, July 13th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the Oi ty alf Fari baul t met in regular session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 13th day of July, 1937, at eight o'clock
The meeting was called to order by President Bel1.
p.m. Councilman. Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present. /hlinutes of
the regular meeting June 22nd, Board of Equalization June 28th and Special Meeting
June 28th, Board of Equalization June 30th and Special Meeting June 30th~ and Spe-
mee1tings of July 8th and
'~aR~Ec.Tu:'8'>f7 cialj July 9th, 1937 were read and approved with the following correctiorJ:s:- Pursuant
to advertising, bids were called for on a guard rail on Sixth ii-venue Eas-t Appri'nlCh
to the viaduct between First Street South and the Blind School should read "on Sixth
Avenue East from Division Street to the Blind School." The paragraph OD page 286
regarding extra coats of waterproofing on the sedimentation tank shoudl read as
follows:- The City Engineer explained that the contract of the ~m. O'Neil' Sons Co.
for construction of the sedimentation tank, called for but one brush-coet of ml'3tallic
watarproofing on the inside of the tank:. After a consul tat10n on this fllbject, it was 8
found that the 'vlaterproofing Company would not guarantee their work if cnly onl3 coat
were applied and Mr. Hewitt, the consulting engineer, was informed of this fact. He
agreed that it would be advisable to have a guaranteed waterproofing jot. as r(~~-
commended by the waterproofing company and consequently Mr.,Jilson and the City
Engineer recommended to the Council that an additional expenditure of ~.o6 per square
foot of inside area be authorized. I,ir. sm.i th further explained that sirJ.cs the con-
tra.ct called for deeper footing walls than were actually constructed, there would be
a credit due the city on this item which would offset about onehalf the additional
expenditure for waterproofing, thus increasing the contract price by about $300.00.
P. F. Knowlton, representing the F.O.E. j14bO, invited the Council to attend
CENTENrJ, AL. the sesquicentennial celebration which is being sponsored by the lodge September
CELEBRA11(J~ 17th, 1937. Councilman Gay moved that the invi tation be accepted. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
a delegation from
Frank M. Kaisersatt, represntating/the F.O.E. #1460, appeared before the Council
and presented a ~esolution passed by their lodge asking the Council to designate a
PA\~ K\ N <1
free parking lot, namely a plot of land near the incinerator. Mayor Bell read the
resolution and said that the matter was being considered. Councilman Err.ge mov?d
that the Resolution be placed on file. Motion was seconded by Councilma.n G~y and
passed unanimously.
\1oT7 AVe:: H. C. Theopold, representing the Seabury Mission, appeared before the Council
F'~~1 ~T.5 and asked them to vacate Mott Avenue between First Street South and the Blind School
to, Bl\NI? as agreed, because they were employin.g a landscape artist in view of lar.dscaping
.::: < ..Jo'. , t.
_,--,11 ,=. "
the grounds. 'The Ci ty Attorney informed Mr. The(jlpold that it Vlould be D,ecessary for
V/~c..AlIDI\I the Seabury Mission to present a peti tion to the Council requesting the vacation be~ore
~E Q LJ r:: ~ 1 any ac tion could be taken.
A group of property owners residing on Western Avenue north of the 1Iill, re-
presen ted by Ed. Hershey, appeared before the Council and requested that the road
be kept open next winter. Mr. Hershey said that they were unable to receive fuel
medical attention and fire protection during the last two winters. The matter was
I .
,(. "
... .'
Vacation of
Portion of
IJIott Avenue.
No. A1570.
referred to the City Attorney to see what steps could be taken to have the Town of
Wells keep the road open according to an old agreement.
that portion
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the v'ication of/Mott Ave-
nue Northeast in the City of Faribault, Minnesota,according to the rec~rded plat on
file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rice County, Minnesota,
lying and being between First Street Northeast and Division Str''3et Northeast in the
City of Faribault. No one appeared. On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by
Councilman Meyer, Resolution No. Al570 was passed unanimously.
Relative to VaOation of a Portion of Mott Avenue Northeast in the City of Faribault.
That pursuant to a petition of the state of Minnesota, a portion of Mott Avenue
Northeast in the City of Faribault, according to recorded plat thereof on file in
the office of the Register of Deeds in Rice County, Minnesota, lying and being be-
tween First Street Northeast and Division street Northeast in the City of Faribault,
be and the same is hereby vacated.
Passed July l3th, 1937.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder, Attest.
Hadley P. Bell, Mayor.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on repairing roofs at the City
Market grounds. The following bids were received:- B. B. Lockerby $2~3.00, F.A.
5TRf!ET 5HEr-~ Myers $397.72.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on a/one and one half ton truck,
BIDS oPENE"D enclosed cab, equipped wi th hydraulic hoist, two and one half yard steel body, dual
L>SED' Tr;'t:><2r- wheels and heater; also used eight and one half foot V nose plOw and eigjJ.tj and
lone half foot wing, hydraulic control. The fOllowing bid was received:- Eugene E.
Tetrault, ~1300.00.
Petition sented. Councilman
C & G & Tarvia
First St. S. advertise a public
4th to 7th
Aves.. -West
Mayor Bell oalled a recess to consider the bids. After a short re~esst the
meeting was called to ordere
Councilman Grnat moved that the bid of B.B. Lockerby in the amount of $273.00
,be accepted. ~btion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanu~ously.
Councilman Gay moved that the bid of Eugene E. Tetrault be accepted, contingent
to a clear title ~ and the approval of the street Department as to mechanical defects.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
A letter from Aug. H. Andresen acknowledging the telegram set h~ regarding re-
lief appropriations was read.
A peti tien for Curb and Gutter on First street South betwean Fourth .Avenuf: "vlest
to Seventh Avenue West as a W.P.A. project and for Tarvia on tho same street was pre-
Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to
hearing on the above work to be held at the next regu~ar meeting
July 27th, 1937 at eight 0 'clock p.m. illation was seconded by Councilmar. Grant and
passed unanimously.
A petition for Tarvia surfacing on Ninth Avenue West from Livisior. to Third sts.
Petition South was presented. Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and
Tarvia 9th Ave.
Div. to 3rd. directed to advertise a public hearing to be held at the next regular weeting July
'J.1 J .
' "'~
t-..J"_ ,,_
27th, 1937, eight o'clock p.m. Motion was ~econded by Counci1m~ Grant and passed
A petition for Tarvia surfacing on Twelfth Street North from Second Avenue to
Petition Fourth Avenue West was presented. Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be
Twelfth St. authorized and directed to advertise a public hearing to be held at the next regu-
2nd to 4th
Aves. West lar meeting, July 27th, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Council-
man Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to ad-
~~;i~gFirstVertise a public hearing on Tarvia Surfacing on First Street North from Central Avenue
St. Cent. to . to be field at the next regular meeting, .July 27th, 1937, eight o'clo~k p.m.
First Ave. E~o First Avenue Eastl Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unaniMously.
Insura.nce Folicy covering the police Department motorcycle, Officia]. Bond of
Poli cy.
"'On Salert
3.2 Malt
Gran ted .
Emerson Riach and House Mover's bond of Louis Lysne and Lawrence Lysne WAre presented.
On motion o,f Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Meyer, the Insurance Policy end
Bonds, having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attorney,
were accepted and ordered filed.
The application of .John Shaffer for an nOn Salert 3.2 Malt Beverage License at
No. 29 1st Street I~. was presented. After a discussion as to whether or not Mr.
Shaffer was serving lunches, Councilman Emge moved that the license be gJ"anted sub-
ject to the approval of the Chief of Police. ~~tion was seconded by Councilman
Gay and passed unanimously.
Applica tion for Gasoline Pump License from the Goodyear Service Stor~, KUDmler
Auto Co., Inc., Faribault Motor Co. and R. C. Prinzing were presented. Gouncilnan
Gay moved that the above Licenses be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilmar
Emge and passed unanimously.
A bill from Rice County in the amount of $14,277.40 for care of City Chargas
at the Rice County Home and Old Age pensions from 1933 to 1936 was preserted. The
City Attorney explained to the Council that the City had filed a cla~ against the
County County for Poor Relief which had been declared illegal, which claim wouJd have off-
Presented set the City's indebtedness to the County, therefore this bill of ~14,277.40 hac, not
been paid. He asked the Council to allow him to make investigation to se~ how tl',e
bill could be paid.
'l'he audit made by E. E. Noreen & Co. of the City books was presentee' for a~cep-
tance. Councilman Meyer moved that the audit be acce.pted. Motion was s~conded by
Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
The following bills were presented for payment:- Fred Drager $2.20, Tri state
Tel, & Tel. Company $64.84, John .J. Hackett $9.15, A. Lamberty $24.00, Rol'~rt Larkin
$23.00, Labor Water Dept. $197.40, Rice County Treasurer ~4.31, T. E. Conniff $1.00
F. H. Mc cullough $52.00, Timothy Hanlon $1.00, E. E. Norton ~52.00, Norrrs.n Houe.h
$19.00, Chas. Me Ginnis $2.50, Alvin Hoover $68.47, Harry Pantier $4.55, Water Dept.
Labor ~226.90, Robert Larkin 03l.00, A. E. Mollison ~48.oo, Andrew Dardi~ $8.50,
John J. Hackett $6.50, Al. Lamberty ~>24.00, ].II & L Sign Co. ~l20.00, F. H. Me CuJlough
$2:4.00, Labor Water Dept. $167.90, Robert Larkin $47.25, Gust Kitzman $2L',.25, C.. E.
r-bt ... ~
* ;~, ,\ r~
(....; .~ lL
a.M.C. Tires
Plats' of
Anderson $12.25. vVm.. Martin $9.25, Cecil Gale $9.00, Geo. CarOIJ, ~8.oo, Paul Bartelt
$9.25. John Copeland $9.25. Wm. Mullenmeister ~4.25, Albert Lam.berty ~20.00. Coun-
cilman Meyer moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was secOD~ed by Councilman
Gay and passed unantmously.
Councilman Gay asked authorization to purchase two casings and two tubes for
the front wheels of the G.M.C. truck at a cost of about $90.00.. Councilman FJnge
moved that Councilman Gay be given the above authorization. Motion wes seconded by
Councilman Grant end passed unanimously.
The following monthly reports of City Officials were presented an~ read:-
. City Treasurer, Louise Thonet, City Recorder L. E.. Zuehlke, City Enginc.er I.F.Smith,
City Physician Norman Lende, Chief of Police Otto W. Hubin, Chief of Fire Department
M. S. Morgan, Overseer of Poor E. E. Aberle, Market Master Fred Mathis, Jr., Fuel
Commissioner Fred Mathis Jr., Secretary of Library Board K.I. C')le~ Clerk of kluni-
I cipal Court Rose V. Dillon, Dairy Inspector Carl Hansen, City R~corder's report to
. Superintendent of AcclJunts and Finances in the amount $8468.68. Councilman Emge
:moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion wqs seconded by Coun-
I cilman I.ieyer and passled unanimously.
The Mayor asked 'the Council what action they wished to, tak~ on the alleys, now
that they had been vi/swed. After considerable discussion relet ti ve to width and
direction of alleys, Gouncilman Gay moved that the City Engineer draw plats of blocks
:33, 35 and 44 O.T.~ showing the proposed alleys. Motion was seconded by Councilman
I Grant and passed unan:imously.
Councilman Grant reported that he had received an estimate cost of approximate-
~.135.00 and not to eX1ceed $150.00 to consruct a door on the second flo')r of the
City Hall building to connect the south and / sides of the building. Councilman
Meyer moved that Coun~}ilman Grant be authorized. to have the door cornstructed. IvIo-
:tion was seconded by Gounc1lman Emge and passed unan~ously.
Councilman Grant reported that he had measured the grates at the Elks Club,
'which could be I rl3asonably according to information receiver! from IITr.. Caswell,
and found that they could not be used in the furnace at the City Hall) also that
he had interviewed Anclerso,n' s Foundry and had been informed that they were going to
cast soon, and that if the Oi ty wanted grates, they would cast them. for a cost of
about $100.00 to inc11lde the necessary repairs to the boilers. Councilman Gay move,a.
Grates City that Councilman Grant be authorized to make the above expenditure. Motion was se-
Hall Furnace.
conded by Councilman Bmge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge ~('eported that all the W.P.A. labor had been taken off the Sani-
twC) weets
tary job and that it would take a crew of about twelve men/to complete the work.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
Approved July 27th, 1 937.
~ ~~ E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Had1ey P. 2Mayor.
{--cd "...,;
Tuesday, Regular Meeting, July 27th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on 'L'uesdaYt the 27th day of July, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m.
Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Minutes of the last regular
meeting of July 13th, 1937 were read and approved.
A group of Automobile Dealers appeared before the Council and presented an or-
dinance to regulate the sale of used cars. It was brought out that used oars w~re
being shipped to Faribault from within and without the state and SQ:1d here without
assurance of
guarantee and/clear title. Theyrequested the Counc.il to pass an ordinance to insure
fair competition to local dealers and rotection to purohasers. The City Attorney ex-
plained in detail the provisions e proposed ordinance. Councilman Rmge/that
the City Attorney be directed to dra up a similar ordinance. Ivlotion was seconded
Used Car
by Councilman Gay as p1tZd 1/!'MmTm1lI"Ia'ZTX. The Ci ty Attorney said the. t the ordinance
could be placed on its first reading and amended at its second reading. Councilman
Emge' and Gay withdrew their motion. Councilman Emge moved that Ordinance No. A166
be placed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed
unanimously. Ordinance No. Al66, An Ordinance Regulating and Licensing Dealers in
Second Hand Automobiles with the City of Faribault and Providing Pena1ties for the
Violation of the Provisions Thereof, was then read as ordered.
A large delegation fram the Northwest part of the City appeared before the Coun-
cil and asked that the territory West of the Chicago Milwaukee and st. Paul Ry. tracks
be serviced with Sanitary Sewer. It was brought out the t many beautiful homes h~d
been constructed in that section of the city and that a great deal of trouble was
being had with septic tanks and that conditions were not sanitary especially in
times of high water. It was also brought out that building/were not saleble beoause
West End.
they were not serviced with sanitary sewer.
Mr. Booth asked if Sanitary Sewer could
be constructed and if the interceptor main could be a general obligation of the city
and if the work could be done under the W.P.A. The City Engineer explained that the
sewer could be con5tructed and the manner of making assessments and said that it
cost of the
was a matter for the Council to decide whether or not the/main intercepter should be I
assessed to the property owners. Each one of the Council and Mayor expre~sed th~m-
selves in favor of constructing the sewer, to correct the unsanitary concitions and
to do justice to the property owners, as this was an old residential section of the
city. Councilman Emge moved that the Mayor and Finance Officer be authorized te make
application for Vi.P.A. funds to construct one mile of interceptor main af' a winter
~ ~~TERC.E PloP project. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and pa ssed unanimously. Councilman
fi\l(A~N GFNEI(Al Gay moved that the cost of the interceptor main be a general obligation cf the city.
or~:h-IGAT{ot,1 Motion was seoonded by Councilman Grant end passed unanimously~ The Council favcred
the cons~ruction of a portion of the sewer each year until it was completed.
\\cwr\~q- c.;~. Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the constructior, of Curb
\~~~\ ~o. Pr.1r~ \0 and Gutter on First Street South from ]'ourth to Seventh Avenues V/est as E' Vi.P.A.
'\~ 1\"4-':1. \,v. project and Tarvia surfacing on the same street. No one appeared for or a.gainst
c; 'ii'?
'...i ~,J
the improvements.
Councilman Gay moved that the hearing be closed and the petition I
granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman lileyer and passed unanimously.
to advertising
pursuan1f a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing on Ninth AVI~nue West from
Hearing Tarvia Division to Third Streets South. No one appeared for or against the improvement.
Ninth Avenue Councilman Gay moved that the hearing be closed and the street department authorized
Div. to Third
Streets S. ito do the above surfacing. Motion was seconded by Councilman G~ant and passed unani-
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on the surfacing of Twelfth
Hearing Tarvial Street North from Second to Fourth Avenues wi th Tarvia. No one appearo.d for or a-
Surfacing i
Twelfth Street'gainst the tmprovement. Councilman Gay moved that the hearing be closed and the
North,. Second
to Fourth street department authorized to do the above surfacing. Motion was seconded by Coun-
Avenues West. I
I oilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on Tarvia surfacing on First
Hearing Tarvia
First Street Street North from Central Avenue to First Avenue East. No one appeared for or
North Cent.
to First Ave. against the improvement. Councilman Gay moved that the hearing be closed and the
E as t .
street department authorized to do the above surfacing. Motion was se~onded by
Wilson Avenue
Water Main
{jV10TT A'ie,
F, ~S1 5t ~ .uo
S, Jl th f\'lrl. S. E
Ho. Al571.
Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
A petition for water main extension on Wilson Avenue, signed by fourteen pro-
perty owners was presented. c.;otmcilman Emge moved that the Water Department be au-
thorized to do the above construction. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and
passed unanimously.
A petition signed by the Bishop Seabury Mission for the vacation of Matt Avenue
from the South ]Line of First Street Southeast to Sixth Avenue Si?U theast was pr esen ted.
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Emge, Resolution N? Al57l was
passed unanimously.
Relative to Petition for Vacation of a Portion of Mott Avenue.
That the Petition for the vacation of Mott Avenue from the South Line of First
Street Southeast to Sixth Avenue Southeast, is hereby ordered filed with the City
Recorder and he is directed to publish in the Official Paper, for two successive
weeks, a notice stating that such petition has been filed and its object, and that
the same will be heard and considered at a regular meeting of tt.8 Council of the Oi ty
of Faribault, at the Council Chamber in the City Hall on Tuesday, the 24th day of
August, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m.
Passed July 27th, 1937.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Ninth street South from Seventh to Ninth
Hadley P. Bell J Mayor.
Avenues West, signed by five property owners, was presented. Co~ncilma~ Gay moved
Petition Tar-
via Ninth St. that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise a public hearing to
Sou th 9th to
7th Ave. West be held on the lOth day of August, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimous-
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Sixth Avenue East from First to Second sts.
f'..J . '~1
Tarvia Sur-
bth Ave. E.
North was presented. Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and
directed to advertise a public hearing to be held on Tuesday, the 19th day of August,
on the above surfacing from First Street North to Ravine Street.
1937, at eight o'olock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City Halll MOtion was
seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
The application of the IJankato Brewing and the Peller Beverage Co. for ItOff
Se.lett non-intoxic'sting Mal t Beverage License and application of M. S. Jacobson to
transfer his 3.2 Beverage License to Raymond Dwyer were presented. Councilman Meyer
and request for transfer
moved that the above llceIIlS8s/be granted. Motion was seconied by Councilman Grant
and passed unanimously.
The following bills were presented for payment:- E. E. Norton $44.00, John
Hackett $13.59, Alvin Hoover $59.25, Labor Water Department $ll8.40, Joe Ver.meersch
$l.50, Faribault Municipal Band Ass'n. $400.00, Harry Pantler $4.55, Sanitary S~wer
Interceptor Main Payroll $320.40, Albert Lamberty $24.00, Gust Kitzman $11.00, Paul
Bartelt $13.00, Robert Larkin $22.50, John Hackett $ll.7Z, Robert Larkin $l3.50, S. E.
Blake $2.50, Library Accounts $101.31, Murphy Motor Freight Lines $4-98, Chas. E.
Runyan $12.00, Labor Water Dept. $132.40, Sanitary Sewer Payroll $400.60, Robert
Larkin $22.00, Robert Larkin $16.00, General Fund, City of Faribault $149.69, Albert
Lamberty ~24.00, Street Department Payroll $1050.35, J. F. Swenson $24.0~, H. V.
Johnston Culvert Co. $416.86, Chicago Great Western R.R. Co. $l09.65, Oc~s Bros.
$68.35, Tri State Tel. & Tel. Company $71.54, $2.50, Orr's Specialty Shop $9.64,
Henry Haugh $5l.65, V~. O'Neil Sons Co. $14~089.18. Councibnan Emge movei that the
bills be allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed una~imously.
11 letter from Charles N. Sayles, representating the Ste Lucas Hospital, calling
the attention of the Council to the fact that by rebuilding Sixth Avenue East, a
portion of their property was cut off from drainage. No action was taken becauae
the road was rebuilt by the State.
Mayor Bell said that the Overseer of the Poor had about lOa cases to investi-
gate each month, and that traffic violators could not be arrested by using the motoT-
cycle because speeders immediately reduced their speed at first sight of the motor-
cycle, it being too cDnspicuous. He recommended that the Council purchas9 a standard
Recommenda- coupe for use of both departments, also he recommended that call lights be installed
tions of
Mayor at the corner of Central Avenue and Fifth Street or Fourth street and First Avenue
so that officers could readily see the call light from all points when O~ their
beat. After a discussion, Councilman Councilman Emge moved that the May~r be au-
thorized to have the call lights installed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant
and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved that the City Recorder be authorized and dir9cted to ad-
-BH?5 OtJ
<<-:Je\ \ccz. Octpt
GO \ \cz..d-
vertise for bids on a standard coupe equipped with wheel and spare tire, chains,
6 ply tires, spot light, inside control, copper/hea ter, Siren, type "8tt F1deral,
and short wave radio guaranteed to give good reception,/to include taking in tb~
motorcycle which can be viewed at the City Hall garage in trade, to be opened at
at the next regular meeting of the Council~ August lOth, 1937, eight 0 'clock p.m.
--u --
~-ti :-i' f._~
':..' ~d
Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Mayor Bell said that Ben Schreiber had notified him that he was going to dis-
continue the ambulance service. The Council discussed the necc~sity of having am-
bulance service in the oi ty and whioh department it should be J:ut under 1n the event
it were established. The matter was left for future consideration.
The Council discussed the matter of disposing of the sewage e je ctor pump at this time.
'Ihe Ci ty Engineer said that several companies had proposed taking in the stationary
air compressor unit on a portable air compressor. which Q) uld te used by the Water
and Roa,d, Street & Bridge Departments in construction work. Councilman Emge moved
Bids on
Un! t.
that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise for bids on a portable
air compressor complete with hose and tools, according to specifications on file in
for the office of the City Engineer, bidders to take in trade th~ second hand stationary
. compressor unit as part payment, bids to be opened and considered by the Council of
the City of Faribaul t in the Council Chamber at the C1 ty Hall on Tuesday, the lOth
day of August, 1937. Motion was seconded by Counoilman Gay and passed unanimously.
The City Engineer said that the City could realize far more by trading in the sta-
tionary unit than by selling it.
The Council viewed the plats of alleys prepared in the Engineerrs Office. Co un-
cilman Gay moved that the City Engineer be directed to prepare legal description of
the various property to be used for the proposed alleys. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
vVATE,R Councilman Emge said that the Water Department was in need of Water Meters and
authorized aud
1'''1 ETERS moved that I.. E. Wilson, Superintendent of Water Works, be/instructed to purchase
20 water meters. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay said that he had had an estimate cost of $240.00 for removing
that portion of
the Tarvia surfacing on/I~tt Avenue vacated by the City or ~6.2J per hour for the
use of power shove1 and man and truck for ~1.55 per hour. After a discussion, the
Council agreed to have the Street Department examine the surfacing to determine the
thickness, and to take up the matter at a later date.
CounciDnan Grant moved that the City Treasurer be authorized to purchase a spe-
cial assessment record. MOtion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by CouncilIaan Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved August lOth, 1937.
Hadley P. Be~~ior~
/f.,J t~~J
Special Meeting, Friday, July 30th, 1937, 2:30 p.m.
The council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Friday, the 30th day of July, 1937 at 2:30 r.m. Coun-
cilmen Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.. The meeting was called
to order by President Bell to consider the proposal of the Fairbanks,MOrse Com~any
TUR\3IN~ on a deep well turbine pump, motor and accessories.
PUIV] P Councilman Emge moved that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorizE1d and di-
PU~HA)EP rected to enter into contract with the Fairbanks MOrse Company for 'the furnishing
of a deep well turbine pump,. motor and accessories in the amount of $7, ~~9. 20. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Counc1lmE'''l Grant and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, Oi t:r Recor1.er.
Approved August 10th, 1937.
Radle{ ;~B~ Mayor.
G}~1 \,' - ~
1,'~1 111.5
Special Meeting, \Jednesday, July 28th, 1937, 9 :00 0' clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Fari baul t met in special session in tie Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Wednesday, the 28th day of July, 1937, at 9:00 o'clock
p.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.
for Bids
The meeting was oalled to order by President Bell to take up unf5.nished busi-
ness. Councilman Emge said that it would take about 375 feet of pipe to extend the
Storm Sewer beyond the sedimentation tank now under constructic~. C01IDcilman Meyer
moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise for bids on
375 feet of concrete pipe, according to specifications on file in the office of the
City Engineer, to be opened and considered at the next regular meeting of the Coun-
cil, August lOth, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was secorded by Councilman
Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay said that the Tarvia surfacing on Matt had been eyamined and
Olson Construc": he thought that it would be cheaper to hire the work done by tte hour instead of
tion Co. to
Remove Tarvia by the job. Councilman Meyer moved that the Street Department be authorized to em-
Mott Avenue.
ploy the Emil Olson Construction Company by the hour at figure~ quo tee at the last
meeting to remove the surfacing. IvIo tion was seconded by Counc j lman Grant and passed
A peti tieD for Tarvia Surfacing on iirst Avenuel/est from Second Street South
signed b~ Jos. Lennon and John L. Reising
to Tower Place/was presented. Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be au-
thorized and directed to advertise a public hearing on the surfacing cf the follow-
ing named streets with Tarvia:- First Avenue West, Second Street Soutl1 to Tower
Place, Ninth Street North, First to Second Avenues West, Eighth Avenue West, Sixth
to Seventh Streets North, to be held at the next regular meeting, August lOth, 1937,
at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer end pas~ed unanimous-
North side of'
Councilman Gay said that railings were needed on/Second street Et:st in front
of the st. Onge property and at the corner of Matt Avenue and the South side of
I2A\ l-I N~~J
AVTHoRIXEP second Street East on the inside of the sidewalk because the lets were. much lower
that the walk. The City Attorney said that the property owner~ and City would be
jointly liable for injuries to pedestrians in these locations. Councilman Emge
moved that the City street Depsruaent b~ authorized to have light railings placed
atlthe a.bove locations. LIotion was seconded by Councilmen 1ieyer and ~assed unani-
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councjlman Emge
and passed unan~ously.
Approved August lOth~
L. E. Zuehlke,
1937. # t?~
Hadley P. ~ayor.
City Rec.order.
ff iI~~
,i'...j 1"_.'
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, August. 10th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.~.
~~~--~ -~- ~.~
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 10th day of August, 1937, at eight o'cJock
p.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and IY1ayor Bell were present. The meeti:u:g was
called to order by President Bell. Minutes of the l~st regular meeting, July 27th,
and Special Meetings, July 28th and July 30th, were read and approved with the
following correction:- On page 297, the minutes should read "advertise fer bids on
steel railing" instead of ftLigb.t railing".
and Mr. '111erimar
Wm. Their.man and Weier Me Quoid appeared before the Council and/asked that
First Street south/and Central Avenue South be improved by widening the ~treets and
improving the drainage. Mr. Mc Q.uiod said that the poor condition of thE'se streets
detracted from the beauty of the Library site and building. The City Engineer ax-
Discussion plained that the property owners had drained their driveways into the dit~hes ~~
First St.
South and that the suggested improvement of deeping the ditches would not correct the conei-
Avenue tion very much. Councilman Emge said that he thought that concrete or stone gutters
should be constructed. After a short discussion as to constructing Curb and Gutter
and surfacing the streets wi th Tarvia, Councilman Gay moved that the Ci t~~ EnginE'~r
be directed to prepare estimates of costs of various kinds of improvement$ on the
streets and to report at the next regular meeting. Motion was seconded b3~ Councj.lman
Grant and passed unanimously.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on the surfacing cf Sixth
Hearing Avenue East from First Street North to Ravine Streett with Tarvia. No or~ appeared
Surfacing for or against the improvement. Councilman Gay moved that the hearing be closed and
Sixth Ave.
East. the street department authorized to do the above surfacing when the street was in
proper condition. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unE'nimously.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacirg on F1.rst
." , Avenue w@st from Second Street South to Tower Place. lUck Roell appeareC'. beforo the
Hearing Council and opposed the improvement and stated that the street was not of proper
Surfacing width and that the drainage was poor. The Council agreed that this stre~t was of
Street J
steep grade as Central Ave. South a.nd First Street South and that drainage could not
be ~proved very much unless permanent improvements were made. Councilmen Gay said
that a petition for Curb and Gutter on this street had been filed with tl'~ City Re-
corder and moved that the hearing be continued until after the hearing on Curb and
Gutter was called. Motion was seconded by Counci1ll1an Grant and passed ur~n1mouRly.
Mr. Roell said that he would oppose Curb and Gutter because he had such E' large
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing on N~nth
IAR. 5lJR. Street North from First To Second Avenues VJest. No one appeared for or against the
~~ S+.I~
improvement. Councilman Gay moved that the hearing be closed and the str~et Depart-
ment authorized to do the above surfacing as soon as the street was in condition.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacirg on E~ghth
Avenue ',Jest from Sixth to Seventh Streets North. No one appeared for or against the
t;-: I
(-J ('L
B~ AI/~ oJ,
cj:.'i st. 50.
Curb and
I~.! A.VtZ. LlJ 0
f?nd 54 So to
TowQ,\;- p~
Tarvi a
9T~Av(l. We.6t.
-+11 -'- ~-}!J <:of, c:::-
,'M: - 10 J 'J _ .~-
e~~5-t. :>0.
(0....., r~ 1-t.!;t Av~ i?~
Tarvie 4th
Bids Concrete
improvement. Councilman Gay moved that the hearing be closed and the street Dept.
authorized to the above surfacing when the street was in condition. Motion W0S
seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing on
IJinth Street South from Seventh to Ninth Avenues iJest. No one appeared for or
against the impro,vement. Council:nan Gay moved that the hearing be closed and the
street department authorized to do the above surfacing when th~ street was in con-
dition.. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
A petition for Curb and Gutter on First Avenue west from Second street South
to Tower Place as a 'ii.P.A. project, signed by John L. Reising, C. N. Peterson and
Jos. Lennon,was read. Counci~an Gay moved that the city Recorder be authorized and,
directed to advertise a public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting, Aug.
24th, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Ninth Avenue West from Eigh~' to Ninth
Streets South signed by eight property owners was presented. Councilman Gay moved
tha t the City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertiS<3 a public hearing
to be held at the next regular meeting, August 24th, 1937, at eight o'c1ock p.m.
in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.. Notion was seconded by Councilman Grant
and passed unanimously.
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Eighth Street Southwest fram Sixth to
Seventh Avenues, signed by R.W. Klemer, Geo. W. Cap, Geo. Redm~n and B.A. Krueger,
adjacent property oVlners, who claim that they suffer from the dust on this street,.
was presented. Mayor Bell said that it was unusual for adjacent property owners
to request improvements assessable to other property owners. Counci7~an Gay moved
that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise a public hearing to
be held at the next regular meeting, August 24th, 1937, at eig~t o'clock p.m. on
Tuesday, at the Council Chamber at the City Hall. Motion was s~conded by Council-
man Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to ad-
vertise a public hearing on Tarvia Surfacing on Fourth Avenue West fJ'om Eleventh to
Thirteenth Streets North, to be held at the next regular meeting, Tu~sday, the 24th
day of August, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m. in the Council Chamber at the City Hall.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on three hundred seventy five feet
of 27n concrete pipe. The following bids were received:- Bid NO.1, Botsford Lum-
ber Co. $956.25, Bid No.2, E. M. Leach & Sons Lumber Co. $960.00, Bid No.3, Lam-
pert Yards $960.93, Bid No.4. Independent Lumber Yard, no certified check, bid not
considered, Bid No.5, H. E. Westerman Lumber Company $958.13.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on a Standard Coup~ and accessories,
to' include taking in the police department motorcycle and accef'$ories in trade. The
following bids were received:- Bid No. Faribault Motors Inc. Net $496.50, Bid No.2,
r, ""1
Bids on
Rice County Motor Sales/~778.24, Bid No.3, Van Houdt Motor Co. Dodge de Lux CoupeNet
$628.48, Plymouth De Lux Coupe Net $535.45.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on a portable air com,ressor com-
plete with hose and tools, according to specifications on file in the office of the
City Engineer, bidders to take in trade the second hand stationary compr~ssor tmit
Bids Air as part payment. The following bids were received:- Bid No.1, Thorman W. Rost,')lt
Co. $2,663.39 Net, Bid No.2, Faribault Machine Shop and Foundry $2,~54.90 Net, Bid
No.3, Borchert Ingersoll, Inc., $2,759.48 Net, Bid No.4, Robinson, Cary & Sar~s Co.
$2,801.02 Net. The City Engineer was asked to tabulate the bids.
The following communications were read:- A letter from. the Chicago Rock Island
and Pacific Railway Company thanking the Police Department for assisting them jn
handling the crouds on August/at the exhibition of the ItRocketrt train; a letter
from the First English Lutheran Church inviting the Council and their wives to attend
their services on September 19th in honor of the sesquicentennial anniversary cf the
Constitution; letters from the Bishop Seabury Mission and M~nnesota School for the
Blind regarding seeding the slopes of the newly constructed Sixth Avenue east; a
letter from the Minnesota School for the Blind suggesting the placing.of "caution"
or !tstop!t signs at the approaches to the school.
The following monthly reports of City Officials were presented:- City Trefsurer.
Louise Thonet, City Recorder, L. E. Zuehlke, City Engineer, I.F. Smith, City Physician,
Norman Lende, Oversser of Poor, E.E. Aberle, Chief of police, otto Rubin, Chief of
Fire Department M.S. Morgan, Market Master Fred Mathis, Jr., Clerk of Municipal Court
Rose V. Dillon, Dairy Inspector Carl Hansen, City Recorder's report to SlJ.perintendent
of Accounts and Finances in the amount of ~9t308.42. Windstorm. Insur8IiLce Foliey
covering City Buildings was presented. The following bills were presented: Paul Bar-
telt $6.50, Labor Water Depa~tment $118.40, Robert Larkin $42.75, Albert Lamberty
Sanitary Sewer Payroll $38b.l2,
~p24.00,/Sa1aries of Librarians and Janitor $641.66, T. A. Mealia $108.00, Nonn.en
Haugh ~29.50, Arthur ~ickum $4.80, John Wullin $26.00, Alvin Hoover $7.65, James
Katra $lO.OO, John Hackett $5.00, Sanitary Sewer Payroll ~354.90, Labor Water Dept.
~122.40, Robert Larkin $l6.75, Bell & Zoller Coal Co. ~1l8.l0, ~. M. Leach & Sens
Lumber Company $5.40, B~ B. Lockerby $278.6l, Sanitary Sewer payroll ~5.50. Council-
man Emge.moved that the reports. be accepted and orctered filed, the insurance peliey,
having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the city Attorney, 1'~
accepted and ordered filed and the bills listed/allowed. Motion was seconded 1'y Councilman
Meyer and passed unanimously.
Mayor Bell called a recess to consider the bids.
.6.fter a short recess, the meeting was called to order by President Bell.. Coun-
cilman Emge moved that the bid of the Botsford Lumber . Co. on 375 feet of Concr~te
Accept Bid Pipe be accepted contingent to immediate delivery and that their certified check be
Pipe. held in lieu of surety bond until merchandise was received and accepted.l~otion was
seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the bids on the portable air compressor complete
t... I _l
Reject Bid
Accept Bid
No. Albb
South Half
Ci ty Hall by
with tools and hose be rejected, certified checks returned to the resp~ctive bidders
and the City Recorder authorized and directed to readvertise forbids, to be opened
at the next regular meeting of the Council, August 24th, 1937, at eigpt o'clock p.m~
Illotion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unaniraously.
Councilman l~eyer moved that the bid of the Faribault Motors, Inc. on a Standard
Coupe and accessories be accepted and their certified check be held in lieu of
surety bond until delivery was made. Motion was seconded by Councilmen Grant and
passed unanimosuly.
The following applications were presented: Pin Ball Licenses, Phil. ~rnoldt,
Ray Dwyer, E.. E. Sheridan, V. Chappius, Gopher Sales Co.; Non-intoxicating Malt
Beverage Licenses R. C. Umbreit, Trapp and Jenson.Hayor Bell said that he was not
in favor of granting a license to Trapp and Jensoin at that location be-cause he had
received complaints from neighboring property ovmers on paper napkins blowing around
and on disturbance from the radio. Councilirran IJeyer moved that all apklicants be
granted licenses excepting Trapp and .Jenson, and that they be denied € license. 1.10-
tion was seconded by Councilman Bmge and passed unanimously.
The Council discussed placing the proposed Ordinance No.Al.66 on its second read-
ing. Councilman Gay said that he would like to have the ordinance exrlained further
as to the effects of this license/on present dealers, who do not sell new cars, and
also other requirements of the ordinance before it was placed on its ~econd reading.
Councilman Gay moved that Ordinance No. Al66 be placed on its second reading at some
future meeting. Motion was seconde~ by Coul1c1l.12J:.an Grant. Councilman Meyer said
that he thought a definite date should be set. Councilman Gay ana Grant withdrew
their motion. Councilman Meyer moved that Ordinance No. .u66 be placed on its se-
cond reading August 24th~ 1937. Motion was seconded by Councilm.an Grant and passed
Mayor Bell said that he h2d notified that National Reemployment Cffice to vacate
the quarters occupied by them in the South half of the City Hall Building by tele-
phone. Councilman En~e moved that the City Recorder write the Nationel Reemployment
Agency to vacate their quarters in the South Half of the City Hall at once, because
the space was needed by the City. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and
passed unanimously.
Liquor and
1\ilayor Bell said that there were many of theI3.2. Malt Beve.rage Dealers names
on the delinquent tax list. The City Attorney ruled that it wes contrary to the
provisions of the State Law and City Ordinance for dealers to ellow their taxes to
go delinquent. Councilman Meyer moved that the City Recorder be directed to write
these dealers to -chi s effect. Mo tion was seconded by Councilmen Grant and passed
SiDEWAL...\( AND The City Engineer said that a quantity of sidewalk and curb and gutter had been
C\..H~a and GUTTER torn up because of the construction of the Storm and Sanitary Sewers In the North
'TO' ~E R/lEP,l~cl';r part of Town, also that a freight car had run off the tracks se;veral years back and
damaged some which should be replaced. The Council instructed the City Engineer to
~ ;t.~
"' r '
'_ .. 'f-.,;
have the walks and curb and gutter replaced.
Bids on
Bids on
Bids on
Cast Iron
Counci~an Gay said that W.P.A. labor would be available in about t?n days for
curb and gutter and sidewalk work, and that he would like to advertise for bids on
a car load of cement to be opened at a special meeting. The Council disGussed the
legality of advertising for bids on one car or more. The City Attorney ruled that
the number of cars must be speoified in the bid. Councilman Gay and the City E,-
gineer explained that if bids were called for on one car or more, a car could b~
purchased at any time when needed without advertising for bids, thereby causing no
delay in sidewalk construction. It was also brought out that there would be no loss
to the City because the bids were the same. Councilman Gay moved that the City Re-
corder be authorized and direoted to advertise for one car or more of any standard
brand of Portland Cement, to be opened at a special meeting of the Council Monday
August 16th, 1937, at ten o'clock a.m. ~IDtion was seconded by COunCi~Wl Meyer
and passed unanimously.
Counoilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to ad-
vertise for bids on about 200 feet of steel railing in accordance with specifications
on file in the offioe of the City Engineer, to be opened a.t a speciaJ. meating of the
Council, Monday, August l6th, 1937 at ten o'clock a.m9 Motion was secoinded by Coun-
cilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge stated that the water Department needed pipe for water main ex-
tension and moved that the City Reoorder be authorized and directed to ae.vertiso for
bids on 3,000 feet of 6" de Lavaud centrifugal cast iron pipe in twelve foot lengths,
B & S~ class 150, to be opened and considered at the next regular meeting, Augurt
24th, 1937 at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and pas~ed
The C1 ty Recorder reported that the Fairbanks Morse Company had not furn1s1'~d
a bond in connection with their contract, as required by the Charter.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. lvlotion was seconded by Councilmen Emge
and passed unanimously.
Approved August 24th,
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
1937. ~ p~
Had1ey P. Be~MaYor
Special Meeting, Mbnday, August 16th, 1937, Ten O'clock a.~.
~~~~ - ~-~--~~,=
The Council of the City of Faribault'met in special session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Monday, the 16th day of August~ 1937, s,t ten C"clock p.m.
R.A I J... \I'.J G
Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were presente
The meeting was called to order by Fresident Bell. Pursua~t to a6.vertising, bids
were called for on one car or more of any standard brand of Portland c.~ment. The
following bids were received:- Bid No.1 Botsford Lumber Compeny G2.15 per bbl. net,
Bid No.2, Lampert Yards $2.15 per bbl. net, Bid No.3, H. E. \liestermen LUlIlber Co.
$2.15 per bbl net, Bid No.4, E.M. Leach & Sons Lumber Company 02.15 I~r bbl. net.
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on approximately 900 yar~s of washed
The following bid was received: S. E. Boyer GIEpany, washed sand
washed gravel per cu.. yd. :j;Jl.65, washed sand and gr9.vel mixed,
Pursuant to advertising bids were called fer on afproximately
200 feet of steel railing according to specifications on file in the cffice of the
City Engineer. No bids were received. Cow1cilman Gay moved the:t the City Recorder
Bids Opened sand and gravel.
CE!'1Ef,j T per cu. yd. {}1.15,
SA!'j(i ,la.GRA1ffL per cu. yd. $1.35.
be authorized and directed to readvertise for bids on steel railing aocording to
RE-ADVfRTI5J: specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer, to r~ recei ved up to
RAJ 1-./ N 4
eight o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1937. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Emge and passed unanimouslYe
Counci~an Gay moved that the bid of E.M. Leach and Sons Lumber Company on
cement be accepted, contingent to receiving VI.P.A. labor, and that the;ir check be
held in lieu of surety bond until the merchandise is delivered. MotiC'''1_was seconded
Bids Accepted. by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the bid of S.E. Boyer Co. on wa~hed sand and gravel
W.P .A.
be accepted, contingent to receiving/labor, and that his certified che~k be held in
lieu of surety bond until materials is delivered. Motion was ~econdee by Council-
man and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and dir~cted to ad-
Advertise for
Bids Cement
vertise for bids on one car or more of any standard brand of Pcrtland cementJ to be
opened at the next regular meeting, August 24th, 1937, at eight o'clook. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay stated that a hearing had been held on the constw'~tion of Curb
and Gutter on Fourth Street Northwest from the Milwaukee track~ to Lircoln Avenue
as a W.P.A. project some time and had not been closed, awaiting the allotment of
H IEf\ R! 1'16,
e ~ G O!fj!
4+!t Sf.
MdWQ"k.c<<: ....rocb Federal funds and moved that this hearing be closed and the cOLstructjon authorized
10 l.u7C!.O( 11 .
as a W.P.A. project. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge I:nd pe.s~ed unanimously.
Cow1cilman Gay said that he had received notice from the Minnesota state Highway
(ery ~ ~ S'I-~ I~:i..
Department that they had finished the consturction of Sixth Avenue Ea~t and were
! turning it over to the City for maintenance and that he had rec~ived ~everal com-
CO\J~C.IL To plaints fro:m property owners on the. construction of the sidewallc and Courb and gutter
lE):fE:NSIO' , and asked the Council to wiew the property in a body after this meeting or before
accepting the street, also that they view several streets whicb. were ooming up for
discussion at the next meeting.
The City Engineer explained to the Council that the application for W.P.A. funds for
the V7est end Sani tary Sewer was made out ~ detail an.d said that there \'ras another
5AN,SEWEP possible route for the sewer. Councilman Gay moved that the City Engine€r inve8tigate
the possible route for the '~lest end Sanitary Sewer in view of determining which one
was the more feasible and to have the data ready by the first meeting of the Council
in October. Motion was seconded by Councilman BInge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilmen Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City R€Gorder.
Approved August 24th, 1937.
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, August 24th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
~-n~---~. .----
- --u --------
" ,
~~-~- ----~~~~~=~~~-~~~~~~- ~-~--~~~~ =~ -~~~~~~~- - ----~~-~-
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular sessioD in the: Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall 011 Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1937, at eight o'clook p.m.
Councilman ~mge, Gay, Grant, Meyer ffild Mayor Bell were present. The ill6eting was
called to order by President Bell. Minutes of the last regular meeting August lOth
and Special ldeeting August 16th were read and approved.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called on the construction of Curb and
Gutter as a VJ.P .A. project on First Avenue ~lest, from Second Street South to Tower
Place. A petition signed by thirteen property owners, protesting the iuprovement
was presented. John Reising was present at the meeting and said that he was the one
who circulated the petitions to have the street improved because it wa~ in bad con-
dition. The Engineer explained the condition of the street and what Lecessary
improving would be necessary before per.manent Improvements could be mace. Several
property owners were present who approved of having the street put to ~Tade and
Hearing surfaced with Tarvia. Counc1lman Gay said that the street Department did not re-
Curb and Gutter
First Ave. commend Tarvia Surfacing on this street without Curb and Gutter, becau~e of its
We st.
steep grade. Oouncilman Meyer express~d himself in favor of Curb and Gutter also.
Councilman Emge said that the street could not be Curbed and Guttered w~th W.F.A.
labor because the W.P.A. labor had been withdrawn. Nick Roell said that he did
approve of the street being surfaced with Tarvia, but not curbed and guttered, be-
cause of the expense it would entail. Councilman Emge moved that the Hearing be
closed and that Curb and Gutter be denied. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant.
On roll call, those voting nayett were Councilman Emge, Grant, an1 Mayor Bell", Those
voting Unaye" were Councilman Gay and Meyer. Motion was carried.
Counci~an Emge moved that the Hearing on Tarvie. Surfacing on the above street
Hearing Tarvia held over from the last meeting, be closed w1d the petition for Tarvia surfacing
First Avenue
~Jest. granted, when the street was in proper condition. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Grant. On roll call, those voting itaye" were Councilman Emge, Grant, and Mayor Bell.
Councilman Gay and Meyer voted "naye". Motion carried.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing on IJinth
Hearing Tarvia Avenue iJest from Eighth to Ninth Streets South. Francis Rosen appeared before the
Ninth Ave. West.
Council and asked that the Surfacing be extended on Ninth Avenue, south from Ninth
Street South in frontof two lots belonging to h~. John A. Foster appe~red before
'the Council and said that he opposed the improvement because it abutted about 650
he thought tl'at
feet of frontage on which there were no buildings. He said that/an improvement of
this kind should be paid out of the General Fund of the City or Gasoline Tax", Co un-
cilman Gay moved that the petition be denied and that the City R~corder be authorized
and directed to readvertise the hearing for Tarvia Surfacing on Ninth Avenue iJest
from from Eighth to Ninth Streets South west of Ninth Avenue to include Francis
Rosen's lots. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passe1 unanimously.
Ht::A~JNG TA[,.
IB+~ ~t. Sc
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing on Eighth
Street 30uth from Sixth to\seventh Avenues West. John W. Le Crone repr~senting the
Country Club appeared before the Council and opposed the improvement because it was
of no benefit to them, also because there were no houses on either side of the street
land because the petitioners were not assessable for the improvement. Councilman Emge
suggested that the property be viewed before action was taken. Councilman Gay ~aid
that it had been customary for the Council to call hearings on the surfacing of ~hort
streeches of streets in localities where all other streets had been surfaced. Ccun-
cilman Gay moved that the hearing be continued and the street viewed before action
was taken. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called on Tarvia Surfacing on Fourth
Hearing Avenue West from Eleventh to Thirteenth Streets North. No one appeared for or a-
Surfacing gainst the improvement. Councilman Gay moved that the hearLag be closed and the
Fourth Ave.
West. Street Department autborized to do the above surfacing when the street was in con~
dition. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
LVier Me Q.uiod was present at the meeting and Mayor Bell info:rmed him that th~
Council had viewed First Street South and Central Avenue South and infor.mod h~ that
Bids on
major improvements could not be made on First Street South due to the condition of
the driveways. The City Engineer said that permanent improvements on thif'l street ha.d
always been deferred because the street was far out of ~ine and to line it wauld be
very expensive to the C1 ty and Cause extensive dama.ge to the property o:wners because
the approaches to the properties would be very steep. Mr. Me Quiod asked that so~e-
thing be done to improve the drainage of 'the street. TIle City Engineer said that he
would ask the Northern States Power Company to move the pole on the corner and CC)'l,ln-
cilmsn Gay said tha.t he would have the di tches cleaned and the street graC'.ed"
he had been informed that
liouncilman. Gay said that/all IV.P.A. labor had been withdrawn in the Oounty ex-
cepting from a couple projects which were being completed and moved that the bids_on
cement be returned to the bidders unopened. ~IDtion was seconded by Councilman GraTht
and passed ill1animously.
Pursuant to advertising bids were called for on the following:-
3,000 feet of/Cast Iron Pipe.
First St. S.
and Central
B I OS of'l;Nf!7
CA 511 Rottl APE
Approximately 200 feet of Steel Railing.
Portable Air Compressor,Uose and Accessories.
::;'TEEt..- RAH-. The following Bids were received, Cast Iron Pipe, Uni ted States Pipe and Foundry
AIR COI'V1P. Company ~~.90 per foot, fittings $lll.OO per ton, net; James B. Clow and Sons, Bid not
considered, not accompanied by certified check; On Steel Railing, Faribault tlachine
Shop & Foundry, $495.00 complete installedj Compressor Bid No.1" Thorman 'd. Roshol t
Co./$2,225.00, 'l'ools and l:1.ccessories [~584.89, alternates ~489.39 and 648.39; leES
allowance of ~350.00 on stationery compressor and equipment. Bid No.2, Faribault
Comp~esor ",
Machine Shop & FoundrY/~?2,225.00t Tools and Accessories ~463.88, less \?350.00 al:.ow-
ance on stationery compressor; Bid No~ No. J, Minnesota Pneumatic & Elect~ic Too~ Co.
less ~325.00 allowance on stationery Compressor
$2075.00 for Compressor, Tools and Accessories $462..40j/Bid No.. 4, Borchert Ingersoll
Inc. Compressor $~2,225.00 Tools and Accessories ~462.44, Bid No. 5 Wm. Ziegler C:>.
Robinson, CarySands Company
Inc. Compressor $2t225.0Q, Tools and Accessories ~465.84, Bid No. 6,/compressor
$2,225.00, Tools and Accessories $464.52, Bidders Nos. 4,5,and 6 all alloved $350.00
p, -~
U' ( ~
on stationery compressor and equipment. Mayor Bell called a recess to consider the
The Council reconvened. Councilman Emge moved that the bid of the United States
Pipe and Foundry Company be accepted and that their certified check be held in lieu
of a surety bond until the pipe is delivered. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Gay and passed unanimously.
Accept Bids.
Councilman Gay moved that the bid of the Faribaul t Machine Shop & Foundry on
Steel Railing be accepted and that their certified check be held in lieu of a surety
bond until the railing was installed and accepted. Motion was seconde~ by Council-
man Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge moved that the bids on the Portable Air Cm1pressor, Hose and
Accessories be rejected and their oertified checks be returned. Motion was seconded
o by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
(ORDINANCE:: A group of automobile dealers appeared before the Council and asked that the
A \bb. proposed ordinance regulating used car dealers be passed as read on its first read-
USEC' CI=)R.,. ing. Councilman fuge moved that Ordinance No. .Al66, An Ordinance Ragu.lating and
OR-O\\'iAN(.e. Licensing Dealers in Second-Hand Automobiles wi thin the City of Faribaul t, and Pro-
viding Penalties for the Violation of the Provisions thereof, be pla.ced on its se-
cond reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously. The
and passed
ordinance w~s then read/by sections as follows:-
Section 1., Motion by Councilman Meyer, Seconded by Councilman Grant
Section 2,
Section 3,
Section 4,
Section 5,
Section 6,
Section 7,
Section 8,
Section 9,
Section 10,
Section 11~
Section 12,
Section l3,
S~ctlon l4,
Section 15
Section 16
Section 1'7
Section 18
Gran t,
Emge t
Meyer- ,
On the question~ Shall this Ordinance pass?" ftayes" five, Itnayes'r none. Ordinance
'No. Al66 was hereby declared passed and the City Recorder authoriz.ed aIid directed to
cause same to be published in the official paper.
Two property owners from the Tovm Wells appeered before the Council in regard
3'1.' ,-',
" '"
ti ~d
to keeping Western Avenue open north from the tUll. Mr. Caswell said that he had met
with the Town Board and had been informed that they were doing as much or this ~oad
<C!T'( ATT'( as on any road in the Township and that they had no funds available for further work..
,-0 51AR-r After a short discussion, Councilman Gay moved that the Oi ty Attorney be direct~d to
PreOCE::fpnlL start legal proceedings. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and paf1sed unmn-
,/\lE ....I-S TWF mously.
A petition for Sanitary Sewer on Sixth Avenue East,south from Ravin~ street to
serve the Walter Schultz property was presented. Councilman Emge moved that the
City Recorder be authorized and directed to advertise a public hearing on the above
improvement to be held September 14th, 1937, at eight o'clock p.m. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Application of Arthur F. Fox for illilk License and Application of LeRter MYArs
for Auto-car License were presented. Councilman Emge moved that the licnnses bA
Applications granted. Motion was seconded by councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
Fire and Wind StODn policies covering the City Market building and contents,
Auto Ca~ Policy covering Ford Coupe and Auto Car Liability Policy of Lester Mye~s
were presented. On motion of Councilman Meyer, seconded by Councilman G~ant, the
policies, having been approved as to manner and form of execution by the City Attor-
ney, were accepted and ordered filed unanimously.
The following bills were presented:- Joyce Baker $4.20, Davidson & Mertis e13.45
C. W. Turner $1.80, Rexall Drug Store $19.80, Labor Water Department $114.40,
Martin Stav $7.75, Oliver Tetrault $16.00, Fred Henzel $16.00, Faribault Motors, Inc.
$400.00, Robert Larkin $a3.50, Alvin Hoover $53.62, Sanitary Sewer payroll $204.40,
Nels Ne1son $10.00, Library Accouuts $7l5.55, Botsford Lumber Co. $958.80, Skelly
Oil Co. $50.73, Labor Water Dept. $126.40, Visiting Nurse & Service Ass'n.. $4.50,
Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co. $3-58, o. E. Perkins $.80, storm Sewer payroll
$208.40, Sanitary Sewer Payroll $l89.80, Robert Larkin $22.00, Gust Kit~~an $11.17,
Visiting Nurse Service Ass'n. $2.20, Cities Service Oil Co. $147.60, National Meter
Co. .25G.OO, Crane Co. $233.53, Service Supply Co. ~;36.0l, Faribault Tire and Radiator
Co. $3.50, Liberty Transfer Co. $24.00, Peabody Coal Co. $ll9.78, PittsbTlrgh Coal
Co. $31l.32, Chicago Great Western R.R Co. $492.91, The Coal Dealer ~2.00, Tri-
state Tel. & Tel. Co. $55.75, John Hackett $7.75, street Dept. Payroll $1011.22,
W. L. Farmer $115.47. Councilman Meyer moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unc~imously.
Councilman Meyer said that he had received a letter from Dr. Chatharr stating that
the Faribault Municipal Band Association would like to have the balance due them on
their contract because the younger players depended upon this money for clothing for
the school term. Councilman !.leyer moved that the City Recorder be authorized and
directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer in the amount of ~600.oo to pay this
balance. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
A letter from the State of Minnesota Department of Highways advising the Counoil
that the contract for the construction of Sixth ~venue East had been completed and
.' I
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51ATE I-\IEjHWn'(
CO 1"1 PL~ T r::: n
!'/{I !~I~ oH
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10 b ~~IItl. 5E
No. lU572.
=~~-- ~- -~-~=
that the contractor had been released from further responsibility for the maintenance
of this project, was read. Councilman Gay moved that the street be ac~epted. Motion
Vias seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
A letter addressed to Thos. H. Quinn, written by C. E. Stahl, County Engineer,
regarding replacing the railing near the Ilill on the Roberds Lake Road was read.
'Ihe letter stated that the County had spent $390.00 on the road and had not asked to
be reimbursed and that the railing that had been there did not belong to the City
and that the City should pay for the new railing. Councilman Gay said that the work
had been done \7i thout confering with the Ci ty and if the Council wished, he would
have a railing constructed. Eo action was taken.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called on the vacation of Mott Avenue
Southeast from the South Line of First street Southeast to Six~ Avenue Southeast.
No one appeared for or against the vacation. On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded
by Councilman Emge, Resolution No. A1572 was passed by unan~ous vote of the Council
on roll call.
Relative to Vacation of a Portion of Matt Avenue in the City of Faribault.
That pursuant to a petition of the Bishop Seabury I..Iission, I.Tott .Avenue from the
South Line of First Street Southeast to Sixth Avenue Southeast, be and the same is
hereby vacated, in accordance with a plat prepared by the City Engineer, dated Aug-
ust 24th, 1937, and in accordance with the recorded plat thereof on file in the
office of the Register of Deeds in anct for the County of nice, State of LIinneso ta.
Passed August 24th, 1937.
'Attest, L. E. ~uehlke, City Recorder.
Hadl ey P to Bell, 1'Iayor.
~ayor Bell said that he had received positive evidence that C.E. ~illderson had
been violating the provisions of 3.2 fualt Beverage License and that he had been
c. E. AndersO~selling liquor wi thout a license, and asked that the Council taJ~e action' to revoke his
'license. Councilman Gay moved that the City Attorney write ~~. Anderson that he
would be given a hearing on August 27th, 1937, at which time the Council intenc1ed to
1fution was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
revoke his license.
Counci~an Gay brought up a bill from the Northern states Power C?mpany for
$90.00 for a motor which they had been furnishing the City with for several years.
No action was taken.
H'(t7R.A,t--\ T s Councilman EJ.llge asked permission to purchase two hydrants for the V~ater Dept.
\J!JR.cHA~EP Councilman Gay moved that the Water Dept. be authorized to purchase the hydrants.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed lmanimously.
C01WD.cilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed unan~ously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved September
14th, 1937. .
~"/"J1/) "J~')-'
. ~, ~'.-/ " I'}
I' . '. t'
Hadley P. Bell,-,la~ or
Special Meeting, August 27th, 1937, lO:OO O'clock a.m.
The Council of. the City of Faribault met in Special Session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Friday, the 27th day of August, 1937, at 10:00 o'clock
a.me Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present..
The meeting was called to order by President Bell to revoke the license of C.E.
Anderson. (,;. E. Anderson did not appear or a representative. Evidence VTas brought
Revoke out that Mr. .Anderson had broken the provisions of the 3.2 Beverage Licer.se and
C.E. Anderson
License. that he had sold liquor without a license. Mayor Bell said that C.E. Anderson 1:'3.0.
been officially notified of this hearing. Councilman Emge moved that C.E. Anderson's
On and Ofr Sale
3.2/Non-intoxicating Malt Beverage License be revoked and that the City P4?cordel' no-
tify Mr. Anderson to this effect and the the Chief of Police be instruct8d to pick
up the License. Motion was seconded by Counci~an Grant and passed unanj~ously.
CounciLman Grant s@id that he had visited the City of Austin and found that they
had discontinued their ambulance service because the Health Department r8quireI!18nts
were too strict, and the expense of operation was too great. 7he Council decided
to drop the matter.
Councilman.Gay said that the man working in the gravel pit had sold his team
and asked that the Council consider the motorizing of the equipment at tl'e pit, be-
cause several teams could not keep up with the gravel trucks at: the stre~t depar1:men.t
as there was a. great deal of gravel/necessary this FaJ.1. to prepare the streets f.or
Tarvia next Spring.
An application from Ed. Peterson to sell 3.2 non-intoxicating Malt Beverage
at No. 215 1st Avenue NW. was presented. Mr. Peterson was present at tho meeting and
was informed that he would have to be in business before a license could be granted
him. He said that he would be operating before September 1st, 1937. Mar?r Bell
said that he would call a special meeting Sap t. lst, to consider the application,
which was agreeable to the Council. [J
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn, Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
~pproved Sept. 14th, 1937.
/4ca (?~
Hadley ~l, Mayor
\ /
. "---'"
~t .~ .~
Special Meeting, September 1st, 1937, 9:00, a.m.
The Council of the City of Faribau1t met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Wednesday, the 1st day of September,- 1937, at nine
o'clock a.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.
The meeting was ~al1ed to order by President Bell for the purpose of con-
sidering the application of Ed. Peterson for a license to sell 3.2 non-intoxicating'
malt beverage %%K5KBK. Councilman Emge moved that Mr. Peterson be granted a license.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unanimously.
The City Engineer said that the Nutting Truck Company wero establishing an
(C,ITY' ENJ R Engineering Department and that he had been offered a position with this fim with
~rI\ITH .
RES! eli'
increase in salary and a more peTmanent position than ~ith th~ City and
that he had accepted the position and that he would like to leave the employment
of the City as soon as possible. He said that his records woulc. be up to date when
he left and that he would be glad to help out at any time in tte future. The Co un-
cil expressed their sincere regrets in loosing such an efficient employee but felt
that he was wise in making the change.
Counoilman Gay asked the Council to view various gravel pft motor.ized equip-
ment in view some type of equipment.
Councilman Gay asked that the Street Department be' authorj,zed to purchase about
two hundred feet of cable for permanent fencing and moved that the ~treet Department
be authorized to make the above purchase. Motion was seoonded by Cow1ci~an Emge
and passed unanimously.
Cow1cilman Meyer moved to actjounr. Motion was seconded br Councilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. ZuehU~e, Ci t~,. Rec(J,rder.
Approved September 14th, 1937.
Hadley ~)/Bell.
Special Meeting, Tuesday, September 7th, 1937, 9:C1 orclock a.M.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special sessiC'n in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, spet. 7th, 1937, at nine c'clock a.m. Council
Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell to consider adv~rtising for
MOTOR.IZED bids on motorized equipment for the gravel pit. The Council di~cussed the various
EQOIPN1t:~T types of equipment they had viewed and Councilman Gay presentee. specifications
Fo~ C1R!-\"~J~ recommended by him. for motorized equipment. Councilman Gay mov-ed that the Oi ty
Reoorder be authorized and directed to advertise for bids on or~ crawler type trao-
tor and rotary scraper complete, according to specifioations on file in theoffice
of the City Engineer, to be opened and considered by the Council of theCityof
Faribault on Tuesday, the 14th day of september, 1937, at eight 0 'clor.k p.m. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
The Council discussed a list of delinquent water accounts, prepared by the
City Treasurer. lifter a lengthy discussion and at the suggestion of the City
') ~. CJ
t) 'lhi
'JELIN<Q()ENT Attorney, Councilman Emge moved that registered letters be sent to all property
WATt: R. owners whose accounts were delinquent more than two quarters, stating thvt the account
Ace T 5< must be paid in full at a given date" Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and
passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilmpu Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, C~ty Recorder.
.l:"pproved September 14th, 1937.
Hadl~j7. Bell, Mayor
Regular Meeting, September 14th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 14th day of September, 1937, at eight o'clock
p.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present. l~inutes of
the last regular meeting August 24th and Special Meetings, August 27th and September
u,,\n'~u\E~ 1st were read and approved with the following correction:- the last line on page 307
c.o~~eC1Ep should have the words "Town of Wells" left out.
L~. Thier.man appeared before the Council again in regard to having improvements
made on Central Avenue South and First Street Sou ~h. Councilman Gay informed him
that the improvements would be made as soon as possible.
Frank Davis introduced himself to the Council as a sign painter and asked that
he be given consideration if the City were in need of sign painting.
Pursuant to advertising a hearing was called for on Tarvia Surfacing on Ninth
Ninth Ave.
..il.venue Vlest from Eighth to Ninth Streets South, west of Ninth Avenue. No one
appeared for or against the improvement. Councilman Gay moved that the hearing be
closed and the street surfaced as soon as it was in condition. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was c,alled on the construction of Sani t;3.ry
Sani tary
Sixth Ave.
Sewer on Sixth Avenue Northeast South from Ravine street to serve the Vial ter S0hul tz
property. Nick Beireis appeared before the Council and opposed the imprnvement be-
cause he would derive no benefits. He said that he thought the sewer co'lld be ex-
tended North from. Third Street North but the City Engineer said that Mr. Schult~
could not have drainage for a floor drain. fur. Schultz was present and said that
(the property ovmer accross the street, LIr. Kiker, did not oppose the improvement.
Councilman Emge moved that the hearing be closed and the petition granted. l~tion
was seconded by Counci~an Gay and passed unanimously.
PE.-n TeoN
The Council, having viewed Eighth Street South from Sixth to Seventh Avenues
briefly. The City Attorney said that the Council had the authority to grant the
west, in view of granting a petition for Tarvia Surfacing, discussed the matter
peition and make the improvement, but he did not think it fair because the cost of
the improvement could not be assessed to the petitioners. Councilman Gay moved that
!11-~.' 'I ,,-~:
~~~11 ...~ \__~I
the hearing be closed and the petition denied. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Grant and passed unanimously.
lRAc,Toe &,
Pursuant to advertising, bids were called for on a era-viler type tractor and
rotary scraper. The following bids were received:- Bid No.1, Thorman "Ii. Rosha1t
\u\--.I\(3kE BOE] Company i[;1,757.00 f.o.b. Faribault; Bid. No.2, A-W Company, Inc. of Mirmes:>ta,
$1,390.00, $2,330.00 plus $152.50 or $198.00 for fresno, f.o.b. Faritault; Wm.
Ziegler Co. Inc., $l,695.00 and $2,482~00 plus $160.00 or ~170.00 for fresno; f.o.b.
Bids I Faribault; Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc. $1,627.50 plus $180.00 or $2l0.00 for fresno,
f.o.b. Faribault. Mayor Bell called a recess to consider the l:ids anc1 to give the
representatives an opportunity to explain the merits of their equipme~t. After a
lengthy recess, the Council reconvened. Councilman Gay moved that the low bid of
A-W Company, Inc. be accepted and that their certified check be held in lieu of
surety bond until the equipment was delivered and accepted. Motion w€s seconded
Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Third Street Northeast from Shumway Ave. to
Third st. NE.
Mott Avenue, signed by ten property owners, was presente~. CouncilmafJ. Gay moved
that the City Recorder be authorized anq directed to advertise a hearing to be held
at the next regular meeting of the Council, September 28th, 1937 , at eight 0 'clock
p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Applications for Pin Ball Licenses of Faribault Billiard Parlor, Hitching Post
Applications. Cafe and Gopher Sales Company were presented. Councilman Emge moved that the Licenses
be granted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanmously.
r Councibnan Emge moved that the City Recrorder be authorized to Qrawc an order on
Pay League the~_Ci ty Treasurer in the amount of ~lOO.OO to pay the 1937-l938 membership dues to
Dues. the League of Minnesota Municipalities. bbtion was &econded by Councilman Gay and
passed unanimously.
The following Bills were presented:- Mayme Eggen $25.00, Clyde Fike $30.00,
Labor Water Dept. $122.40, Robert Larkin $38.50, Library Salaries $488Aa6, T.A.
Mealia $,l04.00, Nettie Dubey G20.00~ Alvin Hoover $58.6l, Albert Lamberty $37.50,
O.J& Tetrault $1.65, Chicago, Milwaukee & st. paul R.R. Co. $9.65, Rotert Larkin
$25.75, Gust Kitzman ~5.50, Adolph Vick $5.00, Labor Water Dept. ~l34.40, Sanitary
& Storm Sewer Payroll ~370.80, ~alter Torguson $12.00, Arthur freeze ~12.00, Bell &
Zoller Coal Co. $l29.39, Cowin & Co. Inc. ~14.93, John Hackett $23.41, Labor Water
Dept. ~156.40, Sanitary & Storm Sewer Payroll ~176.50, Walter TorgusoTI $16.00, Arthur
Breeze ~16.oo, Robert Larkin 037.75. Councilman lcieyer moved that the bills be
allowed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant end passed unanimously.
Lifl:bili t_y
PublicI Auto C"ar policies of Alvin Hoover, Leslie Workman, Jesse Rasmussen,
Clark Rosenthal, H.R. Schimelpfenig and Policy covering the City of Faribau.lt street
Department Ford vB with full coverage were presented. On motion of Councilman Meyer
seconded by Councilman Gay, the above policies, having been approved as to manner
and form of execution by the City Attorney, uerG accepted and ordered filed by unani-
mous vote of the Council on roll call.
'};~ .~
o ,,_,-J
The following monthly reports of City Officials were presented and read:- City
No. Al67
Treasurer, City Recorder, City Engineer~ City Physician, Chief of Police, Chief of
Fire Depa.rtment, Overseer of Poor, Market lde.ster, Secretary of Library Board, Muni-
cipal Court Clerk, Dairy Inspector, and City Recorder's report to the SUgerintendent
of Accounts and Finances in the amount of ~9,306.73. Councilman Gay moved that the
reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and
passed unanimously.
A written invitation from the F.O.E. Aerie No. 1460 inviting the Council to
attend the sesquicentinnial celebration was read.
Application of F.W. Me Kellip for the position of City Engineer was read.
I.iayor Bell presented a list of forty one Faribault citizens vlho had receiv7.d
, tickets for/vio'lationse The 01 ty Attorney said that the Parking Signs were not in
accordance with the Ordinance and that he had prepared an amendment to the Ordinance.
Councilman Grant moved that Ordinance No. Al67, An Ordinance Araending Section 11 (l)
and (m) of Ordinance No. AJ.12 be placed on its firs treading. 1io:tion was seconded
Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously. Ordinance No. Al67 was then read as ordered.
and fl'iends
C.OUNCI1-- A paper signed by a large number of members/of tne First Methodist Episcopal
C-o"11'f\ END ED
Church commending the Council o.n their closer regulation and control of liquor in
and Curb
the City of Faribault was read.
Councilman Gay said that in several locations where Tarvia Surfacing was b~ng
contemplated, it would be necessary to change the positions of the Curb radii and
approach walks to bring the streets to proper width and moved that the City Engineer
be authorized to httve the work donee Motion was seconded by Councilman Er1.ge and.
passed unanimously.
Mayor Bell said that the Fari baul t Agricul tural Fair Association had an option
PROf'ER-r'( ON to purchase the Caron property along Cannon Hi ver which the Council and a number of
(CANNON 1Z'''fR Citizens had viewed and adjudged a sightly place for a park and recreational spot.
504E,ESTED He also said that their option would expire December 31st, 1937, and that the Oi ty
would have the first chance to purchase the property. He said that the Council would
be plased to hear from other citizens regarding the matter.
Councilman Lillge said that the new sedimentation tank was not water-proof as
guaranteed. by the contractor when the additional coats of water proofing were put on
and suggested that the City Engineer notify the contractor of the fact.
Councilman Gay presented a deed from the Seabury Mission for the pr?perty in-
eluded in Sixth Avenue E8St, which went through their property and moved that the
deed be accepted, recorded and placed on file. I,lotion was seconded by Councilmfin
Deed 6th
Ave. East Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be instructed to write the Seabury
Mission that 1futt Avenue from First Street South to Sixth Avenue Southeast had been
'Vacated as requested in their petition 8.nd/the City of Faribault would not be liable
for accidents caused by this vacation.
:~ayor Bell said that he had been informed that the abuttments to the viaduct
,.. ,~ .-
t~; _ ,1
~.H. To 6~ Were about to be constructed and that this was the opportune time to raise the
RAISE D 6EFoRt: the expense of
Y'IAtJucT CDNST. manholes to the proper grade to save/digging. Councilman Gay moved th€t the Ci ty
Engineer be authorized to have the work done. Idotion was seconded by Councilman
Emge and passed unanimously.
IiRt='5 ~TlJ6E:S. Councilman Gay asked authorization to purchase four tires and tutes for the
5T R.EE1 Df:PT.
Chevrolet truck. Councilman Emge moved that Councilman Gay be given the above
authorization. 1iotion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Re PA\re.s AT
F \ RoE H A L...J.-,
Councilman Gay suggested that T.A. Mealia be appointed Assistant Engineer at
a salary of $l25.00~ per month. lfu action was taken.
CouncilJaan Grant said that new grates were needed at the Fire Hall, also that
one of the trucks needed a windshield. Counci~an Ideyer moved that Councilman Grant
be authorized to purchase the grates and/have the windshield installed. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. 1btion was seconded by Counctlman Enge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved September 28th, 1937.
iaa'1f'ff Bell, Mayor
Regular ~eeting, Tuesday, September 28th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
1'01' N UTE.S .
13. E. O(iGR.
C.kA\ rvt,
Third st.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 28th day of Septem.ber, 1937, at eig;lt o'clock
p.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grent, l.Ieyer and May-or Bell. were present.. TIJ.e meeting
was called to. order bJr President Bell. Minutes of the last regu~ar meeting septem-
ber 14th were read and approved with the following corrections:- Councilman Grt'"'nt
said that new grates were needed at the Fire Hall and that they had a windshield
which they wished to install and asked permission to. purchase a siren; Ihe wor1.
abuttments in the last line (J>f page 314 should read approaches.
B.E. Orr appeared before the Council and asked that the Council consider im-
proving the drainage on Central Avenue and also to. consider the cla~ for damag~s
approxiraa tely
filed some time ago in the amo.unt of/~17.00. Ho actio.n was taken at this time.
Pursuant to. advertising a hearing was called on Tarvia Surfacing on Third Street
Northeast from Shumway Avenue to Fourth Avenue East. No. one appeared for or against
the impro.vement. Councilm~ Gay moved that the hearing be clo.sed and the Street De-
partment authorized to do. the above surfacing when the street was in conditio.n. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
A peti tion for Tarvia Surfacing on Seventh Avenue 1lest from Tenth to Eleventh
Petition Streets South signed by six property ovmers were read. Councilman Gay m.,ved the. t
Seventh the City Reco.rder be directed to. advertise a public hearing to be held at the il?xt
Avenue West
regular meeting, October 12th, 1937. I,lotion was seconded by Councilman Emge an1
passed unan~ously.
Fifth Ave.
Eigth St.S.
A petition for Tarvia Surfacing on Fifth Avenue East from Division to 'seco.n.d
\ C
Streets North, signed by five property owaers, was presented. Councilmau Gay moved
that the City Recorder be directed to. advertise a public hearing on Tarvia Surfacing
on Fifth Avenue East from First Street South to Third street North. Idotio;n was se-
conded by Emge and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay said ti1at he would like to have a hearing called for by action
of the Council on the surfacing of Eighth Street South from Sixth to. Seventh Avenues
West, because all of the surroun~ing streets were surfaced, and moved that the City
surfacing of the
Recorder be directed to. advertise a public hearing on tile/above named street, to be
held at the next regular meeting, October 12th, 1937. Motion was seconde1 by Coun-
cilman Emge and passed unanimously.
l~plications for Auto Car Licenses of A.F. 11c Intyre (2) and Francis J. Dring,
public liability auto car policies of A.F. Mc Intyre (2), Francis J. Dri.ng, Bur~ &
Lenon & Montgomery Ward Co. and l.lurphy Transfer and Storage Co. were pr?sented.
Applications On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously,
the licenses were granted and the insurance policies, having been approv?d as tQ
manner and form of execution by the City Attorney were accepted and ordered filed.
The fallowing bills were presented:- lUbert Lamberty ~37.50, Alvin Hoover
052.40, Labor Water Dept. ~l57.90, Robert Larkin ~26.oo, Chicagp l~ilwaukee & st. Paul
R.R. Co. ~7.96, Harry ~Jarmington ~4.00, Faribault Motors, Inc. ~96.50, John Tilly
$11.60, James Cross $4.00, Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul R.R. Co. 0449.5l, Labor
... .IIJ
'I' 1 ".~
tJl ,,_ .j
~ NTERE5f oN
No. 1U.67.
~ater Dept. ~423.40, Labor Payroll $69.00, Robert Larkin ~30.50, Enes Sahl $12.32,
Bell & Zoller Coal Ca. ~105.83, O. d. Tetrault ~8.8o, Vim. Deike ~6.6o,. Gust Kitz-
man $2.50, Fred U. Davis $8.75, United States Pipe & Foundry Co. ~2419.11, James
B. Clow & Sons @95.20, Chicago Great Western R.R. Co. Q620.9l, Faribault Motor's
Inc. ~14.45J Tri-State Tel. & Tel. Co. ~56.75, Library Accounts $225.3B, street
Dept. Payroll $966.27, Frank Golden ~12l.9lJ Security National Bank & Trust Co.
~ Faribault Machine Shop & Fo~ry $226.50.
~200.00./0n motion of Councilman/seconded by Councilman Meyer, the above bills were
allowed unanimously.
On motion of Councilman Meyer, seconded by Councilman Gay, Resolution No. Al573
was passed unanimously.
Relative to Payment of Interest due October 1st, 1937.
That for the purpose of paying Irtterest .due October 1st, 1937 on Sanitary
Sewer Interceptor Main Bonds Nos. 21 to 30 inc1usive, all issued April 1st, 1933,
the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby aughorized and directed to draw an order on
the City Treasurer for the sum of Two Hundred {~200.00} Dollars, in favor of the
Securi ty National Bank and Trust Company of FaribauJ. t, lJinnesot,3., to b8 made pay-
able from the Interest Fund of the City of Feribault.
Passed September 28th, 1937.
Hadley P. Bell, Mayor.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Councilman keyer moved that Ordinance No. A167, An Ordinance Amending Section 11
{I} and {m} of Ordinance No. All2, be placed on its second reading. Motion was se-
conded by Cotlncilman Grant and passed unanimously. Ordinance No. Al67 was then read
and passed by sections as follows:-
Section No.1, tbtion by Councilman Meyer, seconded by Councilman Grant.
Section No.2,
On the question nShall this Ordinance pass?ft, Itayes" five, rtnayeslt nODe. Ordinance
No. Al67 was hereby declared passed and the City Recorder authorized and directed
to cause smae to be published in the Official Paper.
A petition signed by Chestine Gowdy to have Brand's Cartway opene~ was read.
Petition to I Councilman Emge moved that the petition be granted and that the City Attorney be
Brand's instructed to write Mr. Ed. Braun to vacate the cartway and to remove his fence
. which was blocking the street. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed
A '574.
AID vl~ITI"'4
NORSE A:\~'!,
i .
On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Council1nan Gay, Resolution No. Al574
'was passed unanimously.
Relati ve to Request to state Board of Health for Grant to Fari balli t Vis! ting
Nurse and Service Association.
That a request be made to the State Board of Health to grant the sum of ~~400 .00
for the fiscal. year beginning July 1st, 1937, to be used as supplemental aid to the
:),! d
Faribault Visiting Nurse and Service Association, public health nursing service bud-
get W1der the provisions of the StEte plan for participation in the benefi ts of the
Federal Social Security Act, the fund to be supervised and administered by the ad-
visory Board of the said Association.
p'assed Sep~em~er 28th, ~937.
~ttest L. ~. ~uehlke, C~ty Recorder. Hadley P. Bell, Ma~Jr.
Application of Harvey S. Dartt for the posi tion of City Engineer was r sad.
On motion of Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Meyer, Resolution No. Al575
was passed unanimously.
A 1'775'
Resolution Relative to the Application of Harry Morris and Family for PeD~ission
to Return to the City of Faribault, Rice County, ~linnesota.
HAR.tZ'{ That, Whereas, Harry Morris of the Village of Girvin, Province of Saskatchewan,.
Qr:tdFAMII..:{ Canada, who fo,rm.erly resided in the City of Faribault, in the County of Rice and
State of lfdnnesota, one of the states of the United States of America, has made
application for permission to return, with his family, to this city which was formerly
place of abode of himself and his family; and,
Whereas, it is necessary, for the accomplishment of his return, that this City
assume the responsibility as the settlement of said Harry Morris and family;
Now, Therefore, The Council of the City of Faribault do hereby grant to the said
Harry Morris and family the right to return to the said City of Faribault, said County
and State, and hereby assume the legal responsi bili ties as the place of settl emen t and
domicile of said Harry Morris and family.
Passed September 28th, 1937.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City ~ecorder.
Hadley P. Bell, Mayor.
l-IYDIeANT G\t'c:f\
Councilman Emge asked authorization to purchase two hydrants complete with
valves. Councilman Grant moved that Councilman Emge be given. the above authorization.
tiotion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed u~animously.
Councilman Emge asked the Council to consider the purchase of the PQrtable air
compressor because it could be used on the sewer work. He also said that he had re-
CoIVJf'teE~soR ceived 8. cut of $75.00 on the price from Borchert Ingersoll Company. The Council
agreed to consider the purchase at a special meeting.
Councilman Gay asked authorization to purchase l)OOO feet of snow fence. He said
that it had been purchased for ~.o8 per foot last year and did. not think that the
price would be more than $.09 or $.10 this year. Councilmam Emge moved that Coun-
cilman Gay be given that above authorization. lliotion was seconded by CouncLlillan
Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Heyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilm3.n Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved October 12th, 1937.
c ~~
in. '~'
" 1-.
I 0: d! ' /, I~, .
H diey pfJef:r. Mayor
Rie-::>ol_u T' OIrJ
A i 'iT'~
FL y~1'\
fit ~ ' I'
'JI :.~..)
Special Meeting, Hednesday, October 6th, 1937, Nine O'clock a.n.
The COllilCil of the City of Faxibault met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on ~Jednesday, the 6th day of October, 1937 at nine 0 'clock
8.m. Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell to make the budget, and to
take care/other items of business.
The Council had had two infoDnal meetings to work on the budget. On motion of
Councilman Emge, seconaed by Councilman Gay, Resolution No. Al576 was passed unani-
Resolution Levying a Tax on the Taxable Property of the City of Faribault~ Rice
County, Minnesota, fo'r the Fiscal Year 1938-l939.
That there be, and there is hereby levied on the taxable property of the City
of Faribault, Rice County, M~innesota, for the Fiscal Year 1938-1939, for the
following funds, to-vdt:-
Health Fund ~2~OOO.OO
Pblice Fund 17,500.00
Poor Fund 6,500.00
Interest Fund 2~OOO .00
Sinkin~ Fund, Five (5) Mills on the dollar on the assessed
valuat~on of all taxable property in the City of Fa~ibault.
Printing and Supply 500.00
Salary Fund 15,700.00
General Fund 6,000 .00
Library Fund .12,000.00
Park Fund 3,500.00
Fire Department Ib,OOO.OO
Market Fund 100.00
Road, street~Bridges 34,000.00
Lighting Fund l8,000.oO
Permanent Improvement 1,000.00
Musical Entertainment ls200.00
1)0, UOU . 00
Passed October 6th, 1937.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Hadley P. Bell, IvIayor
Councilman Gay said that there was a street begiruling at the intersection of
Francis and Short Streets running East to the East line of Geo. H. Faribault's
Addition which. was not named and moved that it be named FlYnn street. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
(=E'-~6RAlc Councilman Gay reported that he thought that the viaduct would b'3 open for
VIADIJc..\i traffic by November 1st, 1937 and suggested that a celebration be held in honor or
the opening. I\:ayor Bell said that the Chamber of COillmerce haa. offerei. their co-
operation and thought that the other civic and fraterrral order~ should be asked to
take part to make the event a success.
AD"~~1\~~ It was brought up that only two aI1plicatlons had been received for the office
'\rO~~ ~(~ F" of City Engineer and it was suggested that an add be rUll in the Engin'?ering News
I-' ) t ,Cti PI~ E
FI Lt:=:
~ t ,.... (~.-c.~,~,~
"-t~e~,, --~~~~'<~
ami Councilman Gay moved that such an add be run twice. Motion was seconded by
Councilm~ Grant and passed unantmously.
Councilman Grant reported that a filing case was needed by the lciunicipal Court
and gave an estimate cost of 0109.00, and asked for authorization to purchase same.
Councilman Emge moved that Councilman Grant be given the above authorization · 1,10-
']I ():)
tion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously.
Cotmcilman I~Ieyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilmen Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, Ci tj' Recorder.
Approved October 13th) 1937.
.~l~ i?~
Hadl<iY~;~ 1>1a.yor.
Special Meeting, Friday, October 8th, 1937, 7:30 p.m..
The Council of the City of Fari baul t met in special session in the Council Cham-
ber at the City Hall en Friday, tile 8th day of October, 1937, at 7:3Q p.~. Council-
J-4 EA R 5 N4 man Emge, Gay, Grant, weyer and ldayor Bell were present.
~:.,.T:' PAfANT The meeting was called to order by President Bell {or the purpose of giving
Gervase T. payant a hearing to Sl10VJ cause why his [fOf1' Sale" Liquor License should
not be revoked, and to consider other items of business.
LIr. payant and his attorney were present. d.r. Pt:J.yant had been accused of E'8lling
v/ine to a minor. \'Jitnesses were called ana. questioned and Charles Sayles took down
the testimony. Lluyor Bell said that the Council would not take action or. the me.tter
until they had studied th~ facts to be written up by Charles Sayles in his tran~cript.
A' Ie C~I"'J PreE5:>oR
'I'he Council having studied the merits of the portable air compressors and accessories,
r?'-'R.C.J-\A~EC clecided to purchase the Borcher-Ingersoll, Inc. equipment on the open market. Coun-
cilman funge moved to purchase the following equipment froill the Borcher-Ingersoll, Inc.
One Sullivan Gas driven two state portable compressor 105 feet cu. ft. actual delivery
mounted on four steel wheels with solid rubber tires at 02,150.00J l-L-2 hand rock
drill with 3 718ft hexagon steels, tviTO to be24!T and one, 48ft plus 12 bits 0200.62,
1- K - 11 concrete buster lit? X 6f' shank wi th six points ;:~231. 50 ,2- 50 foot lengths
314ft hose with couplings, hose three braided cord :;;30.32, less ~j350.00 allowance on
stationary compressor 8D.d equipment. hlotion was seconded. by Councilman Gay and passed
r lEiEr2
Cotillcilman Emge asked for authorization to purchase laeter repair parts. Council-
man Gay moved that Councilman Emge be given the above authority. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by COilllcilman Emge and
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved October 12th, 1937.
i..i-. (". '
oJ p'
~.!,..,I L
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, October 12th, 1937, Eight O'clock p~m.
-==~~~~ ~~~-=.~~~~~:..~--- --~~~
- -------
- -- -- -
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular sessior in the Council
Chmnber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 12th day of October, 1~37, at eight o'clock
p.m. Councilman Erage, Gay, Grant, Meyer and Uayor Bell were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell. Minutes of the last regular
meeting September 28th and special meetings of October 6th and 8th were read and
!villi'-!i;;TE~ approved v:Ti th the following cOirrection:- on !-,age 320, minutes of' special meeting Oct.
'=:'''-"IK~EcT~cl 8th, the words fThaving been advertised twice and bids re jectedft should be included
in the motion of Counci1man Emge regarding the purchase of the air compressor.
Division st.
A Mr. Martin, a representative of Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Ry. Co.,
appeared before the Council and asked that their Division Stree t East cro ssing be
shut off from traffic. The Council agreed that it would be satisfactory for the
'Railroad to do this if the proper barracades were constructed. Councilman Gay moved
that the crossing be discontinued as a public crossing. Motion rlaS seconded hy
Councilman Emge and passed unanimouslYe
Pursuant to advertising, hearings were called for on Tarvia Surfacing on the
following named streets:- Seventh Avenue ~iest, lOth to 11th Streets South, Fifth Ave.
East" from First street South to Third Street North, Eighth 3treet South, Sixth to
Seventh Avenues Vest. No one appeared for or against the improvements. Councilman
Gay moved that the hearing on the Sevel1th Avenue Vlest Surfacing be clo~ed and the
'work done as soon as the street was in proper condi tion. l'ilotior. -\las seconded by
Councilman 3mge a.nd passed unanimously. Councilman Gay moved that the hearing on
the Fifth Avenue East surfacing be closed and the street departrrent authorized to do
the ~ork as soon as the street was in condi tion. Motion was seconded l'y Councilman
I:;Ieyer and passed unanimously. Councilman Gay moved that the hea.ring or the Eighth
iStreet South surf'acing be closed and the street department authorized tQ do the
Vlork as soon as the street was in condition. 1:ot ion was seconded by Cc 'J.ncilman Grant
and passed un8.nimously~
The following monthly reports of City Officials were presented and read:- City
Treasurer, City Recorder, City EnGineer, City Fhysician, Chief of Police, Chief of
Fire Depar~ent, Overseer of Poor, 11arket Uaster and Fuel Commissioner, secretary of
Library Board, Clerk of Municipal Court, Dairy Inspector, City Iiecorder's report to
i.Ionthly ReportsSuperintendent of .llCCounts and Finances in the amount of $8,773.72. Ccuncilman
Bill s
1Ieyer moved that the reports be accepted and ordered filed. Motion was seconded by
Councilman Grant and pass ed unanimously.
The following bills were presented for payment:- Library Salarie~ for Sept.
~1538.56, T.A. Mealia ;;;104.00, Albert Lamberty ~37.50, .lUvin Hoover ~98.56, LaboT'
Payroll replacing Curb Radii $117.50, Labor \'J'ater Dept. ;'.;>435.15, Robert Larkin $27.50
Wm. I~ullenmeister ~2.00, Faribault Motors, Inc. ~20.0a, A.W Co. of Minnesota ~14.50,
.3ervicised Products Corporation Q33.34, Peabody Coal Co. :~l08.04, Gust Kitzman (~3.50,
Lagor Water Dept. 0501.00, Curb Radii Payroll ~:Jl16.75, Leon Ingersoll :~10.45, Ferd
Duchene ~ll.34, Gordon Chapman ~16.l5, Robert Larkin ~30.75. Councilman lieyer moved
that the bills be allolTed. Motion Vlas seconded by Councilman Grant anet passed unani-
mousl~; .
r -='~_"I
The following applications for licenses were presented:- Pin Ball ~1achines,
Gran ted.
Gopher Sales Co., H. Welsh and G.A. Karow; Bowling Alley, Faribaul t Bowllng Ass 'no
5 \...\01 N0,
Electric.ian's License E.F. Erickson. Councilmen Gay moved that the above licenses
be granted. Motion was .seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimousJ1_y.
Three petitions signed by members of various Parent and Teachers Organizatio,ns
asking the Council to designate sliding hills in the City this winter were presented.
HI LI---
No action was taken because the Council expected to receive several more petitions
of like nature from other schools.
Mayor Bell said that 3. member of the Railroad and Warehouse ComJlis sion was
GATES AT in Fari baul t and inferred that the Council should take action to compel the Chicago
MlkVVAO~~E Milwaukee and St. Paul H.R. ta construct gates at their crossings on Div~sion Street
C.RD55!K'((p West and Third and }!""ourth streets Eorthwest in the City.
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Grant Resolution No. A.1577
was passed unanimously.
f.E '5Olu T' oN
.b. Resolution Designating Certa.in street Crossings at '"Jhich Gates Shall be Con-
strue-ted" Maintained and Operated by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Rail-
way Company as Provided by Ordinance Ho. A25, \/hich is an Ordinance Provj".ding for
the Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Gates on Streets \lhere RaJ.lways Cross
such Streets.
C."1.5tP~~ That, \fhereas, the crossings or intersections of the following named streets
RR., ~~E~SS- in the Oi ty of Faribaul t, Minnesota, and the railroad tracks of the Chicago, Milwau-
U..( 0:':;- kee, St. I'aul & Pacific Railway Company are considered and hereby declared by the
Council of the said City of Fari baul t to be dangerous to the traveling public, due
to the lack of adequate warning devices, said streets being Division Street, Third
Street and Fourth Street, at the point of intersectio'n of said streets and railroad
It is hereby resolved that the said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Rail-
way Company is hereby required and ordered to construct, maintain and operate gates
at said crossings at the intersection of said railroad tracks and the said Division
Street, 'l'hird Street and Fourth Street in the Ci ty of Faribaul t, L.:.innesota, in
accordance with the provisions of Ordinance ::0. A25 of said c.i ty, said gates to be
constructed and in operation within thirty (30) days after notice of the adoption and
passage of this resolution.
Dated October 12th, 1937.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Hadley P. Bell, Mayer.
~ letter from the Liquor Control Commissioner and sample ordinances prepared
by the ~ttorney General's Office on the regulation of the sale of non-intoxicating
malt beverage were ~resent. Rach Councilm8n too~ a co~y for stUQY.
The' application of J .L. Haas for the posi tion of Ci ty Engineer was read.
.ta the suggestion of Councilman Ivleyer, the Council di scuss ed tl1'€--pas.s.ag.e 3f
~ r~"J
to provide
an ordinance to regulate b~cycling and/parking stalls for bicycle.
Su PPL! E5
Councilman Meyer asked authorization to purchase one thousB.nd filing envelopes
iVjlJl-.io CO/JRf for the Municipal Court at an estimate cost of ~54.0Q. Councilman Gay moved that
Councilman Meyer be given the above authorization. Hotion vias seconded by Coun-
cilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Gay moved that the City Recorder be authorized and dir?cted to ad-
Hearing Tar~iavertise a public hearing on the surfacing of Sixth Avenue West from Fifth Avenue
Sixth Ave. Southwest to Nintil Street South with Tarvia, stating that all other streets in this
vicinity were surfaced. lvilltion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed unani-
Councilman Gay said that the Minnesota state Hi@lway Department had infoF&ed
have to place a bridge
him that they would like to/the location/for the entrance to the Teepe Tonka Ball
To Te..z.f'('..
1Or')k.a PQt~k_ Park. The Council discussed. the purchasing of the Lieb property.
Councilm<:.n Emge said that the sedim.entation tank was ready for testing and
would like to have the Council view it after it had been filled.
W~";IT ~IDE.
The Ci ty Engineer said that after making surveys for the \Jest End Sani tary
5AI'4. SEWER Sewer, he had found that the route along the railroad property would be the most
h41ERCEPToR feasible for the following reasons:- fewer easements would be required, cost of
special pipe to pass the City Pumping Station would be eliminated, the land was
lower, therefore would drain more properties. He also explained where laterals
could be extended.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge tmc/'
passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved October 26th, 1937.
~~ ./142
,.~~ ~~
atlle . Bell>> ],layor
. ',.
, , -~" -
Regular IJeeting, Tuesday, October 26th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 26th day of October, 1~37 at eight o'clock
p.m. Councilman Eblge, Gay, Grant, weyer and I\layor Bell were present. rrhe meeting
was called to order by President Bell.. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read
and approved with the following correction:- On page No. 323 the word"eliminate1.f'
should read rtreduced".
Three petitions signed by members of P.T.A_ Associaitions were presented asking
the Cit~ Council to designate sliding hills. il large delegation of P.T.A. memb~rs
were present., and discussed the matter with the Council. President Bell brought
question of the
up the ICi ty' s liability which was explained in detail by the Ci 1{1- Attor."1.ey. I\layor
Bell said that the Council was interested in the welfare of the children and suggested
tha t Councilman Gay anQ Grant make a survey of the Ci ty to. see if there Vlere any
streets which could be set aside for this use.
Frank Davis and Clifford Gordon appeared before the council 8Ild asked that they
use their infl~ence to have the viaduct railing painted once before the IJove 11th
celebration. The Council advised them that they had no aythority in the matter but
Councilman Gay said that he woul6. call Hr. Flinn to see what could be done.
Sixth .L:..ve.
Pursuant to advertising, a hearing was called on 'l'arvia Surfacing on Sixth Avenue
'\Jes'c from froil .t?ifth Avenue Southwest to Ninth Street South. No on8 app<;;ared for or
against the improvemente Councilman. Gay moved that the hearing be clo,sed and the
Street Department authorized to do the above surfacing when the street W?S in c:mdi tion.
Idotio.n was ~econded by Councilman Lmge and passed unanimously.
B!DS o~9
'The City Engineer vms authorized to have the necessary electrical cQnnect-ions
ElECTRICAh made at the viaduct and he furnished the local electricians \nth -specifications and
in the amount of ~;a04. 00
VVof.GK All received bids from Vffl1. Thierman/and C. W. Turner, ~llO.OO. Councilman Grant moved
~/IA[7tlc.r that ~Ir. Thierman's bid be accepted. liIotion was seconded by Councilman I'vI'?yer and
passed unanimously.
A r-'H.I ~?\T/oN~ The follovling applications were received for th.e posi tiOll of Ci ty Engineer:-
William C. Otto, Joseph T. Button, D.M. Goodall, Herbert D. Fritz, A. R. Gareis.
On motion of Councilman keyer, seconded by Councilman Gay, Resolution No. Al578
A 1518
I"laS passed unanimously.
Relative to Payment of~8g&~TRR~ ~gte~~~~8due November 1st, 1937.
That for the purpose of paying interest due November 1st, 1937 on storm. Sewer
Bonds Hos.. l4 to 24 incl., Local Improvement Bonds Nos. 11- to 20 Incl., Building
~ is..r\'ERE51 Bonds Nos.. 9 to 15 incl. and Bridge and Culvert Bonds Nos. 9 to 15 incl., all issued
November 1st, 1923; and Storm Sewer Bonds Nos. 14, Local ilaprovement Bonds Nos. 11
and 12, Building Bond lJo. 9 and Bridge and Culvert Bond No.9, the :,:ayor and Ci ty
Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to. draw an order 011 the City Treasurer for
the sum of Five Thousand Ei~t Hundred Seventy Five te5,875.00) Dollars in favor of
the Northwestern National Bank of Uinneapolis, Minnesota, Five Thousand to be mqde
payable from the Sinking Fund and Eight Hundred Seventy Five from the Interest Fund.
~{' "; '-
_=0_ F ~~~~~
./.~ppli cations
Passed October 26th, 1937,
Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder
Hadl ey P. Bell, Mayor
The application of L.G. Fox to operate a Roller Skating Rink at the Armory and
of F.3. Staples to sell 3.2 non intoxicating Malt Beverage tlOff andOn SaleH at No.
29 3rd Street rTIv. were presented. Councilman En~e moved that the licenses be granted.
l,~otion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed u!l'J.nimously.
The Mayor said that he had received a request for a street light at the corner
Eighth street and ~ighth Avenue Southwest. He also suggested the placing of a light
on First Street Northeast between Central and First Avenues because the police de-
partment had received a number of complaints of cars parked there being pilfered.
CO\lD.cilman Grant moved that ~\~ayor Bell be authorized to have lights installed at
these locations. lIotion was seconded by Councilman Heyer and passed unanimously,
Accept COlllicilman Emge moved that tile sedimentation tank be accepted and that Vfta.
Sedimen ta ti on
Tank O'Neil and Sons Company be paid their final estimate. Motion was seconded by Coun-
u"'11 LWAU KEE
R. R. '")fFICI.-,l5
WI i-l-OW
,i 1:(.
,'~ r L<i''-'" .
11.t.'~ /" i
cilman Gay and passed unanimously.
The following bills were presented:-Albert Lamberty <)37.50, Chicago lllilvlaukee
St. Paul and Pacific Ry. Co. 07.88, James H. Caswell 0100.00, Labor Payroll $37.00
Harry Pantier ~?10.22, Alvin Hoover ~j77.50, Labor Vlater Dept. (;234.90, Robert Larkin
,.026.50, Emm.er Bros.. Co. ~~61.70, Library Accounts ~189.12, Labor Water Dept. :j178.40'
Murphy Motor Freight Lines ~)l7.53, Ferd Duchene 014.88, Gust Eitzman ~)23.25, Chicago
Milwaukee st. Paul & Pacific R.R. Co. ;~11.l1, Robert Larkin ~)3l.00, Street Dept. pay=
. roll ~84b.67, Ferd. Duchene ;~>7.50, Tri State Tel. & Tel. Co. :}56.02, Earl Beers $50.'00.
I Councilman Meyer moved that the bills be allmved. Idotion was seconded by Councilman
Grant and passed unanimously.
l;';ayor Bell stated that the officials or the Chicago :clilwaukee & St. Faul H.R.
Co. had asked that the Council meet with them at the Faribault hotel the following
evening to discuss the installation of gates or warning devices at tlleir crossings.
Councilman Gay reported that the Highway Department \'Jere scarifying the shoul-
ders of IJillow Street to improve the drainage conditions, also that Llr. Lieb asked
02000.00 for the property which the City wished to purchased for an entrance into
Teepe Tonka Park.
~epresen ta ti ve of the \Jorkers' Alliance appeared before the Council and said that
they understood that Earl Beers was being paid at the rate of ;,;.50 per hour tor 13
hour nights as nightwatchmG~ and asked that the work be given to two older men TIho
vlere not able to I'mrk. rrhey also asked tha t a truck be hired from one of their
members wha was in need. 'l'hey were advised that LIr. Beers \V[lS in poor health and
not able to do heavy work and received a salary of vlOO .00 per rnont:Q.,and that Mra
Tetrault's truck nas hired and driven by a \J.P..L1.. driver.
- ,~,\'( '.L'he Council vJent into executive session to consi<iel~ tile applications. .<....fter a short
'The Council took up tl1a t mat"..,er of appointing a City :2:ngineer at thi s tir.le.
EI'Kl!tJJ;:EP recess, tIle Council reconvened. Councilrrtan !'~cyer mOiTcd. that 1]..~:. },,:Lc r=ellip be
appointed City ~ngineer and Electrical Inspector at a salary of C200.0~ per ~onth,
to beGin Hark lTovember 1st, 1937 ~ =,~otion nascSecondec1 by Councilman Grant. On roll
call, those voting Hayen were Councilman Emge, Grant, Meyer and Mayor Bell. Council-
man Gay voted \lnayell. Motion was passed..
.After a short discussion, on motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Gouncilman
Emge, Resolution No. A1579 was passed unanimously.
Relative to Ordering the CondeL~ation of a Portion of the Raymond J. Lieb/fo~
an Entrance to Teepe Tonka Park.
Whereas a more suitable entrance to Teepe Toru~a Park was made necessary because
of the co,nstruction of the viaduct, r
lilld Whereas a portion of the Ra~aond J. Lieb property lying South of Division Street
East,bounded by Division Street East, Straight River and Institute Flace, comprising
C6NDEfV[NATic-N an area of about thirty five hundr8ths of an acre, had been decided upon as the most
To T<LD-pcZ
suitable location for the Horth abuttments of the bridge,
And Whereas the above described portion of the Raymond J. Lieb property could
"T=-"" IC~;\ e/.:1)pJ.- not be purchased for a rebsonable price,
That the above described portion of the Raynwnd J. Lieb property be condemned
and taken under power of Eminent Domain.
Passed October 26th, 1937.
Attest L. E. ;':';uehlke, City Recorder.
The City Engineer read a letter from the works Progress A~1inistration stating
Hadley F. Bell, Mayor.
that W..P..A.. labor could not be obtained for the construction of the West End SfJ.nitary
Se'wer because the sewage was not to be treated in a disposal plant befor'~ entering
e ,-r,{ ENG IN EE~ the ri ver .
T\-\A"'K5 Irwin F. .smith told the Council that it was wi th regrets tha t he vias leaving
C oUNe. , I..-
his position as City Engineer llild thanked the Council for favors and cO-0peration
given during his time in office. The Council expressed their regrets in his leaving.
After a short discussion, Councilman I\Leyer moved that the GeOe Caron. property /
located along Cannon River
PURcHA5E of be purchased for Park purposes at an estimate cost of ;u;l50 .00 per acre. Motion vias
':A RoN Hr.'of'- seconded by Councilman Gay and passe0. unanimously.
ERT'( Fo R. Councilman Iileyer moved to adjo\J,rn~ hio tiol1. was seconded by COWlcil111':iD. Emge and
PA ~~~ passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorier.
Approved No,v. 9th,
/~ df:1- fj ;;b~
!ladley P. Be1D HajlOr.
,s] ry'~
~_2,' .-4 J
Regular Ivieeting' Tuesday, November 9th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Ch~n-
ber at the City Hall on 'I'uesday, the 9th clay of lTovember, 1937 at eiGht o'clock p.m.
Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, lvieyer and L~ayor Bell were present.
'l'he Iileeting 'NUS called to order by President Dell. Einutes of tho, lust regular
meeting TIere read and approved.
DL)1Vj P
11.L1'. Fayne representing the Council Dluffs, Iotla, Ralph Rat Lillin~.s Company
tlas present at the meeting and offered to enter into contract TIith the Council to
guarantee the ridance of rats at the City Dwrrp for 0150.00. The Council took no
action because they ,thought it vms too late in the season.
'The following monthly reports of City Ufficials Here presented. an':1 reo.d:- City
Treasurer, Gi ty Be corder, City Engineer, Chief of Police, Chief of iire Department,
City Physician, Overseer of J:oor, Larket l'.Iaster, Secretary of Library,Board, Clerk
of Municipal Court, Dairy Inspector and City Recorder's report. to. Super1n tendent of
Accounts and Finances in the amount of 010,161.91. The follo~ing bills were present-
ed. Omar Gay ::;;8.00, Labor Water Department ~Jl86.40, Robert Lar~\:in (~25.50, John 3he-
petis $137.30, lQbert Lamberty 037.50, Library Salaries for October ~555..3l, Bell
and Zoller Coal Compill1Y (~130.44, Henry Zemke :,~16.34, Ferd Duchene (;13.37,. J...lbin
Hoover :;;;68.95, Vial ter Torguson ~12.00, Arthur Breeze (;12.00, E. E. Tetraul t ~:~39.65,
John Hackett ~;3.00, Labor Water Department ;;a6e..90~ Robert Larkin ~:;26.25, Earl Beers
~~23,3), Bell & Zoller Colli. Company :;;;145.13, Old Ben Coal Corp. :;';200.66, John Hackett
Q9.12, Henry ZemJ~e G17.57, Leon Ingersoll 016.64, Gust Kit~lan ~l5.69, Emil Ver.meersch
~;;16.75, Ilalte:c 'l'orguson ~4.50, Caspar Rothenberg ~4.50, HIll. Thierman ~)104-.00, Emil
Vermeersch $14.00, C. D. Cruikshank ~26.50. Counci~an ~eyer mOV8Q that the reports
be accepted and filed and the bills listed allowed. ~otion was seconded by Council~
man Grant, and passed unanimously.
POi-iCE DEPT Mayor' Bell read a copy of a letter written to Otto Rubin, Chief of Police,
eO~\tp"lEr~CiEl" stating that the members of the Retail Council of the City of Faribnul t Chamber of
Commerce had adopted a resolution commending the Police Department for the highly
efficient manner in which it has handled traffic and parking since the inauguration
of parallel parking.
Mayor Bell reported that the Council had met with the representative of the Chi-
cago I~Iilwaukee Ry. Company to discuss gates or vlarning devices at their crossings
:and had found that the Railroad Company were anxious to have the crossingsmade safe.
Ci ty Attorney Caswell said that the LIilwaukee Road were in receivership and he thought
tho. tit 't7ould take longer to force the matter through legally than to co-operate VIi th
them and suggested that the Council rescind their action in passing Resolution No.
Meeting Rail- :1Q577. In answer to a question of Counc:ilman Gay, the City Attorney said that the
road Co. re-
garding Safety Council would not loss its autl10ri ty to force the Railroad COillpany to install safety
Devices at
Crossings. uevices by rescinding this Resolution. Councilman Emge moved that the action taken
in passing Resolution No. A1577 be rescinded. 1fution was seconded by Gounci~an
Grant and passed unanimously.
1,iayor Bell said that the Council had purchased sheep lined coats for the Politi8
If} C) -)
Department several years and that there was one new man on force VJho did not have 8.
coat. Councilman Gay moved that a coat be purchased for the police department. 1.10-
tion vms seconded by Councilman Erage and pass.eo. unanimously.
mayor Bell said that the night and day desk sergem1ts had been taken off of the
Police Persone~ and suggested that another man be added to the department during the
Extra Help holiday season because the merchants were carrying a large stock of goods; als9 that
Police and
Poor the Poor CODIDlissioner needed an assistffilt to make investigations and suggested that
an assistant be appointed at a nominal salarYe Council Meyer said that he had 11.0-
ticed that the number of relief clients were increasing daily. Councilman Grant
moved that Mayor Bel.l be authorized to appoint extra help as suggested. Motior. was
seconded by Councilman Ueyer and passed unanimously.
on the Geo. Caron property
OPTI or-~ oN l:layor Bell presented the option/of the Fari baul t Agricultural and Fair Ass 'no
'::ARot-~ fEhe Council directed the City Engineer to examine the option and survey the property
PRoPERT'{ to determine the acreage.
Council/Gay said that he thought that it would be advisable for the Council to
purchase all of the Raymond J. Lieb property because the City may be forced to con-
struct an entrance to the remainder of the property or pay damages for having cut
off the entrance.
:Jri ver
Councilman E...'llge said that a sheeting driver had been used as an attachment to
the air compressor very successfully at the Sewer job and suggesteQ and so moved that
it be purchased. MOtion was seconded by Councilm8~ Gay and passed unanimously.
Councilman Emge and the City Engineer said that a revised set-up ha"l been mEtde
W.P .A. labor
on/Sanitary Sewer applications and they thought that the City's application for
VJ.p .A. labor for the V!est End Sewer might be acted on favorably now in view of the
fa~t that it was an interceptor main and that the Ci ty had purchased a ,disposal
plant site. Counci~~an uITge moved that the Mayor and Finance Officer be authorized
to sign an application for rJ.p .A. labor to construct one mile of 'Nest End Sanitary
Sewer Interceptor main. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed lmanimously.
. A large delegationfrom the Vlorkers t Alli811Ce, Local 30l, presented a copy of
A L.L-J ANc.f
a resolutio,n setting forth their demands. One of the demands Has an increase in the
minimum monthly vfages from ;~;48.40 to ~~?6o.50, which their spokesraen claimed was be~
ing paid in several other cities outside of First Class Cities. They asked that
V\loP A. WA~~ the Council co-operate wi th the County Board in interceding wi th the state Officials
to bring about the increase. 'l'he Council informed them the. t they had no power in
the matter.. After a lengthy discussion, the C011l1cil agreed that ;,!J6o.50 was little
enough for a monthly wage. Councilman Emge moved that the City Attorney be instructed
to VITi te Governor Benson and LIr. Christgaeu re.garding tIle raa tter to see if the in-
crease could be obtained for this.County. Uotion was seconded by Councilman Grant
and passed unalLimously.
~he following is an insert after the reports and bills. The application of
L.L. Lindenberg to transfer his liquor license from No. 325 Central Avenue North to
13 Third street LJo.rthwest was presented. Councilman Gay moveCi that L.L. Lindenberg
~.J, ,I.
be allowed to transfer his license as requested. 1Iotion TIas seconded by Council-
man Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Ue;YBr moveQ to adjounr. Motion was seconded by Councilman fuge 6Ild
passed u~animously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder
~~pproved November 23rd, 1937.
/~dt cB~
Hadley P. c;r;.. Wayor.
Special Meeting, ~/ednesday, the 17th day of November, 4:3C p.m.
1~e Council of the City of Faribault met in special sessicn in the Council Cham.-
ber at the City Hall on ~Jednesday, the 17th day of Novembert IS37, at 4:30 p"ra.
Councilman Emge, Grant, Meyer and 1':ayor Bell were present. Councilman Gay was abscent
on account of being out of tOVITl.
The meeting was called to order by President Bell to consider advertising for
bids on pipe and jacking service in connection with the Storm
Sewer job, and to
take further steps on the condenmation of the Raymond. J. Lieb propertJr.
Councilman :Gmge moved that the City il.ecoraer be authorized and directed to ad-
vertise for bids on 42 lineal feet of 10 gauge, corrugated galvanized, Arraco or
equal , culvert pipe, 481f in diameter, together nith 8. shield of 12 gau@;6 smooth
2~dvertise :Cor galvanized iron of S[il1..8 quality nhich shall surround the ful length of the circ1J.J.ll-
bids on <C.Mo
Pipe. {~ND ference of the corrugated pipe and be securely riveted tllCreto, bidders to furnish
SEr;:'v'IC E jacking serviee, all in accordance ,"vi th specifications Oll file in the office of the
{4 I 5Bo
Ci ty Engineer, to be opene.d at the nextrecular mee tine; of" the Council, i~ovember 23rd,
1937 3. t ei gh to' clock p.m. hlotion Vlas se conded by Councillnan J..i.eyer and passed unani-
mously. The above action was necessary so uS not tQ cause delay in the construction
of' the Sevier.
On motion of Cot:_llcilmsl1 beyer, seconded by Council1l1i:Ll1 Grant, f\esolution 1.;0.
-'>.1500 was passed lill<:milllously.
Helative to the Conde:::anation of a Portion of the RG.ymond J. Lieb property in
CC'~DE.!"'IP'U:'IT!M> the Hortheast C~uarter of Section 31, Twp. 110, Range 20 \iest for Entrance to Teepe
~~i EB PceOPfRTt '1'onka Park.
That, -.ihereas, the Council of the City of j;!'aribault hc..s deel:led it necessary to
condemn and tate :Lor publ ic use certain private propc rty for the purpose of laying
lout, opening and Gxtending rl1hird Avenue East in the City of :t!'aribClult in a southerly
rd.irection from Division Street, for the purposes set forth in Resolution Eo. 1:.1.1579;
And., ~ihereas, said pro posed publ ic im:provGlJ.en t is fOl~ the purpose of acc.:.ui1-'il1g
: the property hereinafter describod for the lCtJring out and extendins of Third/East in
a southerly direction from its intersection ':Ii th Division Street, in order to provide
an entrance to Teepe rEonka F'ark;
iU1d, nhereas, thE' land necessary for said i:uprOVe1Jlen t is a.escri bed as follows: ~
~ c; r~
_~l that portion of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of Section 31, Tovmship 110, Range
20 W~st, lying vdthin the following described boundaries: Beginning at a point where
the South line of Division Street intersects tae easterly bank of Straight River; th~nce
southeasterly along the East bank of said ri V8r to the East line of said Soutteast
quarter (s:a:i) of said Section 31; thence North on the East line of said Southea.st
quarter (SEi) of said Section 31 to its intersection with the southerly line cf
Insti tute Place; thence l10rthYjesterly along the sou the rl J/ line of Ins ti tute Place
to the South l.ine of Di vi SiOIl Street; thence ~iest On the South line of Di visicn
Street to the place of beginning, containing Thirty-five one-hlmdreths (35/10C)
acre more or less.
NOW THEREFORE, it is orde~ed that the said property be duly condemned by said
Ci ty, and that the City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare and file with the City
Recorder of said Ci ty, plat and survey of such proposed improvement, shovring the
nature, course and extent of said property and :iJ.nprovel11en ts together with the name
or l18.IJ1es of the owner or owners of the said property to. be taken..
Passed November l7th, 1937.
Hadley P.. Bell, Mayor.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjourn. hotio.n \yas seconded by Councilman Emg6 and
passed unanimously.
Approved November c3rd, 193~ < p~
1!e.dl~ ieu, I,iayor
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
If....'" ;>II
tJi ,~'-
Regula.r ldeeting, Tuesday, November 23rd, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
The Council of the City of J3'aribault met in regular session in the Council Chamber
at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 23rd day of Hovember, lS37 at eight o'clock p.m.
The meeting WaS called order by President Bell.
Councilman Emge, Gay, Gro.nt MeyeJ,~ and Ll[(;lOr Bell r18re present./ Liinut,es of the last
regul0.r raee ting Hovembel" 9th 6l1d .special L!eeting 1~.ovember17th, Viere r eG.d and
appro ved.
Pursuant to adverti sing, bid.s nere called fOl" on corrui?8. ted galvanized pipe
und shield vith jacking servico according to specifications on rile in the office
of the City Engineer. 'llhe following biel Vlas received:- Lyle Culvert B.nd :Fipe Co.
42 ft. 4811 10 Ga. Armco ~:;8.47 per foot, jacking service ;)2.00 per foot, shielding
4-2 ft.. rJith 12 ga.. sm.ooth sheets an6.. furnishing nose ~:>2l8.40, alternatE: bid on
Accept Bid on shielding pipe with 20 ga. :.139.00. Councilm.8.l1 Gay lJloved that the bid of the Lyle
Fipe. Culvert ano. Pipe Compen:\,- be accepted. lilotion \Vas seconded by Councilman 1:;..11[;e and
(J passed llilanimously.
hlis s Leota l~elly, represe11lting the IrE1\. recrea tional pro je ct, appeared before
\'JF A
SEw'! t-t<21
the Council illld outlined a recreational progrool ghich called for a tr~ined director
! WllO would have charge of five subdirectors who livo'Lud supervise recreation in the
I City. The "Grained director Vlas to be paid a salary of ;~;75.00 by the ViPA and the
Ci ty was to pay ;;.;25.00 monthly. A delegation of Faribaul t ci tizens appeared and
urged the Council to go into the matter fully and explained the benefits lihich
could be derived by children and young men and liomen from supervised reacreation.
I The Council discussed the matter and agreed to gp into it thoroughly before tw{ing
action. They also ~ished to determine the extent of the City's liability in
sponsering supervised reacreationc
ii letter from J.. H. Burmeister, Chairman of the }!'aribaul t Chamber of l~L~l~~~'~~~, J./
thanking the Council for their assistance in making the. dedication of the vi8duct a
success was read.
The fallo'wing bills VIere presented:- Labor Hater Dept. ;:;211.40, Hobert Lar}:1n
:-)32.00, .Lilbert Lamberty ';~37.50, ilivin Hoover ~}65.20, John Ee,ckett :)7-70, Library
Accounts ~n69.97, Labor Water Department ;)194.70, Robert Larkin i:;26. 5C, Henry Zemke
:f;;15.l0, Street De:gt. Fayro.ll (~;750.27, Byron lUiller ;;9.00, Bachrach Clothing Co.
~a6.75, Faribau~t Llachine Shop &, Foundry ;~;98.00, H. E~ ,.estermsn Lumber Cu. (;907.73,
Tri State Tel. &: Tel. Co. 061.90, Chicago Great -Jestern R.R. Co. \;406.01, Storm
Sewer Payroll ~~104.04, Northern States roner Co. $90.00. Councilman Ivleyer moved
that the bills be allowed. ilLotion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed unani-
",layor Bell so.i(~ that .t-J.ustin .i?oreman h3.o. been appointed to assist =. E. Lberle
in the Foor DepartLlent in making investigations at a salary of :,;;80.00 per month.
1\layor Bell said tha t he tl10ulsh tit would be well to have some of' the li loh ts
Oil the viaduct turned off at the late hours of the nigrrt to save cost OL lighting.
uayor Bell said tllat som.e c.iifficulties heW. arisen betvveeIl the Layor's Clearing
Pr.<oJ ECT House Comilli ttee anc1 the Se\'ling project in regard to supe:cvision, expcndi tures and
repairing of old clothing GIld distribution of sallie. .After a short discussion, the
t}J .h ',,'
COUncil agreed to Dlet vii th the Clearing House Commi ttee.i'edne sday mornir.g at 10 :00
o rclock. COWlcilman 1Ieyer moved that the L~ayor' s Clearing House Comrai ttee have
supervision over the expendi tures of the Ci ty' s appropriation "to "the Sewing Prc ject
also over the repairing and distributing of the old clothing and that a report be
made each month. Motion was seconded by Councilman Grant and passed illl€nimously.
A hkl f\ I'{ C ~
A delegation :Cram the dorkers' Alliance appeared before the Council to obi~ain
a report on their demands made at the last meeting. The City Attorney read the
reply to his inquiry to Victor Christgau, stating thatthe other cities rrentioned
, Q
\vere only receiving the \;40.40 as minimum wage per month excepting Anoke., whict
was in close proximity to the metropolitan center, and that the Council had no au-
thority in the matter and that their grievances should be handled through the Rice
County Board/Local Relief.
The City Engineer presented a plat of the Ra~nond Lieb property which was be-
ing considered for the entrance into Teepe Tonka Park..
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilrllan L:illge, Resolution No. Al581 \'las
passed illlanimously.
A 1591
Resolution Adopting Plat and Survey of Proposed Extension of ~hird Avenue East
in a Southerly Direction from its Intersection with Division Street and the Acqui-
s1 tion of Certain Property for Park Purposes, and the Ora.ering of such Improvement
to be blade.
That the plat and survey of the proposed extension of Third Avenue East in a
PRoPt::RT / southerly direction from its intersection with Division Street in the Ci ty of Fari-
baul t, Rice COUIlty, ldinnesota, 8.S made and presen ted by the Ci ty Engineer of sEid
City, be and the same are hereby adopted, and such improveillent is hereb~- order6d to be
made in accordance therewith.
Passed November 23rd, 1937.
Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Eadl ey P. Bell, Mayo r.
Councilman Gay said tha t the men working in tho Storm Sewer ditches weari:n.g
5.cz:>~c: 5- .
rubber boots needed woolen socks and that none coulet be obtained from the surplus
W.f:(-=\ PRo:f;::<'1 commidi ties and asked permission to purchase several dozen pairs. Councilman Emge
moved that COilllcilman Gay be autilorized to make the above purchase. ~IDtion wa~ se-
conded by CounciLi1an Grant and passed unanimously.
COill1cilltlan Gay said that Ole Stark VIaS doing sub-forelllan work on the Storre
the li.P.A.
Sewer job but could not be paid sub-foreman ~ages under/because the setup requires
that a job employ at least 80 men befOl"'e a sub-foreman could be hired, therefore
and moved
dr. Gay suggested/that Ole Stark be paid an additional ;,110.00 per month by the City.
Ole Stark
~alary L10 tion was seconded by Councilman J2-age and pass ed unanimously.
,r10.OO Faid
by City. CouncilmELTl l..i.eyer moved to adjourn. J:.Jlotion 'Was so cOllcted by Councillnan Emge
and passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Approved December 14th, 1937~ _
_ ~~~e~~ ~
ITo. .'1.1582.
AVlfARD of
CON D t= ",\1'-1 AT' ON
~..t E 6, PRoPER'll.
L.ppoin ted.
r:orman Lende
:'11""'7 I~\
UJ, ',d
Special I.ieeting, Friday, December 3rd, 1937, 7:30 p.m.
The Council 01' the Ci ty of Fari baul t met in Special 3ession in the Council Oh81U-
bel" at the City rtall on ?riday, the 3ru day of December, 1937, at 7:30 p.m. Council-
mun EIr1se, Grant, .l'leyer and Llayor Bell werD present.. Coul1cilm8.n Gay was absent on
account of being out of tOlrm. 'l'he meeting nas c&lled to oreier by F-resident Bell .
He stated that the PUl"pose of the meetinG \Jas to set the date for the he2,ring on the
. conclemllation procGedings of the Hay.o.oncl J. Lieb property, to G.ppoin t CL I1eG.l th offic8J:,
and to transact other items of business.
On li~otion of Cow.lcilI:1Gl1 Grant, seconcled by Councilman ~,lt~;e, :aesolution Eo. 1U.582
:~as passed unanimously.
. RESO~UTIOlT 1:0." Al582~
Resolu tion ,'3etting 'I'une 8.ncl Place, 'iihen nnu. vlhel'8 the Comwil 0 f the Ci ty of
j?c..ribault 1;;ill InGet to l.~ake an Allard of DamaGes or .H.sSessr!lent of :denefits Caused. by
i the Extension of Third Avenue East .southerly froIll its Intersection wi th Division
Street Cilld the .b.cquisi tion of Certain Property for :Earl:: Purposes, illlU to Provide for
Giving Eotice Therefor.
That the CowlCil of the City of Faribault 't'lill meet in the Council ChOlilber at
the City Hall in said City on the 20th day of December, 1937, at Ten o'clock a.m.
to make an award of damages and assessment of benefits, or an award of dmaages or
assessmen ts of' benefi ts as the case may be, caused by the layil1.g out and Gxtencling
of Third Avenue East in a southerly direction from its intersection wi th Divisi 011
Street,. and the acquisi tion of certain property for park purposes, all in the City of
Faribaul t, Rice County, Minnesota, in accordance vIi tll the plat and survey thereof
011 file in the oifice of the City Recorder of said City, and th~ City Recorder is
hereby dirGcted to give proper notice, in the n5.IUe of the Council, of sCi.id meeting
in the mc.nner as provided by the Charter of the Cit y of Fc.ri baul t.
Passed December 3r~, 1937.
Hadle y P. Bell,
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
It was suggested that disinterested parties appraise the Lieb property and
several 118lil8S were su.ggeste(L COUJJ.cilman Meyer moved that C..O. Larson, David IllslEY
and Fred Chaffee bo appointed to appraise tile Lieb property, and th~t the City Re-
corder be directed. to notify them of their appointment. Llotion vias seconded by
Councilman Grant and passed unanimosuly.
CouncilLlan l::m.ge moved that Horman Lende be appointed. Health Offi eel" at a salc.rJi
of \;25. 00 per month effec ti ve December 1 st, 1937, ana. that tho City Recorder no tifJf
him to make a l~eport of his activities monthly to the Cou.llcil and that any fees
collected by him be turned into the City Treasurer. Motion was seconded by Council..
man Ueyer and passed unanimousl.y.
Ll~,",T\N~ PoLES Councilman Grant said tfu:at tWQ' poles were needed at Lincoln Skating Rirr1:\: for
A\ 1-\ N CO LI'~
Rt!i .... ~<o .
Lighting and aslced authorization to purchase same. Councilman l.ieyer moved "Ghat he
be authorized to make the above purchase. 1Iotion was seconded by Councilman Emge
and passed unanimously.
Councilman l.ieyer moved to adjourn. dotion \/as seconded by Counc ilman R:-ll'se and
passed unanimously.
~/~A?~_/J ? L. L. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
f-~;:~"dley F. Bell, LIayor.
Approved December 14th, 1937.
q,"'1! "
(~. "tLl
Regular Meeting, Tuesday, December 14th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
Slezak &
f:..]plica tions
P'Jlicie s
The Council of the City of Faribau+t met in regular session in the Council
Ch0J1lber at the City Hall on Tuesday, the 14th day of December, 1937, at eight 0 'clock
p.m. Councilman Emge 2 Gay, Grant, hleyer ana. lclayor Bell were present. The raGe ting was
called to order by President Bell. h!.inu'tes of the last regular meeting November
23rd and special meeting December 3rd were read and approved.
The following monthly reports of City Officials TIere presented and read:-
City Treasurer, City Recorder, City Engineer, City Physician, Chief of Folice, Over-
seer o.f the Poor, hiarket :i.,iaster, Fuel COrrJnissioner, Dairy Inspector, Clerk of ~,=uni-
cipal Court, Secretary of Library Board, City Recorder's report to Supt. of Accounts
and Finances in the amount of ~.;;6,835.38. 'rhe following bills were presen"Ged:- Labor
VJater Department ()86.40, Elmer Bauernfiend :;~17.30, L. C. St. IJartin :.p54.46, Bell &
Zoller Coal Co. ;)l56.84, John Hackett ;~;2.30, -"avin Hoover ~;60.l5, Arthur Geike
.J,r 00
'-~lO. ,
Ernest Noeth iJ4.00, Lawrence Ablemal1 04.00, Library Salaries for lJovember
::~569. 31, Albert Lamberty f?37. 50, N. s. Erb ~;r28.00, Lator Vlater Dept. ;)161.l5t Joe
Elgin ~:a5.90, Robert Larkin :)18.00, Gust Litzman ;;,20.98, Labor '\le.ter Dept. ;;,;137.00,
Gus Eitzman ~.n8.53, Hobert Larkin ",i:;.75"Joe Valentyne ~;6.oo, Geo. Le blanc ~)6.oo.
COUllC ilman ~.~eyer moved tlm t the reports be accepted Dncl the bills Ii sted allovJ8d.
UotiO:i.l Vias S8C011o.e6. by Counc ilIaan Gra~l t and passed lUl8.nilTlollsly.
~m application from Slezak 3Ild Dostal for an [iOn Salell Liquor License at No.
22 Third Street hW. was presented. Charles N. Sayles represented the applicants
and ste.te6.. tlla t they rle:ce ~Clen 0 f Good charac ter, married ni th f&j.nilies., and Vlere
and restaurant
pl8.lliling on purchasiD{; the liQuor business/o f H. L. ki:alluege. and ill.oving to Fari baul t
to make their homes. 'l'he Ci ty .b..ttorney s8.id that there 't'!8re still ten "0:1 Saleli
liquor licenses in- force in the ci ty and that hire Malluege's license would have to
be surrendered or revol.:ed before a.nother could be granted and suggested that the
application be investige.. ted and 8. hearing be held. Councilman lJe~-er moved that the
application be investigated and the City Recorder authorized and directed to adver-
tised a hearing to be held on same on Friday, December 17th, 1937 at 7:30 p.m. Mo-
tion was seconded by Councilman Emge und passed unanliaously.
and Bond
Application/of Thomas M8.takis for !tOn Salen Liquor License at Ho. 420~ Central
Lvenue 17o..s pres8nted8 Eo action was takeno
il.p:plication of Dale P. l..nderson to transfer his Auto-Car License to Harold
Hoban was presented. Public Auto Car policies of \I.H. and Louise Karow (3), Harold
Eoban (1) 0..nd Insurance policies covering the tool SllOd and contents, contents of
Rest ROOIll, and Official Bond of Frank Vi. Llc I:ellip were presented. On mot ion of
Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Ga~{, the application was greillted., the
pOlicies and. bond, having been approved. as to manner and form of execution by t.he
City Attorney, were accepted and filed unanimolisly.
IW 'invitation fro~ the City of Rochester to attend a reginal conference on
local govenrment, sponsered by the League of lJil1l1esota ~junicipfi.li ties, VIas read.
1.">. claim from i}. lie Powers in the amount of ~::;lOO. 00 for damages to his car
from being struck by a street department gravel truck when coming out of the gravel
('!,." --
. ~ '"j~
{...,.. I,'"
w. H. Povmrs
~;lOO. 00.
I pi t on Highway 21 was presented. IiIr. Powers was present ana. said that he Vlould
settle for 079.25, the actual cost of repairs to the car. The City Attorney advised
the Council to take no action on the claim, stating that Mr. Powers h~d filed the
claim wi thin the 30 day period specified by the Chllrter to protect hirr.self, and
sugGested that the City Recorder notify the Insurance Company that the claim hEJ.d
been filed.
Ordinance ~ ComlCilman Ga.y moved that Ordinance IJo. Al6o, An Ordinance Providin.g for the
No. Al68
.'E'irst Issuance of a ~7 ,000.00 Poor Relief Bond of the Ci ty of Fe.ribaul t, be placed on its
PooR ~E\..~'F first reading. lI.iotion vms seconded by Councilman r,;Ieyer and passed uneIlimously. Or-
dinance Ho. A16a was then read as ordered.
Ordinance ~ Councilman Gay 1110ved that Ordil1EU1ce 1:0. 1U69, 1J.D. Ordinance Providin,f; for the
Eo. i~169
First Issuance of a 0l8,145.74 Permanent ImprOVGQ8nt Bond of the City of Faribault, be
PERCV\ANET placed on its first reading. Motion was seconded by Councilman Emge an6. passed
1 N\ P~O'JE'1E\"'r
BON C" unanimously. Ordinance L\fo. A169 was then read as ordered.
A I 5'8 "3
RE50t..lJT' ON
A 15"84-.
PA'( "'1 E NT
On motion of Councilman lileyer, seconded by Councilman Grant, Reso1 utiOll LJo.
A15B3 was passed unanimously.
Relative to Transfer of Funds.
That the City Treasurer be and she is hereby authorized and directed to trans-
fer ~755.34 from the LIusical Entertainment Fund to the General S1.ll1d to reimburse
the General Fund.
Passed December 14th, 1937.
,-,Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Hadley P. Bell, Mayor
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by COlillcilman Grant, Resolution ITo. A
1534 was passed unanimousl.y.
Relative to Payment of Tax Certificate of Indebtedness against the Road, street
and Bridge Fund.
That for the purpose of paying Tax Certificates of Ina.ebte1ness No. 137, in-
R, S, S, fi',;..!Q vested in by the -~Jater department l.I.pl->i1 13th, 1937, the t.layo:r and Ci ty Recorder are
Pl-A1 of
hereby authorized and directed to issue an order on the City Treasurer in the amount
\ of Four Thousand One Hundred Six and 67/100 UJ4-,lo6.67) Dollars in favor of the
Water Department, :payable from the Road, street and Bridge Fund of the City of
Passed December lLl, th,. 1937.
Hadley F. Bell, ,:.layor.
Attest, L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Y The Council viewed the plat of the Caron property prepared by the City Engineer
showing the portion ~-> the property which the Council was considering purchasing
for park purposes for 09,400.00. Councilman Gay said that he favored purchased all
had .
of the property. Mayor Bell said that i'.ir. Caron/sai6. that he vmuld consia.er selling
.) all of the propertJi~ for ;:;;15,000.00 with 1'3. life lease on the house. Councilman L~eY81"
moved that the City Engineer and City ~ttorney prepare contract for deed for that
portion of the property to be purchased for $9,400.00 8Ild to make a down payIilent
of ~;l,OOO.OO. ::.'-otion vIas seconded by Councilman Gay 8D.d passed unanirrously.
Counciilaan Gay moved that the trip of the City Engineer to Chicago to get the
required easements from the Railroad Companies be confirmed. Hotion was seconded by
COlli1cilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman Grant said that he had five skating rinks in good condition and had
R ~ i"i, ~< S'
only t~o attendants ill1Q suggested that two more men be hireQ at a salary of J75.00
per month instead 01' paying :j.50 per hour when help Vlas needed. lie said that they
could be used to shovel walks in parks al so. After a snort dis cussion, Councilman
Emge moved that CouncilLlan Grant be authorized to hire two men at 075.00 per month
to January 1st, 1938. Eotion was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed un8J."'limously.
Councilman Gay proposed. and moved that a Resolution be passed endorsing ~l.P.A.
labor in view of securing a larger quota for the state of I,lirmesota and that copies
be sent to various II.F .A. administrative offices. 0 :':ayor Bell and Councilman l.~eyer
expressed th~illselves against the continuance of this type of progrrnn. ~he Council
discussed the QdV8.I:taGes and d.isadvantages derived from 'I/.P.A. project3. LIotion
vms seconded by Councilman Emge. On roll call, those voting Itaye" 'Were Councilman
lKEPAI r-z
~_I F T
pur'1 p5
Gay ana Emge, !tnayef1 CouncilJ.l1an Grant, LLeY6r and Llayor Bell. Lotion was lost.
Councilman Bmge asked authorization to have necessary repairs 8ade on the lift
puows at the pumping station, now that the new pump was working satisfactorily.
Councilman Grant moved that Councilman Emge b6 giv.en the above authorization. Motion
was seconded by Councilman Gay and passed ill~aniillously.
Councilman. .Em.ge asked liU tl1orization to S8cure information 8l1d plans and speci-
Di=E P
fications for the digging of another deep well and to have bids a<ivertis~d for.
~~~ LI....
Councilman Gay moved that Councilman Emge be given the above authorization and the
Au rHOR.t:zf-D Ci ty Recorder authorized and directed to advertise for bids on the digging of c:mother
" t~)_1
o.eep well/- to be opened at the regular meeting, January 11 th, 1938. Motion rms se-
conded by CouncilTI~n Grant and passed unanliaously.
Councilman Vieyer moved to adjourn. l,lotion Vias seconded by Councilm311 lliL(;8
and passed unanimously.
..:.o.pprovea. December 2c,th,
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
1937. '~~ -'
~n //~
'lIadle("3 Bell, Layor
'J: (\~I-~
d~,} /
Special .deeting, Friday, December 17th, 1937, 7:30 p.m.
;-j-t:J:.L.;,P IP
!2A1- J. '-I Er3
The Council of the C1 ty of F'ar:Lbaul t met in special session in the Council
Char,lber at the City H~Lll on :F'riday" the 17th a.ay of December, 1937, at 7=30 p..m.
Councilman Emge, Gay, Grant, l.leyer and l~ayor 13e1l V18re l.=,resent. The lil8eting \78-S
called to order by lresiaent Bell.
Pursuant to acivertis ing, a hearing V18.G called for the purpose of he&ring rea-
sons for or against the granting of an "On Salen Liquor License to 3lezak ana
Dostal at l~o. 22 Third Stroet HW. L.i.ayor Bell stated that there 't'lere ten !fOn Sale"
Liquor licenses in force 8.t tIle present time und that tile Council TIere no"\.; in favor
of Granting a license to non-residents as there nero several local applicants vrho
\7ere sceLing to obtain a license if a vac8Ilcy occurred. ;,.uyor :Oell read an appli-
cation from 'Tessie l,ialluege to transfer her "On .3alefl license to Slezo.l: and 0ostal.
Charles H. Sayles, representing :3lezal: and Dostal, stated that he thouGht it vJOlu.d
G.sk a
be better to/transfer of license. Everett I.ialluege, represE;nting Tessie ?J:6.lluege,
stated that if Dostc.l ana. Slezak coul6. not obtain au \JOn 3alen liquor license, the
sale would no t transpire. ComIc ilman Lieyer mOlTed thQ t tl1€~ appli c1..1. tio11 0 f '1'88si G
J:,J:8.1luege to transfE;r her "On SaleH liquor License Got Ho. 22 Third 3treet Lor tIn/es t
to Slezak and Dost.s.1. be denied. LIotion 't'ms seconde6. by Councillllan Gay and l)assed
COUllC ilm8.l1 Leyer :moved to adjourn. I.lotion. vms sc conded by CCiunciLnLln Lnse
Qnd passed unanimously.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
. . 1 n () tl
_ciPPI' oved.. 1) ecem iJ0r c:.1~ 1,
.j) .
Special hleeting, ~donday, December 20th, 1937, 10 :00 o..m.
ThG Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council
Cl1E1luber at the City Hall on l.~onday, thE; 20th clay of Decelnber, 1937, at 10:00 o'clock
8.m. Councilman Ernge~ Gay, GrELIlt, IJleyer and Llayor Bell lI'lere pr9sent. The meeting
was c8~leQ to order by Fresident Bell.
Fursuant to advertising a hearinG vms called to m.ake G.11 award of damages or
assessment of benefits caused by the extension of 'I'hird J1.venue East southerly from
its intersection \'lith Division Street t::mc1 the acquisition of certain property for
park purposes. ~.;ayor Bell read the recommendation of the Board of Appraisers,
which specified a value of ~j200 .00 on the 35/100 of an acre VJl1ich YlaS heinG con-
ci..emned 8l1d/\:aOO. 00 for the balance of the Ra;;n.llond J. Lieb proj)cl"'ty.
Ray~uond J. Lieo appeared before the COlillcil and said that he placed a value
of ;~Ja, 500.00 on his property in comparison to the price p aid by the State for the
Frank Hallet and the Pye property. li8 said tl1cI.t he \'iES also takin.G into consid.el"a-
tion the value of the good g;rade of washed sand to bo fotmc1 there, 01S) tho..~ llis
~ ,-
fatl1el" h20. paid :jb50.00 for the property 5.nd pai(t taxes thereon for years. C01..111.-
cilman Gay moved that Raymond J. Lieb be awarded ,j200.00 for the 35/100 of an acre
nhich Vias being condemned. LIotion \'las seconded by CouJJ.cilu8.n E:rnSe and [i8.ssed unani-
q. ',.-"
- -
--- - -----
Councilman Gay moved that the appraisers be compensated at the rate of 05.0~
each for their service~. Motion was seconded by Councilillool Grant and paes8d unani-
Councilman Gay moved that the Street Department payroll in the amount of ~~364.67
DEPT EH::For?,E for December 1st to l5th inclusive be paid before Christmas. Motion was seconde'l
~NI A~ by Councilman l,~eyer and passed unanimously.
OFFER f"1AO~ Councilman Gay moved that RaJ?1TI.Ond J. Lieb be offered (;100.00 for the balanc:'3
RA'( J. L\EI3
of his property. Motion was seconcied by Councilman Grant and passed unanimously.
Councilman ~.=eyer moved to adjourn. Uotion was seconded by Couuncilrnan Emge
and passed uncillimously.
Approved December 28th, 1938.
L. E. Zuehlke, City Reoorder.
~ ,~ t?~
Hlidlvr Bell, Mayor.
Special IJeeting, l.1onday, December 20th, 1937, 7: 30 p . ill.
The Council of the City of Faribault met in special session in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Monday, the 20th day of December, 1937 at 7:30 p.m.
Councilman Gay was absent.
Councilman Emge, GrtU'1t, Eeyer and Mayor Bell were present../ The meeting Vias cal~.ed
to order by President Bell for the purpose of discussing the purchase of the Car'Jn
I~Iayor Bell said that he and the City i.J. ttorney had met with Geo. Care-n in tl'e
City Engineer's office and that after negotiating with LIr. Caron, he had offered to
D~C, KiL
sell all of his property for 013,000.00 \lith a life lease on thehouse. T1:<j Council
studied the plat in view of purchas/ all of theproperty rather than part of it.
Councilman llinge moved that the action taken regarding the purcho..se 0 f the Caron
property at the meeting of December 14th be rescinded. Motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Meyer and ~)assed unanimously. Councilman Grant moved that all of' the property
owned by Geo. Caron be purchased for park :purposes 'FJ-hich lies north of Cannon R:'.ver,
south of the Faribault Agricultural and Fair Ass'n. property, east of the Chicago
C~ht.. CARoN
Viilwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co., right-of-way, wes t of Highway No.. b 5, in section 30
TllO, R20 and Sect. 25, T1IO R21, excepting two acres sold to the Fair Ass'n. on
P~OPE ~-ry
FoR r.:b i~ 1'_
contract for deed, reserving Gea. & Cordelia Caron~ husband and wife, lif.e estata
on approximately two acres of land upon which the residence and garden are located
for the consideration of ~13,000.00, and that a pa~aent of ~l,OOO.OO be paid Mr.
Caron on the execution of contract for deed.. ~,Iotion was seconded by Counoilman Lleyer
and passed unanimously.
Councilman ~eyer moved to adjourn. Lmtion was seconded by Councilman Eillge and
passed unanimously.
L. EO' Zuehlke, City Recorler.
Appxoved December 28th, 1937.
J'/ 0f] __
Iii! VI ~
Ha(fleY~ell, Mayor
'\- "
Regular Meeting, Tuesday,. December 28th, 1937, Eight O'clock p.m.
-~~~-~=~~~-_:~~~~~~ -~~~-~~~ ~~ ~
~-~-~~~ ~--~-
The Council of the City of Fa.ribault met in regular sessic'1 in the Council
Chamber at the City Hall on Tuesday,. the 28th day of December, 1937 at eight o'clock
p.m. Councilmen Emge,. Gay, Grant. Meyer and Mayor Bell were pr~sent. The meeting
was called to order by President Bell. Minutes of the last reg1'llar mE'~ting and
(:.oRre\=cT special meetings of Dec. 17th and Dec. 20th at 10:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
'''1H'UJTE:S- Iwera read and approved with the following correctio-ns:- in regsrd to claim of Mr.
Powers, minutes should read ttcollided" instead of "'struck"'; also Mayor Bell, Coun-
oilman Meyer and COluncilman Grant said that they did not understand tte/proposed by
Mr. Gay,. which they voted against at the last meeting. They said that they thought
it was to aid W.P.A. officials instead of asking for a larger quota for W.P.A. labor.
A report from Fairbanks, MOrse & Co. on the test of the deep well turbine
Deep Well
pump was read. Councilman Emge moved that the pump, motor and accessories be accept-
ed. Councilman Gay said that he thought that the PUIrlII should b~ tested in the pres-
ence of the Counc11, the Mc Carthy Well Company and the engineers before it was
accepted. He also inquired regarding the cost of power operation. Councilman Emge
and I.E. Wilson said that the test was made in their presence a~d that they felt that
the pump had met with the specifications of the contract. Motion was seco,nded by
Councilman Grant. On roll call, those votingftayeft were Councilman EIng~, Grant, Meyer
and Mayor Bell, ""naye" Councilman Gay. Motion was carrd.ed. Councilman Gay said that
he would have voted ttayett> if the test had been made as he sugge~ted.
The following bills were presented:- Fred West $37.50. A1b~rt Lamberty $37.50,
Alvin Hoover $l20.45, John Hackett $11.14,. Joe Valentyne $4.00, Labor Water Dept.
:$104.65. Charles Headline $7.84, Oscar Morstad $15.19, H. E. Horan :1$5.10, Walter
I Torguson $18.00, Casper Rothenburg $13.50, Library Accounts $646.29, Library Salaries
December $550.06, Albert Lamberty ~37.50, Labor Water Dept. $98.40, Alvin Hoover
$41.30, Robert Larkin $6.75, Koppers Co. $245.85. Pittsburgh Co~l Co. $336.89, Be11
and Zoller Coal Co. $145.88. Chicago Great Western R.R. Co. $58S.47, A.J. Plaisance
$7.00. ~ri State Tel. & Tel. Co. $60.59, o. J. stark $5.60, storm Sewer Payroll
$82.50" o. J. Stark $5.00, Borchert Ingersoll, Inc. $125.00 and Fairbanks, Morse &
Co. $7,529.20. Councilman Meyer moved that the bills be allowed. Motion was se-
conded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
The deed and abstract for the Raymond J. Lieb property was presented. Mayor
Bell said that ttt. Lieb was willing to accept the $300.00 for the pxoperty awarded
by the Council. Councilman Gay moved tha t the deed and abs tract be accep ted and the
Deed and
Prop erty .
deed recorded and that the City Recorder be authorized and directed to draw an order
on the City Treasurer for the sum of $300..00, payable to Raymond J. Lieb. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimous~y.
.An. application from Wm. P. Hanlon for an nOff Sale"' 3.2. M~JLt Bev~rage License
at No. 1402 Central Ave. N. was presented. After a short discussion, the Council
agreed to defer action until the proposed ordinance regarding sale of 3.2 Malt
Beverage was passed. Councilman Grant moved that the application be ta.bled. Motion
was seconded by CounciLman Meyer and passed unaniwously.
o ,., F,
( 'J: Ii
Resolution No.
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Meyer/A1585 was passed
No. .AJ.585.
C.M.?tP. ~ P.C?1
c., ~tw. R...{
No. Al68
~O(':> 1- 1Cf"~1 E F
No. .u69
~ 1'1 PRoVE NlJ:{'if
eoN r-'
No. Al70.
,3. Z iVlt::)!-T
Bf.VF-p.f/G E
unan1mousl y.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Recorder to Sign Easements.
That the Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to Si~1
easements with the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Comp-a.ny and
the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company permitting the City of Faribault to lay
Sanitary Sewer Mains under the above named Railroad Companies tracks in tne City of
Fari baul t.
Passed Deoember 28th, 1937. Hadley P. Bell, Mayor.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
Councilman Gay moved that Ordina.ne-e No. Al6a be placed on its secont{ reading,
An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of a $7000.00 Poor Relief Bond ot City o,f Faribault.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unanimously. Ordinance No. Al6a
was then read by sections as ordered. Section No.1, Motion by Councilman Meyer,
seoonded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously. Section 2, Motion by Councilman
Gay, seconded by Councilman Grant and passed u:Q.animously. On the question ~Shall
this Ordinance pass?~, "ayes"' five, "nayesn none. Ordinance No. Al68 was hereby de-
olared passed and the City Recorder authorized and directed to cause same to be
published in the offioial paper.
Councilman Grant moved that Ordinance No. Al69 be placed on its second reading,
An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of a $18.145.74 Permanent Improvement Bond
ot: the City ot Fari baul t. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and passed unani-
mously. Ordinance No. Al69 was then read and passed by sections as order-ed. Section
1, Motion by Councilman. Meyer, seoonded by Councilman Grant, passed unanimously.
Section No.2, Motion by Councilman Emge, seconded by Councilman Gay, passed unani-
mous1.y. On the question "Shall this Ordinance pass? It, "ayes tt tive, r:tnayos"' none.
Ordinmllce No. Al69 was hereby declared passed and the City Recorder authoriz.ed and
directed to cause same to be published in the official paper.
Councilman Grant moved that Ordinance No. Al70 be placed on its firf't reading,
An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale o,f Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors, Re-
pealing Ord1n.ancesNo. Al39 and A146,Inconsistent Ordinances,and Providing a Penalty
for the Violation Hereof'. Motion was seconded by Councilman Meyer and pass.ed uuan1-
mously. The Ordinance was then read as ordered.
A large delegation from the Workers' Alliance appeared before the CrJUncil and
presented a resolution passed by the county relative to increase in W.P.A. quota
and asked that the Council pass a like resolution. On motion of Councill'l',an Emgi'?,
seconded by Councilman Gay,. Resolution No. Al586 was passed unanimously.
Relative to Request for Increase in W.P.A. Quote.
Whereas the City of Faribault, with a population of approxlinately 13,000 people
is the largest city in Rice County) Minnesota. and
Whereas the same City of FRribault has a far greater number of persons on re-
lief than all of the rest of the said County, and, .
Whereas the said C1 ty o.f Faribaul t bears approximately 50% of the total tax
levy of said Rice County, Minnesota, and .
Whereas the direct relief load in Rice County, Minnesota has 1ncreased to such
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UP .. ,1
--- --~~~~~~
No. Al587.
w A~ E. SCA/....E
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Drum Corps
an extent, that is is almost impossible for the County to bear the cost, and
Whereas, it is apparent that the cost of direct relief in Rice Co'mty will be
much higher for the next several months to come, and
~~ereas a large number of men employed in private employment and P.W.A. pro-
jects in this County have been out of employment for the last s~veral weeks due to
the closing of private plants and faotories and the completion of P.W.A. projects, and
Whereas, Rioe Counts' quota for W.P.A. men, according to population and need)
apparently is, and always-has been, less than that of other cou~ties in the s~e
olass, and
Whereas, Rice County's Relief and Poor funds are overdrawn. to such an extent,
that it becomes alarming,-and .
Whereas, Rice County's Levy for Poor, etc. for the year lQ,6, collected in lq~l
amounts to approximately 12 mills of taxes on Real. Estate and Persanal Property wi th-
in the County, resul ting in a tax which is almost confiscatory,
That it petition, and it does hereby petition for an incre~sed quota of W.P.A.
workers to meet the emergenoy existing in this City and County, compar~ble to that
of other Counties of the same class and standing, and that a copy of this Resolu-
tion be forwarded and presented to W.P.A. authorities in charge of this district
and of the State of Minnesota.
Passed December 28th, 1937. Hadley P. Bell, Mayor.
Attest L. E. Zuehlke, City Recorder.
On motion of Councilman Gay, seconded by Councilman Grant, Resolutian No. Al587
was passed unanimously.
Relative to Peti tian to. Increase Wage Scale af ViI.P.A. Laborers fr.,m ~48.40 to
$60.50 per manth.
Whereas the W.P.A. wage soale ar limitation far Rioe County and the City of
Fa8ribault, a city of approximately 13,000 inhabitants located in said Caunty,. is
$4 .40 per month, and
Whereas the requirements in most cases of those working on W.P.A. projects
cannot be met with the wage of $48.40 per mo.nth.
That it petitio.n, and it do.es hereby petitian that the monthly W.P.A. wage
scale or limitation be increased from the present scale of ~48.40 per month to. the
scale or limitatio.n of $60.50 per month.
Passed Deoember 28th, 1q~7. Hadley P. Bell, Mayor
Attest L. E. Zuehlke~ City Recorder.
Councilman Meyer moved that the Fari baul t Legion Drum Corp~; be paid $200.00
for their services to. the 01 ty during 1937, out af the Musical Entertainment Fund.
MOtion was seconded by Councilman Emge and passed unanimously.
Cauncilman "Granit J1IIIIOved that Ordinance No. Al7l be placed on its first reading,
An Ordinanoe Licensing and Regulating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor, Making it
Ordinanoe Unlawful for my Perso,n Under Twenty-one Years af Age to. M1srept'esen t His Age to Ob-
No. A17l.
iNTe'/<. '~IQC~~R. tain Liquor, Repealing Inconsistent Ordinances, and Praviding a Penalty for the Via-
lation Thereaf. Motion was seconded by Oouncilman Meyer and pa~sed unanimously.
Ordinance No.. Al71 was then read as 0 rdered.
Councilman Meyer moved to adjaurn. Motion was seconded by Councibnan Emge and
passed unanimously.
L.oE. Zuehlke, City Reoorder.
Approved January 11th, 1938.
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L. E.