HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-18 .' ~ e e e -!' AGENDA Regular Chuncil Meeting 7:30 O'Oock P.M. December 18. 1990 1. Approval of the Minutes of Special and Regular Meeting of December 11'41990. 2 Hearings:' A Resolution 90-192. approving a variance to allow an electronic "reader board" sign in a C2- Higl 'way Commercial district, requested by Gasolina Company. 3. Bids: A Automatic Lettering Machine - Quotes. 4. Requests to 1'~ Heard: None. A PubHc Safety Awards 1. Police Officer of the Year 2. Ffrefighter of the Year 3. O"tstanding Civilian of the Year S. Items for Dis~on: A On Sale Liquor License Renewals 1. Ai's Place 2. Evergreen Knoll 3. MacNamara's Pub & Grill 4. Carol's Bar S. Denny's Bar 6. Faribault Bowling Center B. Off Sale Liquor License Renewals 1. Miller's Place 2. Prairie Liquors 3. Wutscbke's Northern Liquor 4. A-B Liquors C. Clut' Sale Liquor License Renewals 1. American Legion 2 Eagles 3. Elks Lodge 4. Faribault Golf & Country Club S. Knights of Columbus 6. Moose Lodge 7.VFW ... e e e Items for Discusr'\~on Continued: D. Ren~al of Wine Sale Liquor License - Southern China Cafe. E. Refl'~e License Renewals 1. Archambault Brother's 2. Bauer Disposal Service 3. City & Lakes Disposal 4. Flom Disposal Service F. Ren~al of Public Dance License for Faribault Family Skating and Banquet Center. G. Ren~wal of annual Cabaret License holders. H. Fina"'ce Committee Report 1. Resolution 90-199, authorizing funding for TH 60 improvements. I. Resdution 90-197, declaring property at 964 Willow Street (formerly Toad's Liquor) as haza"dous and substandard within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes 463.15, Subd. 3. J. Ordi'lance 90-22. rezoning an area from C2-Highway Commercial to Cl- Neighborhood Commercial at 10th Street SW and Willow Street, on second reading. K. Ordi'lance 90-23. approving a sign franchise for placement of a commercial identification sign on the public boulevard at Cashin's Comer Plaza, on second reading. 6. Routine Business: A Rereive and file Applications for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License - St. Anna Catholic Aid Society. B. Resdution 90-200, authorizing submission of stipulation agreement to the Commissioner of Transportation. C. Resdution 90-201, establishing 1991 permit and license fees and charges for city services. D. Rea'~e and file November Investment Report. E. Fire Relief Association pension consolidation with Police and Fire PERA - refer to Pension and Insurance Trust Committee. F. League of Minnesota Cities agent of record - refer to the Finance Committee. G. Autlorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Elderly Transportation Agreement. H. Autl'orize submission of contract for services agreement with City of Morristown - Planning, Zoning, and Building Inspections - 1991. I. App-'we Rice County Leadership Convening Project Visions of the Future. 'W .. . .... CITY OF FARIBAUL T Inter-Office Memo TO DATE eiJayor and City Council 12-18-90 FROM TIME Acting City Administrator ACTION 0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 0 TYPE 0 REVIEW AND RETURN 0 ROUGH DRAFT . ... 0 PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE 0 FINAL COpy 0 REPLY AND SEND ME A COpy 0 CARBONS 0 FOR YOUR APPROVAL 0 PHOTOCOPY 0 FOR YOUR INFO 0 BOTH SIDES 0 FOR YOUR SIGNATURE 0 COPIES 0 AS WE DISCUSSED 0 FILE 0 AS REQUESTED 0 OVER 0 TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REMARKS/MESSAGES There is a request to waive Rule 6 and add Item 6.J, refer Director of Engineering resignation to the Personnel Conunittee, to the agenda. j u -- e e e Regular Council Meeting of December 18, 1990 The Council of the City of Fanbault met in regular session in the Council Chambers of City Hall en Tuesday, December 18, 1990, at 7:30 O'Clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by 1ifayor Purdie. On roll call those present were: Councilmembers Erickson, Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik and Mayor Purdie. Also present were: Acting City Administrato:'" Steve Griesert, Executive Secretary Linda Tousignant, Director of Finance & Planning Dal~ Martinson, Director of Public Safety Geoff Smith, City Planner John Jensvold, Housing and Redevelopment Director Patricia Gustafson, Director of Engineering Dan Behrens, and Director of Public Works Brian Wagstrom. Mayor Purdie indicated there was a request to waive Rule 6 and add Item 6.J, refer Director of Engineering resignation to the Personnel Committee,to the agenda. Councilmemb~r Waarvik moved to waive Rule 6 and add Item 6.J to the agenda. Motion was seconde(l by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Rice moved to approve the minutes of the November 27, 1990, special meeting and the November 27, 1990, regular meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilmeml'~r Waarvik and adopted unanimously. A publi~ hearing was held on the request for a variance to allow an electronic "reader board" sign ir a C2-Highway Commercial district, as requested by Gasolina Company. The City Planner noted that this item had been tabled at the last council meeting in order to give city staff time to research an amendment to the City's current sign ordinance to include regulation fo" this type of sign. A proposed ordinance was given to the Council for preliminary r,~view which would require a conditional use permit for a reader board sign. This would arow the Council to address each sign individually and require specific conditions for each. Str"I suggested that this ordinance be referred to the Planning Commission for review and r~commendation. Pat Kritzer, representative of Gasolina, was present and indicated he had no objection to the proposed ordinance. There was discussion regarding the time line for institution of the new ordinance. Councilmember Waarvik moved to defeat Resolution 90-192, request for a variance to allow an electronic "reader board" sign in a C2- Highway Commercial district, as requested by Gasolina Company, and to refer the proposed ordinance am~ndment to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. Motion was seconde(l by Councilmember Kindseth and adopted unanimously. The Director of Engineering reported that two quotes were received for the purchase of an Automatic Lettering Machine for the Engineering Department. The Director noted that due to the current work load of the office another machine is needed. Staff recommends acceptance of the low quote of Minnesota Blueprint. Source of funds will be the Engineen~ng Department capital outlay budget. Councilmember Rice moved to accept the low quote of Minnesota Blueprint in the amount of $1,295.00. Motion was seconded by Councilmemh~r Erickson and adopted unanimously. e Mayor Purdie presented Mike McLoud with the Police Officer of the Year award and read the cit,t.ion for the basis of his award. Craig Brekke was presented with the Outstanding Civilian of the Year award and the Mayor read the citation for his award. John Westerhouse was to be presented the Firefighter of the Year award but was unable to attend the m~eting. Mike Monge, Deputy Director of Fire, accepted the award on Mr. Westerhouse's behalf. The Acting Administrator noted that all license renewals in Items 5.A-G were in order for approval. Council"'1ember Waarvik moved to approve renewal of the following on sale liquor licenses: Ai's Place, Evergreen Knoll, MacNamara's Pub & Grill, Carol's Bar, Denny's Bar, Faribault BovTling Center. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and adopted unanimously. Council -nember Rice moved to approve the following off sale liquor licenses for renewal: Miller's Place, Prairie Liquors, Wutschke's Northern Liquor, A-B Liquors. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and adopted unanimously. e Council -nember Erickson moved to approve renewal of the following Club Sale Liquor Licenses: Anerican Legion, Eagles, Elks Lodge, Faribault Golf & Country Club, Knights of Columbus, Moose Lodge, and VFW. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. Council -nember Meillier moved to approve renewal of the Wine Sale liquor license for Southern Ch~na Cafe. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Kindseth moved to approve renewal of the following refuse hauler,' licensp.s: Archambault Brother's, Bauer Disposal Service, City & Lakes Disposal, and Flom DisllOsal Service. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. Council-nember Waarvik moved to approve renewal of the Public Dance License for Faribault Far'ily Skating and Banquet Center. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. Council -nember Rice moved to approve renewal of the following cabaret licenses: Ai's Place, American Legion, Carol's Bar, MacNamara's Pub & Grill, Denny's Bar, Eagles Aerie #1460, Evergreen Knoll, Faribault Golf & Country Club, Knights of Columbus, Faribault Bowling Cen+~r, Moose Lodge, and VFW. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. e 2 e e e Council "llember Kindseth reported for the Finance Committee on proposed improvement~ to TH 60 from the viaduct to the easterly city limits. In 1987 the City Council agreed to participate in the cost of the improvements but at that time thought they would not exceed $30,000. Since that time the City did ask for design changes which included additional stO"lD. sewer improvements and an urban design street thus raising the City's share to $160,000. The total project cost will be approximately $1.2 million and will be paid for by the State of Minnesota. The Committee feels these improvements will greatly improve the intersecti'Jn and are much needed thus the Committee recommends approval of the expenditure. Source of funding will be MSA funds and a local share of about $2,000.00. Alice Kvale zsked about access to Highway 60 for the Church site by the Clinic. Director Behrens indir.ated an access is not proposed but the easements have been granted for an access. Mer discussion and comments, Councilmember Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-199, authorizing funding for TH 60 improvements. Motion was seconded by Councilmemb~r Waarvik and adopted unanimously. The Cit~' Planner went over the inspection report submitted by the Building Inspector and distribut~d pictures which were taken on Monday. He noted that Minnesota Statute 463.15 subd. 3 does allow abandoned buildings to be declared hazardous. Mer passage of the resolutior the City Attorney would present the owner, Michael Robinson, with an order asking him to make improvements to the property or raze the building. City Staff has written three letters to Mr. Robinson but has not received any response. Councilmember Waarvik moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-197, declaring property at 964 Willow Street (formerly Toad's Liquor) as hazardous and substandard within the meaning of Minnesota St--tutes 463.15, Subd. 3. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Meillier moved to pass Ordinance 90-22, rezoning an area from C2- Highway Commercial to C1-Neighborhood Commercial at 10th Street SW and Willow Street, on second re~ding. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and upon roll call adopted unanimously. There was brief discussion as to how the rezoning would affect the , property as it pertains to Mr. Donahue's property. The Planner indicated that commercial uses would b~ allowed but a conditional use permit would be required. Councilmember Rice moved to pass Ordinance 90-23, approving a sign franchise for placement of a commercial identification sign on the public boulevard at Cashin's Comer Plaza, on second reading. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and upon roll call adopted unanimously. Councilmember Meillier moved to approve the following under Routine Business: A Receive and file Applications for Exemption from Lawful Gambling License - St Anna Catholic Aid Society. Resolution 90-200, authorizing submission of stipulation agreement to the Commissioner of Transportation. B. 3 e c. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Resolution 90-201, establishing 1991 permit and license fees and charges for city sc.rvices. Receive and file November Investment Report. Fire Relief Association pension consolidation with Police and Fire PERA - refer to Pension and Insurance Trust Committee. League of Minnesota Cities agent of record - refer to the Finance Committee. A uthorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Elderly Transportation Agreement. A uthorize submission of contract for services agreement with City of Morristown - Planning, Zoning, and Building Inspections - 1991. A pprove Rice County Leadership Convening Project Visions of the Future. Resignation of Director of Engineering - refer to Personnel Committee. Motion was ~f':conded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. Mayor Purdie presented Kathleen Erickson with a Certificate of Appreciation and a Faribault blanket for her service on the City Council from 1981 to 1990. CounciJmember Waarvik moved to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. Motion was adopted unanimously. e e Respectfully submitted, 0/ Linda Tousignant Executive Secretary 4