HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-27 e e e Special Caunci' Meeting AGENDA November 27. 1990 7:00 O'Cock P.M. 1. ApprOVEI of the Minutes: None. 2 Hearingr~ A Discuss 1991 proposed budget 3. Bids: fI" ':me. 4. Requests to be Heard: None. S. Items for D~'l<mssion: None. 6. Routine Bu~;ness: None. e e e Special Council Meeting of November 27, 1990 The Council of the City of Fanbault met in special session in the Council Chambers of City Hal' on Tuesday, November 27, 1990, at 7:00 O'Clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were: Councilmembers Erickson, Hanscom, Rice, Waarvik and Mayor Purdie. Also present were: Acting City Administrator Steve Griesert, Executive Secretary Linda Tousignant, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, City Planner John Jensvold, Director of Engineering Dan Behrens, ard Director of Public Works Brian Wagstrom. A public hearing was held on the proposed 1991 budget. The Director of Finance and Planning went over the comparison between the 1990 budget and the proposed 1991 budget. H~ addressed the freeze in local government aid (LGA) imposed by the State of Minneso~a and went over projected revenues and expenses. A summary was made of the Gem'ral Fund and Debt Service Fund. A gentlemen in the audience asked about the lodging tax and if that couldn't be increased to raise additional revenues. City Staff indicated tl'.~ tax was currently 5 % which is the maximum allowed by law and those monies have to be used for the promotion of tourism only. He also asked about financing of the Glynnview improvements. The Director of Engineering went over the financing pl--n for those improvements. Jim Warren asked about construction of the new Chamber o~ Commerce building and if the City would be contributing to that. No city tax dollars "ill be spent on the Chamber building. Gentlemen in the audience inquired as to the number of city employees and indicated he felt there are too many. Discussion followed ab'lUt the Public Safety Department and generally the number of employees in the City. Harold Karow asked about property taxes for newly constructed homes. Councilmerber Waarvik noted that much of the budget is personnel costs and there is little control over the increase in those costs. Mayor Purdie also noted the large increase in health care costs. Gentleman asked about comparison of property taxes between Faribault, l'Torthfield and Owatonna. The County Assessor replied to that question. The Mayor indicated the hearing would have to be continued because the regular council meeting wa~ scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. Councilmember Meillier moved to table continuation of this public hearing to the December 11, 1990, meeting at 7:00 p.m. and to adjourn at to the regular council meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. Meetini1 adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~ Unda Tousignant Executive Secretary e e e AGENDA Regular Counerl Meeting November 27. 1990 7:30 O'Oock P oM. 1. Approva' of the Minutes of November 13, 1990. 2. Hearings~ None. 3. Bids: A Accepting quotes fIt pump - Water Division. 4. Requests to be Heard: None. S. Items for D~scussion: A Ord:nance 90-20, amending the zoning code as it relates to vision clearance at vehi~u1ar right-of-way intersections, on second reading. B. Ord:nance 90-16, rezoning former Shaffer's Motel property from C2-Highway COIr~ercial to R4-High Density Residential, requested by Chris Meyering, on second reading. C. Ord:nance 90-21, amending Code of Ordinances as it pertains to Police and Fire CivL' Service Commissions, on second reading. D. Ord:nance 90-19, requiring licensing of bicycles, on second reading. E. Finance Committee Report 1. Resolution 90-184, endorsing legislation for a special levy to fund peace officer costs associated with drug investigation/education. F. Personnel Committee Report 1. Authorize execution of legal services contract for 1991 and 1992. G. Trunk Highway 21 and 7th Street NW Intersection Improvements 1. Resolution 90-185, approval of preliminary design layout. 2. Resolution 90-186, authorizing participation in project cost. e 6. Routine Bur,1ness: A B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. e o. P. Q. e Approve list of bills in the amount of $782,149.52. Boa:",d and commission expirations - refer to Personnel Committee. Reo~ive and file Quarterly Charitable Gambling Board Revenue Report Approve Cabaret License - Schmidtke's Bar, Inc. Reschedule December 25, 1990, Regular City Council Meeting date to December 18, 199f. Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Parking Monitor Agreement with DOV\""ltown Fanbault Association. Reo~ive and File October Investment Report Authorize worker's compensation reinsurance retention limits for 1991. Aiq'ort Master Plan and improvements - refer to Personnel Committee. Reo~ive and file notice from the Minnesota Department of Health on municipal watf'r system. Resolution 90-187, authorizing submission of a public library grant application and auth'1rizing execution of a grant agreement Reo~ive and file Fanbault Area Senior Citizen's Inc. membership and fund raising plan~. Reo~ive and file State Municipal Board resolution regarding Glynview annexation. Resolution 90-167, levying final assessment for improvements to Centurion Estates Subdivision. Reo~ive notice of proposed detour route for TH 60 improvements. Ren+al Registration Program - refer to Finance Committee. Authorize Proclamation proclaiming "Faribault Falcons's Week". . Regular Council Meeting of November 27, 1990 The Council of the City of Fanbault met in regular session in the Council Chambers of City Hall cn Tuesday, November 27,1990, at 8:00 O'Qock p.m. The meeting was called to order by 1 ifayor Purdie. On roll call those present were: Councilmembers Erickson, Hanscom, Meillier, Waarvik and Mayor Purdie. Also present were: Acting City Administrato:'" Steve Griesert, Executive Secretary Linda Tousignant, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, City Planner John Jensvold, Director of Engineering Dan Behrens, Director of Public Safety Geoff Smith, and Director of Public Works Brian Wagstrom. Mayor Purdie indicated there was a request to waive Rule 6 and add Items 6.P; refer Rental Regr1:t'ation Program to the Finance Committee, and Item 6.Q, authorize Proclamation proclaiming "Fanbault Falcons Week", to the agenda. Councilmember Hanscom mo"'ed to waive Rule 6 and add Items 6.P and 6.Q to the agenda. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the minutes of November 13, 1990. Motion was s~conded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. , e The Director of Engineering reported two bids were received for the purchase of a 4" pump for the Water Division. Krampitz True Value submitted the low bid in the amount of $2,000. He noted this pump will replace an existing pump that is worn out. Staff recommends acceptance of the low bid. Councilmember Rice moved to accept the low bid of Krampitz True Value in the amount of $2,000.00 for the purchase of a 4" trash pump. Motion was s~conded by Cou~cilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. Council "nember Rice asked what procedures will be followed for those intersections that will be ir violation of Ordinance 90-20. The Director of Public Works indicated there are about fOllT intersections that will be in violation and Staff will be working with those property own~rs to help them come into compliance. Councilmembers concurred that those intersections cannot be grandfathered in and should be worked with to come into compliance. There was some discussion by members in the audience about trucks blocking the road in front of Paul Bunyan. After discussion and comments, Councilmember Erickson moved to pas~ Ordinance 90-20, amending the zoning code as it relates to vision clearance at vehicular right-of-way intersections, on second reading. Motion was seconded by Counci1memlv~r Waarvik and upon roll call adopted unanimously. The Mayor indicated the Meyering's have not yet closed on the purchase of the Shaffer Motel property and request Ordinance 90-16 be tabled to the December 11, 1990 meeting. Counci1member Waarvik moved to table Ordinance 90-16, rezoning former Shaffer's Mot~l property from C2-Highway Commercial to R4-High Density Residential, on second readin~, to the December 11, 1990, regular council meeting. Motion was adopted unanimously. . e e Council'nember Rice moved to pass Ordinance 90-21, amending Code of Ordinances as it pertains to Police and Fire Civil Service Commissions, on second reading. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and upon roll call adopted unanimously. The Acting Administrator noted the requested changes were made since first reading of Ordinance 90-9. Councilmember Rice expressed her opposition to the ordinance because she doubted it\" effectiveness. The Director of Public Safety commented on the City's bicycle theft statistics and how the ordinance would help in returning stolen bikes to their owners. Councilmemb~r Erickson indicated her support of the Ordinance and feels it is also a benefit to the public in recovering lost or stolen bicycles. Mer discussion and comments, Councilmemb~r Waarvik moved to pass Ordinance 90-19, requiring licensing of bicycles, on second reading. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and upon roll call: "Aye" - Councilmembers Erickson, Meillier, Waarvik, and Mayor Purdie. "Nay"- Councilmemb~r Rice. Councilmember Hanscom abstained from voting. Motion carried. e Councih"lember Hanscom reported for the Finance Committee regarding special legislation for funding peace officer salaries. He indicated the proposed legislation would provide the City with the ability to assess a special levy to pay the salaries and benefits of peace officers involved in drug investigation or to teach DARE curriculum in the schools. The requestec special legislation would also include the cities of Owatonna, Red Wing, Northfield, Albert Lea, and Waseca. Peter Rodosovich will be sponsoring the bill. Councilmember Rice noted that other communities are also asking for special levy authority for the same r~ason, therefore, it is a possibility it may be enacted for all cities state-wide. After discussio"l and comments, Councilmember Hanscom moved to pass Resolution 90-184, endorsing legi:~lation for a special levy to fund peace officer costs associated with drug investigation/education. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Meillier reported for the Personnel Committee on the proposed contract for le~al services for the City. The Committee received a proposal from Kurt Fischer who is currently providing criminal prosecution and corporation counsel services. The proposed contract with Kurt Fischer is for two years with a retainer of $60,000 in 1991 and $65,000 in 1991 for criminal prosecution services. Additionally, Mr. Fischer will receive $550.00 per month for eight hours of corporate legal assistance. The Committee has asked Mr. Fischer t(' provide a quarterly report showing the amount of hours he spends on criminal proser.ution. The Committee expressed satisfaction with Mr. Fischer's services in the past and recommends approval of the two year contract. Councilmember MeiIlier moved to authorize execution of legal services contract with Kurt Fischer for 1991 and 1992. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. e 2 . e e The Director of Engineering went over the improvements proposed for the TH 21 and 7th Street W~ intersection. Resolution 90-185 authorizes the preliminary design of the intersection and Resolution 90-186 authorizes participation in funding the improvements. He went over the history of the intersection noting that currently the signal is set so that only north or sout"r bound traffic can pass at once. With the proposed improvements, Seventh Street will be widened to four lanes allowing for traffic flow similar to that on Division Street and CR 48. The City's share in the project will be approximately $15,000.00 and could be covered by MSA funds. The State will also be requesting the County to share in the cost of the improvements and if they participate, the City's share will be reduced to $7,500.00. After some discussion, Councilmember Rice moved to pass Resolution 90-185, approval of preliminary design layout for Trunk Highway 21 and 7th Street NW intersection improvement:' Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. Council.,ember Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-186, authorizing participation in project cost for Trunk Highway 21 and 7th Street NW intersection improvements. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. Counci1:'nember Hanscom noted that in light of the recent information received on the TH 60 detour that item be referred to the Finance Committee. The Director of Engineering noted that in 1985 the City passed resolutions to participate in funding, up to $30,000, for improvement of the 1st Avenue NE and Division Street intersection. The City had intended to use F AU funds for this project. The City now received notice from the State asking for a cost share in excess of $200,000.00. City Staff has requested further information to support the state's recuest. Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the following under Routine Business and refer Item 6.C to the Finance Committee: Approve list of bills in the amount of $782,149.52. Board and commission expirations - refer to Personnel Committee. R('('..eive and file Quarterly Charitable Gambling Board Revenue Report. Approve Cabaret License - Schmidtke's Bar, Inc. R~schedule December 25, 1990, Regular City Council Meeting date to Dr.cember 18, 1990. Al"lthorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Parking Monitor Agreement wi"h Downtown Faribault Association. Rt'r..eive and File October Investment Report Arthorize worker's compensation reinsurance retention limits for 1991. Ai1>ort Master Plan and improvements - refer to Personnel Committee. Rcr..eive and file notice from the Minnesota Department of Health on municipal water system. Resolution 90-187, authorizing submission of a public library grant application ani authorizing execution of a grant agreement. Re:ceive and file Fanbault Area Senior Citizen's Inc. membership and fund rai~ing plans. A B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 1. J. K. L e 3 . e . M. Receive and file State Municipal Board resolution regarding Glynnview arT\exation. N. Resolution 90-167, levying final assessment for improvements to Centurion Estates Subdivision. O. Receive notice of proposed detour route for TH 60 improvements and refer to th~ Finance Committee. P. Rental Registration Program - refer to Finance Committee. Q. Authorize Proclamation proclaiming "Fanbault Falcons's Week". Motion was sf~conded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. Mayor Purdie read the Proclamation proclaiming "Fanbault Falcon's Week" and indicated all Councilmembers will be signing it Councilmember Waarvik moved to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~rF Linda Tousignant Executive Secretary 4