HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-10-23 e e e AGENDA Reaular C~~ncil Meetinq October 23. 1990 7:30 O'Clock P.M. 1. Approvi~l of the Minutes of October 9, 1990. 2 . Bearings: A. Ordinance 90-16, rezoning former Shaffer's Motel property from C2-Highway Commercial to R4-High Den~ity Residential, requested by Chris Meyering, on first reading. B. Ordinance 90-17, amending the Code of Ordinances as it pertains to detached accessory structures in residential districts, on first reading. 3. Bidsl None. 4. Reque~ts to be Beard: A. Chairpersons Bruce Rippentrop and Sean Canney, Faribault Heritage Festival, Inc. - Establish 1991 Heritage Festival Ethnic Group. 5. Items for Discussion: A. Ordinance 90-15, amending sewer rates as they relate to ind'1.strial and commercial users, on second reading. B. Fin~nce Committee ReDort 1. Ordinance 90-18, amending Ordinances as it relates Program, on first reading. Chapter 11 of the Code of to the Garbage Recycling C. Rec~ive and file Recreation & Leisure Study. D. Per~onnel Committee ReDort 1. Ordinance 90-19, requiring licensing of bicycles, on first reading. e e e 6. Routir~ Business: A. Approve list of bills in the amount of $461,464.43. B. Resf'llution 90-166, levying final assessment for improvements to Country Club Fourth Addition. C. Resf'llution 90-172, amending the Community Management Program as it pertains to annual review of Garbage and Recycling Pro7ram ordinance. D. Resf'llution 90-168, levying final assessment for improvements to windsor Park 17 Addition. E. Resf'llution 90-169, levying final assessment for improvements to 2nd Avenue NW and 14th st. NW relating to the Faribault Foo1s expansion project. F. Resf'llution 90-170, accepting project, and activating final ass~ssment for improvements to Hulet Avenue. G. Resf'llution 90-171, establishing a November 26, 1990, public hearing for Industrial Park watermain improvements. H. Rec~ive and file September Investment Report. I. Rec~ive and file quarterly Work Comp Report. J. Rec~ive and file 1990 Distinguished Budget Award. K. Ric~ County HRA Contract for Professional Services - refer to Personnel Committee. L. Com~unity Facilities Task Force refer to Finance Com~ittee. M. Riv~r Bend Nature Center Building Plan and budget - refer to Fin~nce Committee. N. Rec~ive and file Building Permit report. o. MURL Advisory Board Appointments refer to Personnel Com"ittee. P. Authorize co-sponsorship of Minnesota Historical Society Tim~ and Taste Workshop, December 1, 1990. - - e Regular Council Meeting of October 23, 1990 The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, October 23, 1990, at 7:30 O'Clock p.m. The meeting wrc; called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were: Councilmembers Hanscom, Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik and Mayor Purdie. Also present were: Acting City Administrator Steve Griesert, Executive Secretary Linda Tourjgnant, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, City Planner John Jensvold, and Director of Public Works Brian Wagstrom. Councilmember Erickson arrived immediately following roll call. May"r Purdie indicated Item 5.D was being struck from the agenda. Councilmember Rice moved to approve the minutes of October 9, 1990. Motion wa~ seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. A pt'hlic hearing was held on the request for rezoning the former Shaffer's Motel property from C2-Highway Commercial to R4-High Density Residential. The City I"anner explained the new owners of the property, Chris and Arion Meyering, '''ere requesting the down-zoning of the property. The Meyerings intend to renovat~ and continue to rent the house and individual cabins. He noted the area directly to the south of this property is zoned R-4. The Planning Commission reviewed the request and saw this as an opportunity to limit the highway commercial zoning in this area. The Commission unanimously recommended approval. Councilmember Kindseth asked about rezoning of the existing property in the area to R-4. The Planner stated the Planning Commission intends to follow through with a zoning change for those properties and because of time con- siderations for the Meyerings to close on the property brought only this item for considerathn at this time. A man in the audience wanted clarification as to use of the pror~rty after rezoning to R-4 and if apartments would be allowed. The Planner indicated apartments would be permissible up to 18 units under the R-4 or C-2 zoni,g. The Planner noted the property is only 1,800 square feet and based on that siz,~ the zoning code would not allow more than nine apartment units. Counci1member Rice asked if sale of the property would trigger a rental inspection. There was some discussion about the rental inspection program. Mter discussion and comments, Councilmember Rice moved to pass Ordinance 90-16, rezoning fermer Shaffer's Motel property from C2-Highway Commercial to R4- High Density Residential, on first reading. Motion was seconded by Councilmem- ber Waarvik and upon roll call adopted unanimously. e e . e A prlblic hearing was held on Ordinance 90-17, amending the Code of Ordinancer as it pertains to detached accessory structures in residential districts. The City Planner explained that over the past few months weaknesses in the existing zoning code as it pertains to accessory structures came to light. He noted the conflict. between the 864 sq. ft. structure restriction and the section which allows accc:.ssory structures as long as 30% of your rear yard is not occupied. He used the rC'~ent Hensel and Stelter variance requests as an example. He noted there are s~~tions where a resident can put two or three detached buildings on their prope.rty and still conform with the ordinance. The proposed ordinance will allow no m ore than two detached structures. Councilmember Rice asked about the propos ~d hard surfaced driveway requirement for those accessory structures used to store motor vehicles. She suggested the ordinance be changed deleting the words "OVf'rhead door" and citing any structure which can store a motorized vehicle. After discussion and comments, Councilmember Hanscom moved to pass Ordinance 90-17, amending the Code of Ordinances as it pertains to detached accessory s+ructures in residential districts, on first reading, as amended. Motion was second ~d by Councilmember Meillier and upon roll call adopted unanimously. Bruc.e Rippentrop came before the Council on behalf of the Faribault Heritage Festival. He indicated the "Dutch" ethnic had been chosen by the Heritage Preservation Commission for the 1991 Festival. The Festival will start on Sunday, tb~ 15th and run through June 22nd. He requested exclusive use of Central Park for the Festival and indicated they did not plan on using the "former Central Pa"k" site now owned by Reineke-Heselton. In 1990 the Festival used Alexander Park for the first time and the Mayor asked why they wished to switch back to C~ntral Park. Mr. Rippentrop explained it had the appearance of a county fair and they wished to go back to the downtown area because it portrays more of a heritage theme. Councilmember Meillier stated concern about having the carniv~ 1 on the Central park site because of possible wear and tear on the grass. Members of the Council suggested the Committee pursue the use of the Reineke-Ho.selton property for the carnival. After much discussion, Councilmem- ber Waarv~k moved to establish the Dutch heritage as the ethnic group to be celebrated at the 1991 Festival and to delay action on use of the park until a report back is made on use of the Reineke property. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Hanscom moved to pass Ordinance 90-15, amending sewer rates as the.y relate to industrial and commercial users, on second reading. Motion was second ~d by Councilmember Erickson and upon roll call adopted unanimous- ly. 2 e e e Councilmember Rice reported for the Finance Committee on the issue of garbage rel~cling. She reported that when the existing ordinance was written in 1989, it cO"ltained a sunset clause of January 1, 1991. The current ordinance appears to be meeting the needs of the recycling program, therefore, the Finance Committee recommends the sunset clause be struck and the program be reviewed on an annual basis through the Community Management Program. She noted the County's s~hedule for implementing a complete recycling program. After discussion and comments, Councilmember Rice moved to pass Ordinance 90-18, amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances as it relates to the Garbage Recycling Program, on first reading. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and upon roll call adopted unanimously. The Acting City Administrator reported on the Recreation and Leisure Study. He indicated the Park & Rec Board along with City Staff have held various public me('tings in order to get citizen input for the Study. Staff showed the Council a slide presentation representing parts of the Study. He went over recommendations that came out as a result of the study. Staff recommends receiving Bnd filing the report and referring it to the Finance Committee for discussion of funding alternatives. Councilmember Rice moved to receive and file the Recref~ion and Leisure Study and refer it to the Finance Committee for further actfon. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimous''',. Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the following under Routine Business: Councilmember Kindseth abstained from voting on Item 6.E. A B. C. D. E. F. G. Approve list of bills in the amount of $461,464.43. Resolution 90-166, levying fmal assessment for improvements to Country Club Fourth Addition. Resolution 90-172, amending the Community Management Program as it pertains to annual review of Garbage and Recycling Program ordinance. Resolution 90-168, levying final assessment for improvements to Windsor Park 17 Addition. Resolution 90-169, levying final assessment for improvements to 2nd Avenue NW and 14th St. NW relating to the Faribault Foods expansion project. Resolution 90-170, accepting project, and activating final assessment for improvements to Hulet Avenue. Resolution 90-171, establishing a November 26, 1990, public hearing for Industrial Park watermain improvements. 3 e e e H. Receive and file September Investment Report. I. Receive and file quarterly Work Comp Report. J. Receive and file 1990 Distinguished Budget Award. K. Rice County lIRA Contract for Professional Services - refer to Personnel Committee. L. Community Facilities Task Force - refer to Finance Committee. M. River Bend Nature Center Building Plan and budget - refer to Finance Committee. N. Receive and file Building Permit report. O. MURL Advisory Board Appointments - refer to Personnel Committee. P. Authorize co-sponsorship of Minnesota Historical Society Time and Taste Workshop, December 1, 1990. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Waarvik moved to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. Motion was adopted unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~o/ ~r--J Unda Tousignant Executive Secretary 4