HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-10-09 e e e AGENDA Reau1ar Council MeetinG October 9. 1990 7:30 O'C1ock P.M. 1. Approv~.l of the Kinutes of september 25, 1990. 2 . Hearinl~s : A. prairie Liquor Off Sale License 1. Resolution 90-154, approving a conditional use permit for the relocation of prairie Liquor to the Cashin Mini-Mall, 8th Avenue NW requested by Douglas Frydenlund. 2. Approve location transfer of Off Sale Liquor License held by prairie Avenue to Cashin Mini-Mall. B. Resolution 90-159, adopting miscellaneous assessments for delinquent charges. C. Resolution 90-160, adopting miscellaneous assessment for curb stop repairs over a five year period. D. Resolution 90-161, adopting miscellaneous assessment for curb stop repairs over a three year period. E. Resolution 90-162, adopting miscellaneous assessment for curb stop repairs over a one year period. 3. Bids: A. Fire Division 4" Supply Hose - quotes. 4. Reque~ts to be Heard: None. 5. Items for Discussion: A. Resolution 90-163, joint resolution between the City of Faribault and Walcott Township for the orderly annexation of Glynnview Addition and specified outlying areas. B. Finance Committee Report 1. Ordinance 90-15, amending sewer rates as they relate to industrial and commercial users, on first reading. 2. Receive and file Enterprise Fund long range plan. 3. Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute agreement with Rural Fire Protection Association. 6. Routir~ Business: A. e B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. e It Approve list of bills in the amount of $211,171.58. Rec~ive and file request for handicap ramp improvements near Jefferson School and refer to the Department of Engineering. Res-,lution 90-164, authorizing installation of yield sign at 11th Avenue NE and Parshall Avenue. Refer Workers Compensation reinsurance pension limits to the Pen~ion/Insurance Trust Committee. Rec~ive and file interim City Administrator resQonsibilities. Rec~ive and file Bea Duncan memorial dedication and park plan update. Res-,lution 90-165, authorize single signature on payroll and acc-'unts payable checks. Res-,lution 90-155, accepting final project and levying final spe~ial assessment roll for improvements to Division Street East between Mott Avenue and TH 298. Res-,lution 90-156, accepting final project and levying final spe~ial assessment roll for improvements to 3rd Street NE. bet."een 5th Avenue and st. Paul Road. Res-,lution 90-157, accepting final project and levying final spe~ial assessment roll for improvements to 2nd Street NE. bet."een 3rd Avenue and Shumway. Res-,lution 90-158, accepting final project and levying final spe~ial assessment roll for improvements to 5th Street NE bet."een 5th Avenue and Shumway. Authorize solicitation of cost sharing maxi-audit bids. Refer preliminary feasibility and conceptual design of 3rd st. SW between CSAH 48 and prairie Avenue to the Planning Com~ission and City Staff. ,; eo- 0-'- e CITY OF FARIBAUL T Inter-Office Memo TO .- . /:-::: :::::.:./<::::::::.:-:;:;:;:.:::::::;::::.; Mayor & City Council FROM Steve Griesert DATE 10-9-90 . .. . . - .' '.. .~. -.' ... TIME e ACTION o REVIEW AND COMMENT 0 TYPE o REVIEW AND RETURN 0 ROUGH DRAFT o PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE 0 FINAL COPY o REPLY AND SEND ME A COPY 0 CARBONS' o FOR YOUR APPROVAL 0 PHOTOCOPY o FOR YOUR INFO 0 BOTH SIDES o FOR YOUR SIGNATURE 0 COPIES o AS WE DISCUSSED 0 FILE o AS REQUESTED 0 OVER o TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION REMARKS/MESSAGES There is a request to waive Rule 6 and add Item 6.N, Hiring of Full-Time Dispatcher - refer to Finance Cannittee, to the agenda. I.. . I ::::~': ::~:::: ::::: :.;: ':::: ::~.: :::. :~:::: :~:;:-:::::::: ~~:~: ::::::~:; .:: ;;~:: :::-.:::;.~.:.: .:- ;'.' .' .. e e e e Regular Council Meeting of October 9, 1990 The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, October 9, 1990, at 7:30 O'Clock p.m. The meeting wrc; called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were: Councilmembers Erickson, Hanscom, Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, and Mayor Purdie. Also present were: Acting City Administrator Steve Griesert, Executive Secretary Linda Toudgnant, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, City Planner John Jensvold, Director of Engineering Dan Behrens, Director of Public Safety Geoff Smit"'" and Director of Public Works Brian Wagstrom. Mayor Purdie indicated their was a request to waive Rule 6 and add Item 6.N, hiring of f'tll-time dispatcher - refer to Finance Committee, to the agenda. Councilmember Hanscom moved to waive Rule 6 and add Item 6.N to the agenda. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Kindseth and adopted unanimously. Councifmember Hanscom moved to approve the minutes of September 25, 1990. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. A publi~ hearing was held on the request for a conditional use permit for the relocation ('f Prairie Liquor to the Cashin Mini-Mall on 8th Avenue NW. The City Planner eX:'llained the owner of Prairie Liquor, Doug Frydenlund, wishes to relocate his off-sale liquor establishment to the new mini-mall being constructed on 8th Ay,';~nue NW. The Planning Commission reviewed the request and recommenc'~d approval of the conditional use permit. Councilmember Erickson asked abOl:~ the date the location transfer would take place. The Planner indicated a November 15th date is anticipated. It was noted that under no circumstances could the old and new location be opened at the same time. No one present wished to be heard After discussion and comments, Councilmember Kindseth m 'wed for the adoption of Resolution 90-154, approving a conditional use permit for the relocation of Prairie Liquor to the Cashin Mini-Mall, 8th Avenue N11J requested by Douglas Frydenlund. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and adopted unanimously. Council'"'lember Rice moved to approve location transfer of Off Sale Liquor License held by Prairie Liquor to the Cashin Mini-Mall. .Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. e A pub~;c hearing was held on Resolution 90-159 which certifies delinquent charges fo:'" collection. The Director of Finance & Planning indicated that the proposed a ssessments are for delinquent water bills which have not been paid with the excepti'ln of one for weed removal. All collection efforts have been made with no response from the property owners. Resolution 90-159 would certify the amount dua. to the County Auditor for collection as part of the real estate taxes. No one pr~sent at the hearing wished to be heard Councilmember Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-159, adopting miscellaneous assessments for delinquent charges. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted ur~nimously. e A pub~ic hearing was held on Resolution 90-160, adopting miscellaneous assessment for curb stop repairs over a five year period. The Director of Finance & Plannin~: explained that for those residents whose water shut-off doesn't work it is repair~1 and the property owner assessed for that cost He noted that those assessment~ over $500.00 are spread over five years, assessments $200-$500 over three years,' and assessments $200 or less over one year. He noted an exception to that policy in which Fred Moore's assessment will be spread over five years. No one preser~ wished to be heard. Councilmember Hanscom moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-160, adopting miscellaneous assessment for curb stop repairs over a five year period Motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and adopte1 unanimously. Councilmember Hanscom moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-161, adopting m'~cellaneous assessment for curb stop repairs over a three year period Motion wa~ seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. Counci1'1"\ember Hanscom moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-162, adopting m'~cellaneous assessment for curb stop repairs over a one year period. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. The Director of Public Safety explained that the Fire Division is currently using 2 1/2" hose as a supply line to the trucks from the hydrant. Increasing it to a 4" hose will in,-::rease the pumping capacity allowing more flexibility when fighting a fire. Two C'lotes were received with Minnesota Conroy being the low bidder in the amount of $420.00 per 100 feet. Funding wO\lld be the capital outlay budget Councilmember Rice asked if the hose would be used on the Rural pumper. The Director indicated the new hose will be used on one truck only which is a city pumper. Councilmember Rice moved to accept the low bid of Minnesota Conroy in the amonnt of $420 per 100 feet. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. e 2 e e e The Ci~ Planner went over the proposed Orderly Annexation Agreement for the Glynnview Addition. He explained the annexation would be completed in three phas~s. The first phase would occur yet in 1990 and would cover the lower Glynnview and the commercial area. Phase IT will take place in 1995 and no date has been officially set for Phase m. He briefly went over the Annexation Agreement. Mark and Mary Dube have petitioned to be a part of the Phase IT annexation, It would be the Staff's recommendation that the agreement be submitted as written and the Dube request could be reviewed this winter and a recommenrlation made for inclusion at a later date. Councilmember Kindseth clarified that Phase IT will occur in 1995 and that Phase m will be negotiated at a later date. The Planner indicated that Phase IT could be brought in sooner if the property owners petitioned for that. After discussion and comments, Councilme1"'ber Meillier moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-163, joint resolution between the City of Faribault and Walcott Township for the orderly annexation of Glynnview Addition and specified outlying areas. Motion was seconded b:' Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Rice reported for the Finance Committee regarding a proposed ir~rease for industrial and commercial sewer rates. She indicated that water revenues are covering their expenses but sewer revenues are not. The Committee feels a 10% increase at this time is needed to cover the costs. She also indicated that a switch will be made on the water billing system where the customers t'm will be a post card rather than a 3-part mailer. This switch will save approximately $5,500 per year in supplies and mailing costs. The Committee also discussed monthly billing but deemed it not fmancially feasible at this time. After discussion end comments, Councilmember Rice moved to pass Ordinance 90-15, amending s?wer rates as they relate to industrial and commercial users, on first reading. Mf)tion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and upon roll call adopted unanimously. Council,ember Hanscom reported the Finance Committee reviewed the long range plans for improvements to the water/sewer system. Significant improvements have been made but future improvements will continue to require large cash outlays. Councilmember Rice pointed out the increased expense of water/sewer testing which is mandated by state and federal standards. The Director of Engineering noted the long range plan will be reviewed on an annual basis to haY~ better control over necessary improvements that may need to be done. The Director stated those improvements listed after 1995 are not set for a date certain but are listed as long range improvements that will eventually need to be plann~d for. After discussion and comments, Councilmember Hanscom 3 e moved to receive and file the Enterprise Fund Long Range Plan. Motion was seconded t,,,, Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. The Fhance Committee met with members of the Rural Fire Association to discuss a n~w Rural Fire Association contract Councilmember Kindseth indicated the need fc r the Rural Fire to pay a larger share because the old contract formula was not co~'ering the expenses the city was incurring. The new formula calls for a 4% incre~se in 1991 and starting in 1992 that rate will escalate through 1994 to a 100% reblbursement The agreement covers Walcott, Cannon City, Wells, and Warsaw Township. After discussion and comments, Councilmember Kindseth moved to r~Athorize the Mayor and City Administrator to execute an agreement with the Rural Fire Protection Association. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. After discussion on Items 6.F and 6.G, Councilmember Hanscom moved to approve the following under Routine Business: A B. C. e D. E. F. G. H. e 1. AQprove list of bills in the amount of $211,171.58. Receive and file request for handicap ramp improvements near Jefferson School and refer to the Department of Engineering. Resolution 90-164, authorizing installation of yield sign at 11th Avenue N3 and Parshall Avenue. Refer Workers Compensation reinsurance pension limits to the P~nsion/Insurance Trust Committee. Receive and file interim City Administrator responsibilities. Receive and file Bea Duncan memorial dedication and park plan update. Resolution 90-165, authorize single signature on payroll and accounts pavable checks. Resolution 90-155, accepting final project and levying final special as:~~.ssment roll for improvements to Division Street East between Mott A~'~nue and TH 298. R~solution 90-156, accepting fmal project and levying final special as:"~ssment roll for improvements to 3rd Street NE. between 5th Avenue ani St. Paul Road. R~solution 90-157, accepting fmal project and levying final special assessment roll for improvements to 2nd Street NE. between 3rd Avenue ani Shumway. Rc~olution 90-158, accepting final project and levying final special aSf~ssment roll for improvements to 5th Street NE between 5th Avenue ani Shumway. Al:~horize solicitation of cost sharing maxi-audit bids. J. K. L. 4 e e e M. B efer preliminary feasibility and conceptual design of 3rd St. SW b~tween CSAH 48 and Prairie Avenue to the Planning Commission and City Staff. Motion wa~ seconded by Councilmember Mei1lier and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Hanscom moved to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. Motion was adopted unanimous''''. Respectfully submitted, ~~~J Linda Tousignant Executive Secretary 5