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Regular Cour~ Meeting
July 24. 1990
7:30 O'Cock P.M
1. Approva' of the Minutes of July 10, 1990.
2. Hearings~
A Resolution 90-99. levying final assessment for improvements to Hulet Avenue.
B. Resolution 90-105. levying final assessment for improvements relating to Glynview
area sewer and water.
C. Resolution 90-106. ordering project establishing an August 27, 1990, bid opening
for i"Dprovements to the Brand Peony Addition.
D. Resolution 90-107. approving a setback variance pertaining to a proposed
deta~hed garage at 852 SW 4th Avenue, submitted by Kevin Mahoney.
E. Resolution 90-108, approving a conditional use permit allowing a "drop-in" center
for nentaIly disabled persons at 221 NW 8th Avenue, submitted by Rice County
Social Services.
3. Bids:
A Res('lution 90-100, accepting bids for Contract 1990-5, Hulet Avenue
B. Res('lution 90-109, accepting bids for Contract 1990-6, Glynview area sanitary
sewer collector and watermain extension.
C. Resolution 90-110, accepting bids for Bar Screen Replacement and river crossing
4. Requests l' be Heard: None.
S. Items for Discussion:
A Ordhance 90-11, amending subdivision ordinance as it relates to state law on the
divis::on of property, on second reading.
B. Personnel Committee Report
1. Authorize appointments to Advisory Board and Commissions.
Items for Dismlssion Continued:
C. Fina~ce Committee Report
1. Resolution 90-111. amending Community Management Program as it relates
to Debt Management policies.
2. Receive and file report on 1989 audit and financial management letter.
3. Receive and file report on River Bend financial statement and security
D. Resolution 90-112, receiving feasibility report, approving plans and specifications
and establishing an August 27, 1990 bid opening for improvement to Prairie Ridge
Seccnd Addition.
6. Routine B "~i.ness:
e E.
A App"'ove list of bills in the amount of $662,286.92.
B. Resolution 90-113. declaring need for city primary election.
C. Receive and file notification of Raffle - Minnesota Waterfowl Association.
D. Resolution 90-114. receiving and filing feasibility report and establishing August 14,
199U, public hearing for Western Avenue Improvements relating to the West Mall
Autl''Jrize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Road Maintenance Agreement
with the Rice County Highway Department
Reooive and file Department of Public Safety employee awards program.
Autl"'Jrize Mayor and City Administrator to execute easement agreement with
Fan11'ault Foods, Inc. and accept land as it relates to Riverside park land.
Autl"'Jrize payment of dues and building assessment for League of Minnesota
Reooive and file notice of Municipal Board Annexation approval for Western
Avenue and West Mall expansion properties.
E1ec+~d official PERA options - refer to Personnel Committee.
Stan,s of recycling and garbage pickup program - refer to Finance Committee.
Reooive and file June Investment Report
Sew~r and Water Enterprise Fund status and rate review - refer to Finance
Senklr Center Report - refer to Personnel Committee.
Autl,')rize contract for services for Regional Center Advisory Committee - Brain
Injured Study.
Resolution 90-115. authorizing Mayor and City Administrator to execute easement
agrel~ment for Hulet Avenue improvements.
Regular Council Meeting of July 24, 1990
The Council of the City of Faribaul t met in regular session in the Council
Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, July 24, 1990, at 7:30 O'Clock p.m. The
meeting was called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were:
Councilmembers Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik, and Mayor Purdie. Also present
were: City Administrator Patrick Hentges, Director of Engineering Dan Behrens,
Director of Public Safety Geoffrey Smith, Director of Public Works Brian
Wagstrom, D~rector of Community Development Steven Griesert, and Public Works
Secretary Poggy Keilen.
Mayor Purdie indicated there was a request to waive Rule 6 to add Item 6.Q
- Resolution 90-116 providing for the participation in the South Central Drug
Investigative Unit Task Force, and Item 6.R approve cabaret license for the
Faribault Bowling Center. Councilmember Kindseth moved to waive Rule 6 and add
Items 6.Q arlf 6.R to the agenda. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier
and adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Rice moved to approve the minutes of July 10, 1990. Motion
was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held levying final assessment for improvements to
Hulet Avenuo. The City Administrator reminded the Council that at the July 10,
1990, Council meeting this item was tabled pending final right-of-way
negotiations with the adjoining property owners and the State of Minnesota.
Since that meeting a negotiated easement acquisition agreement between the
adjoining property owners and the City of Faribault have been executed and the
Rice County Board approved the City's request for right-of -way acquisition
adjacent to T.H. 3. Therefore, all right-of-way questions seemed to be answered
at this point and the proposed project can proceed ahead. The only inquiry
received to date relative to the final assessment hearing was from GHC, Inc.
(Hilary CarC'n) inquiring as to curb credits negotiated in 1983 with a prior phase
of the Hulet Avenue project. The appropriate curb credit was given.
Councilmemb~r Waarvik moved to adopt Resolution 90-99, levying final assessment
for improvellents to Hulet Avenue. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Meillier ann adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held levying final assessment for improvements to
Glynview arl1a sewer and water. The City Administrator explained to the City
Council that this is the first phase of the Glynview area improvements as
detailed in the joint agreement between the City of Faribault and Walcott
Township. The proposed assessment roll details one assessment to the School
District fo:!':" sewer and water extensions. This assessment is a result of the
summary agr'~ement on public works improvements relating to the Junior High
development negotiated in 1984. The balance of the assessments will be levied
by the Walcott Township Board in conjunction with the balance of the Glynview
Area sewer E'nd water improvements.
Councilmember Kindseth inquired which sections of the feasibility report
this project- would entail. The City Engineer informed the Council that Section
I - Water Distribution, Section II - Sanitary Sewer, and Section IV - Albers Path
Watermain wC'uld be undertaken at this time. This is a result of new construction
in the area. Councilmember Rice moved to adopt Resolution 90-105, levying final
assessment for improvements relating to Glynview area sewer and water. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Kindseth and adopted unanimously.
A pu1: lic hearing was held ordering project, establishing an August 27,
1990, bid opening for improvements to the Brand Peony Addition. The City
Administrator informed the Council that staff had met with the developer, Ronald
Reineke, earlier in the day to discuss the proposed improvements. Additional
information relative to subsurface soil and ground water investigations were
provided. Mr. Reineke asked staff for additional time to decide whether the
project would be feasible for him at this time. Councilmember Meillier asked the
status of the dilapidated building on this property. The City Administrator
informed th'j Council the dilapidated building is going to be taken down as part
of this project. Councilmember Waarvik moved to table Resolution 90-106 ordering
project, esl.;ablishing August 27, 1990, bid opening for improvements to the Brand
Peony Addition and referred this item to the Finance Committee. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held approving a setback variance pertaining to a
proposed detached garage at 852 SW 4th Avenue. The City Administrator explained
to the Council the proposal was intended to provide the property with a 3-stall
garage, while preserving a usable rear yard between house and garage.
Additionallv, an existing nonconforming single garage with a 2 foot sideyard
would be demolished as part of the project which would alleviate hardship caused
by the alley setback and reduce the property's overall level of nonconformity.
Councilmemb?r Rice asked staff if the property owner could construct the garage
to conform with building regulations. The City Administrator informed the
Council this could be done, however, a large percentage of the backyard would be
used up as a result. Councilmember Waarvik asked if a three car garage falls
within allo~able storage allowed. Staff said that it did.
Councilmember Waarvik moved to adopted Resolution 90-107, approving a
setback variance pertaining to a proposed detached garage at 852 SW 4th Avenue,
submitted b7 Kevin Mahoney. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier
and adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held approving a conditional use permit allowing a
"drop-in" c?nter for mentally disabled persons at 221 NW 8th Avenue, submitted
by Rice Courty Social Services. The City Administrator informed the Council that
the intent of the center is to offer daytime volunteer assistance to qualifying
individuals and to offer opportunities for socialization. Activities may occur
on-site anc" off-site. City staff's concerns were related to the hours of
operation, potential need for screening, and the potential need for on-si te
parking improvements to prevent excessive "backing" into a busy 8th Avenue NW.
Councilmember Rice asked if a garage could be provided to help alleviate
the parking problem. The City Administrator pointed out that "employee" parking
was the concern which mainly involves short term parking which a garage could not
help with. Councilmember Meillier questioned if a loading zone would exist along
the total frontage of the property. Staff informed the Council that the frontage
of the property only allowed room for two cars which would mean the loading zone
would have to encompass the parcels total frontage. Councilmember Kindseth
indicated tis concern with parking on a busy street. The City Administrator
informed th? Council that no long term parking would be permitted.
Councilmember Rice questioned the hours of operation. If this was to be
used as a "social" center would 6: 30 p. m. be late enough? Social Services
Director De Ie Szyszka informed the Council the hours of operation was a
compromise he made with the neighborhood and his staff could make these hours
work out. He also informed the Council that he expected no more then one car
parked on the street at a time and only for a short while. Councilmember
Kindseth asl',<!d of potential need for screening. The City Administrator informed
the Council that all activities would be held inside the dwelling and, therefore,
screening would not be necessary. If this changes staff will screen the
John r~Donald, 213 NW 8th Avenue, represented the neighborhood and related
that the Sccial Services, City Staff, and neighbors had gotten together and
compromised on all concerns addressed as a result of the project. The
neighborhood feels the project will be a great asset to the community and
commended all involved for a terrific project. He questioned the description of
the parcel informing the Council that an alley had existed between his parcel and
this parcel which was not included in the legal description. The City
Administrator assured Mr. McDonald that this would be researched and staff would
send him a reply.
Councilmember Waarvik moved to adopt Resolution 90-108, approving a
conditional use permit allowing a "drop-in" center for mentally disabled persons
at 221 NW 8th. Avenue, submitted by Rice County Social Services. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Rice
commended Rice County Social Services for a terrific idea and well put together
The City Engineer presented bids received for the reconstruction of Hulet
Avenue betwl~en Bradley Road and T.H. 3. The low bid was received from Crane
Creek Asphalt Company in the amount of $198,686.45. Councilmember Rice moved to
adopt Resolution 90-100, accepting bids for Contract 1990-5, Hulet Avenue
reconstruction. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted
The City Engineer presented bids received for Contract 1990-6, Glynview
area sanitary sewer collector and watermain extension. The low bid was received
from B.H. H~selton Company in the amount of $249,803.60. The bid was within
budget constraints allowed on the project. Councilmember Waarvik moved to adopt
Resolution 90-109, accepting bids for Contract 1990-6, Glynview area sanitary
sewer collector and watermain extension. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously.
The City Engineer presented bids received for bar screen replacement and
river crossing improvements at the wastewater treatment plant. The project was
divided intn two parts, Contract A being the bar screen and Contract B the river
crossing i~rovements. The low bid for Contract A was submitted by Met Con
Construction, Inc. in the amount of $60,500.00. The low bid for Contract B was
submitted b:' B.H. Heselton Company in the amount of $181,250.00. Council had
previously accepted a bid for the bar screen equipment in the amount of
$95,866.00. Councilmember Rice questioned why the large difference in bid
amounts for Contract B. The City Engineer informed the Council this was due in
fact because B.H. Heselton Company was familiar with the river in the area and
the depth involved whereas the. other contractors were not. Councilmember
Meillier mewed to adopt Resolution 90-110, accepting bids for bar screen
replacement and river crossing improvements. The motion was seconded by
Councilmemb~r Waarvik and adopted unanimously.
The City Administrator presented Ordinance 90-11, amending the Subdivision
Ordinance as it relates to state law on the division of property. The ordinance
will allow the City to exercise more authority in the division and conveyance of
land into s~ller parcels and tracts, or lots. The ordinance was presented to
the Plannin~ Commission and recommended for adoption. Councilmember Kindseth
moved to ad~pt Ordinance 90-11, on second reading. The motion was seconded by
Councilmemb~r Rice and, upon roll call, adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Meillier recommended appointment of Robin Coulsey for the
vacant position on the Planning Commission and Phyllis Wegner and Craig
Breimhorst for the Regional Center Advisory Committee. The motion was seconded
by Councilm~mber Kindseth and adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Kindseth presented Resolution 90-111, amending Community
Management Program as it relates to debt management policies. The Community
Management Program amendments proposed attempt to provide for a "controlled and
disciplined" approach to Faribaul t' s borrowing practices which calls for a
comprehensive examination of the factors affecting its debt capacity.
Councilmemb;!r Kindseth moved to adopt Resolution 90-111. The motion was seconded
by Councilm~mber Rice and adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Rice presented the 1989 year end audit report and management
letter. The report basically gave the City a "clean bill" subject to
"housekeeping". Councilmember Rice moved to receive and file the report. The
motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously.
Councilmemb~r Meillier commended staff for the outstanding job with the finances
of the City.
The City Engineer presented Resolution 90-112, receiving feasibility
report, app~oving plans and specifications and establishing an August 27, 1990,
bid opening for improvements to Prairie Ridge Second Addition. He explained this
is a routine project and is an extension of the First Addition to Prairie Ridge.
Security Agreements have been executed by the developer, therefore, financing
will not be an issue. The Planning Commission required full installation of
sidewalk im:!rovements wi thin the second addition. The addition of full sidewalk
improvements greatly diminishes the financial feasibility of the project. The
sidewalks a1jacent to the cul-de-sacs would have no logical connection to the
overall sid,~walk policy plan and most likely be unused and sidewalk improvements
adjacent to Westwood Drive be deferred until the westerly property is platted.
Therefore, the feasibility report details three options for sidewalk installation
in conjunction with the project.
Councilmember Rice indicated the importance of sidewalks in a community,
especially for pedestrians and children. Councilmember Waarvik reminded Council
that sidewalks are for the purpose of safety to pedestrians. In some cases, it
is not reas')nable to require sidewalks. Councilmember Meillier moved to approve
Resolution 90-112, receiving feasibility report, approving plans and
specifications and establishing an August 27, 1990 bid opening for improvements
to Prairie ri.dge Second Addition. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Waarvik and, upon roll call the following responded "aye:" Councilmembers
Kindseth, Meillier, Waarvik and Mayor Purdie. The following responded "nay:"
Councilmember Rice. Motion carried.
Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the following under Routine
A. Approve list of bills in the amount of $662,286.92.
B. Resolution 90-113, declaring need for city primary election.
C. Recei ve and file notification of Raffle - Minnesota Waterfowl
D. Resolution 90-114, receiving and filing feasibility report and
establishing August 14, 1990, public hearing for Western Avenue
Improvements relating to the West Mall Expansion.
E. Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Road Maintenance
Agreement with the Rice County Highway Department.
F. Recei ve and file Department of Public Safety employee awards
G. Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute easement agreement
with Faribault Foods, Inc. and accept land as it relates to
Riverside park land.
H. Authorize payment of dues and building assessment for League of
Minnesota Cities.
I. Receive and file notice of Municipal Board Annexation approval for
Western Avenue and West Mall expansion properties.
J. Elected official PERA options - refer to Personnel Committee.
K. Status of recycling and garbage pickup program - refer to Finance
L. Receive and file June Investment Report.
M. Sewer and Water Enterprise Fund status and rate review - refer to
Finance Committee.
N. Senior Center Report - refer to Personnel Committee.
O. Authorize contract for services for Regional Center Advisory
Committee - Brain Injured Study.
P. Resolution 90-115, authorizing Mayor and City Administrator to
execute easement acquisition agreement for Hulet Avenue
Q. Resolution 90-116, providing for the participation in the South
Central Drug Investigati va Unit Task Force.
R. Approve cabaret license for the Faribault Bowling Center.
Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Kindseth abstained from Item 6.G.
Councilmember Waarvik moved to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Motion was adopted
Respectfully submitted,
Public Works Secretary