HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-10 .:P I e AGENDA Regular Carmeil Meeting July 18, 1998 7:38 O'Clock P.N. 1. Approv.:u of the Minutes of June 26, 1998. 2. HearinJs: 3. Bids: A. Re.~olution 90-99, levying final assessment for improvements to Hulet AVI~ue . A. Resolution 90-100, accepting bids for Contract 1990-5, Hulet Avenue rer:onstruction. 4. Reques~s to be Heard: None. e 5. Items for Discussion: A. Ordinance 90-11, amending subdivision ordinance as it relates to state Taw on the division of property, on first reading. 6. RoutiD"! Business: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. e I. Approve list of bills in the amount of $146,550.88. Rer:eive and file applications for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License - Far ibault B.A., Inc. (Bethlehem Academy and Knights of Columbus locations). R~eive and file application for Gambling License Renewal Application - River Bend Nature Center. R~eive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License - Church of the Sacred Heart. R~eive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License - Inmaculate Conception Church. R~eive and file application for Gambling License Renewal Application - Consolidated Catholic Schools. Request for new appointment to the Reg ional Treatment Center Adv isory Committee - refer to Personnel Committee. Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute State OUtdoor Re~reation Grant for Riverside Park. Resolution 90-101, authorizing purchase of land from State of Minnesota fu,,: Hulet Avenue right-of-way purpose. ,-' ~ .~ INTER-OFFICE City Of Faribault MEMORANDUM To From Date Subject MINNESOTA Mayor and City Council City Administrator July 10, 1990 Addition of Agenda Items for July 10, 1990, Meeting There is a request to waive Rule 6 and add the following items to the agenda: Item 6.J - Item 6.K - Item 6.L - e e Resolution 90-102, approving application for affordable three and four bedroom rental units for low and moderate income families. Resolution 90-103, approving Cooperation Agreement with the Faribau1t Housing and Redevelopment Authority to authorize application for funding of low rent housing. Resolution 90-104, authorizing application to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to cross protected waters. e Regular Council Meeting of July 10, 1990 The C~uncil of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Counci.l Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, July 10, 1990, at 7:30 O'Clo--:k p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were: Councilmembers Erickson, Hanscom, Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik, and Mayor Purdie. Also present were: cit.y Administrator Patrick Hentges, Director of Finance & Planning [~le Martinson, Director of Engineering Dan Behrens, and Public Works Secretary Peggy Keilen. Mayor Purdie indicated there was a request to waive Rule 6 to add Items 6.J - Resolution 90-102, approving application for affordabl~ three and four bedroom rental units for low and moderate income families, Item 6.K Resolution 90-103, approving Cooperaticn Agreement with the Faribault Housing and Redevelopment Authority to authorize application for funding of low rent housing, and Item f.L - Resolution 90-104, authorizing application to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to cross protected waters. C,uncilmember Waarvik moved to waive Rule 6 and add Items 6.J, 6.K and 6.L to the agenda. Motion was seconded by Councilmerrher Meillier and adopted unanimously. e Councilmember Meillier moved to approve the minutes of June 26, 1990. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. A pu":llic hearing was held levying final assessments for improvemer.ts to Hulet Avenue. The City Administrator explained to the Council that executed contracts for the purchase of right-of- way acqui~ition from three residential properties have not been received. Therefore, staff request this item be tabled until these contracts are executed by the three properties and returned to staff. Co'mcilmember Rice inquired to the status of the Texcellere property. The City Administrator explained that this property is currently in bankruptcy, however, the assessment would be a lien on the prope]~y to be collected at the time of sale. Councilmember Waarvik mc"'red to table Resolution 90-99. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Rice moved to table Resolution 90-100, accepting bids for C~ntract 1990-5, Hulet Avenue reconstruction. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. - The ctty Administrator presented Ordinance 90-11, amending the Subdivisicn Ordinance as it relates to state law on the division of property. He explained that state law pertaining to subdivision of property have changed significantly since the adoption of Faribault' s ordinance in 1972. Basically, the ordinance allows the city to eyercise more authority in the division and conveyance of land into smaller parcels and tracts, or lots. Further investigat:ion of state law revealed that the ordinance could be amended to require that those divisions of metes and bounds e e e property fall under the formal approval of the City Councilor administrative review of city staff. state law also provides that no conveyance of property occur in the case of commercial property resulting in tracts smaller than five acres in size or in the case of residertial agricultural property of smaller than 20 acres in size. Therefore, the ordinance simply adopts state law. Councilmember Kindseth inquired why the city council and/or Planning c~~issionwouldn.t have gotten more authority rather than the administration. The City Administrator pointed out that only those parc~ls of land under 2.5 acres are subject to administrative approval. Any larger would have to be approved by City Council. Councilmember Rice asked if the ordinance was clear that all parcels m':\st abut an approved street or highway. The ci ty Administrator said this was included in the ordinance. Councilmember Rice moved to adopted Ordinance 90-11, amending subdivisicn ordinance as it relates to state law on the division of property, on first reading and referring it to the Planning commissioIl for approval before the second reading occurs. The motion w~s seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Hanscom moved to approve the following under Routine Business: A. Approve list of bills in the amount of $146,550.88. B. Receive and file applications for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License Faribault B.A., Inc. (Bethlehem Academy and Knights of Columbus locations). C. Receive and file application for Gambling License Renewal Application - River Bend Nature Center. D. Receive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License - Church of the Sacred Heart. E. Receive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License Immaculate conception Church. F. Receive and file application for Gambling License Renewal Application - Consolidated Catholic Schools. G. Request for new appointment to the Regional Treatment Center Advisory Committee - refer to Personnel Committee. H. Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute state Outdoor Recreation Grant for Riverside Park. I. Resolution 90-101, authorizing purchase of land from State of Minnesota for Hulet Avenue right-of-way purpose. J. Resolution 90-102, approving application for affordable three and four bedroom rental units for low and moderate income families. K. Resolution 90-103, approving Cooperation Agreement with the Faribaul t Housing and Redevelopment Authori ty to authorize application for funding of low rent housing. L. Resolution 90-104, authorizing application to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to cross protected waters. e e e Motion wc$ seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Hanscom moved to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Motion was adopt€d unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~ Kf2f~Vh~) Public Works Secretary