HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-26 . e e AGENDA Regular Q'TlDCil Meeting 7:30 O'Clock P.M. June 26, 1990 1. Appro'.~ of the Minutes of June 11, 1991. 2. Heari~s: A. ~~ken-Wright Addition 10' Resolution 99-88, approving a subdivision variance for construction of one dwelling on an unplatted parcel abutting the Dokken-Wright Addition and 11th Avenue NE, sul:mitted by Ronald Halliday. 2. Resolution 99-96B, initiating project and authorizing feasibility report on lJ1Jth Avenue NE and 11th Avenue NE as they terminate in Dokken-Wright Addition. 3. Bids:: None. 4. RequeE't:s to be Heard: None. 5. Items for Discussion: A. Ordinance 99-98, rezoning prairie Ridge 2nd Addition from o-Open Space tC R2-Low Density Residential, on second reading. B. .Q!dinance 99-19, rezoning a 1.5 acre parcel located at 2426 Park Avenue from C2-Highway Commercial to R4-High Density Residential, on second re~ding. C. 3.2 Beer License Renewals 1. On Sale 2. On & Off Sale 3. Off Sale D. ~nance Conmittee Report 1. Receive and file Chamber of Commerce bui lding proposal at Heritage Park. E. Authorize City to proceed with the construction and installation of Baa Duncan Memorial. F. Re~eive and file report on Ravine Street stop sign installation. G. Resolution 99-97, receive and file feasibility report for water and se'4E!r improvements to the Glynnview area and order July 24, 1999, public hE:~ring. H. ~~olution 99-98, declaring 1915 NW 2nd Avenue as a hazardous building. 6. Routir~ Business: . A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. e e AFOrove list of bills in the amount of $469,749.47. R€ceive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License - The Church of St. Lawrence. R€ceive and file application for Gambling License Renewal Application - Marine Corps Faribault Hiawatha Detachment. AfOrove Temporary On Sale 3.2 Beer License - Fraternal Order of the Eagles #1468. Ap>rove Temporary On Sale 3.2 Beer License - The Church of St. Lawrence. AfOrove Temporary On Sale 3.2 Beer License - American Legion. Ap>rove Application for Consumption and Display (Set-Up) Permit - J€~ron, Inc. dba Johnson's Fair Bowl. Re.~eive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License - Faribault Golf & Country Club. Authorize exclusive use of North Alexander Park for National Qualifying Scftball Tournament, July 7 & 8, 1990. Major equipment replacement acquisition - refer to Finance Committee. Re.~eive and file Finance Committee report on Hulet Avenue right-of-way. Re.~eive and file Investment Report for the month of May. Ye:~r-end 1989 fiscal audit review - refer to Finance Committee. DA~~ Program evaluation - refer to Personnel Committee. e e e Regular Council Meeting of June 26, 1999 The Ccuncil of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Chambers (If City Hall on Tuesday, June 26, 1999, at 7:39 O'Clock p.m. The meeting wC's called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were: CouncilmeIl'bers Erickson, Hanscom, Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik, and Mayor Purdie. Also present were: City Administrator Patrick Hentges, Executive Secretary Linda Tousignant, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, Director c~ Engineering Dan Behrens, Director of Public Works Brian Wagstrom, Director of Public Safety Geoff Smith, Housing and Redevelopment Director Patricia G"<i'ltafson and Director of Conmunity Development Steve Griesert. Councilmember Hanscom moved to approve the minutes of June 11,1999. Motion was seconC'ed by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. The p"lblic hearing was continued on Resolution 99-88, request for a subdivisicn variance for the construction of one dwelling on an unplatted parcel abutting the Dokken-Wright Addition and 11th Avenue NE, sul:mitted by Ronald Halliday cmd Resolution 99-96, initiating project and authorizing feasibility report on 19th Avenue NE and 11th Avenue NE as they terminate in Dokken-Wright Addition. The City Administrator indicated this matter had been tabled at the June 11, 1999, regular meeting to allow staff to explore the development of a cul-de-sac at the end of 3rd Avenue NE. The City Administrator explained there was two issues. First is the 3rd Street NE extension or termination in conjunction with the request by the Hallidays for a subdivision variance. Second is the temination or extension of 19th & 11th Avenue NE. He noted the extension of 11th Aw~nue could pose difficulties because of the grade and the same is true for 19th A"enue. Whether 3rd Street needs to be extended any further than the Hallidays is questionable. If development of those properties occurs then the frontage r1ad should be extended to service those properties. It is the Staff's reconmendation to install a 35 foot cul-de-sac terminating 3rd Avenue that would service th~ driveways in that area. Cost of the cul-de-sac would be shared by all three property owners and distribution of assessments would be based on frontage 0:1 the cul-de-sac. Construction of the cul-de-sac could be done during this construction season. If the subdivision variance is approved, Staff would proceed to obtain petition and waivers for the cul-de-sac improvements. The Hallidays could also construct their driveway off 11th Avenue but the termination issue of 3'"d Avenue still needs to be addressed. A questionnaire was sent to Steve Dokken in an attempt to resolve some development issues. Councihnember Kindseth CJksed for clarification on whether 3rd Avenue needs to be extended. Staff does.,'t feel 3rd Avenue would have to be extended and believes the Hoysler parcel could be served from an extension of the frontage road. MnOOT feels extension of that frontage road could be problematic due to the grades. Councilmember Waarvik asked if MnOOT would pay for the cost of installing the frontage r'1ad and the Engineer indicated that MnDOT usually pays for cost of the road installation with the exception of curb & gutter or sidewalks. There was discussion about the frontage road extension. After discussion and conments, Councilmem':ler Kindseth moved for the adoption of Resolution 99-88, approving a subdivisio"l variance for construction of one dwelling on an unplatted parcel abutting t"1e Dokken-Wright Addition and 11th Avenue NE requiring a 35 foot cul- de-sac at the termination of 3rd Street NE. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and aiopted unanimously. e Councinnember Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-96B, initiating project ard authorizing feasibility report on 10th Avenue NE and 11th Avenue NE as they te.rminate in Dokken-Wright Addition and also include 3rd Avenue NE cul- de-sac. ~.,')tion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. There was then some discussion regarding termination of 11th Avenue NE and the need to te"':11linate the road in some form, cul-de-sac or otherwise. Frank Johnson, 415 NW 8tl" Street, suggested that the City pay for one-half of the cost of the cul-de-sac. The City Engineer explained that a subdivision variance is a "mini plat" and if Mr. Halliday was required to plat the property he would still incur the same costs he is now as well as other expenses. The Administrator further explained the platting process involving land dedication and street improvement costs. Counci nnember Rice moved to pass Ordinance 90-08, rezoning Prairie Ridge 2nd Addition from o-Open Space to R2-Low Density Residential, on second reading. Motion wa~ seconded by Councinnember Hanscom and upon roll call adopted unanimously. Councinnember Waarvik moved to pass Ordinance 90-10, rezoning a 1.5 acre parcel located at 2426 Park Avenue from C2-Highway Comnercial to R4-High Density Residenticl, on second reading. Motion was seconded by Councinnember Hanscom and upon roll call adopted unanimously. e The City Administrator reported that Johnson's Fair Bowl and the four Kwik Trip Storns were now in order as well as the other licenses and ready for approval. Councinnember Rice moved to approve the following On Sale 3.2 Beer Licenses: Johnson's Fair Bowl, Pizza Hut, Faribault Family Skating, Southern China Cafe., and Godfather's Pizza; and to approve the issuance of an On & Off Sale 3.2 E'~r License for The CUrve Bar; and to approve the following Off Sale 3.2 Beer I.icenses: Kwik Trip #745, Kwik Trip #744, Kwik Trip #772, Kwik Trip #793, Hy-Vee Food Stores, Holiday StationStore, Nelson's Super Valu, Food Bonanza, F:::\ul Bunyan, Pester Derby, and SuperAmerica. Motion was seconded by Councilmen'ber Meillier and adopted unanimously. Councinnember Rice reported the Finance Comnittee reviewed the building proposal f ')r a new Chamber of Comnerce building at Her i tage Park. The Comni ttee met with representatives from the Chamber to discuss the specifics of the building proposal. The Chamber is requesting that the City extend them a lease for Lot A in Heritage Park (the lot behind the Bea Duncan Memorial) for 99 years at $1.00 ~"!r year. The building would be approximately 1,800 square feet and cost about: $108,0"" to construct. Councinnember Rice further indicated that parking wag discussed and the need to accomnodate vehicles that may be towing a boat, etc. The Chamber plans to raise all funds before beginning construction. The City 1 r3ministrator noted that the building plans would be filed with the Planning C~mnission to address the variance on the setback requirements and then it would come back to the Council for final approval. The building would be placed behind the Bea Duncan Memorial, therefore, placement of the Memorial will detennine how much of a variance will be needed. Councilmembers suggested including the Heritage Preservation Comnission on the review so that the building is compatible with the Memorial and possibly holding a joint meeting with the Bea Duncan Cownittee. The Housing and Redevelopment Director indicated the HPC met last night and conceptually approved the Chamber building plans. There was much e 2 e discussion about the location of the Chamber building in relation to the Memorial so as to n':lt detract from it. Steve Anderson, Chairman of the Chamber Building Task Force, stated they were using the same architect which designed the Memorial because tl"~y wish to build a building which would enhance it. After much discussion and conments, Councilmember Rice moved to receive and file Chamber of Comnerce building proposal at Heritage Park. Motion was seconded by Councilmenrber Erickson and adopted unanimously. The HC'llsing and Redevelopment Director reported on the status of the Bea Duncan Me1rorial. She indicated the necessary funds have been secured for the construction of the pool and fountain. The two statutes will be erected in the center of pool. The City would be the general contractor and securing subcontractors for the necessary work. Councilmember Rice noted that Cedar Lake Electric d""nated both labor and materials for the memorial. Met-Con and Rainbow Fountains also donated some materials for the project. Councilmember Kindseth asked about the Verna Ochs flag pole and banner and how that fits in with the Memorial. After discussion and conments, Councilmember Rice moved to authorize the City to proceed with the construction and installation of the Bea Duncan Memorial. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. e The Director of Public Works gave a status report on the stop signs which were place~ at Ravine Street and 6th Avenue last fall. He indicated the Public Safety Department feels the stop signs have improved tJ:.c safety of the intersection and that intersection is a priority during the winter for sanding, therefore, starting and stopping did not seem to be a problem. Staff reconmends that the intersection continue to be monitored and if problems arise, report back to the Cowlcil. Councilmember Rice asked about stop signs. J being on both sides of street. The Director of Public Works indicated they use two stop signs on each side of the street in the interim until people are used to stopping and that one stop sign on each side of the street is nonnal procedure. The City Adninistra"'or indicated he received complaints that there have been problems with rolling st':lpS and that they would like to see "yield signs". Staff feels yield signs could cause more confusion at this point. After discussion and conments, Councilmember Hanscom moved to receive and file report on Ravine Street stop sign installation. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. The City Engineer indicated that Resolution 9a-97 receives the feasibility and establishes a July 24, 199a, special assessment hearing. The overall project will be b~oken down into several phases. phase I would be the watermain extension from 17th Street to Wasners Garage. Water service will be installed along Albe.rs Path to accoumodate the Church being built. Sewer will also be installed along the same area. The lift station will be bid separate from the pipeline installation. Walcott Township will actually be holding the ~ial assessment hearing for properties in that area because they are not yet in the city limits. The cost for Phase I is $346,aaa. He went over the proposed assessment roll. There was some discussion as to the entire project timetable and coordination with MnDOT for use of Highway 19 as a detour while Highway 6a is being redone. Councilmember Hanscom moved for the adoption of Resolution 9a- 97, receiv~ and file feasibility report for water and sewer improvements to the Glynnview area and order July 24, 199a, public hearing. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. e 3 e e e The Director of Public Safety reported the Building Official has inspected the structure at 1915 NW 2nd Avenue and found it to be hazardous. He noted that weeds are waist high, windows are boarded up with the exception of the basement entrance ~'hich is open and accessible to neighborhood children, and rubbish is being dum~ on the property. The property is owned by William Otting of Lakeville but it appears to be abandoned. Pictures of the property was distribute1 for the Council's viewing. He indicated someone keeps removing boards on the windows and entering the property. The Mayor asked what contact has been rrade with owner and the Director indicated they spoke with him about this pro~rty and other properties he owns and have not had good luck with compliance. Councilmember Rice asked if the building could be used for something else and the Administrator indicated Mr. Otting is a building mover and has moved all other buildings on the property except for that one. After discussion and comnents, Council.member Waarvik moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-98, declaring 1915 NW 2nd Avenue as a hazardous building. Motion was seconded by Counci1member Rice and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Rice asked about Item 6.1, authorizing exclusive use of North Alexander Park, and if those people not wanting to go to softball will be able to use the park. The Director of Public Works indicated those people wishing to use the par.k for a picnic or otherwise will be allowed in without any trouble. Councilmember Meillier moved to approve the following under Routine Business: A. Ap~rove list of bills in the amount of $469,749.47. B. Re~eive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License - The Church of St. Lawrence. C. Re~eive and file application for Gambling License Renewal Application - Mar.ine Corps Faribault Hiawatha Detachment. D. Ap";lrove Temporary On Sale 3.2 Beer License - Fraternal Order of the Ea.,les #1460. E. Ap";lrove Temporary On Sale 3.2 Beer License - The Church of St. Lawrence. F. Ap~rove Temporary On Sale 3.2 Beer License - American Legion. G. Ap?rove Application for Consumption and Display (Set-Up) Permit - Je~ron, Inc. dba Johnson's Fair Bowl. H. Re~eive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License - Faribault Golf & Country Club. I. Au~.horize exclusive use of North Alexander Park for National Qualifying Softball Tournament, July 7 & 8, 1990. J. Major equipment replacement acquisition - refer to Finance Comnittee. K. Re~eive and file Finance Comnittee report on Hulet Avenue right-of-way. L. Re~eive and file Investment Report for the month of May. M. Ye~~-end 1989 fiscal audit review - refer to Finance Comnittee. N. DA';>E Program evaluation - refer to Personnel Comnittee. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Waarvik moved to adjourn at 8: 55 p.m. Motion was adopted unanimously. Re~ectfully SUl:mi~~ed, ~ ~ ~fA7~ LirJa 'To~signant Executive Secretary 4