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Regular Coun~i1 Meeting
7:38 O'C1ock P.M.
May 22, 1998
1. Approval of the Minutes of May 8, 1991.
2. Heari~gs:
A. !!-st Mall Expansion Project
1. Ordinance 98-'n, request for rezoning of the mall addition property to
C3, and adjacent residential property to R2-Low Density Residential.
2. Resolution 98-77, request for a conditional use permit for the
expansion of 98,888 square feet of the Faribo West Mall.
3. Resolution 98-78, request for a conditional use permit for the
expansion of 38,888 square feet of the Faribo West Mall.
B. Resolution 98-79, resolution adopting the 1998 City of Faribault Housing
C. Re~Qlution 98-88, glvmg preliminary approval to a municipal housing
program to finance a combination multifamily housing development and health
care facility for the elderly and handicapped and issuance by the City of
revenue bonds therefor, on behalf of St. Luke's Health and Welfare
Association, Inc.
D. Re~Qlution 98-81, request for a conditional use permit for 48 units of high
'de"lsity housing on Block 2, Bard Properties, Bard Avenue, subnitted by
Ncrthland Global Development.
E. Resolution 98-82, levy special assessment for improvements to 3rd Street
NE between Mott Avenue and 5th Avenue NE.
3. Bids: None.
4. Requests to be Heard: None.
5. Items fo:": Discussion:
A. Re~ei ve and file Buckham Memorial Library Study and refer to the Finance
Co"l'llli ttee.
B. Re~eive and file report on Verna Och's Estate.
6. Routine Business:
e A.
Ap?rove list of bills in the amount of $582,074.66.
Re~eive and file application for gambling license renewal - Marine Corp
Ap?rove renewal of Consumption and Display (Set-Up) Permit - Faribault
Fa~ily Skating, Inc.
Re~chedule June 12, 199flJ, Regular Council Meeting to June 11, 199flJ.
Re~Qlution 9flJ-83, receive and file request/petition for construction of
pu~lic llnprovements to 1st Street SE of Brand Peony Addition and order
fe~sibility report.
Re~eive and file Housing Fair report.
Re~eive and file Minnesota Historical Society Certified Local Government
Grant Award.
Re~ive and file Minnesota Department of Health Quarterly Report on
MU'1icipal Water System.
Bicycle regulations/registration - refer to Personnel Committee.
Fire Service Standard Operating Procedures - refer to Personnel Committee.
Re~eive and file Worker's Compensation First Quarter, 199flJ Report.
Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Agreement for the
cO'1struction of Public Improvements in Walcott Township.
Re~eive and file Investment Report for April, 199flJ.
Liquor Store Project - refer to Personnel Committee.
Regular Council Meeting of May 22, 1990
The Co',ncil of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council
Chambers o~ City Hall on Tuesday, May 22, 1990, at 7:311J O'Clock p.m. The meeting
was callei to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were:
Councilmembers Hanscom, Kindseth, Mei11 ier, Rice, Waarvik, and Mayor Purdie.
Also prese:"lt were: City Administrator Patrick Hentges, Executive Secretary Linda
Tousignant, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, City Planner John
Jensvold, Director of Engineering Dan Behrens, Director of Public Works Brian
Wagstrom, Director of Conmunity Development Steve Griesert, and Housing and
Redevelopment Director patricia Gustafson.
Councilmember Hanscom moved to approve the minutes of May 8, 1990. Motion
was secondqd by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held on the West Mall expansion project which involves
rezoning of property surrounding the mall addition and the request for
conditional use permits for a 90,000 square foot expansion and a 30,000 square
foot expan~ion of the Mall. The City Planner gave an overview of the West Mall
expansion. The plan is in its final stage. The annexed area for the mall would
be C-3 anc abutting properties petitioning for annexation are included in the
annexation. The remaining properties will also be C-3 except for the residential
properties. The Planning Conmission has reviewed the proposed expansion and
unanimously reconmended approval of both conditional use permits and the
rezoning. He explained a redwood fence would be constructed and blue spruce
evergreens planted for a buffer. Mayor Purdie indicated he wished to abstain and
not participate in discussion because he owns property in that area. Richard
Morgan askqd why the remainder of the properties were not being annexed as he
would like to have city services. Mr. Morgan indicated he wanted the services
to run thr.mgh his back yard because he feels it will save him money. The City
Administrator explained the orderly annexation agreement calls for annexation of
those prop~rties in 1993. He noted that for those properties where service will
be installed they will also be assessed for those services. He indicated that
it is proposed that Mr. Morgan' s house be serviced through the front because both
sides of the street would be serviced at that time making it more cost effective.
The Administrator indicated other neighbors in the area wished to wait until 1993
to be anneved. After discussion and conments, Councilmember Rice moved to pass
Ordinance 911J-07, request for rezoning of the mall addition property to C3, and
adjacent residential property to R2-Low Density Residential, on first reading.
Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and upon roll call adopted
unanimously with Mayor Purdie abstaining.
Councilmember Hanscom moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-77, request for
a conditio"lal use permit for the expansion of 911J,000 square feet of the Faribo
West Mall. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted
unanimously with Mayor Purdie abstaining.
Councilmember Meillier moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-78, request
for a concUtional use pe:rmit for the expansion of 30,1IJ1IJ0 square feet of the
Faribo West Mall. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted
unanimously with Mayor Purdie abstaining.
A public hearing was held on the adoption of the 1990 City of Faribault
Housing Strldy. The Director of Coumunity Development noted that the City Council
looked at the housing study in March and then referred it to the Planning
Coumission and HRA for review. Both groups have reviewed the study and concur
with the r~coumendations. The Director highlighted areas of the study noting the
need for t,ree and four bedroom apartment units as well as conventional one and
two bedrocm units. The study also recoumends the establishment of building
covenants on subdivisions. He noted a Housing Fair was held in April at the
Faribo We~t Mall to promote Faribault's housing market and the City's Code
Compliance Program is up and running. After discussion and couments,
Councinnernber Waarvik moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-79, resolution
adopting the 1990 City of Faribault Housing Study. Motion was seconded by
Councinnern"'er Rice and adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held on the request for preliminary approval of a
municipal housing program for St. Lucas. The City Adninistrator went over the
background of the St. Lucas project which was reviewed by the Council in March
of 1990. st. Lucas is now planning a phase-in to the original project. Staff
is going o~'er the plans for the phased-in project and any changes will be brought
back to thE1 Planning Coumission and to the City Council for review. He explained
that housing revenue bonds lends the city's tax exempt status to St. Lucas for
issuance cf the bonds. The City would have no financial obligation to the
project. There was discussion by the Council regarding the bonds and how that
affects th~ city. Councinnember Meillier clarified that the tax exempt status
makes the bonds tax exempt for the buyer. After discussion and conments,
Councinnern"'er Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 90-80, giving preliminary
approval to a municipal housing program to finance a combination multifamily
housing de"'elopnent and health care facility for the elderly and handicapped and
issuance b~' the City of revenue bonds therefor, on behalf of St. Luke's Health
and Welfar,~ Association, Inc. Motion was seconded by Councinnember Hanscom and
adopted un~nimously.
A public hearing was held on the request for a conditional use permit for
48 units of high density housing on Block 2, Bard Properties, Bard Avenue,
subnitted by Northland Global DeveIopnent. The City Administrator clarified the
issues before the Council. He indicated it is not a zoning issue because the
property is currently zoned to allow for the construction of apartments on the
property a~d the project could proceed without a conditional use permit with a
few change~. He outlined what could be built under the conditional use permit
and what could be built without any Council approval. He further noted that 30
conditional use permits have been requested since 1980 and all were approved.
Some of th~.m were amended but none were denied. The City Planner went over the
concerns that were raised by the Planning Coumission and members of the audience
at the Planning Coumission meeting. The Coumission and area neighbors were
concerned that the dens would turn into bedrooms and increase the density of the
project. Staff suggested the C.U.P. be amended clarifying use of the dens.
There also was concern with the building height, therefore the City Planner and
City Engin~r evaluated the plan and found the building to be in full compliance
with heigh~ restrictions of the Airport and those allowed under the R4 district.
Staff reco"Tlllends two points of access, both on Bard Avenue, to address traffic
concerns. Residents expressed concern about the need for a park and the Planner
explained that when the property was platted in 1978, upon recoumendation of the
Planning C"'mnission, the City took a cash payment in lieu of parkland dedication.
The Plann€r. indicated the proposed 5-foot buffer would be increased to 9 to 10
feet to address screening concerns. After the Planner's presentation, there was
discussion about the dens and members of the Council conmented on the positive
aspect of the den. There was some talk about removal of the closet to make that
room less likely to be used as a bedroom. Mr. Sheldon, property developer, was
present ar.d indicated the closet could be moved out of the den and put in the
hall but feels the closet should be left in. He briefly explained construction
aspects of the project. Councilmember Rice asked about recycling for the
apartment and the Administrator explained the County still needs to develop a
system fo":' apartment owners. Steve Underdahl, resident of Green Haven,
reiteratea the neighbors concem over the density, height of the building,
privacy fot: those that abut apartments, and solar infringement. He asked if the
neighbor residents could meet with city staff and the developer to discuss these
concerns. Dave Schweisthal stated his concern over the need for a neighborhood
park. Dav~ Augustine felt the apartments would upset the balance of the larger
lots. Mrs. Reuvers asked about an environmental impact statement which the
Administrator indicated was not a requirement on this size of a project.
Councilmerrber Kindseth pointed out that in the last eight years a conditional
use peDnit has not been denied and further reiterated that the project could go
forth without any comnent from the Council or neighborhood. After much
discussion and conments, Councilmember Waarvik moved to table the public hearing
on Resolution 90-81, request for a conditional use permit for 48 units of high
density ho',sing on Block 2, Bard Properties, Bard Avenue, subnitted by Northland
Global De"9.10pnent, to allow neighborhood residents to meet with staff and
developers. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Kindseth adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Kindseth asked to be excused from the remainder of the meeting
for personal reasons.
A public hearing was held on Resolution 90-82, levying of special assessments
for improvements to 3rd Street NE between Mott Avenue and 5th Avenue NE. The
City Administrator indicated it was a petitioned project that extends earlier
improvements ordered for 3rd Street NE. The total project would be specially
assessed a~, a proposed interest rate of 10%. He noted there was correspondence
with Tom Turner, 417 NE 3rd Street, but it appears his concerns have been
addressed. No one present wished to be heard. Councilmember Rice moved for the
adoption C'1: Resolution 90-82, levy special assessment for improvements to 3rd
Street NE between Mott Avenue and 5th Avenue NE. Motion was seconded by
Councilmerrber Hanscom and adopted unanimously.
The Director of Conmuni ty Developnent reported that the Ad Hoc Library
Conmittee has completed the study requested by the City Council. As part of the
study, the Comnittee researched other libraries looking for ideas that might work
for the Bnckham Library. The Director went over the highlights of the study
which concludes with a recomnendation for the construction of a new library and
conversion of the Buckham Building for a civic or cultural center. The
inefficiencies would still remain. He also reported that representatives from
the State contacted the City about a joint project for a Regional Braille
Library. There was discussion as to the various groups which would be interested
in space in the Buckham Building such as the Art Center, Senior Citizens, etc.
Staff reccmmends report be referred to the Finance Committee to determine its
financial feasibility and to be looked at in conjunction with the park and
leisure study now in progress. He stated that November, 1991, would probably be
the most o,,?timistic possible start date for the project. An area resident asked
about conOi~ction of existing library and the community center. The Adninistrator
indicated property would need to be purchased and that street reconstructed.
After disC':USsion and oomments, Councilmember Rice moved to receive and file
Buckham ME~orial Library Study and refer financing alternatives to the Finance
Committee. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously.
The City Administrator brought the Council up-to-date on the status of the
Verna Och'i' Estate. He indicated there has been ongoing discussion with
ImnaculatE Conception Church and the Archdiocese regarding proceeds of the estate
and whethe-.: it should be used as a museum. A letter was received from the
Archdioceg~ indicating they would be using their portion of the estate to
establish an endowment fund to support catholic educational efforts. If the city
does not Establish a museum any additional money the Archdiocese would receive
would also be put into that endowment and the City would have access to household
furnishings and personal articles for historical purposes. Counci1member
Meillier a~ked about storage and placement of the artifacts. The Adninistrator
indicated the Regional Center Museum has inquired about obtaining items for their
museum. M"'s. Ochs was active at the Regional Center. There was also discussion
about pla'~ement of the house on the National Register. The Housing and
Redeveloprrent Director indicated that designation of the house was addressed in
the will and the Heritage Preservation Commission is pursuing that. The Director
of Community Development indicated that Verna wished to have a monument in
Heritage P~rk and the Church has agreed to construct that. After discussion and
comments, Councilmember Meillier moved to receive and file report on Verna Och's
Estate. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the following under Routine Business:
AFQrove list of bills in the amount of $579,911.71.
Re~eive and file application for gambling license renewal - Marine Corp
A~~rove renewal of Consumption and Display (Set-Up) Permit - Faribault
Fa~ily Skating, Inc.
Re~chedule June 12, 1990, Regular Council Meeting to June 11, 1990.
Resolution 90-83, receive and file request/petition for construction of
pu,,",lic improvements to 1st Street BE of Brand Peony Addition and order
fEasibility report.
Re~eive and file Housing Fair report.
Re'"!eive and file Minnesota Historical Society Certified Local Government
Grant Award.
Re~eive and file Minnesota Department of Health Quarterly Report on
Municipal Water System.
Bicycle regulations/registration - refer to Personnel Committee.
J. Fire Service Standard Operating Procedures - refer to Personnel
K. Re~eive and file Worker's Compensation First Quarter, 1995 Report.
L. Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Agreement for the
oo~struction of Public Improvements in Walcott Township.
M. Re':'!eive and file Investment Report for April, 1995.
N. Liquor Store Project - refer to Personnel Committee.
Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanilOOusly.
Councilmember Hanscom moved to adjoum at 9:55 p.m. Motion was adopted
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Tousignant
Executive Secretary