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Regular Council Meeting
7:38 O'C1ock P.M.
May 8, 1998
1. Approval of the Minutes of April 24, 1998.
2. Hearings:
A. Re~~lution 90-69, ordering improvements to the 400 Block of 3rd Street NE
between Mott Avenue and 5th Avenue NE.
B. Resolution 90-70, request for sideyard setback variance at Buckeye Manor
Group Home, 124 SW 1st Avenue.
c. ~~lution 90-71, request for sign variance for a business sign at a
lalff;ully nonconforming comnercial activity at 1929 Hulet Avenue, subnitted
by Holmblad Trucking, Inc.
D. Re~"lution 90-72, request for conditional use permit for the expansion of
€(fi,cational facilities and parking improvements at Our Savior's Lutheran
Chnrch, 1207 Prairie Avenue.
E. ~"lution 90-73, request for a variance for an oversized accessory
structure in a RI-Low Density Residential district at 2349 Cardinal Avenue,
submitted by Robert Dube.
3. Bids: None.
4. Requests to be Heard: None.
5. Items for Discussion:
A. Or~ inance 90-06, amending massage therapist requirements, on second
B. Re~"lution 90-67, directing amendments to the 1990 budget as a result of
LGl. reductions from the State of Minnesota.
6. Routine F'~~iness:
A. Approve list of bills in the amount of $172,273.15.
B. Receive and file' application for gambling license - River Bend Nature
C. R~eive and file changes in WestMarc Cable billing procedures.
D. Resolution 98-74, petitioning the Comnissioner of Transportation to conduct
Sl1'~aring for an at grade railroad crossing.
E. Resolution 98-68, authorizing Mayor and City Acininistrator to execute
agreement for paint stripping of airport runway.
F. Re~eive and file final revised Planning Comnission by-law amencinents.
G. R~eive and file Faribault Area Senior Citizens, Inc. United Way
H. R~eive and file Ila Siemer application to the Minnesota Board on Aging.
I. Re~Qlution 98-75, authorizing submission of MHFA application for Minnesota
Rural and Urban Homesteading Program Funding.
J. Re~eive and file Hulet Avenue right-of-way status - refer to Finance
K. Elderly Transportation Program - refer to Finance Comnittee.
L. Re~eive and file Farmer Seed Variance status.
M. Receive and file Bruce Boudreau Planning Comnission resignation - refer to
Personnel Comnittee.
N. Re~()lution 98-76, authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute Public
Improvement/Redevelopment Contract in conjunction with Faribault FOOds,
In~. Expansion project.
o. Rec~ive and file Finance Comnittee report on 1988 Single Family Bond
P. Apr~ove application for Temporary On Sale 3.2 Beer License - Faribault
La}'~r' s Baseball Association, Inc.
Regular Council Meeting of May 8, 199B
The 01uncil of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council
Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, May 8, 199B, at 7:3B O'Clock p.m. The meeting
was called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were:
Councilmembers Erickson, Hanscom, Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik, and Mayor
Purdie. Also present were: City Administrator Patrick Hentges, Executive
Secretary Linda Tousignant, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, City
Planner John Jensvold, Director of Engineering Dan Behrens, Director of Public
Safety Genff Smith, and Director of Community Development Steve Griesert.
Councilmember Hanscom moved to approve the minutes of April 24, 199B. Motion
was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held on the request for improvements to the 4BB Block
of 3rd Street NE between Mott Avenue and 5th Avenue NE. The City Acininistrator
explained that a petition was received from five property owners on the 4BB Block
of 3rd Street to include their street as part of the 199B Reconstruction Program.
Improvement of this block could be added as supplemental agreement to the street
contracts currently underway. Councilmember Rice asked about the width of the
street anc the City Engineer indicated it would be 24 feet wide and that possibly
parking mstrictions may have to be looked at. . No one present wished to be
heard. After discussion and comments, Councilmember Rice moved for the adoption
of Resolution 9B-69, ordering improvements to the 4f(JB Block of 3rd Street NE
between W>tt Avenue and 5th Avenue NE. Motion was seconded by Councilmember
Meillier and adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held on the request for a sideyard setback variance at
Buckeye Mnnor Group Home, 124 SW 1st Avenue. The City Planner explained that
Buckeye Manor was proposing a 24 foot two-story addition to the existing group
home to alleviate crowded conditions. He went over the site plan indicating that
the north area is the only feasible area to expand. The Group Home must also
receive approval fram Rice County due to the historical nature of the house as
the building is on the National Register. The Planning Commission reviewed the
request under both the normal variance standards and historical variance
standards and felt Buckeye could construct a 19 foot addition without a variance.
They felt the addition as proposed would have a negative impact on the adjoining
property. The Commission did not feel comfortable with a five foot setback due
to the height of the addition. Councilmember Rice expressed concerned about how
close the addition would be to the adjacent property because Buckeye does have
other alte:r.natives. Ted McCain, representative of Buckeye Manor, was present and
stated he spoke with the neighbor and he had no objections. Councilmember
Meillier expressed concern with obstructing access to the property for fire
protectior and if there would be in increase in residents. Mr. McCain indicated
there would be no increase in permanent residents but would provide temporary
housing ar requested by Social Services. The City Planner indicated the fire
access was not an issue because the current grade of the property makes it
impossible as it is now. There was discussion about the variance being economic
in nature and the fact that Buckeye did have other expansion alternatives which
would not need a variance. After discussion and comments, Councilmember Rice
moved to deny Resolution 9B-7B, request for a sideyard setback variance at
Buckeye Manor Group Home, 124 SW 1st Avenue. Motion was seconded by
Councilmerrher Kindseth and adopted unanimously.
A pub] ic hearing was held on the request for a sign variance for a business
sign at a lawfully nonconforming conmercial activity at 1929 Hulet Avenue,
sutmi tted by Holmblad Trucking, Inc. The City Planner reported that Holmblad
Trucking I',dshed to construct a pylon sign for their business at 1929 Hulet Avenue
which is currently zoned R-2, Residential. The sign would be 6.6 feet in height
and 8.6 fe.~t wide and set back approximately 15 feet on a 15.3 acre parcel. The
Planning Conmission reviewed the request and felt it would not have an adverse
effect on the neighborhood due to the parcel's size. No one present wished to
be heard. After brief discussion, Councilmember Waarvik moved for the adoption
of Resolution 9"-71, approving request for sign variance for a business sign at
a lawfull~' nonconforming conmercial activity at 1929 Hulet Avenue, sutmitted by
Holmblad ~lrucking, Inc. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted
unanimous1 y.
A public hearing was held on the request for a conditional use permit for the
expansion of educational facilities and parking improvements at Our Savior's
Lutheran Church, 12"7 prairie Avenue. The City Planner explained that Our
Savior's Church is proposing completion of Phase III to their Church. This
involves t'1e addition of a l2,S"" sq. ft. educational center. The expansion does
not increase the sanctuary seating, therefore, does not impact the parking
requirements. The Planning Conmission reviewed the matter and felt the parking
area should be improved with paving and a concrete curb. They also discussed
landscaping for the area. The Conmission recomnended improvement of the parking
lot wi thin two years and landscaping completion in one year. The Council
discussed improvement of the parking area and the two-year timeline for that.
They were concerned with the precedent that would result by allowing two years
for comple:tion. CUrrently the city ordinance calls for completion within one
year unles"- specified otherwise in the conditional use permit. In the past, the
Council he'" not allowed more than one year. Larry Horstmann was present on
behalf of the Church and indicated they hoped to begin construction in June with
completioIl in November. Councilmember Waarvik asked when the Church planned to
schedule the paving. Mr. Horstmann indicated they would probably pave it next
sumner. T'1e Council expressed the need to not extend the one year time line and
the Churct' seemed agreeable to that. After further discussion and comnents,
Councilmetrber Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 9"-72, approving request
for conditional use permit for the expansion of educational facilities and
parking irrorovements at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 12"7 prairie Avenue, as
amended to have completion of parking improvements wi thin one year. Motion was
seconded by Councilmember Kindseth and adopted unanimously.
A public hearing was held on the request for a variance for an oversized
accessory structure in a Rl-Low Density Residential district at 2349 Cardinal
Avenue, su'uitted by Robert Dube. The City Planner went over the background of
the variance request explaining Mr. Dube received a building permit last June for
an 18 X 22 foot garage. The garage he actually constructed was 25 x 19 and he
then proce~ed to put a basement under the garage and add a second story. The
building O~ficial spoke to Mr. Dube regarding the basement and construction of
the upper story. Mr. Dube then came before the Council requesting a variance in
order to complete the second story. The Planning Comnission reviewed the request
for a variance to allow a second story and reconmended denial. They felt the
proposed u~per story excessive and that denial of the variance would not create
a hardship. The City Planner noted that in a residential area there is a height
restrictio~ and that is why the variance is needed. Mr. Dube was present and
explained that he needed more storage and wished to do so by adding a second
story. Co'mcilmember Waarvik asked why he built a bigger garage than the permit
allowed ar~ put in the basement without a permit and having it inspected. Mr.
Dube indic":1ted he needed more room. Councilmember Rice asked if construction of
the baseIllE'!nt is permissible and if a permit needed to be issued. The City
Planner ex,?lained a basement is permissible but it was not inspected while being
built, the",:,efore, the Building Official will not issue a permit for the basement.
Mr. Dube indicated he put a steel beam to support the basement as reconmended by
William Brodersen, an architect from Northfield. There was discussion regarding
the status of the basement. Councilmember Kindseth pointed out that Mr. Dube
must apply for a corrected building permit for the oversizing of the garage and
the addition of the basement and must get proper certification by the Building
Off icial 0'( further action would be taken. After much discussion, Councilmember
Waarvik mo",ed to defeat Resolution 9f/J-73, request for a variance for an oversized
accessory structure in a Rl-Low Density Residential district at 2349 Cardinal
Avenue, su':mitted by Robert Dube. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and
adopted un~nimously.
Councilmember Erickson moved to pass Ordinance 9f/J-f/J6, amending massage
therapist requirements, on second reading. Motion was seconded by Counci1member
Meillier a'"\d upon roll call adopted unanimously.
The City Administrator reported that during the 199f/J legislative session a
tax bill w~s passed which cut $15.7 million in LGA payments to cities for 199f/J.
This means Faribault will receive $79,f/Jf/J9.f/Jf/J less in LGA this year. The bill
also freez~s LGA and Equalization Aid for future years. The Finance Conmittee
reviewed the impact the reduction in State Aid will have on the City and the
proposed ra.ductions in City Departments as a result of that. Resolution 9f/J-27
proposes the use of $2f/J,f/Jf/Jf/J in cash reserves to cover unexpected retirement
separation costs. Because this is a permanent reduction, the Council will have
to look at many issues during the 1991 budget process. Councilmember Kindseth
noted conc~rn with the 1991 budget due to the reductions in aid and increase in
costs. Cnuncilmember Rice pointed out the need to look at services versus
capital orltlay and that long-term planning will be crucial. After much
discussion and conments by the Council, Councilmember Waarvik moved for the
adoption 0:4: Resolution 9f/J-67, directing amendments to the 199f/J budget as a result
of LGA reductions from the State of Minnesota. Motion was seconded by
Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously.
Counci1member Kindseth asked to abstain from voting on Routine Business due
to a conflict of interest with Item 6.N.
Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the following under Routine Business:
Ap~rove list of bills in the amount of $172,273.15.
Re~eive and file application for gambling license - River Bend Nature
Re~eive and file changes in WestMarc Cable billing procedures.
Re~olution 9f/J-74, petitioning the Conmissioner of Transportation to
co,duct a hearing for an at grade railroad crossing.
e F.
Re~olution 9~-68, authorizing Mayor and City Administrator to execute
arreement for paint stripping of airport runway.
Receive and file final revised Planning Commission by-law amendments.
RE'ceive and file Faribault Area Senior Citizens, Inc. United Way
R~eive and file Ila Siemer application to the Minnesota Board on Aging.
Resolution 9~-75, authorizing su1:mission of MUFA application for
Minnesota Rural and Urban Homesteading Program Funding.
Receive and file Hulet Avenue right-of-way status - refer to Finance
Elderly Transportation Program - refer to Finance Committee.
Receive and file Farmer Seed Variance status.
Receive and file Bruce Boudreau Planning Commission resignation - refer
tC' Personnel Committee.
Re~olution 9~-76, authorize Mayor and City Administrator to execute
P\.'hlic Improvement/Redevelopment Contract in conjunction with Faribault
FC'ods, Inc. Expansion project.
R~eive and file Finance Committee report on 198~ Single Family Bond
Afnrove application for Temporary On Sale 3.2 Beer License - Faribault
Lc~er's Baseball Association, Inc.
CouncilmeIl'ber Rice asked about the Highland crossing hearing and the timetable
associatee with that. The Administrator indicated if the crossing is approved
it would be a 1991 project. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and
adopted uranimously (Kindseth abstained).
Councilmember Hanscom moved to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Motion was adopted
Respectfully su1:mitted,
Linda Tousignant
Executive Secretary