HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-13 e . e AGENDA Regular O~'1UCil Meeting February 13, 1998 7:38 O'Clock P..M. 1. AppD""al of the Minutes of Januaq 23, 1998. 2. Hear~ngs: A. Cashin Commercial Center 1. Resolution 9~-12, request for off-street parking setback variance on the 2~~ block of 9th Avenue NW, pertaining to a l~ ,~~~ sq. ft. commercial center, submitted by Robert Cashin. 2. Ordinance 9~-~3, approving trade of quit claim deeds to facilitate ci ty street right-of-way and private off-street parking development, on first reading. B. ~esolution 9~-13, request for a front yard setback variance pertaining to the construction of as, 4~~ sq. ft. industrial structure on the 27~~ block of 1st Avenue NW, submitted by Orv Sawatzky. 3. Bid:~:: NOIE. 4. Requ~ts to be Beard: None. 5. Items for Discussion: A. Receive and file results and policy recommendations of Faribault Housing Study. B. Receive and file policy recommendations for Faribault Code Compliance Program. C. Receive and file notification of Walcott/Glynnview sewer improvement grant. D. ~esolution 9~-14, declaring lots ]jJ & 11, Block 1, Brand Addition a hazardous building. E. Resolution 9~-15, authorize commissioning Bea Duncan art work and solicitation of bids for related improvements. F. ?ersonnel Committee Report 1. Appointments to advisory boards and commissions. G. Ordinance 9~-~2, amending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances as it relates to department responsibilities, on second reading. H. ~esolution 9~-2~, establishing fund appropriations for 1989 and beginning cash balances for 199~. - . e' 6. Routine Business: A. Approve list of bills in the amount of $2~2,18~.26. B. Land Use Policy Plan - refer to Finance Comnittee. C. Receive and file renewal of annual Plumbing Licenses. D. Receive and file 1989 Annual Bridge Inspection Report. E. Resolution 9~-16, receive and file feasibility report and establish February 26, 199~, public hearing for improvements to 5th Street NE from 5th Avenue NE to Shumway Avenue. F. Resolution 9~-17, receive and file feasibility report and establish February 26, 199flJ, public hear ing for improvements to 3rd Street NE from 5th Avenue NE to St. Paul Avenue. G. ~esolution 9~-18, receive and file feasibility report and establish February 26, 199~, public hearing for improvements to 2nd Street NE from 3rd Avenue NE to Shumway Avenue. H. Resolution 9~-19, receive and file feasibility report and establish February 26, 1999, public hearing for improvements to Division Street East from Mott Avenue to 6th Avenue NE. I. Receive and file investment reports. J. Establish March 2B, 199~, as joint City Council/Park and Recreation Board planning session. K. Reschedule regular City Council Meeting of February 27, 199B, to February 26, 199flJ, as a result of state-wide caucuses. L. Receive and file notice of grant award for Riverside Park development. M. Yard waste/brush composting - refer to Finance Comnittee. N. Receive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License for Imnaculate Conception Church. o. Receive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License for Ducks Unlimited/Faribau1t Chapter. P. Resolution 9~-21, receive and file feasibility report and establish April 1B, 199~, public hearing for ~rovements to Hulet Avenue from Bradley Road to TH 3. , I - Regular Council Meeting of February 13, 1991lJ The C.ouncil of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, February 13, 1991lJ, at 7:31lJ O'Clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Pro Tem Kindseth. On roll call those present wl~re: Councilmembers Erickson, Hanscom, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik, and President Kindseth. Also present were: City Administrator Patrick Hentges, Executive Secretary/Office Manager Linda Tousignant, Director of Comnunity Development Steve Griesert, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, Director of Public Works Brian Wagstrom, City Planner John Jensvold, Director of Public Safety Geoff Smith, Deputy Director Fire Mike Monge, and Housing and Redevelop1ent Director patricia Gustafson. Councilmember Hanscom moved to approve the minutes of January 13, 1991lJ. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. A public hearing was held on the request for a variance by Robert Cashin. The City Planner explained Mr. Cashin wishes to construct a mini comnercial center on property he owns between the Rainbow Car Wash and the Depot Office Building. The center would be approximately l5,1lJ1lJ1lJ square feet. Mr. Cashin is requestin~ a variance in the setback requirements for the west side of the property adjacent to the railroad right-of-way. Reduction of the setback requirement will allow sufficient parking to be developed for both the new complex a,d the Depot office building. The Planning Conmission reviewed the request ar.d unanimously reconmended approval. The City Planner further explained there is a small triangle of property to the south of the building which is proposed to be used for parking and access to the property. OWnership of that triangle is somewhat unclear although it appears the City has an access easement over the property. It is possible it may be owned by the railroad but they are unclear of its ownership also. City Staff is recomnending an exchange of quit claim deeds between the City and Mr. Cashin. When the City reconstructed the 8th Avenue NW intersection to install a triangular traffic control, the street surface w""s actually placed on a corner of private property belong ing to Bob Cashin. The City would give Mr. Cashin a quit claim deed stating the city has no intere~t in the tr iangle of property, which he would use for parking, and in exchange ~''':'. Cashin would deed the property which the city street encroaches upon to the City. John McDonald, neighbor adjacent to the Cashin property, asked about entrance to the Center and how that might affect him when making a left hand turn into his property. There was discussion about access to the property and what congestion it could cause in that area. Mr. McDonald suggested possibly putting in a right turn only requirement for cars coming out of that access. The City Planner indicated restrictions could be placed on the access if necessary. Another neighbor was present and also expressed her concern about the traffic congestion which might result from the access. Mr. Cashin indicated the Center would probably not have tenants which would be generating large volumes of traffic and stressed that he should be entitled to access to his property. The City Administrator indicated the access could be monitored and if a problem results restrictions could then be placed on the access. There was also discussion about relocating the access if possible so that as little conflict as possible would result with adjacent driveways. After much discussion and comnerts, Councilmember Waarvik moved for the adoption of Resolution 91lJ-12, approving request for off-street parking setback variance on the 21lJ1lJ block of 9th Avenu~ NW. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and adopted unanimously. , I e Coun~ilmember; Waarvik moved to pass Ordinance 9((J-((J3, approving trade of gq.it claim deeas to facIlitate city street right-of-way and private off-street parRing development, on first reading. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and upon roll call adopted unanimously. President Pro Tem Kindseth asked to abstain from discussion and voting on Item 2.B oue to a possible conflict of interest. A public hearing was held on the request for a variance by Orv Sawatzky. The City Planner explained that Mr. Sawatzky wishes to construct a new 5, 4((J((J square font roofing shop for Bauernfeind and Goedtel on Industrial Corporation property located on the 27((J block of 1st Avenue NW. The existing Bauerfeind and Goedtel s'1op wi 11 be demol ished in con junction with an expans ion plan for Faribault Foods. Mr. Sawatzky is requesting a variance from the front yard setback r~irements. The Planner noted that on the east side of the property runs an unimproved section of State right-of-way. The right-of-way was or iginally intended for a re-route of Highway 3 but that plan has been abandoned and the S~ate of Minnesota intends to turn back the right-of-way to adjacent property owners. Once the State right-of-way is turned back, the variance will not be an issue as the building will be in total compliance. The Planning Comnission reviewed the request and unanimously recomnended approval. Councilmenber Rice asked if the remainder of the lot is buildable. The Planner indicated that in order to split the property for another building Mr. Sawatzky would have to go through the platting process at which time the Council would have input:. After discussion and comnents, Councilmember Erickson moved for the adoption C'~ Resolution 9((J-13, approving request for a front yard setback variance pertaininr to the construction of a 5,4((J((J sq. ft. industrial structure on the 27((J((J bloc~ of 1st Avenue NW. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Kindseth abstained. The r: irector of Comnunity Development and the Housing Redevelopment Director presented the City Council with a slide presentation on the Housing Study conducted during 1989. He went over the housing study indicating that it covers both single family homes and rental units. The study recomnends a code compliance program for rental units, continuation of the rental rehab programs, and continuation of the rental assistance program. The study did reflect that there dC>eF- not appear to be a need for further construction of subsidized elderly housing. It did note the need for construction of three and four bedroom rental units. Also the need for housing for those people that are not low income. Four Seasons is only complex in Faribault and that has a very long waiting list. After discussion by the Council, Councibnember Rice moved to receive and file policy r~omnendations of the Faribault Housing Study. Motion was seconded by Councilmenber Meillier and adopted unanimously. Deputy Director of Fire Services came before the Council to present the newly dev~loped Code Compliance Program. He noted it will be a proactive enforcement program. He pointed out that there is almost a ~((J% occupancy of rental un its and that contr ibutes to code compliance problems because the incentive is not there for the landlords to address improvements that need to be made. Quarterly reports will be done on rental inspections and he further explained the sequence of events that will occur to carry out the inspections and follop-up. Nuisances and animal control is also covered under program. He recomnends rental registration program be implemented in the future which would require some sort of certification program for each rental unit in order for the 2 , I . unit to 00 rented. After discussion and romnents, Councilmember Rice moved to receive C'nd file policy reromnendations for the Faribault Code Compliance Program. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hansrom and adopted unanimously. The City Administrator indicated that a Small Cities Development Program grant in the amount of $525,378 has been received for the extension of water and sewer se~'ices to Glynnview. Walcott Township officially received the grant but the Townsl'ip, Rice County, and the City will be working together on the project. It is anticipated that the project will begin during 199~ and completed during 1991. He outlined those items which need to be addressed by the jurisdictions prior to the start of the project. He noted there will be an abatement program for those homes unable to afford the special assessment to their property. There was' some discussion regarding the timing and extent of annexation. Councilmerrber Hansrom moved to receive and file notification of Walcott/Glynnview sewer improvement grant. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. The ~ity Planner passed out photos of the dilapidated structure on lots l~ &: 11, Blo~k 1, Brand Addition. He indicated the structure is located on two lots, one owned by Ron Reineke and the other by Michael Gable. Staff has since discoverec't that Mr. Gable is transferr ing his property to a Mr. Hruby. It is recomnendP.d that Mike Gable's name be struck from the resolution as it is our understanding he is no longer the owner of record. There was discussion and comnents regarding the length of time it has taken to bring action. The City Planner indicated determining ownership was tllne consuming and an attempt was made to work with the owners to improve the situation. Councilmember Waarvik moved for the adoption of Resolution 98-14, declaring lots 18 &: 11, Block 1, Brand Addition a hazardous building, as amended. Motion was seconded by Councilmerrber Meillier and adopted unanimously. The Housing and Redevelopment Director explained the Bea Duncan Memorial Comnittee and the Heritage Preservation Comnission wish to romnission Ivan Whillock to prepare the art work for the Bea Duncan Memorial Monument. She indicated the Conmittee has received $45,657 in grant and donation monies to pay for the re:novation. The total estimated cost is $56,~98. The Comnittee intends to continue fund raising efforts for the remaining $18,888 needed. There was discussion regarding the size of the statues. The Comnittee is asking if the City would be willing to provide up front financing of the project so that construction could begin. The Comnittee would then reimburse the City as funds are recei,'~ through fund raising efforts. There was discussion about up-front financing of the project and how that would affect the city if enough funds were not received. She indicated they have received about 68 donations to date ranging from $18 to $2,5~~. After discussion and comnents, Councilmember Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 98-15, authorizing comnission of Bea Duncan art work end solicitation of bids for related improvements. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously. Cou~ilmember Waarvik reported for the Personnel Committee regarding board and conmie-sion expiration terms. The Comnittee has contacted those persons whose term is e)'piring and all have expressed an interest to serve another term. The Comni ttee recomnends approval of board and comnission appointments as outlined 3 , I . in the memo sul:mitted to Council. Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the following appointments: Terms Expiring 1-31-93 Airport Advisory Board - Scott Boldt, Arnold Madow, and Bill Roberts. Fire Civil Service Commission - Jerry Robicheau Poli~e Civil Service Commission - Steve Ecker Park & Rec Board - Ronald Haase, James Nielsen, Tim McNelis Planning Commission - Bruce Boudreau, Carol Roush, Frank Schimanski Heritage Preservation Com. - Ron Dwyer, Lillian Teisberg, Eunice Graham Terms Expiring 1-31-92 Library Advisory Board - Tom Silkey, Dorothy Freund, Dorothy Chamberlain Charitable Gambling Board - Dick Johnson, Clayton LaCroix, Jim Walsh, Francis Minnick, Jerry Freed Term Expires as Indicated Housing and Redevelopment Authority - John Lockner, 11/15/94 Peter Smith Advisory Board - Gordon Elleby, 1/31/93; Don Burkhartzmeyer, 1/31/92; Jim Korman, 1/31/91 Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously. Coun~ilmember Waarvik moved to pass Ordinance 9~-~2, amending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances as it relates to department responsibilities, on second reading. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and upon roll call adopted unanimously. The Director of Finance went over Resolution 9~-2~ which establishes the fund appropriations for 1989 and beginning cash balances for 1990. He noted a fund balar<":'!e of $75,400 for 1989 after encumbrances. Total budget for 1989 was $9.7 milli.on. He briefly went over the 1989 budget summary which compared actual expenses and revenues by activity type. After brief discussion, Councilmember Waarvik noved for the adoption of Resolution 90-20, establishing fund appropriations for 1989 and beginning cash balances for 1990. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously. Coun~ilmember Meillier moved to approve the following under Routine Business: A. B. C. D. E. Approve list of bills in the amount of $202,180.26. Land Use Policy Plan - refer to Finance Committee. Receive and file renewal of annual Plumbing Licenses. Receive and file 1989 Annual Bridge Inspection Report. Resolution 90-16, receive and file feasibility report and establish February 26, 1990, public hearing for improvements to 5th Street NE from 5th Avenue NE to Shumway Avenue. Resolution 90-17, receive and file feasibility report and establish February 26, 1990, public hearing for improvements to 3rd Street NE from 5th Avenue NE to St. Paul Avenue. F. 4 , I e G. Resolution 9flJ-18, receive and file feasibility report and establish February 26, 199flJ, public hearing for improvements to 2nd Street NE from 3rd Avenue NE to Shumway Avenue. H. P~solution 9flJ-19, receive and file feasibility report and establish February 26, 199flJ, public hearing for improvements to Division Street East from Mott Avenue to 6th Avenue NE. I. Recei ve and file investment reports. J. Establish March 2flJ, 199flJ, as joint City Council/Park and Recreation Board planning session. K. Reschedule regular City Council Meeting of February 27, 199flJ, to February 26, 199flJ, as a result of state-wide caucuses. L. Receive and file notice of grant award for Riverside Park development. M. Yard waste/brush composting - refer to Finance Comnittee. N. Receive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License for Imnaculate Conception Church. O. Receive and file application for Exemption from Charitable Gambling License for Ducks Unlimited/Faribault Chapter. P. P<;'!solution 9flJ-2flJ, receive and file feasibility report and establish April lflJ, 199flJ, public hearing for improvements to Hulet Avenue from Bradley Road to TH 3. Motion waf'- seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously. Councilmember Waarvik moved to adjoum at 9:45 p.m. unanimously. Motion was adopted Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Linda Tousignant Executive Secretary/Office Manager 5