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Regular Cc'~mcil Meeting
Januaq 23, 199fIJ
7:38 O'Clock P..M.
1. Apprrral of the Minutes of Januaq 9, 1991.
2. Hearl' ngs: None.
3. BidC'~
A. Approve Police towing proposals - quotes.
4. Relp1erts to be Heard:
A. ~nartment of Public Safety - Public briefing on DARE Program.
5. Items for Discussion:
A. Re~olution 90-11, requesting State Legislature to appropriate funding
fnr constructed road access to Faribault State Correctional Facilities.
B. Approve Wine Sale Liquor License for Southern China Cafe.
C. Approve Renewal of Taxi Licenses
1. People's Express
2. Liberty Cab
3. City Cab
D. Approve renewal of Public Dance License - Faribault Family Skating and
Banquet Center.
E. Request for On Sale Liquor License by Faribault Bowling Center, Inc. -
P0wling Alley Classification.
F. R~solution 90-06, ordering project and authorizing retention of
professional engineering services for bar screen replacement and river
crossing replacement at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
G. R~solution 90-07, authorizing revised parking restrictions on 3rd Street
~T between 8th and 9th Avenues.
H. ~rsonnel Comni ttee Report
1. Resolution 90-05, establishing 1990 nonunion compensation guidelines.
2. Resolution 90-04, establishing 1990 City Administrator compensation.
I. Ordinance 90-02, amending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances as it
ir~lates to department responsibilities, on first reading.
J. Ordinance 90-01, rescinding Ordinance 89-11 rezoning of annexed property
in Wells Township, on second reading.
e 6. Routi~ Business:
A. AFOrove list of bills in the amount of $603,355.02.
B. ~~olution 90-08, approving wastewater discharge contract.
C. Ren.eive and file West Marc Cable report for 1989.
D. Re:ceive and file Chamber of Conmerce Tourism Conmittee budget for 1989.
E. Refer to Finance Conmittee - River Bend finances.
F. R~eive and file Notice of Application for Rate Increase for Northern
states Power Company.
G. Resolution 90-019, authorizing subnission of CLG grant application to the
MGnnesota Historical Society.
H. Resolution 90-10, authorizing participation in the Minnesota Rental
Blehabi1itation program.
Regular Council Meeting of January 23, 199~
The Council of the City of Faribault met in regular session in the Council
Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, January 23, 199~, at 7:3~ O'Clock p.m. The
meeting was called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were:
Councilmembers Erickson, Hanscom, Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik, and Mayor
Purdie. Also present were: City Administrator Patrick Hentges, Executive
secretary/Office Manager Linda Tousignant, Director of Comnunity Development
Steve Griesert, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, Director of Public
Works Brian Wagstrom, City Engineer Dan Behrens, and Deputy Director of Police
Bill Weishaar.
Councilmember Hanscom moved to approve the minutes of January 9, 199~.
Motion wac; seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously.
The City Administrator reported responses were received from Kuhlman's
Standard and Glenn's Service for 199~ towing services. Both of these companies
provided towing services for the city in 1989 and the city has been satisfied
with their performance. Staff recomnends entering into towing agreements with
both Glenn's Service and Kuhlman's. He noted the companies are dispatched on
an alterr1ting basis. Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the towing
proposals received from Glenn's Service and Kuhlman's Standard, as outlined.
Motion w~ seconded by Councilmember Rice and adopted unanimously.
The Deputy Director of Police came before the Council to explain the DARE
Program which was recently instituted. Sheryl Waddick, DARE Officer, and Roger
Johnson, Dare Coordinator, were there to give details on the program. Officer
Waddick indicated the program is for 17 weeks and is earmarked for 6th graders.
The sessions are 45 to 6~ minutes long once a week. Topics such as the Eight
Ways to S~y No to Drug Offers, Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills are
covered, as well as, interpersonal and assertiveness skills, along with
increasing the child's sense of self-esteem. The per pupil cost is about $l~. ~~
for materials, not including officer time. The City Administrator noted the
School District does give same support to the City to cover officer time. The
Wilson Ce"'ter also gave the City $15 ,~~~ to get the program up and running.
There was much discussion about the program and its future possibilities for
expansion into the private and parochial schools.
The City Administrator indicated Resolution 9~-11 asks for support for the
construction of a direct access to the State Correctional Facility located on
the Regional Center Campus. Joint meetings were held with the Minnesota Academy
for the De:'lf, the Faribault RTC, Department of Corrections and the City regarding
access alternatives to the prison facility. The proposed roadway improvements
would be an extension of TH 298 providing a direct link to the prison. It would
also involve a termination of State Avenue and l~th Avenue SE at a point where
they intersect Barron Road. The total project cost is estimated at $227 ,983.~~.
It is anticipated that there will be no city share and most or all of the funding
would com~ from a legislative appropriation. The city would be responsible for
the design and final inspection of the roadway. Resolution 9~-11 would formally
request tl'? Minnesota Legislature to appropriate the funds. Councilmember Rice
asked abo.,t the traffic generated by the prison and if a new access road is
really ne?ded. There was discussion about that and other aspects of the new
road. C"'l1ncilmember Hanscom moved for the adoption of Resolution 9~-11,
requesting the State Legislature to appropriate funding for construction of a
road acceRS to Faribault State Correctional Facilities. Motion was seconded by
Councilmernber Meillier and adopted unanimously.
S thCounf.ilmember Rice tIlloved to appr.oJ!:.ebrenewal..of a. wine sale license fo:c.
ou ern'llna-cate. MO lon was seconaE::u y councumemoer Klndsetn and aaopted
Coun~ilmember Rice moved to approve renewal of taxi licenses for: People's
Express, I.iberty Cab and City Cab. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom
and adoptro unanimously.
Coun~ilmember Rice moved to approve renewal of the public dance license for
Far ibau1t Family Skating and Banquet Center. Motion was seconded by
Councilmenber Hanscom and adopted unanimously.
The City Administrator explained an on sale liquor license has been under
reservatiCln for the last year for the Far ibau1 t Bowling Center, Inc. Mr .
Schroeder is building an addition to the Bowling Center which will be the lounge
and is ho:ed to be ready for operation in early February. Staff recommends
issuance of the license on the basis that it is held until a certificate of
completion is issued on the property. After brief discussion, Councilmember
Waarvik mClved to issue an on sale liquor license - bowling alley classification
to the Bolft'ling Center, Inc. subject to final inspection on the property. Motion
was seconned by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously.
The City Engineer explained two reports were prepared by Rieke, Carroll,
Muller & Associates (ReM) which addresses replacement of the main sewer river
crossing and replacement of the mechanical bar screen at the Treatment Plant.
He went oyer the four options outlined for bar screen replacement and indicated
staff would recommend Option 2. The estimated cost for replacement is $168,159.
Regarding replacement of the main river crossing he noted that currently there
are two lines, one 19 inch and one U inch under the ri ver . It is recommended
that throo lines, 12, 14, and 18 inches, be installed. The estimated cost of
replacement is $161,999. Staff is also recommending the retention of consultant
services to assist with the project. Due to ReM's knowledge of the city's sewer
and water system staff would recommend their services be retained. There was
much dis~ussion and questions regarding the recommended improvements.
Councilmenber Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 99-96, ordering project
and autho~izing retention of professional engineering services for bar screen
replacement and river crossing replacement at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously.
The City Administrator reported that the City Council passed Resolution 89-
177 at the December 12, 1989, council meeting. Resolution 89-177 authorized no
parking along portions of 3rd Street and 9th Avenue SW adjacent to the Senior
High SchoCll. Since those restrictions have been instituted the city has gotten
feedback from area residents. Vern Kog>, an area resident, came before the
Council requesting two hour parking, 8:99 a.m. - 3:99 p.m. during school days
for 3rd Street and 9th Avenue. He indicated that some residents have a business
in their home and currently are not able to park in front of their house. He
su1::mitted a petition from area residents supporting the two hour parking.
Councilmenber Kindseth explained that the current no parking restriction came
about after a meeting with school officials and snow maintenance problems due
to the narrowness of 3rd Street. The City planned to meet with the school in
the sprinr for reevaluation of the new parking restrictions. Mr. Kog> clarified
they were proposing two hour parking in front of the residences only. They do
not og>o~ no parking along other areas of the street. Marlene Gustafson, area
resident, stated all the problems she has encountered, vandalism, litter, foul
language, etc., by those parking in front of her house. She feels the bus
parking area should be inside the school lot and not on the street and that
would open up more street parking for teachers and students. Ed Gramse, 3rd
Street reS' ident, stated he has witnessed students parking in the street even when
the parking lot is not full just so they don't have to hassle with the traffic
after schcol. Larraine Walker feels other parking resolutions need to be looked
at becausp. the more parking there is the more cars there will be. There also
has been p,,;oblems with students blocking driveways. Councilmember Rice suggested
discussions about the parking problems be taken up with the School District now
rather tt.an waiting until spring. After much discussion and conments,
Councilmenber Hanscom moved to refer parking alternatives for 9th Avenue/3rd
Street SW back to the Finance Comnittee for discussions with the School District.
Motion w~ adopted unanimously.
Coun~ilmember Waarvik reported for the Personnel Comnittee regarding wage
increases for nonunion personnel for 1990. Wage ranges have been set up for each
position ~nd the Administrator has the latitude to make adjustments within that
range. T'"'e resolution authorizes a 4%. Councilmember Waarvik moved for the
adoption of Resolution 90-05, establishing 1990 nonunion compensation guidelines.
Motion w~ seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted unanimously.
Coun~ilmember Waarvik report that the Personnel Conmittee reviewed the City
Administrator's wage for 1990 and recomnends a 5% increase over last years
compensation to an increase of $53,500.00. The Committee believes the increase
reflects satisfaction with the Administrator's performance as well as being
comparabln with surrounding cities. Councilmember Waarvik moved for the adoption
of Resolut.ion 90-04, establishing 1990 City Administrator compensation. Motion
was seconoed by Councilmember Erickson and adopted unanimously.
The City Administrator went over Ordinance 90-02 explaining the proposed
changes in the city's organizational structure. He indicated it would create
an Engine~ring Department with a Director position. This will free up the
Director ('If Public Works to concentrate on maintenance and operation. It also
consolidates all code enforcement and inspection activities under the Department
of Public Safety. It also eliminates the Legal Services Department as those
services ~:re now contracted for. He also noted that the changes will not hinder
the consolidation of comnunity recreation and education in the future if the
Council cb'X>ses that route. After brief discussion, Councilmember Waarvik moved
to pass O":"dinance 90-02, amending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances as it
relates to department responsibilities, on first reading. Motion was seconded
by Councilmember Meillier and upon roll call adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Rice moved to pass Ordinance 90-01, rescinding Ordinance 89-
11 rezoning of annexed property in Wells Township, on second reading. Motion
was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and upon roll call adopted unanimously.
Coun~ilmember Kindseth indicated his wishes to abstain from voting on
routine bnsiness due to a possible conflict of interest on Item 6.B, wastewater
discharge contracts.
Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the following under Routine Business:
A. 17Prove list of bills in the amount of $6~3,355.~2.
B. r~solution 9~-~8, approving wastewater discharge contract.
c. r'~eive and file West Marc Cable report for 1989.
D. rl~eive and file Chamber of Comnerce Tourism Comnittee budget for 1989.
E. P~fer to Finance Comnittee - River Bend finances.
F. receive and file Notice of Application for Rate Increase for Northern
rtates Power Company.
G. r~solution 9~-~9, authorizing subnission of CLG grant application to
the Minnesota Historical Society.
H. r~solution 9~-llJ, authorizing participation in the Minnesota Rental
r~habilitation program.
Motion wa~ seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously.
Coun~i1member Meillier moved to adjourn at 9:4~ p.m. Motion was adopted
Respectfully subnitted,
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Linda Tousignant
Executive Secretary/Office Manager