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Regular O"~mcil Meeting
January g, 1998
7:38 O'Clock P.M.
1. AA;>>rrfal of the Minutes of nr:w-n'hPr 19, 1989.
2. Hearings: None.
3. Bidr!: NODe.
4. Requ~'ts to be Heard: None.
5. Items for Discussion:
A. Re~olution 90-fU, approving designation of Faribault Daily News as
Official city newspaper for 1990.
B. Re~olution 90-02, amending Community Management Program adopting 1990
CSty Council Rules of Business.
C. CC'llDcil appointment of Council Committee and Board assignments.
D. Arnointment of Council President Pro Tem.
Resolution 90-03, rescinding Resolution 89-97 requesting orderly
annexation of Sheridan Farms, Ltd. parcels in Wells Township.
2. Ordinance 90-01, rescinding Ordinance 89-11 rezoning of annexed
property in Wells Township, on first reading.
F. ~':sonnel Conmi ttee Report
1. Authorize Mayor and City Administrator to enter into retainer
contract renewals for City Attorney and Workers Compensation
G. Afnrove Off Sale Liquor License for Duff's Faribo Liquor, Inc.
H. Atprove Wine Sale Liquor License for Southern China Cafe.
Routi~ Business:
A. Arorove list of bills in the amount of $695,119.52.
B. Proclaim week of January 9, 1990, Faribault Energy Awareness Day.
C. Authorizing Mayor and City Administrator to execute Parking Monitor
Ccntract with Downtown Faribault Association.
D. R~eive and file 1989 Building Permit Report.
E. Cigarette vending sales - refer to Personnel Committee.
Regular Council Meeting of January 9, 199{!J
The C,unci1 of the City of Faribau1t met in regular session in the Council
Chambers of City Hall on Tuesday, January 9, 199{!J, at 7:3{!J O'Clock p.m. The
meeting wcs called to order by Mayor Purdie. On roll call those present were:
CouncilmeIl'hers Erickson, Hanscom, Kindseth, Meillier, Rice, Waarvik, and Mayor
Purdie. Also present were: City Administrator Patrick Hentges, Executive
Secretary/Office Manager Linda Tousignant, Director of Community Development
Steve Grie~ert, Director of Finance & Planning Dale Martinson, Director of Public
Works Bric-n Wagstrom, and Director of Public Safety Geoff Smith.
Counc:ilmember Hanscom moved to approve the minutes of December 19, 1989.
Motion Was' seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and adopted unanimously.
MaYOl' Purdie indicated there was a request to waive Rule 6 to add Item
5.E.2, Orcinance 9{!J-{!Jl, rescinding Ordinance 89-11 rezoning of annexed property
in Wells r'wnship, to the agenda. CouncilmemberRice moved to waive Rule 6 and
add Item 5.E.2 to the agenda. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Waarvik and
adopted ur"\nimously.
Mayor Purdie indicated Item 5.H was being struck from the agenda.
Counciln'oo.mber Rice moved for the adoption of Resolution 9{!J-{!Jl, approving
designaticn of Faribault Daily News as official city newspaper for 199{!J. Motion
was secon~o<ad by Councilmember Erickson and adopted unanimously. Councilmember
Rice commented about publishing the agenda in Saturday's paper and where it would
be locate(l.
The City Administrator indicated no changes were proposed to be made to the
1989 City Council Rules. Councilmember Waarvik moved for adoption of Resolution
9{!J-{!J2, adC'l1;>ting 199{!J City Council Rules of Business. Motion was seconded by
Councilmen'her Hanscom and adopted unanimously.
The City Administrator outlined the proposed board and commission
assignments. The two standing committees of Finance and Personnel will continue
with Councilmembers Hanscom, Kindseth, and Rice sitting on Finance and
Councilmen1bers Erickson, Meillier, and Waarvik sitting on Personnel. The Ad Hoc
Library 01mmittee is still active and would be carried over into 199{!J with
Purdie, Rice, and waarvik continuing as the representatives. The Pension
Reserve/W('~k Comp Committee was renamed to Pension and Insurance Trust Committee
with Coun~ilmembers Meillier and Kindseth serving on that. Other appointments
were: LEC Building Committee - Hanscom, Purdie; Housing & Redevelopment
Authority - Purdie; River Bend Nature Center - Rice; Economic Development
Authority - Waarvik and Kindseth; Bea Duncan Memorial Committee - Meillier;
InternatiC'lna1 Partnership Committee - Meillier and Erickson; Charitable Gambling
Board - Purdie; and Regional Center Advisory Committee - Purdie. Councilmember
Kindseth moved to approve the council board and commission assignments for 199{!J
as outlined above. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted
Coun~ilmember Waarvik moved to approve the appointment of Councilmember
Kindseth as President Pro Tem for 199{!J. Motion was seconded by Councilmember
Rice and adopted unanimously.
The ~ity Administrator explained that in July of 1989 the City Council
authorizeC the submission of a joint resolution for the annexation of the Hoffman
parcels l'1l~ar the west 1-35 interchange. Ordinance 89-11, rezoning of the
property, was also passed at that time. The Wells Town Board did not favor the
, annexatior at this time and declined to participate in joint request. Based on
the Board's decision Mr. Hoffman, petitioner, decided to withdraw his annexation
request ard will probably resubmit it in 1993 when it would be allowed through
the orderly annexation agreement. Resolution 9~-~3 and Ordinance 9~-~1 will
rescind th~ previous action of the Council which authorized annexation of parcels
along Interstate 35 and the subsequent rezoning of that property. He noted that
according to the annexation agreement with the Township, annexation of that
property needs to be jointly petitioned by both the Board and City Council.
After discussion and conments, Councilmember Waarvik moved for the adoption of
Resolutior 9~-~3, rescinding Resolution 89-97 requesting orderly annexation of
Sheridan Farms, Ltd. parcels in Wells Township. Motion was seconded by
Councilm~her Hanscom and adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Waarvik moved to pass Ordinance 9~-~1, rescinding Ordinance
89-11 rezcning of annexed property in Wells Township, on first reading. Motion
was seconC'ed by Councilmember Hanscom and upon roll call adopted unanimously.
Councilmember Meillier reported for the Personnel Conmittee and explained
Mr. Chamberlain, current Corporation Counsel, had subnitted his resignation
effective December 31, 1989. He went over the proposals for legal services
recei ved from Warren Chamberlain and Kurt Fischer explaining that Mr. Chamberlain
agreed to continue to handle all workers compensation claims and Mr. Fischer
agreed to continue to handle the City's criminal matters and also take over the
duties of Corporation Counsel. It was the Conmittee's reconmendation to approve
the execution of the contracts. Councilmember Rice asked how performance
evaluatior~ were handled for the city attorneys. The City Administrator
indicated he reviews Mr. Fischer's performance periodically by speaking with the
Director ('If Public Safety who works very closely with him. Mr. Fischer also
provided c-dvise on corporate matters in Mr. Chamberlain's absence. There was
also discussion about Mr. Fischer's review of council packets and attendance at
meetings. After discussion and conments, Councilmember Rice moved to authorize
the Mayor and City Administrator to enter into retainer contract renewals for
City Atto":'ney and Workers Compensation Services. Motion was seconded by
CouncilmeIl'her Waarvik and adopted unanimously.
The ~ity Administrator reported that all items have been submitted for
renewal of the off sale liquor license for Duff's Faribo Liquor. Councilmember
Rice move; to approve renewal of the off sale liquor license for Duff's Faribo
Liquor, Inc. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Hanscom and adopted
Councilmember Waarvik moved to approve the following under Routine Business:
A. Approve list of bills in the amount of $695,119.52.
B. Proclaim week of January 9, 199~, Faribault Energy Awareness Day.
C. Authorizing Mayor and City Administrator to execute Parking Monitor
Contract with Downtown Faribault Association.
Receive and file 1989 Building Permit Report.
Cigarette vending sales - refer to Personnel Committee.
There was some discussion on Item 5.E regarding cigarette vending sales and
where the machines are placed in the establishment. It was suggested the
Personnel Conmittee look where the machines are placed and if they are monitored
so minors are not able to use them.
Motion Waf' seconded by Councilmember Meillier and adopted unanimously.
Coun~ilmember Hanscom moved to adjoum at 7: 55 p.m.
Motion was adopted
Respectfully submitted,
.~ ~.~_. I
l.'/J- -O'~'
Linda Tousignant
Executive Secretary/Office Manager