HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2023-202023-20 Extension2024-1 Repeal Planned Unit Development Ordinances Associated with River Ridge, River Ridge 2nd Addition, and River Ridge 3rd Addition Plats2024-10 - Approve a Zoning Text Amendment to Allow Laundry Services in C-1 Zoning2024-11 - Amend Chapter 17 of the Faribault City Code of Ordinances to Regulate City Code Violations Within the City2024-12 - Amend Chapter 16 to Update Notification and Other Requirements2024-13 - Vacate a Portion of Drainage and Utility Easement at 1950 13th St NW2024-14 Amending Chapter 18 of the City of Faribault Code of Ordinances2024-15 Amending Chapter 26 of the City of Faribault Code of Ordinances2024-16 - Amend Chapter 28, Division 4 of the Code of Ordinances, Regarding Disconnection of Water for Nonpayment2024-18 - Approve Zoning Map Amendment for 818 8th Ave NW2024-19 - Vacate a Portion of Drainage and Utility Easement at 2343 14th St NE2024-2 Vacate a Portion of the Right-of-Way at 2nd Street NE and Heritage Place2024-20 - Amending Chapter 13 Article II of the Faribault City Code Regarding Library Advisory Board2024-3 Vacate Easements near the Intersection of 2nd Street NE and Heritage Place2024-4 Approve a Zoning Map Amendment for 15 3rd Ave SW2024-5 Approve Rezoning Properties in 1900 Block of 4th Street NW to I-12024-6 Vacate a Portion of Drainage and Utility Easement at 1919 2nd St NW2024-7 Approve a Zoning Map Amendment for Certain Properties on the N Side of 14th Street NW between 3rd Avenue NW and Lake Faribault2024-9 - Approve a Zoning Text Amendment to Permit and Regulate EVSE and Charging Spaces on Private and Public Properties