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Ordinance 2023-1 - Approve a Zoning Text Amendment K-12 in Certain Commercial Zoning Districts with a CUP and Clarify School Uses in Industrial Districts
Ordinance 2023-10 - Zoning Text Amendment to Allow Smaller Twin Home Lots
Ordinance 2023-11 - Rezone 1008 and 1016 Division St W to R-2
Ordinance 2023-12 -Rezone Rice Co. Fairgrounds to P-I-Public Institutional District
Ordinance 2023-14 - Dedication of Public Right of Way on Western Avenue
Ordinance 2023-15 - Amending Chapter 14
Ordinance 2023-16 - Amending Section 12.02 – Oath of office. of the Faribault City Charter
Ordinance 2023-17 - Amending Section 12.04 – Sale of real property. of the Faribault City Charter
Ordinance 2023-18 - Adding Section 12.09 – Fines and civil penalties. to the Faribault City Charter
Ordinance 2023-19 - Amending CHAPTER 8. - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS of the Faribault City Charter (Second Reading)
Ordinance 2023-2 - Rezone Property in the CLE Addition Plat to R-1 Single Family Residential District and C-3 Community Comercial Zoning at 430 Western Ave S
Ordinance 2023-20 - An Interim Ordinance Authorizing a Study and Imposing a Moratorium on the Operation of Cannabis Businesses within the city of Faribault
Ordinance 2023-21 - Approve Zoning Text Amendments Related to Limited Recycling Collection Centers in Commercial Districts
Ordinance 2023-22 - Authorizing Disposal by Sale of Real Property owned by City Identified as LOT 1, BLOCK 3, CANNON RIVER VIEW
Ordinance 2023-23 - Amending Article V of Chapter 14 of the Faribault City Code of Ordinances
Ordinance 2023-3 -Amending Chapter 7 of the Faribault City Ordinance
Ordinance 2023-4 - Amend Ordinance 2005-16 Regarding THE VILLAGE Planned Unit Development
Ordinance 2023-5 - Rezone Certain Properties to P/I, Public Institutional District
Ordinance 2023-6 - Annex Certain Lands from Wells Township and Zone Such Lands in the I-2, Heavy Industrial District
Ordinance 2023-7 - Rezone PID to C-2 Highway Commercial District at 128 8th Avenue NW
Ordinance 2023-8 - Amending Chapter 19 of the City Code of Ordinances regarding Mobile Food Units (Food Trucks)
Ordinance 2023-9 - Repeal and Replace Chapter 31 of the Faribault City Code of Ordinances