HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2022-001 - Approve Designation of Official Newspaper2022-002 - Approve City Administrator Purchasing and Contracting Authority2022-003 - Appoint Deputy City Administrator2022-004 - Approve Designation of Authorized Signers, Official Depository and Broker/Dealers for City of Faribault2022-005 - Approve a Consumption and Display Permt for Gather on Central LLC2022-006 - Accept Donation from Barta Machine to Police Department2022-007 - Accept Donation from State Bank of Faribault to Police Department2022-008 - Approval of Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification2022-009 - Order Improvements and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2022 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements - City Contract 2022-022022-010 - Amend Official Downtown Parking Restrictions Map2022-011 - Approve 2022 Massage License Renewals2022-012 - Approve 2022 Salvage Dealer License Renewals2022-013 - Approve 2022 Vehicles for Hire License Renewal2022-014 - Accept Donation from The State Bank of Faribault2022-015 - Authorize the Faribault Fire Department to Apply for the Hannah Lips Foundation Grant2022-016 - Approve 2021 Budget Amendments2022-017 - Approve Appointments of Board and Commission Members2022-018 - Authorizing the Transfer of the 2021 Balance of Restricted Cash in Fund 240-00000-460-39200 to the Economic Development Authority of the City of Faribault, Minnesota2022-019 - Finding Parcel is Occupied by Structurally Substandard Buildings2022-020 -Approving DEED Redevelopment Grant and Authorizing Submittal of Grant Application for the Former Farmer Seed Building2022-021 - Accept Bid for Roof Replacement on Community Center and Buckham Memorial Library2022-022 - Impose Monetary Fines for Off-Sale and/or On-Sale and Sunday Liquor Licensees for Compliance Check Failures2022-023 - Authorization to Apply for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (S.A.F.E.R.) Grant2022-024 - Approve Hiring Police Officer2022-025 - Approve Appointments of Committee, Board, and Commission Members2022-026 - Revising the 2022 Adopted Budget for Encumbrances2022-027 - Accept American Rescue Plan Act Grant for Municipal Airport2022-028 - Accept Donations to Parks and Recreation Department2022-029 - Final Project Acceptance of NW Area Watermain Improvements - City Contract 2019-12B2022-030 - Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2022 Street Overlays and Sidewalk Improvements - Contract 2022-022022-031 - Approve Massage Licenses2022-032 - Approve Hiring of Police Chief2022-033 - Receive/File Feasibility Report and Establish Public Hearing for 2022 MSA Street Reconstruction Improvements - Contract 2022-042022-034 - Receive/File Feasibility Report and Establish Public Hearing for 2022 Faribault Road Reconstruction & Lyndale Avenue Trail Improvements - Contract 2022-032022-035 - Approve an Amendment to Resolution 2008-131 Granting Variances for the Re-Creation of an Historic Marquee at the Paradise Center and Now Allowing Installation of an Electronic Message Board at 321 Central Avenue2022-036 - Approve a Variance to Allow Construction of a New Three Car Garage and Driveway Extension to Exceed Impervious Surface Limits of the Shoreland Overlay District at 1906 2nd Avenue NW2022-037 - Finding Parcels Occupied by Structurally Substandard Buildings - North Block Development Study / Rice County Law Enforcement Center Block2022-038 - Approve Appointments of Board and Commission Members2022-039 - Adopting the Preparedness Plan to Utilize Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Established Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 20212022-040 - Approve Hiring of IT Coordinator2022-041 - Approve Hiring of Public Works Equipment Maintenance Foreperson2022-042 - Amend Public Hearing Date for 2022 Faribault Road Reconstruction and Lyndale Avenue Trail Improvements - City Contract 2022-032022-043 - Amend Public Hearing Date for 2022 MSA Street Reconstruction Improvements - City Contract 2022-042022-044 - Approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Guide the North Side of the 1900 Block of 4th Street NW for Residential/Commercial Mixed-Use2022-045 - Approve a Preliminary Plat of 1919 2nd Street NW2022-046 - Authorize Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement No.10495602022-047 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to the Faribault Chamber Trust2022-048 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitably Gambling Board to the Faribault Youth Baseball Association2022-049 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Faribault Community Festivals, Inc2022-050 - Approve New 2022 On-Sale Intoxicating/Sunday Liquor License for AjMj LLC dba Our Place on 3rd2022-051 - Accept Donation to Parks and Recreation Department2022-052 - Approve Hiring of Maintenance Engineer2022-053 - Approve New Massage Therapist License2022-054 - Approve Plans & Specifications and Establish Bid Date for Municipal Airport Airfield Lighting Improvements2022-055 - Accept Bids for 2022 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements - City Contract 2022-022022-056 - Approve Hiring of Library Receptionist2022-057 - Approve Hiring of GIS Coordinator2022-058 - Relating to the Termination of Tax Increment District No. 8 (River Ridge) and Directing Decertification Thereof by the County Auditor2022-059 - Approve Hiring of IT Technician2022-060 - Authorize an Application to Host a GreenCorps Member for the 2022- 2023 Program Year2022-061 - Approve 2022 Consumption and Display Permit Renewal2022-062 - Accept Donations Made to the Faribault Police Department2022-063 - Establish the City of Faribault Authorized Community Festivals within the City and Provide for the Terms and Conditions for Alcohol Service and Consumption at Community Festivals2022-064 - Authorize Submittal of Municipal Airport Airfield Lighting Improvements Project Grant Application2022-065 - Order Improvements and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2022 Faribault Road Reconstruction and Lyndale Avenue Trail Improvements - Contract 2022-032022-066 - Order Improvements and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2022 MSA Street Reconstruction Improvements - Contract 2022-042022-067 - Accept Bids for 2022 Miscellaneous Concrete Work (City Wide) - Contract 2022-012022-068 - Establishing Precinct Boundaries and Polling Places2022-069 - Approve Hiring of Paid On-Call Firefighters2022-070 - Approve Hiring of Police Officer2022-071 - Approve Hiring of Mechanic2022-072 - Accept Donations to Faribault Parks and Recreation Department2022-073 - Approve Street Closures for Mental Health Awareness Walk2022-074 - Approve Appointments of Committee, Board, and Commission Members2022-075 - Accept Bids for Municipal Airport Airfield Lighting Improvements2022-076 - Declare Existing Buildings as Surplus Property at 217 Mill Street and 55 Willow Street2022-077 - Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2022 MSA Street Reconstruction Improvements - Contract 2022-042022-078 - Approve Hiring of Community Services Officers2022-079 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for an Enclosed Loading Dock in the Shoreland Management District at the Faribault Woolen Mill at 1500 NW Second Avenue2022-080 - Approve Hiring of Maintenance Engineer2022-081 - Approve Appointments of Committee, Board, and Commission Members2022-082 - City of Faribault's Position Statement Opposing Significant Commercial/ Industrial Development Outside of City Limits2022-083 - Approve Acquisition of 127 Willow Street (PID and Authorize the Execution of the Purchase Agreement2022-084 - Approve Memorial Day Parade Street Closures and Use of Central Park2022-085 - Approve Street Closures for Downtown Car Cruise Nights2022-086 - Approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment related to Future Land Use East of State Highway 3 and 30th Street NW2022-087 - Appoint Election Judges for the Special Primary Election2022-088 - Authorize a Budget Adjustment for the Purchase of a Lucas Device2022-089 - Approving MN DEED Contamination Clean Up Grant and Authorizing Submittal of Grant Application for tat 818 4th Street NW2022-090 - Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2022 Faribault Road Reconstruction and Lyndale Avenue Trail Improvements - Contract 2022-032022-091 - Approve Variances for a Front Yard Trash Enclosure and Side Setback Requirements for Parking and Driveway Pavement at 933 Hulett Avenue2022-092 - Approve the Preliminary and Final Plats of Kwik Trip 7932022-093 - Approve Agreements Associated with Kwik Trip 7932022-094 - Approve Conditional Use Permit for Development within the Shoreland Overlay District for Kwik Trip Inc. at 1955 2nd Avenue NW2022-095 - Authorize a Budget Adjustment for the Purchase of a Battery-Operated Extrication Tool2022-096 - Finding Parcel is Occupied by Structurally Substandard Buildings - Lockerby/South Viaduct Redevelopment Area2022-097 - Accept Donations Made to the City of Faribault2022-098 - Adopting Position Calling for Local Government Aid (LGA) Formula Update and $90M Appropriation Increase2022-099 - Accept Creative Support for Organizations Grant2022-100 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for a Single-Family Use in a C-2 Highway Commercial District at 930 1st Street NE2022-101 - Approve a Public Art Application for a Mural at 311 Heritage Place2022-102 - Approve the Preliminary Plat and the Final Plat of CANNON RIVER VIEW2022-103 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit to Develop a Jail within the Proposed Rice County Public Safety Center East of State Highway 3 and 30th Street NW2022-104 - Accept Bids for 2022 MSA Street Reconstruction Improvements - Contract 2022-042022-105 - Approve Master Partnership Contract with Minnesota Department of Transportation for State FY 2023-20272022-106 - Authorize the Faribault Fire Department to Apply for the CenterPoint Energy Community Safety Grant2022-107 - Approve Use of Teepee Tonka Park for Blue Collar BBQ Festival2022-108 - Approve Heritage Celebration Events, Parking Restrictions and Street Closures2022-109 - Approve Hiring of Building Permit Technician2022-110 - Approve 2022 Garbage/Refuse Hauler License Renewals2022-111 - Approve New 2022 On-Sale Intoxicating/Sunday Liquor License for The Golf Box LLC2022-112 - Approve the Final Plat of RSA PROPERTIES LLC SUBDIVISION2022-113 - Authorize Execution of the Developer's Platting Agreement Related to RSA PROPERTIES LLC SUBDIVISION2022-114 - Accept Bids for 2022 Faribault Road Reconstruction and Lyndale Avenue Trail Improvements - City Contract 2022-032022-115 - Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 55 Willow Street, 127 Willow Street and 217 Mill Street Building Demolitions - Contract 2022-102022-116 - Approve Appointments of Committee, Board, and Commission Members2022-117 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Allina Health Faribault Medical Center2022-118 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to the Faribault Diversity Coalition2022-119 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for Development in the Shoreland Overlay District at Taco John's 1431 4th St NW2022-120 - Accept CenterPoint Energy Community Safety Grant Award2022-121 - Accept Donations to Parks and Recreation Department2022-122 - Approve Hiring of Library Receptionist2022-123 - Approve Massage License2022-124 - Approve Plans & Specification and Establish Bid Date for 2022 Prairie Ridge Park Improvements - Contract 2022-092022-125 - Approve Massage Therapist License2022-126 - Accept Hannah Lips Foundation Grant and Revise Budget2022-127 - Approve Variances to Allow Construction of a New Garage to Exceed Permitted Square Footage and Height at 2518 14th Street NE2022-128 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit for a 1,200 Square Foot Garage at 2518 14th Street NE2022-129 - Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between the City of Faribault and the Center for Energy and the Environment Related to Home Energy Squad Visits2022-130 - Acknowledging the Noncompetitive Nature of Water Meter Radio Equipment2022-131 - Approve Street Closures for IRIS 5K/10K Turkey Trot2022-132 - Approve Hiring of Records Specialist2022-133 - Approve Settlement Agreement and Release of All Claims for Case No. 18-CV-01643 Jones et al. v. City of Faribault2022-134 - Appoint Election Judges for the 2022 Elections2022-135 - Approve Massage Therapist License2022-136 - Accept Bids for 55 Willow Street, 127 Willow Street and 217 Mill Street Building Demolitions - Contract 2022-102022-137 - Adopt 2022 City of Faribault Surface Water Management Plan2022-138 - Adopt City of Faribault Developer's Guide for Stormwater Management2022-139 - Approve Hiring of Building Permit Technician2022-140 - Authorizing Execution of a Sub-Grantee Agreement with KK&G Properties LLC Related to the DEED Redevelopment Grant Contract for the Farmer Seed Redevelopment Project2022-141 - Approve Pet Parade Street Closures and Parking Restrictions2022-142 - Approve Use of North Alexander Park for Spooktacular Walk/Run2022-143 - Adopting the 2022-2024 Non-Union Compensation Plan (Revised)2022-144 - Accept Donation to Parks and Recreation Department2022-145 - Accept Bids for 2022 Prairie Ridge Park Improvements - Contract 2022-092022-146 - Authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with Bird Rides, Inc. Related to the Deployment of Stand-Up Scooters in the City2022-147 - Authorize Federal Aviation Administration Agreement for Project No. 3-27-0030-017-2022 for Airport Airfield Lighting Improvements Project2022-148 - Appoint Election Judges for the 2022 Elections2022-149 - Levying Special Assessments for Delinquent Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Accounts2022-150 - Approve Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement with MnDot for TH 298 and TH 2992022-151 - Approve Massage Therapist License2022-152 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2022 Riverchase Court Improvements - Contract 2022-132022-153 - Approve the Preliminary Plat and the Final Plat of RIVERCHASE ADDITION2022-154 - Approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment related to Future Land Use South of the 1st Street NE Viaduct and East of Willow Street2022-155 - Approve a CUP for Development in the Shoreland Management Overlay District South of the 1st Street NE Viaduct and East of Willow Street2022-156 - Approve Conditional Use Permits for a Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development on Lot 1, Block 1, RIVERCHASE ADDITION2022-157 - Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat of MAB Addition at 2005 2nd Ave NW2022-158 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit for a Major Auto Repair Use in the C-2 Highway Commercial District at 2005 2nd Avenue NW2022-159 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit for Development within the Shoreland Overlay District at 2005 2nd Avenue NW2022-160 - Approve Amendment No. 1 to Joint Powers Agreement with Rice County for Cooperative Transportation Planning Agreement for I-35/CSAH 9 Interchange Analysis2022-161 - Approve Hiring of Mechanic2022-162 - Accept Donations to Parks and Recreation Department2022-163 - Approve Hiring of Housing Coordinator2022-164 - Approve Hiring of Community Development Coordinator2022-165 - Authorize Minnesota Department of Transportation Agreement No. 1051417 for Airport Airfield Lighting Improvements Project2022-166 - Approve Early Start Agreement for Cannon River View2022-167 - Approve Agreements Associated with MAB Addition for Development of Malecha Auto Body2022-168 - Adopting a Modification to the Dev. Program for Dev. District No.1 and Est TIF District No. 17-Riverchase Apartments Herein and Adopting a TIF Plan Therefor-Authorizing Interfund Loan2022-169 - Approving Purchase and Development Agreement for Property Described as Lot 1 Block 1 Riverchase Addition2022-170 - Approve the Preliminary Plat and the Final Plat of DIVINE MERCY CATHOLIC CHURCH THIRD ADDITION2022-171 - Approve the Preliminary Plat and the Final Plat of MIDWEST FIRST SUBDIVISION2022-172 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for a Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development on Lot 2 Block 1 MIDWEST FIRST SUBDIVISION2022-173 - Approve Setback Variances for a Proposed Multi-Family Residential Development on Lot 2, Block 1, MIDWEST FIRST SUBDIVISION2022-174 - Authorize the Execution of an Agreement with Carbon Solutions Group to Own Construct and Operate Electric Vehicle Charging Stations on City Property2022-175 - Approve Massage Therapist License2022-176 - Accept Bids for 2022 Riverchase Court Improvements - Contract 2022-132022-177 - Approve Cooperative Construction Agreement No. 1051240 with Minnesota Department of Transportation2022-178 - Approving a Public Art – Mural Permit to Relocate the Tilt-a-Whirl Mural to the Paradise Center for the Arts at 321 Central Avenue2022-179 - Approve Hiring of Police Officer2022-180 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit to Move a Previously Occupied House to 310 Lind Street2022-181 - Approving a Conditional Use Permt to Allow a 1012 Square Foot Residential Garage at 610 4th Ave SW2022-182 - Approve Early Construction Agreement for MAB Addition2022-183 - Authorizing Execution of a Sub-Grantee Agreement with KK&G Properties LLC Related to the DEED Contamination Cleanup Grant Contract for the Farmer Seed Redevelopment Projec2022-184 - Approve the Preliminary Plat and the Final Plat of FARIBAULT APARTMENTS2022-185 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for a Regional Stormwater Basin in the Wild and Scenic River Overlay District2022-186 - Adopting a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 12022-187 - Adopting a Modification to the Dev Program for Dev Dist No 1 and Est TIF District No18 Willow St Apt Herein and Adopting a TIFPlan Therefor Authorizing Interfund Loan2022-188 - Annexation Agree. COF and Steven E Patee and Mary Ann D Patee and Paul W Friesen and Wanda K Friesen2022-189 - Approve Development Agreement for CANNON RIVER VIEW2022-190 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to the Morristown Gun Club2022-191 - Adopting the 2023 Preliminary Property Tax Levy and Establishing the Budget Meeting Date2022-192 - Approving the Faribault Housing and Redevelopment Authority Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 20232022-193 - Approving the Faribault Economic Development Authority Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 20232022-194 - Approve Use of North Alexander Park for the Heart and Soul for Cole Color Run2022-195 - Approve CROP Hunger Walk Street Closures2022-196 - Accept Donations to Parks and Recreation Department and Library2022-197 - Adopt Cannon River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan2022-198 - Approve a Preliminary Development Agreement to Allow the Recording of the MIDWEST FIRST SUBDIVISION Plat2022-199 - Approving Property Tax Abatemnet for Certain Property in the City of Faribault2022-200 - Approving Contract for Private Development with Tru Vue Inc. for Certain Property in the City of Faribault2022-201 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to the Morristown Gun Club/WEM Clay Target Booster Club2022-202 - Authorization to Apply for the Compeer Financial Emergency Response Equipment Grant2022-203 - Approve Purchase Agreement and Acquisition of Property Located at Lot 1, Block 1 SHOPPES AT 60 AND WESTERN2022-204 - Approve Street Closures for Faribault High School Homecoming Parade2022-205 - Approve Street Closures for Bethlehem Academy Homecoming Parade2022-206 - Adopting the 2022-2024 Non-Union Compensation Plan (Revised)2022-207 - Approve Towards Zero Deaths TZD Agreement with the Department of Public Safety2022-208 - Approve Installation of Bump-Out Project at 7th St. NW & Lincoln Ave. NW2022-209 - Approving a Variance from the Required Setbacks from Property Lines for the Outdoor Storage Area Proposed for Malecha Auto Body Shop at 2005 2nd Avenue NW also known as 190 20th Street NW2022-210 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit for a 1080 Square Foot Residential Garage at 2700 Western Avenue2022-211 - Approve DIVINE MERCY CATHOLIC CHURCH THIRD ADDITION Development Agreement2022-212 - Approve Permanent Trail Easement on Lot 1, Block 1 River Ridge Addition2022-213 - Approve Street Closure for Downtown Car Show2022-214 - Approving Purchase and Development Agreement for Property Described as Lots 1-3, Block 1, FARIBAULT APARTMENTS2022-215 - Approve Hiring Police Officer2022-216 - Approve Hiring Building Inspector I2022-217 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for a Residential Care Facility at 1910 Cardinal Lane2022-218 - Approve Promotion to Building Inspector II2022-219 - Accept Donation to the Faribault Fire Department2022-220 - Appoint Election Judges for the 2022 General Election2022-221 - Levying Special Assessments for Delinquent Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Accounts2022-222 - Levying Special Assessments for Miscellaneous Delinquent Receivable Accounts2022-223 - Rescind and Replace Resolution 2022-213 Approve Street Closure for Downtown Car Show2022-224 - Declare Winter Decorations as Surplus2022-225 - Approve Hiring Library Recptionist2022-226 - Accept Donation from the Fundraising Event at the Paradise Center for the Arts2022-227 - Levying Special Assessements for Misc. Deliquent AR2022-228 - Accept Donations to Park and Recreation Department2022-229 - Approving Use of Misc. Assessment Process by Petition and Waiver for Financing Replacement of Water and Sanitary Sewer Service2022-230 - Adopt 2023 Snow & Ice Control Guidelines2022-231 - Transfer and Close Equipment Certificate Debt Fund 3602022-232 - Approve New 3.2% Off-Sale Liquor License for Kwik Trip #7932022-233 - Approve 2023 Tobacco License Renewals2022-234 - Approve 2022 General Election Results and Abstract2022-235 - Approve Street Closures for Winterfest Celebration2022-236 - Approve Hiring Department Specialist2022-237 - Approve 2023 Off- Sale Liquor License Renewals2022-238 - Approve 2023 Club/Sunday Liquor License Renewals2022-239 - Approve 2023 Low Volume/Sunday Liquor License Renewal2022-240 - Approve 2023 Off-Sale Malt Liquor License Renewals2022-241 - Approve 2023 Restaurant On-Sale/Sunday Liquor License Renewals2022-242 - Approve 2023 On-Sale Theater Wine and Malt Liquor License Renewals2022-243 - Approve 2023 On-Sale Wine and 3.2 Malt Liquor License Renewals2022-244 - Approve 2023 Liquor License for 10,000 Drops Craft Distillers LLC2022-245 - Approve 2023 Convention Center On-Sale and Sunday Liquor License Renewals2022-246 - Providing Preliminary Approval to the Issuance of Rev Bonds under MN Statutes Ch462C and 474A as amended for the Benefit of MDG Greenwood LLC2022-247 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2023 Street Overlay Improvements – Contract 2023-022022-248 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2023 MSA Street Overlay Improvements – Contract 2023-032022-249 - Establish Parking Restrictions on East View Drive from Trunk Highway 3 to the Cannon River2022-250 - Approve Permanent Grading and Slope Easement and Right of Entry Agreement on Lot 1 Block 2 and Lot 1 Block 3 Cannon River View2022-251 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to the Paradise Center for the Arts2022-252 - Approve New 2023 On-Sale Intoxicating-Sunday Liquor License for Miki Moose LLC dba Carbone's Faribault2022-253 - Adopt 2023 Property Tax Levy2022-254 - Adopt 2023 Budget and Fund Appropriations2022-255 - Adopt 2023 HRA Property Tax Levy2022-256 - Adopt 2023 EDA Property Tax Levy2022-257 - Adoption of 2023 Fee Schedule2022-258 - Approve 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan2022-259 - Approve 2023 Franchise Fees Distribution2022-260 - Declaring 2023 Precinct Polling Locations2022-261 - Approve Pawnbrokers License Renewal for Pawn Minnesota2022-262 - Approve Hiring Engineering Supervisor2022-263 - Approve New Refuse/Garbage Hauler License2022-264 - Approve Hiring Police Officer2022-265 - Approve Removal of Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Member2022-266 - Approve Developer's Platting Agreement for FARIBAULT PLACE 3RD ADDITION2022-267 - Final Project Acceptance of Replacement of 2nd Avenue Bridge over Division Street - City Contract 2021-042022-268 - Write-off Uncollectable Accounts Receivable Balances2022-269 - Approve Hiring Community and Economic Development Director2022-270 - Approve Agency Agreement with State of Minnesota for Federal Participation in Construction2022-271 - Impose Monetary Fines for Off-Sale, Club and/or On-Sale and Sunday Liquor Licensees for Compliance Check Failures2022-272 - Approve Hiring Police Sergeant2022-273 - Accept Donations to the City of Faribault2022-274 - Authorizing a Claim of Funds and a Wire in the Amount of 119,342 for an Application of Bonding Authority for a Multifamily Housing Project2022-275 - Approving a Revised Final Plat of Faribault Buckham Center Addition