HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2021-001 - Approve Designation of Official Newspaper2021-002 - Approve Designation of Authorized Signers, Official Depository and Broker/Dealers for City of Faribault2021-003 - Approve City Administrator Purchasing and Contracting Authority2021-004 - Appoint Deputy City Administrator2021-005 - Approve 2020 Budget Amendments2021-006 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit Amendment for an Addition to Roosevelt Elementary School at 925 Parshall Street2021-007 - Approve City Council Recommendations for City Charter Commission Appointments2021-008 - Receive/File Feasibility Report and Establish Public Hearing for 2021 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements - Contract 2021-022021-009 - Rescind and Replace Resolution 86-19 Establishing the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board2021-010 - Write-off Uncollectable Accounts Receivable Balances2021-011 - Approve 2021 Massage License Renewals2021-012 - Approve 2021 Salvage Dealer License Renewals2021-013 - Approve 2021 Vehicles for Hire License Renewal2021-014 - Revising the 2021 Adopted Budget for Encumbrances2021-015 - Accept Donation from the State Bank of Faribault2021-016 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2021 Street Reconstruction Improvements – Contract 2021-032021-017 - Authorizing a Business Development Infrastructure Grant Application to Offset the Public Infrastructure Costs Associated with the Northwest Water Tower and Watermain Loop2021-018 - Approve Hiring Accounting Technician2021-019 - Approve Appointments of Committee, Board, and Commission Members2021-020 - Accept Donation from Barta Machine, LLC2021-021 - Approve the Preliminary and Final Plats of Hofmeister Third Addition2021-022 - Approve Agreements Related to Hofmeister Third Addition2021-023 - Authorize Submission of a Grant Application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for Level 2 Electric Vehicle Chargers2021-024 - Approve Performing and Visual Arts Programming Agreement with the Paradise Center for the Arts2021-025 - Approve Selection of Mural Artist for City-Owned Wall Located at 25 3rd St NW2021-026 - Approve Revised 2021 Fees, Charges and Utility Rates2021-027 - Approve Appointments of Committee, Board, and Commission Members2021-028 - Approve Write-Off of Special Assessment Balance2021-029 - Order Improvements and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2021 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2021-022021-030 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for Flood Mitigation Project at Water Reclamation Facility2021-031 - Amend Official Downtown Parking Restrictions Map2021-032 - Approve Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification2021-033 - Support for State Funding for Trans. Planning2021-034 -Approve Revised 2021 Fees, Charges, and Utility Rates2021-035 -Approve Appointments of Committee, Board, and Commission Members2021-036 -Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2021 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2021-022021-037 -Accept Bids for 2021 Replacement of 2nd Avenue Bridge Over Division Street – Contract 2021-042021-038 -Authorization to Apply for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (S.A.F.E.R.) Grant2021-039 -Approve Submittal of a Grant Application for the State of Minnesota – Local Road Improvement Program for 2023 2nd Avenue NW Improvements2021-040 -Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Faribault Middle School2021-041 -Approve On-sale and Sunday Low Volume Intoxicating Liquor License for Shattuck-St. Mary’s dba The Inn at Shattuck-St. Mary’s2021-042 -Revising the 2021 Adopted Budget for Additional Encumbrances2021-043 - Minnesota Local Trail Connections Program Grant2021-044 - Outdoor Recreation Grant2021-045 - Authorize Application to Host a GreenCorps Member for the 2021-2022 Program Year2021-046 - Approve Flood Damage Reduction Grant Assistance Program Application2021-047 - Create a Viaduct Area Park Improvements Planning Task Force and Approve Appointments to the Task Force2021-048 - Approve Appointment to the Economic Development Authority2021-049 - Adopt Revised 2021 Snow & Ice Control Guidelines2021-050 - Receive/File Feasibility Report and Establish Public Hearing for 2021 Street Reconstruction Project – City Contract 2021-032021-051 - Providing for the Issuance and Sale of GO State Aid Bonds Series 2021A, in the Proposed Aggregate Principal Amount of $1,570,0002021-052 - Authorization to Execute Municipal Advisor Agreement with Northland Securities for the GO State Aid Bonds Series 2021A2021-053 - Approve Hiring Water & Sewer Operator2021-054 - Approve Hiring Police Officer2021-055 - Approve Preliminary Plat of Camelot Court Estates2021-056 - Establishing the City of Faribault Authorized Community Festivals within the City and Provide for the Terms and Conditions for Alcohol Service and Consumption at Community Festivals2021-057 - Approve Street Closures for Downtown Car Cruise Nights2021-058 - Approve the Loan Application to Minnesota Public Facilities Authority for NW Area Water Tower Watermain Project – Contract 2019-122021-059 - Approve Hiring IT Coordinator2021-060 - Accept Bids for 2021 Miscellaneous Concrete (City Wide) – Contract 2021-012021-061 - Accept Bids for 2021 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2021-022021-062 - Approve Settlement Agreement with Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health (Agency)2021-063 - Authorizing DNR Grant Agreement2021-064 - Accept Bids for Flood Mitigation Project2021-065 - Approve Hiring IT Technician2021-066 - Approve Conditional Use Permit to Allow Construction of a Single-Family Residence at 20905 Canby Avenue2021-067 - Accept Donation by Mark and Mary Zentner2021-068 - Approve Massage Therapist License2021-069 - Deny a Request for a One Year Extension of Variance Approvals at 400 Western Avenue2021-070 - Approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Guide Property Located at 1507 Saint Paul Avenue to Commercial Residential Mixed Use2021-071 - Agreement to State Transportation Fund Local Bridge Replacement Program Grant Terms and Conditions for Replacement of 2nd Avenue Bridge Over Division Street Project - City Contract 2021-04/SP 125-110-0062021-072 - Approve On-Street Truck Parking Restrictions2021-073 - Order Improvements and Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2021 Street Reconstruction Improvements – Contract 2021-032021-074 - Awarding the Sale of General Obligation State Aid Bonds, Series 2021A, in the Original Aggregate Principal Amount of 1570000 Fixing Their Form and Specifications Directing Their Execution and Delivery and Providing for Their Payment2021-075 - Support for Funding of Feasibility Study for Passenger Rail Service in Southern Minnesota2021-076 - Adopt Faribault Climate Adaptation Plan2021-077 - Accept Bid for HVAC Replacement at Community Center and Approve Budget Revision2021-078 - Approve Street Closures for Run Baby Run Walk/Run2021-079 - Approve a Side Yard Variance for a Proposed Building Addition at 1910 5th Street NW2021-080 - Approve Memorial Day Parade Street Closures and Use of Central Park2021-081 - Approve Heritage Celebration Events, Parking Restrictions, and Street Closures2021-082 - Amending and Restating the Enabling Resolution Establishing an Economic Development Authority for the City of Faribault2021-083 - Support of a Minnesota Investment Fund Program Application in Connection with Trystar, LLC2021-084 - Support of a Job Creation Fund Application in Connection with Trystar, LLC2021-085 - Accept Donation from Mary Ellen Thomas Estate2021-086 - Accept Airport Coronavirus Response Grant2021-087 - Modify Project and Feasibility Report for 2019 Airtech Park Regional Storm Water Ponding Improvements to Include Construction of Airtech Court - Contract 2019-052021-088 - Approve Plans and Specifications and Set Bid Date for 2021 Street Reconstruction Improvements - City Contract 2021-032021-089 - Accept Donation Made by Arthur and Donna Hogenson2021-090 - Approve Restoration of Shoreline License Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants and Easement Agreement with Northern States Power Company (NSP, aka Xcel Energy)2021-091 - Approve an Easement Acquisition Agreement for a Permanent Drainage and Utility Easement at 1308 Willow Street2021-092 - Accept Donation of a Hot Water, Gas Fired Pressure Washer from an Anonymous Donor2021-093 - Approve Hiring Library Technician2021-094 - Approve Street Closures for Mental Health Awareness Walk2021-095 - Approve Preliminary and Final Plat for Met Con Business Park Second Addition2021-096 - Approve Revised Fund Balance Policy2021-097 - Authorization to Apply for the CenterPoint Energy Community Safety Grant2021-098 - Approve the Preliminary and Final Plats of Stoneridge Third Addition2021-099 - Accept Donations to Faribault Parks and Recreation Department2021-100 - Approve Hiring Economic Development Coordinator2021-101 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for Picnic Shelter/Restrooms Building2021-102 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for NW Area Water Tower – City Contract 2019-12A2021-103 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for NW Area Watermain Extension Improvements – City Contract 2019-12B2021-104 - Approve Final Plat of Camelot Court Estates2021-105 - Approve Hiring Police Officers2021-106 - Approve Street Closures and Parking Restrictions for Blue Collar BBQ and Arts Festival2021-107 - Approve 2021-2022 Garbage and Refuse Hauler Licenses2021-108 - Authorize Minnesota Department of Transportation Agency Agreement No.10466832021-109 - Approve Hiring Water & Sewer Operator2021-110 - Approve Hiring Building Permit Technician2021-111 - Approve Partial Release of Development Agreement – Sixth Addition to Country Club Estates2021-112 - Approve Use of City View Park for American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day2021-113 - Dedicate Proof of Local Funding for Northwest Area Water Tower BDPI Grant2021-114 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for TH 3 & TH 21 EVP Improvements - City Contract 2021-062021-115 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for 2021 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Improvements - City Contract 2021-082021-116 - Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Rice County for Cooperative Transportation Planning Agreement for I-35/CSAH 9 Interchange Analysis2021-117 - Authorizing Execution of a Purchase Agreement and Acquisition of Property from Faribault Foods, Inc.2021-118 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for Fleckenstein Bluffs Park River Overlook2021-119 - Accept Bids for 2021 Street Reconstruction Improvements - City Contract 2021-032021-120 - Approve Stoneridge Third Addition Developer’s Platting Agreement2021-121 - Approve Appointment of Committee, Board, and Commission Member2021-122 - Bonding Request for Northern Link Trail2021-123 - Approve Appointments of Committee, Board, and Commission Members2021-124 - Accepting the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Established Under the American Rescue Plan Act Funds2021-125 - Accept Donations to Faribault Parks and Recreation Department2021-126 - Accept Bids for Picnic Shelter/Restroom Building at Fleckenstein Bluffs Park2021-127 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Blue Collar Festival2021-128 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Falcon Education Enrichment Program2021-129 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to the Faribault Diversity Coalition2021-130 - Approve Premises Permit for Faribault Rotary Youth Services, Inc.2021-131 - Approve Archery Deer Hunt at River Bend Nature Center2021-132 - Authorizing the Issuance of a Taxable Revenue Oblication for Shattuck-St. Marys2021-133 - Approve Execution of MnDot Contract No. 10464502021-134 - Accept Bids for NW Area Watermain- Contract 2019-12B2021-135 - Accept Donation Made by Laura and Logan Lin2021-136 - Approve Variance from Font Yard Setback Requirements for a Six-Foot Tall Fence at 1510 Hulett Avenue2021-137 - Approve a Conditional Use Prermit to Establish a Self-Service Outdoor Storage Facility at 1612 7th Street NW in the Shoreland Protection District2021-138 - Approve Massage Therapist License2021-139 - Accept Donations to Faribault Parks and Recreation Department2021-140 - Approve Pet Parade Street Closures and Parking Restrictions2021-141 - Approve Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of Thompson James Group South Division2021-142 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Multi-Family Use in the C-2, Highway Commercial District at 924 1st Street NE2021-143 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for Major Auto Repair in the C-2 Highway Commercial District at 1507 St Paul Avenue2021-144 - Approve Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for Vermillion Liquor2021-145 - Approve Revised 2021 Fees, Charges and Utility Rates2021-146 - Approve Hiring Accounting Technician2021-147 - Ending the Local State of Emergency in the city of Faribault, Minnesota2021-148 - Approve Minnesota Department of Transportation Cooperative Construction Agreement Contract No. 1047355 for TH 3 & TH 21 EVP Improvements - Contract 2021-062021-149 - Accept Bids for TH 3 & TH 21 EVP Improvements - Contract 2021-062021-150 - Accept Bids for 2021 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Improvements - Contract 2021-082021-151 - Accept Bids for NW Area Water Tower - Contract 2019-12A2021-152 - Approve Tobacco License for Vaping Studio, Inc.2021-153 - Approve Met Con Business Park Second Addition Developer's Platting Agreement2021-154 - Approve Purchase Agreement and Acquisition of Property Located at Lot 3, Block 1 Met Con Business Park Second Addition2021-155 - Rescind and Replace Resolution 2021-078 Approve Street Closures for Run Baby Run Walk/Run2021-156 - Accept Donation of a Thermal Imaging Camera from an Anonymous Donor2021-157 - Approve Parking Lot Closure for the Library Plaza Dedication Celebration2021-158 - Approve Development Agreement for Camelot Court Estates2021-159 - Approve Street Closures for IRIS 5K/10K Turkey Trot2021-160 - Approve Use of North Alexander Park for Heart and Soul for Cole Color Run2021-161 - Approve Additional Street Closures for Downtown Car Cruise Nights2021-162 - Approving the Extension of Professional Services Agreement for Electrical Inspection Services with Brian L. Grey2021-163 - Accept Donations to Parks and Recreation Department2021-164 - Authorizing the Issuance of a Tax-Exempt Revenue Obligation for the Benefit of Shattuck-St. Mary’s School; Authorizing the Execution of the Tax-Exempt Revenue Obligation and Related Documents; and Taking Other Actions Related Thereto2021-165 - Approve Massage Therapist Licenses2021-166 - Accept Donation from Friends of Buckham Memorial Library2021-167 - Approve Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of MET CON BUSINESS PARK FOURTH ADDITION2021-168 - Approve MET CON BUSINESS PARK FOURTH ADDITION Developer's Platting Agreement2021-169 - Approve Early Construction Agreement for MET CON BUSINESS PARK FOURTH ADDITION2021-170 - Accept Donations to Parks and Recreation Department2021-171 - Approve a Corner Side Yard Variance for a Roof Canopy at 5 Greenhaven Bay2021-172 - Order Imp., Approve Plans and Spec., and Est. Bid Date for Well House No.5 Replacement2021-173 - Approve Limited Use Permit #6606-0028 with the MnDot for Trunk Highway 60 Beautification2021-174 - Declare Costs to be Assessed & Est. Special Assess. Hearing for Contract 2020-042021-175 - Amending the Community Management Plan as it Relates to Public Improvement Standards and Assessment Policies2021-176 - Authorization to Apply for the Compeer Financial Emergency Response Eqquipment Grant2021-177 - Approve Acquistion of 55 Willow Street and Authorize the Execution of the Purchase Agreement2021-178 - Approve Appointment to the Economic Development Authority2021-179 - Approve Hiring Community Services Officer2021-180 - Approve Hiring Recreation Coordinator2021-181 - Approve Hiring Accounting Technician2021-182 - Adopting the 2022 Preliminary Property Tax Levy and Establishing the Budget Meeting Date2021-183 - Approving the Faribault HRA Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 20222021-184 - Approving the Faribault EDA Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 20222021-185 - Accept Donations to Parks and Recreation Department2021-186 - Approve Appointment of Committee, Board and Commission Member2021-187 - Declare Costs to be Assessed and Establish Special Assessment Hearing for the 2021 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements - Contract 2021-022021-188 - Approve Massage Therapist License2021-189 - Adopting Special Assessments for the 2020 MSA Street Reconstruction and Buckham Center Parking Lot Improvements - Contract 2020-042021-190 - Accept Donation Made by Caden Steeves and Parker Breyer2021-191 - Accept Donation to Buckham Memorial Library2021-192 - Approve Street Closure Application for Cry Baby Craig’s2021-193 - Approve American Rescue Plan Grant Application2021-194 - Approve Street Closures for Faribault High School Homecoming Parade2021-195 - Approve Appeal of the HPC's Denial of Certificate of Appropriateness for Building Demolition at 633 1st Street SE - Johnston Hall2021-196 - Approve Street Closures for CROP Hunger Walk2021-197 - Approve Alley Closure and Use of Central Avenue Sidewalks for Fall Festival Chili Cook-Off and Celebration2021-198 - Approve Street Closures for Winterfest Celebration2021-199 - Approve Use of North Alexander Park and City Trail for Spooktacular Walk/Run2021-200 - Approve Street Closures for Bethlehem Academy Homecoming Parade2021-201 - Accept Donation to Parks and Recreation Department2021-202 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit for a 1080 Square Foot Garage at 1222 1st St. NE2021-203 - Declare Costs to be Assessed and Establish Special Assessment Hearing for 2021 Street Reconstruction Improvements - Contract 2021-032021-204 - Declare Costs to be Assessed and Establish Special Assessment Hearing for the 2020 13th Street NW Extension Improvements - Contract 2020-052021-205 - Accept Bids for 2021 Miscellaneous Valve & Hydrant Replacement - Contract 2021-072021-206 - Approve Public Purpose Expenditure/Purchasing Policy2021-207 - Accept Bids for Well House No.5 Rebuild2021-208 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to the Faribault Parks and Recreation Department2021-209 - Approve Massage Therapist License2021-210 - Approve Towards Zero Deaths (TZD) Agreement with the Department of Public Safety2021-211 - Adopting Special Assessments for 2021 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements - City Contract 2021-022021-212 - Establish Franchise Fee Rebate Program2021-213 - Accept Donation from Camp Faribo2021-214 - Adopt Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment2021-215 - Authorize Execution of Development Agreement for THOMPSON JAMES GROUP SOUTH DIVISION2021-216 - Accept Donation of Fine Art to Buckham Memorial Library2021-217 - Accept Donation to Buckham Memorial Library for Special Programs2021-218 - Accept Donation from the Estate of Robert L. Crandall2021-219 - Providing for the Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2021B, in the Proposed Aggregate Principal Amount of $6,450,0002021-220 - Authorization to Execute Municipal Advisor Agreement with Northland Securities for the GO Refunding Bonds Series 2021B2021-221 - Approve Hiring Community Services Officer2021-222 - Approve Loan Agreement, Mortgage Agreement, and Promissory Note with the Paradise Center for the Arts2021-223 - Awarding the Sale of G.O. Refunding Bonds, Series 2021B in the Original Aggregate Principal Amount of $6,450,0002021-224 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2022 Street Overlay Improvements - Contract 2022-022021-225 - Adopting Special Assessments for the 2021 Street Reconstruction Improvements - Contract 2021-032021-226 - Adopting Special Assessments for the 2020 13th Street NW Extension Improvements - Contract 2020-052021-227 - Accepting the Offer of the MN PFA to Purchase a G.O. Water Revenue Note; Series 2021, in the Original Aggregate Principal Amount of $522,5272021-228 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit to Construct a New Storage Building at Calvary Cemetery, 3415 Calvary Drive2021-229 - Approve Variances from Setback Requirements for Side Yards Regarding Buildings and Parking Lot at 903 Spring Road2021-230 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit to Relocate a Previously Occupied Dwelling to 903 Spring Road2021-231 - Authorize Execution of Minnesota Department of Transportation Grant Agreement No.1047453 for Airport Maintenance and Operation2021-232 - Approve Appointments to the Economic Development Authority and Housing and Redevelopment Authority2021-233 - Declaring 2022 Precinct Polling Locations2021-234 - Levying Special Assessments for Delinquent Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Accounts2021-235 - Levying Special Assessments for Misc. Delinquent Receivable Accounts2021-236 - Approve Massage Therapy License2021-237 - Approve 2022 Off- Sale Liquor License Renewals2021-238 - Approve 2022 Club/Sunday Liquor License Renewals2021-239 - Approve 2022 Low Volume/Sunday Liquor License Renewal2021-240 - Approve 2022 Off-Sale Malt Liquor License Renewals2021-241 - Approve 2022 Restaurant On-Sale/Sunday Liquor License Renewals2021-242 - Approve 2022 On-Sale Theater Wine and Malt Liquor License Renewals2021-243 - Approve 2022 On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License Renewals2021-244 - Approve 2022 Liquor License for 10,000 Drops Craft Distillers LLC2021-245 - Approve 2022 Convention Center On-Sale and Sunday Liquor License Renewals2021-246 - Approve 2022 Tobacco License Renewals2021-247 - Approving Credit Card Use Policy2021-248 - Accept Donations to the Police Department2021-249 - Authorize Write-off of Deferred Assessment2021-250 - Adopting the 2022-2024 Non-Union Compensation Plan2021-251 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2022 Faribault Road Reconstruction and Lyndale Avenue Trail Improvements - Contract 2022-032021-252 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2022 MSA Street Reconstruction Improvements - Contract 2022-042021-253 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2022 Calvary Drive Street and Utility Extension Improvements - Contract 2022-052021-254 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2022 Miscellaneous Watermain Improvements - Contract 2022-062021-255 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Faribault Main Street2021-256 - Approve Preliminary and Final Plat of Faribault Buckham Center Addition2021-257 - Approving State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreements with the City of Faribault on Behalf of its City Attorney and Police Department2021-258 - Adopt 2022 Property Tax Levy2021-259 - Adopt 2022 Budget & Establish Fund Appropriations2021-260 - Adopt HRA 2022 Property Tax Levy2021-261 - Adopt EDA 2022 Property Tax Levy2021-262 - Approve 2022 Fee Schedule2021-263 - Approve 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Plan2021-264 - Approve 2022 Franchise Fees Distribution2021-265 - Accept Supplemental Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Established Under the American Rescue Plan Act Funds2021-266 - Adopting Sidewalk and Trail Improvement Plan 2021 Update2021-267 - Approve New 2021 On-Sale Intoxicating/Sunday Liquor License and 2022 Renewal for Small Circle, LLC dba Sawmill Bar and Grill2021-268 - Extend the Deadline to File All Required Documents and to Start Construction on the Proposed Cave Creek Development Near 935 Faribault Road2021-269 - Approve a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Guide Property Located at 1440 Willow Street to Commercial - Industrial Mixed Use2021-270 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for Major Auto Repair in the C-2 HIghway Commerfcial District at 1440 Willow Street2021-271 - Adopt 2022 Snow & Ice Control Guidelines2021-272 - Approve 2022 Off-Sale Liquor License Renewal2021-273 - Approve 2022 Tobacco License Renewal2021-274 - Authorize Formation of the Buckham Memorial Library Special Revenue Fund2021-275 - Accept Donations to Parks and Recreation Department2021-276 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans, and Establish Bid Date for Buckham Memorial Library and Community Center Roof Replacement2021-277 - Approve Street Closure for Paradise Center for the Arts Celebration2021-278 - Receive/File Feasibility Report and Establish Public Hearing for 2022 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2022-022021-279 - Approve Pawnbrokers License Renewal for Pawn Minnesota2021-280 - Approving the (MOA) b/w the State of MN and Local Governments and Authorizing Participation in National Opioid Settlements2021-281 - Approve Premises Permit Application for Faribault Hockey Association2021-282 - Accept Donation from Crane Creek Asphalt