HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2020-001 - Approve Designation of Official Newspaper2020-002 - Approve Designation of Authorized Signers, Official Depository and Broker/Dealers for City of Faribault2020-003 - Approve City Administrator Purchasing and Contracting Authority2020-004 - Appoint Deputy City Administrator2020-005 - Approve Change Order #1 for the Fire Station Reroofing Project2020-006 - Approve 2020 Massage License Renewals2020-007 - Approve 2020 Salvage Dealer License Renewals2020-008 - Approve 2020 Vehicles for Hire License Renewal2020-009 - Receive/File Feasibility Report and Establish Public Hearing for 2020 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements - Contract 2020-022020-010 - Declaring Adequacy of Petition, Initiating Project, and Ordering Preparation of a Feasibility Report for 13th Street NW Extension - Contract 2020-052020-011 - Approve Hiring Police Officers2020-012 - Approval of Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification2020-013 - Amend Official Downtown Parking Restrictions Map2020-014 - Approve Investment Policy2020-015 - Deny Application for Interim Use Permit for an Outdoor Display Area at 3701 Hwy 60 W in the C-2 Highway Commercial District2020-016 - Receive/File Feasibility Report and Establish Public Hearing for 2020 13th Street NW Extension Improvements - Contract 2020-052020-017 - Approve an Interim Use Permit to Place Refrigerated Processing/Storage Containers and Trailers in the Front Yard and Corner Side Yard of 1512 30th Street NW2020-018 - Approve 2019 Budget Amendments2020-019 - Revising the 2020 Adopted Budget for Encumbrances2020-020 - Order Improvements and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2020 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2020-022020-021 - Order Improvements and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2020 13th Street NW Extension Improvements – Contract 2020-052020-023 - Approve Massage Therapy Licenses2020-024 - Approve 3.2% Off-Sale Liquor License for Hy-Vee Inc. - Grocery Store2020-025 - Renewal of Roberds Lake Sanitary Sewer Utility Billing Services Agreement2020-026 - Receive/File Feasibility Report and Establish Public Hearing for 2020 Street Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Improvements – Contract 2020-032020-027 - Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2020 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2020-022020-028 - Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2020 13th Street NW Extension Improvements – Contract 2020-052020-029 - Federal Recreation and Trail Program Grant2020-030 - Approve Supplemental Agreement for Union Pacific Railroad License Audit No. 2523052020-031 - Approving Professional Services Agreement for Building Inspection and Plan Review Services2020-032 - Authorizing the Transfer of the 2019 Balance Sheet and Balances and the 2020 Budget of Fund 245 to the Economic Development Authority of the City of Faribault, Minnesota2020-033 - Approve Travel to Faribault’s Sister-City of Würzburg, Germany and Associated Expenditures2020-034 - Approve Preliminary and Final Plats of State Avenue Subdivision at 734 and 810 Division Street E.2020-035 - Approve Use of City View Park for American Radio Relay League Field Day2020-036 - Authorization to Apply for 2020 Safer Roads Grant2020-037 - Municipal Approval of Construction Plans for County State Aid Highway 19 (Glynview Trail) Bituminous Overlay and Milling Projects2020-038 - Supporting Infrastructure Accountability Legistlation2020-039 - Order Improvements and Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2020 Street Reconstruction Improvements – Contract 2020-03 (6/7)2020-040 - Establish the City of Faribault Authorized Community Festivals within the City and Provide for the Terms and Conditions for Alcohol Service and Consumption at Community Festivals2020-041 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Buckham West2020-042 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to the Chamber of Commerce Vision Task Force2020-043 - Declaring a Local State of Emergenct in the City of Faribault, Minnesota2020-044 - Receive/File Feasibility Report for 2020 Division Street and Central Avenue Street Reconstruction and Buckham Center Parking Lot Improvements – Contract 2020-042020-045 - Continue Local Emergency Declaration2020-046 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Approve Development Agreement for Stoneridge Second Addition Utility and Street Improvements2020-047 - Accept Bids for 2020 Miscellaneous Concrete Work – City Contract 2020-012020-048 - Accept Bids for 2020 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – City Contract 2020-022020-049 - Accept Bids for 2020 13th Street NW Improvements – City Contract 2020-052020-050 - Enter into Agreements for Short-Term Emergency Sheltering for Residents2020-051 - Approving Property Tax Abatement for Certain Property in the City of Faribault2020-052 - Approving Contract for Private Development with Trystar Inc., for Certain Property in the City of Faribault2020-053 - Authorization to Apply for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (S.A.F.E.R.) Grant2020-054 - Approve Street Closures for Downtown Car Cruise Nights2020-055 - Approve Hiring Building Inspector2020-056 - Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2020 Street Reconstruction Improvements – Contract 2020-032020-057 - Approve Variance to Allow Eight Residential Units on Parcel at 230 Central Avenue2020-058 - Approve Uncontrolled Intersection Traffic Controls2020-059 - Accept Donation from Sage Electrochromics Inc.2020-060 - Accept Donation from Sandra Thomas Estate2020-061 - Appoint Commissioner to the Heritage Preservation Commission2020-062 - Appoint Commissioners to the Environmental Commission2020-063 - Declaration of Used Police Squads as Surplus Property2020-064 - Approve Memorial Day Parade Street Closures and Use of Central Park2020-065 - Accept Donations to Faribault Parks and Recreation Department2020-066 - Approve Archery Deer Hunt in the River Bend Nature Center2020-067 - Approve Source Water Protection Grant Application2020-068 - Approve CARES Act Grant Application for Airport2020-069 - Approve Conveyance Agreement with Jeffrey T. Jandro Revocable Trust2020-070 - Authorize Submittal of Drinking Water Revolving Fund Project Priority List Application for a Water Tower2020-071 - Declare Concrete Bunker Blocks as Surplus Property2020-072 - Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Real Property within the City of Faribault2020-073 - Adopting a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 12020-074 - Approve New Massage Therapy License2020-075 - Authorizing an Interfund Loan for the Advance of Certain Costs in Connection with TIF District No. 14 (a Soils Tax Increment Finance District)2020-076 - Authorizing the Repair of the Wall Located at 20 3rd Street NW per Party-Wall Agreement2020-077 - Approve Employee Layoffs2020-078 - Approve 2020-2021 Garbage and Refuse Hauler Licenses2020-079 - Approve a One Year Extension of Variance Approvals Associated with a Development Proposal at 400 Western Avenue2020-080 - Approve a One Year Extension of Conditional Use Permit Approvals to Relocate Previously Occupied Dwellings to 728 and 730 Willow Street2020-081 - Approve Street Closures for Run Baby Run Walk/Run2020-082 - Accept Donation from Ron and Paulette Jameson2020-083 - Calling for a Public Hearing by the City Council on the Proposed Modification to the Dev. Program for Dev District No. 1 and the Proposed Establishment of TIF No. 1-15: Lofts at Evergreen and the Adoption of the TIF Plan2020-084 - Creation of an Ad Hoc Committee to Evaluate On-Street Bicycle Routes2020-085 - Accept Bids for 2020 Street Reconstruction Improvements – City Contract 2020-032020-086 - Establish Public Hearing for 2020 MSA Street Reconstruction and Buckham Center Parking Lot Improvements – Contract 2020-042020-087 - Appoint Election Judges for the 2020 Elections2020-088 - Authorizing the Granting of Regulatory Flexibility to Local Businesses2020-089 - Approve Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of Lofts at Evergreen Knoll2020-090 - Adopting a Modification to the Development Program for Development District No. 1; and Establishing TIF District No. 15: The Lofts at Evergreen Apartments Therein and Adopting a TIF Plan Therefor2020-091 - Authorizing Execution of Purchase Agreement and Acquisition of Property to include Parts of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1, River Ridge 3rd Addition2020-092 - Approve Purchase and Development Agreement for Straight River Apartments Project2020-093 - Supporting Titan Development Proposal and Request for TIF Assistance2020-094 - Petitioning for Dissolution of the District One Hospital District2020-095 - Approve Hiring Police Officer2020-096 - Approve Agreements Related to Lofts at Evergreen Knoll2020-097 - Approve a Variance from Sign Requirements for Faribault Woolen Mill Company at 1500 2nd Avenue NW2020-098 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for an Outdoor Wedding and Reception Patio on the Roof of 310 Central Avenue2020-099 - Order Improvements, Order Preparation of Plans and Specifications, Approve Plans and Specs, and Est. a Bid Date for 2020 Division Street and Central Ave St Recon and Buckham Center Parking Lot Improvements - Contract 2020-042020-100 - Declare Surplus Property at 734 and 810 Division Street East and Approve Professional Services Contract for Real Estate and Marketing Services2020-101 - Authorization to Apply for the CenterPoint Energy Community Grant2020-102 - Adopting COVID-19 Preparedness Plan Requirements for Organized Adult or Youth Sports and Bell Field and other City-Owned Outdoor Facilities2020-103 - Accept CenterPoint Energy Community Safety Grant2020-104 - Approve Certificates of Plat Correction for The Meadows Second Addition and for The Meadows Third Addition Subdivision Plats2020-105 - Approving Establishment of the Faribault Small Business Relief Fund Policy and Program Guidelines2020-106 - Accept Bid for Sand Blasting and Repainting the Police Storage Facility2020-107 - Approve Hiring Engineering Technician III2020-108 - Approve a Public Art – Mural Permit at 213 Central Avenue2020-109 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications and Establish Bid Date for 2020 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project – Contract 2020-072020-110 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for 2020 City Wide Storm Sewer Improvement Project – Contract 2020-092020-111 - Accept Bids for 2020 Division Street & Central Avenue Improvements Project – City Contract 2020-042020-112 - Authorize Conveyance of Real Property from the City of Faribault to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Faribault2020-113 - Authorize Execution of Site Host Agreement with ZEF Energy to install Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at the Municipal Parking Lot at 17 3rd Street NE2020-114 - Approve a One Year Extension of Conditional Use Permit for Garage at 514 Tyman Place2020-115 - Approving Faribault Small Business Relief Fund Awards2020-116 - Approving Continuation of the Faribault Small Business Relief Fund Program2020-117 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for 2020 City Park Improvement Projects – Contract 2020-082020-118 - Order Improvements, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for 2020 Library Plaza Project2020-119 - Approve Variances from Wetlands Setback and Buffer Requirements at 2805 Cardinal Avenue NW2020-120 - Approve a Conditional Use Permit for a Multi-Family Dwelling in the C-2 Highway Commercial District at 2805 Cardinal Avenue NW2020-121 - Approve Preliminary and Final Plats of Cashin Addition Subdivision at 2805 Cardinal Avenue NW2020-122 - Deny Application for a Zoning Text Amendment to Establish Minimum Separation Requirements for Pawn Shops2020-123 - Accept Donations to Faribault Parks and Recreation Department2020-124 - Approve Tobacco License for Midwest Tobacco and Vapor2020-126 - Approving Establishment of the Faribault CARES Non-Profit Grant Policy and Program Guidelines2020-127 - Authorizing $200,000 of CARES Act Funding to Provide Direct Housing Assistance to Qualified Faribault Households2020-128 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit for a Garage Addition at 1021 Division St. E2020-129 - Approve Agreements Related to Cashin Addition2020-130 - Accept Bids for 2020 Sanitary Sewer Lining Project – Contract 2020-072020-131 - Accept Bids for 2020 City Wide Storm Sewer Improvements – Contract 2020-092020-132 - Accept Fire Department Donation from the Noah Goodwin Memorial2020-133 - Approve Establishment of School Zone Speed Limits2020-134 - Declare Cost to be Assessed and Establish Special Assessment Hearing for 2020 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2020-022020-135 - Approving Establishment of the Faribault Small Business Relief Fund Round 2 – Policy and Program Guidelines2020-136 - Suspension of On-Sale and Sunday Liquor License for Al’s Place Doing Business as Grampa Al’s2020-137 - Order Improvements and Establish Bid Date for Faribault Family Aquatic Center Resurfacing2020-138 - Approve Use of City Parking Lot #16 for Car Cruise Night2020-139 - Approving Small Business Relief Fund Awards2020-140 - Adopting the 2021 Preliminary Property Tax Levy and Establishing the Budget Meeting Date2020-141 - Approving Faribault Housing and Redevelopment Authority Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 20212020-142 - Approving Economic Development Authority Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 20212020-143 - Accept Bids for 2020 Library Plaza Project2020-144 - Approve Establishment of School Zone Speed Limits2020-145 - Approve Street Closure for Vikings/Packers Celebration2020-146 - Declare Costs to be Assessed and Establish Special Assessment Hearing for 2020 Street Reconstruction Improvements – Contract 2020-032020-147 - Accept Bids for 2020 City Park Improvements Project - Contract 2020-082020-148 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit for a 1080 Square Foot Garage at 221 22nd Avenue SW2020-149 - Adopt Journey to 2040: Comprehensive Plan2020-150 - Approve Use of City Parking Lot #15 for Toys for Tots Distribution2020-151 - Appoint Election Judges for the General Election2020-152 - Adopt Special Assessment Rates for 2021 & 20222020-153 - Adopting Special Assessments for 2020 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2020-022020-154 - Approve On-sale Intoxicating Liquor License and Sunday Liquor License for Rebound Redemption LLC2020-155 - Approve Street Closures for IRIS 5K/10K Turkey Trot2020-156 - Approving Faribault CARES Non-Profit Grant Awards2020-157 - Approving Faribault Small Business Relief Fund Round 2 Awards2020-158 - Approve Street Closures for Bethlehem Academy Homecoming Parade2020-159 - Approve Use of North Alexander Park for Cole McAdam 5K Color Walk/Run Benefit2020-160 - Approve Hiring Heavy Equipment Operator2020-161 - Levying Special Assessments for Delinquent Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Accounts2020-162 - Levying Special Assessments for Miscellaneous Delinquent Receivable Accounts2020-163 - Write-off for Deferred Special Assessments2020-164 - Approve Street Closures for Faribault High School Homecoming Parade2020-165 - Adopting Special Assessments for 2020 Street Reconstruction Improvements – Contract 2020-032020-166 - Accept Donation from Friends of Buckham Memorial Library2020-167 - Accept Donation from Mary Ellen Thomas Estate2020-168 - Authorizing the Expenditure Allocation Plan for Coronavirus Relief Approve Water Tower Lease Agreement with Northfield WiFi2020-169 - Approve Hiring Administrative Assistant II2020-170 - Approve Hiring Light Equipment Operator2020-171 - Establish Special Assessment Hearing for Costs Associated with the Abatement of a Hazardous Building Located at 1215 Division Street2020-172 - Adopting Special Assessment Relating to the Costs Associated with the Abatement of a Hazardous Property Located at 1215 Division Street E2020-173 - Approve Agreements for a Minor Subdivision and Public Utility and Drainage Easement related to Lot 1, Block 1, MCD Addition at 2300 Airtech Drive2020-174 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit to Relocate a Previously Occupied Dwelling to 305 23rd Street NW2020-175 - Approving a Six-Month Extension of a Permit to Reconstruct Damaged Billboards Along Interstate 35 on a Parcel Owned by Vincent and Jane Cassidy, PID # - Approve Hiring Senior Accountant2020-177 - Approve Hiring Light Equipment Operator2020-178 - Rescind Resolution 2017-090 and Allow an Existing Fence at 2345 8th Avenue NW to Remain As-Is2020-179 - Declaring Precinct Polling Places2020-180 - Approve a One Year Extension of a Conditional Use Permit for Anytime Fitness Center Parking Lot on an Adjoining Parcel PID# - Approve Deferral of Special Assessment Based on Disability2020-182 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit to Relocate a Previously Occupied Dwelling to 1010 8th Street NW2020-183 - Canvass of General Election Results2020-184 - Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2021 Street Overlay and Sidewalk Improvements – Contract 2021-022020-185 - Approve Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of Met Con Business Park Third Addition2020-186 - Granting a One Year Extension of the Preliminary and Final Plat Approval for Daikin Addition2020-187 - Rescind Resolution 2020-173 and Void Minor Subdivision Agreement and Public Utility and Drainage Easement2020-188 - Authorizing the Implementation of an Alternative Form of Inspections for Rental Licenses in 20202020-189 - Authorizing Execution of a Purchase Agreement and Acquisition of Property Described as Parts of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, River Ridge 3rd Addition2020-190 - Adopt 2021 Property Tax Levy2020-191 - Adopt 2021 Budget and Fund Appropriations2020-192 - Adopt 2021 HRA Property Tax Levy2020-193 - Adopt 2021 EDA Property Tax Levy2020-194 - Adoption of 2021 Fee Schedule2020-195 - Approve 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Plan2020-196 - Approve 2021 Franchise Fees Distribution2020-197 - Approve 2021 Off- Sale Liquor License Renewals2020-198 - Approve 2021 Club/Sunday Liquor License Renewals2020-199 - Approve 2021 Low Volume/Sunday Liquor License Renewals2020-200 - Approve 2021 Off-Sale Malt Liquor Licenses Renewals2020-201 - Approve 2021 Restaurant On-Sale/Sunday Liquor License Renewals2020-202 - Approve 2021 On-Sale Theater Wine and Malt Liquor License Renewals2020-203 - Approve 2021 On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License Renewals2020-204 - Approve 2021 Tobacco License Renewals2020-205 - Approve 2021 Liquor License for 10,000 Drops Craft Distillers LLC2020-206 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Midwest Community Development2020-207 - Authorize Execution of Agreements Related to Minor Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 1 of Met Con Addition2020-208 - Authorize Execution of Agreements related to Met Con Business Park Third Addition2020-209 - Approve Hiring Records Specialist2020-210 - Extend the Deadline to File all Required Documents and to Start Construction on the Proposed Cave Creek Development near 935 Faribault Road2020-211 - Approving a Conditional Use Permit to Relocate a Previously Occupied Dwelling to 2702 Park Avenue NW2020-212 - Authorize Payment as Recommended by the Charitable Gambling Board to Faribault Youth Investment2020-213 - Approve City of Faribault as Sponsoring Agency for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant2020-214 - Approve Agreement to Maintain Trail for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant2020-215 - Final Project Acceptance of 30th Street NW Reconstruction Project - City Contract 2019-062020-216 - Approve On-sale Intoxicating Liquor License and Sunday Liquor License for Rebound Redemption LLC2020-217 - Approve Street Closure for Light for Life Event2020-218 - Approve Hiring Police Officer2020-219 - Accept Donation from the Sandra J. Thomas Estate through the SELCO Foundation2020-220 - Final Project Acceptance of TH 60 Reconstruction Project – Contract 2019-032020-221 - Approve Pawnbrokers License Renewal for Pawn Minnesota2020-222 - Order Improvements and Preparation of Plan and Specifications, Approve Plans and Specifications, and Establish Bid Date for 2021 Replacement of 2nd Avenue Bridge Over Division Street – Contract 2021-042020-223 - Accept Donation to Tommy Allen Scholarship Fund2020-224 - Adopt 2021 Snow & Ice Control Guidelines2020-225 - Accept Donation from Barta Machine, LLC2020-226 - Accept Donation from Carolyn Huston2020-230 - Approve Registered Land Survey No. 17 Within the City of Faribault, Minnesota2020-231 - Approve On-Sale/Sunday Liquor License Renewal for Cancun Grill LLC