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01/31/2015 - Ordinance 2015-1 Approve Ordinance Amendments related to Limited Production and Processing Uses in the C-2, Highway Commercial District
01/31/2015 - Ordinance 2015-1 Approve Ordinance Amendments related to Limited Production and Processing Uses in the C-2, Highway Commercial District (2)
02/28/2015 - Ordinance 2015-2 - Approve Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easement between Parcels at 2432 and 2436 Foxtail Lane
02/28/2015 - Ordinance 2015-3 Approve Ordinance Amendment to Allow the City to Issue Additional Billboard Credits
2015-01 Amend relating to Ltd Production & Property Uses in C-2, Highway Commercial District
2015-02 Vacating Drainage & Utility Easement at 2432-2436 Foxtail Lane
2015-03 Amendment to Allow the City to Issue Additional Billboard Credits
2015-04 Zoning Amendment to Issue a Billboard Credit for 3040 Highway 60 West
2015-05 Rezone Property at 2534 2nd Ave NW from R-2 to I-2
2015-06 Vacate Part of Drainage & Utility Ease-22 Park Ave S
2015-07 Amend Development Standards for Outdoor Dining Area in UDO
2015-09 Amend the UDO to Permit Firearms Dealers in the CBD
2015-10 Allowing Limited Production in the CBD
2015-11 Chapter 4 - Alcoholic Beverages
2015-12 FINAL Amending the UDO Regarding Solar Energy System Regulations
2015-13 Rezone Property on Allina Health System Campus from R-2 to R-4
2015-14 Rezone Property Bliss Addtion OL B to TUD. Need legal & Publish date
2015-15 Rezone Property on Allina-District One Campus at-near 200 State Ave., to PUD Overlay Zoning District 2015-15 and Approve Related Develop. Plan 2nd Rdg
2015-16 Amend Chapter 7, Section 7.05 of City Charter
2015-17 Amend Chapter 7 Section 7.14 of City Charter