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2014-001 Massage Therapist Licenses Renewals
2014-002 Garbage-Refuse Haulers License Renewals
2014-003 Salvage Dealers License Renewals
2014-004 Taxicab License Renewals
2014-005 CUP for Drive-Through Restaurant at 526 Wilson Ave NW
2014-006 Variance for Open Side of Trash Enclosure
2014-007 Variance for Curb Cuts at 526 Wilson Ave NW
2014-008 Variance for Parking Lot Setback at 526 Wilson Ave NW
2014-009 Buckle Up Campaign Donation
2014-010 Appoint Deputy City Administrator
2014-011 Declare Surplus WasteWater Equipment
2014-012 Approve Hiring Water and Sewer Operator III
2014-013 Massage License Renewal-Crystal Hollingsworth
2014-014 Receive, File Feasiblity Rprt, Establish Public Hearing for 30th St NW Improve
2014-015 Receive-File Feas. Rpt, Establish Public Hearing 2014 Eastside St Reconstuction Improve
2014-016 Ordering Abatement of Hazards and Nuisances at 614 and 616 6th Street
2014-017 Installation of LED Crosswalk Signs at Crown Cork and Seal
2014-018 Approve Plans, Specs, Establish Bid Date Digester #1
2014-019 Approve Hiring of Police Officers
2014-020 Massage Therapist Renewal-Keri Jo Simon
2014-021 Approve Equitable Sharing Agree and Certification
2014-022 Use of North Alexander Park for Faribo Drag-Ons Annual Car Show
2014-023 Designating Authorized Signers, Official Depository
2014-025 Approve CUP Amendment for Addition to Religious Institution at 2618 Park Ave NW
2014-026 Lace Up for Life Street Closures
2014-027 Approve Massage License Renewals
2014-028 Approve City Administrator Cost of Living Adjustments
2014-030 Order Impr. and Plans-30th St NW
2014-031 Order Impr. and Plans-Eastside Reconstruction
2014-032 Request for Rick Martinez to Attend National Fire Academy
2014-033 Authorize CLG Grant Application to MHS
2014-034 Consent and Waiver Agreement 620 NW 6th St
2014-035 Authorize Public Nuisance Removal and Disposal of Signs-3044 Hwy 60 W
2014-036 Amend 2014 Fee Schedule Brewers and Taproom License
2014-038 Fire Department Donation of $2179
2014-039 Order Abatement of Hazardous Building -1334 1st Ave NE
2014-040 Revised 2014 Adopted Budget for Encumbrances
2014-041 Super Vapor E-Cigar Tobacco License
2014-042 Heritage Hustle 5K Run Walk
2014-043 Extend 60-Day Time Period for Zoning Requests from Crane Creek Asphalt Applications
2014-044 Extend 60-Day Time Period for Zoning Requests related to Proposed Hotel at 2800 West Airport Drive
2014-045 CUP for Comfort Inn 2800 West Airport Dr
2014-046 Hiring of Planning and Rental Housing Technician
2014-047 Approve Earthen Fill Material Agreement 2800 Airport Drive
2014-048 Hiring Finance Director
2014-049 March of Dimes Walk-a-thon Street Closures
2014-050 Mainstreet Group Street Closure
2014-051 Parking Restrictions on 30th Street NW
2014-052 Approve Plans and Set Bid Date - Eastside Reconstruction
2014-053 Crusaders Marching Band Practice Street Closure
2014-054 Approve Plans, Specs, Bid Date 30th Street NW Improvements
2014-055 Order Improvements, Approve Plans, Specs, Bid Date for Lift Station Replacements
2014-056 CUP Addition to School at 510 Lincoln Ave NW
2014-057 Approve Brian Grey Services Agreement
2014-058 On-Sale and Sunday Restaurant Liquor License Hy-Vee Market Cafe
2014-059 Approve Memorial Day Parade Street Closures & Use of Central Park
2014-060 Approve Street Closures for Mental Health Awareness Walk
2014-061 Approval of Mortgage Subordination 316, 318, and 320 Central Ave
2014-062 On-Sale and Sunday Liquor License Alexanders Pub 31
2014-063 Approve Street Closure for Main Street Car Cruise Nights
2014-064 Approve Interfund Loans for Financial Reporting
2014-065 Receive,File Feasibility Reprt,Est. PH 2014 St. Overlay & Sidewalk Improv.
2014-066 Accept Bids for 2014 Miscellaneous Concrete Work
2014-067 Accept Bids for 2014 Eastside Street Reconstruction
2014-068 Heritage Days Parade & Park Resolution
2014-069 Authorize Installation of Bus Route Signage
2014-070 Declare Surplus Equipment-Wastewater Pumps
2014-071 Approve Memorandum of Agreement
2014-072 Approve Hiring Wastewater Plant Operator
2014-073 Approve Compensation Study Implementation
2014-074 Grampa Al's Dispensing Liquor during Heritage Days
2014-075 Karbala Inc dba Holy Smoke
2014-076 Preliminary and Final Plats Jandro's Third Addition
2014-077 PUD-R Final Development Plan Jandro's Third Addition
2014-078 Designating Authorized Signers
2014-079 Blue Collar BBQ Arts Festival Street Closure
2014-080 Southern MN Rugby Football Street Closure
2014-081 Declaring Surplus Property (Firearms)
2014-082 Approve Police Sergeant Promotions
2014-083 Donation from Faribault Area Pilots Association
2014-084 Order Improv. & Prep., etc. 2014 Street Overlay & Sidewalk Improv.
2014-085 Accept Bids for 2014 Lift Station Replacements
2014-086 Repeal Res. 2009-204 & Approve CUP related to Crushing at 710 24th St NW
2014-087 Variance Related to Location of Crushing Operation at 710 24th St NW.
2014-088 Declare Surplus Firefighting Equipment
2014-089 Declare Surplus Firefighting Equipment
2014-090 Purchase of Squad Cars
2014-091 Quote for EOC Technology & Security Setup
2014-092 Cannon River Drug & Violent Offender Task Force Funds for FT Clerical Employee
2014-093 Faribault PD to Work Outside Jurisdiction Under TZD Grant Funds
2014-094 Establishing and Approving Tourism Bureau
2014-095 Designate On-Road Bike Route in Rice County
2014-096 Change Order to Demo Contract for 21 & 29 1st Ave SW
2014-097 Amend Restating the EDA Enabling Resolution
2014-098 Massage License Renewal Johnson, Jamie
2014-099 MN Trail Assistance Grant
2014-101 Declaring Surplus Items
2014-102 Approve Variance Related to Location of Proposed Garage at 1923 Grant Street NW
2014-103 Accept Donation of Tilt-a-Whirl
2014-104 Approve Plans & Specs & Establish Bid Date for 2014 Street Overlay Improvements
2014-105 Change Bid Date for 30th Street NW Improvements
2014-106 Election Judges 2014
2014-107 Authorize Execution of Grant Agreement for Historic Preservation Training
2014-108 Declare Local State of Emergency
2014-109 Memorandum of Agreement with I.A.F.F. Local 665
2014-110 Memorandum of Agreement Non-union Employees
2014-111 Memorandum of Agreement Patrol Officers
2014-113 Declaring Council Vacancy
2014-114 Bids for 30th Street NW Improvements
2014-115 Bids for 2014 Street Overlay Improvements
2014-117 Taste of Faribault Parking Restrictions
2014-118 Walk for One, Unite for All Walk Street Closures
2014-119 City Purchases and Contracts
2014-120 Pet Parade Street Closures
2014-121 CUP Amendment to Allow an Addition to a Residential Care Facility at 1415 7th St NW
2014-122 Appoint Election Judge for Elections
2014-123 Accept Amendment to Grant Agreement for Woolen Mills
2014-124 Memorandum of Agreement for Police Sergeants
2014-124 Memorandum of Agreement for Police Sergeants (2)
2014-125 CROP Hunger Walk Street Closures
2014-126 Approve 7th Annual Bike Ride for Ruths House
2014-127 Stock Certificates Correction & Transfer City and Buckham Memorial Library
2014-128 Declare Surplus Equipment-Wastewater Pumps
2014-129 Approve $1,000 Donation to Fire Department
2014-130 CUP in Shoreland Overlay District at 2100 Grant Street
2014-131 Order Improv, Plans & Specs, Establish Bid Date 2014 SW Area Watermain Improvements
2014-132 Order Improv, Plans & Specs, Establish Bid Date 2014 Misc Storm Sewer Improvements
2014-133 Order Improv, Plans & Specs, Establish Bid Date RBNC Roadway & Prkg Lot Pavement Improvements
2014-134 Execution of Supplemental Agrmnt Union Pacific RR for Storm Sewer Install on 3rd St NE
2014-135 BA Homecoming Parade Street Closures
2014-136 Divine Mercy Catholic School 5K, 10K & Kids Fun Run Street Closures
2014-137 Consent to Change of Control-Eventis
2014-138 IRIS 5K&10K Turkey Trot Street Closures
2014-139 Affinity Plus Walk Street Closures
2014-140 Designated Authorized Signers & Official Depository
2014-141 Approving Extending Compliance Date & Amending Contract
2014-142 Approve SAGE State MIF Loan
2014-143 Declare Surplus Equipment-Police Vehicles
2014-144 Receive, File Petition & Order Feasibiity Reprt. for Alley Paving Improve.
2014-145 Execute Sub-Recipient Grant Agree. for Twin Lakes Stormwater Retrofit Project
2014-146 Preliminary EDA 2015 Levy
2014-147 Preliminary HRA 2015 Levy
2014-148 Approve $100 Donation from Rice County Ag. Society to Fire Dept.
2014-149 Approve Copy Machine Lease - Fire and Police
2014-150 Issuance & Sale of G.O. Bonds, Series 2014A
2014-151 RBNC Deer Hunt Management Hunt Plan
2014-152 Execution of Sub-Recipient Grant Agree. for Twin Lakes Stormwater Retrofit Project
2014-153 Authorize Bids 2014 SW Area Watermain Improvements
2014-154 Bids for 2014 Misc. Storm Sewer Improvements
2014-155 Faribault High School Homecoming Parade Street Closures
2014-156 Legacy Grant Program
2014-157 Declare Cost to be Assessed & Establish Special Assmt Hearing for Central Ave Reconstruction Improve
2014-158 Declare Cost to be Assessed and Establish Spec Asssess Hearing for 2014 Eastside St Reconstruction Improve
2014-159 Declare Cost to be Assessed and Establish Spec Assess Hearing for 2014 St Overlay Improve
2014-160 Charter Communications Waiver from its Cable Franchise Require & Allow to Relocate Local Community Programming to Higher Channel Number Locations
2014-161 Dowtown Fall Festival Street Closures
2014-162 Extend Period to 120 Days Compl Plan Amend at 405 Western Ave N
2014-163 Extend Review Period to 120 Days at 2125 Airport Drive
2014-164 Donation from SEMA Equipment Inc to Fire Department
2014-165 Adopt 2015 Preliminary Property Tax Levy & Establish Budget Meeting Date
2014-166 Fletcher Pond Final Plat
2014-167 Fletcher Pond CUP
2014-168 MDC Variances
2014-169 IFP Variance to Place Accessory Structure in Front Yard 2125 Airport Drive
2014-170 IFP IUP for Temporary Office Structure at 2125 Airport Drive
2014-174 Adopt Special Assess for 2014 Misc. Concrete Work Improvements
2014-175 Appoint Additional General Election Judges
2014-176 Hire Community Services Officer Supervisor Position
2014-177 Grant from AgStar Financial
2014-178 Revise Special Assess Hearing Date for Central Ave Reconstruction Improve
2014-179 Approve Address Change for 749 11th Ave NE to 850 St. Paul
2014-180 Authorize Installation of No Prkg, Yield, Replacement, & Flashing Signs
2014-181 Declare Surplus Items
2014-182 Awarding Sale of GO Bonds Series 2014A
2014-183 Levying Special Assess for Misc Delinquent Utility Accounts & Misc Delinquent Accts Rec
2014-184 Comp Plan to Change Land Use Plan from Community Commercial to High Density Residential-405 Western Ave N
2014-185 Comp Plan Amend to Change Land Use Designation at 3801 Park Avenue NW
2014-186 CUP-PUD Amend to Allow Develop. GOlf Driving Range Shelter 1515 Shumway Ave
2014-187 Accept Bids - North Alexander Trail Project
2014-188 Initiate Project and Order Feasibility Report for 2015 St Reconstruction Improve
2014-189 Initiate Project, Order Feasibility Reprt 2015 St Overlay and Sidewalk Improve
2014-190 Tobacco License Community Co-Op C-Store West
2014-191 Hiring of Planning Coordinator
2014-193 Approve Amend to Amend, Restate Grant Agree for NSP
2014-194 Adopt Special Assess Central Ave Reconstruction Improve
2014-195 Adopt Special Assess 2014 Eastside St Reconstruction Improve
2014-196 Special Assess for 2014 St Overlay Improvements
2014-197 Approve Plans and Specs for Generator
2014-198 Preliminary and Final Plats Northern Industrial Park Nonth Addition
2014-199 Approve Four-Ft Variance Allow Eight-Ft High Chain Link Fence in Front and Corner Yards 3801 Park Ave SW
2014-200 Variance to Allow Outdoor Storage in Front and Corner Yards 3801 Park Ave NW
2014-201 Variance to Allow Outdoor Storage to Exceed Twice the Height of Enclosing Fence
2014-202 Smart Ride Program
2014-203 Adopt Police Policies
2014-204 Canvass General Election 2014 Returns
2014-205 Camera System Purchase
2014-206 Squad Car Donation to Riverland
2014-207 Tobacco License Renewals
2014-208 Gambling Board Donation to Faribault Mainstreet Design Committee
2014-209 Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License Renewals
2014-210 Club On-Sale & Sunday Liquor License Renewals
2014-211 Low Volume On-Sale & Sunday Restaurant Liquor License Renewals
2014-212 Malt Liquor License Renewals
2014-213 On Sale & Sunday Restaurant Liquor License Renewals
2014-214 On Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Liquor Licenses Renewals
2014-215 On-Sale Theater Wine & Malt Liquor Licenses Renewal
2014-216 Mizuki Fusion Wine & 3.2% Malt Liquor License Renewal
2014-217 Fire Dept. Admin. Policy #023
2014-218 Tourism Commission Appointments
2014-219 New Off Sale Liquor License Fareway Stores, Inc.
2014-220 Camp Canine Agreement for 2015
2014-221 Camp Canine Agreement for 2015
2014-222 Approve Hiring Library Technician
2014-223 Accept Donations to Parks & Rec Dept
2014-224 Accept $500 Donation to FD & $900 Donation to PD K-9 Unit from Crane Creek Asphalt
2014-225 Adopt 2015 Final Budget & Establish Fund Appropriations
2014-226 Adopt 2015 Final Property Tax Levy
2014-227 Adopt HRA Final 2015 Property Tax
2014-228 Adopt EDA Final 2015 Property Tax Levy
2014-229 Adoption of Fee Schedule for 2015
2014-230 CIP 2015-2019
2014-231 Bid Rejection Pertaining to City Hall-Fire Station Emergency Generator
2014-232 Receive,File Feas.Rpt & Est. Public Hearing 2015 St Reconstruction Improve
2014-233 Receive,File & Est. Public Hearing 2015 St Overlay & Sidewalk Improve
2014-234 Transfer of ATV Forfeiture to City Use
2014-235 Declare Surplus Equipment 2002 Stratus & 2000 Explorer
2014-236 Tobacco License for Faribo Liquor
2014-237 Accept Donation of Support to Buckham Memorial Library for Special Programs
2014-238 Approve Hiring of Light Duty Custodian
2014-239 Adopt 2015-2016 Snow & Ice Control Guidelines
2014-240 Approving 2015 Tow Service Contract
2014-241 Denial of Karbala, Inc. Tobacco License
2014-242 Approve 2014 Budget Amendments
2014-243 Approve Agreement with CivicPlus for Website Redesign
2014-244 Approve 2015 & 2016 CBAs and Employee Agreement