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2012-001 Designate Official Newspaper
2012-002 Authorize Name Change Northern Liquor
2012-003 Variance to Allow Front Stairs 1329 2nd Ave NW
2012-004 Amend Fee Schedule
2012-005 Approve Rules of Business
2012-006 Massage Therapist Renewals
2012-007 Salvage Dealer License Renewals
2012-008 MN DOT Grant Agr #00512 Airport Imprv
2012-009 Taxicab License Renewals
2012-010 Approve BLR Training
2012-011 Purchase of Fire Hose
2012-012 Transfer Local Board of Review Powers to Rice County
2012-013 Donation of Equipment to Police Department
2012-014 Authorizing Legacy Grant Application to MHS
2012-015 MN Historical Society Grant for Historic District Expansion
2012-016 Denying Paqueete Garage Variance
2012-017 Relay for life 5K Street Closures
2012-018 Cardinal Cruise Fun Run Street Closures
2012-019 Adopt 2012-13 Assessment Rates
2012-020 Approve Police Policies 601 to 608
2012-021 Budget Revisions for Encumbrances
2012-022 Revising the 2011 Adopted Budget
2012-023 Tax Abatement Call PH 2
2012-024 Garbage & Refuse Hauler's License Renewals
2012-025 Fire Department Donation from SE EMS Joint Powers Board
2012-026 Appt Interim Chief of Police & Approve Agreement
2012-027 Neighborhood Stabilization Program Property - 1203 Central Ave
2012-028 Project Close-Out for Projects Completed in 2011
2012-029 March of Dimes Walk-a-Thon
2012-030 Breast Cancer 5K Run/Walk
2012-031 Approve Property Tax Abatement for Certain Properties in Faribault
2012-032 Rice County Lease for 1225 Parshall St
2012-033 Reorganization of Community Development Department
2012-034 Corporate Authorization Resolution-Edward Jones
2012-035 Adopting Fire Department Policies
2012-036 Gambling Board Action from 2-14-12
2012-037 City Administrator Purchasing Not to Exceed Amount
2012-038 Approve Hiring for Mechanic Position
2012-039 Rescind Res 2012-033 Reorganizing Community Development Dept
2012-040 Approve EDA Loan Business Subsidy for B&B Manufacturing
2012-041 Amendment to CIC 76
2012-042 Fire Department FEMA Grant for 800 MHz Radios
2012-043 Police Department Policy #6098
2012-044 Grant for Historic Hutchinson House
2012-045 Hiring of Aquatics Supervisor
2012-046 Labor Agreement Language Modification Local 320
2012-047 Heritage Preservation Commission Appointment
2012-048 B&B Manufacturing Contract for Private Development
2012-049 Deny Appeal Regarding a Billboard Credit (Matejcek)
2012-050 Establishing Voting Precincts and Polling Places
2012-051 Diversity Task Force
2012-052 Approve Hiring of Library Circulation Desk Aide
2012-054 Committing Fund Balances for Specific Purposes
2012-055 Purchase of Structural Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment
2012-056 Sale of Property at 728 West Division Street
2012-057 Authorize Training Income Contract for the Digital Towns Program
2012-058 Appointments to Mayor's Task Force on Cultural Diversity
2012-059 Declare Council Vacancy, Appt Kindseth
2012-060 No Truck Parking Signs on Central Ave North of 14th Street N
2012-061 Bids for 2012 Misc Concrete Work - City wide
2012-062 Donation of Training Services for Digital Towns Program
2012-063 MnDOT Agr for Federal Fund Exchange with Rochester
2012-064 Historical and Cultural Grant to Expand Historic District
2012-065 Community Venture Network Protocol Agreement
2012-066 Variance to Allow Front Deck 1004 6th Ave SW
2012-067 Use of North Alexander Park for BBQ Competition
2012-068 2012 Hydrant & Valve Replacement
2012-069 BBQ & Arts Festival Parking Restrictions & Street Closures
2012-070 Cruise Night Street Closures
2012-071 MN Transportation Economic Development Program Grant
2012-072 Approve Police Department Sergeant Promotion
2012-073 Hiring of 2 Light Equipment Operators
2012-074 Hiring of Seasonal Employees
2012-075 Recinding Res 2012-056 Sale of 728 Division St W
2012-076 Address Change from 1709 Vale Ct to 1212 18th Street SW
2012-077 Tobacco License for Family Dollar
2012-078 Support Beyond Yellow Ribbon Community
2012-079 Purchase of Squad Cars
2012-080 Memorial Day Street Closures & Use of Central Park
2012-081 Street Closure for Mental Health Awareness Walk
2012-082 Street Closure for Humane Society Walk
2012-083 Heritage Celebration Events, Parking, and Street Closures
2012-084 Authorize Sale of Property 728 Division St W
2012-085 Authorize Bidding Police Station Boilers
2012-086 Approve Off Site Gambling KC's
2012-087 Hiring for Planning Coordinator Rebecca Bowers
2012-088 Hiring Human Resources Coordinator Kevin Bushard
2012-089 Hiring Accountant Morey Schaefer
2012-090 Hiring Seasonal Employees
2012-091 Purchase of 800MHz Radio Equipment from Ancom
2012-092 MN Trail Ass't Grant River Bend
2012-093 Adopt the Rice County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan
2012-094 Authorize 2-Hr Parking 10th St SW
2012-095 Approve Seasonal Employees
2012-096 Amend Fee Schedule for 2012
2012-097 Amend CUP 2618 Park Avenue
2012-098 Support Efforts of Eagle Scout Candidate Tyler Karow
2012-099 Support Sec 42 Tax Credit Application Three Rivers
2012-100 Purchase of Digital Video Recorders
2012-101 Authorization to Apply for 2013-2014 Toward Zero Deaths Grant
2012-102 Establishing Election Judge Compensation
2012-103 Authorizing Grampa Al's to Dispense Liquor at Heritage Days
2012-104 Submission of Arts & Cultural Heritage Grant for Congregational Church
2012-105 Approving American Legion Use of City Parking Lot #16
2012-106 Approving Use of Bell Field for Baseball Fundraiser
2012-107 Award Bid for Police Station Boilers
2012-108 CUP for High School Fitness Center Addition
2012-109 Hazardous Conditions at 304 Francis Street
2012-110 Abatement of Conditions at 222 9th Ave SE
2012-111 Shattuck St. Mary's Revenue Note, Series 2009
2012-112 Hiring of Seasonal Employees
2012-113 Hiring Library Circulation Desk Aide
2012-114 Authorizing Tobacco License for Fareway Stores, Inc
2012-115 Authorizing 3.2 Off-Sale Malt Liquor License for Fareway Stores
2012-116 Appoint 2012 Election Judges for Primary and General
2012-117 Arts & Cultural Heritage Grant - Woolen Mills
2012-118 Approve Consultants for National Register District Expansion Project
2012-120 Purchase Equipment with G.O. Equipment Certificates
2012-121 Approve Hiring of Seasonal Employees
2012-122 Execution of 2013 TZD Enforcment Grant
2012-123 Fire Department ATV, Trailer, Fire Pump/Skid Unit, & Equip
2012-124 Grant Acceptance for Expansion of Downtown Historic District
2012-125 Street Closure for CROP Hunger Walk
2012-126 Taste of Faribault Parking Restrictions
2012-127 Promoting Ed Hoisington to Fire Department Captain
2012-128 Resignation Agreement and Release - Charles S. Whiting
2012-129 Pet Parade Street Closure & Parking Restrictions
2012-130 Donation of Combine to Fire Dept
2012-131 Appointing John Milewski at Fulll-time Firefighter
2012-132 Acquisition of SAGE Electrochromics by Saint Gobain Corp
2012-133 Call For Hearing Development Dist. 1 and TIF Dis. 12
2012-135 CUP for Concession Building at North Alexander Park
2012-136 Street Closure for 5th Annual Bike Run for Ruth's House
2012-137 Authorize to Bid Softball Complex Facility
2012-138 Amend Code for Compliance for MPCA Requirements
2012-140 Approve Preliminary Plat for Village Third Addition
2012-141 CUP to Allow Drive-thru Coffee Kiosk at Faribo West Mall.doc
2012-142 Employment Agreement for Interim City Administrator
2012-143 Approve Hiring of Four Police Officers
2012-144 Seasonal Parks and Maintenance Hiring
2012-145 Execute MnDOT Grant Agreement for Airport T-Hangar
2012-146 Designation fo CR 76 to a CSAH
2012-147 Declare Surplus Property-Police Vehicles
2012-148 Declare Surplus Property-Police Shotguns
2012-149 CUP Amend for 1225 3rd St SW
2012-150 Street Closures for IRIS 5K/10K Turkey Trot
2012-152 Final Paymt Water Reclamation Facility Improvements
2012-153 Division Street Retaining Wall Repairs
2012-154 Division Street Bridge Replacement
2012-155 Foreclosure Action 429 Central Avenue
2012-156 State Bank of Faribault Corporate
2012-157 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Enabling
2012-158 RBC Investment Authorization
2012-159 Edward D. Jones Corporate
2012-160 Revise Res 2012-142 Appt Deputy City Administrator
2012-161 Mizuki Fusion Wine & 3.2 Malt Liquor Licenses
2012-162 Faribault High School Homecoming Parade Street Closures
2012-163 BA Homecoming Parade Street Closures
2012-164 Approve Hiring Seasonal Employees
2012-165 2013 Preliminary Budget, Tax Levy, Budget Public Hearing Date
2012-166 HRA Preliminary Property Tax Levy for 2013
2012-167 EDA Preliminary Tax Levy for 2013
2012-168 CUP to use Roof Panels as Fencing Material at 1024 Carlton Ave SW
2012-169 Wells Fargo Certificate of Authority
2012-170 Sale of Property at 1016 NW 1st Avenue
2012-171 Donate Surplus Equiprment to Rice County Sheriff's Water Patrol
2012-172 Accept Bids for Park Avenue NW Watermain Replacement
2012-173 Approving Downtown Fall Festival Street Closures
2012-174 Tax Abatement Assistance for Living Greens Farm
2012-175 Approve Seasonal Ice Arena Supervisors Hiring
2012-176 Approved Department Secretary Hiring for Parks Department
2012-177 Award Bid for Construction for Concession and Maintence Building
2012-178 Assessments for Delinquent Water and Sewer and A/R
2012-179 CUP for Garage 1407 SW 4th Street
2012-180 Business Subsidy Living Greens Farm 1512 NW 30th Street
2012-181 Hazardous Conditions 1010 8th Street NW
2012-182 Nuisance and Hazardous Conditions 206 Central Avenue
2012-183 Downtown Reconstruction Phase 3 Improvements
2012-184 Special Assessment Hearing TH 21/TH 3 Improvements
2012-185 CSAH 45/Willow Street Reconstruction Improvements
2012-186 Change Bid Date for Division Street Bridge Replacement
2012-187 Install Yield Signs 5th Avenue NE at 2nd Street NE
2012-188 Extend Assessment Deferral Schema Property
2012-189 Accept Bids Division Street Retaining Wall Repairs
2012-190 Declaring Surplus Property
2012-191 Approve Joint Powers Agreement
2012-192 Approve Hire of Police Chief
2012-193 Approve Hire of Public Works Director
2012-194 Approve Property Tax Abatement for Living Greens Farm Inc
2012-195 Order Downtown Reconstruction Phase 3 Improvements and Preparation of Plans
2012-196 Approve Health Insurance Broker Bid
2012-197 Refunding Public Works and Police Facility Bonds
2012-198 Living Greens Contract for Private Development
2012-199 Approving a Variance for Duplex 529 7th Street NW
2012-200 Hiring of Circulation Desk Aide
2012-201 Hiring of Finance Director
2012-202 Hiring of Seasonal Hires
2012-203 Levy-Activate Special Assessment Misc. Concrete
2012-204 Reassessment of Hiersche Road Assessments
2012-205 Installation of Stop Sign on 32nd St NW
2012-206 Declare Surplus Property-Utilities Sewer Camera
2012-207 Adopt TH21-TH3 Special Assessments
2012-208 Adopt CSAH45-Willow St Special Assessments
2012-209 Bonds General Obligation Series 2012A
2012-210 Approve SAGE Business Subsidy Agreement
2012-212 Declaring Surplus Items
2012-213 Post-Issuance Compliance for Tax-Exempt Bonds
2012-213 Post-Issuance Compliance for Tax-Exempt Bonds (2)
2012-214 Sale of GO Crossover Bonds
2012-215 Extension of CUP 514 Tyman Place
2012-216 Adopting 2012-13 Snow & Ice Control Guidelines
2012-217 Accepting MHS Arts and Cultural Heritage Grant for Woolen Mills
2012-218 Canvass of Returns 2012 General Election
2012-219 Approve Charitable Gambling Fund Request from the Faribault Booster Club
2012-220 Bids for Water Tower Rehabilitation Contract 2012-07
2012-221 Bids for Division Street Bridge Replacement
2012-222 Approve Hiring Foreperson Postion
2012-223 Approve Hiring for Light Equipment Operator Position
2012-224 Promotion of Lynne Minske to Finance Secretary
2012-225 Renewal of Tobacco Licenses for 2013
2012-226 Hiring of City Administrator Brian Anderson
2012-228 Approve Rural Fire Association Agreement
2012-229 Accept Aquatic Center Children's Fund Donations
2012-230 Accept Concerts in the Park Donations
2012-232 Accept White Sands Dog Park Donations
2012-233 Accept Free Pops Program Donations
2012-234 Accept Pet Parade Donations
2012-235 Accept Safety Camp Donations
2012-236 Accept Tommy Allen Donations
2012-237 Designating Official Newspaper 2013
2012-238 Off-Sale Intoxicating Renewal License
2012-239 Club On Sale and Sunday Liquor License Renewal
2012-240 On Sale and Sunday Liquor License Renewal
2012-241 Low Volume OnSale and Sunday Liquor License
2012-242 Malt Liquor License Renewal
2012-242 Theater On-Sale Wine and Malt Liquor License Renewal
2012-244 Cabaret Liquor License Renewal
2012-245 Wine and 3.2 Malt Liquor License Renewal
2012-246 Wine and 3.2 Malt Liquor License Renewal-1st of Thai
2012-247 Roberds Lake Sanitary Sewer System Interconnection Agreement
2012-248 Administrative Policy Addressing Utility Billing Reimbursements
2012-249 2013 Final Budget and Establish Fund Appropriations
2012-250 Adopt Final Levy
2012-251 Final HRA 2013 Levy
2012-252 Final EDA 2013 Levy
2012-253 Designating Authorized Signers, Official Depository and Broker-Dealers
2012-254 Towing Contract 2013-2014
2012-255 Accept Donation of Support for Special Programs to the Buckham Memorial Library
2012-256 Authorize a Consent and Waiver Agreement for 206 Central Ave
2012-257 Capital Improvement Program 2013-2017
2012-258 Approval of Issuance of Revenue Notes
2012-259 Adoption of Fee Schedule for 2013
2012-260 Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds from Tax-Exempt Bonds
2012-261 Purchase of 2013 Squad Car
2012-262 Approving a CPD with FHRA and Three Rivers CAP
2012-263 Authorize Consent and Waiver Agreement for 1010 8th Street NW